CC 2019-05-14_08h Amend Agreement__Circulation Element UpdateMEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: TERESA MCCLISH, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF A SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES WITH GHD INC., FOR THE GENERAL PLAN CIRCULATION ELEMENT UPDATE (GPA 19-001) DATE: MAY 14, 2019 SUMMARY OF ACTION: Approval of the Second Amendment to complete the General Plan Circulation Element Update and associated Guidelines, Transportation Impact Fee Update, and required environmental review. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: The cost proposal from GHD totals $90,630. Funding in the FY 18/19-19/20 Budget for Contractual Services for General Plan updates and studies includes approximately $306,000. Significant staff hours will be required primarily from Community Development in order to complete this significant update portion of the General Plan. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council approve Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement with GHD Inc. for preparation of the General Plan Circulation Element Update, Transportation Impact Analysis Report Guidelines, Transportation Impact Fee Update, and required environmental review. BACKGROUND: Significant work has been completed over the past several years, as time and resources permitted, that inform the Circulation Element update, including preparation of base transportation conditions, corridor and operational studies, transportation model update, and initial draft policies. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The last comprehensive update to the City’s General Plan occurred in 2001. Since then, several updates have been approved to various elements. The last update to the City’s Item 8.h. - Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF A SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES WITH GHD INC., FOR THE GENERAL PLAN CIRCULATION ELEMENT UPDATE (GPA 19-001) MAY 14, 2019 PAGE 2 Circulation Element was the Bicycle and Pedestrian plan in 2012. The Circulation Element is not simply a transportation plan, but rather a strategy addressing multiple infrastructure needs for the circulation of people, goods, and utilities. By statute, the Circulation Element must correlate directly with the Land Use Element, but also has direct relationships with other elements. The provisions of a Circulation Element affect a community’s physical, social, and economic environment, as well as its health. Further, recent legislation has driven change in the way local governments approach transportation and the types of solutions available, including: • The Complete Streets Act • Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32)/(SB 32) • The Sustainable Communities and Climate Protection Act (SB 375) and the completion of Sustainable Communities Strategies • CEQA Streamlining for infill projects (SB 226) • Shift in CEQA transportation metric away from Level of Service (LOS) to Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) (SB 743) The primary body of work includes utilizing recent and new peak hour traffic counts along with the regional traffic model to update base conditions and provide traffic forecasts in order to build the long-term capital improvement program. Draft policies and guidelines will be updated in accordance with state law and circulated for public review. Additionally, environmental review will commence and include new significant state requirements of SB 743 for VMT thresholds. SWCA is the local firm subcontracted through GHD to complete the environmental documents. Staff has reviewed the proposed scope of work that includes an approximate 16-week timeframe once work commences. Approval of the amendment will allow GHD, the City’s current on-call traffic consultant, to incorporate all previous applicable studies and complete the Circulation Element as well as update existing guidelines for the preparation of project related traffic studies. Finally, transportation impact fee study preparation will allow the City to proceed with an update to transportation related development impact fees. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council’s consideration: 1. Approve Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement with GHG Inc.; 2. Modify and approve Amendment No. 2 the Agreement with GHG Inc.; or 3. Do not approve Amendment No. 2 and provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: Amending the agreement with GHD Inc. will allow the City to complete the update to the General Plan Circulation Element, Transportation Impact Analysis Report Guidelines, Transportation Impact Fee Update, and required environmental review in an expedited Item 8.h. - Page 2 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF A SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES WITH GHD INC., FOR THE GENERAL PLAN CIRCULATION ELEMENT UPDATE (GPA 19-001) MAY 14, 2019 PAGE 3 manner by use of previous work completed and through the City’s existing on-call engineering traffic consultant. DISADVANTAGES: Amending the agreement with GHD Inc. would not allow a separate competitive proposal process, however, GHD has been previously competitively qualified, they are uniquely qualified to conduct the remaining analysis efficiently as they have been the City’s primary on-call traffic consultant, and their agreement is valid until February 2020. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: This contract amendment does not require environmental review. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted at City Hall and on the City’s website in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2. Item 8.h. - Page 3 AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES AMENDMENT NO. 2 This Second Amendment ("Second Amendment") to Agreement for Consultant Services (“Agreement”) by and between the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE and GHD, INC. (“Consultant”) is made and entered into this 15th day of May, 2019. WHEREAS, the parties entered into an Agreement dated March 1, 2015 for On-Call Consultant Services; and WHEREAS, the parties entered into a First Amendment to Agreement dated February 27, 2018 to extend the term of the agreement to February 29, 2020 and to change the name of the company from OMNI Means LTD to GHD Inc.; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to further modify the Agreement as set forth herein. NOW THEREFORE, for valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. To include the additional services at the increased cost as specified in Exhibit “A” attached here to and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. Except as modified herein, all other terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement, as amended, shall remain unchanged. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, CITY and CONSULTANT have executed this Second Amendment the day and year first above written. GHD Inc.: By:________________________________ DOUGLAS J. RIES, PRINCIPAL CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE: By:________________________________ CAREN RAY RUSSOM, MAYOR Item 8.h. - Page 4 EXHIBIT AItem 8.h. - Page 5GHO April 24, 2019 Teresa McClish Director of Community Development City of Arroyo Grande 300 E. Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 RE: PROPOSAL-Circulation Study, Transportation Impact Fee, and Transportation Impact Study Guidelines Update, and Circulation Element with Environment Document Dear Teresa: GHD appreciates the opportunity to provide this proposal to complete the above transportation planning documents for the City of Arroyo Grande. New development and growth in the region continue to put pressure on the existing Arroyo Grande transportation system. The completion of these transportation plans and updates is imperative to ensure the City is adequately prepared to implement improvements necessary to sustain efficient, safe, multimodal transportation systems as demand grows. GHD has prepared this proposal to ensure the plans that are in Draft form today are updated to be consistent with applicable legislative requirements, finalized, and adopted. GHD has included preparation of the supporting environmental document and attendance at up to two governing board hearings to this end. Given the number years that have passed since initiating the preparation of these studies, the existing base transportation conditions have become dated. As a part of this effort, recent peak hour counts conducted in the City will be used and supplemented with new peak hour counts at critical intersections, as needed, to ensure existing base conditions are representative of 2019. These new base conditions will be utilized, in conjunction with the latest San Luis Obispo Council of Government (SLOCOG) regional travel demand model, to develop existing and future analysis and identify a capital improvement program necessary to support the next 20+ years of land development and regional growth. Once the Circulation Study has been completed, the primary focus will then turn to working with City staff to review and update the Circulation Element, Transportation Impact Study Guidelines, and Transportation Impact Fees internally, and then with City officials and the community. To achieve CEQA compliance, the performance metrics of SB 743 will be included in the CEQA document alongside currently adopted metrics. GHD will include appropriate policies and analysis requirements to fulfill these requirements moving forward. GHD will work with SLOCOG to identify appropriate VMT thresholds consistent with the latest Regional Transportation Plan / Sustainable Community Strategy (RTP/SCS). GHD has included SWCA on our team to prepare the appropriate environmental document, anticipated at this point to be a Mitigated Negative Declaration. The timely completion of this effort is important as the CE and TIF Updates are currently key priorities for the City. A more detailed scope of work is provided in the following. 