CC 2020-02-25_08h On Call Engineering ServicesMEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: WHITNEY MCDONALD, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BY: ROBIN DICKERSON, CITY ENGINEER PATRICK HOLUB, PERMIT TECHNICIAN SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE AMENDMENTS TO CONSULTANT SERVICE AGREEMENTS FOR CIVIL ENGINEERING, CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT, MATERIALS TESTING, AND LAND SURVEYING SERVICES DATE: FEBRUARY 25, 2020 SUMMARY OF ACTION: Approve Amendments to the Consultant Services Agreements to allow the City to complete ongoing projects with current on call service firms. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: No costs are associated with the amendments. Costs will be incurred for specific projects and services in compliance with City Council approved budgets. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council approve Amendments to Consultant Services Agreements to extend agreements with the following firms for specified services: Earth Systems Pacific; Pavement Engineering Inc.; Cannon Corporation; MNS Engineers Inc.; GHD; Wallace Group; Michael K Nunley and Associates; and Eikhof Design Group. BACKGROUND: The use of on-call consultants has been found to be an effective tool in the delivery of City projects and services. The current list of on-call civil engineering consultants was established in February 2015 and those agreements will expire on February 28, 2020. Prior to reissuing a new RFQ to establish a new on-call consultants list, staff is recommending extension of the agreements with firms that are currently working on active projects to allow the completion of those projects. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The intent of the on-call consultant services list is to provide the depth and breadth of services needed that could not otherwise be completed in a timely manner with limited City staff. Maintaining multiple consultants in a given work area provides redundancy Item 8.h. - Page 1 CITY COUNCIL AMEND CONSULTANT SERVICE AGREEMENTS FOR CIVIL ENGINEERING, CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT, MATERIALS TESTING, AND LAND SURVEYING SERVICES FEBRUARY 25, 2020 PAGE 2 of services and increases the likelihood of receiving competitive proposals for a specific project. Extension of the agreements with firms that the City is working with on current projects will avoid losing progress made to date. Agreements are only being extended to on-call firms that are currently working on active projects (Table 1). All other on-call service agreements will expire on February 28, 2020 (Table 2). In the meantime, for any new project requiring consultant services, the City will use the standard RFP process to procure services until a new on-call list is established. In the next few months, staff will be preparing and issuing new On Call Service RFQ’s so that a new list of on-call service firms can be established. TABLE 1 On-Call Firms with Active Projects to Extend Firm Current Projects Cannon Corporation 1. Monument Preservation Services Earth Systems Pacific 1. Compaction Testing and Geotechnical Observation for Castillo del Mar Project Eikhof Design Group 1. Castillo del Mar Extension 2. Material Bins at Corp. Yard 3. 2020 Concrete Repairs 4. Oak Park/ El Camino Real Storm Drain Repairs 5. Phase IV Soto Sports ADA Project (Pending CC approval of CDBG project) GHD (Formerly Omni Means Engineering Solutions) 1. East Branch Streetscape Project 2. Systemic Safety Analysis Report 3. Circulation Element and Traffic Impact Study Guidelines Michael K. Nunley and Associates 1. Well 11 Project 2. Trenchless Sewer Rehab Project MNS Engineers 1. On-Going Map Checking Pavement Engineering, Inc. 1. Materials Testing and Quality Services Wallace Group 1. Fats, Oils and Greases Program 2. 2014 Sewer Master Plan Updates 3. Stormwater Outfall Water Quality Monitoring TABLE 2 On-Call Consultant Firms with No Active Projects to Expire Advanced Technical Services Inc. Filippin Engineering, Inc. Lenhard Engineering, Inc. North Coast Engineering, Inc Stantec Consulting Services Water Systems Consulting Item 8.h. - Page 2 CITY COUNCIL AMEND CONSULTANT SERVICE AGREEMENTS FOR CIVIL ENGINEERING, CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT, MATERIALS TESTING, AND LAND SURVEYING SERVICES FEBRUARY 25, 2020 PAGE 3 ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council’s consideration: 1. Approve Amendments and extend Agreements to allow work to be completed on current projects; 2. Modify Amendments and extend Agreements for a different term; 3. Allow the Agreements to expire and terminate work in progress; or 4. Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: Approving Amendments to the Consultant Service Agreements will continue to allow the City to provide high quality services and projects within a reasonable time-period on projects that are currently underway. Over time, the on-call firms are developing a better understanding of the City's procedures, practices, and expectations ultimately enhancing efficiency and product delivery. Issuing RFPs for individual projects and working with a new firm for each one results in lost efficiencies. DISADVANTAGES: None known at this time. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Environmental review is not required for the extensions of these contract agreements. Each project completed will evaluate environmental impacts on a project-by-project basis. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted at City Hall and on the City’s website in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2. At the time of report publication, no comments have been received. Item 8.h. - Page 3 AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES AMENDMENT NO. 2 This Second Amendment ("Second Amendment") to Agreement for Consultant Services (“Agreement”) by and between the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE and EARTH SYSTEMS PACIFIC (“Consultant”) is made and entered into this 25th day of February 2020. WHEREAS, the parties entered into an Agreement dated March 1, 2015 for On-Call Consultant Services; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to further modify the Agreement as set forth herein. NOW THEREFORE, for valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1.Section 1(" TERM") of the Agreement, shall be modified in its entirety to read as follows: This Agreement shall be extended and remain and continue in effect until September 30, 2020, or such date that the work is completed or unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. 2.To include the specific, previously authorized projects as specified in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 3.Except as modified herein, all other terms and conditions set forth in the CSA, as amended, shall remain unchanged. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, CITY and CONSULTANT have executed this First Amendment the day and year first above written. EARTH SYSTEMS PACIFIC By:________________________________ CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE By:________________________________ Caren Ray Russom, Mayor Item 8.h. - Page 4 Exhibit A Scope of Services 1.Compaction Testing and Geotechnical Observation for Castillo del Mar Project Item 8.h. - Page 5 Item 8.h. - Page 6 March 6, 2019 Mr. John Benedetti Assistant Engineer Community Development, City of Arroyo Grande 300 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Proposal No.: SLO-19-03-002 PROJECT: CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE -CASTILLO DEL MAR EXTENSION CASTILLO DEL MAR AT VALLEY ROAD SUBJECT: REF.: ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA Proposal to Provide Compaction Testing and Geotechnical Observation City of Arroyo Grande RFP email from Mr. John Benedetti dated March 5, 2019 Dear Mr. Benedetti: As requested, we have developed this proposal to provide compaction testing and geotechnical observation during the planned Castillo Del Mar Extension in Arroyo Grande, California. Based upon the referenced email, the project will include construction of an approximately 850 foot road way extension of Castillo Del Mar through an agricultural field and to Valley Road. As much as 4 feet of new fill will be placed through portions of the roadway to establish the new profile. Installation of a double 36-inch storm drain line through the new fill is also planned. The pavement will consist of hot mix asphalt (HMA) over aggregate base (AB). SCOPE OF SERVICES Our anticipated scope of services and estimated fees are as follows: We have included 4 hours for attendance at a preconstruction meeting by a Senior Engineer. Further, we will provide oversight of the compaction testing program and issue a final compaction test report at the completion of the project. We have included one site visit by the same engineer for consultation through construction. We have included twelve visits for compaction testing during the placement of the fill and aggregate base. We have assumed an average of 4 hours per visit. In-place densities and moisture contents will be determined using nuclear test methods (ASTM D 6938). Laboratory maximum dry density tests (ASTM D 1557) will be used to determine percent relative compaction. We have assumed four different materials will be utilized as compacted fill including one aggregate base source. Due to the scale of the project, we have assumed the aggregate base and hot mix asphalt will be accepted by materials certification and testing of HMA in the field will not be required. Item 8.h. - Page 7 0 City of Arroyo Grande Castillo Del Mar Extension Senior Engineer Technician Max Density Tests Nuclear density tests Trip Charge, Mileage to the Site 2 March 6, 2019 FEES 16 hrs.@ $165.00/hr ..................... $2,640.00 48 hrs.@ $120.00/hr ....................... 5,760.00 4 tests@ $247.00/ea .......................... 988.00 30 tests @ $10.00/ea .......................... 300.00 14 trips@ $18.75/trip ........................ 262.50 ESTIMATED PROJECTTOTAL ................................................................ $9.950.S0 SCHEDULE AND CONDITIONS The fees and conditions of this proposal will remain in effect for a period of 150 days from the date of issue. Items not included within the above scope of services will be billed in accordance with the Earth Systems Pacific's January 2019 Fee Schedule. Our technicians will attempt, wherever practicable, to combine inspections or test multiple areas during site visits, in order to keep the final bill as low as reasonable. However, as the presence of our personnel at the site will depend upon the contractor's schedule and the progress of the work, the fees presented above are to be considered as estimates only and shall not be construed as guaranteed maximum fees. The invoices will reflect the actual amount of time spent and service performed and may be greater or less than the estimated amounts. The client or client's agent is to supply latest plans and specifications and notify us of any changes pertinent to the performance of testing and observations. The client or client's agent is responsible for contacting this firm when testing services are required. Earth Systems Pacific will test at locations deemed appropriate to provide the client with information regarding the acceptability of the tested areas. Previously failed areas may be retested after rework, if required. Charges for retests due to failing results, or when tests are requested but the contractor is not ready and does not cancel scheduled testing are not included in the estimate and will be billed at the hourly rates listed previously. This firm shall not be responsible for backcharging contractors for retests or re-inspections All site visits will be subject to a 2-hour minimum charge, billed in 1-hour increments, plus a mileage charge of $0.75/mile, with a portal-to-portal distance of 25 miles. This estimate is based on the assumption that all services will be provided during normal working hours (Monday through Friday, 0700 to 1700), and that all maximum density laboratory tests will be completed under a normal turnaround schedule. Services provided beyond these hours or for rush laboratory work will be subject to overtime or rush charges as per our Fee Schedule. Item 8.h. - Page 8 0 City of Arroyo Grande Castillo Del Mar Extension 3 March 6, 2019 Routine project management and one site visit during construction by a senior engineer has been included in the above estimate. However, please note that the above estimate does not include charges for additional meetings or site visits to address problems, or other such services. Fees for such services will be charged at the Prevailing Wage Fee Schedule rates in effect at the time of the services request. Based upon our current work load, we anticipate that the undersigned will be the lead engineer for the project. If the client finds the scope of work, terms, and estimated fees satisfactory, the return of the attached Work Order indicating the legal entity that will be our client, signed and dated by the party responsible for payment, will constitute authorization for work to begin. Please note that effective August 1, 2016, we are required to submit certified payrolls for all Prevailing Wage projects via eCPR. In order to upload certified payrolls to the State's website, the project's DIR number is necessary. Please complete the attached Prevailing Wage and Accounts Payable Information Request form and return to our office at your convenience. This agreement can be terminated by either party upon notification in writing. Earth Systems Pacific's responsibility for the project will end upon completion of the services described herein or termination of the agreement, unless authorization to perform additional work and agreement for payment thereof is provided by the client. Thank you for your consideration of our firm for this project. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, Earth Systems Pacific Robert Down, PE Executive Vice President Attachments : Work Order Terms Prevailing Wage and Accounts Payable Information Request Form Doc. No.: 1903-020.PRP/pm Item 8.h. - Page 9 0 -!,~ ! ~~ F~! ~ ~a~ W:~spo, CA 93401 I Ph, 805.544.3276 I www.earthsystems.ro m W WORK ORDER EARTH SYSTEMS PACIFIC ("CONSULTANT'') AND CLIENT AGREE TO A WORK ASSIGNMENT FOR EARTH SYSTEMS PACIFIC AS FOLLOWS: Date: Name of Project: Order Received by: Client Name: Client Address: Location of Project: Scope of Services: Fees to be Charged: Earth Systems Pacific March 6, 2019 Doc. No.: Proposal No.: CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE -CASTILLO DEL MAR EXTENSION Rochelle Wagner City of Arroyo Grande, Attn.: Mr. John Benedetti 300 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Castillo Del Mar, Arroyo Grande, California Per Proposal dated March 6, 2019 Per Proposal dated March 6, 2019* 1903-020.PRP/pm SLO-19-03-002 I have read and agree to all terms of this document, including the attached terms for services (7 /2017). AGREED TO AND ACCEPTED: DIR Public istration No. 1000003643 Robert Down, PE 70206, ''";Z z;resldent Date PLEASE RETURN A SIGNED COPY TO EARTH SYSTEMS PACIFIC Client (Party responsible for payment) by Authorized Representative (please print) Signature and Title Date Telephone Number Email Address IF THE CLIENT DOES NOT OWN THE PROPERTY, PLEASE FILL IN THE PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS: Name: _____________________ _ Add ress: ____________________ _ * Rates are subject to change due to changes in prevailing wage law or its application. In the event that it is determined or alleged that Prevailing Wage Law applies to any additional aspect of the project, the client agrees to pay Earth Systems Pacific (Consultant) any and all additional compensation necessary to adjust Consultant's wage, to pay any penalties that may be levied against Consultant due to alleged noncompliance with the Prevailing Wage Law, and to pay for apprentices, supervision, certified payrolls, and other administrative costs as necessary to comply with Prevailing Wage Law. In the event that work thought to be subject to prevailing wage is determined not to be subject to prevailing wage, no refund of fees will be given. January 2019 Fee Schedule Item 8.h. - Page 10 TERMS FOR SERVICES 1. INVESTIGATION, MONITORING & INSPECTION If the serv i ces include monitoring or inspection of soil, constructi on and/or materials, Client shall authorize and pay for Consultant to provide sufficient observation and professional inspection to permit Consultant to form opinions according to accepted statistical sampling methods as to whether the work has been performed in accordance with recommendations. Such opinions, while statistically valid, do not guaranty uniformity of conditions or materials. Similarly, soils and geology investigations do not guaranty uniformity of subsurface conditions. Client hereby represents and warrants that it has provided and shall provide to Consultant all information and sufficient advance notice necessary in order for Consultant to perform the appropriate level of services. No statement or action of Consultant can relieve Client's contractors of their obligation to perform their work properly. Consultant has no authority to stop the work of others. 2. SITE ACCESS & UTILITIES Client has sole responsibility for securing site access and locating utilities. 3. BILLING AND PAYMENT Client will pay Consultant the proposal amount or, if none is stated, according to the fee schedule attached to the proposal. Payment is due on presentation of invoices, and is delinquent if Consultant has not rece ived payment within thirty (30) days from date of an invoice. Client will pay an additional charge of 11/2 (l.S) percent per month (or the maximum percentage allowed by law, whichever is lower) on any delinquent amount, excepting any portion of the invoiced amount that is disputed in good faith. Each payment will first be applied to accrued interest, costs and fees and then to the principal unpaid amount. All time spent and expenses incurred (including any in-house or outside attorney's fees) in connection with collection of any delinquent amount will be paid by the Client to Consultant per Consultant's current fee schedule. Services to be performed by Consultant hereunder which are not set forth in this proposal and/or Work order are additional services. Any additional services provided by Consultant shall be subject to the terms of this contract and charged per Consultant's current fee schedule . 4. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS Consultant owns all documents it creates and grants Client limited license to use the documents for the purposes stated in the documents. Consultant reserves the right to withhold delivery of documents to Client until payment in full of current invoices has been received. 5. TERMINATION This agreement may be terminated by either party effective 7 days from the date of written notice, or if the client suspends the work for three (3) months. In the event of termination, Consultant will be paid for services performed prior to the date of termination plus reasonable termination expenses. If Consultant has not received payment for any invoice within 30 days from the date of the invoice, or in the event of anticipatory breach by Client, Consultant may suspend performance of its services immediately and may terminate this contract. 6. RISK ALLOCATION In order for Client to obtain the benefit of a fee which includes a lesser allowance for compensating Consultant for its litigation risk, Client agrees t o in demnify, hold harmless an d defe nd Cons ultant. its agents, employees, or officers, from and aga inst any and all loss, claim, expenses, including attorney's fees, injury, damages, liability or costs arising out of non -design services (i.e ., services other than as defined by Civil Code Section 2784) performed by Consultant on this project, except where such loss injury, damage, liability, cost, expenses or claims are the result of the sole negligence or willful misconduct of Consultant . Regarding any loss due to the negl igence or w illful misconduct of Consultant, or any loss due to design defects, Client agrees to limit the t otal aggr egate lia bility o f Consultant. its agents, employees, and officers to Client, and to all construction contractors and subcontractors on the entire project, to the greater of $25,000 .00 or total fees charged by Consultant. Client further agrees to require of the contractor and his subcontractors an identical limitation of Consultant's liability for damage suffered by the contractor or the subcontractor arising from any alleged breach or neg li gence of Consultant . You shou ld consult w ith an attorney experien ced in constr ucti on contracts an d litiga t io n regardi ng t his prov isi on . 7. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Consultant is responsible only for hazardous materials brought by Consultant onto the site . Client retains ownership and responsibility in all respects for other hazardous materials and associated damage. 8. THIRD PARTIES AND ASSIGNMENT This Contract is intended only to benefit the parties hereto. No person who is not a signatory to this Contract shall have any rights hereunder to rely on this Contract or on any of Consultant's services or reports without the express written authorization of Consultant. This Contract shall not be assigned by Client without the Consultant's written consent. This Contract is binding on any successor companies to Client or Consultant, and on the surviving corporation in the event of a merger or acquisition. 9. GOVERNING LAW, SURVIVAL AND FORUM SELECTION The contract shall be governed by laws of the Federal Government. If any of the provisions contained in this agreement are held invalid, the enforceability of the remaining provisions will not be impaired . Limitat ions of liability, indemnities, representations and warranties by Client will survive termination of th is agreement. The signatories represent and wa r rant that they are authorized by the entities on whose behalf they sign to enter into this contract and that their principals have filed fictitious business name statements, if required. All disputes between Consultant and client related to this agreement will be subm itted to the court of the county where Consultant's principal place of business is located and client waives the right to remove the action to any other county or judicial jurisdiction . 7/2017 HANDWRITTEN CHANGES NOT VALID Page 2 Item 8.h. - Page 11 {o ) ~7~ 0~ ~~a F~!, ~ ~~,:!~spo, CA 93401 I Ph 805544.3276 I www.earthsy,rems.oom -Prevailing Wage and Accounts Payable Information Request Thank you for this opportunity to be of service on your public works project. Please complete and return this form to allow us to comply with California's prevailing wage requirements, and to prepare Earth Systems' invoices in accordance with your organization's billing requirements in a timely manner. Thank you! Legal Name of Earth Systems Earth Systems Pacific PWC Registration No. 1000003643 Earth Systems Project No . PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT REGISTRATION INFORMATION: CLIENT'S PROJECT NAME DIR PROJECT ID (PWC-100) APPLICABLE BID ADVERTISEMENT DATE CLIENT'S REPRESENTATIVE FOR Name: DIR PROJECT ID INFORMATION E-mail: Phone No .: LABOR COMPLIANCE Yes or No PROGRAM (LCP) APPLICABLE If yes, please confirm if Earth Systems will be subject to the LCP TO THIS PROJECT? and provide a copy of the LCP manual to Earth Systems before start of project. CLIENT'S BILLING REQUIREMENTS: PURCHASE ORDER NO. (if applicable) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED ON INVOICES SPECIFY ANY ADDITIONAL FORMS OR BILLING FORMATS REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED WITH INVOICES (please attach example) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CONTACT Name: INFORMATION E-mail: Phone No.: INVOICE DELIVERY METHOD E-mail: Mailing Address: Date Doc. No.: 1903-020.PRP/pm Rev.:12.19.17 AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES AMENDMENT NO. 2 This Second Amendment ("Second Amendment") to Agreement for Consultant Services (“Agreement”) by and between the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE and PAVEMENT ENGINEERING INCORPORATED (“Consultant”) is made and entered into this 25th day of February 2020. WHEREAS, the parties entered into an Agreement dated March 1, 2015 for On-Call Consultant Services; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to further modify the Agreement as set forth herein. NOW THEREFORE, for valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1.Section 1(" TERM") of the Agreement, shall be modified in its entirety to read as follows: This Agreement shall be extended and remain and continue in effect until September 30, 2020, or such date that the work is completed or unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. 2.To include the specific, previously authorized projects as specified in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 3.Except as modified herein, all other terms and conditions set forth in the CSA, as amended, shall remain unchanged. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, CITY and CONSULTANT have executed this First Amendment the day and year first above written. PAVEMENT ENGINEERING INC By:________________________________ CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE By:________________________________ Caren Ray Russom, Mayor Item 8.h. - Page 12 Exhibit A Scope of Services 1. 2019 Street Repairs Project Item 8.h. - Page 13 Item 8.h. - Page 14 {iJ Pavement Engineering Inc. You can ride on our reputation September 13, 2019 Jill McPeak Capital Improvement Project Manager City of Arroyo Grande 300 E. Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 MP19 -276A Subject: Proposal for Quality Assurance Inspection and Testing for the 2019 Street Repair Project Dear Jill: Based on your request, Pavement Engineering Inc. (PEI) has prepared a proposal for engineering support, inspection and quality assurance services for the subject project. Our proposal includes construction engineering support, construction inspection and material testing services during construction. All work will be overseen directly by one of our registered engineers. We also can modify the scope of work to reflect any areas where the City will provide services. FAMILIARIZATION WITH PROJECT AND MATERIALS PEI is familiar with the subject project and specified materials. We were contracted by the City to develop the design and prepare the contract package, and we anticipate that the same individuals who developed the design will be providing the engineering support and site observations. Our experience with the City of Arroyo Grande, expertise with pavement products, and understanding of the project's design intent makes PEI the best candidate for assisting the City with specific pavement inspection and testing on this project. Task 1 -QA Construction Engineering and Construction Inspection Services PEI will provide construction engineering support throughout the duration of the project. The engineer assigned to the project will work closely with the City and will provide the support as requested, including: a. Provide Pre-Bid Meeting and Pre-Construction Meeting Support. b. Review contractor supplied Cal Trans Mix Design forms for submittals. c. Compaction testing for the paving work with nuclear gauge. During digout operations, PEI will provide one inspector to collect samples and monitor temperature of the HMA materials placed as well as provide field density tests using a nuclear density gauge to monitor the contractor's compaction efforts. Serving California since 1987 www.pavementengineering.com Item 8.h. - Page 15 Jill McPeak MP19-276A September 13, 2019 Page 2 Task 2 -Materials (Laboratory) Testing and Quality Assurance During construction, PEI will include quality assurance testing of the Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) materials. We will collect HMA samples and perform mix tests for every 750 tons of HMA placed, or one test per paving day for surface course material. Asphalt mix tests include determining the following: L TMD (CTM 308), Rice Gravity (CTM 309), Stability (CTM 366), Air Voids Content (CTM 367), and Asphalt Content (CTM 382). PEI will prepare a final report that summarizes the laboratory tests and addresses the contractor's compliance with specifications, plans, and applicable standards. The report will outline any areas of non-compliance. We will also include copies of the compaction reports. PEI will monitor asphalt materials and contractor compliance to the specifications throughout the project and will report non-compliant issues as soon as possible, so that the City can notify the contractor on what items need to be addressed to avoid a deduction. PEI is committed to providing feedback throughout the project. Knowing immediately (in some cases the next day) that a result did not meet the specified criteria creates a pro- active environment to correct the problems as they come up and not after the fact. Having up-to-date information on the contractor's ability to conform to project specifications during the project will assist the City in managing its project and will result in the best possible product. PROPOSALFEEANDFEEBREAKDOWN PEl's cost for these services is based on twenty (20) days of paving with the contractor performing approximately 200,000 SF of digouts on W Branch Street and approximately 35,000 SF of digouts on Traffic Way. The contractor's actual schedule may result in a different level of effort and a modified estimate. Our level of effort is estimated based on an eight-hour day and providing engineering support/ contract administration, testing and inspection services. The attached breakdown shows our projected costs for each portion of the project. PE l's work will be invoiced on a time-and-materials basis. The individual fees associated with each task will serve as guidelines for progress payments. Task 1 shows engineering support and construction inspection. Task 2 shows materials testing. Our estimated fee to perform this work is $28,085. Z:\Shared\R Drive\Admin\ Text\Marketing\Proposals\Proposals2019\MP 19-276A.docx Iii Item 8.h. - Page 16 Jill McPeak MP19-276A September 13, 2019 Page 3 Our work will be invoiced on a time and materials basis. Inspection services will be invoiced as follows: Between O and 4 hours will be invoiced at 4 hours Between 4 and 8 hours will be invoiced at 8 hours Overtime will be charged for days longer than eight hours. PEI requires a 72-hour notification of changes in the schedule or a full eight-hour day will apply. Our inspection fees account for prevailing wages. This proposal assumes that the City will monitor the contractor pertaining to all labor, traffic control, and City ordinance compliance issues. All fees and costs associated with this project are subject to final negotiation with the City of Arroyo Grande. The enclosed proposal conditions apply. Please feel free to contact me at (805) 781-2265 with any questions. Very truly yours, PAVEMENT E EERING INC. . Ririe, P.E. Senior Principal Engineer Enclosures: Proposal Conditions; Estimated Fee Breakdown Schedule pc: C File / M File / MP File S/R/P Z:\Shared\R Drive\Admi n\ Text\Marketing\Proposals\Proposals2019\MP 19-276A.docx fiJ Item 8.h. - Page 17 Jill McPeak MP19-276A September 13, 2019 Page 4 ESTIMATED FEE BREAKDOWN SCHEDULE Engineering Support, Construction Inspection and Quality Control City of Arroyo Grande for the 2019 Street Repair Project TASK 1-ENGINEERING SUPPORT AND CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION Inspection , Sampling , and Quality Estimated Unit Overtime Double Assurance Management Number of Cost a Rate Time Hours ----Rate Project Management/Engineering Oversite: Responsibilities include project oversite and 6 $240 -- enqineerinq su p port QA Manager/Engineer: Responsibilities include Pre-Bid and Pre-Con support, 12 $160 --Quality Assurance operations and review of test results HMA Inspector (12x8 hour days on repairs) 96 $155 232 .5 310 compaction testinq and samplinq Total Cost • All inspectors, samplers, testers, and labs must possess all current Caltrans certifications relevant to their position . b Hourly Cost includes travel of inspector/technician to and from the jobsite as well as all sample transportation costs. TASK 2 -MATERIALS TESTING Estimated Number of Tests Extended Cost $1,440 $1 ,920 $14 ,880 $18,240 Test Quality Minimum Sampling and T t Unit Extended Method(s) Characteristic Testing Frequency es s Cost Cost Various a Production Start-up 1 Per HMA Mix Various b HMA Mix Tests 1 Per 750 Tons, Minimum 1 PerDa Various Tensile Strength 1 Per HMA Mix Ratio TSR CT 382 Oven Correction 1 Per HMA Mix • Production Start-ups include mix tests and various aggregate quality testing . b Mix Tests include CT 308, CT 309, CT 366, CT 367, and CT 382 . Z:\Shared\R Drive\Admin\Text\Marketing\Proposals\Proposals2019\MP 19-276A.docx 1 $900 $900 11 $525 $5,775 1 950 $950 1 $300 $300 Total Cost $9,845 Total Estimated Fees $28,085 li1 Item 8.h. - Page 18 Jill McPeak MP19-276A September 13, 2019 Page 5 PROPOSAL CONDITIONS 1. Proposal is valid for thirty days from the date of the proposal. 2. All work shall be performed utilizing common methods and practices of the civil engineering profession. Reports and construction documents will be signed by a registered civil engineer. 3. Fees for Lump Sum or Unit Price Proposals will be charged at the quoted price. The quoted prices include all laboratory testing costs. Fees for Engineering and Technical Services on a Time and Materials Basis will be charged at the applicable hourly rates of the current PEI Fee Schedule. 4. The proposal is based upon providing insurance with limits as defined in the referenced RFP. 5. One copy of an Engineering Report or Plans and Specifications will be provided to the Owner of a project. Additional copies are $35 each . 6. Payment: Invoices will be submitted at the completion of the work for Engineering Reports. Inspection fees will be invoiced on a monthly basis. All invoices are due upon receipt. Interest of 1-1/2% per month (but not exceeding the maximum rate allowable by law) will be payable on any amounts not paid within 30 days, payment thereafter to be applied first to accrued interest and then to the principal unpaid amount. Attorney's fees or other costs incurred in collecting any delinquent amount shall be paid by the client. Z:\Shared\R Drive\Admin\ Text\Marketing\Proposals\Proposals2019\MP 19-276A.docx Ii:/ AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES AMENDMENT NO. 2 This Second Amendment ("Second Amendment") to Agreement for Consultant Services (“Agreement”) by and between the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE and Cannon Corporation (“Consultant”) is made and entered into this 25th day of February 2020. WHEREAS, the parties entered into an Agreement dated March 1, 2015 for On-Call Consultant Services; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to further modify the Agreement as set forth herein. NOW THEREFORE, for valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1.Section 1(" TERM") of the Agreement, shall be modified in its entirety to read as follows: This Agreement shall be extended and remain and continue in effect until September 30, 2020, or such date that the work is completed or unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. 2.To include the specific, previously authorized projects as specified in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 3.Except as modified herein, all other terms and conditions set forth in the CSA, as amended, shall remain unchanged. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, CITY and CONSULTANT have executed this First Amendment the day and year first above written. CANNON CORPORATION By:________________________________ CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE By:________________________________ Caren Ray Russom, Mayor Item 8.h. - Page 19 Exhibit A Scope of Services 1.Monument Preservation Services Item 8.h. - Page 20 October 10, 2019 Ms. Jill McPeek Capital Improvement Project Manager City of Arroyo Grande City Hall 300 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 PROJECT: City of Arroyo Grande Monument Preservation, PW2019-01 Dear Ms. McPeek: Enclosed is our proposal to provide surveying services for monument preservation as part of the 2019 Street Repair Project. Our proposal is based on the information provided in your email dated September 17, 2019. SCOPE OF WORK As part of the 2019 Street Repair project, the construction drawings prepared by Pavement Engineering Inc. provided information regarding Monument Perpetuation on West Branch Street, Traffic Way, and East Cherry Avenue. We will perform the surveying support before, during and after to preserve the monuments and file the necessary corner records. Task 1 Perform field survey to set ties to eight well monuments. Task 2 Prepare and file pre-construction corner records. Four total. Task 3 Perform field survey to set straddlers to eight well monuments. Task 4 Perform field survey to punch eight well monuments. Task 5 Prepare and file post-construction corner records. Four total. ASSUMPTIONS File eight total corner records at $17 each. FEES $8,625.00 Fees are based on the hourly rates per the enclosed fee schedule. The fees are based upon current California Prevailing Wages. We are pleased to be considered for this work. Let me know if you have any questions about this proposal, or if additional information would be helpful. Please feel free to call me at 805-544-7407 or email me at BobC@CannonCorp.us Sincerely, Robert A. Chanley Land Surveyor L 9249 CannonCorp.us 190942 Item 8.h. - Page 21 ~ ~ Cannon Proposal: Monument Preservation, PW2019-01 2019 Fee Schedule Bill Rate Ranges Subject to change Survey Office Staff Chief Surveyor / Sr. Consultant $ 160 - $ 195 Land Surveyor I-V $ 140 - $ 185 Sr. Surveyor / Survey Manager $ 160 - $ 185 Survey Technician I-VI / Assistant $ 90 - $ 155 Associate Surveyor $ 150 - $ 175 GIS Specialist / Tech $ 120 - $ 145 This schedule provides ranges for various staff classifications. The actual rate may differ depending on the discipline; however, it will not be higher than the given range. Survey Field Staff Three-Man Crew $ 295 - $ 330 Three-Man HDS Crew $ 375 Two-Man Crew $ 245 - $ 280 Two-Man HDS Crew $ 285 One-Man Crew $ 160 - $ 195 One-Man HDS Crew $ 220 3D HDS Data Modeling $ 100 - $ 120 Prevailing Wage Three-Man Crew $ 395 - $ 425 Three-Man HDS Crew $ 395 Two-Man Crew $ 305 - $ 325 Two-Man HDS Crew $ 305 One-Man Crew $ 190 - $ 220 One-Man HDS Crew $ 220 All of the above hourly rates include all direct labor costs and labor overhead, general and administrative expenses and profit. If the client requests, or the client’s schedule requires work to be done on an overtime basis, a multiplier of 1.5 will be applied to the above rates for weekdays and 2.0 for weekends and holidays. Other Direct Charges In-House Reproduction Printing/Copies 8 ½ x 11 $0.05 per page Black Line Plots $2.00 per page Printing/Copies 11 x 17 $1.00 per page Color Plots $5.00 per page Outside Reproduction Travel and Related Subsistence Cost + 15% Cost + 15% CAD and Simulation Software Automation & Electrical Materials $15.00 per day Cost + 25% (+tax) Truck or Field Vehicle Mileage Reimbursement $80.00 per day IRS Rate per mile Subconsultant Fees Cost + 10% All direct expenses, such as special equipment, shipping costs, travel other than by automobile, parking expenses, and permit fees will be billed If the client requests, or the client’s schedule requires work to be done on an overtime basis, a multiplier of 1.5 will be applied to the stated rates If the client requests field services to be provided outside of normal working hours (between 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.), a multiplier of 1.5 will be Survey Crews are billed portal to portal, and mileage charges are included in the hourly rate. The stated rates are subject to change, typically on an annual basis. CannonCorp.us 190942 2Item 8.h. - Page 22 ~ ~ Cannon -----=~= -_ -_ -=-= AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES AMENDMENT NO. 2 This Second Amendment ("Second Amendment") to Agreement for Consultant Services (“Agreement”) by and between the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE and MNS ENGINEERING (“Consultant”) is made and entered into this 25th day of February 2020. WHEREAS, the parties entered into an Agreement dated March 1, 2015 for On-Call Consultant Services; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to further modify the Agreement as set forth herein. NOW THEREFORE, for valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. Section 1(" TERM") of the Agreement, shall be modified in its entirety to read as follows: This Agreement shall be extended and remain and continue in effect until September 30, 2020, or such date that the work is completed or unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. 2. To include the specific, previously authorized projects as specified in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 3. Except as modified herein, all other terms and conditions set forth in the CSA, as amended, shall remain unchanged. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, CITY and CONSULTANT have executed this First Amendment the day and year first above written. MNS ENGINEERING By:________________________________ CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE By:________________________________ Caren Ray Russom, Mayor Item 8.h. - Page 23 Exhibit A Scope of Services 1. City Map Checking. Item 8.h. - Page 24 www.mnsengineers.com TNEMEGANAMNOITCURTSNOC|GNIYEVRUS|GNINNALP|GNIREENIGNE SANTA BARBARA 201 N. Calle Cesar Chavez, Suite 300 Santa Barbara, CA 93103 805.692.6921 Phone February 20, 2020 Robin Dickerson, PE City Engineer City of Arroyo Grande 300 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Re: Survey On-Call Proposal Dear Robin: Thank you for requesting a proposal for our professional surveying services. MNS has been providing the City with private development review services since 2015. We have enjoyed our relationship with the City and look forward to continuing this service into the future. We propose to provide professional surveying services to the City of Arroyo Grande on an on- call basis and on a time and materials basis according to the attached fee schedule. We will provide these up to not to exceed $25,000. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. Please contact me at 805-456-3535 or at mreinhardt@mnsengineers.com if you have any questions or need any additional information. Sincerely, MNS Engineers Inc. Mark E. Reinhardt, PLS Item 8.h. - Page 25 ENGINEERS INC 2019 STANDARD SCHEDULE OF FEES PROJECT/PROGRAM MANAGEMENT Principal-In-Charge ............................... $275 Senior Project/Program Manager ...... 250 Project/Program Manager .................... 210 Assistant Project/Program Manager 180 Senior Project Coordinator ................... 155 Project Coordinator ................................. 125 ENGINEERING Principal Engineer .................................. $240 Lead Engineer ............................................ 215 Supervising Engineer .............................. 200 Senior Project Engineer ......................... 185 Project Engineer........................................ 170 Associate Engineer .................................. 155 Assistant Engineer.................................... 140 SURVEYING Principal Surveyor .................................. $225 Senior Survey Project Manager .......... 205 Supervising Surveyor .............................. 200 Senior Project Surveyor ......................... 180 Project Surveyor........................................ 160 Senior Land Title Analyst....................... 155 Associate Project Surveyor ................... 145 Assistant Project Surveyor .................... 130 Party Chief .................................................. 155 Chainperson ............................................... 135 One-Person Survey Crew ...................... 185 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Principal Construction Manager ...... $250 Senior Construction Manager ............. 235 Resident Engineer .................................... 210 Structure Representative ....................... 190 Construction Manager ........................... 185 Assistant Resident Engineer................. 165 Construction Inspector (PW) .............. 152 Office Administrator ................................ 105 TECHNICAL SUPPORT CADD Manager ....................................... $160 Supervising Technician .......................... 145 Senior Technician ..................................... 135 Engineering Technician .......................... 105 ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT Senior Management Analyst ............. $160 Management Analyst............................ $135 Administrative Analyst ......................... $115 IT Technician ............................................... 110 Graphics/Visualization Specialist ....... 100 Administrative Assistant ........................... 75 GOVERNMENT SERVICES City Engineer ........................................... $215 Deputy City Engineer .............................. 195 Assistant City Engineer ........................... 180 Plan Check Engineer................................ 170 Permit Engineer ......................................... 150 City Inspector ............................................. 125 City Inspector (PW) .................................. 150 Principal Stormwater Specialist .......... 155 Senior Stormwater Specialist ............... 140 Stormwater Specialist ............................. 125 Stormwater Technician .......................... 115 Building Official ......................................... 175 Senior Building Inspector ...................... 150 Building Inspector .................................... 135 Planning Director ...................................... 185 Senior City Planner .................................. 160 Assistant Planner ...................................... 145 Senior Grant Writer .................................. 160 Grant Writer ................................................ 135 Grant Associate ......................................... 105 Grant Assistant .............................................85 DIRECT EXPENSES Use of outside consultants as well as copies, blueprints, survey stakes, monuments, computer plots, telephone, travel (out of area) and all similar charges directly connected with the work will be charged at cost plus fifteen percent (15%). Mileage will be charged at the current federal mileage reimbursement rate. Expert Witness services will be charged at three (3) times listed rate and will include all time for research, deposition, court appearance and expert testimony. PREVAILING WAGE RATES Rates shown with Prevailing Wage “(PW)” annotation are used for field work on projects subject to federal or state prevailing wage law and are subject to increases per DIR. ANNUAL ESCALATION Standard fee rates provided for each classification are subject to an annual escalation increase of 3.0% starting January 1, 2020. OVERTIME Overtime for non-exempt employees will be charged at 1.5 x hourly rate; overtime for non-exempt employees and other classification will be charged at 1 x hourly rate. Item 8.h. - Page 26 ENGINEERS INC AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES AMENDMENT NO. 3 This Second Amendment ("Second Amendment") to Agreement for Consultant Services (“Agreement”) by and between the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE and GHD (“Consultant”) is made and entered into this 25th day of February 2020. WHEREAS, the parties entered into an Agreement dated March 1, 2015 for On-Call Consultant Services; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to further modify the Agreement as set forth herein. NOW THEREFORE, for valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1.Section 1(" TERM") of the Agreement, shall be modified in its entirety to read as follows: This Agreement shall be extended and remain and continue in effect until September 30, 2020, or such date that the work is completed or unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. 2.To include the specific, previously authorized projects as specified in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 3.Except as modified herein, all other terms and conditions set forth in the CSA, as amended, shall remain unchanged. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, CITY and CONSULTANT have executed this First Amendment the day and year first above written. GHD By:________________________________ CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE By:________________________________ Caren Ray Russom, Mayor Item 8.h. - Page 27 Exhibit A Scope of Services 1. East Branch Streetscape Project 2.Systemic Safety Analysis Report/LRSP 3. Circulation Element and Traffic Impact Study Guidelines Item 8.h. - Page 28 GHD 669 Pacific Street Suite A San Luis Obispo California 93401 United States T +1 805 242 0461 W www.ghd.com March 15, 2019 Robin Dickerson, P.E. City Engineer City of Arroyo Grande Community Development 300 E. Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 RE: Preparation of a Systemic Safety Analysis Report (SSAR) for the City of Arroyo Grande Dear Robin: GHD is excited about the opportunity to continue to assist the City of Arroyo Grande under our current on-call contract by preparing the Systemic Safety Analysis Report for streets within the City. Our proposal puts forward specific tasks to be performed that will result in a comprehensive safety evaluation of the City’s street network and the identification of the highest-value projects for future Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funding. These tasks will completely satisfy the SSAR Program reporting requirements as detailed in the SSARP Guidelines dated February 2016. Most importantly, this SSAR will help assure future safety for all users of these key City streets and promote the integration of transportation safety with Arroyo Grande community values. Our estimated cost to complete all of the work identified in the Scope of Services is $86,404. We reviewed our scope, rates and hours to perform the work since the last proposal was submitted, and had to adjust our overall cost. We can complete all of the work identified and provide the City with a Final SSAR within six (6) months from receiving the Notice to Proceed. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions regarding the enclosed proposal. Thank you again for this opportunity to assist you. Sincerely, GHD Jay Walter, PE TE Project Manager Enc. Scope of Services, Project Schedule and Cost Estimate cc: Joe Weiland, Kathy Kleinschmidt Item 8.h. - Page 29 P8016P8016PRL002 2 Project Background and Understanding The City of Arroyo Grande has successfully competed for funding from the Caltrans Systemic Safety Analysis Report Program (SSARP). The SSARP is a proactive safety approach that focuses on evaluating an entire roadway network using a defined set of criteria. It looks at crash history on an aggregate basis to identify high-risk roadway characteristics, rather than looking at high-collision concentration locations through site analysis. The goal of the SSARP is to help local agencies identify safety projects to submit for Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funding consideration. It is anticipated that documented results from the SSAR will identify high benefit-cost ratio safety projects that have been found in the past to be strong HSIP candidates. Project Limits According to the SSAR application, the City of Arroyo Grande is not experiencing high collision concentrations at specific locations. It is the City's intent that the SSAR consultant will perform an analysis of the entire roadway system to identify high-risk roadway characteristics as opposed to analyzing high collision sites. The City will supply crash data obtained and cataloged by its police department, and mapped by its engineering staff. It is the City's goal to identify inf rastructure improvement countermeasures that mitigate the City's primary crash type trends which include rear ends, sideswipes, pedestrian/bicycle and broadsides. Overall Project Objectives There are four basic objectives of the SSAR Program: 1) Identifying Focus Crash Types and Risk Factors; 2)Screening and Prioritizing Candidate Locations; 3)Selecting Potential Low-Cost Countermeasures; and 4)Prioritizing Projects per Benefit-Cost Ratios using the TIMS B/C Calculation Tool Addressing Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) Challenge Areas Based on its application, the City’s SSAR will address up to three Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) Challenge Areas including: 1)Intersection, Interchanges and Other Roadway Access 2) Pedestrians 3)Bicyclists Item 8.h. - Page 30t,:i 5 id P8016P8016PRL002 3 Scope of Services GHD will provide professional services to completely achieve the scope of work as defined in the City’s SSARP application form. Additionally, Omni/GHD will ensure that all specific work tasks identified in the SSARP Guidelines dated February 2016 are completed in a high-quality manner. Task 1 Project Management, Coordination and Meetings 1.1 Project Management and Coordination GHD will serve as the overall project manager for all tasks included in this Scope of Services and will work closely with City of Arroyo Grande project manager and staff throughout the course of the SSAR project. GHD’s project management responsibilities throughout the course of this study will include: •Organize and participate in project meetings; •Provide on-going telephone and email communications with the City’s Project Manager; •Prepare and update master project schedule; •Ensure that quality assurance and quality control is provided for all project deliverables; and •Submit monthly progress reports to accompany invoices. 