CC 2020-03-24_08e General Plan Annual ReportMEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: WHITNEY McDONALD, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR BY: ANDREW PEREZ, ASSISTANT PLANNER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF THE 2019 GENERAL PLAN ANNUAL REPORT DATE: MARCH 24, 2020 SUMMARY OF ACTION: The General Plan Annual Report identifies work completed in the previous year to implement the City’s General Plan; it is an informational document only, and, once received and filed by the City Council, it is filed with the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research and with the California Department of Housing and Community Development. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: Financial impacts include staff time and resources to prepare the Annual Report. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council review and accept the 2019 General Plan Annual Report (the “Annual Report” or “Report”) and direct staff to forward the Report to the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research and the Department of Housing and Community Development. BACKGROUND: California Government Code Section 65400 requires all cities to file a General Plan Annual Report to the Governor's Office of Planning and Research (OPR). In addition, data regarding the implementation of the City’s Housing Element is required to be submitted to the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). The purpose of the Report is to monitor the City's implementation of the General Plan over time, to help identify statewide trends, document progress in meeting the City’s share of regional housing needs, and inform local decision makers. Prior to submittal to the state, the Annual Report must be presented to the City Council for review and acceptance. The City's General Plan was adopted in October 2001. A number of activities have been undertaken that implement the goals and policies of the General Plan since that time, including the optional elements adopted by the City. The last major update of the General Item 8.e. - Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF 2019 GENERAL PLAN ANNUAL REPORT MARCH 24, 2020 PAGE 2 Plan was completed in January 2017, with the approval of the E. Cherry Avenue Specific Plan project. No further updates to the General Plan occurred during 2018 or 2019. Planning Commission The Annual Report was presented to the Planning Commission at its meeting on March 3, 2020. The Planning Commission recommended that the report be submitted to the City Council for final acceptance. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The Annual Report provides an overview of the activities completed or undertaken during 2019 to implement or update the General Plan. During the 2019 calendar year, no amendments to the General Plan were adopted. Activities have been conducted to continue work toward updating the Circulation Element and the Parks and Recreation Element, while staff initiated the update of the Housing Element. Opportunities to implement the General Plan were completed as they became available throughout the year. It should be noted that the Annual Report is not a comprehensive list of activities undertaken by the City during 2019. The City’s Annual Report is formatted into two (2) sections: •Section 1: Introduction, including the legal requirements of the Annual Report and status of the adopted Elements of the General Plan; and •Section 2: Summary of Activity for 2019. Please note that the tables reporting housing data are derived from spreadsheets provided by the State, with limited formatting functionality. These digital spreadsheets will be submitted in their native file format, resolving blurry image issues. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council’s consideration: 1.Accept the 2019 General Plan Annual Report and direct staff to forward the Report to OPR and HCD; 2.Do not accept the 2019 General Plan Annual Report and provide direction to staff regarding modifications to the Report; or 3. Provide other direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: The City will be providing the State with data in compliance with the California Government Code. DISADVANTAGES: There are no disadvantages identified with filing the Annual Report. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the State CEQA Guidelines, it has been determined that this item is not subject to CEQA Per Section Item 8.e. - Page 2 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF 2019 GENERAL PLAN ANNUAL REPORT MARCH 24, 2020 PAGE 3 15061(b)(3) of the Guidelines, regarding the common sense rule that where it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility of a significant effect on the environment, an activity is not subject to CEQA. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted at City Hall and on the City’s website in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2. At the time of report publication, no comments have been received. Attachment: 1. 2019 General Plan Annual Report Item 8.e. - Page 3 Arroyo Grande General Plan Annual Report - 2019 Page 1 ATTACHMENT 1 General Plan Annual Report 2019 Item 8.e. - Page 4 CITY OF Arroyo Grande General Plan Annual Report - 2019 Page 2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE City Council Caren Ray Russom, Mayor Keith Storton, Mayor Pro Tem Kristen Barneich Jimmy Paulding Lan George Planning Commission Glenn Martin, Chair Frank Schiro Jamie Maraviglia Andrea Montes Ken Sage Community Development Department James A. Bergman, City Manager Whitney McDonald, Community Development Director Andrew Perez, Assistant Planner Patrick Holub, Assistant Planner Contact Information City of Arroyo Grande Community Development Department 300 E. Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Phone: (805) 473-5420 Website www.arroyogrande.org Item 8.e. - Page 5 Arroyo Grande General Plan Annual Report - 2019 Page 3 Contents Section 1 - Introduction .................................................................................................................. 4 A. Purpose of the Annual Report ................................................................................................ 4 B. Purpose of the General Plan ................................................................................................... 4 C. Status of the Adopted Elements of the City’s General Plan ................................................... 4 Land Use Element (Adopted October 2001) ............................................................................... 6 Circulation Element (Adopted October 2001) ............................................................................ 7 Housing Element (Adopted March 2016) ................................................................................... 7 Agriculture, Conservation, and Open Space Element (Adopted October 2001, Amended June 2007)............................................................................................................................................ 8 Safety Element (Adopted October 2001) .................................................................................... 8 Noise Element (Adopted October 2001) ..................................................................................... 8 Economic Development Element (Adopted October 2012) ....................................................... 8 Parks and Recreation Element (Adopted October 2001) ............................................................ 8 Section 2 – Summary of Activity – 2019 ......................................................................................... 9 Planning Commission .................................................................................................................. 9 Building and Life Safety Division ................................................................................................. 9 Planning Division ......................................................................................................................... 9 General Plan Policies and Programs .......................................................................................... 10 Appendix A – Housing Element Reporting Forms ......................................................................... 