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R 4324
RESOLUTION NO. 4324 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ACCEPTING THE CERTIFICATES OF THE COUNTY CLERK - RESULTS OF CANVASS OF ALL VOTES CAST AT THE NOVEMBER 2, 2010 CONSOLIDATED GENERAL ELECTION WHEREAS, a Consolidated General Municipal Election was held in the City of Arroyo Grande, California, on Tuesday, November 2, 2010 as required by law; and WHEREAS, included on the ballot for the City of Arroyo Grande General Municipal Election was one (1) Mayor for a full term of 2 years, two (2) City Council Members for a full term of 4 years, and two (2) measures (Measures C -10 and D -10); and WHEREAS, the results of the canvass of all votes cast at the Consolidated General Election held on November 2, 2010, has been certified by the County Clerk- Recorder and is attached and incorporated herein as Exhibit A. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande that: 1. That the whole number of ballots cast in the City was 8,119. 2. That the name(s) of the persons voted for at the election for Mayor were: Tony Ferrara and Timothy J. Moore. 3. That the name(s) of the persons voted for at the election for Council Member were: Joe Costello, Shannon Kessler, Tim Brown, and Heidi Laurenzano. 4. That the Measures voted upon at the election were as follows: Measure C - 10: Shall the office of City Clerk be appointive? Measure D - 10: Shall the office of City Treasurer be appointive? 5. That the City Council does declare and determine that as a result of the election: o Tony Ferrara was elected as Mayor for a full term of two (2) years; o Joe Costello was elected as City Council Member for a full term of four (4) years; o Tim Brown was elected as City Council Member for a full term of four (4) years; o A majority of voters approved Measures C - and D - 10; 6. That the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby accept the Certificates of the County Clerk— Results of Canvass of All Votes Cast at the November 2, 2010 Consolidated General Election, attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein. RESOLUTION NO. 4324 PAGE 2 7. The City Clerk shall immediately make and deliver to each of the persons so elected a Certificate of Election signed by the City Clerk and authenticated; that the City Clerk shall administer to each person elected the Oath of Office prescribed in the Constitution of the State of California and shall have them subscribe to it and file it in the Office of the City Clerk. Each and all of the persons so elected shall then be inducted into the respective office to which they have been elected. 8. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Resolution and enter it into the Book of Original Resolutions. On motion by Council Member Fellows, seconded by Council Member Guthrie, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Fellows, Guthrie, Costello, Ray, and Mayor Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None The foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this 2 day of December, 2010. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 3 TONY M. RA, MAYOR ATTEST: X,Y /� C / / • KELLY ETM� //�J E, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: S V AD S, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: T OTHY J. L, CITY ATTORNEY EXHIBIT A CERTIFICATE OF THE COUNTY CLERK RESULTS OF CANVASS OF ALL VOTES CAST NOVEMBER 2, 2010 CONSOLIDATED GENERAL ELECTION CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE I, JULIE L. RODEWALD, County Clerk- Recorder of the County of San Luis Obispo, do hereby certify that pursuant to law I did canvass the returns of the votes cast at the above referenced election in the City of Arroyo Grande on November 2, 2010, and that a photocopy of the Statement of Votes Cast to which this certificate is attached, shows the number of votes cast in said city for each candidate for the office of Mayor and Member of the City Council and that the totals shown for each candidate for the office of Mayor and Member of the City Council in said city and in each of the respective precincts therein, are full, true and correct. ,_ t,)ti`= N SS, my hand and Official Seal this 23rd day of November, 2010. . '" ' \--_,;;;-,.._ A i ei - i....