2020-03-02 8a_Verizon signsMEMORANDUM TO: ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE FROM: ANDREW PEREZ, ASSISTANT PLANNER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE SIGN PERMIT 20-003; TWO (2)NEW WALL SIGNS FOR A NEW BUSINESS IN THE ARROYO GRANDE SHOPPING CENTER; LOCATION – 1237 E. GRAND AVENUE, SUITE 101; APPLICANT – VERIZON WIRELESS; REPRESENTATIVE – MARK BLACKFORD D ATE: MARCH 2, 2020 SUMMARY OF ACTION: Recommendation for future action by the Community Development Director will result in new signage for a new business in the Arroyo Grande Shopping Center. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: None. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) review the proposed sign plans and make a recommendation to the Community Development Director. BACKGROUND: The subject property is zoned Gateway Mixed-Use (GMU), and located in the Arroyo Grande Shopping Center (Attachment 1). The proposed signage requires review by the ARC for compliance with the Arroyo Grande Shopping Center Master Sign Program (Attachment 2). The sign program has been revised several times during the rehabilitation of the center, most recently in April 2019 when the property owner decided to divide Building C into two tenant spaces. The ARC recommended approval of the proposed changes to the sign program at that time, with the condition that a recommendation from the ARC is required when signage is proposed for the western elevation of Building C. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: Project Description The applicant is proposing to install two (2) new wall signs on Building “C” of the Arroyo Grande Shopping Center. The shopping center has an existing sign program to regulate the size, location, and style of all signage within the complex. The applicant is proposing a wall sign on both the northern and western elevations, which is allowed by the sign Item 8.a - Page 1 ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE SIGN PERMIT 20-003 MARCH 2, 2020 PAGE 2 program for this tenant space. A building permit has been issued to construct a tower element at the southwestern corner of the building and the project is currently under construction (Attachment 3). The proposed walls signs are be identical in both appearance and size, and are proposed to consist of a white, aluminum channel letters and the copyrighted red Verizon checkmark. The individual characters would be flush mounted to the building face and internally lit. The design and materials for the signs are as follows: Wall Signs Materials: Aluminum channel letters Colors: Main lettering: White (satin finish) Checkmark: Poppy red (satin finish) Message: Verizon Size: 17” x 118” (13.5 square feet/each) Locations: One (1) Centered on the northern elevation of the tower element One (1) Centered on the western elevation of the tower element Two (2) total Illumination: Internal opaque LED The proposed signs meet the specific regulations for business identification signs identified in table 16.60.040-A of the Municipal Code. The signs are also subject to the Arroyo Grande Shopping Center Master Sign Program, as previously stated. The amount of signage allocated for this tenant space, per the Arroyo Grande Shopping Center Master Sign Program, is 38 square feet (1 square foot for each linear foot of building frontage), and the applicant is proposing two (2) identical 13.5 square foot wall signs for a total of 27 square feet of signage. The sign program restricts sign area on the western elevation of this building to 20 square feet, with the design and location at the discretion of the ARC. The wall sign on the western elevation is proposed to be 13.5 square feet, in compliance with this provision. Adhesive vinyl graphics with hours of operation and other noncommercial information are proposed