CC 2019-03-26_08e General Plan Annual Report_2018
DATE: MARCH 26, 2019
The General Plan Annual Report identifies work completed in the previous year to
implement the City’s General Plan; it is an informational document only and once
received and filed by the City Council, is filed with the Governor’s Office of Planning and
Research and California Department of Housing and Community Development.
Financial impacts include staff time and resources to prepare the Annual Report.
It is recommended the City Council review and accept the 2018 General Plan Annual
Report (the “Annual Report” or “Report”) and direct staff to forward the report to the
Governor’s Office of Planning and Research and the Department of Housing and
Community Development.
California Government Code Section 65400 requires all cities to file a General Plan
Annual Report to the Governor's Office of Planning and Research (OPR). Data
regarding the implementation of the City’s Housing Element is required to be submitted
to the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). The purpose of the
Report is to monitor the City's implementation of the General Plan over time, to help
identify statewide trends, document progress in meeting the City’s share of regional
housing needs, and inform local decision makers. Prior to submittal to the state, the
Annual Report must be presented to the City Council for review and acceptance.
The City's General Plan was adopted in October 2001. A number of activities have been
undertaken that implement the goals and policies of the General Plan since that time,
including the optional elements adopted by the City. The last major update of the
General Plan was completed in January 2017, with the approval of the E. Cherry
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Avenue Specific Plan project. No further updates to the General Plan occurred during
Planning Commission
The Planning Commission received and filed the Annual Report at the meeting of March
5, 2019. The Planning Commission recommended the report be submitted to the City
Council for final acceptance and also recommended that the affordable housing in-lieu
fees be reviewed and updated.
The Annual Report provides an overview of the activities completed or currently being
undertaken during 2018 to implement or update the General Plan. During the 2018
calendar year, no amendments to the General Plan were adopted. Activities have been
conducted to continue work toward updating the Circulation Element and Parks and
Recreation Elements of the General Plan, while other opportunities to implement the
General Plan were completed as they became available. It should be noted that the
Annual Report is not a comprehensive list of activities undertaken by the City during
The City’s Annual Report is formatted into two (2) sections:
Section 1: Introduction, including the legal requirements of the Annual Report
and status of the adopted Elements of the General Plan; and
Section 2: Summary of Activity for 2018.
Please note that the tables reporting housing data are derived from spreadsheets
provided by the State, with limited formatting functionality. These digital spreadsheets
will be submitted in their native file format, resolving blurry image issues. Larger
printouts of these sheets are provided in Attachment 1.
The following alternatives are provided for the Council’s consideration:
1. Accept the 2018 General Plan Annual Report and direct staff to forward the
Report to OPR and HCD;
2. Do not accept the 2018 General Plan Annual Report and provide direction to staff
regarding modifications to the Report; or
3. Provide other direction to staff.
The City will be providing the State with data in compliance with the California
Government Code.
There are no disadvantages identified with filing the Annual Report.
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In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the State
CEQA Guidelines, it has been determined that this item is not subject to CEQA Per
Section 15061(b)(3) of the Guidelines, regarding the common sense rule that where it
can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility of a significant effect on the
environment, an activity is not subject to CEQA.
The Agenda was posted at City Hall and on the City’s website in accordance with
Government Code Section 54954.2. At the time of report publication, no comments
have been received.
