CC 2019-04-23_11c Monthly Water Supply and Demand March 2019_Two Year ProjectionsMEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL ROBESON, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR BY: SHANE TAYLOR, UTILITIES MANAGER SUBJECT: MONTHLY WATER SUPPLY AND DEMAND UPDATE AND TWO-YEAR WATER SUPPLY AND DEMAND PROJECTIONS DATE: APRIL 23, 2019 SUMMARY OF ACTION: The update reports the water supply and demand for March 2019. Current Lopez Reservoir level and projected levels are provided in the attachments. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: Approximately two (2) hours of staff time is required to prepare the report. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council receive and file the monthly Water Supply and Demand Report and two-year Water Supply and Demand projections. BACKGROUND: On April 25, 2017, the City Council, by resolution, rescinded the Stage 1 Water Shortage Emergency along with related emergency water conservation measures and restrictions. During the public hearing the City Council requested staff to continue preparing the monthly water supply and demand updates. The Council urged citizens to continue to practice every day water saving measures, and reiterated that the previously adopted water saving measures were to remain in effect. In March 2019, the City’s water use was 130.4 acre-feet with a per capita use of 78 gallons per day/per person. There was a total of 3.3” of rainfall in March. The water use for the current “rolling” water year from April 2018 to March 2019 was 2,121 acre-feet, which equates to a per capita use of 107 gallons per day/per person. There was a total of 18.1” of rain fall for this period. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The United States Drought Monitor, as of April 11, 2019 shows San Luis Obispo County in a normal condition. Rainfall to date (July 1, 2018 to April 12, 2019) is 17.6 inches at Item 11.c. - Page 1 CITY COUNCIL MONTHLY WATER SUPPLY AND DEMAND UPDATE AND TWO-YEAR WATER SUPPLY AND DEMAND PROJECTIONS APRIL 23, 2019 PAGE 2 the Corporation Yard rain gauge. Lopez Lake, as of April 11, 2019 is at 59.2% capacity (29,243 acre-feet of storage). The projected water use in water year 2018/19 was 2,000 acre-feet. The actual use was 2,121 acre-feet. The new water year began on April 1, 2019 and the current total available supply from Lopez is 2,290 acre-feet, our normal entitlement. In addition, we have 1,323 acre-feet of ground water entitlement from the Santa Maria Basin and 200 acre-feet from the Pismo Formation. In addition, we have 378 acre-feet of available surplus water from Lopez. The projected water use for 2019/20 is 2,200 acre-feet. In conclusion, based on average rainfall for the next two years, the current supply will meet the projected demand. ADVANTAGES: No advantages noted at this time. DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages noted at this time. ALTERNATIVES: Not applicable at this time. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted at City Hall and on the City’s website in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2. Attachment: 1. Water Year 2019 Water Supply and Demand Update Presentation Item 11.c. - Page 2 1 April 23, 2019 City Council Meeting SOQUEL CREEK WATER DISTRICT Water Year 2019 Water Supply & Demand Update ATTACHMENT 1 Item 11.c. - Page 3 2 Presentation Topics •Background •Supply Summary •Demand Summary •Two Year Water Supply and Demand Look-Ahead •Supporting Supply Reports Item 11.c. - Page 4 3 Background •April 25, 2017 –City Council rescinded Stage 1 Water Shortage Emergency and related water conservation measures and restrictions –Directed staff to prepare ongoing monthly water supply and demand updates since direction •As of April 2, 2019, the United States Drought Monitor shows Arroyo Grande is not in a drought