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CC 2020-02-25_09a CDBG Projects for Year 2020
MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: WHITNEY McDONALD, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR BY: CAMILLA KARAMANLIS, PROGRAM ANALYST SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROJECTS FOR YEAR 2020 DATE: FEBRUARY 25, 2020 SUMMARY OF ACTION: Approving the 2020 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding allocations will help the City further its goal of removing architectural barriers on public property to assist the mobility of persons with disabilities as well as assisting persons in the community that have special needs. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: The County has estimated that $87,042 in CDBG funds will be available to the City in the Fall of 2020. Overall, the amount of CDBG funding the City has received over the last fifteen (15) years has consistently decreased due to Federal budget cutbacks to the CDBG program. Similar to last year, the County will help administer the CDBG program for the City which will reduce City staff time involved. County staff will be paid through the CDBG program funds allocated to the City. Per the Cooperation Agreement between the County and the City entered into on July 11, 2017 (Attachment 1), 65% of the total available administration funds, or $11,315, will be deducted by the County to meet its obligations under the terms of the agreement for administrative costs. Based on preliminary Council action on December 10, 2019, it is recommended that the City receive the remainder of its administrative funds ($6,093). RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt a Resolution approving reallocation of 2019 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds and approving CDBG projects for Year 2020. Item 9.a. - Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROJECTS FOR YEAR 2020 FEBRUARY 25, 2020 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND: Addressing Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility deficiencies has been a primary goal for the City over the past decade. Universal access to public facilities, especially those that are used by thousands of community members annually is a critical priority. Ikeda Field at Soto Sports Complex has two (2) dedicated softball/baseball fields and are used by numerous AYSO and Club teams during soccer season. Adult leagues also consistently utilize the lighted facilities in the evening and later hours. Lastly, large community events such as sports tournaments and Cops and Kids Day take place in this fully fenced basin setting to allow for a safe, contained and controlled environment for children’s activities. Out of the seven fields in the complex, these are the only fields that do not have ADA access. The City Council approved a Cooperation Agreement with the County in July 2017 for the joint participation in the CDBG Program for fiscal years 2018 through 2020. The City, as a participant in the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) designated Urban County program, receives an annual formula-based allocation of CDBG funds. These funds are available for a variety of Community Development activities as long as the activities meet at least one of three national objectives. The objectives are: 1. Benefit low- and moderate-income persons; 2. Aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight; or 3. Address urgent community development needs that pose a serious or immediate threat to public health or welfare. The County distributed a Request for Proposals (RFP) and notified the public that the County and participating cities would accept applications for funding until October 25, 2019. In total, four (4) applications were submitted for funding from the City’s allocation of CDBG funds, including Public Services, Program Administration, and Public Facilities. In addition, County staff held a “Needs Assessment Workshop” on September 18, 2019 to gather input from the public regarding the allocation of CDBG funds. The second CDBG public workshop to discuss the Draft 2020 Action Plan funding recommendations was held on January 9, 2020. On December 10, 2019, the City Council considered preliminary CDBG funding recommendations and received public input. Council provided preliminary approval of the proposed funding allocations for 2020, including reallocation of 2019 CDBG funds, for Phase IV of the Soto Sports Complex Barrier Removal Project at Ikeda Field as shown in Table 1. Item 9.a. - Page 2 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROJECTS FOR YEAR 2020 FEBRUARY 25, 2020 PAGE 3 Table 1: Recommended 2020 CDBG Allocations Project and Category 2019 Allocation 2019 Reallocation 2020 Requested Proposed 2020 Allocation Public Services (15% Cap - $13,056) Food Bank of San Luis Obispo County $0 $0 $2,000 $0 People’s Self Help Housing (PSHH) $0 $0 $9,600 $0 Five Cities Homeless Coalition (5CHC) $7,500 $0 $0 $0 Subtotal $7,500 $0 $11,600 $0 Public Facilities (No Cap) ADA Curb Ramp Improvements at Tiger Tail Dr/Valley Rd $56,148 $0 $0 $0 City of Arroyo Grande – Phase IV Soto Sports Complex Barrier Removal Project at Ikeda Field $0 $56,148 $69,634 $69,634 Subtotal $56,148 $56,148 $69,634 $69,634 Economic Development (No Cap) Subtotal $0 $0 $0 $0 Area Benefit (30% Cap - $26,113) Subtotal $0 $0 $0 $0 Housing Rehabilitation (No Cap) $0 $0 $0 $0 Administration (20% Cap - $17,408) City Administration $5,569 $5,569 $6,093 $6,093 County Administration $10,343 $0 $11,315 $11,315 Subtotal $15,912 $5,569 $17,408 $17,408 Total $61,717 $87,042 Item 9.a. - Page 3 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROJECTS FOR YEAR 2020 FEBRUARY 25, 2020 PAGE 4 ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The following criteria set forth by the County in the RFP are used to make funding recommendations: 1. Consistency with Federal regulations and laws; 2. Community support (for example, approval of project by a City Council); 3. Seriousness of community development need proposed to be addressed by project; 4. Degree to which project benefits low-income and very low-income families or persons; 5. Feasibility of the project to be completed as budgeted and by December 31, 2020; 6. Cost effectiveness of funds requested and leveraging of other funds; and 7. Organization's experience or knowledge regarding CDBG or HOME Program requirements. The Cooperation Agreement between the County and the City gives discretion regarding allocation of funds. Unless the City’s recommendation to the County for funding is clearly in conflict with CDBG regulations, the County will approve the recommendation. The County Board of Supervisors will make its final decision for funding priority in the coming months. Public Services The competitiveness for public service funds, which is capped at 15 percent, has historically been strong with requests far exceeding available funds. As discussed in recent years regarding CDBG allocations, HUD has significantly increased its monitoring efforts of jurisdictions participating in the CDBG program, which means that local jurisdictions must increase their monitoring efforts of recipients as well. As stated in the Cooperative Agreement, only activities that can either individually or cumulatively receive more than $8,000 in CDBG funding will be considered due to the staff cost of processing such awards in compliance with federal requirements. Because public service organizations are aware of the stricter CDBG regulations with other funding opportunities through the City’s Jim Guthrie Community Service Grant Program (JGCSGP), and because the City Council had previously indicated that CDBG funds should be directed toward Public Facility projects, the City has received very few applications over the past several years for CDBG funding. This year, the City received two (2) CDBG public service applications; the Food Bank Coalition of San Luis Obispo County (Food Bank) and Peoples’ Self-Help Housing (PSHH). The Food Bank applied for a program that provides food to homeless residents of San Luis Obispo County. This program would provide No-Cook Bags with food that does not need to be cooked or refrigerated, including proteins and fruits/vegetables that are often deficient in the diets of those who are homeless. PSHH applied for a program to continue Item 9.a. - Page 4 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROJECTS FOR YEAR 2020 FEBRUARY 25, 2020 PAGE 5 services through the Supportive Housing Program. This program will support five (5) social workers who provide clinical social services and case management for individuals living at Peoples’ Self Help Housing affordable rental properties. There are ninety-eight (98) Supportive Housing Program households within the City of Arroyo Grande. The total amount of CDBG public service funds that the Food Bank and PSHH have requested from local agencies is provided in Tables 2 and 3 below. Table 2: 2020 CDBG Public Service Funds Requested from the Food Bank Coalition of San Luis Obispo County Agency Amount Requested City of Arroyo Grande $2,000 City of Atascadero $3,000 City of Morro Bay $1,000 City of Paso Robles $3,000 City of Pismo Beach $1,000 County of San Luis Obispo $10,000 Total: $20,000 Table 3: 2020 CDBG Public Service Funds Requested from Peoples’ Self-Help Housing Agency Amount Requested City of Arroyo Grande $9,600 City of Atascadero $9,500 City of Morro Bay $8,686 City of Paso Robles $14,000 County of San Luis Obispo $53,000 Total: $94,786 During its previous review, the City Council recommended that CDBG funds be used for Public Facility projects to address ADA barriers, and that Public Service projects should be funded through the JGCSGP. Therefore, staff is not recommending funding for Public Service projects through CDBG for 2020. The Council will consider funding recommendations for the JGCSGP in early April as a separate item. Public Facilities One of the City’s highest priorities is addressing Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility deficiencies. During the last several years, with Year 2018 being the exception, Council has allocated the majority of CDBG funds to help pay for disabled access barrier removal projects throughout the City. These projects include Hoosegow Item 9.a. - Page 5 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROJECTS FOR YEAR 2020 FEBRUARY 25, 2020 PAGE 6 Park ADA improvements, mid-block crosswalk ADA improvements, the Arroyo Grande Woman’s Club building barrier removal project, and various barrier removal projects at the Soto Sports Complex. Last year, the City Council approved $56,148 to be used for barrier removal projects under the Public Facilities category, and $5,569 for Administration, for a total of $61,717. Staff initially recommended these funds to be utilized for curb ramps along Castillo Del Mar. Subsequent to the original recommendation, concern was raised that applying CDBG funds to Castillo Del Mar would Federalize the project and increase costs, as presented at the March 12, 2019 City Council meeting. As a result, Staff responsible for Capital Improvement Projects recommended the Council direct CDBG funds to be utilized on the first priority location of Valley Road/Tiger Tail Drive. Since that recommendation, staff found that the previous City Engineer recommended to the Traffic Commission that this crosswalk be removed entirely, and therefore curb ramps should not be installed. The Traffic Commission agreed that the existing marked crosswalk should be removed and that a new marked crosswalk on Valley Road at Tiger Tail Drive should not be installed. This determination was made primarily based upon the measured travel speed of Valley Road being high and the pedestrian usage being low. In light of this Traffic Commission conclusion, it is recommended that 2019 CDBG funds previously allocated for the curb ramps at Valley Road/Tiger Tail Drive be reallocated for use with 2020 CDBG funds and utilized for Phase IV of the Soto Sports Complex Barrier Removal Project at Ikeda Field. The Soto Sports Complex is a regional asset to the Five-Cities community and this project will address ADA barriers that will allow for better access to tournaments, practices, and games for both Arroyo Grande residents and visitors. This project will also address the first national CDBG objective by enhancing accessibility for individuals with disabilities on City-owned property. It is presumed that such persons are principally low and moderate income. Housing Rehabilitation The City did not receive any requests for housing rehabilitation projects. Economic Development The City did not receive any requests for economic development projects. Area Benefit Projects qualifying under the area benefit category are limited to a 30 percent cap ($26,113). Area benefit refers to activities that are available to benefit all residents of an area that is primarily residential where at least 51 percent of the residents are low or moderate income persons. In the past, the City considered efforts to eliminate blight, such as code enforcement activities to remove illegal signs and providing funds for façade Item 9.a. - Page 6 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROJECTS FOR YEAR 2020 FEBRUARY 25, 2020 PAGE 7 improvements, as valid area benefit activities. HUD determined in 2013 that the City’s code enforcement and façade improvement programs are not eligible for CDBG funding based on the lack of blight, and therefore these programs have been discontinued. The City did not receive any funding requests for this category. ADVANTAGES: The recommended 2020 CDBG allocations fund important City priorities and are consistent with the Cooperation Agreement between the County and City. The City’s JGCSGP provides a funding opportunity, separate from CDBG, for local public service programs that address unmet needs in the community. Recommendations for 2020 JGCSGP allocations will be brought to Council as a separate item in March or April. DISADVANTAGES: The recommendations result in unfunded requests from two public service organizations for CDBG funds. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council’s consideration: 1. Approve funding for CDBG projects for the Year 2020 as proposed; 2. Modify and approve funding for the CDBG projects for the Year 2020; or 3. Provide direction to staff. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The allocation of CDBG funds is not considered a project under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Specific projects that may have environmental impacts will be reviewed under CEQA and NEPA prior to implementation. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: A public hearing notice was published in The Tribune and posted at City Hall and on the City’s website on Friday, February 14, 2020. The Agenda was posted in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Cooperation Agreement 2. Food Bank 2020 CDBG Application 3. PSHH 2020 CDBG Application 4. City of Arroyo Grande 2020 CDBG Project Application 5. City of Arroyo Grande 2020 CDBG Admin Application Item 9.a. - Page 7 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING REALLOCATION OF 2019 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) FUNDS AND APPROVING CDBG PROJECTS FOR YEAR 2020 WHEREAS, via a Cooperative Agreement with the County of San Luis Obispo (hereafter referred to as “County”) executed by the City of Arroyo Grande (“City”) on July 11, 2017, the City agreed to become a participant for a period of three years with the County and other cities therein as an “Urban County” under the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (hereafter referred to as “HUD”) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program; and WHEREAS, under the Cooperative Agreement, the City retains the authority to determine which projects are to be funded with its allotment of CDBG funds; and WHEREAS, the City allocated funds during the 2019 CDBG program year to various projects; and WHEREAS, the City desires to reallocate $61,717 of unspent funds from the 2019 CDBG program year for use in the program year 2020 along with 2020 CDBG funds; and WHEREAS, the City expects to receive $87,042 in CDBG funds in 2020; and WHEREAS, on September 11, 2019, the County conducted a public workshop to ascertain the housing and community development needs to be addressed in its One- Year Action Plan for Program Year 2020; and WHEREAS, in 2019, the County published a “Request for Proposals” for projects to be funded under the 2020 CDBG Programs, which provided that proposals were to be submitted by October 25, 2019; and WHEREAS, at its meeting of December 10, 2019, the City Council gave preliminary approval to a proposed listing of 2020 CDBG projects; and WHEREAS, on February 25, 2020, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing to further consider the City’s Program Year 2020 CDBG projects and reallocation of 2019 CDBG funds to Program Year 2020 CDBG projects. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, California, recommending that the Board of Supervisors for the County of San Luis Obispo reallocate $61,717 of City of Arroyo Grande 2019 CDBG funds and adopt the 2020 One-Year Action Plan, including the programs listed in Exhibit “A” attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, to be funded with the City’s allocation of 2019 and 2020 CDBG funds. Item 9.a. - Page 8 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 On motion of Council Member ______________, seconded by Council Member ___________, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 25th day of February, 2020. Item 9.a. - Page 9 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 3 CAREN RAY RUSSOM, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: _____________________________________ JAMES A. BERGMAN, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY Item 9.a. - Page 10 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 4 EXHIBIT “A” 2020 ONE YEAR ACTION PLAN ALLOCATION OF PROGRAM YEAR 2020 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) FUNDS Project and Category 2019 Allocation 2019 Reallocation 2020 Requested Proposed 2020 Allocation Public Services (15% Cap - $13,056) Food Bank of San Luis Obispo County $0 $0 $2,000 $0 People’s Self Help Housing (PSHH) $0 $0 $9,600 $0 Five Cities Homeless Coalition (5CHC) $7,500 $0 $0 $0 Subtotal $7,500 $0 $11,600 $0 Public Facilities (No Cap) ADA Curb Ramp Improvements at Tiger Tail Dr/Valley Rd $56,148 $0 $0 $0 City of Arroyo Grande – Phase IV Soto Sports Complex Barrier Removal Project at Ikeda Field $0 $56,148 $69,634 $69,634 Subtotal $56,148 $56,148 $69,634 $69,634 Economic Development (No Cap) Subtotal $0 $0 $0 $0 Area Benefit (30% Cap - $26,113) Subtotal $0 $0 $0 $0 Housing Rehabilitation (No Cap) $0 $0 $0 $0 Administration (20% Cap - $17,408) City Administration $5,569 $5,569 $6,093 $6,093 County Administration $10,343 $0 $11,315 $11,315 Subtotal $15,912 $5,569 $17,408 $17,408 Total $61,717 $87,042 Item 9.a. - Page 11 Item 9.a. - Page 12 ATTACHMENT 1 A COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO AND THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE FOR JOINT PARTICIPATION IN THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM, THE HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIPS PROGRAM, AND THE EMERGENCY SOLUTIONS GRANT PROGRAM FOR FISCAL YEARS 2018 THROUGH 2020 THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 10!!