CC 2019-10-22_06b Mayors Commendation_Harvest Festival CommitteeItem 6.b. - Page 1 CITY OF if~uc A L I F O R N I A «~~ -- Mayor's Commendation Presented" to tlie 2019 .:J-(arvest j'estiva{ Coniniittee In recognition of tlie extensive number of vo[unteer liours syent by a[[ members of tlie committee to y[an, organize, and f aciCitate tfie 2019 ..'Arroyo Grande J-farvest :festival Tfie J-farvest :festiva[ fias been a be[oved [oca[ tradition for over Bo years in tfie City and wou[d not be yossib[e witliout its dedicated committee vo[unteers. Tfie committee's time and dedication to tlie community is admirab[e. Tliank y out 'Datea tliis 22ru:£ aay of Octo6er 2019 Caren 'Ray 1tussom, :M.ayor THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Item 6.b. - Page 2