12 Item 8.e. - Page 6 Arroyo Grande General Plan Annual Report - 2019 Page 4 Section 1 - Introduction A. Purpose of the Annual Report This report reviews the activities that took place to implement the Arroyo Grande General Plan between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2019. This report fulfills the requirements of Section 65400 of the California Government Code, which requires the City to file an annual report addressing the status of the General Plan and progress made toward goals and objectives. This annual report provides a means to monitor the success of implementing the General Plan and determine if changes need to be made in the plan or its implementation programs. The City is required to file the annual report with the Office of Planning and Research (OPR), as well as to their legislative bodies. The legislative body for Arroyo Grande is the City Council. B. Purpose of the General Plan The General Plan is the foundation development policy document of the City of Arroyo Grande. It defines the framework by which the physical, economic and human resources of the City are to be managed and utilized over time. The General Plan is available for public review at City Hall and on the City’s website. As an informational document, the General Plan acts to clarify and articulate the intentions of the City with respect to the rights and expectations of the public, property owners, and prospective investors and business interests. C. Status of the Adopted Elements of the City’s General Plan State law requires that the General Plan include seven elements. These mandatory elements must cover the following topics: Land Use, Circulation, Housing, Safety, Noise, Conservation, and Open Space. State law allows the City to adopt any additional general plan elements that the City deems necessary. The City has adopted the Parks and Recreation, Agriculture, and Economic Development Elements as optional elements, which have the same decision making weight as the mandatory elements. Additionally, the elements of the general plan may combine elements as it deems necessary. The City of Arroyo Grande General Plan combines Agriculture, Open Space, and Conservation elements into a single element. The following is a breakdown of the City’s General Plan: Arroyo Grande GP Elements Required GP Elements Examples of Topics Covered Agriculture, Conservation and Open Space Element Agriculture (Optional) Define policy for the protection of significant natural resources, providing the setting or context for urban land use development and incorporated City areas. Conservation Open Space Fringe and Urban Area Land Use Element Land Use Provides for the types, density or intensity, design and distribution of existing and potential City areas. Circulation/Transportation Element Circulation Identifies the street pattern and other circulation infrastructure and transportation Item 8.e. - Page 7 Arroyo Grande General Plan Annual Report - 2019 Page 5 Arroyo Grande GP Elements Required GP Elements Examples of Topics Covered systems needed to support the uses identified Land Use Element. Housing Element Housing Identifies and provides an analysis of existing and projected housing needs, an evaluation of housing constraints, a statement of goals, policies, quantifiable objectives and financial resources, and scheduled programs for the preservation, improvement, and development of housing. Safety Element Safety Provides for the protection of lives and property from the adverse effects of natural and man- caused hazards. Noise Element Noise Identifies the sources and outlines policy to protect land uses against adverse noise levels associated with necessary circulation and related activity. Economic Development Element Economic Development (Optional) Defines the objectives, policies and proposals for improved employment, business retention and expansion, and fiscal growth of the community. Park and Recreation Element Parks and Recreation (Optional) Outlines these public facilities and services desired to support the City and area residents, businesses, and visitors’ leisure-time activities. The City’s General Plan was comprehensively updated in October 2001. The City’s last major update of the General plan was completed in January 2017, with the City’s approval of the E. Cherry Avenue Specific Plan project. The following is a list of updates to the General Plan since the document’s adoption: Amendment No. Date Type Project GPA 02-001 November 2003 Land Use Map Parkside Residences GPA 02-002 June 2003 Land Use Map Berry Gardens Subarea 2 GPA 03-001 April 2003 Land Use Map Village Core Extension GPA 03-002 September 2003 Land Use Map Agriculture Designations GPA 03-003 March 2004 AG/C/OS Conversion of Prime Ag Land, Farmworker Housing, and Ag Conservation Easements GPA 04-001 Withdrawn by applicant Land Use Map Alder House GPA 04-002 August 2004 Land Use Map Noyes Road Properties Item 8.e. - Page 8 Arroyo Grande General Plan Annual Report - 2019 Page 6 Amendment No. Date Type Project GPA 04-003 March 2005 Housing Element Housing Element Update GPA 06-001 August 2006 Land Use Map Castillo Del Mar GPA 06-002 November 2006 Circ & Parks and Rec Elements Bike and Pedestrian Plan GPA 06-003 November 2007 Land Use Map S. Elm Multi-Family Designation GPA 06-004 February 2007 Land Use Map Sunset Drive GPA 07-001 June 2007 AG/C/OS Creek Protection Policies GPA 07-002 November 2007 Housing Element Affordable Housing Requirements GPA 07-003 Placed on hold due to competing priorities AG/C/OS Conservation Element Update GPA 09-001 September 2009 Land Use Map 2009 Land Use Map Cleanup GPA 09-001B October 2009 Land Use Map Pearwood Annexation GPA 11-001 Withdrawn by applicant Land Use Map Hillcrest GPA 11-002 October 2013 Housing Element 2007-15 Housing Element GPA 12-001 Withdrawn by applicant Land Use Map Alder House GPA 12-002 July 2012 Circulation Element Bicycle and Trails Master Plan GPA 12-003 October 2012 Economic Development 2012 Economic Development Element GPA 14-001 March 2014 Land Use Map Heights at Vista Del Mar Annexation GPA 14-002 October 2015 Land Use Element Courtland/Grand GPA 14-003 March 2016 Housing Element 2014-19 Housing Element GPA 15-001 January 2017 AG/C/OS Creek Map Land Use Map E. Cherry Avenue Specific Plan The following is a brief overview of actions taken in 2019 relative to each individual Element: Land Use Element (Adopted October 2001) No text amendments to the Land Use Element occurred in 2019. Item 8.e. - Page 9 Arroyo Grande General Plan Annual Report - 2019 Page 7 Circulation Element (Adopted October 2001) No text amendments to the Circulation Element occurred in 2019. The Community Development Department is currently working on an update to the Circulation Element and environmental review document with an estimated public draft being available in 2020. Housing Element (Adopted March 2016) No text amendments to the Housing Element occurred in 2019. The Community Development Department spent time during 2019 processing a development application for a project on E. Grand Avenue consisting of twenty-two (22) residential units, two (2) of which are very-low income units. No other projects entitled in 2019 resulted in deed-restricted affordable units. Planning staff submitted an application in December to obtain SB 2 grant funding to assist with the Housing Element Update and to update the City’s Accessory Dwelling Unit ordinance. Additional information associated with implementation of the Housing Element is available in Appendix A. For reference, below are the City’s RHNA allocations for the previous housing cycle, and the number of units for which building permits were issued during that timeframe. Income Level RHNA Allocation by Income Units Permitted 2014 – 2019 Very Low 60 0 Low 38 49 Moderate 43 0 Above Moderate 101 188 Total 242 237 In August 2019, the City released a Request for Proposal to solicit qualified consultants to assist staff with the Housing Element Update project. The City entered into a contract with Placeworks to prepare the updated Housing Element and work has commenced under that contract. The Housing Element Update will help the City address the provision of housing, which will necessitate the City to accommodate 692 total housing units spread across different income levels, as illustrated in the table below. This is a representation of future housing needs for all income levels, and while the City must plan for this allocation in its Housing Element, the City is not currently required to produce these units. Income Level RHNA Allocation by Income Very Low 170 Low 107 Moderate 124 Above Moderate 291 Total 692 The following units were entitled, permitted, and/or finaled in 2019. This is compared to the number of units permitted in 2018. With changes in reporting requirements for the State, future Annual Reports will have comparable data between the current and previous