_ day of ,T'u.ly , 2017, by and between the County of San Luis Obispo, a political subdivision of the State of California, hereinafter called "County," and the City of Arroyo Grande, a municipal corporation of the State of California, located in the County of San Luis Obispo, hereinafter called "City;" jointly referred to as "Parties." WlTNESSETH WHEREAS, in 1974, the U.S. Congress enacted and the President signed a law entitled, The Housing and Community Development Act of 197 4, herein called the "Act" The Act is omnibus legislation relating to federal involvement in a wide range of housing and community development activities and contains eight separate titles; and WHEREAS, Title I of the Act is entitled "Community Development" and governs programs for housing and community development within metropolitan cities and urban counties or communities by providing financial assistance annually for area-wide plans and for housing, public services and public works programs; and WHEREAS, the Community Development Block Grant Program (hereinafter referred to as "CDBG"), the HOME Investment Partnerships Act Program (hereinafter referred to as "HOME"), and the Emergency Solutions Grant Program (hereinafter referred to as "ESG") are consolidated under Title I of the Act; and WHEREAS, the County has requested of the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development, hereinafter referred to as "HUD," designate the County as an "urban county;" and WHEREAS, the County needs to requalify as an urban county and will be eligible to receive CDBG funds provided that the County's entitled cities defer their entitlement to the County to enable both the County and the entitlement cities to jointly participate in the program; and WHEREAS, the City desires to participate jointly with the County in said program; and Page 1 Item 9.a. - Page 13 WHEREAS, if HUD redesignates the County as an urban county, then the County may also be eligible to receive funds from the HOME Program and the ESG Program; and WHEREAS, the CDBG Regulations issued pursuant to the Act provide qualified urban counties must submit an application to the HUD for funds, and cities and smaller communities within the metropolitan area not qualifying as metropolitan cities may join the County in said application and thereby become a part of a more comprehensive County effort; and WHEREAS, as the urban county applicant, the County must take responsibility and assume all obligations of an applicant under federal statues, including: the analysis of needs, the setting of objectives, the development of community development and housing assistance plans, the consolidated plan, and the assurances of certifications; and WHEREAS, by executing this Agreement, the Parties hereby give notice of their intention to participate in the urban county CDBG, HOME, and ESG Programs. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, recitals and other provisions hereof, the Parties agree as follows: SECTION I. General. A. Responsible Officers. The Director of the County of San Luis Obispo Department of Planning and Building (hereinafter referred to as "Director") is hereby authorized to act as applicant for the CDBG, HOME, and ESG Programs and to administer funding and activities under the programs. The City Manager is hereby authorized to act as the responsible officer of the City under the programs. 8. Full Cooperation. Parties agree to fully cooperate and to assist each other in undertaking eligible grant programs or projects, including but not limited to community renewal and lower income housing assistance activities, specifically urban renewal and publicly-assisted housing; public services; and economic development. C. Term of Agreement -Automatic Renewal Provision. The term of this Agreement shall be for a period of three (3) years commencing July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2021. In addition, this Agreement provides for automatic renewal for participation in successive three-year qualification periods, unless the City provides written notice at least 60 days prior to the end of the term that it elects not to participate in a new qualification period. Before the end of the first three-year term, the County will notify the City in Page 2 Item 9.a. - Page 14 writing of its right not to participate in the urban county for a successive three-year term. The Parties agree to adopt amendments to this Agreement incorporating changes necessary to meet the requirements for cooperation agreements set forth in an Urban County Qualification Notice by HUD for a subsequent three-year urban County qualification period, prior to the subsequent three-year extension of the term. Any amendment to this Agreement shall be submitted to HUD as required by the regulations and any failure to adopt required amendments will void the automatic renewal of this Agreement for the relevant qualification period. This Agreement remains in effect until the CDBG, HOME, and ESG Program funds and income received with respect to the three-year qualification period, and the subsequent three-year renewals are expended and the funded activities are completed. The Parties may not terminate or withdraw from this Agreement while this Agreement remains in effect. D. Scope of Agreement. This Agreement covers the following formula funding programs administered by HUD where the County is awarded and accepts funding directly from HUD: the CDBG Program, the HOME Program, and the ESG Program. SECTION II. Preparation and Submittal of CDBG Funding Applications. A Inclusion of City as Applicant. The Parties agree the City shall be included in the application the County shall submit to HUD for Title I Housing and Community Development Block funds under the Act. B. Consolidated Plan. The City shall assist the County by preparing a community development plan, for the period of this Agreement, which identifies community development and housing needs, projects and programs for the City; and specifies both short and long-term City objectives, consistent with requirements of the Act. County agrees to: (1) include the City plan in the program application, and (2) include City's desired housing and community development objectives, policies, programs, projects and plans as submitted by the City in the County's consolidated plan. C. Application Submittal. The County agrees to commit sufficient resources to completing and submitting the Consolidated Plan and supporting documents to HUD in time for the Parties to be eligible to receive funding beginning July 1, 2018, and to hold public hearings as required to meet HUD requirements. Page 3 Item 9.a. - Page 15 D. County Responsibility. Parties agree the County shall, as applicant, be responsible for holding public hearings and preparing and submitting the COBG funding application and supporting materials in a timely and thorough manner, as required by the Act and the federal regulations established by HUD to secure entitlement grant funding beginning July 1, 2018. E. Grant Eligibility. In executing this Agreement, the Parties understand they shall not be eligible to apply for grants under the Small Cities or State CDBG Programs for appropriations for fiscal years during the period in which the Parties are participating in the urban county CDBG entitlement program; and further, the City shall not be eligible to participate in the HOME, or ESG Programs except through the urban county. SECTION Ill. Program Administration. A. Program Authorization. The Director is hereby authorized to carry out activities that will be funded from the annual CDBG, HOME, and ESG Programs from fiscal years 2018, 2019, and 2020 appropriations and from any program income generated from the expenditure of such funds. B. Responsibilities of Parties. The Parties agree the County shall be the governmental entity required to execute any grant agreement received pursuant to the CDBG, HOME, and ESG applications, and subject to the limitations set out in this Agreement, the County shall thereby become liable and responsible thereunder for the proper performance of the plan and CDBG, HOME, and ESG under County programs. County agrees to perform program administrative tasks such as environmental clearance under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), subrecipient agreements and monitoring of subrecipients. The City agrees to act in good faith and with due diligence in performance of the City obligations and responsibilities under this Agreement and under all subrecipient agreements. The City further agrees that it shall fully cooperate with the County in all things required and appropriate to comply with the provisions of any Grant Agreement received by the County pursuant to the Act and its Regulations. C. City Assistance. The City agrees to undertake, conduct, perform or assist the County in performing the essential community development and housing assistance activities identified in the City's community development plan. Pursuant to the Act and pursuant to 24 CFR 570.501 (b), the City is subject to the same requirements applicable to subrecipients, including the requirement of a written agreement with the County as set forth in 24 CFR 570.503. Page 4 Item 9.a. - Page 16 SECTION IV. Use of Program Funds. A. Allocation of CDBG funds. All funds received by the County pursuant to this Agreement shall be identified and allocated, as described below, to the specific projects or activities set out in the application, and such allocated amounts shall be expended exclusively for such projects or activities; provided, however, that a different distribution may be made when required by HUD to comply with Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 197 4, as amended. 1) Metropolitan Cities' Allocation. The Parties agree the County shall make available to the City a total amount of CDBG funds equal to that which the City would have been entitled had it applied separately as a "metropolitan city," using HUD allocation formulas as applied by the County, except that an amount equal to thirteen (13) percent of the Metropolitan Cities' allocations of CDBG funds will be deducted by the County to meet its obligations under the terms of this Agreement and/or HUD requirements for administrative costs. Further, with respect to the availability of the funds, the County agrees to fully cooperate and assist the City in expending such funds. 2) Non~Metropolitan Cities' Allocation. The County agrees to allocate a portion of CDBG program funds to the non-Metropolitan, incorporated cities participating in the program. The amount of allocation per city shall be equal to that which the urban county formula award from HUD increases as a result of the HUD allocation formulas as applied by the County, except that an amount equal to thirteen (13) percent of the Non-Metropolitan Cities' allocations of CDBG funds will be deducted by the County to meet its obligations under the terms of this Agreement and/or HUD requirements for administrative costs. 3) Urban County. Parties shall not recommend a CDBG award of less than $8,000 for any one project or program due to the staff cost of processing such awards in compliance with federal requirements. A project or program recommended to receive an amount less $8,000 can still receive an award if any other Party or Parties make an award, which is aggregated to be greater than $8,000. 8. Availability of Funds. The County agrees to make CDBG funds available to all participating incorporated cities as set out here when HUD makes the CDBG funds available to it. The County shall immediately notify the participating incorporated cities of the availability of the funds. Page 5 Item 9.a. - Page 17 It is understood by the Parties, hereto, the CDBG funds, being used for the purposes of this Agreement are funds furnished to the County, through HUD, pursuant to the provisions of the Act. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the liability of the County shall be limited to CDBG funds available for the Project. The City understands that the County must wait for release of CDBG funds from HUD before CDBG funds may be advanced or reimbursed. The County shall incur no liability to the City, its officers, agents, employees, suppliers, or contractors for any delay in making any such payments. C. Administrative and Public Services Costs. The County hereby acknowledges the City, as subrecipient, incurs certain administrative costs in preparing housing and economic development plans, program planning, management and accounting, professional support services, and other reasonable and necessary expenses to carry out the City's plan; and further, the County agrees that after the availability of CDBG program funds to the City, the County shall not use its remaining balance of funds in any way that would limit the City's ability to use its CDBG funds to the maximum extent allowed by HUD for administrative, public service, or program purposes. D. Income Generated. The City shall notify the County of any income generated by the expenditure of CDBG funds received by the City. Such program income may be retained by the City subject to the provisions of this Agreement, the Act and its Regulations. Any program income retained must only be used for eligible activities in accordance with all CDBG requirements as they apply. E. Use of Program Income. The County shall monitor the use of any program income, requiring appropriate record-keeping and reporting by the City as may be needed for this purpose, and shall report the use of such program income to HUD. In the event of close-out or change of status of the City, all program income on hand or received by the City subsequent to the close-out or change of status shall be paid to the County. In the event that the City withdraws from the urban county to become an entitlement grantee, as provided under 24 CFR 570.504, all program income on hand or received by the City from urban county activities shall be retained by the City to be used as additional CDBG funds subject to all applicable requirements governing the use of CDBG funds. F. Change in Use of Property. The City shall notify the County of any modification or change in the use of real property acquired or improved in whole or in part using CDBG funds that is within the control of the Page 6 Item 9.a. - Page 18 City, from that use planned at the time of acquisition or improvement including disposition. Such notification shall be made within thirty (30) calendar days of such change of use and comply with the provisions of 24 CFR 570.505. G. Fair Housing Implementation. The Parties agree no urban county funding shall be allocated or expended for activities in or in support of any cooperating unit of general local government that does not affirmatively further fair housing within its own jurisdiction or that impedes the County's actions to comply with its fair housing certification. H. Conflict Resolution. In the event of disagreement between the County and the City as to the allocations, disbursement, use, or reimbursement of CDBG funds, the Parties agree to accept HUD's written determination as to the appropriate resolution or disposition of funds to the extent HUD is willing to resolve such disagreement. I. Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act. The City may not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer all of any portion of CDBG funds to another metropolitan city, urban county, unit of general local government, or Indian tribe, or insular area that directly or indirectly receives COBG funds in exchange for any other funds, credits or non- Federal considerations, but must use such funds for activities eligible under Title I of the Act. J. Special Provisions for the Urban County. (1) To affirmatively further fair housing and implement the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice or better known as the Fair Housing Plan, the cities are encouraged to contribute CDBG funds to affordable housing projects when there is an eligible CDBG component in the proposal that is located within the city's jurisdiction. (2) The County will enforce remedies for noncompliance pursuant to 2 CFR Part 200.338 and allowed per 2 CFR Part 200.207 by pulling CDBG funds for underperforming projects or programs not implemented during agreed timeframe identified in the subrecipient agreement. SECTION V. Amendment or Extension of Agreement. A. Subrecipient Agreement. For each fiscal year during the term of this Agreement, the County and the City shall enter into a Subrecipient Agreement, prepared jointly by the County and the City, which identifies a project or program that the County will administer with the City's CDBG entitlement funds during that program year. The Page 7 Item 9.a. - Page 19 Subrecipient Agreement will set forth the project changes, time schedule for completion of the project(s), deliverable checklist, and additional funding sources, if any. If substantial compliance with the completion schedule cannot be met by the City due to unforeseen or uncontrollable circumstances, then the County may extend the schedule for project completion, as allowed by federal regulations. B. Amendments. Any amendments to this Agreement shall be in writing. Parties agree any such fully executed amendment or amendments to this Agreement may be entered into at any time if required or necessary to implement the plans contemplated hereunder, or to comply with any grant agreement or the regulations issued pursuant to the Act. SECTION VI. Compliance with Federal Regulations. A. General. The Parties agree to take all actions necessary to assure compliance with the urban county's certifications required by section 104(b) of Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, regarding Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Fair Housing Act, affirmatively furthering fair housing, Section 109 of Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974; the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969; the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Act of 1970; and other applicable laws. 8. Citizen Participation. The Parties agree to comply with federal citizen participation requirements of 24 CFR Part 91, and provide citizens with: 1) An estimate of the amount of CDBG funds proposed to be used for activities that will benefit persons of low and moderate income; and 2) A plan for minimizing displacement of persons as a result of CDBG- assisted activities and programs, and to provide assistance to such persons. C. Citizen Participation Plan. The Parties agree to follow a citizen participation plan which: 1) Provide for and encourages citizen participation, particularly those of low or moderate income who reside in slum or blighted areas where CDBG funds are proposed to be used; 2) Provide citizens with reasonable and timely access to local meetings, staff reports, and other information relating to grantee's proposed use of funds, as required by HUD regulations related to the actual use of funds under the Act; Page 8 Item 9.a. - Page 20 3) Provides for public hearings to obtain citizen views and to respond to proposals and questions at all stages of the community development program, including at least: 1) formulation of needs; 2) review of proposed grant activities; and 3) review of program performance; for which public hearings shall be held after adequate notice, at times and locations convenient to potential or actual beneficiaries, and with accommodation of handicapped persons; 4) Provides for a timely written answer to written complaints and grievances, within 15 working days where practicable; 5) Identifies how the needs of non-English speaking residents will be met in the case of public hearings where a significant number of non-English speaking residents can be reasonably expected to participate. 