943 Reserve Drive Roseville California 95678 United States T +1 916 782 8688 F +1 916 782 8689 W WWW ghd com Item 8.h. - Page 6~ lr',f 1. Scope of Work Task 1 Proiect Management and Meetings. Task 2 Task 3 Task4 Task 5 This task is for Project ManagemenUCommunication throughout the remaining update process. The GHD Project Manager will establish and maintain a regular communication schedule with City staff to assure consistent progress on this update process. A kick-off meeting with City staff at the start of the project will establish the communication schedule as well as delivery of key products and public meetings. GHD will attend one (1) Planning Commission meeting and one (1) City Council meeting, as ·required. These meetings will be established in consultation with City staff. Advance authorization will be required if additional meetings require GHD attendance. Circulation Study Update This task is intended to refresh the existing conditions analysis and travel demand forecasts with new traffic counts and forecast runs from the latest SLOCOG RTP/SCS model. Critical to this update, is not only to update the LOS to meet existing City policy goals, but also to include VMT analysis guidance and thresholds to help meet the requirements of SB 743. This circulation study update will include a capital improvement program necessary to support travel demand under local and regional buildout conditions. The study's findings will be formatted in a manner that facilitates incorporation into the environmental document, anticipated to be a Mitigated Negative Declaration. Finalize Circulation Element Policies, Map and Document. The draft Circulation Element (CE) Update document, including its policies and map has been prepared and were awaiting completion of City staff review before vetting the draft document with City officials and the community. Since the completion of the previous draft, recent legislation, like AB 1358 and SB 743, has added additional requirements prompting corresponding policy updates to the CE Update, including relating to VMT and Complete Streets. It is anticipated that this task will be interactive with City staff to finalize the draft document for public review, and then, following public review, finalization of the document for approval before City Council. Finalize Transportation Impact Analysis Report Guidelines. The draft Transportation Impact Analysis (TIAR) Guidelines document had been prepared and was awaiting completion of City staff review before vetting the draft document with the community and City officials. GHD will work with City Staff to include policies that help guide impact analysis under SB 743 while preserving operational analysis requirements (LOS), with appropriate screening criteria to aid implementation. It is anticipated that this task will be interactive with City staff to finalize the draft document for public review, and then, following public review, finalization of the document for approval before City Council. Finalize Transportation Impact Fee Update. Based on the planned improvements identified on the Circulation Study and Circulation Element and Map, opinions of cost will be updated and the portion to be funded by the TIF identified. GHD will then prepare draft fee calculations by land use type for remaining vacant P8278PRL001 Revised.docx 2 Item 8.h. - Page 7~ 'fWi6 Task 6 and/or underdeveloped lands within the City of Arroyo Grande. These draft fee calculations will be reviewed by the City and adjusted as necessary. Transportation improvements to be included in the TIF program will not only include improvements to support vehicular travel, but also pedestrian, bicycle and public transit travel within and through the City. Prepare Mitigated Negative Declaration. To prepare the environmental document, GHD has retained SWCA as a sub-consultant to lead its preparation. GHD will coordinate with the City and SWCA to assure its timely completion. The budget for this effort was based on the assumption that a Mitigated Negative Declaration would be adequate document for CEQA compliance. Attached to this proposal is SWCA's proposal for preparing the Mitigated Negative Declaration. 2. Schedule and Budget Our fee to perform the Circulation Study Update and completion of the CE Update, TIF Update, Transportation Impact Study Guidelines and preparation of a Mitigated Negative Declaration is $90,630, as indicated in the attached budget. This budget considers the number of remaining issues that still need to be resolved and addressing the additional requirements of SB 743. Also, any additional meetings beyond those included in Task 1 may be added on a $2,000 per meeting basis. The schedule for the completion of this effort will largely be driven by the noticing and preparation of the supporting environmental document and the scheduling of public meetings. To provide some parameter of schedule, a most optimistic schedule might be sixteen (16) weeks from authorization. Please feel free to give me a call if you have any questions. Sincerely, Attachment: SWCA Proposal P8278PRL001 Revised.docx 3 Item 8.h. - Page 8Arroyo Grande CE Update, TIF Update, TIAR Guidelines and TIAR for Negative Declaration. Budget Estimate Job No. 8278 File No. P8278BUD001 Inouye Tregenza Zeillemake Proposal Class PIC/PM QC Southern Thornton r Task Task Description Rate $250 $185 $150 8 32 Task-2 :Prepare Circulation Stu d}' ~ ~ ---- ~ ----~~ 4 8 36 Task 3: Finalize C f Policies and Map ~ ---......_._ --2 4 8 Task 4: Finaiiz~ Tl,iR~elines -~. JI --2 4 12 Task 5: Finalize TIF Ur:>Qate -~ - -2 8 Ta sk 6:~Prepare Mitigated-Nega tive Declaration ---- r, I 2 Subtotal Hours Hours 20 Subtotal Dollars Dollars $51000 Notes: ----4 60 $111100 4 60 $91000 $105 16 - 100 16 -- --16 ~-- 32 --10 190 $191950 1. Billing rates are averages. Client will be billed for actual rates for employes that perform the work. 2. Billing rates increase by approximately 5% per year. 3. Direct costs will be marked UQ 10% Page 1 - - $120 ~ l'...~rj• 24 24 $21880 iftH I ' ' • Subconsultant Totals Other Total Total OMNI Hours $ Direct Costs Data SWCA Collection $1,500 ..5~-$11.101!__ ====:I $11.100 -4 ~ .!.!.,8,~8~ ~~5 ~ ~ J,23,330 4 $4,120 I .. , , ·I: ::::: "' ~ . --~ VF 34 $4,720 n ---66 $8,220 _I ~220 - ------20 $2,890 I $34,750 I $37,640 $11500 184 $49,430.00 I $4,950.00 $34,750.00 $90,630.00 April 23, 2019 Martin Inouye GHD 943 Reserve Drive Suite 100 Roseville, CA 95678 Re: City of Arroyo Grande General Plan Circulation Element Update/ SWCA Project No. P55896 Dear Mr. Inouye: SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA) appreciates the opportunity to provide you with our scope of work and cost estimate for environmental services for the proposed General Plan Circulation Element Update for the City of Arroyo Grande. SWCA understands that the GHD is requesting a proposal to prepare environmental studies and documentation necessary for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Our scope of work includes the preparation of an Initial Study leading to a Mitigated Negative Declaration, and supporting technical reports for noise, air quality, greenhouse gases, and energy. The cost to complete the proposed tasks, as described in the attached scope of work, is a time-and-materials fee of $34,750. The change in cost from our original ballpark estimate is due to the addition of an Energy Analysis to meet new requirements in the recently updated Appendix G CEQA Checklist. Should you have any questions regarding our submittal, or if you need any additional information, please contact me at (805) 543-7095, extension 6814, or via email at ecreel@swca.com. Sincerely, Emily Creel, J.D. Planning Team Leader Attachment: Qualifications, Scope of Work, Schedule, Cost Estimate, and Resumes Item 8.h. - Page 9 Son Luis Obispo Office 1422 Monterey Street, C200 Son Luis Obispo, California 93401 Tel 805.543. 