1. Relevant Housing Element reporting sheets
2. 2018 General Plan Annual Report
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Date Application SubmittedTotal Approved Units by ProjectTotal Disapproved Units by ProjectStreamliningNotes234678 9 10Prior APN+Current APN Street AddressProject Name+Local Jurisdiction Tracking ID+Unit Category(SFA,SFD,2 to 4,5+,ADU,MH)TenureR=RenterO=OwnerDate Application SubmittedVery Low-Income Deed RestrictedVery Low-Income Non Deed RestrictedLow-Income Deed RestrictedLow-Income Non Deed RestrictedModerate-Income Deed RestrictedModerate- Income Non Deed RestrictedAboveModerate-IncomeTotal PROPOSED Units by ProjectTotal APPROVED Units by projectTotal DISAPPROVED Units by Project (Auto-calculated Can Be Overwritten)Was APPLICATION SUBMITTED Pursuant to GC 65913.4(b)? (SB 35 Streamlining) Notes+Summary Row: Start Data Entry Below822 27 57 1674810067481006 123 W. Branch StreetCentury 21 Corporate HousingPPR 18-002SFDR 2/7/201811No7718104877181048 1194 S. Elm Street Newdoll Apartments PPR 18-0032 to 4R 2/13/2018444No72040017204001 415 E. Branch Street Creekside PUD AmendmentAPUD 18-001 2 to 4 R2/22/201888 NoApproved Feb. 201977111073 77111073 1200 E. Grand AvenueModder Mixed Use ApartmentsPPR 18-004 2 to 4 R 2/27/2018333 No7761021 7761021 1212 Flora Road Akalin ADU CUP 18-001 ADU O 4/23/2018111 No77051044 77051044 184 Brisco Road Habitat For Humanity TTM 18-003PUD 18-001SFA O 2/27/2018 888 No77113016 77113016 1136 E. Grand AvenueE. Grand Village CUP 18-003TTM18-004SFAO 6/13/201822 22 NoCurrently in process77101021 77101021 1214 E. Grand AvenueHinsley Mixed Use MER 18-001CUP 18-0075+R 9/10/20181010NoCurrently in process51Project IdentifierUnit TypesProposed Units - Affordability by Household Incomes Housing Development Applications SubmittedTable AATTACHMENT 1Item 8.e. - Page 4
ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORTHousing Element Implementation(CCR Title JurisdictionArroyo GrandeReporting Year2018 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulasTable A2Annual Building Activity Report Summary - New Construction, Entitled, Permits and Completed Units234567891011 12 13Prior APN+Current APN Street AddressProject Name+Local Jurisdiction Tracking ID+Unit Category (SFA,SFD,2 to 4,5+,ADU,MH)TenureR=RenterO=OwnerVery Low- Income Deed RestrictedVery Low- Income Non Deed RestrictedLow- Income Deed RestrictedLow- Income Non Deed RestrictedModerate- Income Deed RestrictedModerate- Income Non Deed RestrictedAboveModerate-IncomeEntitlementDate Approved# of Units issued EntitlementsVery Low- Income Deed RestrictedVery Low- Income Non Deed RestrictedLow- Income Deed RestrictedLow- Income Non Deed RestrictedModerate- Income Deed RestrictedModerate- Income Non Deed RestrictedAboveModerate-IncomeBuilding Permits Date Issued# of Units Issued Building Permits Very Low- Income Deed RestrictedVery Low- Income Non Deed RestrictedLow- Income Deed RestrictedLow- Income Non Deed RestrictedModerate- Income Deed RestrictedModerate- Income Non Deed RestrictedAboveModerate-IncomeCertificates of Occupancy or other forms of readiness (see instructions) Date Issued# of Units issued Certificates of Occupancy or other forms of readinessHow many of the units were Extremely Low Income?+Summary Row: Start Data Entry Below820 1038132235124153077-181-048 1194 S. Elm StreetNewdoll ApartmentsPPR 18-0032 to 4R4 5/14/20184077-111-073 1200 E. Grand Avenue Modder Mixed UseApartmentsPPR 18-0042 to 4R3 4/16/20183007-761-021 1212 Flora RoadAkalin ADU CUP 18-001ADUO1 6/12/20181077-051-044 184 Brisco Road Habitat For Humanity TTM 18-003PUD 18-001SFAO88/21/20188077-201-012 224 S. Halcyon RoadHASLO CUP 17-0035+ R 203/6/201820077-041-050 1495 El Camino Rea Pace Mixed UseCUP 16-0052 to 4R2 3/6/20182077-182-058 338 WALNUT Street BLD17-000348ADUR101/08/20181077-212-0041165 SUNSET DriveBLD17-000440ADUR101/16/20181077-192-0761051 ASH StreetBLD17-000152SFD O101/22/20181077-171-048 168 PINE StreetBLD17-000330SFD O101/29/20181077-171-048 168 PINE StreetBLD17-000330ADUR101/29/20181007-211-046120 Tally Ho RoadBLD16-000398ADUO101/30/20181007-572-023329 Myrtle DriveBLD16-000616SFD O102/28/20181077-153-040 164 South ELM StreetBLD17-000455ADUR103/09/20181007-572-025323 Myrtle DriveBLD16-000615SFD O103/30/20181077-191-035 245 WALNUT Street #B