6) Identifies the use of non-traditional methods of community outreach, including the provision of CDBG documents in a user- friendly format, including but not limited to Braille, large print, oral format, and delivering copies to homebound individuals. D. The Parties hereby certify, to the best of their knowledge and belief, that: 1) Conflict of Interest. No federal grant monies have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the Parties, to any officer or employee or any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any federal contract, the making of any federal grant, the making of any federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment or modification of any federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. 2) Influence. If any funds other than federally appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit standard form LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions. 3) Certifications Disclosure. Parties agree to include this certification in the award documents for all subawards at all tiers Page 9 Item 9.a. - Page 21 (including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements), and that all grant subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was entered into. E. Certification Regarding Policies Prohibiting Use of Excessive Force and Regarding Enforcement of State and local Laws Barring Entrances. In accordance with Section 519 Public Law 101-144 (the 1990 HUD Appropriations Act), the City certifies that it has adopted and is enforcing. 1) A policy prohibiting the use of excessive force by law enforcement agencies within their respective jurisdictions against any individuals engaged in non-violent civil rights demonstrations; and 2) A policy of enforcing applicable State and local laws against physically barring entrance to or exit from a facility or location which is the subject of such non-violent civil rights demonstrations within their jurisdictions. SECTION VII. Execution of Agreement and Recordkeeping. A. HUD Certification. The Director is hereby authorized to execute and submit to the County the HUD Certification Form with respect to the community development activities carried out within the boundaries of the City. It is further understood that the County will rely upon the certification executed by the Director for purposes of executing a certification form for submission to HUD. B. Maintenance of Records. The City shall maintain records of activities for any projects undertaken pursuant to the program, and said records shall be open and available for inspection by auditors assigned by HUD and/or the County on reasonable notice during the normal business hours of the City. Page 10 Item 9.a. - Page 22 NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed and attested by their proper officer thereunder duly authorized, and their official seals to be hereunto affixed, all as of the day first above written. County Counsel Certification The Office of the County Counsel hereby certifies that the terms and provisions of this Agreement are fully authorized under State and local laws, and that the Agreement provides full legal authority for the County to undertake or assist in undertaking essential community development and housing assistance activities, specifically urban renewal and publicly assisted housing. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND EFFECT: RITA L. NEAL County Counsel BY~u DepuCounty Counsel ATTEST: upervisors B\/: = ~ 1 °Der:ui"U Ued::2 Tom Gong, CountyClerk County Clerkand Ex-Officio Cl rk 8 County of San Luis Obisp~ Stat~~ 8J,Wirnr~isor:J Date: m:,"' ll I :Z.013- Page 11 Item 9.a. - Page 23 NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed and attested by their proper officer thereunder duly authorized, and their official seals to be hereunto affixed, all as of the day first above written. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE I HILL, MAYOR Date: U -I 3 -I ] ATTEST: Date: -~U'---'--'-{_3_-_I____,].___ ___ _ APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Date: (.z • t 5 • ZOl7 APPROVED AS TO FORM: 4~ --:Z'?L~~6z-- HEATHER K. WHITHAM, CITY ATTORNEY Page 12 Item 9.a. - Page 24 ATTACHMENT 2 Email This Preview Save as PDF Print Close Wi ndow A1,,. ~ Powered by ZoomGrants TM County of San Luis Obispo 2020 PUBLIC SERVICES AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (CDBG , ESG and GENERAL FUND) 10/31 /2019 deadline Food Bank Coalition of San Luis Obispo County No-Cook Bags for Homeless Residents Jump to: Eligibility Application Questions Budget Tables Documents $ 40 ,000.00 Requested Submitted : 10/25/2019 9 :53 :02 AM (Pacific) Project Co ntact Ti m Parker tparker@s!ofoodbank org Tel : 805-238-4664 Additi onal Contacts kdrabinski@slofoodbank.org , bcarsel@slofoodbank.org Eligibility !Q!2. Fo od Bank Coalition of San Luis Obispo County 1180 Kendall Road San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 CEO Kev in Drabinski kdrabinski@slofoodbank.org Telephone805-238-4664 Fax Web slofoodbank .org I Some answers wi ll not be presented because they are not part of the selected group of questions based on the answer to I #1. 1. Please identify all funding sources being requested: This question will be used to branch only those questions related to the funding sour ces requested in this appli cation, so don 't wor,y if your application has skipped question numbers. r CDBG only r ESG only r General Funds only r CDBG and ESG ~ CDBG and General Funds r ESG and General Funds r CDBG, ESG and General Funds National Objec tives 2. CDBG ON LY -Please select the national o bjectiv e t ha t best applies t o t he proposed project Item 9.a. - Page 25 Please refer to "Basically CDBG" or the "CDBG Guide to National Objectives and Eligible Activities" in the Library for more information r egar ding CDBG national objectives. ti' Low/Moderate Income r Slums or Bl ight r Urgent Need 3. CDB G ON LY -IF LOW/MODERATE INCOME WAS SELECTED: Sele ct whi ch criteria the proposed pr oject intends t o qualify under to meet th e Low/Mod erat e In com e obj ecti ve Please refer to "Basically CDBG" or the "CDBG Guide to National Objectives and Eligible Activities" in the Library for more information regarding the Low/Moderate Income national objective . r Area Benefit ti' Cli entele r Housing r Jobs r N/A-Low/Moderate Income NOT selected 4. CDB G ONLY -IF SLUM OR BLIGHT WAS SELECTED: Sel ect w hi c h c riteria the propos ed proj ect intends t o qualify under t o meet t he Slums o r Blight o bjectiv e P lease refer to "Basically CDBG " or the "CDBG Gui de to National Objectives and E lig ib le Acti vi ties" in the Library tab for information r egarding the Sl ums or Bligh t national objective . r Area Basis r Spot Basis ti' N/A - S lums or Blight NOT selected 5. CD BG ONLY -Ple ase expl ai n how t he pro pos ed project meets t he select ed Na t i o nal Obj ectiv e. P lease refer to "Basi cally CDBG" or the "CDBG Guide to National Objecti ves and Eligible Activiti es" in the Library tab . This program provides food specifically to homeless residents of San Luis Obispo County. Homeless residents cannot easily access most food from regular Food Bank d istributions, wh ich may need to be opened w ith utensils , cooked, and/or refrigerated. The No-Cook Bags program provides food that does not need to be cooked or refrigerated, including proteins and fru its/vegetables that are often deficient in the diets of those who are homeless. This targeted food distribution benefits only this specific group of people, who are presumed to be low income due to their lack of housing. 6. ESG ONLY -Please select all ESG objectives applicable to the proposed project, as established in "Opening Doors: Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness". -answer not presented because of the answer to #1- 7. ESG ONLY -Please explain how the proposed project supports the selected objective(s). -answer not presented because of the answer to #1- Be nefi ciary Doc ume n tation 8. CDBG/ESG ONLY -How will you doc ument and maintain in come status f o r CDBGI ESG or presumed benefit st atus f o r CDBG of eac h benefic i ary in complian ce with the appli ca ble HUD r eg ulations? Please provide a sample of your Client Intake Form un der the Documents Requested section below. Income verificati on fo r CDBG beneficiaries must be pro vided in accordance wi th 24 CFR Part 5; a link is pr ovided in the Library. We do not document income status for the No-Cook Bags program. How ever, the bags are distributed solely to homeless persons, who are presumed to be low income. Because this program is geared to help partner agencies distribute t imely and practical food assistance to the populations they serve in order to help connect homeless individuals to w ider resources, tracking of detailed recip ient data is not feasible as it w ould require each agency to adopt additional tracking mechanisms bey ond those they already employ. 9. CDBGIESG ONLY -How w ill you collect demo graphi c data on th e ben efic i aries of t he propos ed proj ect (i.e. ra c i al/ethni c c haracteristi cs)? Please pr o vide a sample of your Client Intake Form under the Documents Requested section below. To qualify for an award of CDBG/ESG fun ds, the agency must collect race and ethni ci ty info r mation from all clients. For the same reasons as noted in our response to question 6-1 , the No-Cook Bags program does not collect demographic data. Eligible A ctiv ities Item 9.a. - Page 26 e ac 1v 1 1es t proJec P lease refer to "Basically CDBG " or th e "CDBG Gui de to Nati on al Obj ectives and E lig ib le Activities" in the Lib ra ry tab for info rmation r egarding CDBG eligible activities. ti' Public Services (General ) r Operating Costs of Homeless/AIDS patients programs r Senior Services r Handicapped Services r Lega l Se rvices r Y outh Services r Transportation Services r Substance Abuse Services r Services for Batte red and Abused Spouses r Crime Awareness o r Ne ighbor hood Cleanups r Fair Housing Acti vities r Tenant/Landlord/Housing Co unseling r Child Ca re Serv ices r Health Services r Services for Abused a nd Neglected Children r Menta l Health Services r Subsistence Payment s, Homeless Assistance, Rental Housing S ubsidies o r Security Deposits r J ob t raining and j ob placement services r Assistance t o microenterpr ises (t echnical assist ance, business support services, and other similar services t o ow ners of microenterprises o r persons dev eloping microenterpri ses) 11. ESG ONLY -Identify all eligible activities that apply to the proposed project -answer not presented because of the answer to #1- 12. GENERAL FUND ONLY -Ident ify all eligible activ ities that appl y t o the proposed project General Fun ds activities are limited to th ose regarding emerg ency/hom el ess shelters and warming cen ters r Operations (e.g . m aintenance, repair, utili ties) ti' Services (e.g. case management, child care, ed ucation services, emp loy ment assistance, o utpatient health services, legal services, life skill s trainin g, mental healt h services, and substance abuse treatment) r Admin istration r HM IS Do c uments Requested * Client Inta ke Form(s) for Li mited Cli entele (if app lica ble) Map fo r A rea Benefit (if applicable ) CDBG Requirements and Acknowl edgements (Please download the template below and upload an initialed document here) download template General Liability Insurance Applic ation Questions !Q/2. Re qu ired ? Attached Documents * ti' Food Bank CDBG Regs Acknows I Some answ ers wi ll not be presented because they are not part of the selected group of questions based on the answ er to I #1. 1. Please identify the funding sources being requested: This q uesti on will be used to bran ch only those q uesti ons rel ated to the funding sources r equested in this applicati on -so don't worry if y o ur application has skipped q uestion numbers. r CDBG only r ESG only Item 9.a. - Page 27 r ti' CDBG and General Funds r ESG and Gene ra l Funds r CDBG, ESG and General Funds Project Summary 2. Project Address(es): If th e proposed p r oj e ct has multiple addr esses, please upl oad a map of the speci fic locations under the Documents tab 1180 Kendall Road, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 3. Jurisdiction(s)IArea(s) Served: Sele ct all that apply ti' Arroyo Grande ti' Atascade ro ti' Morro Bay ti' Paso Robles ti' Pismo Beach ti' City of San Luis Obispo ti' County of San Luis Obispo 4. Brief Project Des c ription: You will have the chance to expand on your project description further in the applicati on. Ple ase upload any maps, photos, drawings or p lans under the Documents tab "No-Cook Bags" are bags of portable foods d esigned for a diverse homeless population who do not have access to a k itch en and so cannot benefit from typical Food Bank d istribution it ems. These bags are distributed by community partners throughout San Lu is Obispo County w ho w ork directly w ith the homeless, including non-profits, fa ith -based organizations, law e nforcement and other government agencies. In each No-Cook Bag distributed, homeless residents receive five pounds of food including proteins, fruits/v egetables, and snack foods that are easil y consumable w ithout heat, refri geration, or specialized utensils. 5. Please answer the following: Pleas e write NIA fo r any questions that are not applicable . L 2 0000] CDBG fundin g requested L n/a] ESG funding requested L 2 0000] General Funds requested L 46800] Total cost to complete project L 0 7 ;01;2 0 2 0] Anticipated start date L 06/30/2 0 21] Anticipated end date ~1-_-=__8_6,800.00J TOTAL 6. Please indi cate if your organization is interested in applying for Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) funds for eligible activities in the 2020 funding cycle. If so, describe how your proposal would address unmet housing needs in the county. Please refer to the P LHA web page in the Ubrary. Information g iven below will assist the Coun ty in de veloping i ts application fo r PLHA fun ding. However, ther e is no guarantee that PLHA fundi ng will be a vailabl e for the reques ted activi ties. N/A Agency Details, Capacity, and Experience 7. Type of agen cy : ti' 501 (c )(3 ) r For Profit r Gov't/Public r Other : Item 9.a. - Page 28 8. Is the organization fai th-based? r Yes t/ No 9. Please ans wer the following: If th i s i s y o ur first time applying to the County for funds, please upload your organizations' incorporation documents in the Documents tab. L 12/30/19 8 aj Date of incorpo ra tion L 24684 83] Annual operating bu dget L 27j Number of paid staff L 3 7 00] Number of volun teers [ 2,472,210.00] TOTAL 10. Agency Mission Statement: The mission of the Food Bank is to w ork with a network of community partners to a ll eviate hunger in San Luis Obispo County and buil d a healthier community . 11. Please desc ribe t he services y our organization is CURRENTLY providing (regardless of funding s ource). After 30 years of service to the community, the Food Bank Coalition of San Luis Obispo County has grown into more than a provider of emergency food re lief. Our miss ion , "to w ork with a network of partners to a ll eviate hunger in San Lu is Obispo County and build a healthier community,• re flects the importance of health w hen pro viding food for those in need and the critical role of education and empow erment in improving nutrition among county residents. To help residents maintain their health , half of a ll food distributed is fresh, high-quality produce . The Food Bank administers food distributions in every community in the county, including 80 monthly Neig hborhood Food Distributions, senior and chi ldren 's distributions, and No-Cook Bags for homeless residents. We collaborate with 200 agency and community partners to serve 30,000 people each month. One out of six local residents now utili ze the resources of the Food Ba nk and our agencies each year, including children, parents, seniors, and disabled resi dents. In addition to directly distributing food , the Food Ba nk works with our 78 agency partners who distribute food to their clients, including school districts , Salvation Army sites, Senior Nutrition, CAPSLO homeless and chil d-care programs, churches, ECHO Shelter, People's Self-Help Housing, Cuesta Coll ege, and many more. We differ from other local emergency food providers in that w e serve these agencies as we ll as the public directly. We operate with a $2.5 m illion annual budget comprised of government funds, grants, and individual donations that provide an average of four million poun ds of food each year . A staff of 27 employees and 3,700 volun teers make food distributions possible at 115 sites each month throughout the county. We are a California Association of Food Ba nks member and a part of Feed ing America's Food Ba nk network. 12. Please desc ribe the services your organization PROPOSES to provide (regardless of funding sourc e). "No-Cook Bags" are bags of portable foods designed for a diverse homeless population and distributed by community partners throughout the county. The bags support the continuum of services offered fo r homeless residents by provid ing bot h improved nutrition and a much needed tool fo r early engagement with cl ients, opening the door to other services that will help the client secure housing. T h is project w ould allow the Food Bank to purchase nutritious food items, particularly proteins, to prepare 1,300 bags each month (15,600 bags per year) for community partners , w ho will then d istribute them directly to homeless residents. 13. How does the project complement and collaborate with ex ist ing effo rts? Does your organization partner wi t h other organizati o ns? No-Cook Bags are d istributed both through our community partner agencies, who also distribute other food to the community, and through other agencies w ho come in contact with homeless residents, including law enforcement, social services, and non-profits. We piloted No-Cook Bags in the South County in 2017 after w orking closely w ith homeless-serving agencies to design the program. After it proved successful, we expanded the program over the past two years, increasing from providing agencies w ith 300 bags per month to 1,150 bags per month. No-Cook Bags are now being d istributed county-wide each month through 26 partner agencies and directly by the Food Bank at local "Mobile Assistance and Services addressing Homelessness• (MASH) events and other opportunities. A w aitl ist exists for No-Cook Bags and w e anticipate fu ll demand to be at least 1,300 bags per month. To coordinate services, our Partner Services Manager attends 5 Cities Homeless Coalition, EBAC, and Paso Cares homeless services coordination meetings . Agencies using the bags include 5CHC, St. Patrick's Church, Oceano Family Resource Center, Paso Cares, Nipomo Presb erian Church SLO Count Office of Education SLO Coun De t. of Social Services T-MHA Ci of SLO Police Department, Cuesta College, SLO County Drug and Alcohol Services, Showers of Hope, Family Care Network, Cambria Connection, Access Support Network, ECHO, the Salvation Army, and others. These agencies then keep a supply on hand to distribute as needed and take bags with them when performing outreach. 