for the front door, but are considered to be accessory signs. Both the Municipal Code and the sign program state that if the total area of accessory signs is restricted to less than ten percent of the allowed sign area, the signage does not count toward the signage allocation for a tenant space. The accessory signs proposed with this application do not exceed the ten percent threshold; therefore do not count towards the total sign area. The proposal meets the sign program’s criteria for sign area, location, materials, colors, and illumination. AD VANTAGES: The proposed signage meets the requirements of the Arroyo Grande Shopping Center Master Sign Program, and the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code. Item 8.a - Page 2 ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE SIGN PERMIT 20-003 MARCH 2, 2020 PAGE 3 DISADVANTAGES: None identified. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project was reviewed in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and determined to be categorically exempt per Section 15311(a) of the Guidelines regarding the construction of a sign appurtenant to an existing commercial structure. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted at City Hall and on the City’s website in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Project Location 2.Arroyo Grande Shopping Center Master Sign Program (p. 23-25 & 38) 3.Building Elevations 4.Project Plans Item 8.a - Page 3 ATTACHMENT 1 Project Site Arroyo Grande Shopping Center E.Grand Ave. Elm St. Item 8.a - Page 4 SIGN AREA MEASUREMENTS: BUILDING PAD “C” (Minor Tenant) Exhibit 2 illustrates the method of determining maximum square footages for the allowable sign area categories that are outlined within the Overall Sign Program. Overall Building Square Footage: 4,889 SF Sign Type and Number Permitted: one (1) wall per frontage (north elevation), per each tenant. Tenant receiving door may have Tenant’s name (installed by Tenant) and building address (installed by Landlord). Wall Signs: Wall Sign is affixed in any manner to any exterior wall of a building or structure and which is parallel to and projects not more than eighteen (18) inches from the building or structure wall. Unless otherwise stated in this Overall Sign Plan, the wall signs shall not exceed a maximum of 70 SF in sign area. Accessory Signs: Accessory signs do not count towards the permitted signage if restricted to ten (10) percent or less. Accessory signs between ten (10) and twenty (20) of the wall area can be allowed with a recommendation from the Architectural Review Committee; however areas greater than ten (10) percent shall be considered toward total permitted sign area. The design, number, location and size of accessory signs shall be reviewed and approved as part of the sign permit. Monument (ground) signs: Building C is prohibited for placement on both Major monument signs; however, is allowed for use of the Business Directory located on Elm Street upon Landlord’s approval and/or availability on business directories. Prohibited Signs: •Blade (projecting) signs •Canopy/awning signs ARROYO GRANDE SHOPPING CENTER 23 ATTACHMENT 2 Item 8.a - Page 5 Allowed Square Footage: For a tenant occupying the entire tenant space: The total sign area for the single-story building which abuts a public street shall not exceed one (1) SF of the frontage linear foot. The maximum sign square footage shall not exceed 92 SF. Signage width should not exceed fifty (50) percent of leasable frontage and shall be proportionally center within tenant’s leased frontage space. No more than two (2) rows of letters allowed. Signage on rear of building is prohibited. Building C may also be defined into two (2) leasable tenant spaces. For each leasable tenant space, the total area for each tenant’s sign shall not