CC 2019-03-26 Items Rec'd at Mtg. i_c
CHILDREN ' S 3'a(,/',
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As the adults of San Luis Obispo County... One of our greatest hopes as a community is
that our children grow up with healthy minds, bodies and spirits that enable them to maximize their potential.
As endorsers of the Children's Bill of Rights,we collectively pledge to work together toward this vision. May we,
together, demonstrate daily that our youth are our highest priority, as evidenced by our collective commitment of
time, money, sustained effort and unified support. May we cultivate our understanding of child development and use
it to nurture, guide,challenge, and encourage our children along their many paths.
As the children and youth of San Luis Obispo County, may we each...
Live in a stable, comfortable home surrounded byExplore a variety of experiences—in arts, nature,
1 parents,family and other caring adults who nurture culture and music— that illuminate
us throughout childhood. the world's natural beauty, richness and
human creativity.
Eat healthy and plentiful meals every day.
Make and keep healthy relationships
with friends.
3 Have the basics for our daily life—clothing, transpor-
tation, and supplies for school, outside interests, and Know that adults and peers listen and support
activities. 1 0 us as individuals while we grow,and respect
our diverse cultures, backgrounds,circum-
Be4 and feel safe, everywhere we go. stances,talents,sparks,and passions.
Have opportunities to contribute in mean-
s Enjoy daily physical activity and time outdoors. ingful ways to our community by voicing
our ideas, sharing in decisions and offering
service to others.
Visit a doctor, dentist or counselor when needed to
6 help us stay physically and 12 Be encouraged to dream big,to grow through
mentally healthy. challenge and mistakes,
and to always live
7 Learn and master ideas and skills in and out of with hope and
school that inspire us, help us understand and be aspiration.
ready for our place in the world.
Adopted: First 5 San Luis Obispo County 1 January 23,2013 I It
Youth Should Be a Community's Highest Priority
During the 2011-15 strategic planning process, First 5 San Luis Obispo County kept this goal in mind, and formu-
lated the idea for a SLO County Children's Bill of Rights. After the initial decision, a Steering Committee comprised
of adult and youth members alike began constructing the Bill of Rights. Their meetings consisted of discussion on
themes, strategies, and other basic aspects of the document, group meetings to provide direction for community
input, as well as a final meeting to approve the completed Bill of Rights.
Many local organizations contributed to this effort including:
Collaborative Partners Leading Endorsers
Early Learning for All (ELFA) San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors
Asset Development Network First 5 San Luis Obispo County
San Luis Obispo County Child Abuse Prevention Council Children's Services Network
Partnership for Excellence in Family Support San Luis Obispo County Board of Education
Local Childcare Planning Council San Luis Obispo County Health Commission
HEAL-SLO San Luis Obispo County United Way Youth Board
San Luis Obispo County School Nurses
SLO Oral Health Coalition
Oceano and Georgia Brown School Readiness Neighborhood Teams
First 5 Funded Partners
District 24 PTA
San Luis Obispo County United Way Youth Board Finn
YouthWorks Paso Robles
CAPSLO Youth Advisory Group
Boys and Girls Club Keystone Club With their help, and the help of the community, The SLO
Bakari Project County Children's Bill of Rights has been created to pro-
4-H Regional Board vide specific rights for children, 0-18, based on their age
Montessori Children's School San Luis Obispo and developmental status. These rights honor children's
Parent Representatives from North and South County value to the community as well as their dignity as fellow
San Luis Obispo County Community Foundation individual human beings.
San Luis Obispo County Office of Education
San Luis Obispo County Administrative Office
South County Family Resource Center Key Contacts for more information:
Paso Robles Housing Authority First 5 San Luis Obispo County: (805) 781-4058
San Luis Obispo Department of Social Services
San Luis Obispo County Probation Department Asset Development Network:
Youth in Action South County Sally Rogow (805) 547-9465
Community Action Partnership of San Luis Obispo County Shannon White Bond (805) 782-7272
Center for • The Link
Family � 1 Family ResourceCenter
Strengthening '�A San Luis Obispo County
Helping fiuuilles tFarux. Strengthening our Community
Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
What are ACEs?
