Minutes 2001-03-26
Monday, March 26, 2001 - 6:30 p.m.
Woman's Club Community Center - 211 Vernon Street
Arroyo Grande, California
Arroyo Grande Mayor Michael Lady called the Special Joint Meeting to order at 6:30
.Arroyo Grande Mayor Lady led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Arroyo Grande City Council Present Grover Beach City Council Present
Michael A. Lady, Mayor Richard Neufeld, Mayor
Tony M. Ferrara, Mayor Pro Tern Stephen Lieberman, Mayor Pro Tem
Thomas A. Runels, Council Member Ronald Arnoldsen, Council Member
Jim Dickens, Council Member David Ekbom, Council Member
Sandy Lubin, Council Member Dee Santos, Council Member
Pismo Beach City Council Present O.C.S.D. Board Members Present
Rudy Natoli, Mayor Rick P. Searcy, President
Joe Crescione, Mayor Pro Tern Anthony J. Gallardo, Vice President
Terry Henlin, Council Member David C. Angello, Board Member
Bill Habenaldt, Council Member Barbara J. Mann, Board Member
Mary Ann Reiss, Council Member Bill Senna, Board Member
The purpose of the joint meeting was to determine if there is interest from. the agencies
to study the potential for joint effort opportunities related to fire services.
A. Presentations by fire officials on current service levels and ongoing planning
i. Arroyo Grande Fire Chief Terrv Fibich gave a brief overview of the City of
Arroyo Grande's existing services, citing statistics on 'population (16,426),
square milage (5.58 sq. miles), total operating budget ($798..850), per
capita expense ($48.63); full-time (4) and volunteer/part-time (44) staffing;
response volume (1248) and type; average response time (5 minutes, 28
seconds); apparatus inventory; and facilities inventory; explained that
response time is calculated from the time a 911 call is received to the time
the first fire emergency vehicle arrives at the scene; clarified that response
call volume is tracked on a calendar year basis; and explained that the
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City of Arroyo Grande City Council had authorized a Fire Staffing and
Facilities Update Study that had been placed on hold pending future
consideration of the agencies for providing joint services.
H. Grover Beach Fire Chief Jack Criswell gave a brief overview of the City of
Grover Beach's existing services; citing statistics on population (12,767),
total operating budget ($346,538), per capita expense ($27.14); full-time
(2) and volunteer/part-time staffing (35+); response volume (832) and
type; average response time (3 minutes, 45 seconds); the Department's
ISO rating (4); apparatus inventory; and facilities inventory.
Hi. Pismo Beach.lnterim Fire Chief Vern Hamilton gave a brief overview of the
City of Pismo Beach's existing services, citing statistics on population
(8,500); total operating budget ($992,566), per capita expense ($107.83);
full-time (6) and volunteer/part-time staffing; response volume (1122) and
type; average response time (4 minutes, 32 seconds); apparatus
inventory; and facilities inventory.
iv. Oceano Community Services District Fire Chief Chris Marshall gave a
brief overview of the District's existing services, citing statistics on
population (6,700); total operating budget ($120,620 + 91,163
administrative support), per capita expense ($35.86); part-time (1) and
volunteer staffing; response volume (398) and type; average response
time (6 minutes, 22 seconds); apparatus inventory; and facilities inventory.
Questions and discussion ensued regarding response times; mutual aid; insurance
costs as related to ISO ratings; comparison of per capita costs in each jurisdiction;
cooperative service levels; and whether consolidation of services would benefit the
B. Presentation by San Luis Obispo County Fire Chief Dan Turner regarding
cooperative fire service options. .
Chief Turner presented information regarding fire protection and emergency response
stating that the number of incidents increases as population increases. He explained
that emergency medical services make up more than sixty percent (60%) of all calls in
California cities. He stated that fire agencies also respond to vehicle accidents,
hazardous materials emergencies, and technical rescues. He then reviewed the pros
and cons of various cooperative fire protection options which included 1) doing nothing;
, 2) enhancing emergency response through automatic aid agreements; 3) pursuing
operational consolidation; 4) contracting for services with a lead agency; 5) forming a
Joint Powers Agreement; 6) forming a political merger; and 7) forming a new Agency or
In response to questions, Chief Turner explained the difference between mutual aid and
automatic aid; and stated that CDF has an existing auto aid agreement with the City of
Arroyo Grande and the Oceano Community Services District. He explained that CDF
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did not share a boundary with the City of Grover Beach and that CDF and the City of
Pismo Beach were currently in the process of forming an auto aid agreement.
There was further discussion regarding the benefits of operational consolidation with
regarding to training activities and economic feasibility of consolidating various services.
Mayor Lady called a break at 8:10 p.m. and the meeting reconvened at 8:18 p.m.