---Rbta....9-ci i 5 , . ' "� rill_ � IE - • DEWALD, County Clerk- Recorder Statement of Votes Cast Date:11/23/10 • Time:11:24:43 CONSOLIDATED GENERAL ELECTION Page:1 of 18 SOVC For CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, All Counters, CITIES FINAL OFFICIAL ELECTION RESULTS TURN OUT Reg. Voters Ballots Cast % Turnout Jurisdiction Wide 403-49 • Polling 615 147 23.90% Vote- by-Mail. 615 330 53.66% Total 615 477 77.56% 404 -50 Polling 1282 320 24.96% Vote -bv -Mail 1282 724 56 47% Total 1282 1044 81.44% 405 -50 Polling 1436 366 25.49% Vole -by -Mail 1436 720 50.14% Total 1436 1086 75.63% 406-52 Polling 1227 289 23.55% Vote -by -Mail 1227 615 50 12% Total 1227 904 73.68% 407 -51 Polling 1083 300 27.70% Vote -by -Mail 1083 553 51 06% Total 1083 853 78.76% 408-52 Polling 880 258 29.32% Vote -by -Mail 880 372 42.27% Total 880 630 71.59% 409-49 Polling 1099 224 20.38% Vote -by -Mail 1099 477 43 40% Total 1099 701 63.79% 410-53 Polling 1144 284 24.83% Vote -by -Mail 1144 495 43.27% Total 1144 779 68.09% • 411 -53 Po1Gng 1142 304 26.62% Vole-by -Mail 1142 474 41.51% Total 1142 778 68.13% 412 -49 Polling 1151 359 31.19% Vote -by -Mail 1151 508 44.14% Total 1151 867 75.33% Total • • Statement of Votes Cast oate:l vz3no Time:11:24:43 CONSOLIDATED GENERAL ELECTION Page:2 of 18 SOVC For CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, All Counters, CITIES FINAL OFFICIAL ELECTION RESULTS TURN OUT Reg. Voters Ballots Cast V. Turnout Polling 11059 2851 25.78% Vote -by -Mail 11059 5268 47 64% Total 11059 8119 7342% CONGRESSIONAL 22ND CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT Polling 11059 2851 25.7814 Vote -by -Mail 11059 5268 47 64% Total 11059 8119 73.4214 • Total Polling 11059 2851 25.78% Vote -by -Mail 11059 5268 47 64% Total 11059 8119 73.421. SENATE 15TH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Polling 11059 2851 25.78% Vote -by -Mail 11059 5268 4764% Total 11059 8119 73.421. Total • Polling 11059 2851 25.78% Vote -by -Mail 11059 5268 4764% Total 11059 8119 73.42% ASSEMBLY 33RD ASSEMBLY DISTRICT Polling 11059 2851 25.78% - Vole -by -Mail 11059 5268 4764% Total 11059 8119 73.42% Total Polling 11059 2851 25.78% Vole -by -Mail II059 5768 47 64% Total 11059 8119 73.42% BOARD OF EQUALIZATION • STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION DIST 1 Polling 11059 2851 25.78% Vote -by -Mail 11059 5268 47 64% Total 11059 8119 73.421. Total • Polling 11059 2851 25.78% Vote -by -Mail 11059 5268 47 64% Statement of Votes Cast Date:11 /23/10 CONSOLIDATED GENERAL ELECTION Time:11: Page:3 of 18 o f 1 SOVC For CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, All Counters, CITIES FINAL OFFICIAL ELECTION RESULTS TURN OUT • Reg. Voters Ballots Cast % Turnout Total 11059 8119 73.4254 SUPERVISOR/COMMISSIONER • 4TH SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT Polling 11059 2851 253854 Vote-by-Mail 11059 5268 47 64% Total 11059 8119 73.42% Total Polling 11059 2851 25.785. Vote-by-Mail 11059 5268 47645 Total 11059 8119 73.4254 • CITIES CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Polling 11059 2851 25.78 Vole-by-Mail 11059 5268 4764/. Total 11059 8119 71421/4 Total Polling 11059 2851 25.78% Vote-by-Mail 11059 5768 47645 Total 11059 8119 7142% Statement of Votes Cast Date:l l /23/10 CONSOLIDATED GENERAL ELECTION Ti Pag :4 of 24:18 age18 SOVC For CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, All Counters, CITIES FINAL OFFICIAL ELECTION RESULTS CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MAYOR Reg. Voters Ballots Total Votes Times Blank Times Number TONY FERRARA TIMOTHY 1. MOORE Write -In Votes Cast/Reg. Voted Over Of Volers Voted Under Votes Jurisdiction Wide 403-49 Polling 615 147 123 24 0 0 92 74.80% 29 2358% 2 1.61% Vote-by-Mail 615 330 287 43 0 0 231 80491/4. 56 19 51% 0 0 00 % Total 615 477 410 67 0 0 323 78.78% 85 20.73% 2 049% 404-50 Polling 1282 320 291 29 0 0 246 84.54% 43 1478% 2 0.69% Vote -by -Mail 1282 724 642 82 0 0 520 81.00% 114 17 76% 8 1 25% Total 1282 1044 933 111 0 0 766 82.10°/. 157 16.83% 10 1 .07%. 405 -50 Polling 1436 366 319 47 0 0 236 73.98% 79 2476% 4 1.25% Votc-by -Mail 1436 720 650 70 0 0 480 73.85% 167 25.69% 3 046% Total 1436 1086 969 117 0 0 716 7189% 246 25.39% 7 0.72% 406-52 Polling 1227 289 238 51 0 0 163 6849% 73 30.67% 2 0.84% Vote -by -Mail 1227 615 526 89 0 0 405 77.00% 116 22.05% 5 095% Total 1227 904 764 14U 0 0 568 74.35% 189 2474% 7 0.92 407 -51 Polling 1083 300 269 31 0 0 204 75.84% 62 2305% 3 1.12% Vote -by -Mail 1083 553 488 65 0 0 398 81.56% 89 18 24% 1 0 20% Total 1083 853 757 96 0 0 602 79.52% 151 19.95% 4 0.53% 408-52 Polling 880 258 214 44 0 0 131 61.21% 83 3839% 0 0.00% Vole-bv -Mail 880 372 323 49 0 0 243 75.23% 79 24.46% 1 0.31% Total 880 630 537 93 0 0 374 69.65°/. 162 30.17% 1 0. 19•/. 