BLD17-000462ADUR104/04/20181077-192-0801037 ASH StreetBLD17-000251SFD O104/10/20181006-541-009 146 South ALPINE StreetBLD17-000456ADUR104/20/20181077-265-010631 LA VISTA CourtBLD17-000475ADUR105/07/20181077-192-0811033 ASH StreetBLD17-000313SFD O105/08/20181007-572-024319 Myrtle DriveBLD16-000567SFDO105/31/20181007-062-004327 MILLER #BBLD18-000098ADUR106/26/20181077-192-079 1041 ASH StreetBLD17-000260SFDO107/02/20181077-181-008 1161 MAPLE StreetBLD17-000502ADUR107/17/20181077-192-077 1047 ASH StreetBLD17-000222SFDO108/27/20181077-192-078 1045 ASH StreetBLD17-000224SFDO108/27/20181006-381-024 583 NEWMAN Drive BLD17-000359ADUR108/30/20181007-501-012 513 IDE StreetBLD18-000145ADUR109/24/20181077-153-034 192 South ELM StreetBLD16-000595SFDO109/25/20181006-097-008 741 CASTILLO DEL MAR BLD18-000092SFD O111/05/20181006-097-011 704 CASTILLO DEL MAR BLD17-000403SFD O111/05/20181006-097-021 439 DEL SUR BLD17-000399SFD O111/06/20181006-097-021 439 DEL SUR BLD17-000399ADUR111/06/20181077-204-042373 ALDER StreetBLD17-000168SFD O111/07/20181077-204-043 375 ALDER Street BLD17-000169SFD O111/07/20181077-204-044377 ALDER StreetBLD17-000170SFDO111/07/20181007-621-079227 SWEET PEA COURTBLD18-000276SFDO111/20/20181007-621-079203 SWEET PEA COURTBLD18-000277SFDO111/20/20181007-621-079250 SWEET PEA COURTBLD18-000279SFDO111/20/20181007-621-079232 SWEET PEA COURTBLD18-000280SFDO111/20/20181007-621-079218 SWEET PEA COURTBLD18-000281SFDO111/20/20181007-542-032314 Short StreetBLD16-000333SFDO101/08/20181007-502-019504 Ide StreetBLD16-000612ADUR101/31/20181077-072-0201555 Elderberry CourtBLD16-000468SFDO102/22/20181077-072-0221561 Elderberry CourtBLD16-000467SFDO103/06/20181077-072-0231563 Elderberry CourtBLD16-000473SFDO103/06/20181077-072-0211559 Elderberry CourtBLD16-000471SFDO103/09/20181007-542-026306 Short StreetBLD16-000522SFDO103/09/20181007-542-026306 Short StreetBLD16-000522ADUR103/09/20181077-072-0341550 Elderberry CourtBLD16-000490SFDO103/19/20181007-254-061570 PASEO StreetBLD17-000145SFDO103/27/20181077-072-0191551 Elderberry CourtBLD16-000470SFDO104/12/20181077-072-0181543 Elderberry CourtBLD16-000475SFDO104/12/20181077-072-0171537 Elderberry CourtBLD16-000476SFDO104/18/20181007-784-071407 Collado CorteBLD16-000280SFDO104/23/20181006-543-020 230 South Rena Street #ABLD16-000151ADUR104/23/20181077-072-0381572 Elderberry CourtBLD16-000495SFD O104/27/20181077-072-036 1560 Elderberry CourtBLD16-000496SFD O105/02/20181077-072-039 1578 Elderberry CourtBLD16-000486SFD O105/02/20181077-072-037 1568 Elderberry CourtBLD16-000493SFD O105/14/20181007-031-005 248 Tally Ho RoadBLD17-000148SFDO106/18/20181007-031-005 248 Tally Ho RoadBLD17-000148ADUR106/18/20181077-191-035 245 WALNUT Street #B BLD17-000462ADUR106/18/20181007-482-029200 Station Way # FBLD16-000002SFA R106/20/20181077-072-026 1598 Elderberry CourtBLD16-000494SFD O106/29/20181077-072-025 1590 Elderberry CourtBLD16-000491SFD O106/29/20181077-072-024 1586 Elderberry Court BLD16-000492SFDO106/29/20181006-084-015 789 Valley Road BLD17-0001302 to 4R206/29/20182077-172-012 1120 Maple Street #B BLD16-000603ADU R107/17/20181077-181-0081161 MAPLE StreetBLD17-000502ADUR107/31/20181007-572-016312 Myrtle DriveBLD16-000276SFDO108/09/20181077-182-058338 WALNUT StreetBLD17-000348ADUR108/09/20181077-072-0271502 Elderberry CourtBLD16-000499SFDO108/21/20181077-072-0281506 Elderberry CourtBLD16-000502SFDO108/21/20181077-072-0071505 Elderberry CourtBLD16-000209SFDO108/27/20181077-072-0081507 Elderberry CourtBLD16-000212SFDO108/27/20181077-072-0161533 Elderberry CourtBLD16-000478SFDO108/27/20181077-072-0101511 Elderberry CourtBLD16-000500SFDO109/17/20181077-072-0091509 Elderberry CourtBLD16-000501SFDO109/17/20181077-072-004 1589 Elderberry CourtBLD16-000503SFDO109/25/20181077-072-005 1593 Elderberry CourtBLD16-000489SFDO109/25/20181007-241-029 711 White Court BLD16-000591SFD O109/25/20181077-265-010631 LA VISTA CourtBLD17-000475ADUR109/25/20181007-786-024300 Via Las AguilasBLD16-000319SFDO109/26/20181007-572-015756 Myrtle StreetBLD16-000042ADUR110/08/20181077-291-0421081 Farroll AvenueBLD16-000568SFDO110/11/20181007-241-028701 White CourtBLD16-000590SFDO110/18/20181077-072-0061501 Elderberry CourtBLD16-000488SFDO111/21/20181007-062-004327 MILLER #BBLD18-000098ADUR111/21/20181007-031-049227 Corbett CanyonBLD15-000262SFDO112/06/20181077-153-040164 South ELM StreetBLD17-000455ADUR112/06/20181006-543-025227 South Halcyon RoadBLD17-0000732 to 4R212/12/20182Note: + Optional fieldProject Identifier1Unit TypesAffordability by Household Incomes - Completed EntitlementAffordability by Household Incomes - Building PermitsAffordability by Household Incomes - Certificates of OccupancyItem 8.e. - Page 5
