Minutes 2001-05-31 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY THURSDAY, MAY 31, 2001 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER The City Council/Redevelopment Agency of the City of Arroyo Grande met in special session at 6:30 p.m. to consider the Fiscal Year 2001-02 Preliminary Annual Budget, with Mayor/Chair Michael A. Lady presiding. 2. ROLL CALL Mayor/Chair Lady, Mayor Pro TemNice-Chair Ferrara, Council/Board Member Runels, Council/Board Member Dickens, and Council/Board Member Lubin were present. Staff members present were City Manager Adams, Chief of Police TerBorch, Director of Administrative Services Wetmore, Director of Building and Fire Fibich, Public Works Director Spagnolo, Parks, Recreation, and Facilities Director Hernandez, Community Development Director McCants, Financial Services Director Snodgrass, and Economic Development Director Sheeley. 3. FLAG SALUTE Mayor/Chair Lady led the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. CITIZENS' INPUT. COMMENTS. AND SUGGESTIONS Carl Brandt, President of the Arroyo Grande Firefighters' Association, spoke on behalf of the Association and expressed support for the proposed funding for a3rd Fire Captain. He explained that this would result in full-time coverage at the Fire Station. He thanked the Council for its continued support of the Department. Jonni Biaggini, Executive Director, San Luis Obispo County Visitors and Conference Bureau, acknowledged the City's support this past year and expressed appreciation for the funding. She requested the Council consider an increase in funding next fiscal year to support the SLOVCB's programs. 5. CONSIDERATION OF FISCAL YEAR 2001-02 PRELIMINARY ANNUAL BUDGET City Manager Adams presented the FY 2001-02 Preliminary Budget to the City Council/RDA Board Members. He explained the Budget presentation would include an overview of goals and accomplishments, revenue projections, fund balances, expenditure and service level recommendations, capital improvement program, and other issues. He stated the total budget for 2001-02 was $15,095,853 (8.8% decrease); the General Fund budget was $9,685,455 (1.9% increase), and the projected year-end available fund balance in the Reserve Fund was $822,800, a $377,988 increase over the FY 2000-01 amended budget. City Manager Adams then gave a brief overview of issues facing the SPECIAL CITY COUNCIURDA MEETING MINUTES MAY 31,2001 PAGE 2 City; the overall budget process; budget priorities for FY 2001-02; accomplishments during FY2000-01; and goals for FY 2001-02. Financial Services Director Snodgrass presented an overview of projected 2001-02 Citywide Revenues and Transfers ($17,147,000); reviewed how revenue projections are made; reviewed types of revenue sources; reviewed growth trend of Citywide revenue; projected a 2% increase of General Fund revenues; reviewed recurring and one-time revenues; and reviewed the trend of General Fund revenue growth over the past seven years. Financial Services Director Snodgrass then reviewed the City's projected Fund Balances for 2001-02, including General Fund ($1,183,100), Special Revenue Funds ($2,986,200), and Enterprise Funds ($5,927,100). City Manager Adams gave an overview of City expenditures; methods to address Redevelopment Agency operating shortfall; methods to increase City reservas; and methods to address projected utility cost increases; plans for infrastructure maintenance; proposed funding for the addition of one paid Fire Captain position as a result of the Fire Department Needs Study; goals to address findings as a result of the City's Risk Management Study; proposed funding for replacing outdated vehicles/equipment; and proposed funding for other personnel and project-related items. Director of Public Works Spagnolo gave an overview of the City's Five-Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP). He stated that for FY 2001-02, there were 32capital projects budgeted totaling $7,291,550,66% of which are street projects. He gave a brief overview of the major projects and projects that may be funded by future grant funding. Director Spagnolo answered questions from Council regarding projects on The Pike, Huasna Road, Rancho Grande Park, and for widening Oak Park Boulevard. Council Member Dickens inquired about plans for improving the City's public restroom facilities. Director of Parks, Recreation, and Facilities Hernandez responded that American with Disabilities Act (ADA) retrofits at the public restrooms are funded by Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, and that staff would be pursuing other funding mechanisms to accomplish further improvements to the City's public restrooms. Director Spagnolo continued with an overview of the FY 2001-02 CIP Proposed Funding Sources, and FY 2001-02 CIP Expenditures by Project Type. He answered questions from Council regarding the status of the Reservoir #1 project. City Manager Adams concluded the budget presentation by reviewing other budget issues that would require future Council direction, such as the City's financial system upgrade, community organization request process, legal services budget recommendations, and other City Council requests/issues. SPECIAL CITY COUNCIURDA MEETING MINUTES MAY 31,2001 PAGE 3 Further Council questions and discussion ensued regarding the proposed financial system upgrade/conversion; clarification on the three-year plan for replacing Police Department vehicles; funding issues related to Redevelopment Agency projects; the placement of various documents on the City's web site; the projected date the City could realistically meet its reserve goal of 15%; the potential for upgrading the Council Chambers to accommodate televised Council meetings in the future; and clarification on proposed funds for Public Works contractual services as it relates to the Assistant City Engineer position. Mayor Lady opened up the item for public comment. Dave Spaur, CEO, Economic Vitality Corporation, announced his last day as CEO would be tomorrow. Ray Johnson has been appointed as interim CEO. He spoke in support of the EVC's request for continued funding and relayed some of the EVC's goals for improving better tracking and reporting of activities. Jonni Biaggini, SLO County Visitors and Conference Bureau, spoke in support of their funding request and requested that the funds not be taken from the Redevelopment Agency budget. She requested that the funds be associated with the City's Transient Occupancy Tax. Mayor Pro T em Ferrara indicated the City was looking into the potential for generating additional revenue through a tourism assessment fee and the Council would be receiving further information regarding the issue at a future meeting. Hearing no further public comments, Mayor Lady closed the public comment period and brought the issue back to Council for questions and discussion. Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara referred to a typographical error to be corrected on page 71, Department account 4426. He referred to page 247 and inquired how Public Works positions are funded. Director Spagnolo responded that most of the engineering positions are divided among the administration and enterprise funds in the Public Works budget. Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara referred to page 280, CIP Project Summary by Type of Project, and asked for a brief overview of the line item detail for the EI Campo PSR and 5-Cities Center. Director Spagnolo responded that the funds for the EI Campo PSR are a carryover from the previous budget year, and explained the account for the 5-Cities Center was an expenditure recovery account that is used for collecting reimbursements from the developer for the project. Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara referred to the population figure of 16,426 on page 323 and asked the source of the figure and if the growth rate had been factored in. SPECIAL CITY COUNCIURDA MEETING MINUTES MAY 31,2001 PAGE 4 There was further discussion regarding the population figure and Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara suggested that for planning and budgeting purposes, the City should determine which figure was going to be used. . There was no further discussion. 6. ADJOURNMENT to the next Regular Meeting on Tuesday, June 12,2001 at 7:00p.m. Time: 8:50 p.m. -.- -