exceed 1 SF for each linear foot of building frontage. The combined sign area for all signs on a single store building shall not exceed 92 SF. The maximum sign square footage for each tenant space shall not exceed 46 SF. Signage width should not exceed fifty (50) percent of leasable frontage and shall be proportionally center within tenant’s leased frontage space. No more than two (2) rows of letters allowed. Side (East or West) Building Signage: Should the building be occupied with two (2) leasable tenants, tenants can place one additional wall signage on the west or east elevation of Building C, depending on their building frontage on Grand. The building elevation must be on the Tenant’s leasable area and must be approved by the Landlord. The maximum side building signage allowed is 20 SF (location to be determined and approved by Landlord). Signage proposed for the western elevation shall also require a recommendation by the City’s Architectural Review Committee for placement and design. Location: Signs should be located symmetrically in relation to facades and fit in with the architectural features of the building. Wall mounted signage should be centered above storefront and located near and above the entry of the building to better relate to pedestrian traffic. Signage width should not exceed fifty (50) percent of leasable frontage and shall be proportionally center within tenant’s leased frontage space. Signage shall be architecturally integrated into the project design and provide clearance necessary for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (A.D.A). Signs shall meet all requirements of the Development Code (16.60) and provisions of these guidelines and standards. Materials and Colors: Sign materials shall complement the building material and shall be in maintaining the overall character of the Arroyo Grande Shopping Center. Signs painted on a signboard or other thin material shall be framed on all sides to provide depth and a finished look to the sign. Sign colors shall complement the building color scheme. Bright, intense colors are inappropriate including ARROYO GRANDE SHOPPING CENTER 24 Item 8.a - Page 6 the use of fluorescent, “neon” or “day-go” colors on signs. All applications for sign permits shall include a sample of the intended color palette. Capital letters shall not exceed a height of eighteen (18) inches. Lower case letter shall not exceed a height of eighteen (18) inches. When using logos, logo size should not exceed twenty-four (24) inches. Two (2) rows of letters shall not exceed thirty- six (36) inches. Sign Illumination: Signs may be externally illuminated with incandescent lights or other lighting that does not produce glare and is designed to converse energy (LED Illuminated Letters). Wall, canopy, or projecting signs may be illuminated from concealed sources or exposed ornamental fixtures that complement the building’s architecture. All sign illumination shall be from the interior or by indirect lighting that shall be turned off after business hours, or at ten (10:00) pm, whichever is later. Approval: All signs shall be reviewed for conformance with this criteria and overall design quality. Approval or disapproval of sign submittals based on aesthetics of design shall remain the right of the Landlord and the City of Arroyo Grande. Any deviations from the standards outlined in the Arroyo Grande Sign Program or Arroyo Grande Municipal Code require approval from the Arroyo Grande Architectural Review Committee. ARROYO GRANDE SHOPPING CENTER 25 Item 8.a - Page 7 ARROYO GRANDE SHOPPING CENTER 38 Item 8.a - Page 8 "l: Q) -0 -0 Q) a: z w a:a:u, q (!) g ID -c (!) -c Q) E Q) E ' ' -c w' -N N - ::; <X) <(� "'0 -'-t ··-"'o "::• o --o "'� --o O��"'-• ...--:-: ;:::z � T.O.RIDGE 27' -O" Cp r-. R_QOF PLATE . _ �3'-0" 220�-, O MAX RIDGE HT.-u.