Arroyo Grande2018(Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Current APN Street AddressProject Name+t Data Entry Below077-181-048 1194 S. Elm StreetNewdoll Apartments077-111-073 1200 E. Grand Avenue Modder Mixed UseApartments007-761-021 1212 Flora RoadAkalin ADU077-051-044 184 Brisco Road Habitat For Humanity077-201-012 224 S. Halcyon RoadHASLO077-041-050 1495 El Camino Rea Pace Mixed Use077-182-058338 WALNUT Street077-212-0041165 SUNSET Drive077-192-0761051 ASH Street077-171-048168 PINE Street077-171-048168 PINE Street007-211-046120 Tally Ho Road007-572-023329 Myrtle Drive077-153-040164 South ELM Street007-572-025323 Myrtle Drive077-191-035245 WALNUT Street #B077-192-0801037 ASH Street006-541-009146 South ALPINE Street077-265-010631 LA VISTA Court077-192-0811033 ASH Street007-572-024319 Myrtle Drive007-062-004327 MILLER #B077-192-0791041 ASH Street077-181-0081161 MAPLE Street077-192-0771047 ASH Street077-192-0781045 ASH Street006-381-024583 NEWMAN Drive007-501-012513 IDE Street077-153-034192 South ELM Street006-097-008741 CASTILLO DEL MAR006-097-011704 CASTILLO DEL MAR006-097-021439 DEL SUR006-097-021439 DEL SUR077-204-042373 ALDER Street077-204-043375 ALDER Street077-204-044377 ALDER Street007-621-079227 SWEET PEA COURT007-621-079203 SWEET PEA COURT007-621-079250 SWEET PEA COURT007-621-079232 SWEET PEA COURT007-621-079218 SWEET PEA COURT007-542-032314 Short Street007-502-019504 Ide Street077-072-0201555 Elderberry Court077-072-0221561 Elderberry Court077-072-0231563 Elderberry Court077-072-0211559 Elderberry Court007-542-026306 Short Street007-542-026306 Short Street077-072-0341550 Elderberry Court007-254-061570 PASEO Street077-072-0191551 Elderberry Court077-072-0181543 Elderberry Court077-072-0171537 Elderberry Court007-784-071407 Collado Corte006-543-020230 South Rena Street #A077-072-0381572 Elderberry Court077-072-0361560 Elderberry Court077-072-0391578 Elderberry Court077-072-0371568 Elderberry Court007-031-005248 Tally Ho Road007-031-005248 Tally Ho Road077-191-035245 WALNUT Street #B007-482-029200 Station Way # F077-072-0261598 Elderberry Court077-072-0251590 Elderberry Court077-072-0241586 Elderberry Court006-084-015789 Valley Road077-172-0121120 Maple Street #B077-181-0081161 MAPLE Street007-572-016312 Myrtle Drive077-182-058338 WALNUT Street077-072-0271502 Elderberry Court077-072-0281506 Elderberry Court077-072-0071505 Elderberry Court077-072-0081507 Elderberry Court077-072-0161533 Elderberry Court077-072-0101511 Elderberry Court077-072-0091509 Elderberry Court077-072-0041589 Elderberry Court077-072-0051593 Elderberry Court007-241-029711 White Court077-265-010631 LA VISTA Court007-786-024300 Via Las Aguilas007-572-015756 Myrtle Street077-291-0421081 Farroll Avenue007-241-028701 White Court077-072-0061501 Elderberry Court007-062-004327 MILLER #B007-031-049227 Corbett Canyon077-153-040164 South ELM Street006-543-025227 South Halcyon RoadProject Identifier1Streamlining InfillHousing without Financial Assistance or DeedTerm of Affordability or Deed RestrictionNotes1415161718192021Was Project APPROVED using GC 65913.4(b)? (SB 35 Streamlining) Y/NInfill Units?Y/N+Assistance Programs for Each Development (see instructions)Deed Restriction Type(see instructions)financial assistance or deed restrictions, explain how the locality determined the units were affordable(see instructions)Term of Affordability or Deed Restriction (years) (if affordable in perpetuity enter 1000)+ Number of Demolished/Destroyed Units+Demolished or Destroyed Units+Demolished/Destroyed Units Owner or Renter+ Notes+2NY2 DemolishedRNYNYNY1000NYDB55NYHousing with Financial Assistance and/or Deed RestrictionsDemolished/Destroyed UnitsItem 8.e. - Page 6
