CC 2019-02-26_08e Appointment to ARC MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: JIM BERGMAN, CITY MANAGER BY: JESSICA MATSON, DEPUTY CITY CLERK SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF COUNCIL APPOINTMENT TO ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE DATE: FEBRUARY 26, 2019 SUMMARY OF ACTION: Appointment to the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) to fill a current vacancy. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: There is no fiscal impact from this action. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council approve the recommendation of Mayor Ray Russom to appoint Lori Mainini Hall to the Architectural Review Committee (ARC). BACKGROUND: City Council policy sets forth appointment procedures for the City’s Commissions, Boards and Committees. Section 5.2 of the City Council Handbook states that the Mayor and each member of the Council shall appoint one representative to each respective Commission/Board/ Committee, subject to the approval by a majority of the Council. All Commission and Board Members serve at the pleasure of the Council. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: A vacancy has occurred on the ARC due to term expiration, effective January 31, 2019. The new term for the seat expires January 31, 2021. Lori Mainini Hall has submitted an application and is recommended for appointment by Mayor Ray Russom. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council’s consideration: 1. Approve Mayor Ray Russom’s recommended appointment; 2. Do not approve the recommended appointment; or 3. Provide direction to staff. Item 8.e. - Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF COUNCIL APPOINTMENT TO ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 26, 2019 PAGE 2 ADVANTAGES: Approving the recommended appointment will provide for a full membership of the ARC. DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages are identified. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted at City Hall and on the City’s website in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2. Attachment: 1. Application Form – L. Mainini Hall Item 8.e. - Page 2 Item 8.e. - Page 3 ' ' ,.CITY OF ARROYO GRA·NDE "List of Citizens to Serve" 300 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 ·~:. Application to Board, Committee, or. Commission PLEASE PLACE A CHECK MARK NEXT TO THE BOARD/COMMITTEE/COMMISSION FOR WHICH YOU WOULD UKE TO APPLY (You may make more than one selection): · _Planning Commission _Tourism Business Improvement District Advisory Board _Downtown Parking Advisory Board ~Architectural Review Committee -. Special committees/subcommittees ************************************************************************************ Date of Application February 12, 2019 Name Hall, Lori Mainini Last First < ' ; \I Home Address ----------------------------------------- Home or Cell Phone _( _______ Business Phone..____,_ ___________ ---'- E-mail address (Optional),_h_a_ ________________ _ Do you reside within the City limits of Arroyo Grande? Yes ___ 00 __ ■ __ 1 ___ .No □ Are you a registered voter? Yes 00 No D occupation Freelance I Contract Consultant: Social Media Manager, Employer M~~t-~cenC Pr;~ier T~bl~ i.'.iriens 'i~ Mia~C Flo~d~ (~orked re~oie) Education {Include professional or vocational licenses or certifiq1tes) Cal Poly SLO -Business Admin. I Marketing -1982 · Cuesta_ Coljege -Gen. Ed. I Business -1980 SLO Seni'or'tiigh-Class of 1977 Community involvement (List organizatio~ memberships and committee assignments) Las Jollas de Rancho Graride_ HOA Landscape Committe~ -(Former Chairman) Las Jollas de Rancho Grande HOA Social Committee -Planned _annual Progressive Wine and Appetizer Party (Past) Central Coast Poodles -Event Organizer -Arroyo Grande Christmas Parade -annual event Community Volunteer to support Charity· annual events organized by Joy Danley (Easter ba~kets, s~oes for poor and : event volunteer for Survivors of Human Trafficking ' SLOSH Class Reunion Planning Committee -Social Media, Information, Photos, Slide Show -every 5 years . Please describe any background, training, education or interests that qualify you as an appointee Born and raised in SLO, 3rd generation native. Homeowner in SLO from 1990 to 2000. Worked with architects and contractors on two major remodel projects: one in an older established neighborhood and one in a historic ~istrict. Received Obispo Beautiful Awards for both projects. Served on Residents for Quality Neighborhoods. Worked in committee to find solution for neighborhood parking problems, Petitioned neighbors for signatures needed to address City Council with proposal to adopt parking by permit on street which was a success. Homeowner in Arroyo Grande since 2000. Worked with Architect and Contractors to complete a major home and garden remodel. Have an eye and .· ) {Please attach additional pages If necessary} (_t,.e,e., b a o/c. R e.cen-1-''Fitu,J;sf'' H II t/e-r COi? s'1dt?ral, o,U .ft;, Rev 12/18/2018 ex~-/2 Ve., 'l>lf"I!. cfor (PLEASE COMPLETE THE REVERSE SIDE OF TH_IS FORM) Of A. l,. V/iJJ11;,!J-e. J;niprove,.,,e111' Assoc.. pos;+u, rJ Item 8.e. - Page 4 ~f-e,,,e,5/.eJ r0 hn.5-e-rv ;,,,__er, M...tz_, S ;-r 11tall-hwr-; cJ, 4. rw-, · an J Ch arao/-e,, e1_L) Ar-r"yo 6 / T · rt:ln..e1f-e_ cv,. d fJ ro mo 1-, 'n} s rn a I I h us; '1 e..s' f.e-_s ,::0 ,__ of / o u/ ,e,,,1 U? f 5 -1-h a I-f r7) vi J e.,, 5 erv ices / j OP d S tl,,I'[ d 11 .a,,J .S cJ f our CA ·1-/-z_rz,,~s W h,, j ,e__, a cl cl n J /7:J O q,, r / (} C .,A-/ e_ C () /HJ ,,,,,,,_J-, r ~wt tt(Jo l~~e.Jl-c~ 1~ 1h~lvr_ul'l,Jf-C2'1.A., /, 1J, ,J e,,,, IA. se..J j f / 11 SO CA a,,,/ #'l'!t! JI a._ V11_ -<-t-¼ ./7 ~ .. .1 / o ve_, s tt /L-.S rJ-·MtLr b._/t n_i,, 5 f~cf ccJ eve-n 1- f { ann ir,1!, t,J/~ ""(7>od v-Ft:-,,_Jral5rtt.3- e,v U1 f-5 1 e.