years: Item 8.e. - Page 10 Arroyo Grande General Plan Annual Report - 2019 Page 8 Income Level Entitled Permitted Finaled 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 Very Low 8 2 0 0 0 0 Low 20 0 13 20 12 0 Moderate 0 0 0 0 0 0 Above Moderate 10 68 22 49 41 24 Total 38 70 35 69 53 24 Agriculture, Conservation, and Open Space Element (Adopted October 2001, Amended June 2007) No text amendments to the Agriculture, Conservation, and Open Space Element occurred in 2019. Safety Element (Adopted October 2001) No text amendments to the Safety Element occurred in 2019. The City is part of a countywide team, which successfully obtained grant funding to produce a countywide Hazard Mitigation Plan. A draft was published in October 2019 and is currently under review by the stakeholders. Noise Element (Adopted October 2001) No text amendments to the Noise Element occurred in 2019. Economic Development Element (Adopted October 2012) No text amendments to the Economic Development Element occurred in 2019. The City is currently working on the East Grand Avenue Master Plan in order to increase implementation of the plan and investment by property owners. Parks and Recreation Element (Adopted October 2001) No text or map amendments to the Parks and Recreation Element occurred in 2019. The City is nearing completion of a public review draft of the current Parks and Recreation Element update. Item 8.e. - Page 11 Arroyo Grande General Plan Annual Report - 2019 Page 9 Section 2 – Summary of Activity – 2019 The City of Arroyo Grande policies and programs identified in the General Plan include tools already in place and used on a day-to-day basis in the City. Some of the various tools available to further the City’s goals and objectives include the City Council’s annual goals and priorities, Budget/Capital Improvement Program, Specific Plans and Master Plans of Development, Zoning and Subdivision Regulations, CDBG Funds, etc. Planning Commission The City of Arroyo Grande Planning Commission is designated as the "Planning Agency", as authorized by Section 65100 of the Government Code. The Commission has the discretionary and advisory responsibilities that are authorized by Chapters 2.18, 16.04, and 16.08 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code. During 2019, the Planning Commission took action on the following: • Five (5) conditional use permits; • One (1) lot merger; • Two (2) tentative tract maps; • One (1) amended conditional use permits; • Two (2) planned sign programs; • One (1) time extensions; • One (1) lot line adjustment; • Three (3) appeals; • One (1) certificate of compliance; and • One (1) planned unit development. Building and Life Safety Division The City’s Building and Life Safety Division reviews project plans, issues permits, and provides inspection services for compliance with California's building, fire, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, energy, and disabled access codes, as well as city ordinances. In 2019, the Building Division received 529 building permit applications and issued 542 building permits. During the past year, City building inspectors made 1,848 construction and safety- related inspections associated with building permit activity. The Building Division finaled and completed 319 building permits in the same period. Engineering Division The City’s Engineering Division ensures all construction in the public right-of-way related to land development entitlements comply with adopted codes and engineering standards. Additionally, the Engineering Division, in partnership with the Public Works Department, is responsible for coordinating the implementation of the City’s Stormwater Management Program. Item 8.e. - Page 12 Arroyo Grande General Plan Annual Report - 2019 Page 10 In 2019, the Engineering Division received 178 permit applications, issued 77 stormwater permits, and closed out 89 transportation, encroachment, and grading permits. Major work efforts include the Brisco Interchange Project and environmental review and Bridge Street Bridge and Traffic Way Bridge rehabilitation and replacement projects. Planning Division The Planning Division assists the community, the City Council, and the Planning Commission in preparing for the City's future growth and development, as well as reviews current development plans for consistency with local ordinances. The Planning Division administers the Development Code and deals with transportation, housing, community facilities, public safety, open space, design, and the use of land. The Planning Division provides support staff to the Planning Commission, Architectural Review Committee, and Downtown Parking Advisory Board. Administrative functions include the scheduling of meetings, preparation of agendas, posting of hearing notices, and preparation of minutes. The Planning Division provides land use analysis, environmental review as required under the California Environmental Quality Act, and prepares staff reports for the aforementioned Commissions and Committees, including the City Council. In 2018, the Planning Division experienced significant personnel changes, including the reduction in staff from 5.3 full time equivalent staff to 2 full time equivalent staff. Staff levels remained consistent through 2019, with the exception of October through the end of the year, when Planning Division staff was reduced to 1 full-time equivalent staff due to staff turnover. This resulted in impacts to a number of planning initiatives. As a result, the focus of remaining staff shifted from long range to current planning. In 2019, the Planning Division received 167 applications for various land use entitlements (permits), including, Development Code Amendments, land divisions, Conditional Use Permits, Minor Use Permits, and Sign permits. In 2019, the Planning Division spent time working on a number of work items. These work items included: • Expansion and demising of the former Kmart big box store; • The Fair Oaks Avenue/Halcyon Road Mixed Use Project; • Two mixed-use projects along the East Grand Avenue corridor; • Application of SB 2 grants to assist with long range planning efforts; • Preparation for the Housing Element Update; and • East Grand Avenue Master Plan components General Plan Policies and Programs Community Development Department staff is currently working on a number of items specifically related to the General Plan, as referenced above. Prioritized work efforts for the General Plan Item 8.e. - Page 13 Arroyo Grande General Plan Annual Report - 2019 Page 11 include the Circulation Element Update, the Housing Element Update, the East Grand Avenue Master Plan (ED7-1.1, LU5-7), the Halcyon Road Complete Streets Plan, work associated with Camp Arroyo Grande and the Economic Development Strategic Plan (ED6). Item 8.e. - Page 14 Arroyo Grande General Plan Annual Report - 2019 Page 12 Appendix A – Housing Element Reporting Forms Item 8.e. - Page 15 Arroyo Grande General Plan Annual Report - 2019 Page 13 Item 8.e. - Page 16 T ab le A Ho us i ng D eve lo pment Appl icati o n s Submitted Date Total Total Project Identifier Unit Types App lication Proposed Units -Affordabi lity by Household Incomes Approved Disapproved Streamlining Notes Submitted Units by Units by Pro"ect Pro·ect 1 2 3 • • 6 7 8 9 10 Total Was Tenure Very Low-Very Low-Low-Low-Moderate-Moderate-Total DISAPPROVED APPLICATION Local Unit Category Date Income Income Non Income Income Income Income Above Total PROPOSED APPROVED Units by .rn!M!Illl!. 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P&r mms an ~ Complio B<I Un~• P ro leet ldenU!ior Affllrdilbllltv DY H"""ohold lnoomes -ceni:11cat&0 or Oeou oanev -- 7204001 0712D!!US,-01-1 ,- [!35..-C3:i' i71 0lai!1 151 10 18 n 113:11 E 72>.a023 7!:1Zl14 7733~14 ~1 ID D71 8Ell55 ll077611m:1 11'1771S1 D,!9 ID D51TI~D llO.r.::nllrt S 11105 1TI005 ID D!i:t:EC2t! 111 0'12 1177204009 ID :i'71 ~C!3D IJOj\:.22[!'5 1 ID07':rni~ llD7-::--m Q.e3 ll01€Z21l53 1110:i-.::z:![J,;!:3 IJ O~ll5D Ol'il2001 O:i'SZ!00.2 !JTS22!110 D5 1Tillr1 3 7715 1 0'1 5 077S1 CSD 077$1 1l51 llil7441 DS:: ll07241 C3D OD>SZ21!52 IJ D1761 D5.2 IJ 772m0rfi' 111~12 1Dtr7622!l t ~ IJ771e2007 ID D:i"a:tll ll31 -- 1.214 E. Cir.3ndl ..... .,.....,. .. 8]5 E Clte'r:1 11 36 E. GRndlA·,;eri 2.TT CYI\IIY'I W;:r 30rt E.tl:l~I D". 1:ztlrl Ruz •ct 3:33.f.lcfcrSl 2E!:-J..4Ji.Ea !:l!ii',C~.All. !:81J1,CAST1 Ll!.O 03. li.\illn 224 ~ "Ofl RG3!l 15'3 &:uttli.NLF1NE S 3'19"A!!.DER -E.'l"!!et 2:2!:-\\'J\l!.N.LJliS'li S19'LEED Pllce S,U!. PAULD ING CIRCLE !:-22' P,""-1t.DING CIRCLE SIJJ. LEEDHNJJ P.tX.'le ~!:-LEED.HA\'Ji P~ 527 LEEDH,\M P~ 33 1 6 'NEET i=-;:,.ii, OOURT 3!:'.1 6.''11C ET PCA OOURT !:IJJ.,c.oi;;t.M!.All..,tl\'E 1286 ,C EOA.R 6 'T 743 FR.."iilZ .RD 747 ~ Ri:ud 211 PEA.,:;;'HOOID A '.E '511 LEEDHA\il P..rie SES' DOIOOOO 365 ,6'NEEir Po\ COLRT 2e5 E.'NEET Pi:."