134RHNA Allocation by Income Level2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Units to Date (all years)Total Remaining RHNA by Income LevelDeed RestrictedNon-Deed RestrictedDeed RestrictedNon-Deed Restricted525613Deed RestrictedNon-Deed RestrictedAbove Moderate10145132250221522425015275635183110Note: units serving extremely low-income households are included in the very low-income permitted units totalsCells in grey contain auto-calculation formulasModerate6038432Table BRegional Housing Needs Allocation ProgressPermitted Units Issued by Affordability6074331Total RHNATotal Units 44Income LevelVery LowLowItem 8.e. - Page 7
Jurisdiction Arroyo Grande
Reporting Year 2018 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)
Current Year
Deed Restricted 0
Non-Deed Restricted 8
Deed Restricted 20
Non-Deed Restricted 0
Deed Restricted 0
Non-Deed Restricted 0
Above Moderate 10
Income Rental Ownership Total
Very Low 000
Low 000
Moderate 000
Above Moderate 000
Total 000
Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas
Total Units Constructed with Streamlining
Total Housing Applications Submitted:
Number of Proposed Units in All Applications Received:
Total Housing Units Approved:
Total Housing Units Disapproved:
Entitled Units Summary
Income Level
Very Low
Total Units 44
Submitted Applications Summary
Use of SB 35 Streamlining Provisions
Note: units serving extremely low-income households are included in the
very low-income permitted units totals
Number of Applications for Streamlining
Units Constructed - SB 35 Streamlining Permits
Number of Streamlining Applications Approved
Total Developments Approved with Streamlining
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General Plan Annual Report
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City Council
Caren Ray Russom, Mayor
Kristen Barneich, Mayor Pro Tem
Jimmy Paulding
Keith Storton
Lan George
Planning Commission
Glenn Martin, Chair
Frank Schiro
Jamie Maraviglia
Andrea Montes
Ken Sage
Community Development Department
James A. Bergman, City Manager
Teresa McClish, AICP, Community Development Director
Matthew Downing, AICP, Planning Manager
Andrew Perez, Assistant Planner
Contact Information
City of Arroyo Grande
Community Development Department
300 E. Branch Street
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
Phone: (805) 473-5420
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Section 1 - Introduction .................................................................................................................. 4
A. Purpose of the Annual Report ................................................................................................ 4
B. Purpose of the General Plan ................................................................................................... 4
C. Status of the Adopted Elements of the City’s General Plan ................................................... 4
Land Use Element (Adopted October 2001) ............................................................................... 6
Circulation Element (Adopted October 2001) ............................................................................ 7
Housing Element (Adopted March 2016) ................................................................................... 7
Agriculture, Conservation, and Open Space Element (Adopted October 2001, Amended June
2007)............................................................................................................................................ 7
Safety Element (Adopted October 2001) .................................................................................... 8
Noise Element (Adopted October 2001) ..................................................................................... 8
Economic Development Element (Adopted October 2012) ....................................................... 8
Parks and Recreation Element (Adopted October 2001) ............................................................ 8
Section 2 – Summary of Activity – 2018 ......................................................................................... 9
Planning Commission .................................................................................................................. 9
Building and Life Safety Division ................................................................................................. 9
Planning Division ......................................................................................................................... 9