1.2 Project Meetings GHD will organize and participate in up to four (4) project meetings including the project initiation (or kick-off) meeting. The project initiation meeting will provide the opportunity to meet with City staff, and others as appropriate, to review the project’s goals, objectives, tasks, and timeline; the City’s expectations, and Caltrans’ grant requirements. The project initiation meeting will outline the plan for completing all tasks. For each meeting, GHD will provide in advance meeting materials including a meeting agenda. GHD will then prepare and provide a meeting record stating the decisions and conclusions reached during each meeting. Note: The following tasks are intended to fully meet the reporting requirements as outlined in the SSARP Guidelines dated February 2016. In addition, GHD will, to the degree possible, follow guidance provided in the Local Roadway Safety Manual (LRSM) as recommended in the SSARP Guidelines. Item 8.h. - Page 31t,:i 5 id P8016P8016PRL002 4 Task 2 Project Research and Data Collection Safety Data Utilized (Crash, Volume, Roadway) – SSARP Reporting Requirement 6.4 2.1 Data Collection GHD will obtain five years of the most current crash data for the City of Arroyo Grande’s overall major street network and roadways and/or requested by the City to be included. Crash data will be retrieved from the City’s own database, the California’s Internet Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (I-SWITRS) database, and/or the UC Berkeley Transportation Injury Mapping System (TIMS). In addition to the most current crash data, GHD will research and obtain any available multimodal volume data (vehicle, pedestrian, bike) within the city and supplement, as needed, with new volume data. GHD will map the past five years of crashes on the City’s major roadways with ArcGIS to identify crash hot spots, crash types, and crash severity to include locations with fatal and injury crashes. GHD will provide the City these maps in identifying high crash and high risk locations at intersections and roadway segments in forming the top ten locations to initially focus on in the SSAR. 2.2 Observational Information Following review of the crash data, GHD will, with assistance from the City’s project manager, schedule interviews with the City’s police and fire department, and road maintenance personnel for historical, personal observations of problem areas, crash frequency and types. For budgeting purposes, GHD assumes that we will conduct up to two (2) interviews under this task, both on the same day. 2.3 Other Interviews Harloe Elementary, Ocean View Elementary, Paulding Middle School and Arroyo Grande High School are all located within the City. GHD will make contact to schedule interviews with appropriate school officials and with administrators from the Lucia Mar Unified School District to identify their historical and personal observations of potential safety problem areas. GHD will talk with City staff about safety issues on City streets that may have come in from members of the community, at Council meetings or through other correspondence. Finally, we will contact the SLO Bicycle Club to schedule interviews. For budgeting purposes, GHD assumes that we will contact and conduct up to six (6) interviews under this task. 2.4 Field Assessment GHD will conduct a field assessment to collect relevant information to aid in completing the safety analyses and identifying potential countermeasures. This assessment will include (but, not be limited to) taking photos, measurements, documenting safety barriers, hazards and potential non-standard conditions. During the field assessment, GHD will be evaluating areas for compliance with the minimum safety standards as provided in the California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD) and Item 8.h. - Page 32t,:i 5 id P8016P8016PRL002 5 any specific city standards. Where the City’s street network interfaces with the State Highway System, GHD will evaluate conditions for compliance with the Caltrans Highway Design Manual. Task 3 Data Analysis and Countermeasures 3.1 Data Analysis Techniques and Results – SSARP Reporting Requirement 6.5 GHD will thoroughly analyze the data obtained in Task 2 to reveal any crash trends and crash concentrations. Leading causes of fatalities and injuries will be identified. Special attention will be paid to: •Location •Date and time •Crash type •Crash severity •Weather conditions •Lighting conditions •Sequence of events and most harmful events •Contributing circumstances •Driver/non-motorized user variables Crashes will be identified on ‘rate’ basis with actual rates developed for comparison to typical average rates for a similar facility. 3.2 Highest Occurring Crash Types – SSARP Reporting Requirement 6.6 Based on the SSARP Reporting Requirement 6.6, GHD will conduct an overall review and provide a discussion of the top (3 to 10) crash types responsible for fatalities and severe injuries occurring on the City’s overall street circulation system. 3.3 High Risk Corridors and Intersections (Crash History and Roadway Characteristics) – SSARP Reporting Requirement 6.7 The City of Arroyo Grande’s SSARP application did not focus on high-risk corridors, but rather the entire city street network. GHD will complete a quantitative analysis of the roadway/intersection data using both Crash Frequency and Crash Rate methodologies. GHD will look for patterns in the crash data, including types of crashes, severity of crashes, mode of travel, pavement conditions, roadway characteristics, time of day, and intersection controls in place. We will also review the crash data to determine which SHSP Challenge Areas are applicable in determining appropriate countermeasures. Item 8.h. - Page 33t,:i 5 id P8016P8016PRL002 6 3.4 Countermeasures Identified to Address the Safety Issues – SSARP Reporting Requirement 6.8 GHD will use the crash data evaluations completed in Tasks 3.1‐3.3 to select appropriate countermeasure(s) for identified areas of concern. The goal will be to provide a balance between countermeasures that mitigate on a systemic basis while also addressing high-crash locations. GHD will prepare exhibits illustrating each recommended countermeasure and location, and prepare an estimated cost to implement the countermeasure. The exhibits will be prepared on readily available aerial images supplemented, if needed, with topography available from InterMap. Task 4 Viable Project Scopes and Prioritized List of Safety Projects 4.1 Viable Project Scopes and Prioritized List of Safety Projects – SSARP Reporting Requirement 6.9 GHD will create preliminary safety project scopes for each of the systemic countermeasures identified in Task 3.4. Using the TIMS B/C Calculation Tool from the University of California, GHD will then prepare a Benefit Cost Analyses for each countermeasure and compare, re- evaluate, and conduct follow‐up analyses if necessary based upon findings. Utilizing this information and guidance provided in the Local Roadway Safety Manual (LRSM), GHD will work with City staff to develop a prioritized list of safety projects. Task 5 SSAR Documentation 5.1 Draft SSAR Development and Circulation GHD will prepare a Draft SSAR summarizing the data collected and the qualitative and quantitative analyses completed; the recommended countermeasures, viable project scopes, and the prioritized list of safety projects. The draft report will also include the following SSARP reporting requirements: 6.1 - Executive Summary 6.2 - Engineer’s Seal 6.3 - Statement of Protection of Data from Discovery and Admissions 6.10 - Attachments and Supporting Documentation GHD will first circulate and/or present the Draft SSAR for review by City staff. When the City has completed their review and the initial comments have been addressed, the Draft SSAR will then be provided to appropriate Caltrans District 5 staff for their review and comment. 5.2 Final SSAR Development and Circulation GHD will prepare the Final SSAR incorporating comments, feedback and recommended edits and additions provided by the City and by Caltrans on the draft report. Item 8.h. - Page 34t,:i 5 id P8016P8016PRL002 7 Project Schedule Omni/GHD can complete all of the work identified in the Scope of Services and provide the City with a Final SSAR within approximately six (6) months from receiving the Notice to Proceed as shown in the following schedule. Item 8.h. - Page 35 <B:11 § , ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Task Name SSAR for City of Arroyo Gran de Notice t o P roceed -Assumed Task 1 Project Managemen t, Coordination and Meetings Project Management & Coordin ation (1 .1) Project Meeting (1 .2) Project Meeting #2 (1.2) Project Meeting #3 (1.2) Project Meeting #4 (1.2) Task 2 Project Research a nd Data Collection Data Collection (2.1) Observational Information (2.2) Other Interviews (2.3) Field Assessment (2 .4) T ask 3 Data Analysis and Countermeasures Data Analysis T echniques and Results (3.1) Highest Occur ing Crash Types (3.2) High Ris k Corridors and Intersections (3 .3) Countermeasures Identified to Address Safety Issues (3.4) SSAR f o r City of A rroyo G rond e Prelim inary Project Sche dule 140 days Wed 5/1/19 140 days Wed 5/1/19 1 day Wed 5/1/19 0 days Wed 5129/19 0 days Mon 7/29/19 0 days Mon 9/16/19 30 days Thu 5/2/19 20 days Thu 5/2/19 20 days Thu 5/2119 20 days Thu 5/2119 10 days Thu 5130/19 50 days Thu 6113119 20 days Thu 6113/19 12 days Thu 7/11/19 13 days Thu 7/11/19 17 days Tue 7/30/19 T ask 4 Viable Project Scopes and Prioritized List of Safety Proj ec 25 days Thu 8122/19 Develop Viable Proj ect Scopes (4 .1) 9 days Thu 8/22119 Prepare Benefit Cost Analysis (4.1) 9 days Thu 8/22119 Develop Initial Priioritized List of Saf ely Projects (4.1) 4 days Wed914/19 Ciry Review & Commem 8 days Tue 9110/19 Prepare Final Prioriized List of Safety Projects (4 .1) 4 days T ask 5 SSAR Documentat ion 35 days Prepare Draft SSAR (5 .1 ) 8 days Ciry Review & Commem 8 days Prepare Drafl SSAR (5.1) 4 days City/Caltrans Review & Comment 10 days Prepare Final SSAR (5.2 ) J ul 7/29 Q l r4, 20 19 Oct N ov Dec ' ' I ' ' ' ' 9/16 P8016P8016PRL002 8 Cost Estimate The Omni/GHD estimated cost to complete all of the work identified in the Scope of Services is $86,404 as provided in the following table: Item 8.h. - Page 36 <B:11 § , \//alter ProfeciFuncuon P M Engr c Eng-A consumables o.ns1oe Total Ta :,k Tota.I ITas~ Task Descripti on Rate S245 S145 $11 5 Seniices Hoors Suototal 1 Project Management. Coordination and Meetings $12.052 ·u Prq ect r11a1agemern ana coorama1100 32 $'192 32 $8,032 1.2 Prq ect Meetings (4 ) 10 10 $120 20 $4,020 12 Project Research and Data Coll ection S32 , 118 2.1 Dctld CUll~lion 12 S72 $14 ,3(0 12 $15,752 2.2 Ob<;ervational lnformaUon (.2) 4 8 572 12 $1,572 2.3 Other ln:erviews (S) 10 20 $180 30 $5,530 2.4 field A.5se.s.:sment 0 16 4 0 = G4 $9,2G4 ~ 03'.3 AMlysis ~nri Count@rm@.lsurt s $23,688 3.1 uata Anruys,s 1ecnn1ques ano Rerults 1 lti L4 $L4b 4 1 So,011 3.2 Highest Occuring Crash Types 1 10 16 $162 27 $3,697 3.3 High Risk Gorrido!s and lntersectioos 2 10 16 $168 28 $3,948 3.4 Cuu11lt::fll~O::::UI~ IU:!111.ifit:U lu AiJUrt::::;:s Sorely l:s:;uo 8 24 40 $4J2 72 S 10,472 14 Vi;1bl• Proj .ct Scop4ts & Priorhized L ist of S3f•ty Projects $9,846 4 .1 Viable Proiect Scopes & Pn or1tiz ed List of Safety Projects 6 36 24 $396 66 $9,846 5 SSAR Oocument.1tiot1 $8,700 5.1 Drafl SSAR Oevetop-nent and Ctculation 4 16 2A $264 ,u SG,324 5.2 Fina l SSAR Deve1oemen1 and c ,cu la ioo 2 6 8 S96 16 $2,376 Hours 84 168 212 464 Dollars $20,500 $24 ,3GO $2 4,300 $2,704 $14,30D $06,404 $86,404 669 Pacific Street, Suite A, San Luis Obispo, CA USA T 1 805-858-3141 W www.ghd.com August 26, 2019 Robin Dickerson, PE City Engineer City of Arroyo Grande 300 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Re: Proposal for a Local Roadway Safety Plan as part of the Systemic Safety Analysis Report Project Dear Robin, We are excited about helping the City of Arroyo Grande in the preparation of the Systemic Safety Analysis Report (SSAR) for streets within the City. We recognize the critical importance of developing the SSAR with a focus on identifying the safety issues for the City’s roadway network. As we have become aware, Caltrans is now strongly recommending that local agencies also develop a Local Roadway Safety Plan (LRSP) as part of the SSAR process, which will result in a formal plan of projects that will compete for future Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funding. We have prepared this supplemental proposal to include the preparation of a LRSP. We believe that we are at the perfect point with the SSAR analysis to begin engagement with a LRSP working group formed of stakeholders selected by the City. We will be working throughout the process to identify and recommend safety countermeasures and incorporating valuable feedback and comments from the working group. The budget for the extra work involved in the LRSP process is $13,204. Please contact me with any questions you might have regarding the extra work proposal. Thank you again for the opportunity to offer our services for this very important effort. Sincerely, GHD Jay Walter PE TE Project Manager Item 8.h. - Page 37~ft ... , Iii:.. • Budget Estimate - SSAR & LRSP for the City of Arroyo GrandePrepared For: City of Arroyo Grande Submitted By: GHD Walter ProjectFunctionPM Engr C Engr ATask Task DescriptionRate$245 $145 $1151$12,0521.1 Project Management and Coordination 32$19232 $8,0321.210 10$12020 $4,0202 Project Research and Data Collection$32,1182.112 $72 $14,300 12 $15,7522.24 8$7212 $1,5722.3Other Interviews (6)10 20$18030 $5,5302.48 16 40 $38464 $9,2643 Data Analysis and Countermeasures$13,2163.11 16 24 $24641 $5,5713.21 10 16 $16227 $3,6973.32 10 16 $16828 $3,9483A Form Local Roadway Safety Plan Working Group$19,0223A.1 Working Group Meetings10 40$30050 $8,550$8,5503.4 Countermeasures Identified to Address Safety Issues8 24 40 $43272 $10,4724$9,8464.16 36 24 $39666 $9,8465$13,3545.14 24 32 $36060 $8,500$2,1765.22 16 16 $20434 $4,854$2,478Hours94 226 228548New Total:Dollars$23,030 $32,770 $26,220 $3,288 $14,300$99,608$99,608$13,204Original contract: $86,404LRSP Extra WorkConsumablesOutside ServicesTotal Hours SubtotalTask TotalObservational Information (2)Field AssessmentData Analysis Techniques and ResultsHighest Occuring Crash TypesProject Management, Coordination and MeetingsProject Meetings (4)Final SSAR/LRSP Development and CirculationSSAR DocumentationDraft SSAR/LRSP Development and CirculationHigh Risk Corridors and IntersectionsViable Project Scopes & Prioritized List of Safety ProjectsViable Project Scopes & Prioritized List of Safety ProjectsData CollectionPage 1P1989BUD003Item 8.h. - Page 38-I Item 8.h. - Page 39 OHO April 24, 2019 Teresa McCllsh Director of Community Development City of Arroyo Grande 300 E. Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 EXHIBIT A RE: PROPOSAL -Circulation Study, Transportation Impact Fee, and Transportation Impact Study Guidelines Update, and Circulation Element with Environment Document Dear Teresa: GHD appreciates the opportunity to provide this proposal to complete the above transportation planning documents for the City of Arroyo Grande. New development and growth in the region continue to put pressure on the exisUng Arroyo Grande transportation system. The completion of these transportation plans and updates is Imperative to ensure the City is adequately prepared to Implement improvements necessary to sustain efficient, safe, multimodal transportation systems as demand grows. GHD has prepared this proposal to ensure the plans that are in Draft form today are updated to be consistent with applicable legislative requirements, finalized, and adopted. GHD has Included preparation of the supporting environmental document and attendance at up to two goveming board hearings to this end. Given the number years that have passed since initiating the preparation of these studies, the existing base transportaUon conditions have become dated. As a part of this effort, recent peak hour counts conducted In the City will be used and supplemented with new peak hour counts at critical Intersections, as needed, to ensure exlsUng base conditions are representative of 2019. These new base conditions will be utilized, in conjunction with the latest San Luis Obispo Council of Government (SLOCOG) regional travel demand model, to develop existing and future analysis and Identify a capital Improvement program necessary to support the next 20+ years of land development and regional growth. Once the Circulation Study has been completed, the primary focus will then tum to working with City staff to review and update the Circulation Element, Transportation Impact Study Guidelines, and Transportation Impact Fees internally, and then with City officials and the community. To achieve CEQA compliance, the performance metrics of SB 743 will be included in the CEQA document alongside currently adopted metrics. GHD will include appropriate policies and analysis requirements to fulfill these requirements moving forward. GHD wlll work with SLOCOG to Identify appropriate VMT thresholds consistent with the latest Regional Transportation Plan/ Sustainable Community Strategy (RTP/SCS). GHO has included SWCA on our team to prepare the appropriate environmental document, anticipated at this point to be a Mitigated Negative Declaration. The timely completion of this effort Is Important as the CE and TIF Updates are currently key priorities for the City. A more detailed scope of work is provided in the following. 943 Reserve Drive Roseville California 95678 United Stales T +1 916 782 8688 F + 1 916 782 8689 W www ghd.com Item 8.h. - Page 40 1. Scope of Work Task 1 Proiect Management and Meetings. Task2 Task3 Task4 Tasks This task is for Project Management/Communication throughout the remaining update process. The GHD Project Manager will establish and maintain a regular communication schedule with City. staff to assure consistent progress on this update process. A kick-off meeting with City staff at the start of the project will establish the communication schedule as well as delivery of key products and public meetings. GHD will attend one (1) Planning Commission meeting and one (1) City Council meeting, as required. These meetings will be established in consultation With City staff. Advance authorization will be required if additional meetings require GHD attendance. Circulation Study Update This task is Intended to refresh the existing conditions analysis and travel demand forecasts with new traffic counts and forecast runs from the latest SLOCOG RTP/SCS model. Critical to this update, is not only to update the LOS to meet existing City policy goals, but also to include VMT analysis guidance and thresholds to help meet the requirements of SB 743. This circulation study update will include a capital Improvement program necessary to support travel demand under local and regional buildout conditions. The study's findings will be formatted in a manner that facilitates Incorporation into the environmental document, anticipated to be a Mitigated Negative Declaration. Finalize Circulation Element Policies, Map and Document. The draft Circulation Element (CE) Update document, including its policies and map has been prepared and were awaiting completion of City staff review before vetting the draft document with City officials and the community. Since the completion of the previous draft, recent leglslatlon, like AB 1358 and SB 743, has added additional requirements prompting corresponding policy updates to the CE Update, including relating to VMT and Complete Streets. It is anticipated that this task will be interactive with City staff to finalize the draft document for public review, and then, following public review, finalization of the document for approval before City Council. Finalize Transportation Impact Analysis Report Guidelines. The draft Transportation Impact Analysis (TIAR) Guidelines document had been prepared and was awaiting completion of City staff review before vetting the draft document with the community and City officials. GHD will work with City Staff to include policies that help guide impact analysis under SB 743 while preserving operational analysis requirements (LOS), with appropriate screening crHerla to aid Implementation. It is anticipated that this task will be interactive with City staff to finalize the draft document for public review, and then, following public review, finalization of the document for approval before City Council. Finalize Transportation Impact Fee Update. Based on the planned Improvements Identified on the Circulation Study and Circulation Element and Map, opinions of cost will be updated and the portion to be funded by the TIF identified. GHD will then prepare draft fee calculations by land use type for remaining vacant P8278PRl.001 Relrised.docx 2 Item 8.h. - Page 41 mi . I F Task6 and/or underdeveloped lands within the City of Arroyo Grande. These draft fee calculations will be reviewed by the City and adjusted as necessary. Transportation improvements to be Included In the TIF program will not only include improvements to support vehicular travel, but also pedestrian, bicycle and public transit travel within and through the City. Prepare Mitigated Negative Declaration. To prepare the environmental document. GHD has retained SWCA as a sub-consultant to lead its preparation. GHD will coordinate with the City and SWCA to assure Its timely completion. The budget for this effort was based on the assumption that a Mitigated Negative Declaration would be adequate document for CEQA compliance. Attached to this proposal Is SWCA's proposal for preparing the Mitigated Negative Declaration. 2. Schedule and Budget Our fee to perform the Circulation Study Update and completion of the CE Update, TIF Update, Transportation Impact Study Guidelines and preparation of a Mitigated Negative Declaration is $90,630, as indicated in the attached budget. This budget considers the number of remaining issues that still need to be resolved and addressing the additional requirements of SB 743. Also, any additional meetings beyond those included in Task 1 may be added on a $2,000 per meeting basis. The schedule for the completion of this effort will largely be driven by the noticing and preparation of the supporting environmental document and the scheduling of public meetings. To provide some parameter of schedule, a most optimistic schedule might be sixteen (16) weeks from authorization. Please feel free to give me a call if you have any questions. Sincerely, Attachment: SWCA Proposal P8278PRLOD1 Relrised.dac,c 3 Item 8.h. - Page 42 Arroyo Grande CE Update, TIF Update, TIAR Guidelines and TIAR for Negative Declaration. Budget Estimate Job No. 8278 File No. P8278BUD001 Inouye Tregenza Zciilemake Proposal Class PIC/PM QC Southern Thornton Task Task Description Rate S250 S185 $150 $105 $120 Other Total Total OMNI Hours $ Direct Costs rf ~~~11;teft>J~t~~~Q~J~~miJJl1~~fl9~:~7tfJ~1fRf5;f~>:I~~: }'.'.\~1~~~Fff~~:Jfi\;~f:r~i~~·~::\I: '.\~1S[if;J}!l~~~f'.{t~t~;:?~[:~~ti➔~~ff§f~11J1~~1t~t~l1~~{~J]~~~~i~:t11F;~ 8 32 16 $1,500 56 $11,100 C Ji~~f?-;[~~~1~lfi~].l~~JfifS~:~,::~~=~~:r.~-~~;0·:JF~0·:~~~: ;y ;-~~, ;,~-~~5;~~~;·:}1¥K~"1J~~F~1&?·~-,.~:1w~1~7:~f=t~'?fi~I~J?.'Eg~IU~.h~--~~~-};r~~~2~:i~:~~i;;1:~:?;t;t~~(~~~.~~~~t},r*:e~i t~;.:, 4 8 36 100 4 $18,380 . 2 4 8 16 4 $4,120 ~-~~~Aflf:iR•11f•Xt~~~~;~~~5:Fr:i:t;~~~:~;·~::7~~~liY~~?7~~~~;r~\:~~=~:~;1~-~~~~i:·)g~~~~!FMW::(?~;:~~~~t~~~\·~~t~:~~s-;=~1~~~~&r~1:r.~wt{~k-21E:~G~:t~?0i~~ :r'.~ 2 4 12 16 34 $4,720 2 8 32 24 66 $8,220 [i$~6JfF;R,Pir~I~ifg~~~~@iiS:~!~Q~~~g;f;;?•:EE~s¥ -1-~~0J2~~t]3~~~~:\·.:;:1;·~~-~~:r1Nr~:~;J:;;.~~~{f.~~;,~IJ~4?l~J~~-'?~~~~~~~~~~;£~~~tff~:1:0.~~~~p~~~f[~~~1~~~~-1li ~ 2 4 4 10 20 $2,890 Notes: Subtotal Hours Hours Subtotal Dollars DoJIBTS 20 $5000 60 $11100 60 $9000 ------·-----~------c-c,-~-- 1. Billing rates are avera9es. Client will be billed for actual rates for employes that perform the work. 2. _BIiiing rates Increase by approximately 5% per Y._ear. --------------· ·--. 3. Direct costs will be marked u 10% 190 $19 950 Page 1 24 $2880 $1 500 184 $49,430.00 Item 8.h. - Page 43 • omni -means ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS September 4, 2015 Matt Horn City Engineer City of Arroyo Grande 300 E. Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 RE: East Branch Street Streetscaping Project -On-Call Civil Engineering Service Dear Matt: The Omni-Means Team is very excited about the opportunity to once again provide assistance to the City under our existing on -call agreement. We are committed to working closely with both Community Development and Public Works to bring forward a specific plan that will enhance the East Branch Street corridor landscape and streetscape and promote the livability that is so important to the City. Our team of engineers, surveyors, planners and landscape architects, in close partnership with the City staff and community stakeholders, is ready to move from "concept" to a fully-vetted quality set of plans that will allow the City to quickly bid and build a great streetscape project. We are confident in our ability to produce high-quality conceptual designs and equally confident in our ability to respond to staff and community feedback to systematically improve those concepts and arrive at final plans that fully meet the City staff and community's expectations. We recognize that the East Branch Street corridor is one in transition and that it will be critically important to ultimately design and construct street improvements that find the balance between safety and mobility for all users, accessibility for existing and future businesses, effective way- finding for visitors, and landscape that enhances the visual experience for all. To assist us in providing the services you require, we have teamed with two local firms, including Yeh and Associates located in Grover Beach for Geotechnical Services and McMillan Land Surveys located in San Luis Obispo for topographic and right of way surveys. We are pleased to submit the enclosed Scope of Work, Fee Estimate and Schedule for your consideration. We look forward to working with you and other City staff on this project. Please feel free to give us a call if you have any questions. Sincerely, Omni-Means, Ltd . ~·-~~ Joseph W. Weiland, P.E. PrincipalNice-President Jonathan, "Nate" Stong, P.E. Project Manager Enc : Scope of Services and Fee Proposal NLS:nls 669 Pacific Stre et I Suite A I San Lu is Obispo, CA 93401 I p . 805 .242 .0461 I omnimeans .com Napa I Redding I Roseville I San Luis Ob ispo I Visalia I Walnut Creek Project Understanding and Approach / Key Issues East Branch Street Streetscaping Project I City of Arroyo Grande l September 4, 2015 P6968PRL002.docx l Page 1 Project Understanding and Approach Omni-Means understands how important the Village and East Branch Street are to the City of Arroyo Grande. In many respects this corridor is the heart of the City and the City has continually worked with individual citizens, community groups and the business community to sustain the corridor’s unique character. Time has come to turn attention to the segment of East Branch Street between Mason Street and Paulding Circle and plan, design and build the streetscape that will extend and enhance the unique Village character through this segment of the corridor. Additionally, an effective streetscape in this segment of East Branch Street will serve as the perfect gateway for those persons coming into the Village from the Edna and Huasna Valleys. Omni-Means also understands how important it is that the streetscape improvements made between Mason Street and Paulding Circle strongly complement the existing streetscape through the Village. It is critical that upon completion of the streetscape project, that visitors and residents alike move comfortably between the Village core and the Mason-Paulding segment with no readily apparent change in context or character. At the same time, the new streetscape has to function as a contemporary facility in terms of safety and mobility for all users. Omni-Means is especially skilled at bringing forward context sensitive solutions while insuring that safety and mobility are in no way compromised. Pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders and motorists can all be confident that their specific needs will be addressed as the streetscape project proceeds in a collaborative yet systematic fashion. Omni-Means, working closely with City staff and the business community, will also pay special attention to enhancing accessibility for existing and planned development. ADA compliance will be fully addressed as well. Given how many tourists seek the Village as their destination, special attention will be given to implementing effective wayfinding. The City of Arroyo Grande has a strong reputation for engaging a diverse group of community stakeholders whenever significant infrastructure changes are considered. Omni-Means intends to take full advantage of standing City Committees that can help guide the development of the streetscape plan. With their input and guidance, we are confident that the conceptual streetscape designs we bring forward will not only unify East Branch Street thematically, but will enhance the natural environment with innovative drainage features and construct the necessary improvements so that the corridor achieves complete street objectives. Omni-Means will make certain that all concepts that are developed will be presented in formats that are easily understood by a wide range of community members. The design plans will be sufficient in detail and quality so that City staff and others can quickly grasp the improvements being proposed and visualize both their functionality and aesthetic value. The City can be confident that Omni-Means will always produce high-quality products within the schedule and budget agreed to and that City review comments will be fully addressed in timely fashion. The entire Omni-Means team, based right here on the Central Coast, stands ready to take full advantage of our extensive local knowledge of the Arroyo Grande street system and work in partnership with City staff to see the East Branch Street Streetscaping project to its completion. Item 8.h. - Page 44 " Project Understanding and Approach / Key Issues East Branch Street Streetscaping Project I City of Arroyo Grande l September 4, 2015 P6968PRL002.docx l Page 2 Key Issues Balance On-Street Parking Needs with "Complete Streets" Automobile parking can often be a conflicting and confusing issue for a community like Arroyo Grande. Lack of accessible parking can hurt local businesses and decrease the quality of life for residents in a mixed use corridor like East Branch Street. Typically there is no one specific solution to parking challenges. In the case of East Branch Street, a balance has to be achieved between safe multi-modal mobility on the street and reasonably accommodating parking. The East Branch Street Streetscaping Project offers an opportunity to bring strategic parking into the “complete street” envisioned and valued by the community. Omni-Means, in close coordination with City staff, the City Traffic Commission and community stakeholders, is confident that the streetscape concept that ultimately moves into construction will strike the correct balance. With community input we will explore and delineate effective design that integrates the limited on-street parking with the available off-street parking opportunities. Given the large number of visitors to the Village, the parking strategy that moves forward will be fully integrated with an effective way-finding program. Opportunities for Stormwater Quality Integration with Landscaping This project presents an opportunity to manage storm water in a fashion that promotes a “green” street as well. Omni-Means is well-staffed and experienced in the latest in “green street” technology to strategically intercept, filter and infiltrate storm water from street runoff through a series of landscaped curb extensions, swales, planter strips, bio-filtration planters, and street trees. Item 8.h. - Page 45 Project Understanding and Approach / Key Issues East Branch Street Streetscaping Project I City of Arroyo Grande l September 4, 2015 P6968PRL002.docx l Page 3 Omni-Means is confident that, with City staff and public input, we can incorporate Best Management Practices to ensure compliance with the latest Regional Water Quality Control Board Phase 2 NPDES permitting requirements and implement project features that promote corridor aesthetics while enhancing the water quality. At the same time, a model can be created that adjacent private development can follow and ultimately enhance utilizing some of these same features in yet to be developed adjacent properties or in the retrofit of existing businesses. Pedestrian Mobility and Safety The Village of Arroyo Grande (East Branch Street) has evolved into a very walk-able and livable “main street.” Pedestrians generally feel safe strolling through the Village and the experience is a very pleasant one that many out-of-towners have come to appreciate and come back to on a regular basis. The challenge and the opportunity for the East Branch Street Streetscaping Project is to carry this same livability and “sense of place” easterly through Paulding Circle. Item 8.h. - Page 46 GREEN STREETS: STORMWATER TREE TRENCH Streol View Evapotransp l ra1lon Ol &t rlbulctd through Troo Trench , then ,1ow reloued Into c,i.ls11ng ,10,m sewer, If neceuary lnflltra1lon Subg,ade View Rainfa l l S10,mwater Flow 'il[Wl ECS 01 R1eur10111P n Project Understanding and Approach / Key Issues East Branch Street Streetscaping Project I City of Arroyo Grande l September 4, 2015 P6968PRL002.docx l Page 4 Omni-Means sees great opportunity to enhance the pedestrian experience in the corridor incorporating some of the same effective features seen west of Mason Street, thereby carrying forward some of the themes and infrastructure that have already proven to enhance the safety for Village pedestrians such as textured cross walks, in-roadway lighting and sign-mounted flashing beacons at crosswalks, landscaped bulb-outs, landscaped median refuge areas, and strategic placement of street furniture. Special attention will be paid to making sure that the corridor is ADA compliant and that project features meant to enhance mobility for persons with disabilities are incorporated in an innovative and sensitive way. We are confident that working closely with community stakeholders and City staff, the Omni-Means team will bring forward integrated project concepts and construction details that meet ADA needs without appearing as project “add-ons”. Accommodating Left-Turns While Enhancing Median Planting Raised medians offer great benefit to a corridor like East Branch Street. They can provide areas to be planted with appropriate trees or other vegetation thereby enhancing corridor aesthetics. At the same time they can be strategically placed so that traffic turning movements are controlled in a way that pedestrian, bicyclist and motorist safety are enhanced. At the same time, consideration must be given to left-turn access and parking for businesses and properties adjacent to the street. We are confident that the Omni-Means team, working collaboratively with City staff and community stakeholders, will be able to place and design the raised medians in a fashion that meets the project aesthetic objectives, enhances the safety for all users, and does not inordinately compromise access for adjacent properties. The planting and other treatment of the raised medians will be sustainable in nature and sensitive to City’s limited maintenance staff and water supply. Item 8.h. - Page 47 Project Understanding and Approach / Key Issues East Branch Street Streetscaping Project I City of Arroyo Grande l September 4, 2015 P6968PRL002.docx l Page 5 All median landscaping (median and roadside) and other features (planters, trees, light poles), will be designed so as fully meet stopping sight distance requirements. Consistent Bicycle Facilities Special attention will be paid to striping for bike lanes. The East Branch Street segment between Mason Street and Paulding Circle is a transition zone for cyclists either leaving the Village or entering the Village from the rural Edna and Huasna Valley areas. The Omni-Means team will be sure to consult and seek consistency with the City’s Bicycle and Trails Master Plan (an Omni-Means product) when designing bike facilities for the East Branch Street segment between Mason Street and Paulding Circle. It is of note that with the construction of the East Branch Street Retaining Wall project, there are now Class II Bike lanes coming into the corridor from the east. However, through the Village core, there are no designated bike lanes and a “share the lane” situation exists. Careful consideration will be given to the “bicycle transition zone” between Mason Street and Paulding Circle, and a continuation of the bicycle shared lane markings and signage west of Mason Street to provide consistency along the bicycle route. Traffic Operations Omni-Means is well versed in traffic operations, and we will bring our expertise to this project to ensure safe, accessible and efficient mobility for all users. We have recently assisted the City of Arroyo Grande with an analysis of the traffic circulation within the Crown Hill neighborhood, and the data collected and analysis performed in that effort gives us a unique understanding of the traffic volumes and patterns in the area, specifically at the intersections of Crown Hill Street with East Branch Street and Le Point Terrace with East Branch Street. Modifications to exclusive left turn lanes such as at the westbound East Brach Street approach to Mason Street may be considered during project development. Omni-Means will collect the necessary data and perform traffic evaluations to ensure the design meets standards and the City's level of service criteria. Concept Layout The following pages present a concept layout developed for the corridor illustrating Omni-Means capabilities and approach to the project. The concept illustrates the Key Issues identified above and presents opportunities for consideration. Item 8.h. - Page 48 " East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, CA STREETSCAPE CONCEPT P6968/ILLUSTRATIVE EXHIBITILLUSTRATIVE CONCEPT VIEWSILLUSTRATIVE CONCEPT VIEWS DESIGN OPPORTUNITIES The following exhibits illustrate a variety of design opportunities that will extend and unify the village theme east of Mason Street. These ideas will also enhance the pedestrian and bicyclist experience / safety, and provide landscaped gateway opportunities approaching the downtown core. (See Exhibit 2 for more callouts) Exhibit 1 Item 8.h. - Page 490 0 I Section" ~ NTS CALLOUT LEGEND SYMBOL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 @ DESCRIPTION Continue bike route with shared use markings and signs through the village Opportunity for enhanced crosswalk at intersection with landscaped bulb outs Landscaped bulb outs -possible bio-filtration at existing drain inlet Bicycle detector loop at signal Gateway monument/ sign opportunity Retain key on-street parking Minimize conflict points by limiting access at Le Point Terrace and East Paulding Circle Class II bike lanes continue to Paulding Wall restriping Opportunity for a mid-block pedestrian cross walk Landscaped median to restrict left turn movement at first driveway to north parking lot ~omni• means ~ ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, CA STREETSCAPE CONCEPT P6968/ILLUSTRATIVE EXHIBITILLUSTRATIVE CONCEPT VIEWSILLUSTRATIVE CONCEPT VIEWS (See Exhibit 1 for more callouts) Exhibit 2 Item 8.h. - Page 50CALLOUT LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 @ Continue bike route with shared use markings and signs through the village Opportunity for enhanced crosswalk at intersection with landscaped bulb outs Landscaped bulb outs -possible bio-filtration at existing drain inlet Bicycle detector loop at signal Gateway monument/ sign opportunity Retain key on-street parking Minimize conflict points by limiting access at Le Point Terrace and East Paulding Circle Class II bike lanes continue to Paulding Wall restriping Opportunity for a mid-block pedestrian cross walk Landscaped median to restrict left turn movement at first driveway to north parking lot ~omni• means ~ ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS Work Experience East Branch Street Streetscaping Project I City of Arroyo Grande l September 4, 2015 P6968PRL002.docx l Page 10 Work Experience Omni-Means' team of Civil Engineers, Traffic Engineers and Landscape Architect is well-suited and experienced in streetscape design and provides a "one-stop shop" for coordinated project development that addresses all of the design issues important to the success of a project. Omni-Means provides design services spanning from preliminary analysis and design, through stakeholder outreach and final design to construction support. The following pages present samples of our relevant streetscape and gateway monument design work experience. The following materials also demonstrate our capabilities with visual materials key to conveying design concepts and alternatives to a broad audience. Item 8.h. - Page 51 Complete Street Improvement Concept Highway 49 /88 Corridor -Main St. to Highway 88 D 2012 Capital Improvement Program Update City of Jackson Scope of Services East Branch Street Streetscaping Project I City of Arroyo Grande l September 4, 2015 P6968PRL002.docx l Page 21 Scope of Services Task 1 Project Management 1.1 Project Management Omni-Means’s project management responsibilities shall include:  Kick off meeting with City staff to review the scope of services and deliverables, review existing corridor conditions and identify streetscape goals, and to develop stakeholders list;  Attend one (1) meeting with City staff to review the preliminary conceptual design alternatives plans developed in Task 3;  Attend up to four (4) conceptual design review meetings during Task 3;  Attend up to two (2) meetings with City staff to review the 50% and 95% PS&E submittal and to receive/discuss staff comments;  Participate in phone and email communications with the City PM;  Provide technical support to the City;  Provide internal quality control;  Lead, direct and monitor all sub-consultants progress and work products;  Prepare meeting agendas and minutes; and  Provide monthly invoices, schedule updates and project progress reports Task 1 Work Products:  Active Project Management, Coordination, Quality Control and Documentation Task 2 Project Area Survey 2.1 Data Collection Existing information including (but not limited to) parcel maps, record of survey maps, City right of way maps and deeds, and as-built drawings will be obtained along East Branch Street within and immediately adjacent to the project corridor. As part of our data collection effort, we will also contact Caltrans to request copies of any as-builts and right of way maps and deeds they may have retained. Omni-Means will obtain available traffic data from the City and supplement with new counts as required for the design. Omni-Means obtained peak hour intersection turning movement data as part of the Crown Hill Circulation Study which will be used and supplemented with, at a minimum, peak hour turning movement counts at the intersection of East Branch Street and Mason Street. 2.2 Topographic and Right of Way Surveys McMillan Land Surveys will conduct a topographic survey that will map the existing physical features of the project area. Items to be surveyed and mapped include City Item 8.h. - Page 52 " Scope of Services East Branch Street Streetscaping Project I City of Arroyo Grande l September 4, 2015 P6968PRL002.docx l Page 22 right of way, visible features of existing utilities, curb, gutter and sidewalks, curb ramps, driveways, crossings, street trees or wells, roadway striping including parking delineation and lane widths, street lights, traffic signals, public signage, bus stops, storefronts, street furniture, and existing land uses/business types. Survey will provide adequate detail for areas where ADA compliance could be challenging including curb ramps, driveways, crossings and storefronts. The right of way lines along E. Branch Street with the corridor project limits will be established from found monuments and recorded information. Task 2.1 and 2.2 Work Products:  Electronic files of topographic surveys and corridor right of way limits in both PDF and AutoCAD file format 2.3 Early Utility Coordination Omni-Means will develop and maintain a master list (spreadsheet) of all utility contacts in the project area. The spreadsheet will be used to track all utility submittals, responses by utility agencies, and conflict resolutions. Under this task, all utility companies believed to have facilities in the area will, at a minimum, be noticed of the project scope and limits and information requested regarding facility types and locations. Utility coordination will continue under Task 4.2 during the subsequent submittals at the 50%, 95% and 100% design stages. Task 3 Conceptual Design Alternatives 3.1 Preliminary Layout Plans Omni-Means will prepare up to two (2) conceptual streetscape designs that unify East Branch Street thematically and encourage bicycle and pedestrian use. Physical constraints and potential impacts associated with the design elements will be identified and addressed. The concepts will identify opportunities and constraints for specific improvements, including bike lanes, enhanced bicycle markings for shared use areas, sidewalk and crosswalk hardscapes including in-roadway lighting and signage with flashing beacons, street trees, tree grates and guards, opportunities for bio-filtration or other stormwater quality improvements, bulb-outs, benches, litter receptacles, bicycle racks, street signs and posts, and traffic striping. Identification of potential utility conflicts and relocation will be identified for each alternative. Preliminary estimates of cost will be prepared for each alternative. 3.2 Preliminary Landscape Architecture Plans The preliminary landscape architecture design will consist of a detailed layout of all plant materials, a plant palette with photographs of all plant materials proposed, and proposed irrigation system approach. 3D Sketchup images will be prepared to illustrate the key components of the concept. This task will also include:  Discussions with the City staff regarding long term maintenance expectations, irrigation system material preference Item 8.h. - Page 53 " Scope of Services East Branch Street Streetscaping Project I City of Arroyo Grande l September 4, 2015 P6968PRL002.docx l Page 23  Illustrative exhibits to be utilized at presentations to stake holders and City officials  Preliminary cost estimate Task 3.1 & 3.2 Work Products:  Electronic files and reproducible hardcopy for up to two (2) conceptual design alternatives  Preliminary Planting Plans for up to two (2) conceptual design alternatives.  Preliminary estimates of construction costs for up to two (2) alternatives 3.3 Submittals and Reviews As identified in the RFP, the City anticipates up to four (4) conceptual design reviews involving City staff and stakeholders for each alternative with revisions required following each review. Omni-Means will be available to attend up to four (4) City/stakeholder design review meetings to present the design concepts, provide our input and to answer questions. PDF documents of all exhibits will be provided to City staff in advance or each meeting for distribution as needed. Following each design review and upon receiving all review comments, Omni-Means will also modify each alternative as needed and submit copies of the modified designs to the City for further review and comment. As previously noted, we are assuming up to four (4) rounds of reviews and modifications for each conceptual design alternative. Task 3.3 Work Products:  Attend up to four (4) project review meetings  Provide up to four (4) conceptual design revisions for each alternative. Task 4 Final Design of Selected Alternative It is anticipated that the City will identify the preferred project improvement alternative at the conclusion of Task 3. It will be this selected alternative that will be carried forward through final design in Task 4. 4.1 Geotechnical Evaluation and Report Yeh and Associates (Subconsultant) will provide all geotechnical testing, evaluations and reporting for this project. The main geotechnical considerations for the project will be to provide pavement design and grading recommendations for hot- mix asphalt and Portland cement concrete. Low-impact design considerations will also be qualitatively addressed from a geotechnical standpoint as appropriate. The scope of work for the geotechnical evaluation is described below. 1. Consult with Omni-Means to initiate the project, collect background information from Omni-Means and the City that may be pertinent to the geotechnical evaluation, and coordinate site access, schedule field exploration activities, and review the scope of the work. This work assumes that site access and any permits required to perform the field work within the roadway will be provided to at no cost. Item 8.h. - Page 54 " Scope of Services East Branch Street Streetscaping Project I City of Arroyo Grande l September 4, 2015 P6968PRL002.docx l Page 24 2. Prepare a health and safety plan for the field work, visit the site to mark the locations of the explorations, and contact Underground Services Alert (USA) to contact utilities and review the locations prior to beginning the field exploration program. 3. Perform a ½-day field exploration program consisting of drilling two to three holes to depths of approximately 5 feet below the ground surface. Borings would be drilled either in parking spots or in the roadway median. Traffic control will consist of cones and signs. No lane closures or flagging are planned. 4. The holes will be drilled using a truck-mounted rig equipped with hollow stem auger. Existing roadway sections will be measured and the borings will be sampled at selected intervals using a drive sampler, and by taking cuttings from the auger flights. The holes will be filled with excavated cuttings and/or sand after drilling. The roadway surface will be patched with fast-setting concrete colored black. Laboratory tests for in-situ moisture and density, and R-value will be performed on selected samples recovered from the drill holes. 5. Prepare a Geotechnical Report for the design of the improvements. A draft of the report will be submitted for review by Omni-Means and the City. The report will provide drawings showing the location of the site and the drill holes, logs of the drill holes, and laboratory test results. The report will provide recommendations regarding grading, subgrade preparation and stabilization (if needed), compaction, trench backfill, reuse of excavated on- site soil and imported fill materials, design for flexible and rigid pavements, and geotechnical considerations for low impact development improvements. 