409-49 Polling 1099 224 189 35 0 0 131 6911% 58 30 691/4 0 000% Vote -by -Mail 1099 477 421 56 0 0 328 7791% 91 21.62% 2 048% Total 1099 701 610 91 0 0 459 75.25% 149 24.43% 2 0.33% 410-53 Polling 1144 284 244 40 0 0 187 76.64% 55 22.54% 2 0.82% Vote -bv -Mail 1144 495 451 44 0 0 337 74.72/ 109 24.17% 5 1.11% Total 1144 779 695 84 0 0 524 75.40% 164 23.60% 7 1.01% 411 -53 Polling 1142 304 255 49 0 0 203 79.61% 51 20.00% 1 0.39% Vote - by-Mail 1142 474 409 65 0 0 307 7106 % 102 2494% 0 0.00% Total 1142 778 664 114 0 0 510 76.81% 153 2104% 1 0.15 % 412 -49 Polling 1151 359 294 65 0 0 228 77.55% 64 21.77% 2 0.68% Vote -by -Mail 1151 508 444 63 1 0 364 81 98% 76 17.12% 4 090% Total 1151 867 738 128 1 0 592 80.22% 140 1897% 6 0.81% Total Statement of Votes Cast Date:11/23 /10 CONSOLIDATED GENERAL ELECTION Ti P a g e: 524:43 age:S of 18 SOVC For CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, All Counters, CITIES FINAL OFFICIAL ELECTION RESULTS CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MAYOR Reg. Voters Ballots Total Votes Times Blank Times Number TONY FERRARA TIMOTHY 1. MOORE Write -In Votes Cast/Reg. Voted Over Of Voters Voted Under Votes Polling 11059 2851 2436 415 0 0 1821 74.75% 597 2431%. 18 0.74% Vote-by-Mail 11059 5268 4641 626 1 0 3611 77 85% 999 21 51% 79 0 67% Total 11059 8119 7077 1041 1 0 5434 76.78% 1596 22.55% 47 0.66% CONGRESSIONAL 22ND CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT Polling 11059 2851 2436 415 0 0 1821 7435% 597 24.51% 18 0.741/4 Vote -by -Mail 11059 5268 4641 626 1 0 3613 77.85% 999 21.53% 29 062% Total 11059 8119 7077 1041 1 0 5434 76.78% 1596 22.55% 47 046% Total Polling 11059 2851 2436 415 0 0 1821 7435% 597 2431% 18 034% Vote-by-Mail - 11059 5768 4641 626 1 0 3611 7785% 999 7153% 79 062% Total 11059 8119 7077 1041 1 0 5434 76.78% 1596 22.55/. 47 0.66% SENATE 15TH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Polling 11059 2851 2436 415 0 0 1821 74.75% 597 24.51%. 18 0.74% Vote -by -Mail 11059 5268 4641 626 1 0 3613 77.85/. 999 21.53% 29 062% Total 11059 8119 7077 1041 1 0 5434 76.78% 1596 22.55% 47 0.66% Total Polling 11059 2851 2436 415 0 0 1821 74.75% 597 24.51% 18 034% Vole -by -Mail 11059 5268 4641 626 1 0 3613 7785% 999 2153% 79 062%¢ Total 11059 8119 7077 1041 1 0 5434 76.78% 1596 2155% 47 0.66% ASSEMBLY 33RD ASSEMBLY DISTRICT . Polling 11059 2851 2436 415 0 0 1821 74.75% 597 24.51% 18 0.74% Vote -by -Mail 11059 5268 4641 626 I 0 1611 7785% 999 21.53% 29 062% Total 11059 8119 7077 1041 1 0 5434 76.78% 1596 22.55% 47 0.66% Total Polling 11059 2851 2436 415 0 0 1821 74.75/. 597 2431% 18 0.74% Vote -by -Mail 11059 5768 4641 626 1 0 1611 77 85% 999 21 53% 79 0 62% Total 11059 8119 7077 1041 1 0 5434 76.78% 1596 22.55% 47 0.66% BOARD OF EQUALIZATION STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION DIST 1 Polling 11059 2851 2436 415 0 0 1821 7435°. 597 24.51% 18 074% Vole-by -Mail 11059 5268 4641 626 1 0 3613 77 85%. 999 21.53% 29 0.62% Total 11059 8119 7077 1041 1 0 5434 76.78% 1596 22.55% 47 0.66% Total Polling 11059 2851 2436 415 0 0 1821 7435% 597 24.51% 18 0.74% Vote-by -Mail 11059 5268 4641 626 1 0 3613 77.85% 999 21.53% 29 0 .62% Statement of Votes Cast Date:11/23/10 CONSOLIDATED GENERAL ELECTION Time: 11:24:43 Page:6 of 18 SOVC For CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, All Counters, CITIES FINAL OFFICIAL ELECTION RESULTS CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MAYOR Reg. Voters Ballots Total Votes Times Blank Times Number TONY FERRARA TIMOTHY J. MOORE Write-In Votes Cast/Reg. Voted Over Of Voters Voted Under Votes Total 11059 8119 7077 1041 1 0 5434 76.78% 1596 22.55% 47 0.66% SUPERVISOR/COMMISSIONER ' 4T11 SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT Polling 11059 2851 2436 415 0 0 1821 74.75% 597 24.51% 18 0.74% Vote-by-Mail 11059 5268 4641 6 • I 0 361 77.85/ 999 21 % 29 0 62/ Total 11059 8119 7077 1041 1 0 5434 76.78% 1596 22.55% 47 066% Total Polling 11059 2851 2436 415 0 0 1821 74 75 % 597 24.51% 18 0.74% Vote-by-Mail 11059 5268 4641 676 1 0 3611 7785% 999 21 53% 29 0 62 % Total 11059 8119 7077 1041 1 0 5434 76.78% 1596 22.55% 47 066•/s CITIES • CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Polling 11059 2851 2436 415 0 0 1821 74,75% 597 24.51% 18 0.74% Vote-by-Mail 11059 5268 4641 626 1 0 3613 77 85% 999 21 53% 29 062% Total 11059 8119 7077 1041 I 0 5434 7678% 1596 22.55% 47 066% Total Polling 11059 2851 2436 415 0 0 1821 74.75% 597 24.51% 18 0.74 % Vote -by-Mad 11059 5268 4641 676 1 0 3613 7785% 999 21 53% 79 0 07% Total 11059 8119 7077 1041 1 0 5434 7678% 1596 2155% 47 066% • • Statement of Votes Cast Date:I1 /23/10 CONSOLIDATED GENERAL ELECTION Time:1724:43 Page:? of 18 SOVC For CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, All Counters, CITIES FINAL OFFICIAL ELECTION RESULTS CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COUNCILMEMBER Reg. Voters Ballots Total Votes Times Blank Times Number Of JOE COSTELLO SHANNON KESSLER Cast/Reg. Voted Over Under Votes • Voters Voted Jurisdiction Wide 403.49 Polling 615 147 194 29 0 42 76 39,18% 34 17.53% Vote-by-Mail 615 330 459 48 0 105 204 44 44% 64 13 94% Total 615 477 653 77 0 147 280 42.88% 98 15.01% 404 -50 Polling 1282 320 441 49 0 101 188 4163% 55 12.47% Vote - by - Mail 1282 724 1033 116 0 183 432 41.82% 179 17.33% Total 1282 1044 1474 165 0 284 620 42.06% 234 15.88% 405 -50 • Polling 1436 366 511 54 0 113 173 33.86% 95 18.59% Vote -by -Mail 1436 720 1050 110 0 170 365 34 76% 188 17 90% Total 1436 1086 1561 164 0 283 538 3447% 283 18.13% 406-52 Polling 1227 289 382 46 0 104 141 36.91 % 58 15.18% Vote -by -Mail 1227 615 846 108 0 168 303 35.827. 137 16.19% Total 1227 904 1228 154 0 272 444 36.16% 195 15.88% 407 -51 Polling 1083 300 386 47 0 120 141 36.53% 70 18.13% Vole -by -Mail 1083 553 791 80 0 155 312 3944% 131 1656% Total 1083 853 1177 127 0 275 453 38.49% 201 17.08% 408-52 Polling 880 258 336 54 0 72 105 31.25% 56 16677, Vole -by -Mail 880 372 502 61 0 120 171 34.06% 89 17.73% Total 880 630 838 115 0 192 276 32.94% 145 17.30% ' 409-49 Polling 1099 224 263 52 0 81 81 30.80% 54 20.53% Vole -by -Mail 1099 477 661 68 0 157 256 38.73% 117 1770% Total 1099 701 924 120 0 238 337 36.476 171 18.51% 410-53 Polling 1144 284 371 57 0 83 152 40.97% 59 15.90% Vole - by - Mail 1144 495 687 77 1 147 246 35 81% 112 16.30% Total 1144 779 1058 134 1 230 398 37.62% 171 16.16% 411-53 Polling 1142 304 377 62 0 107 160 4244% 46 12.20% Vole - Mail 1142 474 653 74 0 147 228 34.92% 116 17.76% Total 1142 778 1030 136 0 254 388 37 67% 162 15.73% 412-49 Polling 1151 359 446 81 0 110 171 38.34% 73 16.37% Vote - by - Mail 1151 508 670 102 0 142 246 36.72% 106 15 82% Total 1151 867 1116 183 0 252 417 37.376 179 16.04% Total Statement of Votes Cast Date:11 /23/10 CONSOLIDATED GENERAL ELECTION Time:11:24:44 Page:8 of 18 SOVC For CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, All Counters, CITIES FINAL OFFICIAL ELECTION RESULTS CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COIJNCILMEMBER Reg. Voters Ballots Total Votes Times Blank Times Number O( JOE COSTELLO' SHANNON KESSLER Cast/Reg. Voted Over Under Votes Voters Voted Polling 11059 2851 3707 531 0 933 1388 37.44% 600 16.19% Vole -bv -Mail 11059 5268 7352 844 1 1494 2763 37 58% 1239 16 85% Total 11059 8119 11059 1375 1 2427 4151 37.54% 1839 16.63% CONGRESSIONAL 22ND CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT Polling 11059 2851 3707 531 0 933 1388 37.44% 600 16.19% Vote -bv -Mail - 11059 5268 7352 844 1 1494 2763 37 58% 1219 16 85% Total 11059 8119 11059 1375 1 2427 4151 37.54% 1839 16.63% Total Polling 11059 2851 3707 531 0 933 1388 37.44% 600 16.19% Vole -bv -Mail 11059 5268 7352 844 1 1494 2763 37 58% 1239 16 85% Total 11059 8119 11059 1375 1 2427 4151 37.54% 1839 16.63% SENATE 15TH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Polling 11059 2851 3707 531 0 933 1388 37.44% 600 16.19% Vote -by -Mail 11059 5268 7352 844 I 1494 2763 37 58% 1239 16 85% Total 11059 8119 11059 1375 1 2427 4151 37.54% 1839 16.63% Total Polling 11059 2851 3707 531 0 933 1388 3744% 600 16.19% Vole-by-Mail 11059 5768 7152 844 1 1494 2763 37 58% 1739 16 85% Total 11059 8119 11059 1375 1 2427 4151 37.54% 1839 16.63% ASSEMBLY 33RD ASSEMBLY DISTRICT Polling 11059 2851 3707 531 0 933 1388 37.44% 600 16.19% Vote -bv -Mail 11059 5268 7352 844 1 1494 2763 37 58% 1239 16 85% Total 11059 8119 11059 1375 1 2427 4151 37.54% 1839 16.63% Total Polling 11059 2851 3707 531 0 933 1388 3744% 600 16.19% VoIc -bv -Mail 11059 5768 7157 844 1 1494 2763 37.58% 1239 1685% Total 11059 8119 11059 1375 1 2427 4151 37.54% 1839 16.63% BOARD OF EQUALIZATION • STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION DIST 1 Polling 11059 2351 3707 531 0 933 1383 3744% 600 16.19% Vote -by -Mad 11059 5268 7352 844 1 1494 2763 37 58% 1239 16.85% Total 11059 8119 11059 1375 1 2427 4151 37.54% 1839 16.63% Total Polling 11059 2851 3707 531 0 933 1388 37.44% 600 16.19% Vote -by -Mail 11059 5268 7352 844 1 1494 2763 37.58% 1239 16.85% Statement of Votes Cast Date:I1123110 • CONSOLIDATED GENERAL ELECTION Ti P a g e: 924:44 age:9 of 18 SOVC For CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, All Counters, CITIES FINAL OFFICIAL ELECTION RESULTS CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COUNCILMEMBER Reg. Voters Ballots Total Votes Times Blank Times Number Of JOE COSTELLO SHANNON KESSLER Cast/Reg. Voted Over Under Votes Voters Voted Total 11059 8119 11059 1375 