-COURT 1 1 e 1 1 1 1::a . .-..ms~ 5S1 Gl'A.ARTER!D IJ D76Z2D!l5 27D• ~ CHEnR:'I' A'r.!I'.. ;z ll!J71:.Z!!J14 21·1 ,6'NEEir Po\ COURT IJ D76Z2003 3;24 E£t ,CHEnR.'I' Avt:r.-:Z ID IJTS2E22: 300 S.''11C ET Pi:A COURT llD76Zl~ lSE-E£t ,CHERRY Aver. ;z ID 0$41003 1-46-6:uttlil4!.E=1NE ~ llD:i'013001 41M ,~:N;R"l,L LN 11n171~n 1ee l"'li?II.: arm IID1'::""0l0 rt 2 5-13-IOE ~ ID D7264D52 567 1c.m11,n Hl l IIJ 01-:.7211123 329'ti.t/Ttl !! Om'e ll771~D 10'31 ASH ~ 1 71 ':'21l8 1 1C 33 ~H 6"r?i:t 771':'2C82 11Jo3 1 ~H Sr?i:t 771 921173 11341 Jo.SH STeiet 771-:®15 11l!:-1 ASH E.'niet 05173005 ~11,i D51TI~D CIJC&i IJ IJ7622ll2':-22.i! 6'NEEir Pi:.1' COURT IOD'1QZl.21 21-EI E.'NEET Pi:."-COURT IJ D1761 [!!2 1 121 0 FLORA R!ild IJ D76Z2D!l 1 !Sil•~ CHEBR:'I' AVE IJ D1€Z200.2 nB-~ ,CHEnR.'I' A'm'.IZ. llt1'11U2D 10 357 .S'NEET F'-EA COURT ID IJTS2E1 1 33 1 S.''11C ET .Pi:.1' COURT ~.ldi:FUi) >caldmer.l FQ-,Qs:!:oi'h":Jl cy:a "-1.r:tHI:;e E. GBOO V11:,g~ __ Il~.i'&DU 1D \llllrJ' Low-V.,. LIJII!-Low-lnODme Low-lnNme IIIOome ONd ~ Non ONd Non DNd ---- 0 0 -lnQ01111,0Nd IIIOQIINo llan -DNd- 24 11 ... .---or -.. __ ., --- 24 1JEl.'2015 ' 1/1 B'2015 2.12 1J.LL.n 5 ' .!'22,12015 ' 2}2!:1,'201 5 ' :5,U;,•.an5 1 7/3.'201 5 ' ?/3,'201l 5 ' 1,[El,•411 5 ' 7.Ea.i2015 715'12015 -!1"15'2095 -!1"15'201 5 -!121 1!11:tra:11 5 ' 1D1:t.'201 5 ' 1019.'201 5 ' 101~5 ' 1Df11}2Qft 5 ' 11.LEl.'2015 1 12!13.'2015 ' 12f!l'2DIS 1 12ff 71'n15 ' 12!19.'2015 Arroyo Grande General Plan Annual Report - 2019 Page 17 Item 8.e. - Page 20 Table Al. HDU8tng wtth flmncfal Asalat:n:8 ttouatngMthOUI~ ifenn Of MmbtJllrfy -Pl"f&d"""'1111er .... .._ .,., illdof Deed Rlllfrldlooa Aaaletalc9 or l»ad or Deed Raafr1c non Damol~ lhlt8 Reetrtctlcm u ,. " " " " " " " WMPIGjla Fm_..lllll,,....,~ --· fllilnclll--..0.Clll-.d T-.ta ol~'-°' ....,._,,, !!!!!!!!!!!!.---· ---NlllllclloM,t«p61111 hN .... ---· -« ,.. __ GCM913A(IIP --· io-i~,,_ ... _ .... C11t1MtN'N ----· ... _ ... ...,. -.. .__ ·-lcaili,dlilMJilMdlMYlla t1f ~)I~.., ---o,,,w« -· ,_,. -·-r-1~1 ----·-.w!l lli'1a«IJ" --· -· -· YIN 1-•Nlndotllll ' ~1 -h5E.6nnririeu.. ~~ M V -~ F1iroal14'kl;Orl M V ·-1-t,-,,1o1.i.ai; -"'" M V "' ADU M V """""' M V ADU M V . M M ALI. M 1112014,.hca,, ~t.FIM~ ,..,,__\Otil ... ~.-umod)'d' SitllJ.ilotiiltJOb' M -'"" ........... ~!?twllh ftl __,.., .. HASI.0--~1N ~!?twllhllft:tdrll'M Ll1n!l1012 ~.t.SCl:tmH........,..:Roail 11 .... .-.......;. ... ..111 "'°''"' 1!13 Smlh AL..N.E 8i' M -M ' , ■ M ' M M ' M ' M "" M M M M VE M 007~1030 ;so.aoc.e.-vie1,1w.,. M "'""" i511 LEEL'K'..W~ M ~ a M ' M "" M ' M Ll n t !l::?OO'i' 1t !l1 l 11SlMih S'Noll: N 0079:l10]1 ~-N "'"""" N 0076:2201~ ·-, N """"" "' N "'"""' "" N oo;li220(M N """""" tll;'C-Ntl'ClNWIN M ooes.,oo, 14!:I SunhALA"NE ~ N 007013001 ~1 Cl-!Af'JtJ;RAL 'IJ,f N LlTTi 110'20 115l1Pt/E S-N ■ N N N N N N N OOl-'iT N 007Q2'2026 SWEET P EA OOCRT N "'""" & SWEET P EA OOIJiT N 0077810:21 1210 FlORA !:toad M '''"'""" '=oll l NEWWANDhll N 007fl22001 J5DEMIC>:EfiRYA'iE. N 001"2200> 338EMtCI-SiRY~ N 0076'2:2010 ~1 SV."EET P EA COU:.T N 007a2201 1 331 S'o'i'EET P EAOO\.R'T N Arroyo Grande General Plan Annual Report - 2019 Page 18 Item 8.e. - Page 21 Table B Rea iona l Ho us ina Needs All ocati on Proaress Permi tted Units Issued bv Affordab ili tv 1 2 3 4 RHNA Allocation Tota l Un its to Total Remaining Income Level by Income Level 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Date jail years) RHNA by Income Level Deed Restricted 60 60 Verv Low Non-D eed Re stri cted Deed Rest ri cted 38 20 49 Lo w Non-Deed Restricted 5 2 5 4 13 Deed Restricted 43 43 Moderate Non-Deed Rest ri cted Above Moderate 101 45 13 22 37 22 49 188 Total R HNA 242 Tota l Units 50 15 27 41 35 69 237 103 Arroyo Grande General Plan Annual Report - 2019 Page 19 Item 8.e. - Page 22 Ta b le D Progr.am Imple me ntat io n St atu s purs ua nt to GC Se ction 6,5583 Housing Programs Progress Report Descri be prog ress of all p ro gra m s in cludin g lo ca l effort s to re move gov ernm e ntal con straints t o th e m ainten an ce , im prov em ent, and developme nt of hou s in g as ide ntifi ed in th e h ous in g el em ent. 1 2 J 4 Name of Program Objective Timeframe in H.E Status of Program Implementation ~ Progra m A.1: Ad o pt A.1-1. Establi s h a fi ve-year sche d ule of Ongoing An im ple m entation s che dule of goals an d policie s are outline d in the Housing policies , program s , an d action s t o i m ple m ent the go als an d E.le m ent but m an y of the program s as s ociate d w ith these goals an d policie s pro ce dure s to atte m pt to policie s of the H.E. have not yet been i m ple m ente d d ue to staff con straints . Thi s program w ill m eet the present an d continue to be i m ple m ente d future nee d s of resi dents of the City , an d to ai m at pro vi ding their fair share regional housing nee d allocate d for each inco m e clas s ification , w ithin i dentifie d go vern m ental , m ar ket , econo m ic an d natural constraints . A.1-2. Report annually on progres s in Annually The program is on -going. Thi s program w ill be continue d m eeting it s fair s hare hou s ing targets , an d pro vide the colle ct ed inform ation to HOD, d evelopm ent co mm unity , an d non --profit hou s ing d evelopers . I~-----------------------------W ithin 1 year of H.E. The C ity has not a.m en de d the De velopm ent Co d e regarding the li m itation s on A.1-3.. Am en d the De velopm ent Co d e to re vi s e the require m ents for the TlN MU a doption uses nor the den s ity in the Traffi c W ay Mixed Us e Di strict d ue to staff D istrict to re m ove the li m itation of onl y li ve constraint s . Thi s program w ill continue to be im ple m ente d. w or k re s id ential us es . A m ix of re s i dential u s e ty pe s s hall be allow ed consistent w ith all of the m ixed us e zoning di stri ct s (except IMU ) The De velopm ent C od e s hall al s o be a m en d ed to allo w re s id ential proj ect s at d ensities up t o 20 units per acre in the Arroyo Grande General Plan Annual Report - 2019 Page 20 Item 8.e. - Page 23 Progra m A..2: Continu e to A.2-1. Continue to encourage an d O ngoing T he De ve lop m ent C od e w as u pdate d Octo b er 2017 regard'.in g accesso ry utilize the follo w in g pu bli cize on the O ity 's websit e the dwellin g units (A DUs ) for com p li ance w ith State law ~O rdi nance No. 688 ). in cent ives for the secon dary dwe llin g program to in crease Another Ord'inance up date is p lanne d to address changes to state l eg is l at ion pro d uction of afford a ble pu bli c aw areness . that affect local ord'in ances . These a m en dm ents w ill be co m pl ete d in sprin g housing : a ) a ll ow in g 2020 . The City has continu ed to m on itor i mpacts to accesso ry dwe llin g units secon d a ry dwe llin g units as a result of short ter m rentals . Currently the City p ro vi des inform at i on a bout un der specifi ed cr it eria; ADUs on the City 's w e bs ite, in clu d in g d eve lopm ent stan d.ard.s , proce dures , b) all ow in g m anufacture d an d fees . T his progra m w ill be continu ed. housing on legal p arce l s in a ll resi d entia l zones ; c) a ll ow in g d ens ity bo nuses for ve ry low an d low- in co m e housing, an d sen i or housing p ro j ects . Program A.3-: Give prior ity A.3 -1. Am en d the Munici pal Code to W ithin 2 years ofH .E. T he Munici pa l Code has not yet been a m en de d to in clu d e these in cent ives for to p rocessing housing pro vi d e in centi ves for the develo pm ent of ad option afford a ble housing pro j ects . Ho w ever , impact fees have been re duce d for pro j ects that pro vi de for affor da bl e housing pro j ects , in clu d'in g affor da ble housin g proj ects . This pro gra m has not successfu ll y been affor da ble housing , an d expe d it ed per m ittin g, pro vi din g finan cial im pl em ente d d ue to staff constraints an d w ill be cont inu ed low er develo pm ent ass i stance through the Oity 's In -Lieu i mpact fees shall be Affor da bl e Housing Fun d, requiring lot charge d as an in cent ive conso li d at i on , an d pro vid in g greater for l ow , very lo w , an d fle xi bility in developm ent stan d ar d s . extre m ely low-inco m e A.3-2. Am en d the De velopm ent Go d e to W ithin 1 year of H .E. T he defin iti on of ~Extre m ely Low-inco m e~ has not yet b een in clu d ed in the in clu d e the d efin ition of ~Extre m ely Lo w-ad option De ve lopm ent Code . Extre m ely low-in co m e hou s