14. If the proposed project will serve homeless households, please describe how the project will coordinates with other homeless service providers to connect homeless individuals and families to resources. If this question is not applicable, write N/A in the box below. This program does not directly serve homeless households. Rather, we provide the food to community agencies who directly serve homeless households. This allows us to focus on our core mission of food distribution, while providers who work with the homeless can focus on connecting them to resources, including the food that we provide. As part of a system of response to the concerns of homelessness in San Luis Obispo County, these bags have also proven to be effective "icebreakers" for local law enforcement agencies and community task forces that interact with homeless individuals to message challenging topics, such as the need to move encampment sites, promote social resources and investigate community complaints. The continuance and expansion of this program will continue to strengthen the network of resources available to homeless residents across San Luis Obispo County. 15. Please describe your organization’s capacity to implement the proposed project. Who will be involved? List projects of similar size and type that your organization has completed. The Food Bank's centralized warehouse in San Luis Obispo is 18,000 square feet and includes sufficient area for staff and volunteers to sort, store and compile food items specifically for the No-Cook Bag program. All staff have ServSafe Food Handling Certification as well as specialized training for their specific duties. With ten warehouse staff and a pool of 2,400 warehouse volunteers, we have sufficient capacity to implement the program. Food Bank staff are responsible for ordering, delivering, and overseeing the packing of bags. Volunteers pack the bags, sorting through food donations from residents across San Luis Obispo County, and combining appropriate donations with food purchased by Food Bank staff specifically for the program. Partner agencies then either pick up the bags from the warehouse or from delivery points in Northern and Southern San Luis Obispo County and perform the work of distributing the bags to homeless individuals they work directly with. The Food Bank has run this program successfully for three years. We also successfully administer over 80 public food distributions throughout the county each month. The No-Cook Bag program represents a small but important component of our work that targets the needs of homeless residents and is has been demonstrated to be a sustainable, scalable program, as well a much needed service for the homeless population. 16. Briefly describe your agency’s record keeping system with relevance to the proposed project. Refer to Chapter 13 of "Basically CDBG" in the Library for more information on record keeping for CDBG. Community partner agencies typically visit our warehouse weekly or monthly to access multiple Food Bank services. We add No-Cook Bags to other food goods they collect, preparing in advance the number of No-Cook Bags they request and then helping them load the bags into their vehicles. For partners who would not otherwise be coming to the warehouse, Food Bank staff meet them at weekly distribution sites nearer their locations to deliver their No-Cook Bags. The number of bags is tracked using pick-up and delivery records built into the Food Bank's record keeping systems to ensure continuous tracking of the demand for and impact of the program. We maintain a monthly spreadsheet that details the quantity of bags that each agency has received from us during that month, as well the total pounds of food shipped through the program, to ensure that minimum distribution targets are being achieved and to allow us to adjust our production levels accordingly based on community need. 17. CDBG/ESG ONLY - Will the services offered by your organization increase or expand as a result of CDBG/ESG assistance? 18. CDBG/ESG ONLY - IF YES TO ABOVE - What new programs or services will be provided? If this question is not applicable, write N/A in the box below. If this request is fully funded, we will be able to maintain our services of 1,150 No-Cook Bags per month and we will be able to provide an additional 150 No-Cook Bags each month. This, combined with an anticipated SLO City Grants-in-Aid grant to continue providing No-Cook Bags in the City of San Luis Obispo, will provide a total of 15,600 No-Cook Bags in 2020-2021 (1,300 per month). 19. CDBG/ESG ONLY - IF YES TO QUESTION 17 - Describe how existing programs or services will be expanded and what percentage of an increase is expected. If this question is not applicable, write N/A in the box below. ✔✔ Yes fec No Item 9.a. - Page 29 Item 9.a. - Page 30 o prov, e a ItIona ags, oo an ta w , or er a ItIona oo eac mont an ware ouse sta w , receive s Ipments and store the food . As needed, additional volunteers to create the bags will be solicited by our Community Outreach & Vo lunteer Coordinator. Orders will continue to be taken from community agencies by the Partner Services Manager, and this position w ill also continue to attend homeless services coordination meetings to advertise the program and obtain feedback. The Partner Services Manager w ill also outreach to additional organiz ations who are on the w aitlist. Our Director of Operations will continue to monitor the budget and program outcomes. If full y funded, w hen comb ined w ith other funding this w ould be an 13% increase in the number of bags distributed annually . Project Details 20 . Please desc ribe the proposed project in de tail (i.e. Wh at acti v i t ies ar e to be undertaken ? Wha t are the projects ' g oals?). P lease attach a timeline of the proj ect milestones under the Documents tab. The No-Cook Bags program began because staff and volunteers at Food Bank d istributions saw that people w ho w ere homeless would go through the food bags they received, keeping the few foods that d id not require tools to open , refrigeration , o r cookin g, a nd leaving the rest for others . To learn more about the need for no-cook foods, w e began talking w ith other agencies w ho serve home less populations. The consensus w as that home less residents lack the food preparation and storage faci lities and often the transportation required to keep and prepare the groceries w e d istribute, and that there are very few food resources available for the homeless. Our partners told us that there is a large need for this type of food, preferably in smaller quantit ies so that people can easily store and carry the food , and packed in a reusable plastic bag. The highest need w as for protein-rich foods, accessible w ithout can openers. No-Cook Bags are now distri buted through our community partner agencies, w ho a lso distribute other food to the community, and through other agencies w ho come in contact with homeless residents, including law enforcement, social services, and non-profits. Each No-Cook Bag includes five pounds of food , including proteins like peanut butter and tuna fish in pop-top cans, nuts, cheese, and protein bars and shakes. They a lso include canned fruits or vegetables, V S j uice, and snack items (crackers, granola bars, etc.). Bags are packed by volunteers trained to identify appropri ate shelf-stable , easy -open foods f rom our retail and community donations. Approximately 25% of each bag is purchased; the remainder is donated. We purchase those foods that are not commonly donated , like proteins in portable s izes. Bey ond s imply providing for immediate needs, No-Cook Bags have a lso become an important part of a continuum of services, helping providers to build trust and create relationships w ith cl ients. Agencies have been requesting more food bags than current funding can provide, and w e are not y et prov iding any bags to some agencies. The No-Cook Bag program began with a grant from the Community Foundation of San Luis Obispo County's Klaproad Fund but has since moved bey ond start-up fund ing. A t the same t ime, demand has outpaced our ability to identify funds for food purchases. For a ll other food programs , w e have specific revenue streams to cov er the costs w hen foods need to be purchased. While much of the No-Cook Bag contents are donated, funds are needed to purchase certain item s that are not donated, particularly easily accessible, shelf-stable proteins in s ma ll er serving si zes. The Food Bank has supported the program this year with general funds but lacks the resources to sustain this funding. With CDBG and General Funds support, w e can sustain and expand the program to feed more homeless residents. 21. CDBGIESG ONLY -Pl eas e estimate t he number of unduplicated perso ns or househ olds to benefit from t he pro posed project. Writ e "p" f o r persons or "hh" f or househo lds. Please refer to the Library for HUD Income Limi ts and information on CDBG Presumed Low/Mod Income popul ations. Please enter any presumed benefit per sons as low-i ncome. L 15600 b ag ~ TOTAL number of persons (p ) or househo lds (hh) regardless of income L 15600 b ag ~ Of the total number of persons (p) or households (hh ) entered above, how many will be LOW -INCOME ( earning 51 % -80% or less of the County median-income) L ~ Of the total number of persons (p ) or households (hh) entered above, how many will be V ERY LOW- INCOME (earning 50% or less of the County median-income) 1-o.oo] TOTAL 22 . CDB G ONLY -If t he proj ect se rves any of t he presumed benefit p opulat i o ns under t he Low/Moder at e Inco me national obj ecti ve, pleas e desc ribe h ow the proj ect will directly ben efit the p opulat ions ident ified. If this question is not applicable, write NIA in the box bel ow. The No-Cook Bags project only benefits clients w ho are homeless, a presumed benefit population . The proj ect w ill d irectly benefit the homeless population by providing them w ith nutritious, portable food that can be easil y eaten w ithout kitchen utensils or cooking. 23. ESG ONLY -FOR EMERGENCY SHELTER ONLY: Please identify the following projected accomplishments and portion of funding requested to go towards each service type for the 12-month contract period. -answer not presented because of the answer to #1- Item 9.a. - Page 31 24. ESG ONLY -FOR STREET OUTREACH ONLY: Please identify the following projected accomplishments and portion of funding requested to go towards each service type for the 12-month contract period. -answer not presented because of the answer to #1- 25. ESG ONLY -RAPID RE-HOUSING ONLY -Please identify the following projected accomplishments and portion of funding requested to go towards each service type for the 12-month contract period. -answer not presented because of the answer to #1- 26. ESG ONLY -FOR HOMELESSNESS PREVENTION ONLY: Please identify the following projected accomplishments and portion of funding requested to go towards each service type for the 12-month contract period. -answer not presented because of the answer to #1- 27. ESG ONLY -FOR HMIS ONLY: Please identify the portion of funding requested to go towards each service type for the 12-month contract period. -answer not presented because of the answer to #1- 28. GENERAL FUND ONLY -OVERNIGHT SHE LTERS ONLY -Please answer the following: If the proposed project does not include overnight shelter, write NIA in the boxes below. L n/a] Number of shelter nights provided between July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019 L n/a] Number of beds avail ab le between July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019 L n/a] Number of shelter nights PROPOS ED to be provided between July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021 L n/a] Number of beds PROPOSED to be provided be tween July 1, 2020 to June 30 , 2021 L L L [ n/a] How many homeless persons can your organization's shelter currently serve each day during the daytime hours? n/a] On average, how many homeless persons did your organization's shelter serve each day during the daytime hours during the program year of July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019? n/a] How many total persons did your organi zation serve during the program year of July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019? o.oo TOTAL 29. GENERAL FUND ONLY -Please identify the following projected accomplishments: Please indicate either "p" for persons or "hh" for households. L n/a] Projected persons (p )/households (hh ) to receive case management L n/a] Proj ected persons (p)/households (hh) to receive a referal to services/housing L n/a] Projected persons (p)/households (hh) to be connected to an income source [ o.oo] TOTAL 30. Identify the projected target population(s) your proposed project and activ ities will serve (inc luding age, race, residen cy, handi cap status, in come le vel or other unit characteristi cs or subgroup information) and how those populations will benefit The projected target population for the No-Cook Bags program is any individual who is homeless. All individuals served are expected to have a very low income level , based on their homeless status. A wide range of ages and other statuses are served , as No-Cook Bags are distributed by schools and family resource centers, homeless services providers like SCHC, Sheriffs deputies and Probation officers, Community Health Centers, the Department of Social Services, churches, and meal providers. Therefore, w e expect that the population will include all ages, races, and ethnicities, as we ll as people with handicap status. 31. Has env ironmental rev iew been completed (CEQA and/or NEPA)? r Yes - CEQA review completed r No - CEQA review not completed t/ N/A -C EQA not required r Yes - N EPA review completed r No - N EPA review not completed 32. Please answer y es or no to the following: If applicable, please upload a copy of the Phase I or II environmental assessment under the Docume nts tab. L n/a] Has a Phase I or Phase II environmental assessment been conducted for the property? Item 9.a. - Page 32 L L L L L L n/a] List and de scribe any known hazards (e.g. asbestos, storage tanks -underground , aboveground) n/a] Is the project on a property d esignated or be en dete rmined to be potentially eligible for designation as a local, state, or national historic s it e? n/a] Are the buil ding(s)/structure(s ) located on a H istoric Site or within a Historic D istrict? n/a] Is the project located within a 100-year flood plain? n/a] IF Y ES TO ABOVE, does your agency have flood insurance? n/a] Will th ere be demolition requ ired? o.oo] TOTAL 33. Identify all permits necessary for the project (local, state or federal). n/a 34. State whether or not the necessary permits hav e been issued. If a permit has not y et been issued, indi cate when the permit(s) will be applied for or issued. Please provide proof of permit issuance under the Documents tab. n/a Financial 35. Briefly describe y our agency's auditing requirements, in c luding those for the proposed project. Please upload a copy of your most recent audi t under the Documents tab. The Food Bank is audited annuall y by Glenn Burdette Attest Corporation to ensure compliance to a ll IRS and GAAP requ irements for a non -profit entity of our siz e and scope. This audit process is exhaustive, reviewing inventory and financial controls, document retention , personnel and payroll practices, and compliance to a ll Federal-and State-funded aw ards and programs. In addition, we are audited annually by Feeding America to ensure compliance with all national Food Bank guidelines. Within this audit is a requirement that The Food Bank self -audit a ll programs, regard less of funding sources, at least biennially. In addition to these recurring audits, we are routinely audited by The USDA's T E FAP program staff, as w ell as by our Worker's Compensation Insurance provider, Hazard and Liabi lity Insurance provider, and various Funders of our programs. A copy of our most recent CPA audit for fiscal year 2018 is attached w ith this submission. 36. How do y ou plan to fund the operation and maintenan ce costs (if an y ) assoc iated with this project? Are these funds av ailable now? If not, when will they be av ailable? Operation costs associated w ith the No-Cook Bags project are for w arehouse staffing and faci lities. Staffing costs are funded by local donations. Facil ities costs are funded via local donations, grants, and agency fees. We also have considerable volunteer support and the support of the many homeless-serving agencies who p ick up the No-Cook Bags from our w arehouse. And three-quarters of the food for each bag is donated to the Food Bank by community members. Funds are available now to support the operation of this project. 37. Do y ou hav e any CDBG/ESG funds remaining from prior Fisca l Year allocations? r Yes t/ No 38. IF YES TO ABOVE , please answer the following: If this question is not applicable, write NIA in the boxes below. L n/a] What fisca l year(s) did you receive the funding? L L n/a] What project did you receive the funding for? n/a] How much is rema ining? o.oo] TOTAL 39. CDBG ON LY -Identify all jurisdictions y ou are apply ing to for 2020 CDBG funds by indi cating the amount applied for at each jurisdiction. Write NIA for jurisdictions not being applied to for 2020 CDBG funds. Note : Any project/program being recommended less than $8,000 total will not be funded per the Cooperation Agr eement be tween the County and participating cities of the Urban Item 9.a. - Page 33 L 2 000] City of Arroyo Grande L 3000] City of Atascadero L 1000] City of Morro Bay L 3000] City of Paso Robles L 1000] Ci ty of Pismo Beach L ~ City of San Luis Obispo L 10000] County of San Luis Obispo [-20,000.00] TOTAL 40 . GENERAL FUN D O NLY -Pleas e indic at e the e s timated porti on of funding t o go towards t h e f o ll owing activ ities: L ~ Operations (e.g . maintenance, repair, utilities) L L L 2 0000] Services (e .g. case management, food , health care, chil d care, life skills training) ~ Administration ~HM IS L 2 0000] TOTAL funding requested ~1-_-=__4_0,000.00] TOTAL Budget !Ql2. Funding Sourc es /Reve nues CDBG Funding (this request) ESG Funding (this request) General Funds (this request) CDBG Funding (pre vious years ) Other Federal Funds (please specify w hich source): State (please specify which source): Local/County (non-federal)(please specify): SLO City G IA grant Local/City (non-federal)(please specify): In-kind Other (please specify): T ot a l Funding Uses/Expen ses Personnel Costs Operating Costs: Food for No-Cook Bags Professional Services Capital Outlay Permits , Development Fees Legal and Public Notices Other (please specify): T ot a l Budget Narrativ e Committed Conditional $ 0.00 $ 0 .00 $6 ,800.00 $ 0.00 $6,800.00 CDBG ESG $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $ 0.00 Proposed $20 ,000.00 $20 ,000.00 $40 ,000.00 Ge neral Fund $20 ,000.00 $20 ,000.00 CDBG , General Funds, and local city match (anticipated from SLO City Grants-in-Aid based on past funding patterns) will together provide 15 ,600 No-Cook Bags during the 2020-2021 y ear, 1,300 bags per month . Bags cost $3 for the purchase of foods that are not donated, primaril y shelf-stable , portable proteins in accessible formats such as peanut butter and tuna with pop-tops . Al l requested funds are for food purchases . In-ki nd funds anticipated from donations will pay for warehouse staffing and volunteer coordinat io n. Item 9.a. - Page 34 T a bles !£e. ESG Matching Funds Sour ces N/A T ot a l Doc um e nts !