1 2427 4151 37.54% 1839 16.63% • SUPERVISOR/COMMISSIONER 4T1I SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT Polling 11059 2851 3707 531 0 933 1388 37.44% 600 16 19% Vote-by-Mail 11059 5268 7352 844 1 1494 2763 37 58% 1739 16 85% Total 11059 8119 11059 1375 1 2427 4151 37.54% 1839 16.63% Total Polling 11059 2851 3707 531 0 933 1388 37.44% 600 16.19% Vote-bv -Mail 11059 5268 7352 844 1 1494 2763 3758% 1739 1685% Total 11059 8119 11059 1375 1 2427 4151 37.54% 1839 16.637. CITIES CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Polling 11059 2851 3707 531 0 933 1388 37.44% 600 16.19% Vote - - Mail 11059 5268 7352 844 1 1494 2763 37.58% 1239 16 85% Total 11059 8119 11059 1375 1 2427 4151 37.54% 1839 16.63% Total Polling 11059 2851 3707 531 0 933 1388 37.44% 600 16.19% Vote-by-Mail 11059 5768 7352 804 1 1494 7763 37 58% 1739 16 85% Total 11059 8119 11059 1375 1 2427 4151 37.54% 1839 16.63% Statement of Votes Cast Date:11 /23/10 • Time:11:24:44 CONSOLIDATED GENERAL ELECTION • Page:10 of 18 SOVC For CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, All Counters, CITIES FINAL OFFICIAL ELECTION RESULTS CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COUNCILMEMBER TIM BROWN HEIDI LAURENZANO Write -In Votes Jurisdiction Wide 40349 Polling 54 27.84% 26 1340% 4 2.06% Vote -by -Mail 137 29 85% 54 11 76% 0 0.00% Total 191 29.25% 80 12.25% 4 0.61% 404-50 Polling 162 36.73% 34 7 71% 2 045% Vote-by-Mail 317 3069% 103 997% 2 0 19% Total 479 3250% 137 9.29% 4 0.27% 405 -50 Polling 170 33.27% 70 13.70% 3 0.59% Vote -bv -Mail 345 32.86% 151 14 38% I 0.10% • Total 515 32.99% 221 14.16% 4 0.26% 406-52 Polling 130 34.03% 53 13. 0 0.10% Vote -by -Mail 287 33.92% 114 13 48% 5 0.59% Total 417 33.96% 167 1360% 5 0.417. 407-51 Polling 123 31.87% 51 13.21% 1 0.26% • Vote -by -Mail 241 30.47% 107 13 53% 0 000% Total 364 30.93% 158 13.42% 1 0.08% • 408-52 Polling 96 28.57% 78 23.21% 1 0.30% Vote-by-Mail 144 28.69% 96 19 12% 2 0.40% Total 240 28.64% 174 20.76% 3 0.36% 40949 Polling 89 33.84% 38 14.45% I 0.38% Vote-by-Mail 186 28.14% 101 15.28% 1 0.15% Total 275 29.76% 139 15.04% 2 0.22% 410-53 Polling 105 2830% 55 1482% 0 0.00% Vole -bv -Mail 220 32.02% 101 14 70% 8 1.16% Total 325 30.72% 156 14.74% 8 0.76% • 411 -53 Polling 96 2546% 72 19.10% 3 0.80% Vote-by -Mail 192 29 40% 116 17.76% 1 0.15% Total 288 27.96% 188 18.25% 4 0.39% 412-49 Polling 120 26.91% 79 17 71 % 3 0.67% Vote -by -Mad 212 3164% 103 15 37% 3 0.45% Total 332 29.75% 182 16.31% 6 0.54% Total Statement of Votes Cast Date:11 /23/10 CONSOLIDATED GENERAL ELECTION Time:11:24:44 Pagel I of 18 SOVC For CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, All Counters, CITIES FINAL OFFICIAL ELECTION RESULTS CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COUNCILMEMBER • TIM BROWN HEIDI LAURENZANO Write-1n Votes Polling 1145 30.89% 556 15.00% 18 0497. Vote -by -Mail 7781 31 034 1046 14 23% 71 0 11% Total 3426 30.98% 1602 14.49% 41 0.37% CONGRESSIONAL 22ND CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT Polling 1145 30.89°A 556 1500% 18 0.49% Vote -by -Mail 2281 11.03% 1046 14 23/. 23 0 31% Total 3426 3098% 1602 14.49% 41 0.37/. Total Polling 1145 30.89% 556 1500% 18 049% Vote -by -Mail 2281 31 01% 1046 14 21% 71 0 31% Total 3426 30.98% 1602 14.497. 41 0.37% SENATE 15TH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Polling 1145 30.89% 556 15 00% 18 949% Vote -by -Mail 2281 31 03% 1046 14 23% 23 0.31% Total 3426 3098% 1602 14.49% 41 0377. Total Polling 1145 30.89% 556 15.00% 18 0.49% Vole -by -Mail 7281 31 03% 1046 14 21% 23 0 31% Total 3426 30.98% 1602 14.49% 41 0.37/. ASSEMBLY 33RD ASSEMBLY DISTRICT Polling 1145 3989% 556 15.00% 18 0.49% Vole -by -Mail 2281 3103% 1046 14 23% 23 031% Total 3426 3998% 1602 14.497. 41 0.37/. Total Polling 1145 30.89% 556 15 00% 18 0.49% Vote -by -Mail 2281 31 01% 1046 14 23% 73 0.31 % Total 3426 3998% 1602 14.49% 41 0.37% BOARD OF EQUALIZATION STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION DIST 1 Polling 1145 30.89% 556 15 00% 18 049% Vote - b9 - Mail 2281 31 03% 1046 1423 23 0 31% Total 3426 3098% 1602 14.497 41 0.37/. Total Polling 1145 30.89% 556 1500% 18 0.49% Vote -by -Mail 2281 31.03% 1046 14.23% 23 031% Statement of Votes Cast Date:11 /23/10 Time:1 1:24:44 CONSOLIDATED GENERAL ELECTION Page:12 of 18 SOVC For CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, All Counters, CITIES FINAL OFFICIAL ELECTION RESULTS CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COUNCILMEMBER TIM BROWN IIEIDI LAURENZANO Write -In Votes Total 3426 30.98% 1602 1449!. 41 0.37/. SUPERVISOR/COMMISSIONER 4TH SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT Polling 1145 30.89% 556 15. 