6. Prepare the final Geotechnical Report for the project and submit one pdf copy, unless otherwise requested. The final report will be submitted after review comments have been incorporated into the report. It is not anticipated that the final report would incorporate evaluating additional alternatives, information or recommendations for improvements that area not described in this proposal. Task 4.1 Work Products:  Draft Geotechnical Report for review and comment  Final Geotechnical Report 4.2 Utility Submittals and Coordination (Design Phase) The information received during initial noticing to the utility companies and data requested under Task 2.3 will be incorporated into the design base maps and used in the design to identify potential conflicts and resolutions. All utility companies known to have facilities in the area will, at a minimum, be noticed at the 50%, 95% and 100% design stages. Should utility relocation be required, Omni-Means will coordinate with the affected utility(s) to determine whether their facilities are under a franchise or if easements are present. The affected utility company will complete their relocation plans with input Item 8.h. - Page 55 " Scope of Services East Branch Street Streetscaping Project I City of Arroyo Grande l September 4, 2015 P6968PRL002.docx l Page 25 from Omni-Means. For instance, identification of easements, utility sleeves, clearances, and cost and schedules to relocate are typical items addressed under this task. This task also includes meeting with utility owners as needed to facilitate final relocation plans. Task 4.2 Work Products: Utility Master List, Utility Noticing and Utility Coordination. 4.3 50% Design Plans Under this task, Omni-Means will prepare preliminary design drawings for the selected alternative identified at the conclusion of Task 3. All engineering design will be completed in conformance with City of Arroyo Grande and/or Caltrans 2010 standards and specifications. All plans will be prepared using the City of Arroyo Grande title block. The 50% design will include the following plans: Cover Sheet Layout Plans Typical Sections including structural pavement sections Grading Plan Pavement Delineation and Signage Plan Lighting Plan Street Furniture Plan Stormwater quality details (bio-filtration or structural BMPs) Planting and Irrigation plans, details, schedules / notes, water calculations A drainage memorandum will be prepared under this task identifying any changes to drainage patterns, storm drain gutter, inlet and/or piping modifications, and potential impacts/benefits to storm water quality using low-impact development strategies. At the conclusion of this task, 50% plans will be submitted to the City for review and comment. Copies of the plans will also be provided to each affected utility owner. Task 4.3 Work Products: Reduced size 50% plans (11”x17”): Two (2) sets provided to City of Arroyo Grande, and additional sets as needed for each affected utility owner Electronic copy of 50% plans in PDF format will be provided to City of Arroyo Grande 4.4 95% Plans, Specifications and Estimates (PS&E) Omni-Means will review all comments provided by the City on the 50% plans will and updated plan sheets as needed. In addition to those plans prepared for the 50% submittal, the following plans will be prepared. General Construction Notes Demolition plans showing improvements that will be removed during construction Item 8.h. - Page 56 " Scope of Services East Branch Street Streetscaping Project I City of Arroyo Grande l September 4, 2015 P6968PRL002.docx l Page 26  Construction Details  Utility Plan including adjustment or resetting of drainage inlets, water valve and sewer manhole frames and covers  Lighting Plan Omni-Means will prepare the draft construction specifications. Construction specifications will be formatted in accordance with the City Standard Specifications. Omni-means will also prepare a detailed construction cost estimate and bid item schedule for all work included in the project. The plans will also be reviewed internally an experienced member of the Omni-Means Construction Management team who will concentrate on conducting a thorough review of the plans and specifications and bid item schedule. Special focus will be given to the PS&E documents for their overall constructability and review for any anomalies that could lead to potential claims that may arise during the course of construction. At the conclusion of this task, 95% PS&E will be submitted to the City for review and comment. Copies of the 95% plans will also be provided to each affected utility owner. Task 4.4 Work Products:  Reduced size 95% plans (11”x17”): Two (2) sets provided to City of Arroyo Grande, and additional sets as needed for each affected utility owner  Draft Specifications and Engineer’s Estimate: Two (2) sets/copies to City of Arroyo Grande. If additional sets/copies are requested by others, they will be provided in portable document format (PDF)  Electronic copies of the 95% PS&E in PDF format will be provided to the City of Arroyo Grande 4.5 100% PS& E Under this task, the Omni-Means team will review the City’s comments on the 95% PS&E submittal, incorporate revisions into the 100% PS&E, and prepare a formal response to comments spreadsheet. This task includes final plotting, transmittal letters, reproduction, copying, preparation, and packaging, and mailing of the 100% PS&E submittal package. Task 4.5 Work Products:  Full size Plans (24”x36”): Two (2) sets to the City of Arroyo Grande  Reduced size Plans (11”x17”): Two (2) sets to City of Arroyo Grande, and additional sets for each affected utility owner  Specifications and Engineer’s Estimate: Two (2) sets/copies to City of Arroyo Grande. If additional sets/copies are requested by others, they will be provided in portable document format (PDF).  Electronic copies of the 100% PS&E in PDF format will be provided to the City of Arroyo Grande  One copy of Omni-Means’ internal QA/QC redlines, and the City’s redlined plans will also be provided. Item 8.h. - Page 57 " Scope of Services East Branch Street Streetscaping Project I City of Arroyo Grande l September 4, 2015 P6968PRL002.docx l Page 27 4.6 Final PS&E Contract Documents This task addresses final plotting and compilation of the bid documents. One (1) set of original Vellum plan sheets and one (1) camera ready set of construction Specials, signed by the Engineer will be provided to the City of Arroyo Grande. Final PS&E will include all of the information required for public bidding and construction of the project. Task 4.6 Work Products: Submit Final Contract Documents to City for advertisement of bids. Optional Services Omni-Means, if requested by the City and under separate scope of services and budget, will also be available to assist the City as follows: Attend and participate at public hearing(s) Bidding Support Construction Support Public Outreach Support Item 8.h. - Page 58 " Project Schedule East Branch Street Streetscaping Project I City of Arroyo Grande l September 4, 2015 P6968PRL002.docx l Page 28 The preliminary project schedule outlined below identifies a 17-month process from notice to proceed to final construction documents, including a total of approximately 8 months for City and stakeholder reviews and approvals. Item 8.h. - Page 59 E. Branch Street Streetscapin g Project Pre lim inary Proj ect Sched ule lD 0 llii>Sk Name Ouraflon StlJI r,:1 1 .atll auarte 1&1 auart:e 2n t1 ,a tJan Jnl ,a11an1 4-:n auaG~ Uii t ,a uan e '""" o, I e Ja ri e t.aa,ann a JuriJull u I e Ocll ,o I e .lillll e t,/Jaal t-~1:-i.,,arr ~-M-;;;B~ra~n~•~b~S:;;:ttlB<l=ll~S~itl~TB<l::;:;:11~8~::-;p~~~Q-P_ro_~~----------jr3-7'5~d=3~·~~M~o=n~9J2;,;;;~~~15.t;=f~d"-mt1~·~·~1~l ~ 2 !l!! rto'.l ce lD P r,ooe ed(AS.slrlled ) Odays Mooq12ar1,~009/2ar1, ~~ 3 ProJoc,t Manag.omenl I T3U 1 ) 370 d~ Wod 913Dl1 5 TWI 212 8/1 1 tr: l-,4-~:!i.il...--+--,KJct=~,~M=M,e~e"'mru~g~(,1.'1),-------------+--.o~dk~~,s*\~V~e~a "9~'°"'1~~15m1~=9u~ .. 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"" Provide E lectro.RIC Fine,; to Cit)' J daysr,~ 1 1nm5 Fin 1 1127115 : ' 11 Coaewplusl DB<lfgn All,imall~.., (Taok3] 170 da~~oa 1 1130f15 Fri 71'2 2f1 6 : 12 Prll!lmln ary D&<1 '90 13.1 & 3.2) 30 dayuon 1 1130f1, f d 1JSl'1 s 13 Prelimin ary Layoot Ptan.s (3.1) JO days),1o.n 1 11Jllr15 Fn U8.r 1• 14 Prellmllary La,idscape ,"ucllllecture Pl'an.s (l.2) JO d~•~o• 1 11Jllf15 Fn 1IB!11i 15 $llllmrn3 18 30d RAIYIOWS f3 .31 uo days Fr111 BI1G f'r17122f1 6 •• 1stl'rwmlna,y Design s~m1na1e o City o d~s Fra 1ra .r1 6 Fn 1IB.r 11i 17 Desl!,l Re"1ew a d Meeflng Pe noa 20 d~• Moo 111 IH6 Fn 2151 1,E 18 1st l'renmlna,y DE<Slg n Up!late 1a days Mon 2J8.r 1,6 I'll 21 191 1• 19 2m d Preliminary ,reoign submitta l (D City O d~s F~ 21 19.[16 Fd 21 191 1,6 2ll DE!SlgJl Re•l1ew an.d Meeflng Penoa 20 d~s Moo 21221 16 FIIJJ18.r 11i 21 :!In d Preliminary ....,.._gn upmate 10 d~s Moo JJ2 1IH Fn 4.f1/1 ,E 22 3rd PreRm lna,y DE<S!g n SU!Jmltta l l o City o days Fra 4f1f1 6 Fn 4.f11 1• 2J DE!SlgJl Re"1 ew an.d Meenng Pertoa 20 d~s Mon "'"" 1ti Fd 41291 10 2'I 3rd PreRm lna,y DE<S!g n Up!late 5 d~• Mon 5.12116 Fn 5J61 1,E 4th Prelimin ary oe,190 Sullmlll31 to, ctly o d~s Fn s;51 1,, Fn 5.1"61 1< 26 DE!SlgJl Re"1 ew an.d Meeflng Pe noa 20 days Mon 5.f9!16 Fn &™11! 27 Fin.a l l'reITm lna,y Designs trpda'.e I Sutimmal ID Cit)' 5 d~S Mon 6J6.[1,6 I'll 61 1 ID 1,E : :ta Otty Se le¢:1Joo or Ple1erred Desi gn AIIema:~J'i'e JO d~s Moo ,;1a r1,, Fd 71221 1• 29 Flaal DB<l tgn or S&I IICl9d All<lm~~Y& [Ta,ik 41 1G0 da~ Mom 712511G fd mt11 3Q 31 32 J.J 35 J<i 37 3,3 39 P 6!!'56S C<!l 1.mp s e;p-~em.tJ er 4 , 20 1 s GeoteChll lcal Evaruafl oo aiid Rep,ort (4.1) utility Sutlmlt31s and Coo11111afloo 1ue61gn Pllas e) (4.2) P [>a re Silo% oe,lgJl l'lan.s (4.3) City Re.1'ew and CDmment l'erfod Prts[>are 95% PS&E [4A) City Re.1'ew and C omment l'erfod Pre,[>are 100% PS&l: (4-5) Cllf ne.1'ew and Comment l'erfod Pre[>are Fina, I'S&!: Contract Doeums nls (4.6) Submn Final J>S.!lf' C<Jntract Dooomen.1s eo C ity Tast S 1 Pr<>gress 20 d~S MOO 7125!16 Fd81191 11i rn:i days Moo 712Sl'16 Fd 21 17111 35 d~s Mon 8/1 I16 Fd 91 161 11! 20 d~• Mllll 'l./19.[16 Firl 10114J 11i 40 day s~on 10117n 6 m 12.191 10 20 d~•~o.o 121 12!16 Fn U61 11 20 d~s Mon 11sm Fn 2!3J'1l 10 d~s Mon 21'61 11 1'11211711, 10 d~s Moo 212m 1, Fn 3.r;Sr 11 Od~s Fra ;i,r;i,r11 Fn 3.13J 1, M lle&~oo e StJmmary Project summ a,y • Extern T as • External M sto ne ♦ a ne ./;; 0 Cost Proposal East Branch Street Streetscaping Project I City of Arroyo Grande l September 4, 2015 P6968PRL002.docx l Page 29 The following cost proposal represents a not-to-exceed total fee of $69,689 broken down by employee hours and rates for the tasks described in the Scope of Services. If directed and authorized by the City, extra design or optional services would be billed at the hourly rates shown below. East Branch Street Streetscaping PlanOmni-Means, Ltd.Budget EstimatePro No. 6968File No. P6968BUD001.xlsxTask Task DescriptionJob TitleWeiland PICStong PMRobertson LLAHuffman EngrHowardSurveyWenhamQA/QCSupplies and ReimbursablesTotal HoursTotal OMNI $McMillan Land SurveysYeh and Assoc.Mark upTask SubtotalTask Total Rate$201 $175 $180 $116 $165 $2105%1 Project Management$4,2001.1Project Management2424 $4,200$0 $4,2002 Project Area Survey$8,3722.1Data Collection2810 $1,278$0 $1,2782.2Topographic & Right of Way Surveys4 26 $794 $5,000$250 $6,0442.3Early Utility Coordination66 $1,050$0 $1,0503 Conceptual Design Alternatives$25,9423.1Preliminary Layout Plans 2 84858 $7,370$0 $7,3703.2Preliminary Landscape Architecture Plans4040 $7,200$0 $7,2003.3Submittals and Reviews4 8 20 4880 $11,372$0 $11,3724 Final Design of Selected Alternative$31,1754.1Geotechnical Evaluation and Report44 $700$4,500 $225 $5,4254.2Utility Submittals and Coordination88 $1,400$0 $1,4004.350% Design Plans8 16 40468 $9,760$0 $9,7604.495% PS&E4 8 40254 $7,200$0 $7,2004.5100% PS&E4242 $250.00 30 $4,154$0 $4,1544.6Final PS&E Contract Documents2 2 162 $250.00 22 $3,236$0 $3,236Subtotal HoursHours678 86 228 2 10410Subtotal DollarsDollars$1,206 $13,650 $15,480 $26,448 $330 $2,100 $500$59,714 $5,000 $4,500 $475 $69,689$69,689Subconsultants9/4/2015Item 8.h. - Page 60~ f i ' j ' t I I I I AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES AMENDMENT NO. 2 This Second Amendment ("Second Amendment") to Agreement for Consultant Services (“Agreement”) by and between the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE and WALLACE GROUP (“Consultant”) is made and entered into this 25th day of February 2020. WHEREAS, the parties entered into an Agreement dated March 1, 2015 for On-Call Consultant Services; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to further modify the Agreement as set forth herein. NOW THEREFORE, for valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. Section 1(" TERM") of the Agreement, shall be modified in its entirety to read as follows: This Agreement shall be extended and remain and continue in effect until September 30, 2020, or such date that the work is completed or unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. 2. To include the specific, previously authorized projects as specified in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 3. Except as modified herein, all other terms and conditions set forth in the CSA, as amended, shall remain unchanged. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, CITY and CONSULTANT have executed this First Amendment the day and year first above written. WALLACE GROUP By:________________________________ CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE By:________________________________ Caren Ray Russom, Mayor Item 8.h. - Page 61 Exhibit A Scope of Services 1. City’s Fats, Oils and Greases program. 2. 2014 Sewer Master Plan Updates. 3. Stormwater Outfall Water Quality Monitoring. Item 8.h. - Page 62   May 3, 2019 Shane Taylor City of Arroyo Grande 300 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, California 93421 Subject: City of Arroyo Grande FOG Program FY 2019/20 Dear Mr. Taylor: Wallace Group appreciates the opportunity to provide you with our proposal for Water Resources services for the above referenced project. Based on our discussion, the following Scope of Services has been prepared for your consideration: PROJECT UNDERSTANDING The City’s FOG Program consists of permitting, semi-annual inspections, and follow-up on non-compliance with approximately 70 Food Service Establishments (FSEs). The City requested Wallace Group to prepare a proposal to manage and implement the FOG Inspection Program for the 2019/2020 Fiscal year. SCOPE OF SERVICES FOG Program Administration and Inspection Wallace Group will perform FOG permitting, inspections, and re-inspections for the City’s FSEs for the 2019/2020 fiscal year upon notification from the City to start work and receipt of a signed notice-to-proceed. The FOG Program is an element of the City’s Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) which is a requirement of the Statewide General Waste Discharge Requirement 2006- 0003-DWQ enacted by the State Water Resources Control Board. The FOG program will include:  Meeting to discuss goals for the 2019/2020 fiscal year FOG Program: o One (1) hour FOG Program meeting to review the status of the existing Program  Semi-annual inspection of approximately 70 FSEs  Performance of re-inspections when needed to assist in FSE compliance  Assistance with enforcements of significant violations  Re-permitting of all FSEs enrolled in the FOG Program  Permitting of new FSEs that opened for business in 2019/2020 fiscal year and removal from the FOG Program of those FSEs that have closed  Issuance of monthly FOG program status reports Item 8.h. - Page 63 WALLACE GROUP@ CIVIL AND TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PLANNING PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION SURVEYING/ GIS SOLUTIONS WATER RESOURCES WALLACE GROUP A California Corporation 612 CLARION CT SAN LUIS OBISPO CALIFORNIA 93401 T 805 544-4011 F 805 544-4294 www.wallacegroup.us PP19-6866 City of Arroyo Grande May 3, 2019 Page 2 of 3   Deliverables:  Electronic copies of all inspection reports (PDF format)  Electronic copies of FOG inspection procedure updates as applicable  Electronic copies of all permit applications and permits issued (PDF format)  Monthly reporting of FOG Inspection program status (PDF format)  Electronic copies of updated outreach materials provided to FSEs as applicable (PDF format)  Electronic copies of updated outreach materials for residential FOG education as applicable (Word format)  Electronic copies of updated FOG Inspection Procedures (PDF format) SCHEDULE FOG Inspections will be conducted at six (6) month intervals with re-inspections occurring based on the status of each FSE’s compliance status. All FSE FOG Permits will be issued for a three (3) year period. ADDITIONAL SERVICES Wallace Group can provide the following services, directly, upon request:  FSE Storm Water Inspections and MS4 Program Support  Development of Standard Operations and Maintenance Procedures and Emergency Response Procedures for Sanitary Sewer Systems TO BE PROVIDED BY THE CLIENT  Verification of current list of FSE’s PROJECT FEES FOG Program Management Wallace Group will perform the services denoted in the proposed Scope of Services in accordance with the attached Standard Billing Rates (Exhibit A). These estimates reflect the cost for program administration and to have one (1) inspector perform each inspection and re-inspection. These services will be invoiced monthly on an accrued cost basis, and our total fees, including reimbursables will not exceed our estimated fee of $27,000 without receiving written authorization from the Client. At your request, additional services to the Scope of Services will be performed by Wallace Group following the signature of our Contract Amendment or the initiation of a new contract. Item 8.h. - Page 64 WALLACE GROUP@ PP19-6866 City of Arroyo Grande May 3, 2019 Page 3 of 3   TERMS AND CONDITIONS In order to convey a clear understanding of the matters related to our mutual responsibilities regarding this proposal, the City of Arroyo Grande Agreement for Consultant Services dated April 6, 2018 is considered a part of our proposal agreement. If this proposal meets with your approval, please sign where indicated and return one original to our office and/or prepare a Purchase Order, which will serve as our notice-to- proceed. We want to thank you for this opportunity to present our proposal for professional services. If you would like to discuss this proposal in greater detail, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, WALLACE GROUP, a California Corporation TERMS AND CONDITIONS ACCEPTED: Bill Callahan ____________________________________ Senior Environmental Compliance Specialist Signature 612 Clarion Court ____________________________________ San Luis Obispo Printed Name California 93401 ____________________________________ T 805 544-4011 Title F 805 544-4294 ____________________________________ www.wallacegroup.us Date Attachments kc: PP19-6866, 2017 Exhibit A THIS PROPOSAL IS VALID FOR 60 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF THIS DOCUMENT. Item 8.h. - Page 65 WALLACE GROUP@ Exhibit A Standard Billing Rates Public Works Administration Services: Project Analyst I - IV ..................................................... $ 95 - $140 Senior Project Analyst I - III ............................................ $145 - $155 Senior Environmental Compliance Specialist I - III .................. $158 - $166 Support Services: Office Assistant ........................................................... $ 60 Project Assistant I – III ................................................... $ 75 - $ 85 Additional Professional Services: Fees for expert witness preparation, testimony, court appearances, or depositions will be billed at the rate of $300 an hour. As authorized in advance by the Client, overtime on a project will be billed at 1.5 times the employee’s typical hourly rate. Direct Expenses: Direct expenses will be invoiced to the client and a handling charge of 15% may be added. Sample direct expenses include, but are not limited to the following:  travel expenses  sub-consultant services  agency fees  delivery/copy services  mileage (per IRS rates)  other direct expenses Invoicing and Interest Charges: Invoices are submitted monthly on an accrued cost basis in accordance with this Fee Schedule. A finance charge of 1.5% per month may be assessed on all balances that are thirty days past due. Right to Revisions: Wallace Group reserves the right to revise this Schedule of Fees on an annual basis, personnel classifications may be added as necessary. WALLACE GROUP 1 2017 Standard Billing Rates Amended 2018-01-17 Item 8.h. - Page 66 WALIACE GROUP® May 3, 2019 Shane Taylor City of Arroyo Grande 300 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, California 93421 Subject: Regulatory Compliance Assistance: Sanitary Sewer Management Plan (SSMP) 5 – Year Update 2019 Dear Mr. Taylor: Wallace Group appreciates the opportunity to provide you with our proposal for Public Works Administration services for the above referenced project. Based on our discussion, the following revised Scope of Services has been prepared for your consideration: PROJECT UNDERSTANDING The State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) established Statewide General Wastewater Discharge Requirements (GWDR) for Sanitary Sewer Systems, Orders No. 2006-0003-DWQ and revised Monitoring and Reporting Program WQ 2013-0058-EXEC, which required all public entities that own or operate sanitary sewer systems greater than one mile in length in California to create, implement, and maintain a SSMP. WDR Order No. 2006-0003-DWQ requires all agencies to develop and update their SSMP as described below: WDR Order No. 2006-0003-DWQ: To facilitate proper funding and management of sanitary sewer systems, each Enrollee must develop and implement a system-specific Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP). To be effective, SSMPs must include provisions to provide proper and efficient management, operation, and maintenance of sanitary sewer systems, while taking into consideration risk management and cost benefit analysis. Additionally, an SSMP must contain a spill response plan that establishes standard procedures for immediate response to an SSO in a manner designed to minimize water quality impacts and potential nuisance conditions. WDR Order No. 2006-0003-DWQ, Section D.14: The SSMP must be updated every five (5) years, and must include any significant program changes. Re-certification by the governing board of the Enrollee is required in accordance with D.14 when significant updates to the SSMP are made. To complete the re-certification process, the Enrollee shall enter the data in the Online SSO Database and mail the form to the State Water Board, as described above. The City of Arroyo Grande (City) SSMP was last formally updated by the City in 2014 and last audited in August 2018 as required by the WDR Order described above. The City is requesting assistance with a required 5-Year Update to their SSMP to address areas identified as deficient and/or out of compliance with the GWDRs. Based on the findings in the 2018 Audit and discussions with the City, we have prepared the following Scope of Services for your consideration: Item 8.h. - Page 67 WALLACE GROUP@ CIVIL AND TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PLANNING PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION SURVEYING/ GIS SOLUTIONS WATER RESOURCES WALLACE GROUP A California Corporation 612 CLARION CT SAN LUIS OBISPO CALIFORNIA 93401 T 805 544-4011 F 805 544-4294 www.wallacegroup.us PP19-6687 City of Arroyo Grande May 3, 2019 Page 2 of 4 SCOPE OF SERVICES Task 1: Project Management This task includes coordination of project activities, including scheduling and budget controls, Client coordination, quality control, and other related project management activities. Task 2: SSMP Update Wallace Group will develop and update each of the eleven (11) elements of the City SSMP Revision 1, dated 2014. The current City SSMP requires development and update for compliance with the SSSWDRs. The scope of the update will include 2013 MRP requirements and the recommendations identified in the 2018 SSMP Audit. Wallace Group Staff will work collaboratively with City staff to develop and update the existing SSMP and to obtain any additional materials and documentation necessary for this update. The SSMP will be formatted to clearly identify sections and sub-sections of document to applicable GWDRs. Appendices with reference materials will be included for each Element of the SSMP as applicable. The table below summarizes the scope of the recommended update: Table 1- City of Arroyo Grande SSMP Summary of Recommended Updates SSMP Requirement 2006 GWDR Section D.13 Wallace Group Recommended Updates System History and Overview Update general introduction, Executive Summary, and system description/overview. i. Goal Develop new Goals that are specific to the City’s collection and conveyance system. These goals will be assessed and measured in Element 9: Monitoring Measurement and Program Modifications. ii. Organization Update the City organization chart and SSO Chain of Communication for compliance with 2013 MRP requirements. iii. Legal Authority Include any necessary updates based on changes to the City Municipal Code and Ordinances. iv. Operation and Maintenance Program Update this section to reflect current practices and planned activities. Include references to City storm drain maps. Include descriptions of updated Rehabilitation/Replacement and Capital Improvement Plans and schedules. Include status of projects in CIP. Develop a plan and schedule as well as description of CCTV Program and additional areas identified in the Audit recommended for update. Include supporting documents; line cleaning and manhole logs, manhole inspection report template, and map revision sheet. Develop a plan and schedule for the development and implementation of Operations and Maintenance Standard Operating Procedures and associated Training Program. v. Design and Performance Provisions Include existing Public Works Design Standards and Testing Requirements the City will follow. Incorporate these documents or document links into appendices. Item 8.h. - Page 68 WALLACE GROUP@ PP19-6687 City of Arroyo Grande May 3, 2019 Page 3 of 4 vi. Overflow Emergency Response Plan (OERP) Update the OERP to reflect any changes in City operational strategies used to respond to SSOs. Develop a plan and schedule for the implementation of Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs), associated Training Program, and additional areas found to be deficient in the 2018 Audit. vii. Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) Control Program Minor updates to outline current FOG Program, High Maintenance Areas and FSEs. viii. System Evaluation and Capacity Assurance Plan Integrate the findings the 2012 WSMP into this Element with planned short and long-term CIP and funding information. ix. Monitoring, Measurement, and Program Modifications Create a program/matrix to schedule, track, and evaluate SSO trends, the effectiveness of Preventative Maintenance, and the effectiveness of each Element of the SSMP annually. Provide tracking schedule for implementation of each Element. x. SSMP Program Audits Create a SSMP Audit, SSMP revision and 5-year Update schedule. Identify Audit format. xi. Communication Program Update the plan and schedule to communicate SSMP revisions, implementation, and accomplishments with the public. A general task list and schedule will be included with the final SSMP to help identify critical implementation dates and activities identified in the SSMP. Wallace Group anticipates two (2) 3-hour meetings with City Staff to develop and finalize the SSMP. Deliverables:  Updated SSMP (One (1) hard copy and one (1) electronic PDF)  Two (2) meetings with City staff are anticipated to complete final Updated SSMP TO BE PROVIDED BY THE CLIENT  Word version of existing 2014 SSMP a. Additional items to be determined; collection system reports, records, procedures, and exhibits necessary to update SSMP.  Additional Budgetary and Capital Projects information  GIS or other electronic City Storm Drain Maps and Data  Other Operations and Maintenance information, studies and reports that may be necessary for the update to the SSMP SCHEDULE Upon receipt of this signed purchase order, Wallace Group Public Works Regulatory Compliance Staff will work with City staff to develop a schedule for project completion. The City’s 5-Year Update is due for recertification on or before August 2, 2019. Due to the timing of the execution of this contract (after July 1, 2019), Wallace Group does not anticipate the City completing a final 5-Year Update for City Council rectification prior to the August 2, 2019 deadline. Item 8.h. - Page 69 WALLACE GROUP@ PP19-6687 City of Arroyo Grande May 3, 2019 Page 4 of 4 ADDITIONAL SERVICES The following services may also benefit your project. Wallace Group can provide these services, directly or through sub-consultants; however, they are not included in the current Scope of Services or estimate of fees:  MS4 Program Assistance  Development of Standard O&M and Emergency Response Procedures for the City’s Sewer Collection and Conveyance System  Additional meetings PROJECT FEES Wallace Group will perform the services denoted in the proposed Scope of Services on a time and materials basis for a cost not to exceed $22,000. These services will be invoiced monthly on an accrued basis in accordance with the attached Schedule of Fees (Exhibit A). Reimbursables are included in the time and materials estimated fee amount stated above. At your request, additional services to the Scope of Services will be performed by Wallace Group following the signature of our Contract Amendment or the initiation of a new contract. TERMS AND CONDITIONS In order to convey a clear understanding of the matters related to our mutual responsibilities regarding this proposal, the City of Arroyo Grande Agreement for Consultant Services dated March 1, 2015 is considered a part of our proposal agreement. If this proposal meets with your approval, please sign where indicated and return to our office and/or prepare a Purchase Order, which will serve as our notice-to-proceed. We want to thank you for this opportunity to present our proposal for professional services. If you would like to discuss this proposal in greater detail, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, WALLACE GROUP, a California Corporation TERMS AND CONDITIONS ACCEPTED: Bill Callahan ____________________________________ Senior Environmental Compliance Specialist Signature 612 Clarion Court ____________________________________ San Luis Obispo Printed Name California 93401 ____________________________________ T 805 544-4011 Title F 805 544-4294 ____________________________________ www.wallacegroup.us Date Attachments kc: PP19-6687, 2017 Exhibit A THIS PROPOSAL IS VALID FOR 60 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF THIS DOCUMENT. Item 8.h. - Page 70 WALLACE GROUP @ Exhibit A Standard Billing Rates Public Works Administration Services: Project Analyst I - IV ..................................................... $ 95 - $140 Senior Project Analyst I - III ............................................ $145 - $155 Senior Environmental Compliance Specialist I - III .................. $158 - $166 Support Services: Office Assistant ........................................................... $ 60 Project Assistant I – III ................................................... $ 75 - $ 85 Additional Professional Services: Fees for expert witness preparation, testimony, court appearances, or depositions will be billed at the rate of $300 an hour. As authorized in advance by the Client, overtime on a project will be billed at 1.5 times the employee’s typical hourly rate. Direct Expenses: Direct expenses will be invoiced to the client and a handling charge of 15% may be added. Sample direct expenses include, but are not limited to the following:  travel expenses  sub-consultant services  agency fees  delivery/copy services  mileage (per IRS rates)  other direct expenses Invoicing and Interest Charges: Invoices are submitted monthly on an accrued cost basis in accordance with this Fee Schedule. A finance charge of 1.5% per month may be assessed on all balances that are thirty days past due. Right to Revisions: Wallace Group reserves the right to revise this Schedule of Fees on an annual basis, personnel classifications may be added as necessary. WALLACE GROUP 1 2017 Standard Billing Rates Amended 2018-01-17 Item 8.h. - Page 71 WALIACE GROUP® February 3, 2020 Ron Simpson City of Arroyo Grande 1375 Ash Street Arroyo Grande, California 93420 Subject: MS4 Stormwater Monitoring Dear Mr. Simpson: We appreciate the opportunity to provide you with our proposal for professional services for the above referenced project. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING Wallace Group has been asked to assist the City in adhering to its 303(d)-monitoring program for E. coli and fecal coliform bacteria. This proposal is based on the November 12, 2015 version of the monitoring program plan and Quality Assurance Program. Based on our discussions with the previous consultant who has conducted the work since 2015, we have prepared a similar Scope of Services for your consideration: SCOPE OF WORK The following scope of work is provided for your consideration. TASK 1. IN-STREAM SAMPLING Twice a year, five samples will be collected at the Talley Ho Creek sampling location (at Grand Avenue) within a 30-day period in accordance with standard operating procedures outlines in the Quality Assurance Program for the parameters identified in Table 1. Sampling series will occur once in the dry season, and once in the wet season. We will coordinate with the County samplers in an attempt to obtain samples on the same day. Table 1: Applicable Water Quality Thresholds PARAMETEIL METHOD WATER QUALITY THRESHOLD E. Coli SM9223 Geometric mean of E. coli samples greater than 126 MPN/100 ml, nor shall more than ten percent of total samples during any 30- day period exceed 410 MPN/100ml. Fecal Coliform SM9221E Fecal coliform concentration, based on a minimum of not less than five samples for any 30-day period, shall not exceed a log mean of 200 MPN/100 ml, nor shall more than ten percent of total samples during any 30-day period exceed 400 MPN/100 ml. TASK 2. WET WEATHER SAMPLING Three times a year, wet weather samples will be collected at the sampling locations identified in table 2 in accordance with standard operating procedures outlines in the Quality Assurance Program for the parameters identified in Table 1 (except for the 30-day period criteria). Item 8.h. - Page 72 WALLACE GROUP@ CIVIL AND TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PLANNING PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION SURVEYING/ GIS SOLUTIONS WATER RESOURCES WALLACE GROUP A California Corporation 612 CLARION CT SAN LUIS OBISPO CALIFORNIA 93401 T 805 544-4011 F 805 544-4294 www.wallacegroup.us PP20-6885 City of Arroyo Grande February 3, 2020 Page 2 of 4 Table 2: Sample Site Names, Location SITE ID. DESCRIPTION LATITUDE LONGITUDE DISCHARGE TYPE SD174 AG Creek @ Traffic Way 35.122021 -120.580084 Culvert SB101 SB 101 off-ramp @ Grande Ave 35.120789 -120.584007 Open Channel SD70 Creekview Ct 35.113719 -120.586872 Culvert LB Los Berros Bypass 35.103568 -120.586625 Open Channel TASK 3. DRY WEATHER SAMPLING Three times a year, an attempt to collect dry weather samples will be made at the sampling locations identified in table 2. If dry weather flows are present, we will collect dry weather samples in accordance with standard operating procedures outlines in the Quality Assurance Program for the parameters identified in Table 1 (except for the 30-day period criteria). For sample locations above that have unanticipated flow (flowing during dry weather), we will conduct an investigation to determine the likely source of the flow. Observations will be recorded in the field log. In cases where the discharge is considered an illicit discharge, the City will be notified immediately. TASK 4. DATA SYNTHESIS AND REPORTING A summary report will be prepared once the laboratory has provided results. Sampling values that receive or discharge into the County MS4 Permit Coverage area will be shared with the County person of contact (with reciprocation anticipated). Monthly, we will evaluate sampling data values from a watershed perspective to see if recommendations for modifications to the program are appropriate. The summary event report will be capable of being compiled into an Annual Report suitable for submission to the Water Board. FOR ALL TASKS A field log, and custody forms will be maintained. Samples, along with Chain of Custody forms, will be taken to the City for pickup by the designated laboratory, Clinical Laboratory of San Bernardino, Inc. It is assumed that the Laboratory will provide sampling bottles and send (EDEN-compatible results to Wallace Group electronically. Flow data will be estimated for all sampling locations and events where flow is present. If no flow is present, no samples will be obtained, and a future visit will NOT be scheduled (but paperwork to document the effort to time events to be able to collect samples will be provided). SCHEDULE The period of performance for this proposal is January 1 through June 30th, 2020.  In stream sampling events will begin Mid-January and mid-May.  Wet weather sampling will occur January, February and March (wet weather sampling may begin in late December (in lieu of March) if approval to proceed and sampling bottles are received early enough-- and lab holiday hours permit processing) Item 8.h. - Page 73 WALLACE GROUP@ PP20-6885 City of Arroyo Grande February 3, 2020 Page 3 of 4  Attempts at dry sampling will occur monthly, with at least one sample collected at the end of June. Dry weather sampling will only occur if the preceding 72 hours had no rainfall. ADDITIONAL SERVICES Wallace Group can provide the following MS4 Stormwater compliance services, directly, upon request, in compliance with MS4 General Permit 2013-0001-DWQ Section E.9.- E.16.:  Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Plan (IDDE)  Spill Response Plan  TMDL-WAAP Update  Municipal Facilities Assessment  Municipal SWPPPs- Compliance Review (QSD conducted)  Development Review SWPPPs and Erosion Control Plans (QSD conducted) plan check  O&M SOPs: MS4 Stormwater Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Municipal Operations & Maintenance (O&M) including Landscape & Maintenance  Staff Training: Municipal Staff Compliance Training for O&M and Stormwater BMPs  Post Construction Requirements Compliance Review of Planning & Development ordinance, LID programs and tracking compliance  Integrated MS4 Stormwater inspections (conducted with FOG Inspections) targeting Coliform reduction in runoff TO BE PROVIDED BY THE CLIENT  Last two years of sampling reports and any related stormwater information provided by Lenhardt Engineering  Knowledge of and access to any stormwater equipment provided to the city by Lenhardt Engineering  Lock Keys or permissions to access sampling locations ITEMS NOT INCLUDED IN SCOPE OF SERVICES The following services are not included in this Scope of Services or estimate of fees:  Lab Analysis  Participation Fees for CCAMP Sampling group PROJECT FEES Wallace Group will perform the services denoted in the proposed Scope of Services for a time and materials, not to exceed fee of $10,000. In accordance with the attached Standard Billing Rates (Exhibit A), this amount will be invoiced on a time and material basis and will not exceed $10,000 without authorization from the client. Reimbursables are included in the fee amount stated above. At your request, additional services to the Scope of Services will be performed by Wallace Group following the signature of our Contract Amendment or the initiation of a new contract. Item 8.h. - Page 74 WALLACE GROUP@ PP20-6885 City of Arroyo Grande February 3, 2020 Page 4 of 4 TERMS AND CONDITIONS In order to convey a clear understanding of the matters related to our mutual responsibilities regarding this proposal, the City of Arroyo Grande Agreement for Consultant Services dated March 1, 2015 is considered a part of our proposal agreement. If this proposal meets with your approval, please sign where indicated and return to our office and/or prepare a Purchase Order, which will serve as our notice-to-proceed. We want to thank you for this opportunity to present our proposal for professional services. If you would like to discuss this proposal in greater detail, please feel free to contact me or Glenn Rider, Project Manager at 805-544-4011. Sincerely, WALLACE GROUP, a California Corporation TERMS AND CONDITIONS ACCEPTED: Kari E. Wagner, PE C66026 ____________________________________ Director of Water Resources Signature 612 Clarion Court ____________________________________ San Luis Obispo Printed Name California 93401 ____________________________________ T 805 544-4011 Title F 805 544-4294 ____________________________________ www.wallacegroup.us Date Attachments sr: PP20-6885, 2019 Exhibit A THIS PROPOSAL IS VALID FOR 60 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF THIS DOCUMENT. Item 8.h. - Page 75 WALIACE GROUP@ Exhibit A Standard Billing Rates Engineering, Design & Support Services: Assistant Designer/Technician ......................................... $ 90 Designer/Technician I – IV .............................................. $ 95 - $125 Senior Designer I – III .................................................... $138 - $148 GIS Technical Specialist ................................................. $135 Senior GIS Technical Specialist ........................................ $145 Associate Engineer I – III ............................................... $ 115 - $135 Engineer I – IV ............................................................. $145 - $160 Senior Engineer I - III .................................................... $170 - $180 Director .................................................................... $185 Principal Engineer/Consulting Engineer .............................. $215 Principal ................................................................... $230 Support Services: Office Assistant ........................................................... $ 85 Project Assistant I – III ................................................... $ 90 - $100 Additional Professional Services: Fees for expert witness preparation, testimony, court appearances, or depositions will be billed at the rate of $300 an hour. As authorized in advance by the Client, overtime on a project will be billed at 1.5 times the employee’s typical hourly rate. Direct Expenses: Direct expenses will be invoiced to the client and a handling charge of 15% may be added. Sample direct expenses include, but are not limited to the following:  travel expenses  sub-consultant services  agency fees  delivery/copy services  mileage (per IRS rates)  other direct expenses Invoicing and Interest Charges: Invoices are submitted monthly on an accrued cost basis in accordance with this Fee Schedule. A finance charge of 1.5% per month may be assessed on all balances that are thirty days past due. Right to Revisions: Wallace Group reserves the right to revise this Schedule of Fees on an annual basis, personnel classifications may be added as necessary. WALLACE GROUP 1 2019 Standard Billing Rates Amended 2019-07-31 Item 8.h. - Page 76 WALIACE GROUP® AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES AMENDMENT NO. 2 This Second Amendment ("Second Amendment") to Agreement for Consultant Services (“Agreement”) by and between the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE and Michael K. Nunley and Associates, Inc. (“Consultant”) is made and entered into this 25th day of February 2020. WHEREAS, the parties entered into an Agreement dated March 1, 2015 for On-Call Consultant Services; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to further modify the Agreement as set forth herein. NOW THEREFORE, for valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. Section 1(" TERM") of the Agreement, shall be modified in its entirety to read as follows: This Agreement shall be extended and remain and continue in effect until September 30, 2020, or such date that the work is completed or unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. 2. To include the specific, previously authorized projects as specified in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 3. Except as modified herein, all other terms and conditions set forth in the CSA, as amended, shall remain unchanged. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, CITY and CONSULTANT have executed this First Amendment the day and year first above written. MICHAEL K. NUNLEY AND ASSOCIATES By:________________________________ CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE By:________________________________ Caren Ray Russom, Mayor Item 8.h. - Page 77 Exhibit A Scope of Services 1. Well 11 Project 2. Trenchless Sewer Rehab Project Item 8.h. - Page 78 0 MKN & Associates, Inc.  1 P O Box 1604  2 Arroyo Grande CA 93421  3 805 904 6530          February 12, 2018    Jill McPeek  Capital Improvement Project Manager  City of Arroyo Grande  (Submitted Electronically)    Re: Construction Phase Services for Water Well No. 11 Treatment Plant Project – Cost for Completion  Dear Jill,  MKN and Associates, Inc. (MKN) is currently providing Construction Phase Services for the Water Well No.  11 Treatment Plant Project. The project was originally scheduled to be completed by September 2, 2017.   Due to delays in scheduling of receiving PG&E service (see CCO#1) the project’s completion date was  extended to October 31, 2017. Substantial completion was obtained by the project completion date,  however, additional observation and management has been performed to follow up with completion of  punch list items. These items are anticipated to be completed by the end of the month.     Because of the additional construction time we have reached the end of our approved budget for  construction phase services. In addition, MKN has been providing assistance to the City to troubleshoot  treatment system issues.     Scoped tasks still remaining include: observation of remaining punch list items; delivery of project files  including submittals, RFIs, daily observation reports, and production of record drawings. In addition, the  City has requested MKN to organize and supply an O&M Manual for the well and treatment system. This  manual will be based on the Well #10 manual and will be comprised of the various equipment O&M  manuals.  MKN will also provide further assistance to the City in diagnosing treatment system issues and  providing recommendations.     MKN is requesting additional budget in the amount of $4,500 be approved to provide ongoing support on  an as‐needed basis.   If this proposed Scope Amendment is acceptable, please provide approval via email. If you have any  questions, contact me at jreichmuth@mknassociates.us or by phone at (805) 904‐6530 x106.    Sincerely,  J.J. Reichmuth, PE       Item 8.h. - Page 79 mkn WATER • WASTEWATER • REUSE 0 MKN & Associates, Inc. 1 P O Box 1604 2 Arroyo Grande CA 93421 3 805 904 6530 May 4, 2018 Jill McPeek Capital Improvement Project Manager City of Arroyo Grande (Submitted Electronically) Re: Construction Phase Services for Water Well No. 11 Treatment Plant Project – Treatment/Start-Up Assistance Dear Jill, Construction of the well and treatment facility is complete and MKN and Associates, Inc. (MKN) is compiling the project files (including Record Drawings) for delivery to the City. In addition, MKN has been assisting City Staff with determining and recommending treatment strategies and tests for production of water in compliance with drinking water standards. We have reached the end of our approved budget for services and are requesting additional budget in the amount of $5,000 for ongoing support on an as-needed basis. We will also prepare an O&M manual for the well and treatment system once the system is fully operational and producing in-spec water. It is assumed this manual will be similar to the Well #10 O&M Manual and will mostly involve compiling vender information for the well and treatment system. If this proposed Scope Amendment is acceptable, please provide approval via email. If you have any questions, contact me at jreichmuth@mknassociates.us or by phone at (805) 904-6530 x106. Sincerely, J.J. Reichmuth, PE Item 8.h. - Page 80 mlrn WATER • WASTEWATER • REUSE FEE SCHEDULE FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MKN & Associates, Inc. PO Box 1604 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 805 904 6530 ENGINEERS AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT STAFF Project Director/ Operations Manager $206/HR Principal Engineer $191/HR Senior Project Engineer $180/HR Project Engineer/ Senior Scientist $159/HR Water Resources Planner $145/HR GIS Specialist $139/HR Assistant Engineer II $136/HR Assistant Engineer I $115/HR GIS Technician $115/HR Supervising Drafter $138/HR Drafting/Design Technician II $128/HR Drafting/Design Technician I $105/HR Administrative Assistant $65/HR Engineering Intern $60/HR Routine office expenses such as computer usage, software licenses and fees, telephone charges, office equipment and supplies, incidental postage, copying, and faxes are included as a 3% fee on labor cost. DIRECT PROJECT EXPENSES Outside Reproduction Cost + 10% Subcontracted or Subconsultant Services Cost + 10% Travel & Subsistence (other than mileage) Cost Auto Mileage Current IRS Rate ‐ $.58/mi. Item 8.h. - Page 81 mlm WA TER · WASTEWATER · REUSE      MKN & Associates, Inc.   P O Box 1604   Arroyo Grande CA 93421   805 904 6530  Construction Management Services for Municipal Water Well No. 11  April 6, 2017  Jill McPeek  Capital Improvement Project Manager  City of Arroyo Grande  (Submitted Electronically)  RE: Construction Management Services for Municipal Water Well No. 11 (PW 2017‐07)   Dear Jill, Michael K. Nunley & Associates, Inc., (MKN) is pleased to submit this proposal for Construction  Management Services for the City’s Municipal Water Well No. 11 Project (PW 2017‐07). This proposal  includes the scope of work, key personnel resumes, and budget anticipated for this project.  PROJECT UNDERSTANDING  The City will be starting construction this month on Municipal Well No. 11 located on La Canada. The well  was constructed approximately 25 years ago to provide irrigation water for the Rancho Grande housing  project, and was dedicated to the City in 2012.   The Municipal Well No. 11 Project will generally consist of installation of a submersible well pump and  associated wellhead piping at the existing well site and construction of a treatment facility 240 feet to the  south of the well along La Canada. The treatment system will include a filter vessel and injection  equipment for chlorine, ammonia, and caustic soda. Additional project site work will include new electrical  service, retaining walls, pavers, concrete, and connection of a waste discharge line to the City’s sewer  collection system.  MKN’s key staff members have unmatched expertise performing design and construction phase services  of water treatment systems similar to this project.  Below is a list of projects highlighting MKN’s team  experience:                Item 8.h. - Page 82 m Jill McPeek  Page 2     Construction Management Services for Municipal Water Well No. 11    Project Description  DJ Farms Well and Obispo No. 2  Tank  MKN designed and is currently performing construction management  of a new 1,000 gpm well, transmission line and 750,000 gallon welded  steel tank to serve a new development in the City of Guadalupe.   Morro Bay Seawater  Desalination Plant Operations  Plan and Well Evaluation  Water quality was evaluated from 5 existing wells and MKN  developed methods of treating high iron concentrations to enable  operation of the Morro Bay Water Treatment Plant RO system. The  project included developing process and instrumentation diagrams to  capture plant modifications that have been performed over the 24  years since the plant was developed, as well as designing plant and  well retrofits and improvements to allow for emergency operation in  the future.  Bakersfield 5 Wells Project Designed and performed Construction Management services for the  City of Bakersfield for installation of arsenic treatment systems at five  wells. This included assistance in process equipment selection under  an emergency authorization to expedite installation.  Tognazinni Well Improvements Project to rehabilitate a municipal water well in the City of Guadalupe.  MKN’s design included well swabbing and development, new pump  and column, flowmeter, controls, SCADA, replacement of electrical  systems, and piping improvements.  MKN is currently performing  construction management for the project.  Water Treatment Plant Plate  Settler Performance  Improvements  Heritage Ranch Community Services District was experiencing  operational challenges at their water treatment plant (WTP) including  inadequate TOC removal, and poor removal of powdered activated  carbon (PAC) resulting in diminished filter run times. MKN evaluated  the operations at the WTP, including the addition of PAC, polymer,  coagulant (aluminum sulfate), potassium permanganate, and sodium  hypochlorite. By managing laboratory testing including free lamella  settling tests, MKN identified the potential to meet the Districts  treatment goals by utilizing ferric chloride alone.  