General Plan Policies and Programs .......................................................................................... 11
Appendix A – Housing Element Reporting Forms ......................................................................... 12
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Section 1 - Introduction
A. Purpose of the Annual Report
This report reviews the activities that took place to implement the Arroyo Grande General Plan
between January 1, 2018 and December 31, 2018. This report fulfills the requirements of
Section 65400 of the California Government Code, which requires the City to file an annual
report addressing the status of the General Plan and progress made toward goals and
objectives. This annual report provides a means to monitor the success of implementing the
General Plan and determine if changes need to be made in the plan or its implementation
programs. The City is required to file the annual report with the Office of Planning and Research
(OPR), as well as to their legislative bodies. The legislative body for Arroyo Grande is the City
B. Purpose of the General Plan
The General Plan is the foundation development policy document of the City of Arroyo Grande.
It defines the framework by which the physical, economic and human resources of the City are
to be managed and utilized over time. The General Plan is available for public review at City Hall
and on the City’s website.
As an informational document, the General Plan acts to clarify and articulate the intentions of
the City with respect to the rights and expectations of the public, property owners, and
prospective investors and business interests.
C. Status of the Adopted Elements of the City’s General Plan
State law requires that the General Plan include seven elements. These mandatory elements
must cover the following topics: Land Use, Circulation, Housing, Safety, Noise, Conservation,
and Open Space. State law allows the City to adopt any additional general plan elements that
the City deems necessary. The City has adopted the Parks and Recreation, Agriculture, and
Economic Development Elements as optional elements, which have the same decision making
weight as the mandatory elements. Additionally, the elements of the general plan may combine
elements as it deems necessary. The City of Arroyo Grande General Plan combines Agriculture,
Open Space, and Conservation elements into a single element. The following is a breakdown of
the City’s General Plan:
Arroyo Grande
GP Elements
Required GP
Elements Examples of Topics Covered
Agriculture, Conservation
and Open Space Element
Define policy for the protection of significant
natural resources, providing the setting or
context for urban land use development and
incorporated City areas.
Open Space
Fringe and Urban Area
Land Use Element
Land Use Provides for the types, density or intensity,
design and distribution of existing and potential
City areas.
Circulation/Transportation Circulation Identifies the street pattern and other circulation
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Arroyo Grande
GP Elements
Required GP
Elements Examples of Topics Covered
Element infrastructure and transportation systems
needed to support the uses identified Land Use
Housing Element Housing Identifies and provides an analysis of existing and
projected housing needs, an evaluation of
housing constraints, a statement of goals,
policies, quantifiable objectives and financial
resources, and scheduled programs for the
preservation, improvement, and development of
Safety Element Safety Provides for the protection of lives and property
from the adverse effects of natural and man-
caused hazards.
Noise Element Noise Identifies the sources and outlines policy to
protect land uses against adverse noise levels
associated with necessary circulation and related
Economic Development
Defines the objectives, policies and proposals for
improved employment, business retention and
expansion, and fiscal growth of the community.
Park and Recreation
Parks and
Outlines these public facilities and services
desired to support the City and area residents,
businesses, and visitors’ leisure-time activities.
The City’s General Plan was comprehensively updated in October 2001. The City’s last major
update of the General plan was completed in January 2017, with the City’s approval of the E.