classification. •Rainfall to date (July 1, 2018 to April 4, 2019) is 17.7 inches at the Corporation Yard rain gauge. •Lopez Lake is at 59.2% capacity (29,243 acre- feet (AF) of storage) as of April 11, 2019 Item 11.c. - Page 5 4 Supply Summary •May 23, 2017, the County BOS rescinded the drought emergency proclamation. However, as recommended by the Zone 3 Advisory Board, the BOS kept the Low Reservoir Response Plan (LRRP) in place until March 31, 2018. •A new Lopez water year (WY) began on April 1, 2019 with new allocations of 2,290 AF of entitlement plus 378 AF of surplus •1,323 AF of Santa Maria Groundwater Basin (SMGB) •200 AF from the Pismo Formation Item 11.c. - Page 6 5 Demand Summary 050100150200250300350 January-13March-13May-13July-13September…November-…January-14March-14May-14July-14September…November-…January-15March-15May-15July-15September…November-…January-16March-16May-16July-16September…November-…January-17March-17May-17July-17September…November-…January-18March-18May-18July-18September…November-…January-19March-19SMGB (AF)Pismo Formation (AF)Lopez (AF) SMGB (AF) Pismo Formation (AF) Lopez (AF) Monthly Total (AF) Monthly Rainfall (in.) Water Year Cumulative Rainfall (in)Population Monthly Per Capita Water Use (gpcd) April-18 0.0 0.0 161.2 161.2 0.5 0.5 17,641 99.2 May-18 1.3 0.0 201.6 202.9 0.0 0.5 17,641 120.9 June-18 1.2 0.0 213.2 214.4 0.0 0.5 17,641 132.0 July-18 4.4 0.0 209.4 213.8 0.0 0.5 17,641 127.4 August-18 10.3 0.0 211.0 221.3 0.0 0.5 17,641 131.8 September-18 2.7 0.0 212.7 215.4 0.0 0.5 17,641 132.6 October-18 7.7 0.0 189.6 197.3 0.4 0.9 17,641 117.5 November-18 2.1 0.0 175.6 177.7 1.8 2.7 17,641 109.4 December-18 0.9 0.0 147.1 148.0 1.2 3.9 17,641 88.2 January-19 0.0 0.0 127.4 127.4 5.1 9.0 17,641 75.9 February-19 0.0 0.0 111.0 111.0 5.9 14.9 17,641 73.2 March-19 3.3 2.7 124.4 130.4 3.3 18.2 17,641 77.7 Water Year 2017/18 33.9 2.7 2,084.1 2,120.6 18.2 18.2 17,641 107.3 Item 11.c. - Page 7 I ■ ■ ■ 6 Demand Summary •Historical per capita water use, measured in gallons per capita per day (gpcd), compared to rainfall (in.) 160 138 104 96 116 107 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 120.0 140.0 160.0 180.0 200.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 January-13March-13May-13July-13September-13November-13January-14March-14May-14July-14September-14November-14January-15March-15May-15July-15September-15November-15January-16March-16May-16July-16September-16November-16January-17March-17May-17July-17September-17November-17January-18March-18May-18July-18September-18November-18January-19March-19gpcdin.Water Year GPCD & Rainfall Water Year Cumulative Rainfall (in)Monthly Rainfall (in.) Monthly Per Capita Water Use (gpcd)Water Year Per Capita Water Use (gpcd) Item 11.c. - Page 8 -- • 7 Demand Summary WY 13/14-18/19 •gpcd correlated to rainfall using regression analysis1 1Regression analysis: statistical processes for estimating the relationships among variables (rainfall & gpcd). Focus is on the relationship between a dependent variable (gpcd) and one or more independent variables (or 'predictors’, such as rainfall). Helps one understand how the typical value of the dependent variable (or 'criterion variable') changes when any one of the independent variables is varied. The observed water demand trend is assumed to be correlated to multiple factors in addition to rainfall, such as water conservation efforts. However, it is difficult to directly and discretely calculate all factors’ impact on water use. Therefore, rainfall is a reasonably attainable and discrete data source that can be used to project water demand due to their strong correlation with each other. WY 13/14 160 gpcd WY 14/15 138 gpcd WY 15/16 104 gpcd WY 16/17 96 gpcd WY 17/18 116 gpcd WY 18/19 107 gpcd Linear Regression Trendline y = -2.52539640770057x + 153.676018235997 R² = 0.716863483869912 Polynomial Regression Trendline y = 0.196083985151701x2 -8.67148817448877x + 189.79219110936 R² = 0.922230496414732 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 0 5 10 15 20 25 30Water Year GPCD "y"Water Year Total Rainfall (in) "x" Regression Trendline Type Water Year Total Rainfall (in.) "x" Projected GPCD Using Regression Trendline to Solve "y" Actual GPCD Comparison Linear =-2.52539640770057 *18.2 +153.6760182360 108 107 Polynomial =0.196083985151701 *18.2 ^2-8.6714881744888 *18.2 +189.792191109360 97 107 Item 11.c. - Page 9 --............ ,( -········, •··························· ~ _____. .... ...... ... II -,. .............. ---\ ..................................................... . 8 Two Year Water Supply and Demand Look-Ahead •Using the average of 107 gpcd from the regression analysis formulas and assuming average rainfall (16 in.), projected demand for WY 19/20 & WY 20/21 is 2,200 AF Water Supply Source Entitlement WY 2018/19 Actual Use (AFY) WY 2019/20 Projected Use (AFY) WY 2020/21 Projected Use (AFY) Groundwater-SMGB 1,323 34 50 50 Groundwater-Pismo Formation 200 3 100 100 Lopez 2,290 2,084 2,050 2,050 Total 3,813 2,121 2,200 2,200 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 Entitlement (AFY)WY 2018/19 Actual Use (AFY) WY 2019/20 Projected Use (AFY) WY 2020/21 Projected Use (AFY) Groundwater- SMGB Groundwater- Pismo Formation Lopez Item 11.c. - Page 10■ ■ ■ 9 Supporting Supply Reports Item 11.c. - Page 11 10 Item 11.c. - Page 12 Contractor Arroyo Grande. Oceano CSD Grover Be.ach Pismo Beach CSA 12 San Mie:ue lito Tot al San Luis Obispo County Flood Control and \\Ta ter District Zone 3 -Lopez Prqject -Monthly Operations Rep01i March, 2019 EntL 2290 303 800 892 245 -i53 0 Lopez \Vater Deliveri es This Month Swplus Total Entitlemen t Swplus En titlement Usage % Usage % Usage. 564 .00 2854.00 124 .37 5.4% 0 .00 0 .0% 2084.03 15 .00 378 .00 0 .00 0 .0% 19 .62 26.2% 303 .00 197 .00 997 .00 57.7 1 7.2% 9 .04 4.6% 800 .00 220 .00 1 1 12 .00 000 0 .0% 0 .00 0 .0% 89 2 .00 60 .00 305 .00 280 1.1% 0 .00 0 .0% 74 .1 3 1116 .00 56-16 .0 0 l 8U8 -i.1 % 28 .66 2.6% -il53.l6 Apri l to Present Lo pez Entitleme nt+Surp lus Water Usage Ap.-May Jun Jul Aug Se p Oct Nov Dec Ja n Fe b Mar '18 '18 '18 '18 '18 '18 '18 '1 8 '1 8 '19 '19 '19 j □AG ■GB O OCSD □PB ■CSA12 I % 9 1.0% 100 .0% 100 .0% 100 .0% 30.3% 9 1.7% April to Present Swplus Usage % 0 .00 0 .0% 75.00 100 .0% 9.04 4 .6% 220.00 100 .0% 0.00 0 .0% 304-0-i 27.2% Note : Delive ri es are in acre feel One ac re foo t = 325 ,850 gallon s or 43,560 cubic feet. Safe yield is 8,730 ac re feet. Lopez Dam Opemtions This Month Year t o Date State \Vater D eliveries This Month January to Pres ent Total Annual Usa ge o/. of S WP I Change in Usage % of Annual Aluwal Usage % Request R,queos Deliveries Storage Request 2084.03 73 .0% 378.00 100.0% 227 10 .98 4 .8% 10 .98 4.8% 809.04 8 1.1 % 1 11 2 .00 100.0% 1 120 98 .50 8 .8% 278.55 24.9% 74.13 24.3% 27 5.55 20 .6% 15.78 5 8.4% 127 7.77 6.1% 22.50 17.7% -i-i5 7.20 78 .9% 15 01 122 .80 8 .. 2% 76 I --i6 .80 327.8 1 21.8 % Last MonthSton"I State Water 13ll.5l I This Momh Stoi,d State Water January to Present State Water Usage 1i -1 ------w Ap r May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct N:>v Dec Jan Feb Mar '1 8 '18 '18 '18 '1 8 '18 '18 '1 8 '18 '19 '19 '19 1 □ OCSD □PB ■ CSA12 □ SanM ig I SWP Deliveries 205.00 126-i.71 "Year to Date" is January to p resen t fo r State water, April lo present for Lopez deliveries, and July to p resen t for rainfu.1 1. Comments: Surplus water shown is as desi gnated per BOS May 15, 20 18 De<:laration of Surphis Wa te r. Lale. Elevatio n (full at 522.37 feet) 496.59 Difference (fee t) I -25 .78 I Storage (full at 49200 acre feet) 29008 Rainfall 5.19 Down stream Release (4200 ac re feet/year) 196 .4 1 Spillage (acre feet) 0 % Full 26 .1 1 3830.12 000 I 