18 0.49% Vote-by-Mail 2281 31 03% 1046 14 23% 23 0 31% Total 3426 3098% 1602 1449% 41 0.37/. Total Polling 1145 30.89% 556 1500% 18 0.49% Vote-by-Mail 7781 31 03% 1046 14 23% 23 031% Total 3426 30.981/4 1602 1449% 41 0.37% CITIES CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Polling 1145 30.89% 556 15.00% 18 0.49% Vole-by-Mail 2281 31.03% 1046 14 23% 23 0 31% Total 3426 30.98% 1602 1449% 41 0.37% Total Polling 1145 30.89% 556 15.00 % 18 0.49% Vote-by-Mail 2281 31 03% 1046 14 23% 23 0 31 % Total 3426 30.98% 1602 14.49% 41 0.37% • • CERTIFICATE OF THE COUNTY CLERK RESULTS OF CANVASS OF ALL VOTES CAST CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MEASURE C -10 CONSOLIDATED GENERAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 2, 2010 I, JULIE L. RODEWALD, County Clerk- Recorder of the County of San Luis Obispo, do hereby certify that pursuant to law I did canvass the returns of the votes cast at the above referenced election in the City of Arroyo Grande on November 2, 2010, and that the Statement of Votes Cast, to which this certificate is attached, shows the number of votes cast in said city for and against said measure, and that the totals shown for and against said measure in said city, and in each of the respective precincts therein, are full, true and correct. MEASURE C - 10: Shall the office of City Clerk be appointive? c„i.WITNESS, my hand and Official Seal, this 23rd day of November, 2010 ) / / Z .,. c Rage n i e ,d d - A ; JU RODEWALD, County Clerk- Recorder Statement of Votes Cast Date:1I /23/10 CONSOLIDATED GENERAL ELECTION Time:11:24:44 Page:l3 of 18 SOVC For CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, All Counters, CITIES FINAL OFFICIAL ELECTION RESULTS C- ARROYO GRANDE- CHANGE CLERK TO APPT (50% +1) Reg. Voters Ballots Total Votes Time, Blank Times Number YES NO Cast/Reg. Voted Over Of Voters Voted Under Votes Jurisdiction Wide 403-49 Polling 615 147 121 26 0 0 72 5950% 49 4050% Vote -by -Mail 615 330 276 54 0 0 169 61.23% 107 38 Total 615 477 397 80 0 0 241 60.71% 156 39.29% 404 -50 Polling 1282 320 273 47 0 0 176 6447% 97 35.53% Vote -by -Mail 1282 724 632 92 0 0 394 62.34% 238 3766% Total 1282 1044 905 139 0 0 570 62.98% 335 3702% 405 -50 Polling 1436 366 307 59 0 0 189 61.56% 118 38.44% Vote -bv -Mail 1436 720 631 89 0 0 401 63.55% 230 36 45% Total 1436 1086 938 148 0 0 590 62.90% 348 37.10% 406-52 Polling 1227 289 235 54 0 0 127 54.04% 108 4596% Vote -by -Mail 1227 615 526 89 0 0 311 59.13% 215 40.87% Total 1227 904 761 143 0 0 438 57.56% 323 4244% 407 -51 Polling 1083 300. 264 36 0 0 147 55.68% 117 4432% Vote -by -Mail 1083 553 489 64 0 0 293 5992% 196 40 98% Total 1083 853 753 100 0 0 440 58.43% 313 41.57% 408-52 Polling 880 258 218 40 0 0 118 54.13% 100 45.87% Vote-by-Mail 880 372 329 43 0 0 184 55.93% 145 4407% Total 880 630 547 83 0 0 302 5511% 245 44.79% 409-49 Polling 1099 224 186 38 0 0 98 52.69% 88 47.31% Vote -by -Mail 1099 477 426 51 0 0 265 6211% 161 37.79% Total 1099 701 612 89 0 0 363 59.31% 249 40.69% 410-53 Polling 1144 284 246 38 0 0 145 58.94% 101 41.06% Vote -by -Mail 1144 495 426 69 0 0 253 59 39% 173 40617. Total 1144 779 672 107 0 0 398 5923% 274 40.77% 411-53 Polling 1142 304 259 45 0 0 140 54.05% 119 45.95% Vole -by -Mail 1142 474 418 56 0 0 215 5144% 203 48.56% Total 1142 778 677 101 0 0 355 5244% 322 47 56% 412-49 . Polling 1151 359 306 53 0 0 172 56.21% 134 4379% Vote - by-Mail 1151 508 436 72 0 0 245 56.19% 191 43.81% Total 1151 867 742 125 0 0 417 56.20% 325 4310% Total Statement of Votes Cast Date:1 1 /23/10 CONSOLIDATED GENERAL ELECTION Time:1 Page:l 4 o 18 of 18 SOVC For CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, All Counters, CITIES FINAL OFFICIAL ELECTION RESULTS C- ARROYO GRANDE- CHANGE CLERIC TO APPT (50%+1) Reg. Voters Ballots Total Votes Times Blank Times Number YES NO Cast/Reg. Voted Over Of Voters Voted Under 1 Votes Polling 11059 2851 2415 436 0 0 1384 57.31% 1031 42.69% Vote -hy -Mail 11059 5268 4589 679 0 0 2730 59.49% 1859 4051% Total 11059 8119 7004 1115 0 0 4114 58.74%, 2890 41.26% • CONGRESSIONAL 22ND CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT Polling 11059 2851 2415 436 0 0 1384 57.31% 1031 42.69% Vote-by-Mail 11059 5268 4589 679 0 0 2710 5949% 1859 40 51% Total 11059 8119 7004 1115 0 0 4114 58.74% 2890 41.26% Total Polling 11059 2851 2415 436 0 0 1384 57.31% 1031 42.69% • Vote -by -Mail 11059 5268 4589 679 0 0 2710 59.49% 1859 4051% Total 11059 8119 7004 1115 0 0 4114 58.74% 2890 41.26% SENATE 15TH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Polling 11059 2851 2415 