eho lds earn 30 percent or less In co m e~ as define d by Secti on 50093 of of the m e dian househol d in co m e. T his program w ill be cont inu ed. .,. the Ca liforn i a Health an d Safety Go d e. ~ -----------------------------A.3-3 . Am en d the De velopm ent C od e to O ngoing T he O ity has not yet a m en d ed the De vel opm ent C od e re gar d'in g a dd'itional pro vi d e additional in cent ives s pecifi c for in cent ives for extre m e ly l ow-in co m e housing proj ects . T he C ity continues to extre m ely low-in com e hou s in g proj ects . m on itor evolvin g State leg is lat ion as s oc.i ate d w ith h ousing to ensure this has In cent ives m ay in clu de fle xi ble stan dards not been addresse d or pree m pte d. This progra m w ill be continu e d for on -an d off-s it e im pro vem ents such as re duce d par kin g require m ents , re duce d cur b , gutter , an d s idew al k require m ents ; re duce d or d eferre d w ater an d/or se w er connect ion fees ; develo pm ent re vi ew an d perm it strea m linin g proce d ures ; or financial in centives an d as s istan ce. Arroyo Grande General Plan Annual Report - 2019 Page 21 Item 8.e. - Page 24 Program A.10 : Re vi ew A.10-1. Co mp ly w ith State Dens ity Bonus Within 1 year of H.E. T he C ity has not co mp l ete d the De ve lopm ent Co de am en d m ent to co m pl y w ith an d re vi s e d eve lop m ent Law an d up d1ate De ve lopm ent Co d e adoption an d then recent changes to State Dens ity Bonus Law d ue to staff constraints . This regulations , stan dard s , Chapter 16.8.2to co m ply w ith AB.2280 . ongo in g program w ill be continu ed an d proce d ures to encourage i ncrease d housing supp ly as nee d ed1. A.10-.2. Evalu ate an d a m en d the Planne d Within .2 years ofH .E. The De velo p m ent Co d e has not been a m en d ed regard in g the PUD perm it Unit De ve lopm ent Pe rm it proce dures in adoption proce d ures due to staff constra ints . This program w ill be cont inu ed . De ve lopm ent Co de Section 16 .16 .060 to pro vi d e m ore pre d icta bl e option s for s m all lot infill pro j ects in the City 's Res id enti al lan d use d es ignations . A.10-3. Am en d the De velopm ent Code to W ithin .2 years ofH .E. The C ity has not comp l ete d the De ve lopm ent Co d e am en d m ent to a ll ow for all ow d ens iti es up to 20 du/ac in the OMU adoption in crease d dens ity in the OMU District due to staff constra ints . This program w ill District for 100 % m ulti -fa m il y housing be continu ed . pro j ects w ith a Min or Use Pe rm it su bj ect to d es ign re vi ew through th e Architectural Re vi ew C o mm ittee . Progra m A.1.2: Es ta bli sh A.1.2-1. Continu e to m a inta in it s GIS Ongo in g The C ity m a.i ntains a GIS data base invento ry of vacant an d un derut ilized a syste m to in vent ory m a pp in g an d pl anning data base ·opportun ity s ites~. This p rogra m has been successfu ll y i m p le m ente d an d w ill vacant an d un d erut ili ze d in vento ry of vacant an d un d erutili ze d be conti nu ed . lan d. "opportun ity s it es'". Prog ra m A.14 : The City A.14-1. Am en d the d evelopm ent Co d e to W ithin .2 years ofH .E. The De velopm ent C od e has not yet been a m en d e d to in clu d e the d efin iti on of shall pro m ote infill define an d pro vid e in cent ives for adoption "Attainab le housing~. T his effort w ill be ach i eved through an "Affor d a bl e ho using opportun iti es "attain ab le housing'". Housing'" program . The City en vi s i ons assess in g w hether propose d proj ects through an attain a bl e in clu d e "Attainab le Ho using'" as app li cat ions are su b m itte d. T his program w ill housing program . be continu ed . Prog ra m A.15 : Pursue A.15-1. Es tabli sh a program to pro vi d e W ithin .2 years ofH .E. Man y of the un its or igin ally restricte d to fa m ili es earn in g a m o derate in co m e - program ass istance for ass i stance to firsHi m e ho m e buyers . adoption are bei ng so l d at m ar ket rate b eca use the for m ula use d to d eter m in e sal es first-ti m e ho m e buyers . pr ice is such that m arket rate pr ices are higher than in co m e-restrict ed pr ices . By defau lt , the program acts li ke a first-ti m e ho m e buyers pro gra m . Ho w ever , a for m al first-ti m e ho m e buyer program has not b een establi she d . This program w ill be continue d. Arroyo Grande General Plan Annual Report - 2019 Page 22 Item 8.e. - Page 25 Program B.1: All B.1 -1 . Continu e trackin g resi dentia l Ongo in g The C ity trac ks a ll affor d.a b le proj ects through a d1atab ase , in putt in g an y resi d entia l pro j ects that proj ects that inclu d e affor da bl e housing u pdates regar ding ow nership or afford ab ili ty w hen the y occur. This program recei ve additi ona l to ensure that the afford ab ili ty i s w ill be continu ed. d ens iti es or other Oity m a inta in ed for at least 45 years for ow ner in cent ives to in clu d e occup ied units an d 55 years for rental afford a bl e housing shall units , an d that an y sal e or change of be pl ace d int o a City-ow nership of these affor d.a b le units prior approved program to to sati sfy in g the 45 or 55-year restriction m a int a in the afford a bili ty shall be "ro ll ed over7 for another 45 or 55 for at l east 45 (ow ner-years . occup ied ) or 55 years (rental units ). Progra m B.2: Cont inu e B. 2-1. The Oity m ay contract w ith the Ongo in g The C ity has an Agree m ent w ith the Housing Authority of San Luis O b ispo m onitor in g afford a ble Housing Authori ty of San Luis Ob ispo (HAS LO) for afford a bl e housing e li gi bility ver ifi cat ion an d co m pli ance . The C ity units to ensure ongo in g (HASLO) or a regional m on it orin g agen cy is al so a m e m b er of the San Luis O b is po Housing Trust Fun d (SL0 OHTF), co mp li ance w ith the for the m on it orin g of afford ab le units t o w hi ch pro vi d es ongoing techni cal ass i st ance. This progr am w ill be cont inu e d. sales li m it s or rental ensure co mp li ance w ith ter m s of the rates esta b li she d by devel op m ent agree m ent. agree m ent b etween the City an d the d eveloper. Prog ra m B.6 : Cont inu e to B.6-1. The O ity shall m on itor the lo s s of O ng oin g The De velo pm ent Cod e prohi bits ho m estays an d vacation rentals to be w ithin regulate the use of perm anent wo rkforce housing fr om 300 feet of an existin g h om estay or vacat i on rental on the s am e street. To d ate , existin g resi d ences on vacat ion rentals an d con s i der m od ify in g the Oity has approved 33 ho m estays an d 4 1 vacat ion rental app li cat i on s . The resi d entia ll y zone d the De ve lopm ent Co d e to adj ust for this City has an in crease d interest in m on itorin g rental los s d ue to State housing properti es for va cat ion loss . leg i s l at ion . The C ity w ill continue to m on it or the nu m ber of perm it s issue d for rentals . ho m estays an d vacati on rentals to determ in e i m pacts to w or kforce housing . This program w ill b e cont inu ed ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pro gra m C .1 : Establi sh C .1 -1. The City shaJI continu e to a ll ocate Ongo in g The ln clu s ionary Affor d ab le Housing Trust Fun d w ill continu e to devote fun ds to cr iterion for a ll ocatin g financial resources to aug m ent extre m ely affor da bl e housing proj ect s for peo pl e of extre m ely low , very low an d low finan cial resource s fro m low , very low, an d low-in co m e housin g in com e, as it w as con ditione d to d o in 2017 to p-ay the im pact fees for the it s In -li eu Affor d a ble devel op m ent b ase d on the financial Habit at for Hu m an ity pro j ect . This program w ill b e cont inu ed. Housing Fun d to proj ection of the In -Lieu Affor d ab le aug m ent extre m ely, ve ry Housing Fun d. low , an d l ow~in co m e housing d evelopm ent. Arroyo Grande General Plan Annual Report - 2019 Page 23 Item 8.e. - Page 26 Program C.4 : Cons i der C.4-1. The C ity sh a ll continu e to m eet Se m i-annuall y The O ity w ill continue to pro m ote the d evelopm ent of afford.a b le housing cooperati on w ith non -w ith l ocal non -profit an d private opportun iti es for p eop l e of extre m el y l ow , ve ry low an d l ow in come , in clu d in g profit organ izat i ons an d d evelopers se m i-annually to pro m ote through it s relationship-s w ith HASLO an d SLOOHTF . This pro gra m w ill be other devel opers for loan extre m ely low , very low , an d l ow-in com e co ntinue d. an d/or grant app li cat ions housing progra m s outlin e d in the H.E. to pro vi d e ext re m ely, ve ry-The C ity shall d ir ect private