C. Discussion
Grover Beach Mayor Neufeld referred to training activities and asked how training could
be combined effectively. Grover Beach Fire Chief Criswell responded that the Fire
Departments conduct the same training according to State guidelines and that efforts
are currently underway to conduct joint training in some areas.
Grover Beach Mayor Neufeld stated that in Grover Beach, dispatch for fire calls is
handled through the Police Department and asked if this practice was the same in other
cities. Pismo Beach Fire Chief Hamilton responded that was the practice in Pismo
The Fire Chiefs addressed questions regarding the State Uniform Fire Code; Fire
Academy training standards; paramedic services; costs for training, equipment, and
licensing; and volunteer staffing.
Arroyo Grande Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara referred to operational consolidation and
observed that the agencies have a potential for taking a little step toward combining
services. He spoke of the benefits and cost savings for standardized training and
centralizing dispatch operations.
Grover Beach Council Member Arnoldsen referred to subsidizing ambulance services.
Chief Hamilton explained the ambulance was reguJated by the County and further
explained how the ambulance service operates.
OCSD Board Member Senna stated there was a combined population of approximately
. 44,000 among the four agencies and asked if there were a consolidation study available
from other communities of the same population. Chief Turner replied that the City of
San Luis Obispo has a population of 45,000 with 4 fire stations; however, they have a
fully paid staff. Board Member Senna stated he would like to see the City of San Luis
Obispo budget. .
There was discussion regarding what the .next steps would be. OCSD President Searcy
stated that before committing staff to any work, he would like to take the issue back to a
regular Board Meeting for discussion. OCSD Vice President Gallardo concurred.
Pismo Beach Council Member Reiss asked what services the agencies were currently
conducting jointly. Chief Fibich replied that the Training Officers from each agency met
to coordinate having weekly drills on the same night. He explained that the agencies
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trade personnel for training and exercise purposes and to share equipment. He stated
the agencies also loan equipment and personnel for various operations.
In response to a question from Council Member Reiss regarding combined dispatch
services, Chief Turner said that there is a trend in consolidating dispatch operations and
explained the benefits. ..
Pismo Beach Council Member Henlin referred to equipment which is obtained through
State and Federal grants and asked if that equipment is shared. Chief Fibich replied
Pismo Beach Mayor Pro T em Crescione stated there were less fires and more need for
emergency medical services. He stated he would support looking for a better level of
service within the entire community.
Mayor Lady opened the floor to public comment.
Gary Haggerty, 345 Olive, Arroyo Grande, stated he was retired from the San Luis
Obispo Fire Department. He stated consolidation was overdue and suggested the
agencies consider forming a Fire Protection District.
John Brown, Shell Beach, stated he was a retired Fire Chief, and asked what the
agencies wanted to accomplish with regard to cost savings and improvement of level of
service. He said the agencies should be looking to consolidate the Police Departments.
He further spoke of the need for installing fire sprinklers in every building, including
residential, in the community.
Carl Brandt, Arroyo Grande, Fire Captain and President of the Arroyo Grande
Firefighters Association, spoke in support of some method of providing joint services
and stated the. Association siJpports efforts to unite in any form to share manpower,
equipment and training. He further expressed support for a thorough study into the
feasibility of providing joint services with those departments wishing to participate.
Paul DeMello, Grover Beach, stated the goal should be how to improve services to the
community. He supported efforts to provide a fully paid fire company to serve the Five
Cities area.
Rikki Heath, spokesperson for the Pismo Beach Firefighters Association, stated the
Association welcomes discussions to e~p!ore joint services.
Peggy Wilson, Oceano, stated it was nice to have a forum to publicly thank the Oceano
firefighters. She stated consolidation was a worthy idea and she would like to see more
information on shared services. She stated that consolidation makes sense for
economic reasons, response times, use of equipment, improvement of service level,
improved training, and that the consistency factor was not to be overlooked. She
strongly supports creation of a Fire Protection District. She said the OCSD Board
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should direct staff to present more information to the citizens. She stated she was
impressed with how few fire responses Oceano has to make and expressed her respect
for the department.
Darren Mafi, Arroyo Grande, spoke in support of consolidating the Fire Departments.
Hearing no further public comments, Mayor Lady closed the public comment period and
brought the discussion back to the Councils/Board.
Mayor Lady stated he was thankful that the four jurisdictions could get together for the
opportunity to hear presentations from the Fire professionals and to listen to the
Board Member Senna thanked Mayor Lady and the City of Arroyo Grande for hosting
the meeting.
Mayor Neufeld stated that regardless of the outcome, the fact that the four communities
could get together and try to enhance services for the people was needed. He stated
that training had been discussed and there was agreement for continuing joint efforts in
that area. He suggested that more information was needed in other areas regarding
Staff was directed to prepare a proposed process for consideration by the City Councils
and Board at their respective regular meetings.
Time: 9:35 p.m.
Recorded by:
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Kelly et ore ~
Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk
City of Arroyo Grande