CC 2019-03-26_08c Cost Allocation Plan MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: SHANNON ESENWEIN, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTATIVE SERVICES SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF COST ALLOCATION PLAN DATE: MARCH 26, 2019 SUMMARY OF ACTION: Approving the Cost Allocation Plan and amending the budget to reflect updated calculations of costs will allow for more accurate accounting of the total cost of providing city services. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: The General Fund receives resources from other funds to cover the cost of services provided by the General Fund. The original budget estimated $1,102,700 for these transfers; the updated Cost Allocation Plan calculates the amount at $1,109,300, an increase of $6,600. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council approve the Fiscal Year 2018-19 Cost Allocation Plan and amend the budget as appropriate. BACKGROUND: A Cost Allocation Plan is a method of recovering the cost of General Fund services provided to other funds. In March of 1996, the first Cost Allocation Plan was adopted by the City Council. This was the first time that City costs were identified and divided between direct and indirect costs. Direct costs are expenses incurred in providing a specific cost objective, such as street maintenance, police protection, landscape maintenance, and water service. Indirect costs are expenses not readily identifiable with a particular operating program, but rather are incurred for a joint purpose, which benefits more than one fund/department. Common examples of indirect costs are accounting, purchasing, personnel, and building maintenance. Though indirect costs are not readily identifiable with direct operating programs, they can be allocated based on a rational, logical methodology. Item 8.c. - Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF COST ALLOCATION PLAN MARCH 26, 2019 PAGE 2 ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The Cost Allocation Plan is a method of allocating indirect costs, provided by the General Fund, based on the proportionate share of benefits received. Different indirect costs have different methods of allocation. For instance, payroll costs are allocated based on the number of full time positions and building maintenance costs are allocated based on the number of departmental square feet in City buildings. The Cost Allocation Plan is based on the current year’s adopted budget. The budget is used for allocation purposes, as the amounts identified therein are the best available projection of costs. Each year, the Cost Allocation Plan is updated because the more current the numbers, the better the allocation will reflect actual costs. More frequent updating is not recommended as little additional value would be gained for the staff resources that would be expended. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council’s consideration: - Approve the plan and amend the budget; - Do not approve the plan and retain current cost allocation numbers; - Modify and approve the plan; - Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: The Cost Allocation Plan provides revenue to the General Fund to reimburse costs for services from departments funded by the General Fund, but provided to fee based operations. Updating the Plan provides for the most current calculation of costs and, therefore the most current appropriate reimbursement amounts. DISADVANTAGES: Reimbursements to the General Fund negatively impact other funds, particularly the Water and Sewer Funds. However, the adjustment recommended in the cost allocation plan are minimal and the reimbursements are necessary in order to account for the full cost of providing services. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted at City Hall and on the City’s website in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2. Attachments: 1. Cost Allocation Plan Item 8.c. - Page 2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COST ALLOCATION PLAN FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 Item 8.c. - Page 3 ATTACHMENT 1 i CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COST ALLOCATION PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction Overview-Purpose of Cost Allocation Plan ...................................................................................................................1 Determining