housing l ow , an d low-in co m e d evelopers to fun di ng sources to pro mo te housing . afford a bl e housing as outlin e d in the C.4-2. The City shall continu e to Ongoing The O ity cont inu es to recei ve local housing fun din g through the Sl..DCHTF. This partici pate in financial in centive program s program w ill be continu ed . establi she d by the San Luis O b ispo Coun ty Ho using Trust Fun d (SLO CHTF), such a s a re vo lvin g loan program . Progra m D .1 : Re l ax D .1-1. The City shall encourage specifi c Ongoing Multiple fa m il y devel op m ents w ill continue to be encourage d through specifi c par kin g stan dard s for plans for lan d w ithin it s Sphere of plans . This program w ill continu e to be i m ple m ente d . apart m ents conta inin g Influ en ce that in clu d e in crease d ext re m ely, ve ry low , low, resi d entia l ca pa city for m ultiple-fa m il y an d/or s en ior hou s in g. d evelopm ent. Progra m E.4 : Resi d enti al E.4-1. W hen necessary , the Oity shall Ongoing The Oity w ill continu e to support the afford a ble housing agree m ent of con do con vers i on units cont inu e to w ork w ith prope rty ow ners of pro perti es , w or kin g w ith prope rty ow ners , as nee de d, w ho nee d to se ll of dee d sha ll re m a in afford ab le d ee d re stricte d affor da bl e units w h o nee d restricte d afford ab le u nits . This pro gra m w ill be continu ed. through a 45-year d ee d to se ll w ithin 45 years of initi a l sal e . re stri ct i on . W hen the se ll er is unabl e to se ll to an eli gi bl e buyer w ithin a sp-ecifi ed ti m e per iod , eq ui ty sharin g pro vis ions are esta bli she d . Fun d s generate w ou ld then be use d to devel op ad d'iti onaJ affor da b le ho using w ithin the C ity . ----------------- ------------------------------------------------------'""p rogra m F.1: Requ ire F.1 -1 . The Oity shall evalu ate an d W ithin 4 years of H.E. The Oity has not a m en de d the De ve lopm ent Go d e regard ing the in clu s i onary housing proj ects greater cons id er am en d'in g the in clu s i onary a doption (2020 ) affor da bl e housi ng require m ents . This program w ill be co nti nue d . than s ix units to m eet afford abl e housing require m ents in the in clu s i onary housing De ve lop m ent Co d e base d on exper ience require m ents by 1) using the require m ents in pro d ucin g paym ent of in -li eu fee , 2) afford a bl e units . on-s it e construction of afford,ab le units , or 3 ) d ed icat ion of lan d . Arroyo Grande General Plan Annual Report - 2019 Page 24 Item 8.e. - Page 27 '""Program F. 4: Re q uire housing pro j ects greater than s ix units to m eet in clu s ionary housing require m ents by 4) paym ent of in -li eu fee , 2 ) on -s it e construct ion of afford ab le units , or 3 ) d ed icat ion of lan d. Pro gra m G. 4: Re vie w an d periodi ca ll y a m en d the De velopm ent God e an d! d es ign re vi ew regulations an d proce d ures to stream lin e perm it process in g for afford ab le housing p ro j ects an d m ini m ize app li cat ion an d I Cl Cl c:111::1-Cl O Cl Cl Cl c:111::1 c:11::1, Cl !:I F.4-4. The City shall eva lu ate an d cons id er am en din g the in clu s i onary afford a ble housing require m ents in the De ve lopm ent Code b ase d on experience using the require m ents in pro d ucing afford able units . F. 4-2 . The City shall a m en d the in clu sionary afford a ble housing require m ents in the De ve lopm ent Go d e to eli m in ate in clu s ion of m od erate - in co m e units in the re q uire m ents . F. 4-3 . The City shall a m en d the in -li eu fee as ca ll ed for in the in clu s ionary afford a ble housing require m ents in the De ve lopm ent Gode. G.4 -4. The City shall w or k w ith non -profit organ izat ions to m ainta in a m ailin g li st of persons intereste d in developm ent pro j ects containin g afford ab le housing . Agen das for all City m eetin gs relate d t o these proj ects shall be m ail ed to p ersons on the m a ilin g li st The City sha ll a lso cont inu e to post the agen das on the O ity 's w ebs it e. W ithin 4 years of H.E.. a doption (2020 ) W ithin 2 years of H .E.. a doption W ithin 2 years of H .E.. ad opt ion Ongo in g G.4-2 . The City shall encourage Ongo in g construction an d/or reha bi lit at ion of housing units for low , very-l ow , an d extre m ely low in co m e househol d,s by develoin g an d i m plementin g in centive- base d progra m s such as fee re d uctions , fee w a ivers , fle xi ble d evel opm ent stan d ar ds , up d at in g the C ity 's secon d unit or d in ance to re duce barr iers to secon d units develo p m ent in resi d entia l z.ones , an d s im il ar program s . The City has not a m en d ed the De vel op m ent Code regar din g the in clu s i onary afford a ble housing re q uire m ents . This program w ill be cont inu ed. The City has not am en d ed the De vel op m ent Code eli m in at in g the in clu s i on of m oderate-i nco m e units in the in clu s ionary afforda b le housing require m ents . The City d oes this in practice through the su bdivis ion process . Fees are co ll ecte d in -li eu of pro vi din g dee d restricte d m oderate-i nco m e units . It is antici pate d this w ill for m a ll y occur w ith the am en dm ents to the in clu si onary afford a ble housing require m ents . This progra m w ill be continu ed. The City has not a m en d ed the De vel op m ent Code cl ue to staff constrai nts , but has d eveloped a pre li m in ary m etho do log y to am en ding this in -li eu fee . This progra m w ill b e cont inu ed. The City pu bli shes all m eetin g m ateri als on its w e bs ite an d encourages eve ry one to s ig n up for notification w hen ne w agen d as are pu bli she d. The C ity utilizes it s contact s at HAS LO an d SLOCHTF to hel p infor m int ereste d in d ivi du al s . This progra m w ill be continue d The City up d ate d it s ADU ordin ance in 2 047 to be cons istent w ith St ate law , an d ne w state l eg is lation ne w am en dm ents are necessa ry to co m ply. These am en dm ents w ill be co m pl ete d in the s pring of 2020 . The C ity has not develope d in centive-base d program s due to staff constraint s . This program w ill b e continu ed. ' -:--::-=..:-----=-.---------~ .. --------•....... --------::;-,.-_----:.--=--=-------=--------;::-------:-----:--=.-------::----------:-u-.------- Arroyo Grande General Plan Annual Report - 2019 Page 25 Item 8.e. - Page 28 ..... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------G.1-3. The C ity shall am en d the W ithin 2 years of H .E. The City has not am en de d the De vel opm ent Co d e. This pro gra m w ill be De vel op m ent Co d e to a ll ow d eve lop m ent ad o ption continue d,. for up to 1 5 m ulti pl e-fa m il y attache d units in the MF an d MFA z.on in g di str icts w ith a Min or Use Pe rm it (MUP) s ubj ect to d es ign re vi ew through the Architectural Re vi ew Comm ittee . De velopm ent of over 15 m ultiple-fam il y attache d units in the MF an d MFA z.on in g di stricts s hall require a Co nd iti onal Use Perm it (CUP). Progra m H.1: Encourage H .1-1. The C ity s hall continu e to Ongo in g, w hen eli gi ble The City coordin ates w ith HASLO regard in g Secti on 8 housing ass istance p ri vate an d pu bli c coord inate w ith HASL.:O to m a inta in an d w hen nee de d. This progra m w ill continu e to be im pl em ente d . financing of afford a bl e expan d Section 8 rental housing housing rehab ilitat ion . ass istance to qualifi ed househol ds . H .1-2. The C ity shall d eve lop a program W ithin 2 years of H.E. Opportun iti es are evalu ate d on a case-by-case bas is . This program w ill be I to offer hou s in g d eve lopers an alte rnati ve ad opti on continu ed,. to m eet affor da bl e h ousing re quire m ents by contri buting so m e •sw eat equ ity" on proj ects w here existin g housing units w ill be rehabilitate d as afford a ble . Progra m H.2: E.n s ure H..2-1. The C ity s hall continu e to co nsi d er On goin g Thi s is eva lu ate d on a case-by-case b as is . This p ro gra m w ill be continu ed. z.o ning co mpat ibili ty w hen a bate m ent of un safe o r uns anita ry integratin g pu bli c structures , in clu din g buil d in gs or roo m s affor da ble housing in a ppro priatel y u sed for housin g, co ntrary p ro j ects into exi stin g to ad opte d health and safety codes . resi d enti al W here feas ib le, the C ity w ill encourage neigh borhoo ds . All reha b ilit at ion an d a ll ow reasonable i mpacts relating to notice an d ti m e to correct d efici enc ies . neigh borh oo d stab ili ty W here ne ce ssary an d feasi b le, extre m ely an d quali ty of life issues l ow , very low an d low-in co m e resi dents shall also be co n s id ere d. d isp l ace d by abate m ent action s hall be eli gi ble for relocation ass istance , su bj ect to C oun cil a pp ro val. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arroyo Grande General Plan Annual Report - 2019 Page 26 Item 8.e. - Page 29 Program 1.1: Establi sh a notification proce d ure to occupants of affo rda b I e housing units of co nve rs ion to m ar k et rate units . Program 1.2 : Ass i st in the p reservation of afford ab le units at ris k of con vers i on to m arket rate . 1.1 -1 . W ritten notice shall be require d O ngoing pr ior to the con vers i on of an y units f or low- in co m e househol ds to m ar ket rate units in an y of the follo w in g cir cu m stances : The units ere constructe d! w ith the ai d of go vern m ent fun d in g The units w ere require d! by an in clu s ionary zon in g or di nance The proj ect was grante d a d!ens ity bonus The pro j ect recei ved other in centives The pro perty ow ner shou ld w ork w ith the C ity an d! HAS LO , to id ent ify qualifie d! buyers an d/or fun d in g pr ior to con vers ion . In cases w here con versions occur, notice shall at a m ini m um be g iven to the follo w in g: The O ity of Arro yo Gran de State Departm ent of Housing an d C o mm unity De vel op m ent San Luis O bis po Housing Auth ori ty Res id ents of at-ris k units 1..2-1 . The C ity shall annually m on it or the O ngoing status of affor da bl e housing d evel opm ents . If an y pro perty ow ners in d'icate pl ans to con vert afford.ab le units to m arket rate pricing , or if the City id entifi es m ar ket con diti ons in di cat in g potent ial for "at ris k" unit con vers ion , the C ity w ill co ntact q ualifie d! non -profit organ izat ions or other agencies an d explore opp ortunities to ass ist an d! facilitate the transfer ow nershi p of "at ris k" The Oi ty m a int ain s a data base of restricte d units that i s leverage d! to d eterm in e w hen these s itu at ions ari se . This progra m w i ll be continue d. T he O ity m on it ors the develo pm ent of afford a ble housing , cl ass ify in g the devel opm ent of ne w units base d on in co m e brac kets of very low , l ow , m o d!erate an d above m o derate . The C ity w ill cont inu e to ensure the avail a bility of afford a ble housing units for peo pl e of very low an d low in co m e. T his program w ill b e cont inu ed . -----------------------------------------------~------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arroyo Grande General Plan Annual Report - 2019 Page 27 Item 8.e. - Page 30 Program J .1 : Encourage J .1-1 . T he Ci ty shall continue to pro m ote O ngoing Within the planning period, one applicati on was su b m itte d for a senior li ving an d see k fun ding to housing opportunities for seniors an d co m ple x an d is nearing an entitle m ent hearing . No further im ple m entation has assist in the develo pm ent other s peci al nee ds groups by i denti fy ing occurre d. The program w ill b,e continue d. of lo w an d m oderate-sites suitable for senior an d transitional in com e senior rentals. Program J.5: Enco u rage the developm ent of housing for far mw or kers. h ousing an d consi der i ng other in centi ves to pro m ote senior an d transitional housing . Sin gle-roo m occu pan cy un its (SROs ) shall be add ed to the use ta bles i n the De velo pm ent Co de as allo w ed in all Mixed-Use zones w ith a con ditional use per m it. SROs shall be all ow ed in the MFV H zone d'istrict w ith a m inor use J .5-1 . To encourage far mw orker housing , W ithin 1 year ofH .E. the City w ill am en d the zoning or dinance adoption to identi fy far mw or ker housing as a resi dential us e in the use ta bles . The Oity Zoning O rdinance w ill b e am en ded to ensure that perm it processing proce dures for far mw orker housing do not conflict w ith He a Ith an d Safe ty C o de Sections 17021 .5, w hich states that far mw orker ho using for si x or fe w er emp lo yees shoul d be Kdee med a s i ngle- fa m il y structure w ith a resi dential lan d use designation·, an d 17021 .6 w hich states thatfor ·emp lo yee housing consisting of no m ore than 3-6 be dis i n a group quarters or 12' units or spaces designe d for use by a s ingle fa m il y or househol d ... no con ditional use per m it , zoning varian ce, or other zonin g clearance shall b e require d of emp loyee housing of this em ployee housing that is not require d of an y other agricultural The Oity has not am en ded the De velopm ent Co de due to staff constraints . This program w ill be continue d. Arroyo Grande General Plan Annual Report - 2019 Page 28 Item 8.e. - Page 31 Progra m K.1: Cons id er K.1-1 . The Oily sha ll cont inu e to j oint po w ers devel op m ent parti ci pate in the South San Luis Ob i spo an d cooperati on County w or kin g group cooperatin g w ith agree m ents to d eve lop other citi es , the coun ty an d other hom e less she lt ers an d agencies in the d evelopm ent of program s relate d se rv i ces , or ai m ed at pro vid in g ho m el ess she lt ers partici pate in the an d relate d se rv i ces . operations an d m a int enance of coun tyw i de or south county regional hom eless she lt er Program K.2 All ow em ergen cy shelters for overn i ght l odgin g in appropri ate z.on in g d istrict s as part of the De ve lopm ent Go d e Up d ate in co m pl iance w ith State law . K2 -1 . The Oily shall am en d the De ve lopm ent Co de to a ll ow e m ergen cy she lters w ith out a con d iti onal use per m it or other di screti onary perm its in appropriate locati ons in co m pli ance w ith SB 2 , the "'F a ir Share Zon in g" law . The De ve lopm ent Co d e a m en d m ent shall in clu d e a defin iti on for "e m ergen cy shelter.• Em ergen cy she lters are currently not a.I low e d in co m mercia l m ixed use di str icts , an d are a ll ow ed through the C on diti onal Use Per m it process in the Con do m iniu m/To w nhouse (MF), Apart m ents (MFA) an d Multifam il y Very High Dens ity (MFVH ) resi d entia l d istri cts . The De ve lopm ent God e shall be up date d to perm it e m ergen cy she lt ers by right in at lea.st one z.one or s it e. Potenti al z.ones in clu d e the In d ustrial Mixed-Use (IMU) an d Highw ay Mi xed-Use (H MU ) d istrict s . These comm erc ia l d istri cts have sufficient ca pac ity to house e m ergen cy she lters w ith approximate ly 18 acres of vacant or un d erutiliz.e d l an d ava il a b le. The IMU di strict has se veral l arge parce l s totaling a.I m o st 1 3.5 acres w ith ten (1 O) acres that are currently use d as storage an d/or constructi on yar ds w ith s m all or no per m anent structures . The HMU d istrict has less potentia l, alth ough there are ab outfour acres w ith a coup l e of large vacant parce l s totaling 1.64 acres . O ngoing C on current w ith H.E. adoption The C ity continu es to w ork the coun ty an d other rele vant agenci es in pro vi d'ing ho m el ess she lt ers an d relate d servi ces . The 5Citi es Ho m e less C oaliti on (5OHC ) w as establi she d in 2009 for south San Luis Ob ispo Coun ty . The Oily pro vid es grantfundin g to this agen cy through it s a ll ocat ion of OD BG fe deral fun d s an d through the C ity 's Ji m Guthrie Comm uni ty Servi ce Grant Program . This program w ill be cont inu e d. O rdi nance No . 677 w as ad opte d in April 2016 to a m en d the De vel op m ent Code regar d'in g Em ergen cy She lt ers An d Supportive An d Transitional Housing This program has b een im pl em ente d. Arroyo Grande General Plan Annual Report - 2019 Page 29 Item 8.e. - Page 32 K.2-2 . The Oi ty shall am en d the Within 1 year of H .E .. Ordi nance No . 