2020-03-02 8b_Dutch BrosMEMORANDUM TO: ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE FROM: ANDREW PEREZ, ASSISTANT PLANNER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW 20-001; EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO AN EXISTING DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANT; LOCATION – 1259 E. GRAND AVENUE; APPLICANT – DUTCH BROS COFFEE; REPRESENTATIVE – BRADEN BERNARDS D ATE: MARCH 2, 2020 SUMMARY OF ACTION: Recommendation of approval to the Community Development Director will allow for alterations to the existing commercial structure to accommodate a Dutch Bros. Coffee restaurant. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: None. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) review the proposed project and make a recommendation to the Community Development Director. BACKGROUND: The subject property is zoned Gateway Mixed-Use (GMU) and requires review by the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) because the project proposes changes to a structure located in a commercial zone (Attachment 1). The 16.587 square foot property is developed with a 2,040 square foot restaurant building with a drive- thru (formerly Broadway Bagels), a front outdoor dining area, and a fourteen (14)- space parking lot. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: Existing Conditions The structure has a relatively simple design with the lone customer entrance in the front and a service entrance at the rear of the building. A five-foot (5’) stucco parapet wall on the north elevation hides the rooftop equipment. The customer area of the restaurant has four (4) windows along the eastern elevation with green cloth awnings above and a single west-facing window to allow sunlight inside the restaurant. A second west-facing window is utilized for drive-thru service. An Item 8.b - Page 1 ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW 20-001 MARCH 2, 2020 PAGE 2 outdoor dining area surrounded by a low stucco wall occupies the fifteen feet (15’) area between the restaurant and the front property line. Two (2) driveways provide ingress and egress from the property. Circulation through the site is a one-way pattern, with the entrance at the western driveway and the exit from the eastern driveway. Proposed Renovations The most significant changes proposed are the construction of a furred-out tower element on the northeast corner of the building, and the replacement of storefront windows with overhead garage doors. The remainder of the proposed exterior renovations consist of new awnings and eyebrow elements along the north and west elevations, a new metal awning over the drive-thru, and new paint throughout. No changes are proposed to the landscaping, nor does the project propose to increase the footprint of the existing structure. The proposed tower element would be clad with a fiber cement horizontal siding that has the appearance of wood. The tower is proposed to be eighteen feet (18’) tall, but would not be an increase to the height of the existing structure. The existing stucco on the remainder of the building will be repaired as necessary, and painted. A new awning will be installed above the front entrance and wrap around to the western elevation, ending after the first window. The awning element would be aluminum and include a blue LED tube mounted underneath to provide down lighting. The existing stucco wall enclosing the front patio would be resurfaced with a stone veneer, compatible with the rest of the improvements. The material used on the tower element is a light gray, and the stucco would be painted a darker shade of gray. The awning is proposed to be blue and the metal awnings are proposed to be a dark, unfinished metal. Material and color samples will be available at the meeting. Proposed changes to the parking lot include the addition of a trash enclosure to the southwest corner of the site. The trash enclosure would have space for both the trash and recycling containers, which have historically been left out in the open along the eastern property line. The addition of a trash enclosure will eliminate two (2) of the existing fourteen (14) parking spaces, but since the parking requirement for this use is only ten (10) spaces, the Municipal Code requirement is still being met. The addition of the trash enclosure will not effect the dedicated drive-thru lane, which is capable of queueing twelve (12) cars, four (4) more than what is required by the Municipal Code. Dutch Bros. will offer drive-thru service, however an employee will take customers’ orders rather than utilizing a speaker system, in order to improve efficiency and eliminate potential noise concerns from the residential development immediately adjacent to the south of the project site. Item 8.b - Page 2 ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW 20-001 MARCH 2, 2020 PAGE 3 Design Guidelines Although the proposal does not include the construction of a new building, the renovations align with the objectives of the Design Guidelines and Standards for Mixed-Use Districts (Design Guidelines) (Attachment 2). For example, the applicant plans on retaining the front dining area and adding bike racks to promote pedestrian use and encourage alternative modes of transportation. The overhead doors proposed for the storefront increase the amount of fenestration as encouraged by the Design Guidelines. With regards to building design, the tower element provides a three-dimensional detail to create visual interest, and maintains the use of awnings, both of which are encouraged by the Design Guidelines. Signage Signage for the business is depicted on two sides of the building in the plan set, but will be processed under a separate application. AD VANTAGES: The project complies with the requirements of both the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code and the Design Guidelines, while improving the appearance of the existing commercial building. DISADVANTAGES: None identified. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project was reviewed in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and determined to be categorically exempt per Section 15301(a) of the Guidelines regarding minor exterior alterations to existing structures. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted at City Hall and on the City’s website in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Project location 2.Design Guidelines p. 6-11 3. Project plans Item 8.b - Page 3 ATTACHMENT 1 Project Site Item 8.b - Page 4 ATTACHMENT 2 Item 8.b - Page 5 Item 8.b - Page 6 Item 8.b - Page 7 Item 8.b - Page 8 Item 8.b - Page 9 Item 8.b - Page 10