Direct and Indirect Costs ..........................................................................................................................1 Allocating Indirect Costs ...............................................................................................................................................2 Uses of the Cost Allocation Plan ...................................................................................................................................3 Preparation Frequency ...................................................................................................................................................3 Indirect Cost Allocation Summary of Direct and Indirect Costs...........................................................................................................................4 Schedule of Exclusions by Activity ...............................................................................................................................5 Schedule of Exclusions by Type ....................................................................................................................................6 Bases of Allocation of Indirect Costs ............................................................................................................................7 Summary of Departmental Indirect Cost Allocations and Rates ...................................................................................8 Summary of Indirect Cost Allocations ..........................................................................................................................9 Indirect Program Cost Allocations: Legislation & Policy ........................................................................................................................................10 Administration .................................................................................................................................................11 Administrative Services-Accounts Payable .....................................................................................................12 Administrative Services-Payroll ......................................................................................................................13 Administrative Services-Administration .........................................................................................................14 City Clerk .........................................................................................................................................................15 City Attorney ...................................................................................................................................................16 Non Departmental ............................................................................................................................................17 Government Buildings Maintenance-Personnel ..............................................................................................18 Government Buildings Maintenance-Services/Supplies .................................................................................19 Auto Shop ........................................................................................................................................................20 Item 8.c. - Page 4 1 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE INTRODUCTION TO THE COST ALLOCATION PLAN OVERVIEW Purpose The purpose of this cost allocation plan is to estimate the total costs of providing direct services to the citizens of Arroyo Grande. A separate cost accounting analysis is required to do this, because in virtually all organizations, public or private, the cost of delivering services or producing goods can be classified into two categories: direct and indirect costs. Direct and Indirect Costs Direct costs are those which can be specifically identified with a cost objective, such as police protection, street maintenance, or water service. Indirect costs are support costs, which are not readily identifiable with a direct operating program, but are incurred for a joint purpose that benefits more than one cost objective. Typical indirect cost activities in a government are accounting, legal services, and building maintenance. Although indirect costs are generally not identifiable with direct cost programs, their cost should