CC 2019-08-13_06a Mayors Commendation_Bob LundItem 6.a. - Page 1OF flMcA L 1FOR~ -f-y~~ :M.ayor's Co1n1nendation 'Presented" to 1306 Lund 'The City of ..'Arroyo (jrancfe recognizes ana congratu(ates you on your retirement as '.Executive Virector of the ..'Arroyo (jrancfe Yiffage Imyrovement ..'Association ana further recognizes your commitment ana count(ess liours of aeaicatea service to the City ana community througli your (eaaershiy in this organization. You have servea a key ro(e over many years in organizing ana managing the Strawberry ]'estiva(, Jfarvest ]'estiva(, yaracfes ana otlier community events in ..'Arroyo (jrancfe for the enjoyment of the City's resiaents ana visitors. ]'urthermore, since 2007, you liave been a chamyion for community imyrovements ana beautification through your invo(vement with ..'Arroyo (jrancfe in 'Bfoom, whicli lias resu(tea in tlie City receiving nationa( recognition ana many awarcfs from ..'America In 'Bfoom. Your airect invo(vement in aff of these organizations ana on various City boaras ana committees is to be commenaea ana the City is gratefu( for aeaicatea inaiviaua(s fike you wlio ce(e6rate tlie City's heritage, encourage beautification efforts, yromote vo(unteerism, ana overa((, for making our City a wefroming an£ vibrant y(ace to five, work ana y(ay. 'Datea tfiis 13tfi. aay of .'August 2019 Caren 'Ray 1lussom, :Mayor THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Item 6.a. - Page 2