-r---03"'oc;·�-o· � ROOF 14• -o· � ENTRY SOFFIT 11' -0" � COL.WAINSCOT 7' -O" (DA) y _12• __ 23 A-902 ---- � �· � 14 � A-903 :::'.rt:): :l<;i . : ::1::t{t:h ;;.)\;?{}} ;, . . .. _:; i {{?': .<:)- 7 L12·-L 3" . ' . -· . ' ' - - . ,,_ . _ _,___,;_�-= i.,_, ..e.....i TYP. 227 -.VP. TYP. --- • <X) "' MAX RIDGE HT. 30• -o· � T.O. PARAPET � 20' -6" ROOF / 14'-0" ·. ENTRY SOFFIT 11 • -o· T.O. STOREFRONT 8' -8" COL.WAINSCOT 7'-0" 01-GROUND FLOORO' -O" MAX RIDGE HT. --30' -0" T.O.RIDGE 21· -o· ROOF PLATE 23' -0" ROOF -14• -o· ENTRY SOFFIT 11· -o· COL.WAINSCOT 71 -O" 01-GROUND FLOORO' -0" � � � � T.O. PARAPET 20' -6" 01-GROUND FLOOR0' -0" � -� � � � �K_E_Y_N_o_r_E_s ______ __JI 201 202 203 207 208 209 214 215 216 218 219 220 221 226 227 NEW WALLS. PAINT TO MATCH DARK BROWN ON EXISTING 1231 E. GRAND AVE. FACADE. EXISTING FINISH TO REMAIN CORNICE TO MATCH EXISTING STANDING SEAM METAL ROOFING· MATCH EXISTING ON-SITE WOOD EXTERIOR STRUCTURE TO BE CUT BACK AND RE-FINISHED AT END. NEW VENT (ALL SIDES) TO MATCH LARGE TOWER VENT AT REAR OF SITE, SEE DETAIL 14/A-903 NEW STUCCO TO MATCH EXISTING CEMENT PLASTER CONTROL -SEE DETAIL 12/A-902 EXISTING PARAPET AND CAP TO REMAIN EXISTING STOREFRONT TO REMAIN EXISTING WAINSCOT/BASE TO REMAIN EXISTING LIGHT FIXTURE TO REMAIN NEW WAINSCOT/BASE TO MATCH EXISTING DOWNSPOUT ROOF GUTTER. s·xs· WITH 1/2" PER 10 FEET SLOPE TO DOWNSPOUT �z w ::E :::, u 0 0 z 0 � u :::,a:::I- U')z 0 u design group rrmdesign.com I (805) 543-1794 3765 S. Higuera, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 lHE INCLUDED Ol!"'WINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, IDEAS, OlcSIGHS AND ARRANGEMENTS l!EF>Rg;ENTEO THEREBY ARE AND SHAU REMAIN THf PROPERTY OF RRM DESIGN GROUP AND NO PARl Tf-lEREOF SHALL BE COf'IED, DISCLOSED TO OTHERS OR USED tN CONNECTION WfJH ANY WORI( OR P'l!OJECT OTH� THAN THE SPECIFIED PROJECT FOR WHICH THEY HAVE IIEEN PREP AA ED AND DEVELOPED WITHOUT THE WRITTE'N CONSENT OF UM Ol2SIG!'. GROUP. VISUAL CONTACT WITH THESE DRAWINill OR SPECIFlCATIONS st!All COM;TITUTE CONCll..lSIVE EVIDB>ICE Of ACCEPTANCE OF TI-il'SE RESTRICTIONS_ SUBMITTAL OF THESE DOCUMENTS FOR PUl!UC AGENCY REVIEW SHAI.L NOl l!E CONSIDERED A WAIVER OF RRM DESIGN GROUP'S RIGI-ITS. RRM DESIGN GROUP COPYRIGHT 2018. RRM IS A CALIFORNIA COR PORATION u 0N•"<:t"C)�C <( ..... V)u CCI I-ui I z Oz .w <( >�(9<( > � C 02 z o=:: � <( A. � :E� II\ -<( V 0 I­V) <( w "' ('I) <"I ..... z ..... <( w a::: :c 0V)1-U') <( t-....:("I)N NO. REVISION PROJECT MANAGER BM C/) z 0 > w _J w � 0 - �­w I-><w DATE DRAWN BY AG I ��ECKED BY DATE JULY 15, 2019 PROJECT NUMBER 1201-0l-CO18 SHEET A-201 ( I ' ATTACHMENT 3 Item 8.a - Page 9 VW-CS.CC-AG_Arroyo Grande, CA 2020-02-21 132595 CELLULAR SALES 1237 E GRANDE AVE, STE 101 ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420 EXTERIOR SIGNAGE SUBMITTAL INDIRECT STORE DESIGN APPROVAL: SUBMITTAL RECORD DATE REMARKS Updated 2019-06-18 ATTACHMENT 4 Item 8.a - Page 10 132595 ALLEN INDUSTRIES OUTLET ID OR D#ADDRESS SHEET TITLE DATE AGENT NAME PREPARED BY SHEET NUMBER 2020-02-21 ct 2CELLULAR SALES1237 E GRANDE AVE, STE 101 ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420 LEGEND QTY NORTH ELEVATION WALL SIGN1 1 KEY SIGN LOCATION BUILDING OUTLINE SIGN LOCATION PLAN 93'-0" PARALLEL - 4 LANES TARGET V = 27.5" 1 DOOR VINYL3 1 SET 3 2 WEST ELEVATION WALL SIGN2 1 110'-0" PERPENDICULAR - 4 LANES / 35 MPH TARGET V = 10.5" Item 8.a - Page 11 132595 ALLEN INDUSTRIES OUTLET ID OR D#ADDRESS SHEET TITLE DATE AGENT NAME PREPARED BY SHEET NUMBER 2020-02-21 ct 4CELLULAR SALES1237 E GRANDE AVE, STE 101 ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420 STREET / CONTEXT PHOTOS Item 8.a - Page 12 132595 ALLEN INDUSTRIES OUTLET ID OR D#ADDRESS SHEET TITLE DATE AGENT NAME PREPARED BY SHEET NUMBER 2020-02-21 ct 5CELLULAR SALES1237 E GRANDE AVE, STE 101 ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420 SIGN 1 - NORTH ELEVATION - RENDERING 27'-7" 38'-3" 6'-3" 28'-9" 17" PROPOSED V-HEIGHT - 17"PROPOSED NORTH ELEVATION NOTE: ALL EXISTING, NON-STANDARD, WINDOW GRAPHICS AND SIGNAGE TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH NEW STANDARD GRAPHICS. SW 9183 Dark Clove LRV = 5 Item 8.a - Page 13 132595 ALLEN INDUSTRIES OUTLET ID OR D#ADDRESS SHEET TITLE DATE AGENT NAME PREPARED BY SHEET NUMBER 2020-02-21 ct 7CELLULAR SALES1237 E GRANDE AVE, STE 101 ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420 SIGN 2 - WEST ELEVATION - RENDERING NOTE: ALL EXISTING, NON-STANDARD, WINDOW GRAPHICS AND SIGNAGE TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH NEW STANDARD GRAPHICS.17" PROPOSED V-HEIGHT - 17"PROPOSED WEST ELEVATION 17'-10" 64'-0" 6'-3" 28'-9" SW 9183 Dark Clove LRV = 5 Item 8.a - Page 14 132595 ALLEN INDUSTRIES OUTLET ID OR D#ADDRESS SHEET TITLE DATE AGENT NAME PREPARED BY SHEET NUMBER 2020-02-21 ct 11CELLULAR SALES1237 E GRANDE AVE, STE 101 ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420 SIGN 3 - DOOR VINYL - LOCATION SPECIFIC DETAILS Place 65" from ground GLASS FOR VISUAL PURPOSES ONLY Note for Installer: Borders are cut to provide ease in a level install. Please be sure to remove border once vinyl is installed and level. DOOR VINYL SCALE: 1/4" = 1" KEY NOTES COLORS 1 ONE SET OF FIRST SURFACE APPLIED VINYL GRAPHICS FOR ENTRANCE DOOR. WHITE VINYL TOMATO RED VINYL 3M 7725-13 A B OPTIONAL TEXT FOR LANGUAGES SPOKEN. NO TEXT WILL BE PROVIDED UNLESS REQUESTED BY AGENT. Font weight: 55 Roman Font Size: 86 pt 3.4161" space Font weight: 75 Bold and 55 Roman Font Size: 43 pt Font weight: 55 Roman Font Size: 43 pt 6" x 6" Font Size: 43 pt Place 24" from ground Font weight: 55 Roman Font Size: 43 pt A 12" x 12"Holiday Hours (A or B)B 9.5" x 3.75" Cellular Sales Mon - Fri Sat Sun 9 AM - 9 PM 9 AM - 9 PM 11 AM - 7 PM Hablamos español Falamos português Place 22.149" from ground Font weight: 55 Roman Font Size: 43 pt 1237 GUIDELINES •REMOVE ALL EXISTING GRAPHICS FROM DOORS •APPLY AS FIRST SURFACE GRAPHICS •ALL GRAPHICS SHOULD BE APPLIED TO ONE DOOR •IF TWO DOORS, INSTALL ON RIGHT DOOR •STANDARD FONTS USED ARE NEUE HAAS GROTESK 75 BOLD AND 55 ROMAN •AGENT NAME SHOULD BE IN THE VERIZON BRAND FONT (NEUE HAAS GROTESK 75 BOLD) •HOLIDAY HOURS (A) ARE ONLY DISPLAYED DURING HOLIDAY RETAIL PERIOD (NOVEMBER - DECEMBER) •4" FROM DOOR FRAME / MULLION IS PREFERRED BUT MAY VARY DUE TO FIELD CONDITIONS •HOLIDAY HOURS (B) ARE DISPLAYED DURING OTHER HOLIDAYS DURING THE YEAR (EX. JULY 4TH) 4" ADDRESS NUMBER VINYL SCALE: 1/8" = 1" Font weight: 75 Bold Font Size: 402.8 pt Item 8.a - Page 15 132595 ALLEN INDUSTRIES OUTLET ID OR D#ADDRESS SHEET TITLE DATE AGENT NAME PREPARED BY SHEET NUMBER 2020-02-21 ct 12CELLULAR SALES1237 E GRANDE AVE, STE 101 ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420 5'-5" 2'-0" 4" DOUBLE DOOR GUIDELINES •STOP SIGN IS OPTIONAL •PROMOTIONAL CLINGS SHOULD ALWAYS BE POSITIONED AT 5'-5", THE AVERAGE EYE HEIGHT LEVEL •THE TOP OF THE "V" IN "VERIZON" CANNOT EXCEED 5'-5" IN HEIGHT •ALTERNATE LANGUAGES SHOULD BE POSITIONED AT 2'-0" ABOVE GRADE •ADDRESS NUMBER IS 4" IN HEIGHT •HANDICAP ICON SHOULD BE POSITIONED ABOVE THE SECURITY MESSAGE IN ALL SITUATIONS ON ALL DOORS •RECOMMEND THAT STORE ADDRESS IS POSITIONED TO THE BOTTOM CENTER OF THE WINDOW ABOVE MAIN ENTRANCE Note for Installer: Borders are cut to provide ease in a level install. Please be sure to remove border once vinyl is installed and level. 2" 4" 000 Retailer Name NOTE: Graphics shown on this page are for representation only and are NOT to be used for production. Please see previous page for location specific graphics. DOUBLE ENTRANCE DOOR SCALE: 3/4" = 1" Promotional Cling. 4" SIGN 3 - DOOR VINYL - DOUBLE DOOR GUIDELINES Item 8.a - Page 16