7095 Fax 805.543.2367 ENVl1RONMENTAL CONSULTANTS www.swca.com 2 136 Sound Scie nce. Creative Solutions." + City of Arroyo Grande General Plan Circulation Element Update Page | 2 INTRODUCTION TO SWCA SWCA is an employee-owned company, specializing in natural and cultural resources, environmental planning, regulatory compliance, and geographic information services. Since 1981, SWCA has grown into a large business with more than 1,000 employees and over 30 offices throughout the United States, including six offices in California. Since 1984, SWCA’s San Luis Obispo office (formerly known as Morro Group, Inc.) has completed hundreds of environmental documents for local, state, and private projects, with a focus on the preparation of a wide range of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and other technical environmental documents for local agencies throughout central California. These documents range from Mitigated Negative Declarations (MNDs) and Expanded Initial Studies (ExISs) to very large Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs). SWCA is also experienced in the preparation of Environmental Impact Studies (EISs) and Environmental Assessments (EAs) under NEPA, as well as joint CEQA/NEPA documents prepared in coordinated state and federal environmental review processes. SWCA’s experienced staff can provide clients with the following services: • CEQA and NEPA document preparation • Natural Resources Surveys, Management, and Compliance • Cultural Resources Surveys, Management, and Compliance • Paleontological Resources Surveys, Management, and Compliance • Environmental Constraints Analyses • Environmental Compliance Monitoring • Clean Water Act Section 404 and Storm Water Permitting • Environmental Training Services • Public Involvement and Facilitation • Geographic Information System (GIS) services SWCA’s San Luis Obispo Office consists of an office director, six planners, eight biologists, five archaeologists, a principal investigator, an architectural historian, an arborist, a transportation NEPA/Section 4f/6f specialist, a GIS specialist, a technical editor, and an administrative assistant. Staff in the San Luis Obispo office is supplemented with planning and biological and cultural resources specialists from the SWCA Pasadena, San Francisco, Half Moon Bay, Sacramento, and San Diego offices, as needed. SWCA’s planning, biological resources, and cultural resources staff are experienced with CEQA and NEPA and have specialized expertise with the various topics and geographic area that will be analyzed during the environmental review and documentation process. Information on key team members and examples of relevant project experience are included below. Item 8.h. - Page 10 SWCA I City of Arroyo Grande General Plan Circulation Element Update Page | 3 KEY TEAM MEMBERS ENVIRONMENTAL LEAD / SWCA PROJECT MANAGER Emily Creel, J.D., Planning Team Leader/Project Manager. Ms. Creel obtained her Juris Doctor (J.D.) in 2005 and has been practicing in the field of environmental law and planning in California for more than 10 years. She has a specialized background in environmental law and policy, property law, and land use controls. She is also currently acting as the Legislative Committee chair and CEQA Portal Committee representative for the Channel Counties Chapter of the Association of Environmental Professionals (AEP). Ms. Creel has taught CEQA basics to senior engineering students at Cal Poly and prepared and presented AEP workshops on CEQA case law and court hierarchy. Her varied background has given her the ability to handle complex environmental and legal issues. Recent transportation projects that Ms. Creel has contributed to include the City of Pismo Beach Circulation Element Update, Halcyon Road Complete Streets Project, Brisco-Halcyon Road/U.S. 101 Interchange Modifications Project, and the Shell Beach Road Pedestrian Safety & Streetscape Project. ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNER / CEQA SPECIALIST Jacqueline Markley, M.S., AICP, Environmental Planner. Ms. Markley is an environmental planner specializing in CEQA/NEPA development strategies, technical assessment and reporting, permits, compliance, and program management of complex land use, development, and land management projects. As a project manager, she has accumulated a diverse background and technical expertise providing project and team leadership for a diverse range of projects. Ms. Markley has lead project teams providing technical and analytical review and is effective in managing and working with public agency staff, public interests, and sub-consultants to effectively achieve project goals. Ms. Markley has processed NEPA and CEQA compliance projects for a variety of local, state, and federal agencies, as well as private clients. Her technical and field experience includes conducting and reporting environmental compliance monitoring, habitat restoration management, wetland delineations, targeted special-status plant surveys, arborist surveys, wildlife surveys, nesting bird surveys, vegetation monitoring, invasive preliminary constraint analysis surveys, site assessment/reconnaissance surveys, cultural resources transect surveys, and Phase I hazardous materials site assessments. She has a broad perspective of successful processes and methods required to maintain and expand client relationships as well as create and implement innovative solutions for complex projects. ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNER / CEQA SPECIALIST Jameson Honeycutt, B.S., Environmental Planner. Mr. Honeycutt is an environmental planner with experience in natural resource management, land-use planning, and regulatory permitting, specializing in environmental analysis for CEQA and NEPA projects. He is also experienced in geospatial analysis for projects impacting environmental, biological, and sensitive resources. Mr. Honeycutt has worked in both the public and private sector, with experience ranging from renewable energy planning to large-scale watershed restoration projects. He is responsible for managing a variety of projects for private developers as well as local governments throughout California’s Central Coast. He has successfully prepared and supported a range of environmental documents and technical reports compliant with state and federal regulations including EIRs, EAs, and IS/MNDs. In coordination with local governments, he has worked to analyze development projects for compliance with General Plans and zoning ordinances as well as process land-use permit applications. Item 8.h. - Page 11 SWCA I City of Arroyo Grande General Plan Circulation Element Update Page | 4 SIMILAR PROJECTS CITY OF PISMO BEACH CIRCULATION ELEMENT UPDATE IS/MND SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA) was retained by Omni-Means (now GHD) on behalf of the City of Pismo Beach to prepare an IS/MND and supporting technical studies evaluating the environmental impacts of the City’s General Plan Circulation Element Update. The Circulation Element is one of several elements of the General Plan mandated by state planning law; periodic updating of the General Plan is a State of California legal requirement. The Circulation Element provides goals, objectives, and policy guidance for long-term planning and implementing the transportation system needed to serve the City’s projected development. The goals, objectives, and policies in this element are closely correlated with the Land Use Element and other elements that comprise the General Plan, and are intended to enhance travel choices for current and future residents, visitors, and workers. This element also defines a preferred transportation system that reflects the City’s financial resources and broader goals, including providing safe and convenient access for all modes of travel while preserving the local character of the community. SWCA’s team prepared the IS/MND as well as Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Impact Assessment, Noise and Groundborne Vibration Impact Assessment technical studies in support of the City’s General Plan Circulation Element Update. Because the Circulation Element Update is a high-level planning document and considers multiple projects throughout the City over a long-term planning period, the CEQA document, similarly, was prepared to evaluate potential environmental effects of the Circulation Element Update in a programmatic manner rather than evaluating project- specific impacts. Through our preparation of the Initial Study, we identified potentially-significant environmental effects in the following key issue areas: air quality, biological resources, cultural and tribal cultural resources, hazards and hazardous materials, hydrology, land use and planning, noise, transportation and traffic, and utilities and service systems. All potentially significant impacts associated with the Circulation Element Update were found to be less than significant with implementation of recommended mitigation measures. This project was completed under budget and on schedule and the IS/MND was finalized in May 2018. SWCA assisted the City with presenting the project at its public workshop and City Council meetings and the project was approved without substantial comments or questions regarding the environmental analysis. Client Name, Address, & Phone Omni-Means Marty Inouye, Principal 943 Reserve Drive Suite 100, Roseville, CA 95678 916.782.8688| Martin.Inouye@ghd.com Item 8.h. - Page 12 SWCA I City of Arroyo Grande General Plan Circulation Element Update Page | 5 GROVER BEACH LAND USE ELEMENT AND MASTER EIR SWCA was retained by the City of Grover Beach to prepare their Land Use Element (LUE) and Master EIR. The City had spent considerable time establishing their vision for the community before implementing the Visioning Project. Grover Beach is an established community, on a grid system, with limited open space that could be developed into new uses. While most neighborhoods in Grover Beach were discussed and considered as part of the Visioning Project, participants paid particular attention to the Grand Avenue corridor and the City’s waterfront area. The SWCA project team took the City’s “Vision for the Future” and used it to establish a more modern approach to land use within the community. The first goal of the LUE was to protect and preserve existing residential developments and create walkable and complete neighborhoods that met all income groups. In addition, because of the configuration of the City, it was clear that the Vision was to promote the best of their resources, including the Grand Avenue beach access. The majority of the land use changes