59.0% I I) Oceano su pplied S tate Water to Canyon Crest via Arroyo Grande's Edna turn out. A to tal of I .I AF delivered to Canyon C,-est was added lo Oceano's State Wa ter u sage this month and 1.1 AF was subtracted from Arroyo Grande's usage this mon th_ Friday, April 5, 2019 Daia eniered by : D. Bravo Report prinied by: Admin Page 1 of 1 Total Water De6nri,s This Alonth 114 . ..l I 30 .6 66 .75 98.5 8.35 7 .77 336.3 -i 11 Supply Summary Item 11.c. - Page 13 4 0000.0 35000.0 30000.0 .2.5000.0 15000.0 !1.0000.0 5000.0 0.0 LOPEZ RESERVO IR. STORAG E PROJIIE CT IION r /i rs --.......:;;;: -----------' .. _ .. 5.1 7 3.J4 3 .1 9 3 .• 6 2_1 ;a 2.n 1. 0 . -- 1 9 ·- O.E 2 OJ 6 O.~ 2 ors 0 0 -J(J 0 . JO 01 DO ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'l5l: OI "'4 ,:i ,:i ~' !!:I· 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o , ,o , l"I s s N N l"I N N .... !"'I .r,I N ~ ~ r--~ O'i cf -;::, ·n .,-t ~ ~ ,::, .-II ;;-""' i.n, No t ,e : Date L St.o ra g:e proj e ction is bas,ed o n pre d ict e d ra infa l l from longr angeweat h e r.oom , hi sto r ic inflow b ase d on pre d ict e d r ai nfa ll, 18 -]'9 downstr ea m r,e lease r e qu es t s, and mun icipa l usag,e .. 0.~9 I $!I 0 !"'I 14.00 -1Acrua l >rec !pira µion -I Pr,edict, :!id P re cii it at ion -•Acwal ' torage 12.00 -• Pr,ed i ct :!id St ora,1(,e --.20,00 0 A'IF -•Storag1 Projecti on 10.00 ------ - !!,_00 ------ -6.00 4 .00 2.00 OJ 2 0 .( II 0.: 2 I I 0.00 ,:i ~ .-1 JI ~ $,!:I 0 0 0 0 0 $ s N N N ~ ";it r--«)" O'i ...... ::.i ~ .-i 12 Item 11.c. - Page 14 Lopez Water -Surplus Water Availabl e in 2019/2 0 20 by Contract A B C D 2018 -2019 Water Available Per Contract Total Contractor Entitl ement Surpl us 2 Available A r royo Grande 2 ,290 564 2,854 Pismo Beac h 1 892 220 1,112 Grover Beac h 800 197 997 Ocea no CSD 303 75 378 CSA.12 245 60 305 Sub Totals 4,530 1,116 5,646 Downstream 4,200 Total 8,730 NOT ES L Includ es subcont ract for 92 AF from CSA12 2. Surplu s wat e r as d eclared 011 5 /15/2018 at BOS CALCULATIONS Co lums A-D from BOS 5 .. 15.2018 Surplus Wat er Dedaratio n Co lumns IE -H act ual and proj ect ed water d e 1 · eri es for wat e r yea r 1 8/19 Co lumns 11-J su r p lu s wat e r ca lcu lat io ns pe r Wat er Supp ly Co nt ract s Surp lus Ava i lab l e Total Su rtp lus by Cost of Contractor p ercent of Entitlement Cost per AF surplus Water A r royo Grande 378 $ 36.36 $ 13,728 .01 Pismo Beac h 147 $ 36.36 $ 5,34 7.27 Grover Beac h 132 $ 36.36 $ 4,795.98 Ocea no CSD 50 $ 36.36 $ 1,816.82 CSA.12 40 $ 36.36 $ 1,469.21 Total 747 $ 27,157.28 f F I ) Actual Deliveries Surp l us by Contract Apri l 2018-Mar 2019 Surplus Generated Surplus Unused Availab lle Entitlement Surpl us Entitlement by Contra.cl 2,084 0 20 6 378 892 220 0 147 80 0 9 0 132 30 3 75 0 50 74 0 171 40 4,153 377 747 3,830 370 0 7,983 747 747 13 Item 11.c. - Page 15 20 -___ Deep Well Index Level (Wells -24B03 , -30F03 a n.d -30N02) I -I " I I ' I I t I +I t 1 ·. I 1-----+---+--+---+-l--+--+-+--+-I I ---+--+--+-+-----+--+---+-+- ---+-+---+-+-----+--+--+--+-----+--+--+--+---+--+---+--+----+--+---+-+---+--+---+-+-----+--+---+-+----+--+--+-+---+--+---+--+----+--+---+-+-----+--+---+-+- --+-+--+-+-I----+--+--+-__ I----+--+--+-__ I I I I I----+--+--+-__ I I I----+--+--+-__ I-----+---+--+-__ I-+--+-+ __ I I -T t + II ~ I I + I T I ~ I I t + ~ I T I t ~ I -. " I I I ' I . I I I " I I ' I -5 ~--..,_ _ _.. __ ...... _~""-"'-..-....i------...... --..._-_.., __ ..._ ____ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1965 1 970 1975 1980 1985 1 990 1 995 2000 2005 !H ISTORI CAL SECOND QUARTER DEEP WELL INDEX LEVELS Northern Ciities lrVlanagement Area 2010 201 5 2020 ,.. s San L uis Ob ispo County, Ca lifornia Water Solutions., Inc. 14 Item 11.c. - Page 16 Monthly Water Use Comparison 160 144.2 140 130.4 120 100 86 80 78 60 40 20 0 Mar-18 Mar-19 ■ Acre Feet ■ Usage (gpcd)