£e. Doc umen ts Requested * Incorporation Documents (if a pplicable) Timeline of Project Milestones Proof of Permit Issuance (if applicable ) Re quired ? Attac hed Docume nts * t/ SLO FB Milestones Map of Multiple Project Locations (if appli cable ) Most Recen t Audit t/ SLO FB Audit 2018 Co mmitm ent Letters for f un ds (if availa ble ) Timeline of Expenditures t/ SLO FB Expenditures * Z oom Gr ants ™ is n ot respons ible for th e content of uploaded documents . Appli catio n ID: 150834 Beoome a fan of ZoomGrants""' on facebook Problems? Contact us at Ouestions@ZoornGrants.com ©2002-2019 GrantAnalystcom. Al rights reserved. "ZoomGrants• and the ZoomGrants logo are trademarks of Gran!Analysloom, LLC • .!.2l2\/!.I ~ Am ount $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $0 Item 9.a. - Page 35 ATTACHMENT 3 Email This Preview Save as PDF Print Close Wi ndow A1,,. ~ Powered by ZoomGrants TM County of San Luis Obispo 2020 PUBLIC SERVICES AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (CDBG , ESG and GENERAL FUND) 10/31 /2019 deadline Peoples' Self-Help Housing County of San Luis Obispo Supportive Housing Program Jump to: Eligibility Application Questions Budget Tables Documents $ 94,186.00 Requested Submitted : 10/25/2019 12:26 :32 PM (Pacific) Project Contact Forrest Eastham grants@pshhc org Tel : 8055482345 Additional Contacts none entered Eligibility !.QJ2. Peoples' Self-Help Housing 3533 Empleo Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 United States Presiden t/CEO John Fowler johnf@pshhc.org Telephone (805) 781-3088 Fax (805)544-1901 Web www.pshhc.org I Some answers wi ll not be presented because they are not part of the selected group of questions based on the answer to I #1 . 1. Please identify all funding sources being requested: This question will be used to branch only those questions related to the funding sour ces requested in this application, so don 't worry if your application has skipped question numbers. t/ CDBG only r ESG only r General Funds only r CDBG and ESG r CDBG and General Funds r ESG and General Funds r CDBG, ESG and General Funds National Objec tives 2. CDBG ON LY -Please select the national o bjectiv e that best applies t o the proposed project Please re fer to "Basically CDBG" or the "CDBG Guide to National Objectives and Eligible Activitie s" in the Library for more Item 9.a. - Page 36 information regarding CDB G n ation al obje ctives. ti' Low/Moderate Income r Slums or Bl ight r Urgent Need 3. CDBG ON LY -IF LOW/MODERATE INCOME WAS SELECTED: Select which criteria the proposed project intends to qualify under to meet the Low/Moderate Income objective Pleas e re fer to "Basically CDBG" or the "CDB G Guide to Na tional Objectives and Eligible Activitie s" in the Libra ry for more informa tion r egarding the Low/Modera te Income national objective . r Area Be nefit ti' Cli entele r Housing r Jobs r N/A -Low/Mode ra te Income NOT selected 4. CDBG ON LY -IF SLUM OR BLIGHT WAS SELECTED: Select whi c h criteria the proposed project intends to qualify under to meet the Slums or Blight objective P leas e re fer to "Basically CDB G " or the "CDB G Gui de to Na tional Objectives and E lig ib le Acti vi ties " in the Libra ry tab for informa tion r egarding the Slums or Blight na tional obje ctive . r Are a Basis r Spot Basis ti' N/A -S lums or Blig ht NOT selecte d 5. CDBG ON LY -Please explain how the proposed project meets the selected National Objective. P leas e re fer to "Basi cally CDBG" or th e "CDBG Guide to National Obje cti ves and Eligible Activities " in the Library tab . This proj ect qualifies as a low/moderate income limit ed cl ientele activity . Among prog ram clientele, 96% are low/mode ra te income pe rsons from low/moderate income households, and all are reside nts at PSHH 's affordable, supportive renta l properties throu ghout San Luis Obispo County. The rate of low/moderate income persons served is w e ll abov e the 51 % threshold establishe d in the "CDBG Guide to Na tional Objectives and Eli gible Activities." 6. ESG ONLY -Please select all ESG objectives applicable to the proposed project, as established in "Opening Doors: Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness". -answer not presented because of the answer to #1- 7. ESG ONLY -Please explain how the proposed project supports the selected objective(s). -answer not presented because of the answer to #1- Beneficiary Documentation 8. CDBG/ESG ONLY -How will you document and maintain income status for CDBG/ESG or presumed benefit status for CDBG of ea c h beneficiary in compliance with the applicable HUD regulations? Pleas e provide a sample of your Client Intake Form un der the Documents Requested section below. Income verificati on fo r CDBG b eneficiaries must be pr o vided in accordance wi th 24 CFR Part 5; a link is pr ovided in the Library. Receiving HUD and USDA f unds to buil d housing for low -income households, PSHH coll e cts and verifies information on famil y s ize, income, disability, and senior status in accordance with f ede ral HUD and US DA reg ulations as part of a household 's application proce ss prior to move in at a PSHH property. Once residing at a PSHH rental property, every house hold's income and siz e is recertified annually . PSHH retains data on th e si ze and annual income of all fa milies and house holds living at our prope rties, including those rec eiving services through Supportive Housing Prog ram (SHP), for wh ich grant funding is sought. In most cases, household income may not exceed 50% of the Area Med ian Income (AMI ) at move-in . Household size, income, d isability, and s en ior status information is store d in PSH H's re sident database, w hich is easily cross referenced with the cl ie nt database maintained by the Supportive Housing Program, the prog ram fo r which funds are sought. 9. CDBG/ESG ONLY -How will y ou collect demographic data on the beneficiaries of the proposed project (i.e. racial/ethnic c haracteristics)? Please pr o vide a sample of your Client Intake Form under the Documents Requested section bel ow. To qualify for an award of CDBG/E SG fun ds, the agency must collect r ace and e thni ci ty info r mation from all clients. Race and ethnicity data is re ported by residents during the tenant appl ication process and is stored in PSHH's re sident database, in accordance with HUD and USDA regulations. Appl ication fo rms fo r potential residents of rental properties as w ell as th e intake form for new SHP cli ents are attache d. Item 9.a. - Page 37 Eligible A ctiv it ie s 1 O. CDB G ONLY -Id ent i fy a ll eligibl e activ it ies t h at apply to t h e propose d proj ect P lease refer to "Basically CDBG " or th e "CDBG Gui de to Nati on al Obj ectives and E lig ib le Activities" in the Lib ra ry tab fo r info rmation r egarding CDBG elig ible activities. r Public Services (General ) r Operating Costs of Homeless/AIDS patients programs ti' Senior Services ti' Handicapped Services r Lega l Se rvices ti' Y outh Services ti' Transportation Services ti' Substance Abuse Services ti' Services for Batte red and Abused Spouses r Crime Awareness o r Neighborhood Cleanups r Fair Housing Acti vities ti' Tenant/Landlord/Housing Counseling r Child Ca re Serv ices ti' Health Services r Services for Abused a nd Neglected Children ti' Menta l Health Services ti' Subsistence Payment s, Homeless Assistance, Rental Housing Subsidies o r Security Deposits ti' J ob t raining and j ob placement services r Assistance to microenterpr ises (t echnical assist ance, business support services, and other similar services t o ow ners of microenterprises o r persons dev eloping microenterpri ses) 11. ESG ONLY -Identify all eligible activities that apply to the proposed project -answer not presented because of the answer to #1- 12. GENERAL FUND ONLY -Identify all eligible activities that apply to the proposed project -answer not presented because of the answer to #1- Do c um e nts Re que s ted * Cli ent Intake Form (s) for Li mited Cli entele (if app licable) Map fo r Area Benefit (if applicable) CDBG Requ irements and Acknowl edgements (Please download the template below and upload an initialed document here) download template General Liability Insurance Applic at i o n Questions !2J2. Re qu ired? Attac hed Docum e nts * ti' SHP/Grant Program new client intake form PSHH intake form pre-application to be w aitlisted PSHH tenant application farmworker USDA units PSHH tenant application HUD properties PSHH tenant application nonHUD nonUSDA units CDBG Requirements and Acknowledgements PSHH Insurance Certificate I Some answers wi ll not be presented because they are not part of the selected group of questions based on the answer to I #1. 1. Pl ea se i d entify the fundin g sou rces b eing r e ques ted: This q uesti on will be used to bran ch only those q uesti ons re l ated to the funding sources r equested in this applicati on -so don't worry if y our application has skipped q uestion numbers. ti' CDBG onl y Item 9.a. - Page 38 ony r General Funds only r CDBG and ESG r CDBG and General Funds r ESG and General Funds r CDBG, ESG and General Funds Project Summary 2. Project Address(es): If the proposed proje ct has multiple addresses, please upload a map of the specific locations under the Documents tab Arroyo Grande : 163 S E lm St. 351 S E lm St. 119 Juniper St. 150 S Courtland St. Atascadero: 7 480 Santa Ysabel Avil a Beach : 240 Oce an Oaks Ln . Cambria: 2835 Schoolhouse Ln . Los Osos: 1251 Los Olivos Ave . 1351 Los Olivos Ave . Morro Bay: 2612 Elm St. 495 Main St. 456 Elena St. 375 Sequoia St. Oceano: 1261 Belridge St 1720 17th St. Paso Robles: 400 Oak Hill Rd . 401 Oak Hill Rd . 1255 Creston Rd . 2940 Spring St. Pismo Beach: 360 Park Ave . 211 to 251 Addie St. San Lu is Obispo: 537 Brizzolara St. 3071 S Higuera St. Templeton : 999 Las Tablas Rd . 1009 Petersen Ranch Rd . 3. Jurisdiction(s)IArea(s) Served: Sele ct all that apply ti' Arroyo Grande ti' Atascade ro Item 9.a. - Page 39 ti' Morro Bay ti' Paso Robles ti' Pismo Beach ti' City of San Luis Obispo ti' Co unty of San Luis Obispo 4. Brief Project Des c ription: You will have the chance to expand on your project description further in the applicati on. Ple ase upload any maps, photos, drawings or p lans under the Documents tab PSHH w ill prov ide SHP 's clinical social services and case manage ment in order to deve lop personalized w rap-around serv ices for resid ents of PSHH's 26 affordable , supportive rental properties in San Luis Obispo County. The overwhelming majority of the se households are classifie d as very-low-income , e arning 50% or less of AMI. Services are provided onsite , either at the re sident's home or at a social w orker office located on the property. Most program service s are provide d w eekday s between 9 am and 6 pm. Services are provided by masters-level social w orkers, setting program staff apart as cl inical social w orke rs. Se rvices are free, confide ntial , and complete ly optional. Se rvices are provided in order to enhance household stability and re s ilie ncy . 5. Please answer the following: Pleas e write NIA fo r any questions that are not applicable . L L L L L L 1- $94 ,18aj CDBG funding requested N/ .aj ESG funding requeste d N/aj General Funds requested $479,224] Total cost to complete proje ct 7 ;1;2aj Anticipate d start date 6/3 0/21] Anticipate d end date 573,410.00] TOTAL 6. Please indi cate if your organization is interested in applying for Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) funds for eligible activities in the 2020 funding cycle. If so, describe how your proposal would address unmet housing needs in the county. Please r efer to the P LHA web page in the Ubrary. Information given below will assist the County in de veloping i ts application fo r PLHA funding. However, ther e is no guarantee that PLHA fundi ng will be a vailabl e for the requested activities. PSHH w ill not be applying for PLHA funds at this time . Agency Details, Capacity, and Experience 7. Type of agen cy : ti' 501(c )(3 ) r For Profit r Gov't/Public r Other : 8. Is the organization faith -based? r Yes ti' No 9. Please answer the following: If th i s i s your fir st time applying to the County for funds, pleas e upload your organi zations' incorporation documents i n the Documents tab. L 8/6/?aj Date of incorporation L $12,7 9 S,4aj Annual ope ratin g budget L 203] Num ber of paid staff L 9 0 ~ Number of volunteers [ 1,280,654.00] TOTAL 10. Agency Mission Statement: We build affordable homes with site-base services that offer opportunities to change lives and strengthen communities on the central coast of California. 11. Please describe the services your organization is CURRENTLY providing (regardless of funding source). Celebrating our 50th anniversary next year, PSHH is the longest-running provider of affordable housing and related support services on the Central Coast of California. The agency houses over 5,500 individuals at 52 affordable housing properties in San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura counties. PSHH has housing programs and communities designed especially for veterans, seniors, those living with physical and developmental disabilities, and those transitioning out of homelessness. Our nonprofit has also helped over 1,200 households become homeowners through its “sweat equity” Home Ownership Program, in which home owners build their own homes over a one-year period. Supportive service programs include SHP, Community Building and Engagement, and the Education Program. These services are provided by PSHH staff, onsite where residents live. Through SHP, the program for which funding is sought, PSHH maintains a staff of in-house clinical social workers who provide case management and enhance access to public and private social services and safety net programs. Clients also have enhanced access to CalFresh, MediCal, health care providers, emergency assistance, and much more. Community Building and Engagement coordinates food distribution, provides onsite health fairs and screenings, organizes exercise classes through community partners, and hosts community gatherings. Community Building and Engagement’s programmatic staff provide services that enhance employment attainment and retention, such as English as a foreign language and computer literacy workshops. The Education Program, which has operated for over 17 years, operates at 11 learning centers. All are onsite at various affordable supportive rental properties owned by PSHH. Educational services are provided after each of the 180 school days per year, with an additional 120 days of programming during academic breaks. Curriculum and education tools are focused on English language learners and students from low-income households who make up most of the student body. The Education Program is helping students to reach grade-level mathematics and literacy proficiency at rates that exceed those of their English-only speaking peers. 12. Please describe the services your organization PROPOSES to provide (regardless of funding source). PSHH proposes the continuation of SHP services at PSHH properties throughout San Luis Obispo County, serving approximately 440 households through over 3,500 hours of clinical social work and case management. We estimate the following number of households and clients to be served in the following municipalities: Arroyo Grande: 68 clients through 450 hours Atascadero: 8 households through 120 hours Morro Bay: 75 household through 500 hours Paso Robles: 110 households through 1,000 hours The average PSHH household size is San Luis Obispo County is 2.25 members. As part of the grant-funded program, PSHH also proposes updating the SHP client database to capture a wider array of client services and external referrals. This update will provide an enhanced record of outputs. Through an improved understanding of the services being provided to clients and the external organizations to which clients are being referred, PSHH will improve client services and interorganizational relationships by allowing program supervisors and administrators to measure additional outputs and client referrals to outside services. 13. How does the project complement and collaborate with existing efforts? Does your organization partner with other organizations? SHP and the Community Building and Engagement program are both housed within the Department of Neighborhood Development and Resident Services and have a symbiotic relationship. While SHP provides case management and enhanced access to external social and health services, Community Building and Engagement provides adult learning opportunities that focus on health education, employment attainment and retention, and community organizing. SHP social workers are knowledgeable about regional social services and the requirements for new clients at those organizations and within their aid programs, and social workers collaborate with other agencies through efforts to connect clients to other organizations that provide social and health services. While these relationships are mutually beneficial, streamlining the application and new client onboarding process at local organizations while connecting PSHH residents to needed services, SHP does not generally have a formal partnership or MOU in place. 14. If the proposed project will serve homeless households, please describe how the project will coordinates with other homeless service providers to connect homeless individuals and families to resources. Item 9.a. - Page 40 Item 9.a. - Page 41 If this question is not applicable, write NIA in the box below. While this proj ect serves those at r isk of homelessness as well as formerly homeless households, it does not serve homeless households. 15. Please desc ribe your o rganizati o n's capac ity t o implement the pro posed project. Who will be involv ed ? List projects of similar size and type that your organization has completed. Agency-wide 95% of SHP cl ients maintain stable housing for s ix months after initiating program services, meeting HUD's requirements for reaching housing stability. With 52 affordable rental properties in San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Vent ura counties, our provision of affordable housing wi t h on-site supportive services helps to ensure that over 5,500 res idents have a safe and secure home. Last year, SHP served 899 households across three counties through over 10,000 hours of service. SHP is housed in the Neighborhood Development and Resident Services Department, headed by Rick Gulino, a Licensed C linical Social Worker, and is staffed by four Bilingual Social Workers, four Social Workers and two C linical Supervisors. PSHH partners w ith regional universities and coll eges to provide in ternships to social work graduate students. 16. Briefly describe your agen cy's record keeping system w ith relev an c e to the proposed project. Refer to Chapter 13 of "Basically CDBG" in the Library for more information on record keeping for CDBG. PSHH uses two databases that are relevant to the project. The first is the organization 's resident database, which stores information on every PSHH household , including household members, ages, race and ethnicity, income at move-in , and income at the most recent recertification. Th is database is maintained by the Property Management Department. The second database is the SHP program database, which is used to store case management records, and is maintained by PSHH clinical social workers. This database includes case files and notes, which are tagged for specific services p rovided during instances of service, and it is easily cross referenced with the resident database. These tags are relevant to various outcomes, outputs, and funder reports. Examples of service tags include crisis intervention, healthcare services, food assistance, transportation, counseling services, and legal issues. 