436 0 0 1384 57.31% 1031 42.69% Vote -by -Mail 11059 5268 4589 679 0 0 2730 5949% 1859 40.51% Total 11059 8119 7004 1115 0 0 4114 58.74% 2890 41.26% Total Polling 11059 2851 2415 436 0 0 • 1384 57.31% 1031 42.69°A Vote -by-Mail 11059 5268 4589 679 0 0 2730 5949% 1859 40 51% Total 11059 8119 7004 1115 0 0 4114 58.74% 2890 41.26% ASSEMBLY 33RD ASSEMBLY DISTRICT Polling 11059 2851 2415 436 0 0 1384 57.31% 1031 42.69% Vote-by -Mail 11059 5268 4589 679 0 0 2730 59 49% 1859 40 51% Total 11059 8119 7004 1115 0 0 4114 58.74% 2890 41.26% Total Polling 11059 2851 2415 436 0 0 1384 57.31% 1031 42.69% Vole -by -Mail 11059 5268 4589 679 0 0 7710 5949% 1859 4051% Total 11059 8119 7004 1115 0 0 4114 58.74% 2890 41.26% BOARD OF EQUALIZATION STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION DIST 1 Polling 11059 2851 2415 436 0 0 1384 57.31% 1031 4269% Vole -by -Mail 11059 5268 4589 679 0 0 2730 5949% 1859 4051% Total 11059 8119 7004 1115 0 0 4114 58.74% 2890 41.26% Total Polling 11059 2851 2415 436 0 0 1384 57.31% 1031 42.69% Vote -by -Mail 11059 5268 4519 679 0 0 2730 5949% 1859 40.51% • Statement of Votes Cast • Date:11/23/10 CONSOLIDATED GENERAL ELECTION Dme:l (:24:44 Page:15 of 18 SOVC For CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, All Counters, CITIES FINAL OFFICIAL ELECTION RESULTS C- ARROYO GRANDE- CHANGE CLERK TO APPT (50 % +l) • Reg. Voters Ballots Total Votes Times Blank Times Number YES NO Cast/Reg. Voted Over Of Voters Voted Under Votes Total 11059 8119 7004 1115 0 0 4114 58.74% 2890 41.26% SUPERVISOR/COMMISSIONER 411 SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT Polling 11059 2851 2415 436 0 0 1384 57.31% 1031 42.69% Vote-by-Mail 11059 5268 4589 679 0 0 2730 5949% 1859 4051% Total 11059 8119 7004 1115 0 0 4114 58.74% 2890 41.26% Total Polling 11059 2851 2415 436 0 0 1384 57.31% 1031 42.69% Vote-by-Mail 11059 5268 4589 679 0 0 7730 5949% 1859 40.51% Total 11059 8119 7004 1115 0 0 4114 58.74% 2890 41.26% crEs CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Polling 11059 2851 2415 436 0 0 1384 57.31% 1031 42.69% Vote - bv - Mail 11059 5268 4589 679 0 0 7730 5949% 1859 4051 Total 11059 8119 7004 1115 0 0 4114 58.74% 2890 41.26% Total Polling 11059 2851 2415 436 0 0 1384 57.31% 1031 42.69% Vote-by-Mail 11059 5768 4589 679 0 0 2730 5949% 1859 4051% Total 11059 8119 7004 1115 0 0 4114 58.74% 2890 41.26% • CERTIFICATE OF THE COUNTY CLERK RESULTS OF CANVASS OF ALL VOTES CAST CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MEASURE D -10 CONSOLIDATED GENERAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 2, 2010 I, JULIE L. RODEWALD, County Clerk- Recorder of the County of San Luis Obispo, do hereby certify that pursuant to law I did canvass the returns of the votes cast at the above referenced election in the City of Arroyo Grande on November 2, 2010, and that the Statement of Votes Cast, to which this certificate is attached, shows the number of votes cast in said city for and against said measure, and that the totals shown for and against said measure in said city, and in each of the respective precincts therein, are full, true and correct. MEASURE D -10: Shall the office of City Treasurer be appointive? ) t W TINESS, my hand and Official Seal, this 23rd day of November, 2010 Y 4 --\\'‘c.... • ,,,,, ' • JU . RODEWALD, County Clerk- Recorder r , Statement of Votes Cast Date:11 /23/10 CONSOLIDATED GENERAL ELECTION Time:11:24:44 Page:l6 of 18 SOVC For CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, All Counters, CITIES FINAL OFFICIAL ELECTION RESULTS D- ARROYO GRANDE- CHANGE TREASURER TO APPT (50% +I ) Reg. Voters Ballots Total Votes Times Blank Times Number YES NO Cast/Reg. Voted Over Of Voters Voted Under Voles Jurisdiction Wide 403-49 Polling 615 147 121 26 0 0 69 57.02% 52 42.98% Vole -by -Mad 615 330 274 56 0 0 156 56.93% 118 4307% Total 615 477 395 82 0 0 225 56.96% 170 43.04% • 404.50 Polling 1282 320 272 48 0 0 171 62.87% 101 37.13% Vote -by -Mail 1282 724 632 91 1 0 374 59.18% 258 40 82% Total 1282 1044 904 139 1 0 545 60.293'. 359 39.71% 405 -50 Polling 1436 366 307 59 0 0 176 57.33% 131 42.67% Vote -by -Mail 1436 720 629 91 0 0 387 61.53% 242 38 47"/ Total 1436 1086 936 150 0 0 563 60.15'/. 373 39.85% 406-52 Polling 1227 289 235 • 54 0 0 122 51.917. 113 48.09% Vote -by -Mail 1227 615 526 89 0 0 285 54.18% 241 45.82% Total 1227 904 761 143 0 0 407 53.48% 354 46.52% 407 - Polling 1083 300 263 37 0 0 143 54.373'. 120 45.63% Vote -by -Mail 1083 553 487 65 1 0 284 58.32% 203 4168% Total 1083 853 750 102 1 0 427 56.93% 323 43.07% 408 -52 Polling 880 258 219 39 0 0 110 50.23% 109 49.77% Vole -by -Mail 880 372 330 42 0 0 179 54.24% 151 45 76% Total 880 630 549 81 0 0 289 52.64% 260 47.367. 