CC 2019-05-28_11a Police Department Strategic Plan
DATE: MAY 28, 2019
Receive information about the Police Department Strategic Plan.
There is no financial or staffing impact on the recommended action.
It is recommended the City Council (1) recognize Sidney Pruett’s contribution to the
document; and (2) receive and file the Police Department Strategic Plan 2019-2021.
The Police Department initiated strategic planning beginning in January 2019 to guide the
Department’s planning, decision-making and initiatives over the next two (2) years. It
included workshops with Administrative personnel as well as a Department survey
completed by every rank in the Patrol and Investigative Divisions. From this collaborative
process, four (4) goals were identified with action items to achieve each goal.
As a result of the planning process, four (4) topics emerged that formed the basis of the
Department’s strategic goals and action plans:
1. Staffing (Recruitment/Retention) – Use creative and innovative methods to attract
the most talented individuals to become employees of our department.
2. Technology – Provide technology in a secure environment that supports the
Department operationally and administratively, while enhancing our ability to best
serve the public.
3. Delivery of Service - Our strength begins with filling all of our vacant positions in
the Patrol Division, thus reducing the excessive overtime demands and burdens
on current staff. This will allow us to maximize our available resources by utilizing
specialized positions to address our communities’ highest priorities and problems.
Item 11.a. - Page 1
MAY 28, 2019
4. 21st Century Policing - Further our community efforts by working towards
compliance with the President’s Report on 21st Century Policing to bring long-term
guiding principles to the ways in which the Arroyo Grande Police Department
brings positive change to its members and the community.
The following alternatives are provided for the Council’s consideration:
1. Receive and file the Police Department Strategic Plan 2019-2021; or
2. Provide direction to staff.
The strategic plan allows the organization to be proactive rather than reactive and creates
a sense of direction heading into the future. It will increase operational efficiency through
realistic goals and objectives consistent with the organization’s mission.
No disadvantaged are identified.
No environmental review is required for this item.
The Agenda was posted at City Hall and on the City’s website in accordance with
Government Code Section 54954.2.
1. Police Department Strategic Plan 2019-2021
Item 11.a. - Page 2
Strategic Plan 2019 - 2021
200 N. Halcyon Road
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
(805) 473-5110
Arroyo Grande
Police Department
Item 11.a. - Page 3
Arroyo Grande Police Department * Strategic Plan 2019-2021
City of Arroyo Grande Council Members ..................................................... 1
Message from the Chief of Police ............................................................... 2
A Message .................................................................................................. 3
Mission Statement ...................................................................................... 4
Goal 1: Staffing ........................................................................................... 5
Goal 2: Technology ..................................................................................... 6
Goal 3: Delivery of Service ......................................................................... 7
Goal 4: 21st Century Policing ....................................................................... 8
Images ........................................................................................................ 9
The Guardians .......................................................................................... 10
Special Recognition .................................................................................. 11
Item 11.a. - Page 4
The strength ofa democracy and the quality of life e nj oyed by it s
citizens arc determined in large measure by the abi lity of the police to
discharge their duties.
Nobility of Polici11g -G11ardia11s of Democracy
Arroyo Grande Police Department * Strategic Plan 2019-2021
City of Arroyo Grande
Council Members
Caren Ray Russom
Kristen Barneich
Mayor Pro Tem
Jimmy Paulding
Council Member
Lan George
Council Member
Keith Storton
Council Member
1Item 11.a. - Page 5•
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Arroyo Grande Police Department * Strategic Plan 2019-2021
Beau D. Pryor
Chief of Police
I am excited to present the Arroyo Grande Police Department’s
2019-2021 Strategic Plan. The safety of our community is our
highest priority and with this document as our guide, we will work
together to achieve a continuously improving level of service.
For the first time, I am adopting a two -year plan in order to be
responsive to emerging trends. Work on the plan began in January
2019 and included workshops with Administrative personnel as
well as a Department survey completed in March 2019 by every
rank in the Patrol and Investigative Divisions. From this
collaborative process, four goals were identified that center
around Staffing (recruitment/retention), Technology, Delivery of
Service, and 21st Century Policing:
Goal 1: Staffing (recruitment/retention)
Use creative and innovative recruitment methods to attract the most talented employees.
Goal 2: Technology
Provide technology in a secure environment that supports the Department operationally and
administratively, while enhancing our ability to best serve the public and to build and maintain community
trust and legitimacy.
