CC 2019-06-25_06a Mayors Commendation - Hailey BarneichItem 6.a. - Page 1 Mayor's Commendation Present ea to J-fai{ey 13arneicli In recognition of your 40+ vo{unteer fiours to form tfie "Teens J-fe(ping Seniors witfi Tecfi Cfinic". Since 2017, you fiave organized and {ed a grouy of fiigfi scfioo{ students in yroviding ayyroximate{y 240 seniors in our community a combined 150 fiours of assistance witfi smart yfiones, comyuters, socia{ media sites, ayys, software and more! }lour time and dedication to tfie seniors in our community is admira6{e. Congratu{ations! 1Jatea tfiis 25tfi aay of June 2019 Caren 'Ray 1lussmn, Mayor THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Item 6.a. - Page 2