be reflected as an integral part of the total cost of providing specific goods or services. Budgeting and Accounting for Indirect Costs All indirect costs could theoretically be estimated and charged to direct service programs, but practical considerations generally preclude such handling. Instead most organizations separately budget and account for indirect costs, and provide a supplemental reporting vehicle to display estimated total costs to provide a direct program service. Such is the purpose of cost allocation plans: to allocate indirect costs to direct service programs in a logical and uniform manner. Determining Direct and Indirect Costs The first step in preparing the City’s cost allocation plan is determining direct and indirect costs. The costs of departmental programs that primarily provide service to the public are identified as direct costs whereas the costs of programs which primarily provide services to the organization are identified as indirect costs. In accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, only operating costs are utilized in allocation plans: debt service, transfers, and capital outlay costs are excluded from calculations. Item 8.c. - Page 5 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Introduction to the Cost Allocation Plan 2 Allocating Indirect Costs Indirect Cost Rates For general purposes, a citywide indirect cost rate can be used as the basis for allocating indirect costs. Such a rate is simply the ratio between indirect costs and direct costs, which can be computed for the City as a whole once the direct and indirect cost base has been determined. Provided on page 4 is a summary of direct and indirect costs for Arroyo Grande based upon the 2018-2019 operating budget along with the citywide indirect cost rate. By applying the overall indirect cost rate to any specific direct cost program, the total cost of that program can be determined. For example, if the overall indirect cost rate were 20%, the total cost of a $100,000 direct cost program in Arroyo Grande would be $120,000. Bases of Allocation The general-purpose method above assumes that all indirect costs are incurred proportionately to each of the direct service programs. However, the benefit received from certain support department programs by a direct service department may be more closely related to an activity indicator other than cost. For example, if a service department does not have any City staffing associated with it; distributing personnel costs to it from a support department would not be a reasonable allocation of costs. Therefore, the cost allocation plan developed for Arroyo Grande establishes separate and variable basis of cost allocation for certain major identifiable cost categories. Indirect costs can thus be allocated in a fair yet simple manner, and also consistently. Page 7 displays the primary methods of allocation used for various indirect cost programs. Recognition is given to the concept that the cost of gathering and dividing information to develop a reasonable cost allocation plan should not exceed the benefits likely to be gained from the study. In performing the cost allocations, all indirect costs have been allocated only to direct programs rather than using a more complex sequential allocation system. Under a sequential system for example, City Administration costs, or Administrative Services, or City Attorney costs would first be allocated to other indirect cost programs. In turn, those expanded indirect costs would then be allocated to the direct cost programs. Such a process would be fairly time consuming. Although there are some conceptual difficulties with this approach, the gain from a complex sequential allocation system would be insignificant, and the cost of preparation and review is significantly reduced in the simpler approach utilized here. Item 8.c. - Page 6 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Introduction to the Cost Allocation Plan 3 USES OF THE COST ALLOCATION PLAN This cost allocation plan can be used in numerous financial decision-making situations. The main areas of use of this basic analytical tool could be: Water Enterprise, Sewer Enterprise and Other Utility Fund Accounting A complete costing of Arroyo Grande’s water enterprise and sewer enterprise can be achieved by extended allocation of General Fund indirect support costs to utility operations. The cost allocation plan could achieve