Goal 3: Delivery of Service
Continue to develop strategies and implement program s to solve and reduce crime and improve the quality
of life in Arroyo Grande.
Goal 4: 21st Century Policing
Further our community policing efforts by complying with the President’s Report on 21st Century Policing
(Contemporary Law Enforcement).
The Arroyo Grande Police Department’s Strategic Plan will be published on our website located at
Thank you to the dedicated men and women of the Arroyo Grande Police Department for
your continued commitment to providing exemplary service to our community. Thank you
to the City Council and our community for your support of public safety. We look forwar d
to working together with our community to accomplish the goals and objectives of the 2019 -
2021 Arroyo Grande Police Department Strategic Plan.
Beau D. Pryor
Chief of Police
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Arroyo Grande Police Department * Strategic Plan 2019-2021
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Never doubt that you carry a message of hope wherever you go.
For the people you innuence, protect and serve , that you may
never meet. For every right thought, word , deed, and action serves the cause.
For what you have done yesterday, today and will do tomorrow
to honor the nobility of policing.
Nobility of Policing -Guardians of Democracy
Arroyo Grande Police Department * Strategic Plan 2019-2021
The mission of the Arroyo Grande Police Department
is to maintain the public peace, safeguard lives and property,
and to provide for a quality of life
whereby those persons within the City of Arroyo Grande
have a sense of security and freedom in their daily activities.
To achieve these ends, the Arroyo Grande Police Department
will maintain the capability to provide a superior level
of law enforcement and related services which are appropriate and timely.
Specifically, the Arroyo Grande Police Department will
maintain a viable and proactive organization, which recognizes
and effectively responds to current and future community needs,
and which makes maximum use of available resources, personnel and technology.
4Item 11.a. - Page 8
Character 1s what guides C\C') n1licer
1n lhosc countless mo ments of tru th and cho ii.:c.
Arroyo Grande Police Department * Strategic Plan 2019-2021
GOAL 1: Staffing
Use creative and innovative methods to attract the
most talented individuals to become employees of our
Objective 1: Enhance the Recruitment Process
Action Item 1.1.1: Revitalize the Explorer Post
program and recruit
teenagers and young adults
interested in a career in Law Enforcement.
Action Item 1.1.2: Continued development of the Police Cadet position
to prepare Police Officer candidates for the Police
Action Item 1.1.3: Provide specialized training to select staff on law
enforcement recruitment techniques and strategies.
Action Item 1.1.4: Develop a plan to improve the use of social media to
attract qualified candidates to the Arroyo Grande
Police Department.
Action Item 1.1.5: Implement a hiring incentive pilot program for lateral
Police Officer candidates utilizing C.O.P.S Grant
Objective 2: Develop Employee Retention Strategies
Action Item 1.2.1: Provide instructor level certification for employees to
train in-house staff and host regional training at the
Arroyo Grande Police Department.
Action Item 1.2.2: Implement an annual organizational survey to develop
a career track program for all employees.
Action Item 1.2.3: Implement an annual assessment program to rotate
Supervisory collateral assignments and create cross-
training experiences.
Action Item 1.2.4: Fill all vacant specialized assignments once Patrol is
fully staffed to allow career advancement
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Arroyo Grande Police Department * Strategic Plan 2019-2021
GOAL 2: Technology
To provide technology in a secure
environment that supports the Department
operationally and administratively, while
enhancing our ability to best serve the
Objective 1: Explore technology to increase accountability, transparency, public
trust and crime-fighting techniques
Action Item 2.1.1: Implement body-worn camera pilot project.
Action Item 2.1.2: Replace the outdated and failing Public Safety Video
Camera System.
Action Item 2.1.3: Replace the outdated and failing handheld radio
Action Item 2.1.4: Implement the resident video camera registration
Action Item 2.1.5: Implement Wi-Fi for wireless connectivity at the Police
Action Item 2.1.6: Hardware upgrades to multi-video system in the EOC
/ Training Room.
Action Item 2.1.7: Improve Patrol efficiency by developing an iPod smart
device pilot program.
Action Item 2.1.8: Upgrade the Nixle Public Alert software to enhance
communications with the public.
Action Item 2.1.9: Implement the E-Scar program to comply with
suspected child abuse reporting mandates.