within the LUE update were to promote visitor-serving uses along Grand Avenue and Pacific Coast Highway, and designate uses for the small pockets of undeveloped lands within the City limits. As part of the LUE process, SWCA conducted public information meetings after a draft of the Land Use Plan was completed but before the Master EIR was completed. The Land Use Plan and the LUE goals, policies, and implementation measures were developed along with environmental evaluation, so that the plan was self-mitigating. The EIR was prepared as part of the LUE document so that readers could access the environmental evaluation that lead to the policy or implementation measure. The Master EIR also evaluated, in general, based on information available at the time the EIR was prepared, nine subsequent projects, including redevelopment of Grand Avenue, a hotel and conference center at the Beachfront Lodge property, a train station expansion, ultimate development of a small isolated agricultural area known as the Strawberry Field, three undeveloped open space parcels, and infill areas. Also addressed in detail was the change of industrial areas within the Coastal Zone to visitor-serving mixed uses and relocation of non- coastal-dependent industry outside of the Coastal Zone. A major issue in the Master EIR was greenhouse gas emissions, which addressed AB 32 and SB 375; the City was very amenable to establishing a community based on sustainability, and many of the implementation measures implemented in the LUE, as directed under environmental review, promoted sustainable community concepts. The Master EIR was certified by the City of Grover Beach in February 2010. Client Name, Address, & Phone City of Grover Beach Bruce Buckingham, Community Development Director 154 S 8th St, Grover Beach, CA 93433 805.473.4520| bbuckingham@groverbeach.org Item 8.h. - Page 13 SWCA I City of Arroyo Grande General Plan Circulation Element Update Page | 6 GROVER BEACH WEST GRAND AVENUE MASTER PLAN ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION SWCA was retained by Lisa Wise Consulting, Inc. to conduct CEQA environmental review related to the development and adoption of the City of Grover Beach West Grand Avenue Master Plan, which implemented the goals set forth in the City’s 2004 Visioning Project, 2010 General Plan Update, and Economic Development Strategy. West Grand Avenue is the City’s commercial center and a major thoroughfare linking visitors and residents of the area to the beach. Lisa Wise Consulting developed the Master Plan, which designated three distinct districts along the 18-block project area, and set forth policies and design guidelines to revitalize the corridor to provide a more vibrant, economically viable, and pedestrian- friendly setting. SWCA prepared an Initial Study and determined that the project qualified for limited environmental review pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15177, as the Master Plan had previously been identified and evaluated as a subsequent project in the Grover Beach Land Use Element Update Master EIR (SWCA 2010). Development that would occur with buildout under the Master Plan was included in cumulative environmental evaluations in the 2010 Master EIR and densities, development, and growth that would occur under the Plan would not exceed those analyzed in the Master EIR. Therefore, analysis in the Initial Study concluded that implementation of the Master Plan would not cause any additional significant effect on the environment which was not previously examined in the 2010 Master EIR. SWCA prepared a Letter of Conformity, setting forth the basis of its findings and citing relevant portions of CEQA and the CEQA Guidelines, and prepared recommended written findings for the City to incorporate into its general finding on the West Grand Avenue Master Plan. The Grover Beach City Council adopted the Master Plan and associated environmental determination on January 18, 2011. Client Name, Address, & Phone City of Grover Beach Bruce Buckingham, Community Development Director 154 S 8th St, Grover Beach, CA 93433 805.473.4520| bbuckingham@groverbeach.org Item 8.h. - Page 14 SWCA City of Arroyo Grande General Plan Circulation Element Update Page | 7 SCOPE OF WORK SWCA has developed this scope of work for environmental services anticipated to be required for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). SWCA understands that the City of Arroyo Grande (City), acting as the CEQA lead agency, is proposing to update their General Plan Circulation Element and Map to include new policies and goals to accommodate anticipated growth while improving regional circulation to reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT). The scope is based on our understanding of the project, our regional experience with similar transportation-related projects and policies, and background information provided by the City and GHD. We understand that the proposed Circulation Element Update will be supported by additional studies prepared by GHD, which include a circulation study and revised fee program, updated impact study guidelines, and a subsequent transportation and safety analysis. Recent revisions to the CEQA Guidelines require lead agency to include VMT as part of their transportation impacts analysis under Senate Bill (SB) 743. The environmental review, as proposed in this scope of work, would apply the most recent policies regarding SB 743 and VMT, and further include other applicable policies and planning documents such as the City’s General Plan Land Use Element and the San Luis Obispo’s Council of Government’s (SLOCOG) Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategy. This scope of work recognizes that several of these policies and related planning documents are still in their early phases of development and/or implementation and that close coordination will be required among all involved entities to ensure that the most recent and applicable information is being applied while meeting the long-term goals and objectives of the City of Arroyo Grande. TECHNICAL ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES SWCA has provided a brief description of the scope of work for the various technical studies anticipated to be required as part of the environmental documentation process. Technical studies for air quality, greenhouse gases, energy, and noise would be provided by AMBIENT Air Quality & Noise Consulting. AIR QUALITY ANALYSIS The air quality analysis will include a description of the existing air quality environment, health and welfare impacts commonly associated with air pollutants, and applicable air quality regulatory framework. Local and regional air quality, as well as, meteorological conditions and topographic effects that could affect air pollutant dispersal or transport will be discussed. However, field monitoring of meteorology and pollutant emissions is not included. The air quality impact analysis will include a qualitative discussion of potential short-term (i.e., construction) air pollutant emissions and potential health-related impacts. Long-term (i.e., operational) net increases in mobile-source emissions will be quantitatively assessed. The quantification of emissions will be based on projected changes vehicle miles traveled (VMT), based on data to be obtained from the traffic analysis prepared for this project. Emissions modeling will be conducted using the California Emissions Estimator Model (CalEEMod) and currently accepted emission factors. Applicable policies and implementation measures that would help to reduce long-term operational emissions will be discussed. Applicable General Plan policies and implementation measures that would minimize potential impacts will be discussed. Local mobile-source CO concentrations will be quantified for congested roadway intersections projected to operate at unacceptable levels of service (i.e., level of service [LOS] E or worse). Modeling will be conducted using the Caline4 computer program for up to three intersections/interchanges. Modeled CO concentrations will be compared with state and federal 1- and 8-hour ambient air quality standards to determine impact significance. Localized concentrations of mobile-source air toxics and odors and resultant impacts to nearby sensitive land uses will be qualitatively discussed. The preparation of health risk assessments and dispersion modeling assessments is not anticipated to be required and is not included. Item 8.h. - Page 15 SWCA I City of Arroyo Grande General Plan Circulation Element Update Page | 8 The significance of air quality impacts will be determined in comparison to applicable significance thresholds. Mitigation measures will be included for significant impacts. GREENHOUSE GAS ANALYSIS Background information related to climate change, including global and local implications and regulatory framework will be discussed. Major sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions contributing to climate change and applicable plans for the control of GHG emissions will be identified and discussed. To the extent that existing information is available, GHG emissions inventories for the City will be discussed. Mobile-source GHG emissions will be quantified based on projected changes in VMT, to be provided, using CalEEMod and currently accepted emission factors. This assessment does not include the preparation of a detailed community- wide GHG emissions inventory. Applicable General Plan policies and implementation measures that would minimize