17. CDBG/ESG ONLY -Will the services offered by y our organization in c rease or ex pand as a result of CDBGI ESG assistance? ti' Yes r No 18. CDBG/ESG ONLY -IF Y ES TO ABOVE -What new programs o r services will be provided? If this question is not applicable, write NIA in the box below. N/A 19. CDBG/ESG ONLY -IF Y ES TO QUESTION 17 -Desc ribe how ex isting progra ms o r services w ill be ex panded and w hat percentage of an in c reas e is ex pected. If this question is not applicable, write NIA in the box below. PSHH w ill upgrade the client database to capture additional client services and referra ls to specific external agencies. With an increase of approximately 15% in the number of services tagged for easy reference, this upgrade will enhance outputs records, which will provide comprehensive information to improve client services and interorganizational relationships. Projec t Details 20. Please desc ribe the proposed project in detail (i.e. Wh at acti v ities are t o be undertaken ? What are the projects ' goals?). Please attach a timeline of the project milestones under the Documents tab. PSHH will provide cl inical social services and case management through the San Lu is Obispo County SHP, developing personalized wrap-around services for t hose liv ing at PSHH 's 26 affordable, sliding-scale rental properties in the County. Most households a re certified as very-low -income at time of move-in, wh ich typicall y means they earn 50% or less of Area Median Income. Most services are provided weekdays between 9 am and 6 pm. Services are provided by those possessing a master's degree in the social work field. Grant funds will support the 5 social worke rs who provide SHP services withi n San Luis Obispo County . Services are provided in Engli sh and Spanish to any of the 607 households and 1,427 individuals in residence at PSHH properties in the County. These include: • 98 households in Arroyo Grande • 18 in Atascadero • 29 in Avil a Beach • 24 in Cambria Item 9.a. - Page 42 • 104 in Los Osos • 99 in Morro Bay • 28 in Oceano • 197 in Paso Robles • 26 in Pismo Beach • 33 in San Luis Obispo • 11 2 in Templeton SHP services are free, confidential, completely optional, and available to all PSHH residents, helping to keep those at risk of homelessness stably housed. Our social w orkers are trained in trauma-informed practices, a treatment framew ork that includes understanding, recognizing, a nd responding to t he effects of va rious forms of t rauma . Trauma-informed practice a lso emphasizes phy sical , psychological, and emotional safety for both patients and providers, and it helps survivors rebuild a sense of control and empow erment. Social w orkers complete assessments of resident needs, dev e lop ongoing case management plans, and assist w ith coordinating services to support and enhance household management. A ll case management plans are resident-driven . C linical staff of PSHH support our residents in crisis situations to prev ent homelessness, and w ork w ith each household to help them mov e tow ard personal resiliency . For senior residents, SHP prov ides supportive services to help them age in place and maintain their quality of life. For those living w ith d isabilities, SHP prov ides the opportunity to enjoy independent living. Outreach is prov ided by property managers, w ho live onsite, at the time of new resident intake and at any point w hen property managers observe a potential need for the program by a resident or household . Last y ear, approximately 40% of our residents utilized SHP. Our priority is to assist residents in meeting their most basic needs of food, housing, income security , and health. To help residents achieve stability, our social w orkers provide free and confidential assistance w ith coordinating medical appointments and mobility, linking residents to community resources, enhancing budgeting skills, assisting with job searches, providing crisis intervention, addressing mental health issues, accessing emergency financial assistance for basic needs, and more. 21. CDBG/ESG ONLY -Pl eas e estimate t he number of unduplicated perso ns or househ olds t o benefi t from t he pro posed project. Writ e "p" f o r persons or "hh" f or househ olds. Please refer to the Library for HUD Income Limi ts an d info rmation on CDBG Presumed Low/Mod Income popul ations. Please enter any presumed benefit per sons as low-i ncome. L 440hh] TOTAL number of persons (p ) or households (hh) regardless of income L 4 0hh] Of the total number of persons (p) or households (hh ) entered above, how many will be LOW -INCOME ( earn ing 51 % -80% or less of the County median-income) L 383hh] Of the total number of persons (p ) or households (hh) entered above, how many will be V ERY LOW- INCOME (earning 50% or less of the County median-income) 1-o.oo] TOTAL 22 . CDB G ONLY -If t he proj ect se rves any of t he presumed benefit p opulat i o ns under t he Low/Moder at e Inco me national obj ecti ve, pleas e describe h ow the proj ect will directly ben efit the p opulat ions ident ified. If this question is not applicable, write NIA in the box bel ow. PSHH operates four properties in San Luis Obispo County dedicated to housing either seniors or seniors and people living with disabilities. Residents of each of these properties are served by this program. These seniors and residents l iving with disabilities experience many of the same benefits as other SHP clients, including improved housing security, short term behavioral health counseling from PSHH 's clinical social w orkers, and greater access to social services such as CalFresh, MediCal, transportation, food and nutrition services, and much more. Additionally , SHP helps seniors as they age in p lace, and it helps residents living with disabilities to establish both a support network and a level of resiliency that may not be otherwise possible. 23. ESG ONLY -FOR EMERGENCY SHELTER ONLY: Please identify the following projected accomplishments and portion of funding requested to go towards each service type for the 12-month contract period. -answer not presented because of the answer to #1- 24. ESG ONLY -FOR STREET OUTREACH ONLY: Please identify the following projected accomplishments and portion of funding requested to go towards each service type for the 12-month contract period. -answer not presented because of the answer to #1- 25. ESG ONLY -RAPID RE-HOUSING ONLY -Please identify the following projected accomplishments and portion of funding requested to go towards each service type for the 12-month contract period. -answer not presented because of the answer to #1- Item 9.a. - Page 43 26. ESG ONLY -FOR HOMELESSNESS PREVENTION ONLY: Please identify the following projected accomplishments and portion of funding requested to go towards each service type for the 12-month contract period. -answer not presented because of the answer to #1- 27. ESG ONLY -FOR HMIS ONLY: Please identify the portion of funding requested to go towards each service type for the 12-month contract period. -answer not presented because of the answer to #1- 28. GENERAL FUND ONLY -OVERNIGHT SHELTERS ONLY -Please answer the following: -answer not presented because of the answer to #1- 29. GENERAL FUND ONLY -Please identify the following projected accomplishments: -answer not presented because of the answer to #1- 30. Identify t he projected target po pulat io n(s) your proposed project and activities will serve (inc luding age, race, residen cy, handi ca p status, in come le vel o r other unit c haracterist i cs or subgro up info rm ation) and how t hose po pul at io ns will benefit Within San Luis Obispo County, 1,534 resi dents live at PSHH affordable supportive properties. Among these residen ts, 22% are ages Oto 11 , 13% are 12 to 17, 9 % are 18 to 24, 4 1% a re 25 to 64, and 15% are 65 or older. Household median income is $28,029. A total of 13% qualify as low -i ncome, earning 80% or less of AMI , 81 % are v ery-low - income, earning 50% or less AM I. Non-Hispanic res idents account for 36% of the population, and Hispanic residents account for 64%. Ethnicall y, 89% of residents are of Caucasian descent, 2% of Asian descent, 1% of Native American/Alaskan Native descent, 2% of more than one race, and 5% other. A total of 147 residents live with a disability, and 140 of those are adults. Among county residents, 104 w ere previously homeless. Residents will benefit through enhanced access to services that stabiliz e their household, contributing to safety, security, and health. Cl inical social services prov ided through SHP enhance food security, provide transportation, establi sh health cov erage, connect reside nts to health care providers, and help famil ies to secure academic assistance for household members who are students. Social w orkers provide short-term counselling and connect cl ients with long-term behavioral health specialists. When no other means of support are available, SHP cl ients are e lg ible to apply , via their social w orker, to a financial assistance program primarily funded through PSHH employee contributions. 31. Has en viro nmental review been completed (CEQA and/or NEPA)? r Y es - CEQA review completed r No - CEQA rev iew not completed t/ N/A -C EQA not required r Y es -N EPA rev iew complet ed r No -N EPA rev iew not completed 32. Please answer y es o r no to the follow ing: If applicable, please upload a copy of the Ph ase I or II environ men tal assessment under the Docume n ts tab. L ~ Has a Phase I o r Phase 11 environmental assessment been conducted for the property? L L L L L L [ ~ List and describe any known hazards (e.g. asbestos, storage tanks -underground , abovegroun d) ~ Is the project on a property designated o r been determined to be potentially eligible for designation as a local, state, or national historic s ite? ~ Are the bu il ding(s)/structure(s ) located on a H istoric Site or within a Historic D istrict? ~ Is the project located within a 100-year fl ood plain? ~ IF YES TO ABOVE, does your agency have flood insurance? ~ Will there be demolition requ ired? o.oo] TOTAL 33. Identify all permits nec ess ary for the project (l ocal, state or federal). No ermits are necessa fo r this ro · ect. Item 9.a. - Page 44 34. Stat e whether o r not the nec essary permits h ave been issued. If a permit has n o t y et been iss ued, indicate w hen t he permit(s) will be applied f o r or issued. Please provide p r oof of permi t issuance under the Documents tab. No permits are necessary fo r this proj ect. Finan c ial 35. Briefly des cribe your agen cy's auditing requirements, in c ludi ng t h os e for the proposed project. Please upload a copy of your most recent audi t un der the Documen ts tab. PS HH is requ ired to hav e an independent financ ial a udit referred to as a "Single Audit." The annua l financ ials are audited by a third party CPA firm according to 0MB uniform practice. The independent Auditor reports annually to the Executive Management Team and the Board's four member Audit Committee on the resu lts of the ir audit. With a licensed CPA serving as CEO and President, and as a steward of HUD, USDA, and VA funds, PSHH has buil t a comprehensive and robust fiscal oversight system. The PSHH accounting manual governs the policies and proced ures of our accounting department to ensure appropriate segregation of duties and handling of the organiz ation 's accounting transactions. 36. How d o you plan to fund the o peration and maintenanc e costs (if any ) assoc iated w ith this projec t ? Are these funds a v ailable now? If n o t , w h e n w ill t hey be av aila ble? PSHH funds our programming through v arious revenue streams, which include ren tal fees , development and construction fees , individual donations, and grants from public and pri vate granters. A portion of funds from each of these categories is currently avail ab le. The rema ining funds will become ava il ab le on a case-by -case basis throughout the remain der of the current fisca l year as w ell as the grant period. 37. Do you have any CDBGI ESG funds remaining from prior Fiscal Year a llocatio ns? r Y es t/ No 38. IF YES TO ABOVE , plea se answ er the foll owing: If this question is not applicable, write NIA in the boxes bel ow. L N/aj What fisca l year(s) did you receive the funding? L N/ aj What proj ect did you receiv e the funding for? L N/ aj How much is remaining? ~I ___ o.oaj TOTAL 39. CDBG ON LY -Identify all jurisdictions yo u are apply ing t o for 2 020 CDBG funds by indicating the amount applied for at ea ch jurisdi cti on. Write NIA fo r j urisdiction s not being applied to for 2020 CDBG funds. Note: Any pr oj ect/program being r ecommended less than $8,000 total will not be funded per the Cooperation Agr eement between the County and parti cipating ci ties of the Urban County. L L L L L L $9,600] City of Arroyo Grande $9,s oo] City of Atascadero $8,68aj City of Morro Bay $14,0oo] City of Paso Robles $oJ City of Pismo Beach ~ City of San Luis Obispo L $5 3,ooo] County of San Lu is Obispo ~I __ 9~4,_78_6.0aj TOTAL 40. GENERAL FUND ONLY -Please indicate the estimated portion of funding to go towards the following activities: -answer not presented because of the answer to #1- Budget !QI2. Funding Sourc es/Revenues CDBG Funding (this request) Committed Conditional Pro posed $94 ,186.00 Item 9.a. - Page 45 ommumty oun atron o ounty Avi la Beach Community Foundation Agency Property Contributions Ot her Federa l Funds (HUD Service Coordinator Grant): Other Federal Funds (NeighborWorks America Grant): Local/County (non-federa l)(County of SLO -Preventive Healt h Grant): Local/C ity (non-federal)(City of SLO -Grants in Aid): Local/City (non-federal)(City of Pismo): Other (Donations): T ot a l Funding Uses/Expenses Personnel Costs Operating Costs Professional Services Capital Outlay Permits , Development Fees Legal and Public Notices Other (please specify): T ot a l Budget Narrativ e Proj ect Budget: Personnel Costs Total = $410 ,280 Salaries : Masters level Social Workers -four FTE & one .60FTE = $296 ,080 Benefits : Masters level Social Workers -four FTE & one .60FTE = $1 14,200 Operating Costs Total = $65,944 Rent/Util.=$12,902 Office Supplies/Expenses = $5,935 Computer Supplies = $5,736 Travel/Training/dues/Licenses= $10,254 Indirect = $31 ,117 Professional Services Total = $3 ,000 Computer Consultant (database upgrade)= $3,000 Total Proj ect Budget= $479,224 $ 188,929.00 $188,929.00 CDBG $91 ,186.00 $ 0 .00 $3,000.00 $94,186.00 $4 ,000.00 $ 0 .00 $91 ,295.00 $34 ,000.00 $25,000.00 $13,000.00 $5 ,000.00 $13,814.00 $ 0.00 $ 290 ,295.00 ESG Ge nera l Fund $ 0.00 $ 0.00 Requesting $91 ,186 of CDBG funds to assist with staffing costs and $3,000 for the database consultant, for a total of $94 ,186. T ables !£e. ESG Matching Funds Sources Am ount $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Item 9.a. - Page 46 Total Documents !Ql2. Documents Requested * Incorporation Documents (if applicable) Timeline of Project M ilestones Proof of Permit Issu ance (if applicable ) Required? Attached Documents * Artides of Incorporation t/ Timeline of Project Milestones Map of Multiple Project Locations (if appli cable ) Project locations map Most Recent Audit Commitment Letters for f unds (if availa ble ) Time line of Expenditu res t/ t/ PSHH FYE 19 Audit PSHH internal letter of funding commitment Expendjtures Jjme(jne * Z oomGr ants ™ is not responsible fo r the content of uploaded documents. Appli cation ID: 151033 Beoome a fan of ZoomGrants""' on facebook Problems? Contact us at Ouestions@ZoornGrants.com ©2002-2019 GrantAnalystcom. Al rights reserved. "ZoomGrants• and the ZoomGrants logo are trademarks of Gran!Analysloom, LLC • .!.2l2\/!.I ~ $0 ATTACHMENT 4 Item 9.a. - Page 47 Email This Preview Save as PDF Print Close Wi ndow A1,,. ~ Powered by ZoomGrants TM County of San Luis Obispo 2020 HOUSING (CDBG , HOME AND TITLE 29) 10/25/2019 deadli ne City of Arroyo Grande Soto Sports Complex Barrier Removal Project -Phase IV Jump to: Eligibility Application Questions Budget Tables Documents Project Contact Jill McPeek jmcpeek@arroyogrande.org Tel: 805 473-5444 Additional Contacts ckaramanlis@ arroyogrande.org Eligibility !2J2. Ci ty of Arroyo Grande 300 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Acting Communi ty Development Director Bill Robeson brobeson@arroyogrande.org Telephone 805 473-5400 Fax 805 473-0386 Web www.arroyog ra nde.org EIN 95-6000066 DUNS (N)CAGE SAM Expires I Some answers wi ll not be presented because they are not part of the selected group of questions based on the answer to I #1 . 1. Please identify the funding s ources being requested: This question will be used to branch only those questions related to the funding sources requested in this application, so don 't wor,y if your application has skipped question numbers. t/ CDBG only r HOM E only r Title 29 only r CDBG and HOME r CDBG and Title 29 r HOME and Title 29 r CDBG, HOME and Title 29 CDBG National Objec tives Item 9.a. - Page 48 est app 1es o proJe c . Please re fe r to "Basically CDBG" or the "CDBG Guide to National Objectives and Eligible Activities" in the Library for more information r egar ding CDBG national obje ctives. ti' Low/Moderate Income r Slums or Bl ight r Urgent Need 3. CDBG ON LY -IF LOW/MODERATE INCOME WAS SELECTED -Sele ct whi ch criteria the pr oposed proje ct intends t o quali fy under to meet the Low/Mo derate In c ome objectiv e. Please re fer to "Basically CDBG" or the "CDBG Guide to National Objectives and Eligible Activities" in the Library for more information r egarding the Low/Moderate Income national objective . r Area Benefit ti' Limited Cl ientele r Hous ing r N/A -Low/Moderate Income NOT selected 4. CDBG ON LY -IF SLUMS OR BLIGHT WAS SELECTED -Sele ct whic h c riteria the pro posed project intends t o qualify under t o meet the Slums or Blight national o bjectiv e. P lease re fer to "Basically CDBG " or the "CDBG Gui de to National Objectives and E lig ib le Acti vi ties " in the Library tab for information r egarding the Slums or Blight national obje ctive . r Area Basis r Spot Basis ti' N/A -S lums or Blight NOT selected Benefic iary Doc umentation 5. CDBG ON LY -Ple ase explain h ow the pro posed project meets the selected CDBG National Objectiv e. P lease refer to "Basi cally CDBG" or the "CDBG Guide to National Obje cti ves and Eligible Activiti es" in the Library tab . The proposed activity is the construction of accessible access to Ikeda Field at the Soto Sports Complex. The City of Arroyo Grande's Housing Element states that there are approximately 194 persons with disabilities within the City. After 2014 , the Census Bureau revi sed the American Community Service data (ACS ), under the ACS 2008-2012 Disability by Age, Race, Ethni city data, and the County re ported a total of 2,012 disabled adults living w ithin the three Census Tracks in the City of Arroy o Grande. The project would help assure that this group of people have adequate access to all areas of the City. It is presumed that such persons are principally low and moderate income. 