such a goal. General Fund User Charges This cost allocation plan can be utilized to determine appropriate user fees for General Fund services such as planning applications and recreation activities. Grant Administration Under Federal cost accounting policies (Circular A-87) it is permissible to include indirect costs in accounting for grant programs. By establishing indirect cost rates, total costs can be applied for and recovered. Modest changes to allocations might be required under Circular A-87 when used for this purpose. Contracting Out Versus In-House City employees could make frequent use of this cost allocation plan when comparing the cost of providing a service “in-house” to contracting with an outside service provider. PREPARATION FREQUENCY In a true cost accounting system, indirect costs would be computed and allocated on an ongoing basis throughout the fiscal year based on actual costs. However, frequent updating in municipal finance would not serve any specific purpose, but would consume significant accounting resources. As such, it is recommended that the cost allocation plan be prepared annually. Item 8.c. - Page 7 4 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COST ALLOCATION PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 Summary of Direct and Indirect Costs Planning & Development 490,900$ Legislation and Policy 96,800$ Police 6,666,100 Engineering 517,400 City Manager 569,100 Building Safety 381,600 Administrative Services: Public Works: Accounts Payable 352,380 Public Works Admin 610,300 Payroll 176,190 Sewer Maintenance 396,000 Business Licensing 58,730 Street Maintenance 706,800 Administrative Services Total 587,300 Water System Maintenance 4,990,900 Lopez Water System - Legislative & Information Svcs: Parks Maintenance 441,500 City Clerk 323,400 Soto Sports Complex 234,100 Information Technology 545,900 Printing/Copying 34,600 Recreation:Legislative & Information Svcs Total 903,900 Administration 475,300 Other Recreation Programs 598,100 City Attorney 283,200 Other Budget Activity:Non Departmental 1,167,200 Landscape District Maintenance 5,700 Parkside Assessment District 30,000 Government Buildings Gracelane Assessment District 7,100 Personnel 146,600 Transportation 20,000 Services/Supplies 85,300 Downtown Parking District 4,400 Government Buildings Total 231,900 Auto Shop 159,000 TOTAL DIRECT COSTS 16,576,200 TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS 3,998,400 Overall indirect cost rate: (indirect costs divided by direct costs) 24.12% Capital projects, capital equipment, transfers, and debt services costs are excluded from amounts shown, for calculating indirect cost rates in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Only operating costs are utilized. See pages five (5) and six (6) for schedules of exclusions. DIRECT PROGRAMS COSTS INDIRECT PROGRAM COSTS Item 8.c. - Page 8 5 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COST ALLOCATION PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 Schedule of Exclusions By Activity Police:City Council: Debt 133,900$ Capital items 1,000$ Capital items 24,500 158,400$ Parks:Administration: Debt 20,500 Capital items 1,527,900 Recreation:Debt - Capital items 1,200 Non Departmental: Transportation Debt 11,600 Transfers 15,700 Transfers 45,000 Public Works Admin 56,600 Debt 1,400 City Manager/Sales Tax: Streets Debt 20,000 Debt 20,300 Transfers - Transfers 294,500 314,800 20,000 Engineering: Capital items - Government Buildings: Sewer Maintenance: Debt - Capital items 611,300 Debt 8,700 TOTAL INDIRECT PROGRAM COSTS 1,605,500 Transfers 99,100 719,100 Landscape Maint:TOTAL DIRECT & INDIRECT 3,861,300$ Transfers 2,000 Grace Lane Maint: Transfers 3,100 Parkside Maint: Transfers 6,100 Water System: Capital items 9,600 Capital items 2,175,500$ Transfers 986,900 Debt 229,800 Debt 13,400 1,009,900 Transfers 1,456,000 Downtown Parking: Transfers 3,600 TOTAL DIRECT & INDIRECT 3,861,300$ TOTAL DIRECT PROGRAM COSTS 2,255,800$ SUMMARY OF EXCLUSIONS: DIRECT PROGRAM COSTS INDIRECT PROGRAM COSTS Item 8.c. - Page 9 6 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COST ALLOCATION PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 Schedule of Exclusions by Type INDIRECT PROGRAM COSTS Capital items:Capital items: Police 24,500$ City Council 1,000$ Engineering - Administration 1,527,900 Recreation 1,200 Water 9,600 Sewer Maintenance 611,300 Total Capital Items