Cherry Avenue Specific Plan project. The following is a list of updates to the General Plan since
the document’s adoption:
Amendment No. Date Type Project
GPA 02-001 November 2003 Land Use Map Parkside Residences
GPA 02-002 June 2003 Land Use Map Berry Gardens Subarea 2
GPA 03-001 April 2003 Land Use Map Village Core Extension
GPA 03-002 September 2003 Land Use Map Agriculture Designations
GPA 03-003 March 2004 AG/C/OS Conversion of Prime Ag
Land, Farmworker
Housing, and Ag
Conservation Easements
GPA 04-001 Withdrawn by
Land Use Map Alder House
GPA 04-002 August 2004 Land Use Map Noyes Road Properties
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Amendment No. Date Type Project
GPA 04-003 March 2005 Housing Element Housing Element Update
GPA 06-001 August 2006 Land Use Map Castillo Del Mar
GPA 06-002 November 2006 Circ & Parks and
Rec Elements
Bike and Pedestrian Plan
GPA 06-003 November 2007 Land Use Map S. Elm Multi-Family
GPA 06-004 February 2007 Land Use Map Sunset Drive
GPA 07-001 June 2007 AG/C/OS Creek Protection Policies
GPA 07-002 November 2007 Housing Element Affordable Housing
GPA 07-003 Placed on hold due to
competing priorities
AG/C/OS Conservation Element
GPA 09-001 September 2009 Land Use Map 2009 Land Use Map
GPA 09-001B October 2009 Land Use Map Pearwood Annexation
GPA 11-001 Withdrawn by
Land Use Map Hillcrest
GPA 11-002 October 2013 Housing Element 2007-15 Housing
GPA 12-001 Withdrawn by
Land Use Map Alder House
GPA 12-002 July 2012 Circulation
Bicycle and Trails Master
GPA 12-003 October 2012 Economic
2012 Economic
Development Element
GPA 14-001 March 2014 Land Use Map Heights at Vista Del Mar
GPA 14-002 October 2015 Land Use Element Courtland/Grand
GPA 14-003 March 2016 Housing Element 2014-19 Housing
GPA 15-001 January 2017 AG/C/OS Creek
Land Use Map
E. Cherry Avenue Specific
The following is a brief overview of actions taken in 2018 relative to each individual Element:
Land Use Element (Adopted October 2001)
No text amendments to the Land Use Element occurred in 2018.
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Circulation Element (Adopted October 2001)
No text amendments to the Circulation Element occurred in 201 8. The Community
Development Department is currently working on an update to the Circulation Element and
environmental review document with an estimated public draft being available in fall 2019.
Housing Element (Adopted March 2016)
No text amendments to the Housing Element occurred in 201 8. The Community Development
Department spent time during 2018 processing a development application for the construction
of twenty (20) low-income housing units on S. Halcyon Road and eight (8) very-low housing
units on Brisco Road. Additional time was spent as part of the Regional Housing Needs
Assessment (RHNA) update group, tasked with providing a recommendation on the number of
housing units needed to be provided by the City during the upcoming Housing Element cycle.
Additional information associated with implementation of the Housing Element is available in
Appendix A. For reference, below are the City’s current RHNA allocations. This is a
representation of future housing needs for all income levels and while the City must plan for
this allocation in its Housing Element, the City is not currently required to produce these units.
Income Level RHNA Allocation by Income Units Permitted 2014 – 2018
Very Low 60 0
Low 38 31
Moderate 43 0
Above Moderate 101 152
Total 242 183
The following units were entitled, permitted, and/or finaled in 2018 . This is compared to the
number of units permitted in 2017. With changes in reporting requirements for the State,
future Annual Reports will have comparable data between the current and previous years:
Income Level Entitled Permitted Finaled
2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018
Very Low
8 0 0
Low 20 6 13 12
Moderate 0 0 0 0
Moderate 10 50 22 41
Total 38 56 35 53
Agriculture, Conservation, and Open Space Element (Adopted October 2001,
Amended June 2007)
No text amendments to the Agriculture, Conservation, and Open Space Element occurred in
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Safety Element (Adopted October 2001)
No text amendments to the Safety Element occurred in 2018. The City is part of a countywide
team, which successfully obtained grant funding to produce a countywide Hazard Mitigation
Noise Element (Adopted October 2001)
No text amendments to the Noise Element occurred in 2018.
Economic Development Element (Adopted October 2012)
No text amendments to the Economic Development Element occurred in 2018. The City is
currently working on the East Grand Avenue Master Plan in order to increase implementation
of the plan and investment by property owners.
Parks and Recreation Element (Adopted October 2001)
No text or map amendments to the Parks and Recreation Element occurred in 201 8. The City
has neared completion of a public review draft of the current Parks and Recreation Element
update. It is anticipated that the update will be adopted by the City Council in 2019 .