potential impacts will be discussed. The significance of GHG impacts will be determined in comparison to applicable significance thresholds. Mitigation measures will be included for significant impacts. ENERGY ANALYSIS The assessment will include a quantitative assessment of energy use associated with proposed future development, including potential increases in electricity use, natural gas use, and mobile-source fuels. Energy usage will be quantified using the CalEEMod computer program, as well as, mobile-source fuel rates to be derived from the Emfac computer program. Energy consumption on a per capita basis will also be quantified and included in the analysis. Measures that would promote energy conservation will be identified and included in the analysis. Energy use associated with construction activities will be qualitatively assessed. The significance of energy impacts will be evaluated based on consistency with applicable energy conservation plans, goals, and policies. Mitigation measures will be identified for significant and potentially significant impacts. NOISE ASSESSMENT The noise assessment will include a general discussion of health and welfare impacts commonly associated with noise and the applicable regulatory framework. The existing noise environments within the City and surrounding areas will be discussed based on existing environmental documentation and data to be obtained from noise measurements conducted for this project. AMBIENT Air Quality & Noise Consulting will conduct up to twenty shor t-term (i.e., 10-15- minute) noise measurements to document ambient traffic noise conditions. Measured existing traffic noise levels will be used for calibration of the traffic noise model. Existing average-daily traffic noise levels and distances to projected noise contours for up to 20 major roadway segments will be quantified using the FHWA roadway noise prediction model and presented in tabular format. The graphic depiction of existing noise contours is not included. The noise impact analysis will include evaluation of potential short-term (i.e., construction) and long-term (i.e., operational) increases in ambient noise levels attributable to the proposed project. Short-term noise impacts will be generally discussed based on noise levels typically associated with construction related activities and equipment. Traffic noise levels will be quantified for baseline and future operational conditions, with and without implementation of the proposed project, based on data to be obtained from the traffic analysis. Predicted traffic noise levels and contour distances for up to 20 major roadway segments will be presented in tabular format. The graphic depiction of projected future noise contours is not included. Predicted changes in traffic noise levels associated with the proposed project, in comparison to no-project conditions, will be quantified. Applicable General Plan policies and implementation measures that would minimize potential impacts will be discussed. Item 8.h. - Page 16 SWCA I City of Arroyo Grande General Plan Circulation Element Update Page | 9 The significance of short-term and long-term noise impacts will be determined in comparison to applicable noise standards. Mitigation measures will be included for significant impacts. INTIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION SWCA assumes that an Initial Study (IS) leading to a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) will be the appropriate CEQA document. SWCA will prepare the IS/MND using the City’s preferred format. The MND will comply with all applicable provisions of CEQA and the CEQA Guidelines, including updates to the CEQA Guidelines per SB 743 that shift the focus of environmental analysis from level of service (LOS) to vehicle miles travelled (VMT). PROJECT DESCRIPTION SWCA will prepare a draft project description for review by GHD and the City. The project description will be based on the Circulation Study, updated Circulation Element policies and map, and Impact Study Guidelines to be prepared by GHD, as well as any additional information provided by the project team, and will be modified to include any details pertinent to CEQA analysis. Upon receipt of comments on the draft submittal, SWCA will finalize the project description. If any additional information is needed to complete the project description and proceed with the environmental analysis, SWCA will notify GHD in writing with specific requests for information. ADMINISTRATIVE DRAFT INITIAL STUDY / MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION Preparation of the IS Checklist will include an assessment of all resources as required by State CEQA Guidelines Appendix G. The environmental analysis will incorporate any information provided by GHD, the City, and other agencies. Additional background information will be obtained from the applicable local planning documents, resource agency online documents, and our in-house library. The IS will be prepared using the City’s preferred template (updated as necessary to account for recent revisions to the State CEQA Guidelines). Based on preliminary information, we anticipate that an MND will be the appropriate CEQA environmental determination for the proposed project, pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15070. If at any time potentially significant, adverse, unavoidable impacts are identified, we will contact the project team immediately. The IS/MND will be written in language understandable to the public and decision-makers and will utilize graphics and tables to clearly present information. It will be concise and focus on the most important issues identified through public and/or internal scoping. If mitigation measures are proposed, our submittal will also include a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan (MMRP). The MMRP will identify each mitigation measure, the appropriate milestone or timing to implement the measure, the responsible party, and any reporting requirements. This task assumes up to two rounds of review by GHD and the City. DRAFT INITIAL STUDY / MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION Upon receipt of comments on the administrative draft IS/MND, SWCA will finalize the public review draft IS/MND and MMRP for submittal to the City, as the CEQA Lead Agency. We assume the City will prepare the necessary notices and arrange for public circulation of the IS/MND; however, upon request by the City, SWCA can provide these services through a contract amendment. Upon request by the City, SWCA will be available to assist the City with providing responses to substantive public comments received during circulation of the IS/MND. ADMINISTRATIVE FINAL AND FINAL INITIAL STUDY / MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION SWCA will revise the IS/MND as necessary in response to public comments and prepare an administrative final IS/MND for GHD and City review. We assume one round of review for this task. We will then prepare a final IS/MND for consideration by City decision makers. Our scope of work includes preparation for and attendance at one public hearing Item 8.h. - Page 17 SWCA I City of Arroyo Grande General Plan Circulation Element Update Page | 10 for consideration of the environmental document. We will be available to present information, provide presentation materials, and answer CEQA-related questions associated with the project at the hearing (if requested by GHD or the City) and also to provide any additional support that may be requested prior to or during the hearing. Attendance at additional hearings, if necessary, can be facilitated through a contract amendment. SCHEDULE SWCA is prepared to initiate this scope of work immediately after receiving authorization to proceed. We anticipate that preparation of the CEQA document will occur somewhat concurrently with development of the updated Circulation Element policies and map and CEQA Transportation Analysis. In general, we anticipate that we will prepare an administrative draft Project Description within approximately five days after completion of the approved draft updated Circulation Element policies and map, and an administrative draft IS/MND within approximately four weeks after approval of the draft Project Description. Note that these estimates are for the submittal of administrative drafts, not final drafts, and do not include review by GHD or the City, as timeframes for outside review are out of our control and can vary greatly. These timeframes are just estimates; we are willing to commit to the overall project schedule developed by GHD and the City, and will provide environmental documentation within the timeframes necessary to maintain the overall project schedule to the greatest extent feasible. COST ESTIMATE The budget for this project is a time and materials, not-to-exceed estimate of $34,750. We have attempted to be conservative in preparation of the budget with regard to the level of effort required so that the overall cost estimates are reasonable for your planning purposes. SWCA will not proceed with any work in excess of the time and materials budget without prior authorization to proceed from GHD. Table 1 provides a detailed breakdown of our costs. Table 1. Cost Estimate Project Name: Project No.: Phase 01:CEQA Documentation Contract Year:1 Rate Esc. Factor:0.0% Project Start (est.):5/30/2019 Task 01 Task 02 Task 03 Task 04 Project End (est.):5/30/2020 AQ/GHG/Energy Assessment Noise Assessment Project Description IS/MND LABOR Name Project