Exclusion 1,528,900$ Total Equipment Exclusion 646,600$ Debt: Government Buildings - Debt: Non Departmental 11,600 Police 133,900 IT - Parks 20,500 City Manager/Sales Tax 20,000 Public Works Admin 1,400 Total Debt Exclusion 31,600 Water 13,400 Sewer Maintenance 8,700 Transfers: Streets 20,300 Non Departmental 45,000 City Manager/Sales Tax - Total Debt Exclusion 198,200 Total Transfer Exclusion:45,000 Transfers: Lopez - TOTAL INDIRECT PROGRAM COSTS 1,605,500 Landscape 2,000 Grace Lane 3,100 Parkside 6,100 TOTAL DIRECT & INDIRECT 3,861,300$ Streets 294,500 Transportation 15,700 Downtown Parking 3,600 SUMMARY OF EXCLUSIONS: Water 986,900 Sewer Maintenance 99,100 Capital items 2,175,500$ Debt 229,800 Total Transfer Exclusion:1,411,000 Transfers 1,456,000 TOTAL DIRECT PROGRAM COSTS 2,255,800$ TOTAL EXCLUSIONS 3,861,300$ DIRECT PROGRAM COSTS Item 8.c. - Page 10 7 Legislation and Policy Council Agenda Items City Manager Total Operating Budget Non Departmental Total Operating Budget Administrative Services: Accounts Payable (60% of Budget) Total Operating Budget Payroll (30% of Budget)Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Staffing Administration (10% of Budget)Total Operating Budget Legislative & Information Services City Clerk Council Agenda Items Printing/Copying Total Operating Budget Information Technology Total Operating Budget City Attorney Total Operating Budget Government Buildings: Personnel Square Footage (w/o Fire Station) Services and Supplies Dept. Square Footage Auto Shop Vehicle Maintenance Budget CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COST ALLOCATION PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 Bases of Allocation of Indirect Costs Item 8.c. - Page 11 8 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COST ALLOCATION PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 Summary of Departmental Indirect Cost Allocations and Rates Indirect Direct Indirect Legis. &City Admin.City City Non-Govt. Bldg.Auto Direct Program Program Rate Cost Cost Policy Admin.Services Clerk Attorney Depart.Maint.Shop Planning & Development 56.44%490,900$ 277,067$ 38,759$ 34,028$ 24,485$ 129,489$ 8,383$ 34,549$ 7,374$ -$ Police 22.25%6,666,100 1,483,503 9,690 462,484 236,817 32,372 113,931 469,565 85,965 72,679 Building Safety 20.86%381,600 79,614 - 26,441 13,931 - 6,514 26,846 4,754 1,129 Public Works: Engineering 22.70%517,400 117,467 968 35,868 19,539 3,234 8,836 36,417 7,374 5,231 Public Works Admin 30.79%610,300 187,936 14,539 42,305 21,172 48,575 10,422 42,953 6,841 1,129 Sewer Maintenance 25.27%396,000 100,075 1,936 27,475 15,869 6,468 6,768 27,896 6,841 6,821 Street Maintenance 34.88%706,800 246,503 14,539 48,973 25,354 48,575 12,064 49,723 6,841 40,434 Water System Maint.19.73%4,990,900 984,856 7,754 346,145 138,779 25,904 85,272 351,444 13,659 15,900 Total Public Works 22.67%7,221,400 1,636,837 39,736 500,766 220,713 132,756 123,362 508,432 41,556 69,515 Parks Maintenance 22.64%441,500 99,950 - 30,579 20,344 - 7,533 31,048 - 10,446 Recreation: Administration 25.57%475,300 121,522 1,936 32,994 23,216 6,468 8,128 33,499 15,282 - Other Rec. Programs 34.56%598,100 206,706 - 41,501 35,878 - 10,224 42,136 76,968 - Soto Sports Complex 29.46%234,100 68,971 3,872 16,209 10,272 12,936 3,993 16,458 - 5,231 Total Recreation 30.38%1,307,500 397,199 5,808 90,703 69,366 19,404 22,344 92,092 92,250 5,231 Other Activity: Landscape Maintenance 37.96%5,700 2,164 290 345 123 970 85 350 - - Parkside Assessment District 22.27%30,000 6,681 290 2,069 740 970 510 2,101 - - Gracelane Maint.34.72%7,100 2,465 290 460 164 970 113 467 - - Transportation 39.08%20,000 7,815 968 1,380 493 3,234 340 1,401 - - Downtown Parking 116.03%4,400 5,105 968 345 123 3,234 85 350 - - TOTALS 24.12%16,576,200$ 3,998,400$ 96,800$ 1,149,600$ 587,300$ 323,400$ 283,200$ 1,167,200$ 231,900$ 159,000$ Item 8.c. - Page 12 9 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COST ALLOCATION PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 Summary of Indirect Cost Allocations INDIRECT PROGRAM COST ALLOCATIONS Legis. &Admin-City City Non-Gov. Bldg.Gov. Bldg.Auto Direct Program Program Policy istration Acct.Payroll Admin.Clerk Attorney Depart.Staff Supplies Shop Total Planning & Develop.38,759$ 34,028$ 10,430$ 12,316$ 1,738$ 129,489$ 8,383$ 34,549$ 4,662$ 2,713$ -$ 277,067$ Police 9,690 462,484 141,762 71,427 23,627 32,372 113,931 469,565 54,345 31,621 72,679 1,483,503 Building