ACEs are significant childhood traumas as identified below which can result in actual changes in brain development.These
changes may affect a child's learning ability,social skills,and can result in long-term health problems.The Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention(CDC)views ACEs as one of the major health issues in the 21st century.
Adverse Childhood How do ACEs affect health?
Experiences can include: Through stress.Frequent or prolonged exposure to ACEs can create toxic stress which
1. Emotional abuse can damage the developing brain of a child and affect overall health.
2. Physical abuse
3. Sexual abuse
4. Emotional neglect Reduces ability to respond, learn,or Lower tolerance for stress can result in
S. Physical neglect process effectively which can behaviors such as aggression,
result in problems in school / checking out,and defiance
6. Mother treated violently \ -
7. Household substance abuse
8. Household mental illness .„„,,,,,,, r_
9. Parental separation or divorce May have difficulty -� Problems with
p household member making friends and learning and
10. Incarcerated
maintaining J ; ,t memory can be
relationships �e permanent
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Exposure to childhood ACEs
can increase the risk of: P. e"
• Adolescent pregnancy
• Alcoholism and alcohol abuse Increases stress hormones
• Chronic obstructive which affects the body's May cause
pulmonary disease(COPD) ability to fight infection
lasting health
• Depression problems
• Early initiation of sexual activity /
• Early initiation of smoking
• Fetal death
• Health-related quality of life
• Illicit drug use
• Ischemic heart disease(IHD)
• Liver disease
• Multiple sexual partners LA
• Risk for intimate
partner violence
• Sexually transmitted diseases ii
A Survival Mode Response is one that increases heart rate, blood pressure,
• Smoking breathing and muscle tension. When a child is in survival mode,self-protection
• Suicide attempts is their priority. In other words:
• Unintended "I can't hear you,I can't respond to you,I am just trying to be safe."
Center for •'S The Link
Family 1 Family Resource Center
Strengthening NA San Luis Obispo County
Hel in amlies thrive. Strengthening our Community
The good news is resilience brings hope!
What is Resilience?
Resilience is the ability to adjust(or bounce back)when bad things happen. Research
shows resilience helps reduce the effects of ACEs. Protective factors are internal and
external resources that help us to build our resilience.
iii Ai
tResilience trumps ACEs!
t Parents,teachers and caregivers can help children by:
• Gaining an understanding of ACEs
• Creating environments where children feel safe emotionally and physically
• Helping children identify feelings and manage emotions
1 • Creating protective factors at home,schools and in communities
liiri) What are protective factors?
1. Parental resilience
Increasing parents'ability to problem-solve and build relationships with
their child and others
2. Nurturing and attachment
Ri Listening and responding to a child in a supportive way and discovering
and paying attention to the child's physical and emotional needs
3. Social connections
Having family,friends or neighbors who
are supportive and willing to help or
listen when needed
4. Concrete supports Resources:
Jr Having their child's basic needs met, Aces Too High
such as housing,food,clothing and
health care
CDC Adverse Childhood
5. Knowledge of parenting and child Experiences(ACE)Study II:IL
Increasing parents'knowledge of their Strengthening Families
child's development and appropriate
expectations for their child's behavior
Zero to Three Guides for Parents
6. Social and emotional competence
of children
Helping their child to interact positively Santa Barbara County ACEs Connection
with others, manage emotions and
communicate feelings barbara-county-aces-connection
Thanks to the people in the Community&Family Services Division at the Spokane(WA)Regional Health District for developing this handout for
parents in Washington State,and sharing it with others around the world.
First 5 San Luis Obispo County was created in 1998 by Proposition 10, which added a tax on tobacco
products. First 5 SLO County advocates for and allocates funding to programs in SLO County that improve
the lives of children and their families from prenatal through age 5.
The following programs are supported by First 5 SLO County
First 5 CA Kits for New Parents: (First 5 SLO County) (805)781-4058
Kits for New Parents are free and contain an educational DVD, resource books, a children's book and more.