Role Rate Hours Charge Hours Charge Hours Charge Hours Charge Creel, Emily Project Manger 171.00$ 2.00 342$ 2.00 342$ 2.00 342$ 20.00 3,420$ Honeycutt, Jameson Environmental Planner 119.00$ - -$ - -$ 8.00 952$ 44.00 5,236$ Markley, Jacqueline Environmental Planner 142.00$ - -$ - -$ 2.00 284$ 8.00 1,136$ Howen, Kevin GIS/CADD Specialist 109.00$ - -$ - -$ 2.00 218$ 4.00 436$ Jones, Jaimie Technical Editor 119.00$ - -$ - -$ 1.00 119$ 10.00 1,190$ Labor Subtotal 2.00 342.00$ 2.00 342.00$ 15.00 1,915.00$ 86.00 11,418.00$ Labor Total 2.00 342.00$ 2.00 342.00$ 15.00 1,915.00$ 86.00 11,418.00$ TRAVEL EXPENSES Description Unit Rate # Units Charge # Units Charge # Units Charge # Units Charge Mileage Per Mile 0.58 - -$ - -$ - -$ 50.00 29$ Travel Expenses Subtotal -$ -$ -$ 29$ Markup 15%-$ -$ -$ 4$ Travel Expenses Total -$ -$ -$ 33$ TOTAL EXPENSES -$ -$ -$ 33$ SUBCONTRACTORS Description Unit Rate Units Charge Units Charge Units Charge Units Charge AMBIENT Air Quality & Noise enter rate/units or lump charge 150.00$ 75.00 11,250$ 40.00 6,000$ - -$ - -$ Subcontractor Fee Subtotal 75.00 11,250$ 40.00 6,000$ - -$ - -$ Markup 20%2,250$ 1,200$ -$ -$ Subcontractor Fee Total 13,500$ 7,200$ -$ -$ Project Phase Totals 13,842$ 7,542$ 1,915$ 11,451$ TOTAL THIS PHASE Charges SWCA Labor Total 14,017 Expenses Total 33 Subcontractors Total 20,700 Total Phase 34,750$ Tax Total - Total Including Taxes 34,750$ Arroyo Grande Circultation Element Update P55896 Item 8.h. - Page 18 SWCA I SWCA ,_ .... ,,.,.. __ , ---- I • I I I I Resume Page | 1 EMILY CREEL, J.D., PROJECT MANAGER / PLANNING TEAM LEADER Ms. Creel is the planning team lead and a project manager in our San Luis Obispo office. She obtained her Juris Doctor in 2005 and has been practicing in the field of environmental law and planning in California for more than 10 years. She has a specialized background in environmental law and policy, property law, and land use controls. She is also currently acting as the Legislative Committee chair and CEQA Portal Committee representative for the Channel Counties Chapter of the Association of Environmental Professionals (AEP). Ms. Creel has taught CEQA basics to senior engineering students at Cal Poly and prepared and presented AEP workshops on CEQA case law and court hierarchy. Ms. Creel is well-versed in state and federal environmental laws and regulations, administrative and regulatory processes, local municipal codes, and California Coastal Commission regulations. She tracks environmental legislation through the California State Legislature and is proficient in analyzing the formulation and implementation of environmental legislation and common law court decisions related to CEQA. Her varied experience and knowledge of CEQA’s legal framework allows her to think creatively within that framework to meet project goals. Ten years of litigation and consulting experience have given Ms. Creel the ability to handle complex environmental and legal issues. SELECTED PROJECT EXPERIENCE City of Pismo Beach General Plan Circulation Element Update; City of Pismo Beach Public Works Department; San Luis Obispo County, California. SWCA prepared an IS/MND to satisfy CEQA requirements for a proposed Circulation Element Update for the City of Pismo Beach, California. SWCA teamed with Omni-Means, the transportation engineering firm that prepared the Circulation Element Update. Role: Project Manager / Environmental Planner. Managed the CEQA process, managed AB 52 and SB 18 notification process, provided QA/QC for deliverables, and assisted the City at public hearings. Halcyon Road Complete Streets Plan CEQA Support; Omni-Means; Arroyo Grande, San Luis Obispo County, California. SWCA prepared an Environmental Constraints Analysis and IS/MND for the Halcyon Road Complete Streets Plan, which will provide for safe mobility and accessibility for all users along a 1.7-mile transportation corridor on Halcyon Road between US 101 and SR 1. Role: Project Manager / Planner. Managed contract and project administration and provided oversight and QA/QC for Environmental Constraints Analysis and IS/MND. Brisco Road/Halcyon Road/Highway 101 Improvements; Wood Rodgers, City of Arroyo Grande; San Luis Obispo County, California. SWCA prepared an MND for the City of Arroyo Grande and an EA for Caltrans, and various technical reports analyzing alternatives for the interchange modification project, located in the city of Arroyo Grande, in support of the joint CEQA/NEPA process, including Natural Environment Study, Section 106 documentation, Community Impacts Assessment, Visual Impact Assessment, and Water Quality Assessment Report. Role: MND/EA Project Manager/Primary Author. Primary author of MND, EA, and technical reports and consulted with interested agencies, including the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, and Caltrans. Bridge Street Bridge Replacement Project; Quincy Engineering; Arroyo Grande, San Luis Obispo County, California. SWCA provided environmental services, including preparation of all CEQA/NEPA documentation, technical studies, and permitting, for the YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 14 EXPERTISE NEPA Planning CEQA Planning Property and environmental law Civil pleading requirements and CEQA litigation and case law EDUCATION J.D., Focused studies on property, land use and environmental law; Indiana University School of Law; Bloomington, Indiana; 2005 B.A., Political Science; Arizona State University; Tempe, Arizona; 2002 CPR/AED and First Aid Certification, American Heart Association; 2013 CPR/AED Certification, American Red Cross; 2012 MEMBERSHIPS Member, The State Bar of California Channel Counties Representative, Association of Environmental Professionals Item 8.h. - Page 19 SWCA I Resume Page | 2 project federally funded under the HBP program, which will replace the existing bridge crossing Arroyo Grande Creek near the intersection of West Branch Street and Bridge Street. Role: Environmental Planner. Prepared Environmental Constraints Analysis and consulted with interested agencies, including the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, and Caltrans. Prado Road Bridge Widening Consultant Services; Wallace Group; San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo County, California. SWCA is providing environmental services, including preparation of all CEQA/NEPA documentation, technical studies, and permitting for the project federally funded under the HBP program, which involves the widening of the existing two-lane Prado Road Bridge over San Luis Obispo Creek to upgrade functionally obsolete classification through extension of bridge deck on the southern side of existing structure. Role: Environmental Planner. Prepared various technical studies and CEQA documents, and coordinated Caltrans project oversight. City of Grover Beach General Plan Land Use Element and Master EIR; San Luis Obispo County, California; City of Grover Beach Community Development Department. SWCA prepared the Land Use Element (LUE) and Master EIR, which evaluated the LUE as well as nine subsequent projects in Grover Beach, including the redevelopment of Grand Avenue, the Beachfront Lodge project, a train station expansion, development of the Strawberry Field, three undeveloped open space parcels, and infill areas, and rezoning of an industrial area. Role: Environmental Planner. Prepared the aesthetic section of the EIR, and assisted in preparing the CEQA Findings and responses to public comments. City of Soledad Downtown Specific Plan EIR; City of Soledad; Monterey County, California. SWCA prepared an EIR for the Soledad Downtown Specific Plan and form-based code, which was completed on time and within budget in less than six months, from initiation of the Notice of Preparation to certification of the Final EIR. Role: EIR Project Manager / Primary Author. Preparation of the EIR, CEQA Findings, Statement of Overriding Considerations, SB 18 consultation, public noticing, and Planning Commission and City Council hearing presentation. Grover Beach Lodge and Conference Center EIR, EIR Addendums, and EA; City of Grover Beach; San Luis Obispo County, California. SWCA prepared an EIR for a beachfront lodge, located in the city of Grover Beach, in a sensitive State Park area under the jurisdiction of various regional and state agencies. The EIR tiered off the recently certified Master EIR for the City's Land Use Element, also prepared by SWCA. SWCA also prepared the Environmental Assessment for the project for NEPA compliance. Role: Project Manager/Primary Author. Oversaw preparation of the EIR and EA, conducted extensive consistency analysis of applicable regional and state policies, and coordinated closely with the City of Grover Beach, State Parks, County of San Luis Obispo, RWQCB, SLOAPCD, California Coastal Commission, and Caltrans. Grover Beach Grand Avenue Master Plan Environmental Determination and Letter of Conformity; Lisa Wise Consulting, City of Grover Beach; San Luis Obispo County, California. SWCA oversaw environmental review of the proposed downtown Master Plan, including completion of an Initial Study, tiered environmental analysis as a subsequent project named in City of Grover Beach LUE EIR (SWCA 2010), letter of conformity with existing EIR analysis, and City findings and resolutions. Role: Project Manager/Environmental Planner. Prepared IS, determined project consistency with Master EIR, drafted City's findings supporting limited environmental review per CEQA Guidelines §15177. Pier 70 Mixed-Use District