Safety - 26,441 8,105 4,475 1,351 - 6,514 26,846 3,005 1,749 1,129 79,614 Public Works: Engineering 968 35,868 10,994 6,713 1,832 3,234 8,836 36,417 4,662 2,713 5,231 117,467 Public Works Admin 14,539 42,305 12,968 6,043 2,161 48,575 10,422 42,953 4,325 2,516 1,129 187,936 Sewer Maintenance 1,936 27,475 8,422 6,043 1,404 6,468 6,768 27,896 4,325 2,516 6,821 100,075 Street Maintenance 14,539 48,973 15,011 7,840 2,502 48,575 12,064 49,723 4,325 2,516 40,434 246,503 Water System Maint.7,754 346,145 106,102 14,994 17,684 25,904 85,272 351,444 8,635 5,024 15,900 984,856 Total Public Works 39,736 500,766 153,497 41,634 25,583 132,756 123,362 508,432 26,271 15,286 69,515 1,636,837 Parks Maintenance - 30,579 9,373 9,409 1,562 - 7,533 31,048 - - 10,446 99,950 Recreation: Administration 1,936 32,994 10,113 11,417 1,686 6,468 8,128 33,499 9,661 5,621 - 121,522 Other Rec. Programs - 41,501 12,721 21,037 2,120 - 10,224 42,136 48,657 28,311 - 206,706 Soto Sports Complex 3,872 16,209 4,969 4,475 828 12,936 3,993 16,458 - - 5,231 68,971 Total Recreation 5,808 90,703 27,803 36,929 4,634 19,404 22,344 92,092 58,317 33,932 5,231 397,199 Other Budget Activity: Landscape Maint.290 345 106 - 18 970 85 350 - - - 2,164 Parkside Maint.290 2,069 634 - 106 970 510 2,101 - - - 6,681 Gracelane Maint.290 460 141 - 23 970 113 467 - - - 2,465 Transportation 968 1,380 423 - 70 3,234 340 1,401 - - - 7,815 Downtown Parking 968 345 106 - 18 3,234 85 350 - - - 5,105 TOTALS 96,800$ 1,149,600$ 352,380$ 176,190$ 58,730$ 323,400$ 283,200$ 1,167,200$ 146,600$ 85,300$ 159,000$ 3,998,400$ Administrative Services Item 8.c. - Page 13 10 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COST ALLOCATION PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 Indirect Program Cost Allocation INDIRECT COST PROGRAM: Legislation & Policy BUDGET: $96,800 BASE OF ALLOCATION: Council Agenda Items BASE OF PERCENT COST DIRECT COST PROGRAM ALLOCATION OF TOTAL ALLOCATION Planning & Development 40 40.04%38,759$ Police 10 10.01%9,690 Engineering 1 1.00%968 Building Safety 0 0.00%- Public Works: Public Works Admin 15 15.02%14,539 Sewer Maintenance 2 2.00%1,936 Street Maintenance 15 15.02%14,539 Water System Maintenance 8 8.01%7,754 Parks Maintenance 0 0.00%- Soto Sports Complex 4 4.00%3,872 Recreation: Administration 2 2.00%1,936 Other Programs 0 0.00%- Other Budget Activity: Landscape Maintenance 0.3 0.30%290 Parkside Maintenance 0.3 0.30%290 Gracelane Maintenance 0.3 0.30%290 Transportation 1 1.00%968 Downtown Parking District 1 1.00%968 TOTAL DIRECT COST PROGRAMS 100 100.00% TOTAL INDIRECT COST ALLOCATION 96,800$ Item 8.c. - Page 14 11 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COST ALLOCATION PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 Indirect Program Cost Allocation INDIRECT COST PROGRAM: Administration BUDGET: $1,149,600 BASE OF ALLOCATION: Total Operating Budget BASE OF PERCENT COST DIRECT COST PROGRAM ALLOCATION OF TOTAL ALLOCATION Planning & Development 490,900$ 2.96%34,028$ Police 6,666,100 40.23%462,484 Engineering 517,400 3.12%35,868 Building Safety 381,600 2.30%26,441 Public Works: Public Works Admin 610,300 3.68%42,305 Sewer Maintenance 396,000 2.39%27,475 Street Maintenance 706,800 4.26%48,973 Water System Maintenance 4,990,900 30.11%346,145 Parks Maintenance 441,500 2.66%30,579 Soto Sports Complex 234,100 1.41%16,209 Recreation: Administration 475,300 2.87%32,994 Other Programs 598,100 3.61%41,501 Other Budget Activity: Landscape Maintenance 5,700 0.03%345 Parkside Maintenance 30,000 0.18%2,069 Gracelane Maintenance 7,100 0.04%460 Transportation 20,000 0.12%1,380 Downtown Parking District 4,400 0.03%345 TOTAL DIRECT COST PROGRAMS 16,576,200$ 100.00% TOTAL INDIRECT COST ALLOCATION 1,149,600$ Item 8.c. - Page 15 12 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COST ALLOCATION PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 Indirect Program Cost Allocation INDIRECT COST PROGRAM: Administrative Services-Accounts Payable BUDGET: $352,380 BASE OF ALLOCATION: Total Operating Budget BASE OF PERCENT COST DIRECT COST PROGRAM ALLOCATION OF TOTAL ALLOCATION Planning & Development 490,900$ 2.96%10,430$ Police 6,666,100 40.23%141,762 Engineering 517,400 3.12%10,994 Building Safety 381,600 2.30%8,105 Public Works: Public Works Admin 610,300 3.68%12,968 Sewer Maintenance 396,000 2.39%8,422 Street Maintenance 706,800 4.26%15,011 Water System Maintenance 4,990,900 30.11%106,102 Parks Maintenance 