6. CDBG /HOME ONLY -How w ill you document and maintain in come status or presumed benefit status of eac h benefic i ary in c omplian ce with HUD regulations? Please provide a sample of your Client Intake Form un der the Documents Requested se ction below. Income verificati on fo r bene ficiaries must be pr o vided in accordance wi th 24 CFR Part 5; a link is p r ovi ded in the Library. The City of Arroy o Grande does not currently coll ect income status data on users of the Soto Sports Complex. Eligible A c tivities 7. CDBG /HOME ONLY -How will y o u collect dem ographi c dat a o n the benefi c iaries of the proposed project (i.e. ra c ial/ethni c c haracteristi cs)? Please pr o vide a sample of your Client Intake Form under the Documents Requested section bel ow. To qualify for an award of CDBGI HOME fun ds, the agency must colle ct r ace and ethni city info r mation fr om a ll clie nts. The City of Arroyo Grande does not currently coll ect demographic data on users of the Soto Sports Complex. 8. CDBG ON LY -Identify all eligible activ ities that apply t o the proposed project. P lease re fer to "Basically CDBG " or the "CDBG Gui de to National Objectives and E lig ib le Activities " in the Library tab for information r egarding CDBG elig ibl e activities . r Acquisition of real property r Disposition of real property r Reloca tion of individuals, families, businesses, non-profit organizations, and/or farms ti' Remo val of architectural barriers r Housing rehabilitation r Administrative technical assistance and p lanning studies (specified ) Item 9.a. - Page 49 er own I t activities included in the proposed project. -answer not presented because of the answer to #1- e renta s nex to a 10. TITLE 29 ONLY -Indicate either "own" if the units will be owned or "rent" if the units will be rentals next to all activities included in the proposed project. -answer not presented because of the answer to #1- Additional Requirements 11. CDBGIHOME ONLY -If the project includes temporary or permanent relocation of occupants, it is subject to the Uniform Relocation Act (URA). Initial in the box below to signify that you have read and understand this requirement. If this question if not applicable, write NIA in the box below. If applicable, upload a completed Relocation P lan under the Documents Requested section below. N/A 12. HOME ONLY -CONSTRUCTION/REHABILITATION ONLY -Describe how the project will meet ADA and Section 504 standards for accessibility by the disabled. Describe the methods, funding and timetable to be utilized to address the problems. -answer not presented because of the answer to #1- 13. HOME ONLY -Please see "Notice to Affordable Housing Projects Receiving HOME Funding" in the Library and initial in the box below that you have read and understand this notice. -answer not presented because of the answer to #1- Documents Requested * Client Intake Form(s) for Limited Clientele (if applicable ) Map for Area Benefit (if applicable ) CDBG Requirements and Acknowledgements (Please download the templ ate below and upload an initialed document here) download template General Liability Insurance Relocation Plan -Residential download template Relocation Plan -Business download template Application Questions 1212. Required? Attached Documents * t/ 2020 CDBG Reg & Acknowledge I Some answ ers wi ll not be presented because they are not part of the selected group of questions based on the answ er to I #1. 1. Please identify the funding sources being requested: This question will be used to branch only those questions related to the funding sour ces requested in this appli cation, so don 't worry if your application has skipped question numbers. t/ CDBG only r HOME only r Title 29 only r CDBG and HOME r CDBG and T itle 29 r HOME and T itle 29 r CDBG, HOME and Title 29 Project Summary Item 9.a. - Page 50 2. Project Address(es): If the proposed proje ct has multiple addresses, please upload a map of the specific locations under the Documents tab Soto Sports Complex 1275 Ash Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 3. Jurisdiction(s)IArea(s) Served: Sele ct all that apply. For Title 29 requests, please refer to the Title 29 Market Areas map in the Library. ti' Arroyo Grande r Atascadero r Morro Bay r Paso Robles r Pismo Beach r City of San Luis Obispo r County of San Luis Obispo r TITLE 29 ONLY -Open to All r TITLE 29 ONLY -North County r TITLE 29 ONLY -South County r TITLE 29 ONLY -Central County r TITLE 29 ONLY -North Coast 4. Brief Project Des c ription: You will have the chance to expand on your project description further in the application. Ple ase upload any maps, photos, drawings or plans under the Documents tab Improve accessibility at Ikeda Field located within the Soto Sports Complex on Ash Street (APN 077-121 -004). It is proposed that the proj ect included accessible access from the Soto Sports Complex parking lot to Ikeda Fie ld. 5. Please answer the following: Please mark NIA for all questions not applicable . L $87,042] CDBG funding requested L J HOME funding requested J T it le 29 fun ds requested $14 3,190] Total cost to complete project 10;01;2aj Anticipated start date 06/30/2 ~ Anticipated end date L L L L [-230,232.oo] TOTAL 6. Please indi cate if your organization is interested in applying for Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) funds for eligible activities in the 2020 funding cycle. If so, describe how y our proposal would address unmet housing needs in the county. Please refer to the PLHA web page linked in the Library. Information given below will assist the County in developing its application for PLHA funding. Howe ver, there is no guarantee that PLHA funding will be available for the requested activities. -no answer- Agency Details, Capacity, and Experien c e 7. Type of agen cy : r 501(c)(3 ) r For Profit ti' Gov't/Publi c r Other: 8. Is the organization faith-based? r Yes ti' No Item 9.a. - Page 51 9. Please answer the following: If this is your first time applying to the County for funds, please upload your organizations' incorporation documents in the Documents tab. L 07/10/1911] Date of incorporation L $4 0 MJ Annual operating budget L 1 33] Numbe r of paid staff L 35 9] Num ber of volun teers I 492.00] TOTAL 10. Agency Mission Statement: T he C ity of A rroyo Grande is dedicated to provid ing efficient and responsive govern ment services. The missio n of t he organization is to make Arroyo Grande the best p lace possible for everyone w ho li ves, w orks, and visits here . 11. Briefly desc ribe the services provided and dev elopment projects your o rg anization is CURRENTLY working o n (regardless of funding source). • Master Plan for Recreation Services build ing and facilities • In stall ation of ADA compliant dri nking fou ntain s at Ci ty parks • Halcyon Road Comp lete Street study • Annual s idew a lk repairs 12. Briefly desc ribe the servic es and development projects your o rganization is PROPOSING (regardless of funding source). • Constru ction of build ing and fa ci lities for Recreation Services • Construction of ADA compl ian t curb ramps • Replace playgrou nd stru ctures w ith ADA compliant playground equipment • Annual s idew a lk repairs • Removal of architectural barriers at C ity bui ldings and sports f acilities 13. How d oes the pro posed project co mplement and collabo rate with ex isting efforts? Does your o rg anization partner with other organizations? The proposed project comple ments the Ci ty's goal to provide accessible publ ic faci lities to serve the overa ll community i nclu d ing those w ith mobility challenges. The Ci ty may at t imes partner w ith other organizations w hen appropriate. 14. If the proposed project w ill serv e ho meless househ o lds, please desc ribe how the project w ill c oordinates w ith other homeless service providers t o c onnect ho meless indiv iduals and families to resources. If this question is not appli cable, write NIA in the box below. N/A 15. Please desc ribe y o ur o rganizati o n's capac ity t o implement the pro posed project. Who will be involv ed ? List projects of similar size and type that your organization ha s completed. C ity staff from several departments (Public Works, Community Development, and Admi nistra tive Services) w ill implement the p roj ect, includ ing the Capita l Improvement Project Manager, Planning Manager, and Publi c Works Director. 2008-2012 CDBG -Soto Sports Complex Barrier Removal I -Porter & Vol unteer Fields 2010-2014 C DBG -Soto Sports Complex Barrier Removal II -Pilg & Campbell Fields 20 17 CDBG -Soto Sports Complex Barrie r Re moval Ill -Santos Field 16. Briefly describe your agen cy's record keeping system w ith relev an c e to the proposed project. Refer to Chapter 13 of "Basically CDBG " in the Library for mor e information on record keeping for CDBG. City staff responsible for CDBG project s u se ti me sh eets to track ti me spent on CDBG project s . The City's Public W o rks Department designs, bids , aw ard s, and oversees the constru ction of the City's capital improvement program and this accessibility project w ill be u nder the management and oversight of the City's Engineer and Capital improvement Project Manager to ensu re project records are mai nta ined . 17. CDBG ON LY -Will the servi ces offered by your organization inc rease or ex pand as a result of CDBG assistance? ti' Yes r No Item 9.a. - Page 52 a new programs or servi ces w1 If this question is not applicable, wr ite NIA in the box b el ow. Construction of the proposed improvem ents w ill enhance acce ssibility for persons w ith disabilitie s on City-own ed property. 19. CDBG ON LY -IF YES TO QUESTION 17 -Des c ribe how existing programs or services will be expanded and what percentage of an increase is expected. If this question is not applicable, wr ite NIA in the box b el ow. Acce ssibility w ill be expanded to this area of th e Soto Sports Complex . Project Details 20. Please desc ribe the proposed project in detail. What activities are to be undertaken? P lease attach a timeline of the p r oje ct milestones under the Documents tab. Currently there is no ADA access to Ikeda Field. There is only a v eh icl e maintenance road providing access to th e field. It is proposed that an accessible path of trav el from the Soto Sports Complex parking to V o lunteer Field be c onstructe d . 21. CDBG /HOME ONLY -FOR AQUISTIONS ONLY -Identify the following: If this question is n ot applicable, write NIA in th e boxes bel ow. L 007 121 00.aj Assessor's parcel number L 36 acres] Parcel size (sq. ft . or acres ) L J Cumulative square foo tage of buildings on-site (if applicable ) [--7-,1-2-1-,0-0-4.-0~0 TOTAL 22. CDBG /HOME ONLY -Please estimate the number of unduplicated persons or households to benefit from the proposed project. Write "p" for persons or "hh" for households. Please refer to the HUD Income Limits and CDBG guidebooks for information on Pr esumed Benefit populations. Ple ase enter any p resumed benefit households as low-income . L 7 TOTAL number of persons (p ) or househo lds (hh) regardless of income L 7 Of the total number of persons (p) or households (hh ) entered above, how many will be LOW-INCOM E ( earn ing 51 % -80% or less of the County median-income) L J Of the total number of persons (p ) or households (hh) entered above, how many will be V ERY LOW- INCOME (earning 50% or less of the County median-income) [-----0.-0~0 TOTAL 23. CDBG ON LY -If the project serves any of the presumed benefit populations under the Low/Moderate Income national objecti ve, please describe how the project will directly benefit the populations identified. If this question is not applicable, wr ite NIA in the box bel ow. The project will allow disabled individuals both within Arroyo Grande and visiting to access Ikeda Field at Soto Sports Complex. Many sports activities are held at these fields, including baseball, football, and soccer. 24. TITLE 29 ONLY -Please estimate the number of households within each eligible income level to benefit from the proposed project. -answer not presented because of the answer to #1- 25. Identify the projected target population your proposed project will serve (including age, race, residency, handicap status, income lev el or other unit characteristi cs or subgroup information) and how that population will benefit from the project. The projected target population for the proposed project are disabled adults . This population is presumed to be low/moderate income . This population w ill benefit from this project by the e limination of architectural barriers to access Ikeda Field at Soto Sports Complex, a regional sports complex serving Arroy o Grande and the Five C ities area. 26. Identify whether or not the site is owned or leased by the appli cant. If optioned or owned by another entity, prov ide their name and c ontact information. The parcel is owned by the City of Arroyo G rande 27. CDBG /HOME ONLY -AQUISITIONS ONLY -Please answer the following: If this question is not applicable, wr ite NIA in the box bel ow. L N/ .aj What is the proposed purchase amount? Item 9.a. - Page 53 L N/~ What is the anticipated escrow closing date? ~1-_-____ o.oaj TOTAL 28. What is the current zoning of the project site? Is the project site zoned correctly for the proposed activ ity? If zoning info rmation is not known, contact the local municipality to re quest assistance. Public Facility Zoning . Community Facility Land Use. Yes. 29. If the project is NOT zoned correctly for the proposed activ i ty, prov ide an explanation of efforts and a timetable t o change the zoning or obtain a v ariance. If this question is not appli cable, write NIA in the box below. N/A 30. Has en vironmental review been completed (CEQA and/or NEPA)? r Yes - CEQA review completed ti' No - CEQA review not completed r N/A -C EQA not required r Yes -N EPA review completed ti' No -N EPA review not completed 31. Please answer y es o r no to the follow ing: If applicable, please upload a copy of the Phase I or II environmental assessment under the Docume nts tab. L N<i] Has a Phase I or Phase II environmental assessment been conducted for the property? L L L No] Are there any known hazards on or around the site (e .g. asbestos, storage tanks -unde rg ro un d , aboveground )? N<i] Is the project on a property designated or been determined to be potentially eligible for designation as a local, state, or national historic s ite? No] Are there any building(s)/structure(s ) located on a Historic Site or w ithin a Historic District? L N<i] Is the proj ect site located w ithin a 100-year fl ood plain ? L N/.aj IF Y ES TO ABOVE, does your agency have flood insurance? L No] Will there be demolition required? ~1-_-____ o.oaj TOTAL 32. Are there any ex isting buildings on the project pro perty that were constructed pri o r to 1978? r Yes ti' No 33. IF Y ES TO ABOVE, please answer the following questions: If this question is not applicable, write NIA in the boxes below. Please upload a copy of the asbestos risk assessment report (s) and/or lead hazard risk assessment report(s) under the Docume nts tab, if appli cable. L J Has an asbestos risk assessment report(s) been prepared for the buil ding(s )? L J Has the buil ding (s) been abated for asbestos? L J Has a lead hazard risk assessment report (s ) been prepared for the building(s)? L J Has t he building(s ) been abated for lead pai nt? L J Will children occupy the build ing (s )? L J IF CHILDREN W ILL OCCUPY THE BU ILD ING , ind icate t he age ra nge of the c hildren . If no children w ill occupy the building , write N/A. 1-o.oo] TOTAL 34. Identify all permits nec ess ary for the project (l ocal, state or federal). N/A 35. State w hether o r not the necessary permits have been issued. If a permit has not y et been issued, indi cate when the permit(s) will be applied f o r or issued. Please provide proof of permit issuance under the Documents tab. N/A Item 9.a. - Page 54 Finan c ial 36. Briefly describe y our agency's auditing requirements, in c luding those for the proposed project. Please upload a copy of your most recent audit under the Documents tab. The City is audited annually. 37. How do y ou plan to fund the operation and maintenan ce costs (if any) assoc iated with this project? Are these funds av ailable now? If not, when will they be av ailable? The City of Arroyo Grande funds C ity facil ity maintenance annually, including Park Funds. The staffing and supplies necessary for the maintenance of th e proposed improvements are included in the City's annual operating budget. 38. Identify whether or not the project is required to pay a prev ailing wage. If not, briefly explain. Yes, the project will be required to pa y State prevailing w age or Federal wa ge rates, which ever is higher 39. CONSTRUCTION/REHABILITATION ONLY -The following asks about tax c redits. If this question is not applicable, write NIA in the boxes below. L N/.aj If the proposed proj ect will be applying for tax credits, to w hich round will it be applying for? (1st roun d/2 nd round ) L N/ .aj If apply ing for 1st round, if your project is identified to receive funds, w ill your project require a Reservation Letter for the state tax creditors? (Y ES/NO) 1-o.oo] TOTAL 40. Do y ou ha ve any CDBG/HOMEI ESG funds remaining from prior Fiscal Year allocations? ti' Yes r No 41. IF YES TO ABOVE, please answer the following: If this question is not applicable, write NIA in the boxes below. L FY 20 1 9/2aj What fisca l year(s ) did you receive the funding? L L [ I k eda Fieil What proj ect did you re ce ive the fun ding for? $56,148] How much is remaining? 