409-49 Polling 1099 224 185 39 0 0 94 50.81% 91 49.19% Vole -by -Mail 1099 477 425 52 0 0 251 5906% 174 40.94% Total 1099 701 610 91 0 0 345 56.56% 265 474416 410-53 Polling - 1144 284 247 37 0 0 136 55.06% 111 44.94% Vote -by -Mail 1144 495 425 70 0 0 240 56.47% 185 43.53% Total 1144 779 672 107 0 0 376 55.957. 296 44.05% 411-53 Polling 1142 304 260 44 0 0 131 50.38% 129 4962% Vole -by -Mail 1142 474 419 55 0 0 212 50.60% 207 4940% Total 1 142 778 679 99 0 0 343 50.52% 336 49.48% 412-49 Polling 1151 359 307 52 0 0 165 53.75% 142 46.25% Vole -by -Mail 1151 508 437 71 0 0 231 52.867. 206 47.14°6 Total 1151 867 744 123 0 0 396 53.23% 348 46.77% Total • Statement of Votes Cast Date:11/23 /10 • CONSOLIDATED GENERAL ELECTION Time:11:24:44 Page:17 of 18 SOVC For CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, All Counters, CITIES FINAL OFFICIAL ELECTION RESULTS D- ARROYO GRANDE- CHANGE TREASURER TO APPT (50% +I ) Reg. Voters Ballots Total Votes Times Blank Times Number YES NO Cast/Reg. Voted Over OF Voters I Voted Under I Votes Polling 11059 2851 2416 435 0 0 1317 54.51% 1099 45.49% Vote -by -Mail 11059 5268 4584 682 2 0 2599 56 70% 1985 43 30% Total 11059 8119 7000 1117 2 0 3916 55.94% 3084 44.06% CONGRESSIONAL 22ND CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT Polling 11059 2851 2416 435 0 0 1317 54.51% 1099 45.49% Vote-by-Mail 11059 5268 4584 682 2 0 7599 56 70% 1985 43 30% Total - 11059 8119 7000 1117 2 0 3916 5194% 3084 4406% Total Polling 11059 2851 2416 435 0 0 1317 54.51% 1099 45.49% Vote -by -Mail 11059 5268 4584 682 7 0 2599 56 70% 1985 43 30% Total 11059 8119 7000 1117 2 0 3916 55.94% 3084 4406% SENATE 15TH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Polling 11059 2851 2416 435 0 0 1317 54.51% 1099 45.49% Vme-bv -Mail 11059 5268 4584 682 2 0 2599 56 70% 1985 4330% Total 11059 8119 7000 1117 2 0 3916 55.94% 3084 44.06% Total Polling 11059 2851 2416 435 0 0 1317 54.51% 1099 4549% Vote-by-Mail 11059 5268 4584 682 2 0 2599 56 70% 1985 4330% Total 11059 8119 7000 1117 2 0 3916 55.94% 3084 44.06% ASSEMBLY 33RD ASSEMBLY DISTRICT Polling 11059 2851 2416 435 0 0 1317 54.51% 1099 4549% Vote -by -Mail 11059 5268 4584 682 2 0 2599 56.70% 1985 43.30% Total 11059 8119 7000 1117 2 0 3916 55.94% 3084 44.06% Total Polling 11059 2851 2416 435 0 0 1317 54.51% 1099 45.49% Vote -bv -Mail 11059 5768 4584 682 2 0 2599 56 70% 1985 41 30% Total 11059 8119 7000 1117 2 0 3916 55.94% 3084 4406% BOARD OF EQUALIZATION STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION DIST 1 Polling 11059 2851 2416 435 0 0 1317 54.511/4 1099 45.491/4 Vote -bv -Mail 11059 5268 4584 682 2 0 2599 56 70% 1985 43 30% Total 11059 8119 7000 1117 2 0 3916 5534% 3084 44.06% Total Polling 11059 2851 2416 435 0 0 1317 54.51% 1099 4549% Vote -by -Mail 11059 5268 4584 682 2 0 2599 56.70% 1985 43.30% Statement of Vote Cast Date:I I /23/10 CONSOLIDATED GENERAL ELECTION Dme:l 1:24:44 Page:l8 of 18 SOVC For CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, All Counters, CITIES FINAL OFFICIAL ELECTION RESULTS D- ARROYO GRANDE- CHANGE TREASURER TO APPT (50% +I ) Reg. Voters Ballots 'Total Votes Times Blank Times Number • YES NO Cast/Reg. Voted Over Of Voters Voted Under Voles Total 11059 8119 7000 1117 2 0 3916 55.94% 3084 44.06% SUPERVISOR/COMMISSIONER 411i SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT Polling 11059 2851 2416 435 0 0 1317 54.51% 1099 4549% Vole -by-Mail 11059 5268 4584 682 2 0 2599 56 70 % 1985 4330% Total 11059 8119 7000 1117 2 0 3916 55.94% 3080 44.06% Total Polling 11059 2851 2416 435 0 0 1317 54.51% 1099 45.49% Vatr -bv -Mail 11059 5268 4584 682 7 0 7599 56 70% 1985 41.30% Total 11059 8119 7000 1117 2 0 3916 55.94% 3084 44.06% CITIES CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Polling 11059 2851 2416 435 0 0 1317 54.51% 1099 4549% Vote-by-Mail 11059 5268 4584 682 7 0 2599 56 79 % 1985 4330% Total 11059 8119 7000 1117 2 0 3916 55.94% 3084 44.06% Total Polling 11059 2851 2416 435 0 0 1317 54.516 1099 4549% Vole-by-Mail 11059 5768 4584 682 2 0 2599 5670% 1983 43 30% Total 11059 8119 7000 1117 2 0 3916 55.94% 3084 44.06% OFFICIAL CERTIFICATION I, KELLY WETMORE, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury, that the attached Resolution No. 4324 is a true, full, and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a Special meeting of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande on the 2 day of December 2010. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 14 day of December 2010. KELLY W = M : E, CITY CLERK /