***** All technology projects will be funded by the U.S. Department of Justice,
Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Grant *****
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Arroyo Grande Police Department * Strategic Plan 2019-2021
GOAL 3: Delivery of Service
The strength of our public safety workforce is a
key driver and enabler of our ability to achieve
a safer and more prosperous city. Our strength
begins with filling all of our vacant positions in
the Patrol Division, thus reducing the excessive
overtime demands and burdens on current
staff. This will allow us to maximize our
available resources by utilizing specialized
positions to address our communities’ highest
priorities and problems.
Objective 1: Enhance Communications with the Arroyo Grande Community
Action Item 3.1.1: Conduct at least two town hall meetings each year to
share police department updates and solicit community
Action Item 3.1.2: Develop a community outreach program (Coffee with a
Action Item 3.1.3: Develop social media platforms (i.e., Facebook,
Twitter) in addition to our enhanced Nixle Public
Notification System.
Objective 2: Develop specialized assignments to reduce crime and improve the
quality of life in Arroyo Grande
Action Item 3.2.1: Expand traffic enforcement activities by assigning a
F/T Motorcycle Traffic Officer.
Action Item 3.2.2: Implement a Community Outreach Officer Program to
address our homeless and mental health population.
Action Item 3.2.3: Implement a K-9 Officer Program.
Action Item 3.2.4: Implement a Bicycle Patrol Program.
Action Item 3.2.5: Staff the Regional S.W.A.T. Team.
Action Item 3.2.6: Implement a Special Problems Patrol Team.
7Item 11.a. - Page 11•
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Arroyo Grande Police Department * Strategic Plan 2019-2021
GOAL 4: 21st Century Policing
Further our community efforts by working
towards compliance with the President’s
Report on 21st Century Policing to bring
long-term guiding principles to the ways in
which the Arroyo Grande Police Department
brings positive change to its members and
the community.
Objective 1: Utilization of training, education, equipment and officer wellness and
safety to build community trust and legitimacy
Action Item 4.1.1: Implement a contemporary 40mm launcher platform
and incorporate into range training as a less lethal
Action Item 4.1.2: Implement modern tourniquet technology and
incorporate into tactical 1st Aid emergency training.
Action Item 4.1.3: Provide crisis intervention and mental health training
(CIT) for all officers.
Action Item 4.1.4: Promote officer health and wellness by enhancing the
department gym.
Action Item 4.1.5: Promote critical incident debriefings to include a police
psychologist who can offer additional short and long-
term services, as needed.
Action Item 4.1.6: Expand the Police Chaplain Program to add an
additional Pastor as a secondary resource.
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Arroyo Grande Police Department * Strategic Plan 2019-2021
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Arroyo Grande Police Department * Strategic Plan 2019-2021
10Item 11.a. - Page 14
Thousands ·of years before the policing profession was established,
it had a name. \ 1
In Plato'_s vision of the perfect society -a republic _
that honors the core of democracy -the greatest amount of power
:, ... was · gi xe,n~to :tho~e he called the Guardians. Only . those .w!th ·the /
, \::. -mos V1mp_ecca?l ~,~~~J_a£_tt~f w9~l~h~icbosen to)>~~r ~h~ -· .. --_:
~~~~ ··:, r~s~ons_1b1_hty of protectmg the democ,rafy:,•-. _ ::\., ___
., • .._;,.:,:~;,.~_-; ', '· ! ', . : ·'.;,•~_) ./ __ .-~.' ,-6_· '~ ~.-,,-"::-·:
.·.rho§J Guardians would love tlie community -more tha1f'an~l1ing -~·
~l,~;-:and never act to harm it. They would b_e~ntrusted to prese rve
· .:';'j!s ideas; the1~tity:_of-hu111a.p. dignity{anf life itself.:.,;,,;:.;~'
~ -~-. . ~-.. ~ -. . . ✓-
. --. --In~the ,words of Plato:·· ~ -· -_-
.... / / I ·-.. . '--//{ . /
"It di es not ma~ef:ifJ he c~~lers and the :~~sc:ns faiHt d~ 1 their jo ~well, but if the· Gu~di~ns fail the democ fucy will
As Guardians of the longest running democracy in the -history
of the ,w~rld, you cannot fail -you dare not fail -,o~horior
the ' can. 'The risk is far too great and the margins 'for' error
·\ \. -far.too .slim -.·• / -__ · ;'
\ \ . /
\,. /
" ,f . ,/
Nobility_ of Policing -Gu_ardians of Democra;y
Arroyo Grande Police Department * Strategic Plan 2019-2021
Special recognition to
Arroyo Grande High School student
Sidney Pruett
for her assistance with the
development of the graphic artwork
for this Strategic Plan.
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