56,148.oo] TOTAL 42. CDBG ON LY -Identify all jurisdictions y ou are applying to for 2020 CDBG funds by indi cating the amount applied for at each jurisdiction. Write NIA for any jurisdictions not being applied to for 2020 CDB G funding. Any project being re commended for less than $8,000 total will not be funded per the Cooperation Agreement between the County and participating cities of the Urban County. L L L L L L L [- $87 ,042] City of Arroyo Grande N/ .aj City of Atascadero N/ .aj City of Morro Bay N/ .aj City of Paso Robles N/ .aj City of Pismo Beach N/ .aj City of San Luis Obispo N/ .aj County of San Luis Obispo 87,042.ooJ TOTAL 43. CONSTRUCTION/REHABILITATION ONLY -Please upload a proforma (20 year proforma for rental housing projects) under the Do c uments tab. If this question is not applicable, write NIA in the box below. If applicable, write "uploaded" below once the pro forma has been uploaded under the Documents tab. N/A 44. HOME ONLY -TBRA ONLY -Please indicate the amounts to be spent for rental assistance, deposit assistance, and project administration. -answer not presented because of the answer to #1- Item 9.a. - Page 55 Budget !Ql2. Funding Sources/Reve nues CDBG (this years ' request) HOME funding {this years' request) Title 29 funding {this years' request ) CDBG fu nd ing (p revious years ) HOME fun ding (previous years) Other Federal Funds (please specify w hich source): State (please s pecify which source): Local/County (non-federal)(please specify which jurisdiction ): Local/City (non-federal)(p lease s pecify w hich j uri sdiction): In-k in d T ot a l Funding Uses/Exp en ses Personnel Costs Operating Costs Professiona l Services Construct ion Cost s Capital Outlay Relocati on Expenses Permits , Development Fees A ppraisal Fees Property Aquisition Legal a nd Public Notices Other: T ot a l T a bles 1Ql2. HOME Matching Funds Sour ces Tota l Doc um e nts 1Ql2. Co mm itted Condi tion al Proposed $87,042.00 $ 0.00 CDBG $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $56,148 .00 $ 0.00 $143,19 0.00 HOM E T it le 29 $25,000 .00 $ 11 7,690 .00 $ 500 .00 $ 0.00 $143,19 0.00 Am ount $ $ $ $ $ $ $0 Doc umen ts Re que s ted * Incorpo ration Documents (if a pplicable) Re quired ? Attac hed Docume nts * Timeline of Project Milestones Proof of Permit Issuance (if applicable ) Asbestos Risk Assessment (if applicable) Lead Hazard Risk Assessment (if applicable) Phase I or II Environmental Assessment (if t/ Timeline of Project Milestones Item 9.a. - Page 56 app1ca e Map of Multiple Project Locations (if appli cable ) Project Photos/Plans/Drawings (if applicable) Most Recent Audit Commi tment Letters for f un ds (if available) Timeline of Expenditures Project Location t/ Most Recent Audit t/ Timeline of Expenditures • ZoomGrants ™ is not responsible for the content of uploaded documents. Appli cation ID: 150087 Beoome a fan of ZoomGrants""' on facebook Problems? Contact us at Ouestions@ZoomGrants.com ©2002-2019 GrantAnalyslcom. Al rights reserved. "ZoomGrants• and the ZoomGrants logo are trademarks of Gran!Analysloom, LLC. !.292\!t l ~ Item 9.a. - Page 57 ATTACHMENT 5 COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & BUILDING 2020 CDBG APPLICATION FORM 2020 CDBG ADMIN This appli cation is designed to provide the participati ng j urisdictions of the U r ban County of San Lu is Obispo to apply fo r 2020 Community Development Block Gr ant (CDBG) program Adm i n istrative and Plann ing and Capacity Bu il ding funds as allowed in 24 CFR 570.206 and 24 CFR 570.205. Completed applicati ons shou ld provide the necessary budget and itemize expenditu r es as a llowed uses in §570.205 and §570.206. Ema il your g rant appli cati ons to Matt Leal at mleal@co.slo.ca.us. (805) 781 -5113, by the application dead li ne of 5:00 P.M ., Friday, October 25, 2019. Please label your e m ail subject with the grant program name and the agency name (Example: 2020 CDBG -City Name). Consult with applicable federal regulation s and County staff if you intend to apply for Planning and Capacity Building funds . Separate applications must be provided by the applicant for Administrative and Planning and Capa city Building activities . APPLICANT INFORMATION (1-1 ) City Name Arroyo Grande DUNS Number 077252575 Contact Pe r son/Tit le Camilla Karaman lis, Program Analyst Phone/Fax Number s 805-473-5448 Email ckaramanlis@arrotogrande.org Address 300 E. Branch Street City. State, Zi p Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 PROJECT SUMMARY (2-1) Project/Progr am Title Administration Project/Progr am Add ress 300 E. Branch Street Ju risd iction/Area Served City of Arroyo Grande Ta r geted clientele N/A Project type (se lect one): l:8J Adm inistration (24 CFR 570.206) D Planning and Capacity Bu il ding (24 CFR 570.205) htti;is://www. gov i nfo. gov/ content/Qkg/C FR-201 2-title 2 4-vol3/xrn I/C FR-201 2-title2 4-vol3-sec5 70-206 .xrn I htti;is://www.govinfo.gov/content/Qkg/C FR-2011-title24-vol3/xrnl/CFR-2011-title24-vol3-sec570-205.xrn l (2-2) Bri ef Proj ect Description: Admi n istr ation fo r City ADA projects supported by CDBG f unds in compli ance w ith the American's with Disabi lit ies Act. (P lease specify between §570 .205 and §570 .206 uses) (2-3) Tota l CDBG Funding Requested $6,093 Tota l Cost to Complete Project $6,093 976 OSOS ST REET, ROOM 300 I SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93408 I 805 -78 1-5600 I TTY/TRS 7-1-1 www.sloi;ilanning.org I i;ilanning@co .slo .ca.us PAGE 1 OF 8 Item 9.a. - Page 58 2020 CDBG APPLICATION FORM 2020 CDBG ADMIN Anticipated Start Date: I Ju ly 1, 2020 I Antic ipated End Date: I June 30, 2021 AGENCY DETAILS, CAPACITY, AND EXPERIENCE (3 -1 ) Type of Agency D 501 (c)(3) I D Fo r Profit ~ Gov't/Pub li c I D Faith -based I D Other: Date of Incorpo r ation 07/10/1911 Annua l Operating Budget $36 M illion Numbe r of Pa id Staff 120 Number of Vo lunteers 220 (3-2) Agency Mission Statement: The City of Arroyo Grande is dedicated to provid ing efficient and responsive government services. The mission of the organization is to make Arroyo Grande the best place possible for everyone who lives, works, and visits here. (3 -3) Please describe you r organization's capacity to implement the proposed project/progr am. Who w ill be involved in the proj ect/progr am? (In-house emp loyees, contr acto rs, other agency partne rs, etc.) City fu ll time staff from severa l departments (Publ ic Works, Community Deve lopment, and Administrative Services) w ill implement the project. (3 -4) Br iefly desc ri be your agency's reco rd keeping system with relevance to the proposed project/program (For invo ice payment and mon itoring pu r poses please create a cha rge code specifica ll y for the CDBG program, if one is not al ready in use): City staff responsible for CDBG administration use deta iled time sheets to track time spent on CDBG projects. A specific Cap ital Improvement project number will be ass igned to the project to ass ist in tracking proj ect costs. (3 -5) Briefly describe your agency's auditing requirements, including those project/progr am, and attach a copy of your most recent audit: The City is audited annua lly. (3 -6) Will the services offered by your o rganization increase or expand as a resu lt of CDBG assistance? If YES, please answe r the fo ll owing two ~Yes questions. What new programs or services will be provided? 976 OSOS ST REET, ROOM 300 I SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 9 3408 I 805-781-5600 I TTY/TRS 7-1-1 planning@co.slo.ca .us I www.sloplanning.org for the proposed 0 No PAGE 2 O F 8 Item 9.a. - Page 59 2020 CDBG APPLICATION FORM 2020 CDBG ADMIN Administra tion of p roje cts to e nha nce a cc essibility fo r persons w ith a d isa b il ity on City owned p ro perty. This will allow persons with a disability to a cc ess se rvi c es p rovid ed at Ike da Field, including spor ts games, practice s, and other su ch e vents. Describe how existing programs or services will be expanded and what percentage of an inc rease is expected? (3 -7) If your progr am se rves homeless households, p lease desc ri be how you r program coordinates w ith other home l ess service providers to connect home less individua ls and fam ilies to resou rces. PROJECT DETAILS/DESCRIPTION (4-1 ) Target ed Cli ente le: Individuals o r households? Identify the proj ected target population you r proposed activity wi ll serve. (Inc lude age, race, residency, handicap status, income level o r othe r unit characte r istics or subgroup information) The proposed activity is the administration of projects to enhance accessibility fo r individuals with disabilities on City-owned property. It is pr esumed that such persons are p r inc ipally low and moderate income. (4-2) Please describe the proposed project or program in detail. Make a case for why your project shou ld be funded. Describe the need and the degree of urgency for the proposed project or program . What wou ld the consequences be if the proposed project or program is not funded in the next year? Please attach a timeline of the project/program milestones. Admin istration is necessary to properly implement the project in compliance with HUD regulations. 976 OSOS ST REET, RO OM 300 I SAN LUIS O BISPO, CA 93408 I 805-781-5600 I TTY/TRS 7-1-1 planning@co.slo.ca .us I www.sloplanning.org PAG E 3 O F 8 Item 9.a. - Page 60 2020 CDBG APPLICATION FORM FINANCIAL INFORMATION 2020 CDBG ADMIN (5-1) Itemize all sources by name of funding and amount expected to be available for each category, if applicable (please include commitment letters if available): CDBG Funds Requested* $6,093 Other Federal Fund(s) $ State Source(s) $ Local Source(s) $ Applicants Matching Funds $ Other: $ (5-2) Identify all jurisdictions you are applying to for CDBG funds . Indicate the amount applied for at each jurisdiction, and the total amount requested . ~ City of Arroyo Grande $6,093 □ City of Atascadero $ □ City of Morro Bay $ □ City of Paso Robles $ □ City of Pismo Beach $ □ City of San Lu is Obispo $ □ County of San Luis Obispo $ TO TAL $ (5-3) Please list expenditures under CDBG by item or cost category and attach a timeline of the expenditures. Time necessary to Administer CDBG projects $6,093 $ $ $ $ $ $ TOTA L $6,093 *20% cap: Costs that are charged to administrative costs and to Planning and Capacity Bui lding per §570.205 and §570.206 are subject to the statutory limitation that not more than 20% of grant funds plus program income may be used for p lanning and administration and cons istent with the Cooperative Agreement with the County of San Lu is Obispo. 976 OSOS ST REET, ROOM 300 I SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93408 I 805-781-5600 I TTY/TRS 7-1-1 planning@co.slo.ca .us I www.sloplanning.org PAGE4OF 8 Item 9.a. - Page 61 2020 CDBG APPLICATION FORM FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 2020 CDBG ADMIN Every person o r Agency awarded a 2020 CDBG Contract o r grant by San Lu is Ob ispo County fo r the provis ion of services sha ll be requ ired to certify to the County that they wi ll comp ly w ith federal and local requ irements inc luding, but not li m ited to, those listed below. Please initial each ce rtification li sted to indicate you or your agency can and wi ll comp ly w ith these requ irements i f f unded. Fe d era l Req u ir e m en ts Amer icans with Certify that this agency has reviewed its projects, programs and Disab i lit ies Act services for comp li ance w ith all appli cab le regu lations conta i ned in Title 11, Americans w ith Disab ili t ies Act of 1990. Audits Ag rees to have an annua l audit conducted in acco rdance w ith current San Luis O b ispo County poli cy regard ing aud its and 2 CFR 200.501 audit requ irements. Shall comp ly w ith current San Lu is O b ispo County pol icy concern ing the purchase of equipment and sha ll mai ntain inventory records of all non-expendable persona l property as defined by such po licy as may be procu red with funds provided through the grant. Confl ict of Inter est (2 CFR 200.1 12, 200.3 18, and 570.6 1 1) Certify and agree that no covered persons who exerc ise o r have exe rcised any f unctions or responsibil it ies with respect to CDBG-ass isted activity, o r who a re in a position to participate in a dec is ion-mak ing process o r gain i ns ide information with regard to such activ it ies, may obtain a financia l interest i n any contract, o r have a financia l interest in any contract, subcontract, o r agreement w ith respect to the CDBG -assisted activ ity, eithe r for themselves or those w ith whom they have business or immed iate fam ily ties, du r ing their tenure o r for a per iod of one (1) yea r thereafter. A "cove red person" includes any pe rson who is an employee, agent, consu ltant, o ffice r, o r elected or appointed officia l o f the agency Civ il Rights Act Certify that it comp li es with and prohibits d isc r imination in accordance w ith Title VI o f the Civ il Rights Act of 1964. Debarment Status of Certify that, to the best of its knowledge and belief, that it and its Contractors principa ls will not knowingly enter into any subcontract with a pe rson who is, o r organization that is, deba rred, suspended, proposed fo r debarment, o r declared ineli g ib le from award of contracts by any Fede ral agency (https://www.sam.gov/po rta I/pu b l ic/SAM/) Drug-Free Workplace Certify that it w ill provide a d r ug-free wor kp lace. Financia l Accounting Standards: Agrees to comp ly with 2 CFR 200(E)(F) and Management agrees to adhere to the accounting p r inc i p les and procedu res requ ired therein, utilize adequate i nternal contro ls, and ma intain necessary source documentation for all costs incurred. 976 OSOS ST REE T, ROOM 300 I SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93408 I 805-781-5600 I TTY/TRS 7-1-1 planning@co.slo.ca .us I www.sloplanning.org In it ials CK CK CK CK CK CK CK PAGE 5 O F 8 Item 9.a. - Page 62 2020 CDBG APPLICATION FORM Cost Principles : Sha ll adm iniste r its program in conformance with 2 CFR 200(E), "Cost Principles for Non-Profit Organizations," o r 2 CFR 2020 CDBG ADMIN 225, "Cost Princip les for State and Local Governments," as applicable. CK These p r inc iples sha ll be applied for all costs incurred whether cha rged on a direct o r ind irect basis. Procurement Policies : Certify and agree to procure all materials, property, or services in acco rdance with the requirements of 2 CFR 200.320-326. Lobbying Activit ies Certify that no Federal appropriated funds have been paid or w ill be paid, by or on behalf of the agency, to any person fo r influencing o r attempting to influence an office r or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an office r or employee of Congress, o r an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awa rding of any Federa l contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federa l loan, the entering into of any cooperative ag r eement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federa l contract, grant, loan or cooperative agreement. Minority Business Certify that it will comply with 2 CFR 200.321 to take all necessary Enterprise (MBE), affirmative steps to assure that minority fi rms, women business Women's Business enterprises, and labo r surplus area firm s are used when possib le. Enterp r ise (WB E), Further certify that it will submit to San Luis Ob ispo County at the Small Bus iness time of project co m p letion a report of the MBE and WB E status of a ll Contracting subcontractors to be paid with CDBG funds with contracts of $10,000 o r greate r, in a fo r mat that will be provided by the County. Rea l Property Certify that it will comply with real property standa r ds (24 CFR Part 570.505) applicable to any property within the owner's control that is acquired or improved in whole or in part using CDBG funds in excess of $25,000. Religious Activities Certify and agree that funds provided to the agency will not be utilized for inherently religious activities prohibited by 24 CFR 570.200(i), such as wo rshi p, re ligious instruction, or prose lyti zation. Section 3 Certify and agree to ensure that oppor tunities for training and employment arising in connection with contracts or subcontracts for a housing rehabil itation (including reduction and abatement of lead- based pa int hazards), housing construction, or other public construction project are given to low-and ve ry low-income persons r es iding within the metropolitan area in which the CD BG-funded project is located; where feasible, p r iority shou ld be given to low- and very low-income persons within the service area of the proj ect o r the neighbor hood in which the project is located, and to low-and very low-income partic ipants in other HUD programs; and award contracts for work undertaken in connection with a housing 976 OSOS ST REET, ROOM 300 I SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93408 I 805-781-5600 I TTY/TRS 7-1-1 planning@co.slo.ca .us I www.sloplanning.org CK CK CK CK CK CK PAG E 6 OF 8 Item 9.a. - Page 63 2020 CDBG APPLICATION FORM rehab ilitation (including reduction and abatement of lead-based paint haza rds), housing construction, or other public construction project to bus iness concerns that provide economic opportunities for low-and very low-income persons resid i ng w ithin the metropolitan area i n which the CDBG-funded proj ect is located; where feasible, priority shou ld be given to business concerns that provide economic opportunities to low-and very low-income res idents within the service area or the ne ighborhood in which the project is located, and to low-and very l ow-income partic ipants in other HUD programs. Section 504 Section 504 of the Rehabil itation Act of 1973: Certify that it has read and understands all its obl igations under Section 504 to prohibit discrimination against persons with disabilities in the operation of programs receiving federal financial assistance. Liab ility The County and cities requ ire all grant rec ipients to maintain general li ability, automobile and workman's compensation i nsurance with li mits of not less than $1 million (may vary by j urisdiction). If you are successful in obtain ing a reward, you w ill be asked to provide documentation regard ing your ability to provide the required coverage. Environmental Prior to HU D's release of grant conditions and/or funds for the Review CD BG -funded project, a review of the proj ect's potential impact on the environment must be conducted and approved by the County of San Luis Ob ispo prior to obligating or incurring project costs. The County must certify to HUD that it has comp lied with all app licab le environmental procedures and requ irements. Should project costs be obligated or incurred prio r to the completion of the necessary environmental review, the proj ect sha ll not benefit from the fede ra l funds. The level of environmental review requ ired depends on the natu re of the project. 24 CFR Part 58 is ava ilable at http://www.hud.gov/offices/pih/ih/codetalk/onap/docs/24cfr58.pdf. Relocation Any project that involves the acquisition of property, construction, and/or rehabilitation and that is funded in whole or in part w ith federal CDBG funds is subj ect to fede ra l relocation requ irements. In general, any property owner, commercial bus iness, or res identia l occupant who is displaced by a HUD -funded project may be eligib le for relocation benefits. A project cannot be broken i nto separate "projects" in order to avo i d the federal requirements connected with property acquisition and relocation. Any questions concerning the re locati on regulations for a specific property acqu isition project should be directed to the County Housing and Economic Development staff before any action is taken on the project. HMIS Reporting Al l homeless service providers app lying for CDBG funds to assist, house, or shelter the homeless must identify and demonstrate the capacity to participate i n the County of San Lu is Obispo Homeless 976 OSOS ST REET, ROOM 300 I SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93408 I 805-781-5600 I TTY/TRS 7-1-1 planning@co.slo.ca .us I www.sloplanning.org 2020 CDBG ADMIN CK CK CK CK CK PAGE 7 OF 8 Item 9.a. - Page 64 2020 CDBG APPLICATION FORM Management Information System (HM IS) to provide: pe rsonne l for data entry, user li censing, and ha r dwa r e and softwa re necessary fo r compatib ility w ith HM IS. HM IS is an electron ic data col lection system t hat stores client level information about persons who access the ho meless services system in a Continuum of Care, and reports aggregate data fo r the County as per HU D's Data Standards . HUD u pda ted its data standards in 2014, and the new standa rds a r e in effect as of October 1, 2014. Mo re information can be found at https://www.hudexchange.info/resources/documents/HMIS-Data- Standards-Manual.pdf and https://www.hudexchange.info/resources/documents/HMIS-Data- nirtinn::irv nrlf. Affirmative Marketing Quarterly and annual repo rts shall be subm itted by the project/program manager to the County fo r CDBG-funded pu blic services and housing projects. Eac h re port shall inc lude the total numbe r of project/program appl icants and cl ients served with respect to race, ethnicity, gender, and disability status. Affi rmative marketing efforts shall be taken to inc rease the pa rticipation of any underserved groups. 2020 CDBG ADMIN CK I certify that the in fo rmation i n this app lication is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and ability. Camilla Ka ramanli s Printed or Typed Name 10/24/2019 DATE Program Analyst Title 976 OSOS STREET, ROOM 300 I SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93408 I 805-781-5600 I TTY/TRS 7-1-1 planning@co.slo.ca .us I www.sloplanning.org PAG E 8 O F 8