441,500 2.66%9,373 Soto Sports Complex 234,100 1.41%4,969 Recreation: Administration 475,300 2.87%10,113 Other Programs 598,100 3.61%12,721 Other Budget Activity: Landscape Maintenance 5,700 0.03%106 Parkside Maintenance 30,000 0.18%634 Gracelane Maintenance 7,100 0.04%141 Transportation 20,000 0.12%423 Downtown Parking District 4,400 0.03%106 TOTAL DIRECT COST PROGRAMS 16,576,200$ 100.00% TOTAL INDIRECT COST ALLOCATION 352,380$ Item 8.c. - Page 16 13 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COST ALLOCATION PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 Indirect Program Cost Allocation INDIRECT COST PROGRAM: Administrative Services-Payroll BUDGET: $176,190 BASE OF ALLOCATION: Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Employees BASE OF PERCENT COST DIRECT COST PROGRAM ALLOCATION OF TOTAL ALLOCATION Planning Division 5.5 6.99%12,316$ Police 31.9 40.54%71,427 Engineering Division 3.0 3.81%6,713 Building Safety Division 2.0 2.54%4,475 Public Works: Public Works Admin 2.7 3.43%6,043 Sewer Maintenance 2.7 3.43%6,043 Street Maintenance 3.5 4.45%7,840 Water System Maintenance 6.7 8.51%14,994 Parks Maintenance 4.2 5.34%9,409 Soto Sports Complex 2.0 2.54%4,475 Recreation: Administration 5.1 6.48%11,417 Other Programs 9.4 11.94%21,037 TOTAL DIRECT COST PROGRAMS 78.70 100.00% TOTAL INDIRECT COST ALLOCATION 176,190$ Item 8.c. - Page 17 14 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COST ALLOCATION PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 Indirect Program Cost Allocation INDIRECT COST PROGRAM: Administrative Services- Administration BUDGET: $58,730 BASE OF ALLOCATION: Total Operating Budget BASE OF PERCENT COST DIRECT COST PROGRAM ALLOCATION OF TOTAL ALLOCATION Planning & Development 490,900$ 2.96%1,738$ Police 6,666,100 40.23%23,627 Engineering 517,400 3.12%1,832 Building Safety 381,600 2.30%1,351 Public Works: Public Works Admin 610,300 3.68%2,161 Sewer Maintenance 396,000 2.39%1,404 Street Maintenance 706,800 4.26%2,502 Water System Maintenance 4,990,900 30.11%17,684 Parks Maintenance 441,500 2.66%1,562 Soto Sports Complex 234,100 1.41%828 Recreation: Administration 475,300 2.87%1,686 Other Programs 598,100 3.61%2,120 Other Budget Activity: Landscape Maintenance 5,700 0.03%18 Parkside Maintenance 30,000 0.18%106 Gracelane Maintenance 7,100 0.04%23 Transportation 20,000 0.12%70 Downtown Parking District 4,400 0.03%18 TOTAL DIRECT COST PROGRAMS 16,576,200$ 100.00% TOTAL INDIRECT COST ALLOCATION 58,730$ Item 8.c. - Page 18 15 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COST ALLOCATION PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 Indirect Program Cost Allocation INDIRECT COST PROGRAM:City Clerk BUDGET: $323,400 BASE OF ALLOCATION: Council Agenda Items BASE OF PERCENT COST DIRECT COST PROGRAM ALLOCATION OF TOTAL ALLOCATION Planning & Development 40 40.04%129,489$ Police 10 10.01%32,372 Engineering 1 1.00%3,234 Building Safety 0 0.00%- Public Works: Public Works Admin 15 15.02%48,575 Sewer Maintenance 2 2.00%6,468 Street Maintenance 15 15.02%48,575 Water System Maintenance 8 8.01%25,904 Parks Maintenance 0 0.00%- Soto Sports Complex 4 4.00%12,936 Recreation: Administration 2 2.00%6,468 Other Programs 0 0.00%- Other Budget Activity: Landscape Maintenance 0.3 0.30%970 Parkside Maintenance 0.3 0.30%970 Gracelane Maintenance 0.3 0.30%970 Transportation 1 1.00%3,234 Downtown Parking District 1 1.00%3,234 TOTAL DIRECT COST PROGRAMS 100 100.00% TOTAL INDIRECT COST ALLOCATION 323,400$ Item 8.c. - Page 19 16 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COST ALLOCATION PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 Indirect Program Cost Allocation INDIRECT COST PROGRAM: City Attorney BUDGET: $283,200 BASE OF ALLOCATION: Total Operating Budget BASE OF PERCENT COST DIRECT COST PROGRAM ALLOCATION OF TOTAL ALLOCATION Planning & Development 490,900$ 2.96%8,383$ Police 6,666,100 40.23%113,931 Engineering 517,400 3.12%8,836 Building Safety 381,600 2.30%6,514 Public Works: Public Works Admin 610,300 3.68%10,422 Sewer Maintenance 396,000 2.39%6,768 Street Maintenance 706,800 4.26%12,064 Water System Maintenance 4,990,900 30.11%85,272 Parks Maintenance 441,500 2.66%7,533 Soto Sports Complex 234,100 1.41%3,993 Recreation: Administration 475,300 2.87%8,128 Other Programs 598,100 3.61%10,224 Other Budget Activity: Landscape Maintenance 5,700 0.03%85 Parkside Maintenance 30,000 0.18%510 Gracelane Maintenance 7,100 