Arroyo Grande Creek Sewer  Rehabilitation  Designed and performed Construction Management Services for the  City of Arroyo Grande for lining of 2,400 feet of sewer pipe with  cured‐in‐place pipe (CIPP).  Arroyo Grande Lift Station No. 1  Repair  Designed and performed Construction Management Services for the  City of Arroyo Grande for repair of the influent gravity pipe adjacent  to the lift station.  TrussPro Emergency Sewer  Repair  Performed construction management services for the City of  Guadalupe to repair and replace a failing sewer line crossing under  the Union Pacific Railroad tracks. The new sewer line was installed by  using jack and bore construction techniques. The project included  coordination efforts with Union Pacific Railroad and adjacent property  owners during construction.   Grit Improvement Project MKN provided Construction Management Services for the South San  Luis Obispo County Sanitation District’s grit removal facility for the  WWTP. Responsibilities included construction observations,  management of submittals and RFIs and evaluation of potential  change orders.     Item 8.h. - Page 83m Jill McPeek  Page 3     Construction Management Services for Municipal Water Well No. 11    Construction management and observations for this project will be performed by J.J. Reichmuth who has  over 16 years of construction management experience including several recent City projects. Treatment  system technical assistance and startup observations will be performed by Chris Martin who has over 30  years of advanced water treatment experience and is an expert in municipal water quality issues. Resumes  highlighting individual experience are attached to this letter.  SCOPE OF WORK  Task Group 100 – Construction Management Services   Pre‐Construction Conference – Conduct a pre‐construction conference with the City, Design Engineer,  and Contractor’s team prior to mobilization on the Project. As part of this effort MKN will: (1) review  project requirements with the Contractor to facilitate the Contractor’s understanding of the Project;  (2) review the Contractor's construction schedule and resource scheduling including equipment, labor  and supervision planning; and (3) outline contract requirements including communication protocol  and safety matters such as traffic control.   Progress Pay Estimate – Review the Contractor’s progress pay estimates in accordance with the  contract documents.  Progress estimates will be supported by source documents, which represent  measured quantities.  A monthly pay estimate will be forwarded to the City with recommendations  regarding contractor payment.  Maintain a current estimate of overall construction costs based on  the contractor’s bid and the earned value of the work performed. It is assumed up to three (3)  payment request will be reviewed.   Submittal Management ‐ MKN will maintain a log of, manage, and circulate contractor submittals and  shop drawings to the City and/or Design Engineer for review and response. It is anticipated that up to  20 submittals will be received. It is assumed that no more than one original submittal will be received,  and that no more than 6 conforming resubmittals will be required.   Requests for Information (RFIs) Management ‐ MKN will maintain a log of, manage, and circulate  contractor RFIs to the City and/or Design Engineer for review and response. It is anticipated that up  to 10 RFIs will be received.    Change Order Management – MKN will investigate proposed change orders submitted by the  Contractor or requested by the City.  MKN will evaluate potential impacts on the project schedule and  budget, and will recommend approval or disapproval.  As part of this task MKN will:    o Assemble documentation to include such items as inspection reports, test reports,  drawings, sketches, photographs, and other materials as required.    o Circulate potential change order requests to the City and/or Design Engineer for  additional information and comments.    o Assess the impacts of the proposed change on the Contractor's schedule and operations;  and prepare a written response summarizing the impact of the proposed change in terms  of extra costs / cost savings, schedule, and effect on Contractor's obligations.    o Coordinate responses to RFIs. Evaluate the Contractor's price proposals and accuracy of  construction quantities, rates and unit prices, and time and schedule impacts.    Item 8.h. - Page 84.i E Jill McPeek  Page 4     Construction Management Services for Municipal Water Well No. 11    o Maintain a change order log as a means for tracking change order proposals through the  review and approval process. MKN will establish files for potential change orders or claims  to accumulate supporting documentation should the issues result in a change order or  claim.    MKN will review three (3) change order requests from the contractor and provide a recommendation  to the City.    Final Inspection and Punch List ‐ MKN will, in conjunction with the City, evaluate the near‐completed  facilities to confirm general compliance and/or identify discrepancies and deficiencies in the work  performed by the Contractor.  MKN will prepare the necessary punch list to identify such items. Upon  correction of the punch‐list items by the contractor MKN will report to the City on the completion of  the project, and recommend project acceptance and final payment to the Contractor.   Record Drawings – MKN will receive the Contractor’s redlines and review for completeness and  accuracy based on observation reports, photos, RFIs and approved change orders. Redlines will be  then be provided to the City and/or Design Engineer for development of Record Drawings.    Task Group 200 – Construction Observation   Construction Observation – For budgetary purposes, this proposal assumes that MKN will have an  onsite observer at the project site approximately three hours per working day (assumed 60 working  days). The actual observation time requirements may vary. At the first indication of complications or  complexities that would require additional observation time, the City will be notified.     MKN will implement observation guidelines for monitoring the quality of the Contractor's work,  conduct field observation, and prepare documentation (on an as‐needed basis) of construction tasks.  Copies of significant photographs of construction activities will be provided to the City. Additionally,  MKN will obtain delivery slips and tickets for materials delivered to the jobsite to use when checking  payment requests.    Upon witnessing (and discussing with City) materials, installation process, or levels of quality that do  not meet the requirements of the construction contract documents, MKN may issue a  Non‐Conformance Report notifying the Contractor of such deviation, and inquire about the  Contractor's proposed corrective action. Copies will be immediately forwarded to the City.   MKN will hold bi‐weekly construction meetings with the Contractor at the job site to review project  schedule and to coordinate special inspection if required. City personnel will be invited to attend these  meetings but will not be required to attend unless notified regarding a specific topic to  review/coordinate with the Contractor. The design engineer may also be requested to attend when  requested by the Contractor to discuss design issues.  The Contractor has sole responsibility for compliance with safety requirements. MKN staff will  monitor the Contractor's general compliance with its safety program.   Startup Services – MKN will be onsite for the duration of the water treatment system startup  (assumed 8 hours) to observe the Contractors startup and testing program to assure water quality  compliance with the requirements of the project construction documents local regulatory standards.  Item 8.h. - Page 85.i E Jill McPeek  Page 5     Construction Management Services for Municipal Water Well No. 11    MKN can assist the Contractor with troubleshooting of the treatment system in the event water  quality standards are not being met.   ASSUMPTIONS:   MKN shall be entitled to rely reasonably upon the accuracy of data and information provided by or  through Client and will use good professional judgment in reviewing and evaluating such  information. If MKN identifies any error or inaccuracy in data or information provided by or through  Client, or determines that additional data or information is needed to perform the services, MKN  shall promptly notify the client.   The City will be responsible for providing special inspection services and materials testing services  including but not limited to compaction testing, rebar inspection, masonry inspection, and concrete  and grout sampling.   The City will be responsible for providing building inspection of the treatment system structure for  compliance with applicable local and state building codes.   The City will be responsible for providing sampling and lab testing associated with disinfection of  pipelines or the water treatment facility.    The Design Engineer will be responsible for submittal review, response to design related RFIs,  attending project meetings and site visits as requested or as required per Project Contract  Documents, and will be preparing Record Drawings based on Contractor’s redlines.  BUDGET  MKN proposes to complete this work on a time and material basis with a budget not to exceed $35,140.  A breakdown of costs is provide below. A detailed breakdown of costs is provide on the attached  spreadsheet. Hourly rates are attached but may be revised annually. Other direct costs will be charged  with a 10% markup.     Project Task Budget  Task Group 100‐ Construction Management Services $6,800  Task Group 200‐ Construction Observation $28,340  Total $35,140    Thank you for providing MKN with the opportunity to provide professional services for your project. If you  have any questions regarding this proposal, please let me know.  Sincerely,         J.J. Reichmuth, PE     Michael K. Nunley, PE  Project Manager      Principal    Attachment:   MKN Resumes     Budget Spreadsheet  Fee Schedule  Item 8.h. - Page 86m MKN & Associates, Inc. PO Box 1604 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 805-904-6530 Joseph J. Reichmuth Joseph J. Reichmuth, PE Project Engineer Education BS Civil Engineering, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, 1999 Years of Experience Joined MKN 2014 With others 13 years Registration Professional Civil Engineer, CA (#63124) Affiliations American Society of Civil Engineers www.mknassociates.us EXPERIENCE Mr. Reichmuth is a Project Engineer with over 16 years of design experience as a project engineer specializing in wastewater treatment facilities, lift stations, pipelines, and water facilities and performing construction management services. Mr. Reichmuth also has nearly a decade of experience working in the geotechnical engineering discipline specializing in field engineering and construction observation. RELEVANT PROJECTS DJ Farms Water Storage Tank and Well, City of Guadalupe, California. Project Engineer. Design and construction of a new 750,000 gallon welded steel tank and 1,000 gpm well to serve a new development in the City of Guadalupe. Also provided construction phase service for the City. DJ Farms Housing Development Observation Services, City of Guadalupe, CA. Performed construction observation services for the City of Guadalupe. Field checked water and sewer system improvements for conformance to the City’s specifications and approved development plans. Provided the City with recommendations regarding compliance of completed work with approved development plans and/or City standards. Prepared daily field reports and other documentation. TrussPro Emergency Sewer Repair/Replacement Project, City of Guadalupe, California. Performed construction management services for project to repair and replace a failing sewer main crossing under the Union Pacific Railroad tracks. New sewer line was installed using by jack and bore construction techniques. Tognazzini Well Improvements, City of Guadalupe, California. Project Engineer. Project included rehabilitation of a municipal water well in the City of Guadalupe. Design included well swabbing and development, new pump and column, flowmeter, controls, SCADA, replacement of electrical systems, and piping improvements. Currently performing construction management for the project. Arroyo Grande Creek Sewer Rehabilitation Project, City of Arroyo Grande, California. Project Engineer. Developed construction documents for the rehabilitation of 2,400 feet of aging sewer main for the City of Arroyo Grande. Due to the close proximity of the sewer main to the Arroyo Grande Creek, cured-in-place-pipe (CIPP) was proposed. Construction phase services was also performed for the City. Arroyo Grande Lift Station No.1 Project, City of Arroyo Grande, California. Project Engineer. Developed construction documents for the repair of an incoming gravity sewer main into Lift Station No. 1. Construction phase services was also performed for the City. Grit Removal Project, South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District, CA. Project Engineer. Provided construction phase services for a new grit removal facility for the WWTP. Responsibilities included performing construction observations, coordination of special inspection, and review of submittals, submittals, and RFIs. Item 8.h. - Page 87 mk WATER -WAS.TE:WATE.R -REUSE: Joseph J. Reichmuth 2 Plan Review Services, City of Arroyo Grande, CA. Performed various development plan review services for the City of Arroyo Grande. Performed review of proposed public improvements associated with development projects including storm water drainage, water, and sewer improvements for conformance with City’s Standard Specifications. San Simeon Wellfield Evaluation and Rehabilitation, San Simeon Community Services District, CA. Project Engineer. Provide construction management and construction observation for two new wellhead facilities including pumps, process piping, electrical, and SCADA. El Camino Real Storm Drain Rehabilitation, City of Arroyo Grande, California. Project Engineer. Project consists of rehabilitating an existing 24-inch corrugated metal pipe located under an existing structure. Services included design and construction observation of 300 linear feet of cured-in-place pipe (CIPP). The next phase of the project includes design of storm drain piping within El Camino Real so that the City can abandon the existing pipe under the structure. Observation Services, Nipomo Community Services District, CA. Performed observation services for NCSD. Field checked water system improvements for conformance to the District’s specifications and approved development plans. Provided the District with recommendations regarding compliance of completed work with approved development plans and/or District standards. Prepared daily field reports and other documentation. Tognazzini Well Intertie Pipeline, City of Guadalupe, California. Performed construction management for new 8 inch PVC transmission pipeline to convey well water to City distribution system. Digester Upgrade, City of Morro Bay/Cayucos Sanitary District, California. Performed construction management for rehabilitation of Anaerobic Digester 2. Construction included surface preparation and recoating of all concrete and metal interior surfaces, repair of gas injection lances, concrete crack repair, and steel manway repair. DJ Farms Housing Development Observation Services, City of Guadalupe, CA. Performed construction observation services for the City of Guadalupe. Field checked water and sewer system improvements for conformance to the City’s specifications and approved development plans. Provided the City with recommendations regarding compliance of completed work with approved development plans and/or City standards. Prepared daily field reports and other documentation. 2010 Sewer Rehab Project, City of El Paso de Robles, CA. Project Engineer/Construction Observer. Performed observation services for the City at several sewer segments identified to be rehabilitated. Performed field observations on improvements for conformance to the City’s specifications. Provided the City with recommendations regarding compliance of completed work with approved City standards. Prepared daily field reports and other documentation. Sulfur Spring Pipeline Construction Phase Services, City of El Paso de Robles, CA. Project Engineer/Construction Observer. Project to capture spring water that erupted in the City Hall parking lot as a result of the San Simeon Earthquake. Provide construction management and construction observation for collection system, pipeline, and leach field to transport thermal spring water to the Salinas River. Foothill PRV Vault Design, City of San Luis Obispo, California. Project Engineer. Performed design and production of construction documents to replace and relocate a 16 inch pressure reducing valve. An 8 inch low flow bypass was incorporated into the design to improve system performance. Branch Street Waterline Improvements, Nipomo Community Services District, California. Project Engineer. Project consists of abandoning an aged 6-inch waterline and installation of approximately 400 linear feet of new 8 inch waterline, reconnecting water services and installation of a new fire hydrant. MKN developed project alternatives, provided recommendations to the District, produced plans and specifications for public bid and an opinion of construction cost. Item 8.h. - Page 88 m MKN & Associates, Inc. PO Box 1604 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 805-904-6530 Christopher J. Martin Christopher J. Martin Principal Chemical Engineer Education B. S. Ch. E. 1982 University of Washington, Seattle Years of Experience Joined MKN 2016 With others 34 years Registration Registered Chemical Engineer – California (CH 4597) Affiliations American Water Works Association American Membrane Technology Association www.mknassociates.us EXPERIENCE Mr. Martin has 30 years of experience in advanced water treatment processes, such as reverse osmosis, ion exchange, and specialty adsorbents. He is an expert in water quality issues both in the municipal and industrial industries, with over 30 treatment plant designs and dozens of evaluations and feasibility studies. Mr. Martin has presented numerous papers at water industry conferences concerning water quality and treatment topics, and is a recognized expert in these fields. RELEVANT PROJECTS Seawater Desalination Plant Emergency Operations Plan, City of Morro Bay, California. Project Engineer. Evaluated water quality from 5 existing wells and developed methods of treating high iron concentrations to enable operation of the Morro Bay Water Treatment Plant RO system. The project included developing process and instrumentation diagrams to capture plant modifications that have been performed over the 24 years since the plant was developed, as well as designing plant retrofits and improvements to allow for emergency operation in the future. 5 Well Project, City of Bakersfield, California. Project Engineer. Designed and performed Construction Management services for the City of Bakersfield for installation of arsenic treatment systems at five wells. This included assistance in process equipment selection under an emergency authorization to expedite installation. City of Santa Nella, CA Project engineer responsible for development of chemical storage and metering facilities for a 20 MGD membrane filtration treatment plant for municipal water supply. Monte Vista Water District Well 33 Project engineer for nitrate removal project. Facilities included ion exchange treatment for nitrate removal and softening, blending to allow delivery of selectable nitrate concentration to two different water systems, salt storage and brine facilities, and chemical feed systems including chlorine and ammonia feeds for chloramination. Santa Margarita Water District Design engineer for chlorine and ammonia feed systems and UV disinfection system for the Upper Chiquita Reservoir project. Petronas ANGSI Offshore CEOR Project Served as lead engineer for development of a 1060 m3/d (6.7 MGD) membrane filtration, reverse osmosis, and vacuum tower deaeration system to be installed offshore in the South China Sea. Item 8.h. - Page 89 mk WATER -WAS.TE:WATE.R -REUSE: Christopher J. Martin 2 The project included Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery (CEOR) chemical storage and mixing systems requiring addition of over 250 tons per day of soda ash and other chemicals in an offshore environment. After review of the logistics, Petronas repeated the project development process in an onshore environment, requiring development of methods to coordinate and control delivery of the CEOR injection water through a 170 km pipeline to the offshore field. Appomattox Ultrapure Water Generation System Served as lead engineer for development of a 12 gpm ultrapure boiler feed water system for the Appomattox offshore platform. The project included reverse osmosis, membrane deaeration, and continuous electrodeionization to stringent water quality requirements. Waterflooding Study Offshore Angola Project manager for study of facilities requirements for 600,000 bpd (25 MGD) offshore waterflood. Processes studied included membrane filtration, nanofiltration, reverse osmosis, and deaeration technologies as well as subsea pumping and treatment. The objective of the study was to determine weight and footprint impacts of various processes to enable design of the floating production and storage vessel. Water Standard CEOR Demonstration Pilot Project manager for in-house piloting demonstrating the ability to meet stringent injection water quality targets using seawater as a source. The project required developing innovative process combinations as well as proprietary control schemes to assure compliance with water quality targets. Various CEOR Systems Developed processes and methods for treating seawater and produced water to provide injection water for over 30 users in various locations throughout the world, both onshore and offshore. Provided water quality consultation to clients to ensure the viability of the CEOR process. Water Systems for St. Joseph EOR Pilot Project and Angsi CEOR Field Development Project FEED Designed the membrane treatment systems and was responsible for directing all process engineering activities, including the development P&IDs, PFDs, and HMBs. Capistrano Desalter Project engineer for design of treatment process and chemical systems, including reverse osmosis process, iron and manganese removal, storage systems, and chlorine and ammonia feed equipment for chloramination. Long Beach Water Department. Performed a feasibility evaluation for onsite chlorine gas generation for the Long Beach Water Department’s Groundwater Treatment plant. Front Porch Development. Provided peer review of evaluation of the Marina Coast Water District seawater desalter to determine cost and feasibility of returning the desalter to service after 10-year shutdown. Poseidon Resources Provided concept-level design for 50 MGD seawater desalination system to be located in Carlsbad, CA. Design included significantly constrained site. Design was used to support proposal to MWDSC to obtain subsidy. Metropolitan Water District of Orange County Technical leader for concept level design of 50 MGD seawater desalination plant to be located near Dana Point. Design was used to support proposal to MWDSC to obtain subsidy. Provided process design for the 1.15 MGD Cambria, California seawater reverse osmosis treatment plant. Item 8.h. - Page 90 m City of Arroyo Grande- Well No. 11 Project Principal EngineerProject Engineer Assistant EngineerAdministrative Assistant Total Hours (MKN) Subtotal Labor (MKN) Subconsultant and ODCs Total Cost Task Group 100 Construction Management Services Pre Construction Meeting 2 2 290$ 290$ Progress Payment review (up to 3)3 1 4 560$ 560$ Submittal Review (up to 20 submittals and 6 resubmittals)4 10 2 16 1,940$ 1,940$ Review Change Orders (up to 3)6 3 9 1,245$ 1,245$ Respond to RFIs (up to 10)2 5 1 8 970$ 970$ CM Administration 8 1 9 1,215$ 1,215$ Final Walkthrough and Punchlist 4 4 580$ 580$ Subtotal 0 29 19 4 52 6,800$ -$ 6,800$ Task Group 200 Construction Observation Construction Observation (3 hours per day/60 working days)18 162 180 26,640$ 300$ 26,940$ Water Treatment System Startup 8 8 1,400$ 1,400$ Subtotal 26 162 0 0 188 28,040$ 300$ 28,340$ TOTAL BUDGET 26 191 19 4 240 34,840$ 300$ 35,140$ Billing Rates $/hr Principal Engineer 175 Project Manager 165 Project Engineer 145 Assistant Engineer 125 Drafter 93 Administrative Assistant 55 Mileage to be reimbursed at IRS rate Item 8.h. - Page 91 mkn        MKN & Associates, Inc.   PO Box 1604   Arroyo Grande, CA 93421   805 904 6530        FEE SCHEDULE FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES        ENGINEERS AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT STAFF  Principal Engineer     $175/HR  Senior Project Engineer        $165/HR  Project Engineer     $145/HR  Water Resources Planner        $135/HR  Assistant Engineer     $125/HR  GIS Specialist     $125/HR  GIS Technician     $105/HR  Senior Design Technician        $92/HR  Administrative Assistant        $55/HR    Routine office expenses such as computer usage, telephone charges, office equipment and  supplies, incidental postage, copying, faxes, etc., are included in the hourly rates.        DIRECT PROJECT EXPENSES  Outside Reproduction    Cost + 10%  Subcontracted or Subconsultant Services    Cost + 10%  Travel & Subsistence (other than mileage)    Cost  Auto Mileage     Current IRS Rate ‐ $.54/mi.                        