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Section 2 – Summary of Activity – 2018
The City of Arroyo Grande policies and programs identified in the General Plan include tools
already in place and used on a day-to-day basis in the City. Some of the various tools available
to further the City’s goals and objectives include the City Council’s annual goals and priorities,
Budget/Capital Improvement Program, Specific Plans and Maste r Plans of Development, Zoning
and Subdivision Regulations, CDBG Funds, etc.
Planning Commission
The City of Arroyo Grande Planning Commission is designated as the "Planning Agency", as
authorized by Section 65100 of the Government Code. The Commission has the discretionary
and advisory responsibilities that are authorized by Chapters 2.18, 16.04, and 16.08 of the
Arroyo Grande Municipal Code.
During 2018, the Planning Commission took action on the following:
Eight (8) conditional use permits;
One (1) lot merger;
Two (2) tentative tract maps;
Two (2) amended conditional use permits;
Three (3) planned sign programs;
Two (2) time extensions;
One (1) certificate of compliance; and
One (1) planned unit development.
In their advisory role, the Planning Commission forwarded recommendations to the City Council
that included two (2) land use entitlements and five (5) amendments to the Development Code.
Building and Life Safety Division
The City’s Building and Life Safety Division reviews project plans, issues permits, and provides
inspection services for compliance with California's building, fire, mechanical, electrical,
plumbing, energy, and disabled access codes, as well as city ordin ances.
In 2018, the Building Division received 450 building permit applications and issued 414 building
permits. During the past year, City building inspectors made 1,569 construction and safety-
related inspections associated with building permit activity. The Building Division finaled and
completed 443 building permits in the same period.
Engineering Division
The City’s Engineering Division ensures all construction in the public right-of-way related to land
development entitlements comply with adopted codes and engineering standards. Additionally,
the Engineering Division, in partnership with the Public Works Department, is responsible for
coordinating the implementation of the City’s Stormwater Management Program.
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In 2018, the Engineering Division received 192 permit applications, issued 32 stormwater
permits, and closed out 133 transportation, encroachment, and grading permits. Major work
efforts include the Brisco Interchange Project and environmental review and Bridge Street
Bridge and Traffic Way Bridge rehabilitation and replacement projects.
Planning Division
The Planning Division assists the community, the City Council, and the Planning Commission in
preparing for the City's future growth and development, as well as reviews current
development plans for consistency with local ordinances. The Planning Division administers the
Development Code and deals with transportation, housing, community facilities, public safety,
open space, design, and the use of land.
The Planning Division provides support staff to the Planning Commission, Architectural Review
Committee, and Downtown Parking Advisory Board. Administrative functions include the
scheduling of meetings, preparation of agendas, posting of hearing notices, and preparation of
The Planning Division provides land use analysis, environmental review as required under the
California Environmental Quality Act, and prepares staff reports for the aforementioned
Commissions and Committees, including the City Council.
The Planning Division experienced significant personnel changes in 2018, including the
reduction in staff from 5.3 full time equivalent staff to 2 full time equivalent staff. This resulted
in impacts to a number of planning initiatives. Additionally, the City Council disb anded the City’s
Historical Resources Committee, Traffic Commission, and Parks & Recreation Commission to
alleviate impacts on staff resources. As a result, the focus of remaining staff shifted from long
range to current planning.
In 2018, the Planning Division received 178 applications for various land use entitlements
(permits), including, Development Code Amendments, land divisions, Conditional Use Permits,
Minor Use Permits, and Sign permits.
In 2018, the Planning Division spent time working on a number of work items. These work items
Regulation of cannabis associated with Proposition 64;
The dissolution of the Historical Resources Committee, Traffic Commission, and Parks
and Recreation Commission;
Active Transportation Program grant application;
Subarea 1 of the East Cherry Avenue Specific Plan;
Expansion and demising of the former Kmart big box store;
The Fair Oaks Avenue/Halcyon Road Mixed Use Project; and
Administration of the City’s Affordable Housing Program.
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General Plan Policies and Programs
Community Development Department staff is currently working on a number of items
specifically related to the General Plan, as referenced above. Prioritized work efforts for the
General Plan include the Circulation Element Update, defining attainable housing (A.14-1),
updating the housing in-lieu fee to be consistent with modern development costs (F.1 -3), the
East Grand Avenue Master Plan (ED7-1.1, LU5-7), the Halcyon Road Complete Streets Plan,
work associated with Camp Arroyo Grande and the Economic Development Strategic Plan
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Appendix A – Housing Element Reporting Forms
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