Project EIR, San Francisco County, California; FC Pier 70, LLC48T. A long-range project located on 69 acres of historic shipyard property along San Francisco’s Central Waterfront, south of Mission Bay. The proposed project would introduce a new mixed-use innovation district intended for commercial and office uses, residential development, and a new retail and arts component, along with parking and new and expanded public parks and shoreline access. Role: Planning Specialist. Arroyo Grande Creek Waterway Management Program (WMP) and EIR; County of San Luis Obispo Public Works Department; San Luis Obispo County, California. SWCA assisted in the development of a WMP to address flooding issues along Arroyo Grande Creek while enhancing environmental values; provided the design basis and methodology for long-term management along the channel; and prepared the EIR and technical studies. Role: Environmental Planner. Determined project consistency with regional plans, goals, and policies throughout the project corridor, and prepared an EIR Addendum to document project modifications proposed after FEIR certification. MEMBERSHIPS (CONT’D) Member, San Luis Obispo County Bar Association Item 8.h. - Page 20 SWCA I Resume Page | 1 JACQUELINE MARKLEY, M.S., LEAD PLANNER Ms. Markley is an environmental planner specializing in CEQA/NEPA development strategies, technical assessment and reporting, permits, compliance, and program management of complex land use, development, and land management projects. As a project manager, she has accumulated a diverse background and technical expertise providing project and team leadership for a diverse range of projects. Ms. Markley has attended and led several interviews in pursuit of the opportunity to serve as the environmental consultant for proposed development projects. She has lead project teams providing technical and analytical review and is effective in managing and working with public agency staff, public interests, and sub-consultants to effectively achieve project goals. Ms. Markley has processed NEPA and CEQA compliance projects for a variety of local, state, and federal agencies, as well as private clients. Her technical and field experience includes conducting and reporting environmental compliance monitoring, habitat restoration management, wetland delineations, targeted special-status plant surveys, arborist surveys, wildlife surveys, nesting bird surveys, vegetation monitoring, invasive preliminary constraint analysis surveys, site assessment/reconnaissance surveys, cultural resources transect surveys, and Phase I hazardous materials site assessment surveys. She has a broad perspective of successful processes and methods required to maintain and expand client relationships as well as create and implement innovative solutions for complex projects. SELECTED PROJECT EXPERIENCE (∗ denotes project experience prior to SWCA) Grover Beach Train Station Technical Studies; City of Grover Beach; Grover Beach, San Luis Obispo County, California. SWCA is preparing Caltrans Local Assistance reports for NEPA compliance, including a NES-MI, Jurisdictional Waters Determination, and Oak Tree Mitigation Memo, for a train station expansion project in Grover Beach. Role: Environmental Planner. Assisted with preparation of the NES-MI. Bello Bridge Replacement Environmental Services; Quincy Engineering Inc.; Pismo Beach, San Luis Obispo County, California. SWCA is providing environmental services, including preparation of all CEQA/NEPA documentation, technical studies, and permitting, for the replacement of the Bello Street bridge over Pismo Creek in the city of Pismo Beach. Due to sensitive archaeological resources in the area, SWCA will also perform an Extended Phase I Archaeological Survey of the project area. Role: Environmental Planner. Prepared the Caltrans NES, BA noise, and visual technical studies. Shell Beach Road Pedestrian Safety & Streetscape Project – Phase 1 Environmental Services; City of Pismo Beach; Pismo Beach, San Luis Obispo County, California. SWCA is providing environmental services, including preparation of all CEQA/NEPA documentation, technical studies and permitting, for the reconstruction of an 18-block section of Shell Beach Road between Cliff Avenue and Terrace Avenue in downtown Shell Beach. Due to sensitive archaeological resources in the area, SWCA also performed an Extended Phase I Archaeological Survey of the project area at the request of Caltrans. Role: Planning Specialist. Prepared the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration for compliance with CEQA. Oak Tree Village Specific Plan Environmental Services; PT1 Ventures, LLC; Tehachapi, Kern County, California. SWCA is preparing biological studies and an EIR for the Oak Tree Village Specific Plan, assessing the environmental impacts of the project, which consists primarily of a senior housing development on approximately 210 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 12 EXPERTISE NEPA/CEQA compliance reporting Regulatory permitting Land use preservation planning and management Habitat restoration planning and management Biological resources surveying, monitoring, and reporting Phase I hazardous materials site assessment surveying and reporting Preliminary constraints analysis surveying and reporting Site assessment/reconnaissance surveying and reporting Cultural resources transect surveying and reporting Environmental compliance monitoring EDUCATION M.S., Environmental Management; University of San Francisco; 2014 B.A., Environmental Studies e: Ecology & Conservation m: Anthro; University of California at Santa Cruz; 2010 MEMBERSHIPS Member, The Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo; 2015-present Member, Association of Environmental Professionals Item 8.h. - Page 21 SWCA I Resume Page | 2 acres located north of State Route 58 and east of the Capitol Hills area in Tehachapi. Role: Project Manager. Conducting project team management and primary author of the EIR. Cal Poly SLO Master Plan Update Environmental Impact Report; California Polytechnic State University; San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo County, California. SWCA is preparing an EIR for the Cal Poly Master Plan 2035, which guides development and use of campus land and includes anticipated growth in the student body, planned additional housing, academic, recreation and athletics facilities, and other support facilities on the main campus to accommodate students over the next two decades. Highway 46 Warehouse Environmental Impact Report; Kern County; Lost Hills, Kern County, California. SWCA is preparing a project level EIR for the proposed project, which includes the development of a 112-acre site with two logistics facility buildings and associated parking areas, driveways, detention ponds, and landscaping. A warehouse distribution center is expected to be developed in the future. Role: Project Manager/Primary Author. Preparation of technical studies and the EIR. City of Arroyo Grande Bridge Street Project; Quincy Engineering Inc.; Arroyo Grande, San Luis Obispo County, California. SWCA provided environmental services, including preparation of all CEQA/NEPA documentation, technical studies, and permitting, for the project, which will replace the existing bridge crossing Arroyo Grande Creek near the intersection of West Branch Street and Bridge Street in the city of Arroyo Grande. Role: Environmental Planner. Solari Sand and Gravel Project EIR; Kern County; Kern County, California. SWCA is conducting a peer review of technical studies and preparing an EIR for a proposed 543-acre aggregate mining project that includes sand and gravel extraction, asphalt concrete and Portland cement concrete production plants, and asphalt and concrete recycling operations, located in the central area of southern Kern County, where the San Joaquin Valley converges with the foothills of the Tehachapi Mountains. Role: Project Manager. Managed the preparation of the Solari Sand and Gravel Mine Environmental Impact Report. Signal Hill LLC Residence Environmental Impact Report; County of Monterey; Pebble Beach, Monterey County, California. SWCA is preparing an EIR evaluating development of a proposed single-family residence, located off 17-Mile Drive in Pebble Beach, and restoration of the remainder of the property to native dune habitat. The project includes demolition of an existing residence that is listed in the California Register of Historic Places and has been determined eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. Role: Environmental Planner. Preparing various sections of the EIR. County Service Area 7 (Oak Shores) Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade Project Supplemental EIR; County of San Luis Obispo, California. SWCA is preparing a Supplemental EIR evaluating improvements to the County Service Area No. 7A (CSA-7A) Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) in the community of Oak Shores. The proposed improvements would include upgrades to the wastewater treatment plant, sewage collection system, and effluent disposal system in and surrounding the community of Oak Shores. Similar upgrades were previously proposed and analyzed in the Final Environmental Impact Report for the County Service Area 7 (Oak Shores) Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade Project. Changes to the design and location of the proposed effluent and sludge disposal system were subsequently proposed, and the revised WWTF facility upgrades are being further analyzed in