Item 8.h. - Page 92 mlm WATER · WASTEWATER · REUSE MKN & Associates, Inc. P O Box 1604 Arroyo Grande CA 93421 805 904 6530 Trenchless Sewer Rehabilitation Project February 12, 2020 Jill McPeek Capital Improvement Project Manager City of Arroyo Grande (Submitted Electronically) RE: Trenchless Sewer Rehabilitation Project Dear Jill, PROJECT UNDERSTANDING It is our understanding that the City intends to rehabilitate sections of sewer mains located on South Alpine Street, between Farroll Avenue and Sandalwood Avenue west of South Halcyon, between Wood Place and Alder Street north of Dodson Way, and Vernon Street. These sewer main sections were identified in the 2012 Sewer Master Plan as having root intrusion, minor cracks, offsets, and/or minor structural defects. Rehabilitation of these pipelines will be performed using cured-in-place pipe. As requested, Michael K. Nunley and Associates (MKN) is pleased to provide this proposal to provide construction documents for rehabilitation of the identified pipelines and to provide construction management services during construction. The following scope of work identifies items necessary to perform the project. SCOPE OF WORK Task Group 100 –Construction Documents MKN will review sewer videos to be obtained by the City. After reviewing, MKN will meet with City staff to discuss the project. In particular the following items will be discussed with the City: • Any issues and constraints observed in the video • Site access • Sewer bypassing constraints MKN will then prepare project construction documents for public bid. It is anticipated that the construction documents will include the City’s standard front-end documents, technical specifications for temporary bypassing and sewer lining, and an exhibit outlining the general location and limits of the project. It is anticipated that the sewer lining specifications developed for previous rehabilitation projects will be utilized for this project. MKN will prepare the project bid schedule based on the videos. It is anticipated the schedule will include segment lengths, pipe material, diameter, number of laterals associated with each segment, traffic control, and temporary bypassing. Item 8.h. - Page 93 m Jill McPeek Page 2 Trenchless Sewer Rehabilitation Project One copy of electronic specifications saved as PDF files will be provided to the City for review at the draft design submittal. The final construction contract documents will be signed and sealed by a registered professional engineer licensed in the State of California and will be provided in electronic format. An Engineer’s Opinion of Construction Cost will be provided with the draft and final specifications. MKN staff will attend one progress meeting to discuss comments from the City’s review of the draft construction documents. Task Group 200- Bid Phase Services During bidding of the project MKN will provide the following services: • Prepare and conduct a pre-bid meeting and job walk • Compile a list of bidders • Respond to requests for information (RFIs) during the bidding period and prepare addenda for issuance to bidders by the City. • Review submitted bids • Prepare a recommendation for the award of the construction contract. Task Group 300 – Construction Phase Services • Pre-Construction Conference – Conduct a pre-construction conference with the City and Contractor’s team as they prepare to mobilize for the Project. As part of this effort MKN will: (1) review the specifications with the Contractor to facilitate the Contractor’s understanding of the Project; (2) review the Contractor's construction schedule and resource scheduling including equipment, labor and supervision planning; and (3) outline contract requirements regarding security and safety matters such as fences, traffic control, and notification of residents of the work. • Progress Pay Estimate – Review the Contractor’s progress pay estimates in accordance with the contract documents. Progress estimates will be supported by source documents, which represent measured quantities. A monthly pay estimate will be forwarded to the City with recommendations regarding contractor payment. Maintain a current estimate of overall construction costs based on the contractor’s bid and the earned value of the work performed. It is assumed up to three (3) payment request will be reviewed. • Submittal Management - MKN will maintain a log of, manage, and review contractor submittals and shop drawings and provide comments to the contractor. It is anticipated that up to twelve (12) submittals will be received. It is assumed that no more than one original submittal will be received, and that no more than 3 conforming resubmittals will be required. • Change Order Management and Requests for Information (RFIs) – MKN will investigate proposed change orders submitted by the Contractor or requested by the City. MKN will evaluate potential impacts on the project schedule and budget, and will recommend approval or disapproval. As part of this task MKN will: o Assemble documentation to include such items as inspection reports, test reports, drawings, sketches, photographs, and other materials as required. o Assess the impacts of the proposed change on the Contractor's schedule and operations; and prepare a written response summarizing the impact of the proposed Item 8.h. - Page 94.i E Jill McPeek Page 3 Trenchless Sewer Rehabilitation Project change in terms of extra costs / cost savings, schedule, and effect on Contractor's obligations. o Coordinate responses to RFIs. Evaluate the Contractor's price proposals and accuracy of construction quantities, rates and unit prices, and time and schedule impacts. o Maintain a change order log as a means for tracking change order proposals through the review and approval process. MKN will establish files for potential change orders or claims to accumulate supporting documentation should the issues result in a change order or claim. MKN will review two (2) change order requests from the contractor and provide a recommendation to the City. • Construction Observation - For budgetary purposes, this proposal assumes that MKN will have an onsite observer at the project site approximately three hours per working day (assumed 12 working days) including time required to record observations. The actual observation time requirements may vary. At the first indication of complications or complexities that would require additional observation time, the City will be notified. MKN will implement observation guidelines for monitoring the quality of the Contractor's work, conduct field observation, and prepare documentation (on an as-needed basis) of construction tasks. Copies of significant photographs of construction activities will be provided to the City. Additionally, MKN will obtain delivery slips and tickets for materials delivered to the jobsite to use when checking payment requests. Upon witnessing (and discussing with City) materials, erection or installation process, or levels of quality that do not meet the requirements of the construction contract documents, MKN may issue a Non-Conformance Report notifying the Contractor of such deviation, and inquire about the Contractor's proposed corrective action. Copies will be immediately forwarded to the City. The Contractor has sole responsibility for compliance with safety requirements. MKN staff will monitor the Contractor's general compliance with its safety program. • Final Inspection and Punch List - MKN will, in conjunction with the City, evaluate the near-completed facilities to confirm general compliance and/or identify discrepancies and deficiencies in the work performed by the Contractor. We will prepare the necessary punch list to identify such items. Upon correction of the punch-list items by the contractor MKN will report to the City on the completion of the project, and recommend project acceptance and final payment to the Contractor. ASSUMPTIONS: • The City will provide sewer line videos • The City will provide front-end documents • The City will provide access to locate manholes. • MKN shall be entitled to rely reasonably upon the accuracy of data and information provided by or through Client and will use good professional judgment in reviewing and evaluating such information. If MKN identifies any error or inaccuracy in data or information provided by or through Item 8.h. - Page 95.i E Jill McPeek Page 4 Trenchless Sewer Rehabilitation Project Client, or determines that additional data or information is needed to perform the services, MKN shall promptly notify the client. • The City will be responsible for providing materials testing services (if required). BUDGET MKN proposes to complete this work on a time and material basis with a budget not to exceed $28,982. A breakdown of costs is provide below. A detailed breakdown of costs is provide on the attached spreadsheet. Hourly rates are attached but may be revised annually. Other direct costs will be charged with a 10% markup. Project Task Budget Task Group 100- Construction Documents $12,226 Task Group 200- Bid Phase Services $ 2,272 Task Group 200- Construction Phase Services $14,484 Total $28,982 Thank you for providing MKN with the opportunity to provide professional services for your project. If you have any questions regarding this proposal, please let me know. Sincerely, J.J. Reichmuth, PE Michael K. Nunley, PE Project Manager Principal Attachment: Budget Spreadsheet Fee Schedule Item 8.h. - Page 96 rrfLet(o/ mle City of Arroyo Grande‐ Trenchless Sewer Rehabilitation Project Principal EngineerSenior Project Engineer Assistant Engineer/  Construction ObserverDrafter Administrative Assistant Total Hours (MKN) Subtotal Labor (MKN)  ODCs   Total Cost  Task Group 100 Construction Documents Sewer Video Review 2 6 8 1,176$          35$        1,211$      Draft Construction Documents 3 12 24 12 1 52 7,718$          232$      7,950$      Final Construction Documents 1 4 8 4 1 18 2,616$          78$        2,694$      Meetings (kickoff and draft submittal review) 2 2 360$              11$        371$          Subtotal 4 20 38 16 2 80 11,870$        356$     12,226$   Task Group 200 Bid Phase Services Pre‐Bid Job Walk 2 2 360$              11$        371$         Respond to Bid Period RFIs and prepare Bid Addendum (up to two)4 2 1 7 1,057$          32$        1,089$      Compile list of bidders, review submitted bids, and prepare  recommendation for reward 1 4 1 6 789$              24$        813$          Subtotal 0 7 6 0 2 15 2,206$          66$        2,272$      Task Group 300 Construction Phase Services Pre Construction Meeting 2 2 4 632$              19$        651$         Progress Payment review (up to 3)2 3 5 678$              20$        698$         Submittal Review (up to 12 submittals and 3 resubmittals)8 20 28 4,160$          125$      4,285$      Review Change Orders (up to two)2 4 6 904$              27$        931$         Respond to RFIs (up to two)4 4 720$              22$        742$         Construction Observation (3 hours per day/12 working days)36 36 4,896$          147$      5,043$      CM Administration 8 8 1,440$          43$        1,483$      Final Walkthrough and Punchlist 2 2 4 632$              19$        651$          Subtotal 0 28 67 0 0 95 14,062$        422$     14,484$   TOTAL BUDGET 4 55 111 16 4 190 28,138$        844$     28,982$   Billing Rates $/hr Principal Engineer 191 Senior Project Engineer 180 Project Engineer 159 Assistant Engineer/  Construction Observer 136 Drafter 138 Administrative Assistant 65 Mileage to be reimbursed at IRS rate  Item 8.h. - Page 97 mk AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES AMENDMENT NO. 2 This Second Amendment ("Second Amendment") to Agreement for Consultant Services (“Agreement”) by and between the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE and EIKHOF DESIGN GROUP, INC. (“Consultant”) is made and entered into this 25th day of February 2020. WHEREAS, the parties entered into an Agreement dated March 1, 2015 for On-Call Consultant Services; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to further modify the Agreement as set forth herein. NOW THEREFORE, for valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1.Section 1(" TERM") of the Agreement, shall be modified in its entirety to read as follows: This Agreement shall be extended and remain and continue in effect until September 30, 2020, or such date that the work is completed or unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. 2.To include the specific, previously authorized projects as specified in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 3.Except as modified herein, all other terms and conditions set forth in the CSA, as amended, shall remain unchanged. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, CITY and CONSULTANT have executed this First Amendment the day and year first above written. EIKHOFF DESIGN GROUP, INC. By:________________________________ CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE By:________________________________ Caren Ray Russom, Mayor Item 8.h. - Page 98 Exhibit A Scope of Services 1.Castillo del Mar Extension 2.Material Bins at Corp. Yard 3.2020 Concrete Repairs 4.Phase IV Soto Sports ADA Project Item 8.h. - Page 99 4875 El Camino Real • Atascadero, CA 93422 • Phone: 805-470-1910 • Fax: 805-461-3175 Eikhof Design Group Page 1 September 12, 2019 Jill McPeek Capital Improvement Project Manager City of Arroyo Grande 300 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 RE: Engineering Services for Corporation Yard Material Storage Project Dear Jill: Thank you for the opportunity to provide engineering services for the Corporation Yard Materials Storage Project. The proposed services include the following items of work: • Prepare a preliminary conceptual design plan. • Conduct a site meeting with the City of Arroyo Grande staff at the site to review the conceptual design plan. • Conduct research regarding options for materials containment and shelter options. • Prepare footing design for pre-engineered building. • Analyze and determine adequacy of existing covered storage structure. Design either attached or detached structure to cover paint cleaning area. • Prepare 60%, 90% and100% design plans for City review and correction, including building department. • An Engineer’s Estimate will be prepared with alternates to meet the anticipated project budget. • Prepare bid documents using City boilerplate and technical specifications. • Construction Management and inspection services will be provided by the City. However, Eikhof Design Group will be available for construction support and to answer field questions. • Record Drawings will be prepared and submitted following completion of the project. The table below outlines the estimated costs to perform the work as outlined above. Item 8.h. - Page 100 EI KHOF DESIGN GROUP Eikhof Design Group Page 2 Fee Proposal for Corporation Yard Material Storage Project Position Rate ($/hour) No. of Hours Total Task 1 – Conceptual Plan, Design Kick-off, Measurements, Research Principal Engineer $170.00 4 $680.00 Project Manager $150.00 8 $1,200.00 Engineering Technician $130.00 4 $520.00 Task 1 Total $2,400.00 Position Rate ($/hour) No. of Hours Total Task 2 - Prepare 60% Design Plans, Analyze Existing Structure, and conduct additional research Principal Engineer $170.00 10 $1,700.00 Project Manager $150.00 2 $300.00 Engineering Technician $120.00 40 $5,200.00 Task 2 Total $7,200.00 Task 3 - Prepare 90% Bid Documents and consult with City staff Principal Engineer $170.00 2 $340.00 Project Manager $150.00 3 $450.00 Engineering Technician $130.00 10 $1,300.00 Task 3 Total $2,090.00 Task 4 - 100% Bid Documents, Pre-Bid Meeting, Bidding Support Principal Engineer $170.00 2 $340.00 Engineering Technician $130.00 7 $910.00 Task 4 Total $1,250.00 Task 5 - Construction Support, Record Drawings (As Needed) Principal Engineer $170.00 4 $680.00 Engineering Technician $130.00 4 $520.00 Task 5 Total $1,200.00 Estimated Design Fee $14,140.00 Please contact me if you have any questions or would like to discuss this further. I can be reached at 805-470-1910 ext 101 or by e-mail at jeff@eikhofdesigngroup.com. Respectfully, Jeff van den Eikhof, PE President, Eikhof Design Group, Inc Attachment: Fee Schedule. Item 8.h. - Page 101 EI KHOF DESIGN GROUP Eikhof Design Group Page 3 2019 Fee Schedule Personnel Description Typical Rate/Hour Principal Civil Engineer ...................................................................................................................... $ 170.00 Civil Engineer ..................................................................................................................................... $ 160.00 Project / Construction Management ................................................................................................ $ 150.00 Assistant Engineer ............................................................................................................................. $ 140.00 Engineering Technician ..................................................................................................................... $ 130.00 Inspection .......................................................................................................................................... $ 125.00 Drafting ............................................................................................................................................. $ 100.00 Clerical ............................................................................................................................................... $ 80.00 Reimbursable Expenses Fee The hourly costs indicated include all reproduction fees for the project. Subcontracted Services ................................................................................................................. Cost + 15% Mileage .....................................................................................................$0.58/mile (Current Federal Rate) Q:\_PROPOSALS\2019\2019-12 AG Corp Yard Material Storage\AG - Corporation Yard Materials Storage Design R1.docx Item 8.h. - Page 102 EI KHOF DESIGN GROUP 4875 El Camino Real • Atascadero, CA 93422 • Phone: 805-470-1910 • Fax: 805-461-3175 Eikhof Design Group Page 1 December 2, 2019 Jill McPeek Capital Improvement Project Manager City of Arroyo Grande 300 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 RE: Engineering Services for 2020 Concrete Repairs Project Dear Jill: Thank you for giving Eikhof Design Group the opportunity to provide engineering services for the 2020 Concrete Repairs Project. The proposed services include the following items of work: • Field assessment of sidewalks and concrete repair locations identified in the Candidate projects list provided by the City, including the following; o Areas of Trips and Falls o Village Glen Drive neighborhood o Areas Known to need repairs Field measurements will be taken using a measuring wheel and tape measure to determine quantities • Preparation of a preliminary Engineers Estimate confirming the locations for design work. If the project budget allows for the inclusion of additional candidate project locations, Eikhof Design Group will prepare a cost estimate for the additional design work for consideration by the City • Design for repairs of concrete locations listed above. • The bid package will include the previously designed concrete repair work on Halcyon Avenue as part of the base-bid. • An Engineer’s Estimate will be prepared with alternates to meet the approved budget of approximately $110,000. • Preparation of bid documents using City boilerplate and technical specifications. Bid documents will include tabulated repair areas located by address. • The City will provide Construction Management and inspection services. However, Eikhof Design Group will be available for construction support and to answer field questions. • Record Drawings will be prepared and submitted following completion of the project. The table below outlines the estimated costs to perform the work as outlined above. Item 8.h. - Page 103 EI KHOF DESIGN GROUP Eikhof Design Group Page 2 Fee Proposal for 2019 Concrete Repairs Project Position Rate ($/hour) No. of Hours Total Task 1 - Design Kick-off, Measurements, Document Review Principal Engineer $170.00 2 $340.00 Project Manager $150.00 9 $1,350.00 Engineering Technician $130.00 9 $1,170.00 Task 1 Total $2,860.00 Task 2 - Prepare Preliminary Estimates and Location Spreadsheet Project Manager $150.00 6 $900.00 Engineering Technician $130.00 24 $3,120.00 Task 2 Total $4,020.00 Task 3 - Prepare 90% Bid Documents and Meeting with Staff Principal Engineer $170.00 6 $1,020.00 Project Manager $150.00 4 $600.00 Engineering Technician $130.00 66 $8,580.00 Task 3 Total $10,200.00 Task 4 - 100% Bid Documents, Pre-Bid Meeting, Bidding Support Principal Engineer $170.00 4 $680.00 Project Manager $150.00 3 $450.00 Engineering Technician $130.00 16 $2,080.00 Clerical $80.00 2 $160.00 Task 4 Total $3,370.00 Task 5 - Construction Support, Record Drawings (As Needed) Principal Engineer $170.00 4 $680.00 Engineering Technician $120.00 4 $520.00 Task 5 Total $1,200.00 Estimated Design Fee $21,650.00 Please contact me if you have any questions or would like to discuss this further. I can be reached at 805-470-1910 ext 101 or by e-mail at jeff@eikhofdesigngroup.com. Respectfully, Jeff van den Eikhof, PE President, Eikhof Design Group, Inc Attachment: Fee Schedule. Item 8.h. - Page 104 EIKHOF DESIGN GROUP Eikhof Design Group Page 3 2019 Fee Schedule Personnel Description Typical Rate/Hour Principal Civil Engineer $ 170.00 Civil Engineer / Licensed Land Surveyor $ 160.00 Project / Construction Management $ 150.00 Assistant Engineer $ 140.00 Development Review Services $ 135.00 Engineering Technician $ 130.00 Public Works Inspection $ 125.00 Draftsman $ 100.00 Clerical $ 80.00 Reimbursable Expenses Fee Subcontracted Services .................................................................................................... Cost + 15% Mileage ....................................................................................... $0.54/mile (Current Federal Rate) Reproduction Services Cost + 15% Q:\_PROPOSALS\2019\2019-19 AG 2020 Concrete Repair Project\2019-19 AG - 2020 Concrete Repairs Design.docx Item 8.h. - Page 105 EIKHOF DESIGN GROUP 4875 El Camino Real • Atascadero, CA 93422 • Phone: 805-470-1910 • Fax: 805-461-3175 Eikhof Design Group Page 1 February 17, 2020 Jill McPeek Capital Improvement Project Manager City of Arroyo Grande 300 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 RE: Engineering Services for the Soto Sports Complex ADA – Phase IV Dear Jill: Thank you for giving Eikhof Design Group the opportunity to provide engineering services for the Soto Sports Complex ADA – Phase IV. Eikhof Design Group’s involvement with all the Sports Complex ADA upgrades since 2013 will be beneficial in the completion of this next phase. Based on the scope of the work, and the conceptual location of the ADA pathway, the estimated engineering fees for design is $25,000. Our work does not include field surveying. Also excluded from the estimated fee is the design of retaining walls over three feet in height. The design of walls over three feet tall will require additional costs and a soils report to determine the design parameters. We look forward to working with the City to complete this next phase of the Soto Sports Complex. Please contact me if you have any questions or would like to discuss this further. I can be reached at 805-470-1910 ext 101 or by e-mail at jeff@eikhofdesigngroup.com. Respectfully, Jeff van den Eikhof, PE President, Eikhof Design Group, Inc Attachment: Fee Schedule. Item 8.h. - Page 106 EI KHOF DESIGN GROUP Eikhof Design Group Page 2 Fee Schedule Personnel Description Typical Rate/Hour Principal Civil Engineer $ 170.00 Civil Engineer / Licensed Land Surveyor $ 160.00 Project / Construction Management $ 150.00 Assistant Engineer $ 140.00 Development Review Services $ 135.00 Engineering Technician $ 130.00 Public Works Inspection $ 125.00 Draftsman $ 100.00 Clerical $ 80.00 Reimbursable Expenses Fee Subcontracted Services ................................................................................................. Cost + 15% Mileage ..................................................................................... $0.54/mile (Current Federal Rate) Reproduction Services Cost + 15% Q:\_PROPOSALS\2020\2020-05 AG Soto Sports Complex Phase IV\2020-05 AG - Soto Sports Complex Phase IV.docx Item 8.h. - Page 107 EI KHOF DESIGN GROUP 4875 El Camino Real • Atascadero, CA 93422 • Phone: 805-470-1910 • Fax: 805-461-3175 Eikhof Design Group Page 1 February 17, 2020 Jill McPeek Capital Improvement Project Manager City of Arroyo Grande 300 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 RE: Engineering Services for Castillo del Mar Design Road Extension – Phase I (Amendment No. 3) Dear Jill: As we have discussed, the Castillo del Mar project has been extremely complex with many moving portions. Eikhof Design Group has been working on the project since May 2018. The overall scope of work has changed several times over the past 20 months, including removing and adding portions of work, preparing multiple exhibits and additive alternates, and preparing construction easement documents. Thankfully, the project is nearing completion and should be ready to bid soon. To cover the costs of the additional work, we respectfully request an additional $10,000 amendment to our contract. This amendment should cover the final preparation of the bid documents including the technical specifications and exhibits, construction easement documents, and assistance during the bidding process. Please contact me if you have any questions or would like to discuss this further. I can be reached at 805-470-1910 ext 101 or by e-mail at jeff@eikhofdesigngroup.com. Respectfully, Jeff van den Eikhof, PE President, Eikhof Design Group, Inc Attachment: Fee Schedule. Item 8.h. - Page 108 EI KHOF DESIGN GROUP Eikhof Design Group Page 2 Fee Schedule Personnel Description Typical Rate/Hour Principal Civil Engineer $ 170.00 Civil Engineer / Senior Project Manager $ 160.00 Construction Management / Project Manager $ 150.00 Assistant Engineer $ 140.00 Development Review Services $ 135.00 Engineering Technician $ 130.00 Public Works Inspection $ 125.00 Draftsman $ 100.00 Clerical $ 80.00 Reimbursable Expenses Fee Subcontracted Services ................................................................................................. Cost + 15% Mileage ..................................................................................... $0.54/mile (Current Federal Rate) Reproduction Services Cost + 15% Q:\_PROPOSALS\2019\2019-04 AG Castillo Del Mar Design Review\P2019-04 AG - Castillo Del Mar Design Review - Amend No. 3.docx Item 8.h. - Page 109 EI KHOF DESIGN GROUP THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Item 8.h. - Page 110