-5f e,, ,:,,, ',,_J / ;J--11 ,, e-5 ', <f' /, o W Ca S ( 11.._ 'J-' ~ p ~f m-0 I-, ~ d Pu r / o crv/ Fa vWt fp f-~b ( .,e_ ,,.. b tt S i h e-.-5 se,,5 1 w t'n e,,ri e 5, re.. s ,/-t1-,u r (',(' K.. f-.S ) . CA..,,1-e/L/' .S I e_,,f-c . L lva.J eA-v\.p /o i <U.,t?L-w 1 ~ I(} CA--! W ,'h.e.A--f ~ .f:, r ~ e:r_ V'--J <;.-e. a t-:5' cr..n..o-( tz ., n ~ k .£ If/ f o 5 5 i J,( '?f a_" • fµ,r f cu-f.-fu.: .. ,,_,, 1 "1 O r/c..1n '1 I rJ f'h.d_ (/,'l(~, ~ c) {-) Jt. G._ , Item 8.e. - Page 5 What do you see as the objectives and goals of the advisory board, committee or commission for which you are applying? To provide another set of eyes to a proposed project, perhaps a fresh perspective... To review, advise and assist the Community Development Dept., Planning Commission, and City Council in the application of the architectural standards and guidelines to projects during the planning and development stages. Look at the plans for the location and ask, does this project fit in with what is already here? Look at the colors, scale, building height, setback, architectural style, pitch and materials of roof, read the reports, advantages and disadvantages, review zoning and guidelines. Discuss with committee, make suggestions and draft a report with recofnmepqati,ons ~n ~hether to approve or disapprove, noting any possible objections, proposed recommendations or considerations.' ', .• ·.. .-,- ( ,· r. Please list three (3) Arroyo Grande references. PLEASE OBTAIN PERMISSION FROM INDMDUALS' BEFORE LISTING THEM AS A REFERENCE. Name: _________ ~Address: Phone:. ________ _ ( ~ .· Current meeting schedules are indicated below: · Planning Commission, 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each morith, 6:00 p.m .. Downtown Parking Advisory Board, meets as needed I. ' r Architectural Review Committee, 1st Monday at 2:30 p.m. and 3 rd Mond~y at 3:30 p.m. each mont~'. ' Tourism Business Improvement District (TBID) Advisory Board, last Monday of-each mo.nth, 3:30 p.m . .. :, Are you willing to commit to the time necessary to fulfill ·the obligations of an appointment to a Board, Committee or Commission? Yes 00 No_Q__ ., :,.,'7.,~ dpare that the foregoing ii~~on is true" and oomplete to the -of my knowledge and ~ I " :l : !if ('4 , Applicant Signature · 1 . ,.,. Date Notice to Applicants: -,_.; [· 1. Applicants appointed by the City Council are required to take an Oath of Office. , .. , _, 2. State law and the City's Con.flict. of Interest Code requires that Board Members, Committee Menibercs,,and-- Commissioners file Statements ofEconomic Interests '(Form 700) upon assuming office, annually, and upon· leaving an appointed office (e.g. sources of income, loans, gifts,'investments, interests in real property within the City). 3. This application is a matter of public record and, portions thereof are subject to disclosure pursuant to the califomia Public Records Act. 4. Applications will remain active and on file for one (1) year. . -_/___ ' - - -·-·-·-j Please return completed Applicatiofl to: 1 · • · CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 300 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande CA 93420 Rev 12/18/2018 , I RECEIVED . -~ ... :,. FEB .f.2 2019 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Item 8.e. - Page 6 Lori Mainini Hall Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 PROFILE 3rd / 4th generation local, a wife, mother and more who enjoys fine wine and food, cooking, health and fitness, standard poodles, home and garden design & photography. EXPERIENCE Content Creator: Photographer, Blogger & Social Media Manager Premier Table Linens; Miami, Florida -August 2013-August 2018 Freelance consultant working remote from home, responsible for photographing table linens for use in building company website, writing blogs and social media marketing. Sales Manager, TalleyVineyards;Arroyo Grande, CA -1989-1993 As the first Sales Manager for a new winery; I was responsible for establishing and servicing all sales accounts, setting up and managing the tasting room, direct sales, special events, public relations, marketing, writing press releases, newsletters & more. Tasting Room & Special Event Manager Corbett Canyon Vineyards; San Luis Obispo, CA -4 years Managed employees and retail tasting room, responsible for hiring, scheduling, merchandising, buying for gift shop & special event planning. Tasting Room Manager /Wine Buyer/ Head Clerk/ Assistant Store Manager Liquor Barn; Sacramento, CA -2 years Wine Buyer / store manager in training, managed the tasting bar, set up and attended private tastings and special events, researched wines, wrote "shelf talkers" for the store, provided customer service, dinner party & special event planning services. EDUCATION Cal Poly; San Luis Obispo, CA -Business Administration / Marketing Cuesta College; San Luis Obispo, CA-Associates of Arts, Business Administration and General Education San Luis Obispo Senior High; San Luis Obispo, CA -High School Diploma SKILLS Creative and intuitive, a team player with excellent written and oral communication skills and attention to detail. Enjoys sales, marketing, public relations, planning, organizing, photography, management, writing, social media, special event planning and more.