CC 2019-05-28_11b Revenue Presentation_PP PresentationCITY COUNCIL
Current Services
and CIP
($2.3 Million)
New Wants?
Estimate of Total Improvements $4,881,775
Annual Depreciation / Set-Aside $ 209,907
FY 2018-19 Funding $ 86,000
Additional Funding Needed $ 123,907
Estimate of Total Improvements $4,684,874
Annual Depreciation / Set-Aside $ 121,588
FY 2018-19 Funding $ 0
Additional Funding Needed $ 121,588
Estimate of Total Improvements $32,161,707
Annual Depreciation / Set-Aside $ 238,107
FY 2018-19 Funding $ 392,500
Additional Funding Needed $ 154,393
Estimate of Total Improvements $ 180,000,000
Annual Depreciation / Set-Aside $ 3,023,584
FY 2018-19 Funding $ 1,164,500
Additional Funding Needed $ 1,859,084
Estimate of Total Improvements $ 34,912,500
Annual Depreciation / Set-Aside $ 232,750
FY 2018-19 Funding $ 110,000
Additional Funding Needed $ 122,750
FY 2018-19
July 1, 2018 –June 30, 2019
FY 2019-20
July 1, 2019 –June 30, 2020
FY 2020-21
July 1, 2020 –June 30, 2021
Election 2020Start Budget
Process FY 2020-
There are hundreds of new laws effecting every area of municipal law. Some of the highlights include:
SB 998- Discontinuation of residential water service- new requirements for discontinuing water service
for nonpayment;
SB 866- Modifies public employers’ obligations related to employee deductions to employee
organizations (adopted in response to the Janus case);
SB 1085- Requires public employers to grant a leave of absence with pay to enable employees to serve
as stewards of the exclusive representative;
SB 1412- Requires employer only consider convictions relevant to the job which they are applying for
when conducting a criminal background check;
AB 748- Sets strict disclosure requirements for the release of law enforcement audio or video recordings
related to critical incidents;
SB 978- Requires local law enforcement to post on their internet web sites all current standards,
policies, practices, operating procedures, and education and training materials that would otherwise be
available by way of Public Records Act request;
SB 1421- Provides for the release of police personnel files in three general categories: job-related
dishonesty, sexual assault against a member of the public and specified us of force incidents by way of
the Public Records Act;
AB 1912- Imposes an equitable apportionment scheme related to retirement obligations for any current
or former member of a Joint Powers Authority;
AB 2184- Requires a city to accept a California driver’s license or identification number, individual
taxpayer identification number, or municipal identification number in lieu of a social security number if
the city otherwise requires a social security number for the issuance of a business license;
AB 3194- Modifies the Housing Accountability Act;
SB 850- Implementation of budget provisions related to the homeless;
AB 686- Requires a city’s housing element to promote and affirmatively further fair housing
opportunities and promote housing for all individuals;
AB 2162- Requires supportive housing be a use by right in zones where multiple family and mixed uses
are permitted, including non-residential zones permitting multifamily uses, if the proposed housing
development meets specified criteria;
AB 2753- Makes changes to the density bonus application process;
AB 2973- Extends the expiration of any tentative map, vesting tentative map, or parcel map related to
the construction of single or multifamily housing if certain conditions are met;
SB 282- Makes changes to the RHNA process;
SB 1035- Requires a city to revise the safety element of their General Plan to identify new information
on fire hazards, flood hazards, climate change and resiliency strategies;
AB 3002- Requires cities to provide building permit applicants with an advisory about specific federal
and state disability access laws and information;
SB 923- Requires all law enforcement agencies to adopt regulations for conducting phot lineups and live
lineups with eyewitnesses;
AB 2249- Codifies the California Uniform Construction Cost Accounting Commissions increase in the no-
bid cap from $45,999 to $60,000, the informal bid level for projects between $45,000 and $175,000 to a
new range of $60,000 and $200,000, and continue formal bidding procedures for any project over
The State wants us to permit 69.2 units per year