0.04%113 Transportation 20,000 0.12%340 Downtown Parking District 4,400 0.03%85 TOTAL DIRECT COST PROGRAMS 16,576,200$ 100.00% TOTAL INDIRECT COST ALLOCATION 283,200$ Item 8.c. - Page 20 17 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COST ALLOCATION PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 Indirect Program Cost Allocation INDIRECT COST PROGRAM: Non Departmental BUDGET: $1,167,200 BASE OF ALLOCATION: Total Operating Budget BASE OF PERCENT COST DIRECT COST PROGRAM ALLOCATION OF TOTAL ALLOCATION Planning & Development 490,900$ 2.96%34,549$ Police 6,666,100 40.23%469,565 Engineering 517,400 3.12%36,417 Building Safety 381,600 2.30%26,846 Public Works: Public Works Admin 610,300 3.68%42,953 Sewer Maintenance 396,000 2.39%27,896 Street Maintenance 706,800 4.26%49,723 Water System Maintenance 4,990,900 30.11%351,444 Parks Maintenance 441,500 2.66%31,048 Soto Sports Complex 234,100 1.41%16,458 Recreation: Administration 475,300 2.87%33,499 Other Programs 598,100 3.61%42,136 Other Budget Activity: Landscape Maintenance 5,700 0.03%350 Parkside Maintenance 30,000 0.18%2,101 Gracelane Maintenance 7,100 0.04%467 Transportation 20,000 0.12%1,401 Downtown Parking District 4,400 0.03%350 TOTAL DIRECT COST PROGRAMS 16,576,200$ 100.00% TOTAL INDIRECT COST ALLOCATION 1,167,200$ Item 8.c. - Page 21 18 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COST ALLOCATION PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 Indirect Program Cost Allocation INDIRECT COST PROGRAM: Government Building Maintenance Personnel BUDGET: $146,600 BASE OF ALLOCATION: Department Square Footage BASE OF PERCENT COST DIRECT COST PROGRAM ALLOCATION OF TOTAL ALLOCATION Planning & Development 646 3.18%4,662$ Police 7,528 37.07%54,345 Engineering 646 3.18%4,662 Building Safety 416 2.05%3,005 Public Works: Public Works Admin 598 2.95%4,325 Sewer Maintenance 598 2.95%4,325 Street Maintenance 598 2.95%4,325 Water System Maintenance 1,195 5.89%8,635 Parks Maintenance - 0.00%- Soto Sports Complex - 0.00%- Recreation: Administration 1,338 6.59%9,661 Other Programs 6,738 33.19%48,657 Other Budget Activity: Landscape Maintenance - 0.00%- Parkside Maintenance - 0.00%- Gracelane Maintenance - 0.00%- Transportation - 0.00%- Downtown Parking District - 0.00%- TOTAL DIRECT COST PROGRAMS 20,301 100.00% TOTAL INDIRECT COST ALLOCATION 146,600$ Item 8.c. - Page 22 19 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COST ALLOCATION PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 Indirect Program Cost Allocation INDIRECT COST PROGRAM: Government Building Maintenance Supplies BUDGET: $85,300 BASE OF ALLOCATION: Department Square Footage BASE OF PERCENT COST DIRECT COST PROGRAM ALLOCATION OF TOTAL ALLOCATION Planning & Development 646 3.18%2,713$ Police 7,528 37.07%31,621 Engineering 646 3.18%2,713 Building Safety 416 2.05%1,749 Public Works: Public Works Admin 598 2.95%2,516 Sewer Maintenance 598 2.95%2,516 Street Maintenance 598 2.95%2,516 Water System Maintenance 1,195 5.89%5,024 Parks Maintenance - 0.00%- Soto Sports Complex - 0.00%- Recreation: Administration 1,338 6.59%5,621 Other Programs 6,738 33.19%28,311 Other Budget Activity: Landscape Maintenance - 0.00%- Parkside Maintenance - 0.00%- Gracelane Maintenance - 0.00%- Transportation - 0.00%- Downtown Parking District - 0.00%- TOTAL DIRECT COST PROGRAMS 20,301 100.00% TOTAL INDIRECT COST ALLOCATION 85,300$ Item 8.c. - Page 23 20 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COST ALLOCATION PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 Indirect Program Cost Allocation INDIRECT COST PROGRAM: Auto Shop BUDGET: $159,000 BASE OF ALLOCATION: Vehicle Maintenance Budget BASE OF PERCENT COST DIRECT COST PROGRAM ALLOCATION OF TOTAL ALLOCATION Planning & Development - 0.00%- Police 32,000 45.71%72,679 Engineering 2,300 3.29%5,231 Building Safety 500 0.71%1,129 Public Works: Public Works Admin 500 0.71%1,129 Sewer Maintenance 3,000 4.29%6,821 Street Maintenance 17,800 25.43%40,434 Water System Maintenance 7,000 10.00%15,900 Parks Maintenance 4,600 6.57%10,446 Soto Sports Complex 2,300 3.29%5,231 Recreation: Administration - 0.00%- Other Programs - 0.00%- Other Budget Activity: Landscape Maintenance - 0.00%- Parkside Maintenance - 0.00%- Gracelane Maintenance - 0.00%- Transportation - 0.00%- Downtown Parking District - 0.00%- TOTAL DIRECT COST PROGRAMS 70,000$ 100.00% TOTAL INDIRECT COST ALLOCATION 159,000$ Item 8.c. - Page 24