677 w as ad opte d in April 2016 to a m en d the De velopm ent Co de De velopm ent Co d e to d efine transition a.I adoption regar ding Em ergen cy Shelters An d Su p porti ve An d Transition a.I Hous i ng. This an d supportive housing as resi d ential program has b een im ple m ente d!. uses per Section 65582 of the Go vern m ent C o de su bj ect to the sam e stan dar ds that appl y to other housing in -----------------------------------------------------------------------Prog ra m L.1: Encourage L.1-1. The City shall explore m od els to W ithin 2 years ofH .E. T he Ci ty w ill continue to explore m od els to encourage developm ent of housing housing d evelopm ent encourage the creation of housing for adoption for persons w ith disabilities . This program w ill continue to b e i m ple m ente d . that m eets the special persons w ith d isab ilities , inclu di ng nee d s of di sable d developm ental d isabilities . Such m odels p,ersons , inclu d ing co ul d inclu d e coo rdi nating w ith the Tri - d evelopm entally di sab le d C ounty Regional C enter an d other local in d ivi dua.ls , an d ensure agencies in encouraging afford.a ble that all ne w m ultiple housing proj ects to d!ed'icate a percent of fa m il y d evelo pm ents housing fo r di sab le d in d ivid uals ; co mp ly w ith the assisting in housing d evelo pm ent; han d'icappe d! pro visi ons pro vi d ing housing servi ces that e du cate , of the California Buil d'ing adv ocate , inform , an d a ssist pe op le to Co d e an d ADA. lo ca te an d m aintai n housing ; an d m odels to assist in the m aintenance an d repair of housing fo r persons w ith d evelopm ental Prog ra m L.2: Ensure , L.2-1. The C ity shall create a poli cy or W ith in 1 year of H .E. The C ity has not a.m en d ed the De velopm ent G ode to pro vid e an op portunity to through the design re vie w am en d the De velop m ent Go de to pro vid e adoption re quest reasonable acco mm odation for persons w ith disabilities due t o staff process for m ultiple persons w ith d isab ilities see king equaJ constraints. This program w ill be continue d. housing proj ects , that access to housing an opportuni ty to proj ect d esign , parkin g request reaso nable acco mm odation in locations , pe destrian the application of City buil d ing an d z.oning w a.l kw ays , an d direct law s . access to the hou s ing units a ccommo dates han d'icappe d! or di sable d! access . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arroyo Grande General Plan Annual Report - 2019 Page 30 Item 8.e. - Page 33 L .2-.2. The City w ill have brochures on W ithin 1 year of H.E. The City has not yet m ad e progress pro m oting the universal design concept, universal design ava.ila ble at the ad option but d iscusses the topic w ith resi dential d evel oper s w hen the opportunity Co mm uni ty De velopm ent Dep-artm ent prese nt s itself. This program w ill be continue d. front counter. The City w ill also consi der up d ating the b uil ding co d e to encourage use of universal design in hom e d esign . Universal d esign is b ase d on the precept that throughout life , all people experience changes in their a bilities. The goal of universal d esign is to pro vi d e en vironments that are usable by all people , to the greatest ext ent pos s i ble , w ithout the nee d for specialization in d esign an d construction an d /or fa cilitate change in occup-an cy ov er ti m e. Program M.1: All ne w M.1 -1. The C ity shall continue w or king to Ongoing The City has continue d to pro m ote W ater Conse rv ation Incenti ve program s , dwelling units sha.11 be i m ple m ent a w ater an d electrical retrofit inclu din g the Plu m bing Retrofit Program as w ell as re bate an d e ducation require d to m eet current program for existing housing units. A program s . The City has also been invol ved in the San Luis Ob ispo C oun ty State an d local plu m bing retrofit progra m w as Energ y Watch , a j oint proj ect between San Luis Ob ispo C oun ty , Pacific Gas an d require m ents for energy estab lishe d in 20 04, an d w ater Electric Co m pany an d Southern C alifornia Gas Company. In .2013 the C ity efficien cy . The retrofitting conservation re bate program s w ere a dopte d a Climate Action Plan an d partnere d w ith San Luis Ob ispo C oun ty of existing units shall be estab lishe d in .20 0 9. The O ity w ill j uris d ictions to recei ve a Cal ifornia Strategic Gro wth C ouncil grant to develo p en co urages. co ntinue to w or k w ith PG&E an d other an imple m entation an d mo nitoring progra m . The program pro vi d es tools an d agenci es to establish an electri cal retrofit best practices for imple m enting all CAP program s , s u ch as the energy au dit program . an d retrofit progra m . This program w ill b e modifie d an d continue d M.1 -2 .. C onsistent w ith Measure E-4 of W ithin 1 year of H E. The City has yet to establish a program regard'ing minor exceptions for the City 's C li m ate Action Plan , the Oity ad option resi dential proj ects that meet a m ini m um num ber of ite m s fro m the California shall establish a program to allo w Green Buil din g Code . Thi s prog ram w ill be continue d. resi dential proj ects to recei ve m inor exc eptions if the y m eet 25% of ite m s on the Tier 1 list of the C alifornia Green Buil ding Co de (Title 24) or 1 5% of ite m s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --.-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------- Arroyo Grande General Plan Annual Report - 2019 Page 31 Item 8.e. - Page 34 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Program N.1 : The C ity N.1-1. The City w ill continu e to pro m ote Ongo in g The C ity has not yet prepare d a brochure t o pro m ote equal housing d e cl ares that all p-ersons , the enforcement of po li ci es of the State o pportun iti es an d ad d ress di scri m in at ion or di sse m in ate d information a b,out regardless of race , Fair Em pl oym ent an d Housin g the Fair Hou s ing Law to the pu bli c. Thi s program w ill be continue d . religion , age , or sex, s hall Comm iss i on , an d shall res olve housing have equa l access to di scri m in at ion comp la ints through soun d an d afford a ble ass i stance fro m HUD , an d/or l ocal, housing . regional private fair housing organ izat i ons . The C ity w ill d evelop a fair housing program to i m ple m ent San Luis O bi spo Co un ty 's Urb an Co un ty Team 's fair housing progra m , ~Fair Housing Anal ys is of Im pe di m ents · an d pre pare a brochure that promotes equal housing opportun iti es an d ad d resses d'iscri m in at ion . The b rochure w ill be avail a b le at the Comm uni ty De velopm ent De partment an d a lin k to dow nload the brochure w ill be pl ace d on the Oity 's w e bs ite . In addition the Oity s hall di sse m in ate infor m at ion in one or m ore of the foll owin g w ays to ensure the pu bli c Progra m 0 .1 : En co ur age 0 .1-1 . Prior to any pu b li c hearing w here O ngoing The C ity w ill cont inu e to notify the ne cessary organ izat i ons , agencies an d other the partici pat io n of all the C ity is cons i der in g am en di ng or parti es w hen a m en d in g or up dat in g the Housing Ele m ent or housin g po li cies . resi d ents of Arro yo up dat in g it s Hou s in g E.l em ent or housing This program w ill be cont inu e d. Gran de in the po li ci es , the City w ill noti fy a ll local d evelopm ent of housing housing organ izat ions , as w e ll as soci al po li ci es for the City servi ce agencies , an d post noti ces at s i gn ifi ca nt l ocat ions . Prog ra m P.1: Up date the P.1 -1 . Fo ll ow in g a m endm ent of the Within 1 year of H .E. The City has not yet a m en d ed the General Plan Co nse rvation an d Safety De ve lom ent Code an d General Pl an Co nse rv at ion an d Safe ty ado ptio n El em ents t o comp ly w ith AB 162 d ue to staff constraints . Follo w in g an y General Plan t o m ainta in EJem ents to co m p ly w ith AB 162 relate cl a m en d m ents , the Housing Ele m ent w ill be m od ifi ed , as ne cessary. This co nsisten cy an d t o fl oodp la in m app in g, the City w ill a m en d program w ill be conti nue d co mp at ib ility between the Housing El em ent if nee d ed for d ocu m ents . cons isten cy . Arroyo Grande General Plan Annual Report - 2019 Page 32 Item 8.e. - Page 35 . ,-i i Jurisdiction Arroyo Grande Reporting Year 2019 (Jan. 1 -Dec . 3 1) ,-I ,_ 1 Building Permits Issued by Affordability Summary Income Le ve l Current Ye ar Deed R!e.strict ed 0 v ,ery uow Non-Deed R!estrict ed 0 Lm'Y Deed R!estrict ed 20 Non-Deed R!estrict ecl 0 Moderate Deed R!estr ict ed 0 No n,-D eed R!estrict ed 0 A tmv,e Mo de:rat e 49 T,ota .l llnits 69 Not e: ll nits .serv ing ,extriem ely low -inco me hou.se:holds a rie inc luded in t he v,e:ry low - ~ me per mitt ed units t ot als t t t Ho using Applications Summary T,otal Hau.s ing Ap;p'.licat ions Su llmitt ed: 5 Num oer ,of Priop:osed ll nits in A ll A p:p'.licat ions R!eceiv,ed : 5 T,ota l Hous ing ll nits Ap;p:rovedl : 5 T,ota l Hous ing ll nits Dis-a,p:p:r,o,v,ed : 0 ,_ i Li se of SB 35 Streamlin ing Provi s ion s Nu moer ,of Ap;p:li cat io ns fo r St riea mli n in g 0 Nu moer ,of Str,ea mli n in g Ap;p'.licat io ns Ap;p:r,ov ed 0 Tio ta l Deve:lop:ments Ap;p:r,oved w ith St riea mli ning 0 Tio ta l ll nits Oon.stru cted w ith Str,earnl ining 0 ,-t Units Co nstructed -SB 35 Stre amlining Permits Income Rental owne r s hip Total v ,e:ry L,ow 0 0 0 uow 0 0 0 Moderat e 0 0 0 Aoo,v,e 1,1 o cfe:r.ate 0 0 0 T,ota .l 0 0 0 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Item 8.e. - Page 36