the Supplemental EIR (SEIR). Role: Environmental Planner. Preparation of various sections of the Supplemental EIR. Cal Poly Oppenheimer Pavilion and Agricultural Event Center Project IS/MND; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California. SWCA prepared an IS/MND for the project, which consisted of demolition of existing structures; upgrades to existing structures, and the development of new facilities, including a new equestrian pavilion, foaling barn, stallion barn, animal health center, storage barn, and event center within the equine center, environmental horticultural sciences, and beef unit areas, and a new greenhouse and farm store located within the crops unit area. The project also included associated improvements such as utilities, detention basins for surface water control, landscaping, and access roads for circulation. Role: Project Manager/Primary Author. Conducted project team management and preparation of the IS/MND. Item 8.h. - Page 22 SWCA I Resume Page | 1 JAMESON HONEYCUTT, B.S., ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNER Mr. Honeycutt is an environmental planner with experience in natural resource management, land-use planning, and regulatory permitting, specializing in environmental analysis for CEQA and NEPA projects. He is also experienced in GIS and geospatial analysis for projects impacting environmental, biological, and sensitive resources. Mr. Honeycutt has worked in both the public and private sector, with experience ranging from solar energy development to large-scale watershed restoration projects. He is responsible for managing a variety of projects for private developers as well as local governments throughout California, including in the Sierra, the Central Valley, and the Central Coast. He has successfully prepared and supported a range of compliance documents and technical reports, including EIRs, IS/MNDs, Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, General Plan Amendments, Aquatic Delineations, Biological Technical Reports, and Cultural Resources Evaluations. In coordination with local governments, he has worked to analyze development projects for compliance with General Plans and zoning ordinances as well as process land-use permit applications. SELECTED PROJECT EXPERIENCE Signal Hill LLC Residence Environmental Impact Report; County of Monterey; Pebble Beach, Monterey County, California . SWCA is preparing an EIR evaluating development of a proposed single-family residence, located off 17-Mile Drive in Pebble Beach, and restoration of the remainder of the property to native dune habitat. The project includes demolition of an existing residence that is listed in the California Register of Historic Places and has been determined eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. Role: Environmental Planner. Prepare response to comments. Grover Beach Lodge Environmental Impact Report Second Addendum; City of Grover Beach; Grover Beach, San Luis Obispo County, California. SWCA provided planning suport and CEQA dosumentation for the prepaeration of a Second Addendum to an EIR for a new lodge complex in the City of Grover Beach. Role: Environmental Planner. Supporting author of the EIR Addendum. Cal Poly SLO Master Plan Update Environmental Impact Report; California Polytechnic State University;San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo County, California. SWCA is preparing an EIR for the Cal Poly Master Plan 2035, which guides development and use of campus land and includes anticipated growth in the student body, planned additional housing, academic, recreation and athletics facilities, and other support facilities on the main campus to accommodate students over the next two decades. Role: Environmental Planner. Assisting with preparation of various EIR sections. Brisco-Halcyon Road Interchange Modification Project; City of Arroyo Grande;San Luis Obispo County, California. SWCA prepared various technical reports analyzing alternatives for the interchange modification project, located in the city of Arroyo Grande, in support of the joint CEQA/NEPA process, including Community Impacts Assessment, Visual Impact Assessment, Water Quality Assessment Report, and Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration. Role: Environmental Planner. Assisting with Response to Comments on IS/MND. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 10 EXPERTISE CEQA compliance Natural resource management Environmental policy Botany and plant taxonomy Environmental permitting Cartography EDUCATION B.S., Ecology and Natural Resources; The Evergreen State College; Olympia, Washington; 2009 B.A., Environmental Economics; The Evergreen State College; Olympia, Washington; 2009 TRAINING California Rapid Assessment Method, San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2014 Bio-assessment Field Sampling, Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program; 2013 Planning in California, UC Davis Extension; 2014 Item 8.h. - Page 23 SWCA I Resume Page | 2 Highway 41/1/Main Street Intersection Improvement Project Environmental Services; City of Morro Bay;Morro Bay, San Luis Obispo County, California. SWCA is providing environmental services, including preparation of all CEQA/NEPA documentation, technical studies, and permitting, for the construction of a modern roundabout at the intersections of State Routes 1 & 41 (Atascadero Road) and Main Street in the city of Morro Bay. Role: Environmental Planner. Assisting with preparation of various technical studies. Cannabis Cultivation Application Processing and IS/MND Preparation; County of San Luis Obispo; Regionwide, San Luis Obispo County, California. SWCA is contracted with the County of San Luis Obispo to review and process land use permit application in compliance with the County’s Cannabis Regulatory Program, General Plan, CEQA, and other local and state regulations. Role: Project Manager/Environmental Planner. Coordination between County staff and applicants to review and process over 30 land use permit applications to obtain permit coverage. 2210 Preisker Lane Development IS/MND; City of Santa Maria; Santa Maria, Santa Barbara County, California. SWCA provided palnning support and prepared CEQA documentation for a General Plan Ammendment and Planned Development Permit for a new training center in the City of Santa Maria. Role: Project Manager/Environmental Planner. Primary author of the IS/MND. Cypress Ridge Environmental Services; Golden State Water Company; Arroyo Grande, San Luis Obispo County, California. SWCA prepared various technical studies and CEQA documentation for a new 10,400-linear-foot water pipeline to provide water supply redundancy for the Nipomo Community Services District. Role: Project Manager/Environmental Planner. Primary author of the IS/MND. NCSD Intertie Revised Phase 3 Pipeline Route EIR Addendum; Nipomo Community Services District; San Luis Obispo County, California. SWCA is preparing the second addendum to the NCSD Supplemental Water Project, which will focus on the portions of the 12,000 linear feet of 12-inch diameter waterline alignment that were not previously analyzed under the original EIR. Role: Environmental Planner. Primary author of the EIR addendum. WMWC Interconnect IS/MND; Nipomo Community Services District; San Luis Obispo County, California. SWCA is preparing various techinical studies and CEQA documentation for the Nipomo Community Services District to construct three new interconnection facilities throughout the Nipomo mesa. Role: Project Manager/Environmental Planner. Primary author to the IS/MND Halcyon Road Complete Streets Plan CEQA Support; City of Arroyo Grande; Arroyo Grande, San Luis Obispo County, California. SWCA is providing planning support and CEQA documentation for a Complete Streets Plan that would provide for safe mobility and multimodal transportation throughout the Halcyon Road corridor in City of Arroyo Grande. Role: Environmental Planner. Primary author of the IS/MND. Alamo Water Tank Replacement Environmental Services; Golden State Water Company; Los Osos, San Luis Obispo County, California. SWCA is preparing technical studies and the CEQA environmental document for the demolition and replacement of an existing 84,000-gallon bolted steel reservoir with a new 84,000-gallon welded steel reservoir, as well as construction of a driveway to provide access to the site, in the community of Los Osos. Role: Project Manager/Environmental Planner. Primary author of the IS/MND Truesdale North Reservoir Grading Permit IS/MND; County of San Luis Obispo; San Luis Obispo County, California. SWCA provided CEQA documentation for a major grading permit to construct an agricultural reservoir for winery frost protection and irrigation. Role: Project Manager/Environmental Planner. Primary author of the IS/MND. Truesdale Feedlot Reservoir Major Grading Permit IS/MND; County of San Luis Obispo; San Luis Obispo County, California. SWCA provided CEQA documentation for a major grading permit to construct an agricultural reservoir for winery frost protection and irrigation. Role: Project Manager/Environmental Planner. Primary author for the IS/MND. TRAINING (CONT’D) California General Construction Permit, Cardno ENTRIX; 2013 Endangered Species Regulation and Protection, UC Davis Extension; 2016 Lahontan Stormwater Permit, Cardno ENTRIX; 2014 Intermediate GIS Watershed Analysis, UC Davis Extension; 2013 MEMBERSHIPS Member, Association of Environmental Professionals – Channel Counties Chapter Item 8.h. - Page 24 SWCA I