BABES(SLO County Public Health: WIC) (805)781-5570
BABES provides breastfeeding education and support to pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, including phone support
and breast pump loan services.You do NOT need to be a WIC client to receive these services.
Perinatal Mental Health Support Services (Center for Family Strengthening/ALPHA) (805)541-3367
The program provides counseling, information and referrals for new mothers,their families and other caregivers.
Baby's First Breath (SLO County Public Health:Tobacco Control Program) (805)781-5564
Baby's First Breath offers stop-smoking services to pregnant women, family members, and caregivers of children ages
prenatal to 5.
BEST PALS(Pediatric Physical Therapy Services) (805)550-8799
BEST PALS provides assessment and treatment of children with educational, behavior or sensory concerns. Services
include behavior management techniques information, parent education, and referrals.
Health Access Training Program (Carsel Consulting Group) (805)674-0776
Health Access Training provide professional development, including in-services and training for family advocates and
others who interact with families impacted by low or no insurance coverage such as educators, pre-school teachers,child
care providers and healthcare providers.
Oral Health Program Manager(SLO County Public Health) (805)781-5503
The Oral Health Program Manager coordinates children's oral health services, including dental screenings, referrals, and
connecting clients with providers.
Tolosa Children's Dental Center (805)592-2445
The Tolosa Children's Dental Center provides oral health preventive and restorative services to children in the central
region of the county(San Luis Obispo).
Vision Screening and Treatment(Optometric Care Associates—Dr. Doug Major) (805)238-1001
The Vision Screening and Treatment program provides preschool and kindergarten age children with vision screening
and treatment for visual disorders and visual development delays.
WIC Oral Health (SLO County Public Health: WIC) (805)781-5570
WIC Oral Health provides education, assessment, and referral of children with oral health needs.
Early Learning For All (ELFA—SLO County Office of Education) (805)782-7272
ELFA provides and coordinates trainings, collaboration and other professional development resources and activities for
early childhood education professionals.
California State (CSPP)/First 5 Preschool Program (SLO County Office of Education) (805)782-7275
CSPP/First 5 Preschools are open to children ages 3-5 living throughout San Luis Obispo County.
IMPACT SLO (805)781-4058
This program supports a countywide"Quality Counts"initiative to ensure that early learning programs in SLO County are
providing the best possible educational opportunities for children 0-5. Partners on the project include the SLO County
Office of Education,SLO County Child Care Planning Council,Child Care Resource Connection,Cuesta College and others.
School Readiness Paso Robles(805)769-1200 ext.23261; Oceano(805)431-2291
This neighborhood-based program near local elementary schools provides pre-kindergarten services to parents and
children to help them be prepared for school --and schools prepared for them.Services include early literacy programs,
parent education, child and family recreation, and links to Family Strengthening activities (included those listed below).
Lucia Mar Unified School District operates the School Readiness program adjacent to Oceano Elementary School. Paso
Robles Unified School District operates the School Readiness program next to Georgia Brown Elementary School.
Talk.Read.Sing. (First 5 SLO County) (805)781-4058
This public awareness and education campaign encourages early literacy and bonding between young children and their
Parents Helping Parents SLO(805)543-3277;Atascadero (805)461-7415;Grover Beach(805)549-8148
Parents Helping Parents is a resource center that provides information, referrals,training,family support, and outreach
to families of children with special needs.
Early Childhood Family Advocates
First 5 Family Advocates provide individualized guidance and resource referrals for families living throughout the county.
• Nipomo,Atascadero, Paso Robles(Center for Family Strengthening-CFS) (805)-543-6216
• Paso Robles(Paso Robles Unified School District) (805)769-1200 x23261
• San Luis Obispo Child Development Resource Center(through CFS) (805)544-0801 x14
• Oceano (Lucia Mar Unified School District) (805)474-3690 x2
Family Support Counseling
Individual short-term counseling is available for families with young children who are dealing with behavioral health
issues and/or challenging life circumstances. Counseling referrals are made through First 5 SLO County's Early Childhood
Family Advocates(see phone numbers above).
ilk FIRST5
Interested to know more about First 5 activities across the state?
Check out First 5 California: (805) 781-4058
Revised 1/2018