CC 2020-05-26_11a Supplemental No 2_R p,RRO Y0 0, C INCORPORATE V D JULY 10, 1911 *. C4�lF0RIO MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: JESSICA MATSON, DEPUTY CITY CLERK SUBJECT: SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION AGENDA ITEM 11.a. — MAY 26, 2020 CITY COUNCIL MEETING DISCUSSION AND PROVIDE INPUT AND/OR DIRECTION TO FIVE CITIES FIRE AUTHORITY BOARD REPRESENTATIVE REGARDING SUCCESSOR MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS LOCAL 4403 DATE: MAY 26, 2020 Attached is additional correspondence received. CC' City Attorney City Clerk City Website (or public review binder) From: Sharlotte Wilson Sent;Tliursday,May 21,2020 10:28 PM •To: Lan Gecwge •SubJecr FCFA pay increase Dear Councilwornwi George. I bave tiever written yout but I watcli all City Coruicil rueeting from my home, I haw been a veiy active business owner/citizen in Arroyo Grande for over 35 years.I'm askitig for you NO VOTE regarding FCFA pay raiseas this is not the tirne for excessive spendmg,Tliey do a great job and in twu are VERY well paid as of toda3r,D—Inngtllis lock down marry busmesses have had to close their doors like Armia flair Salon. This is,not the time pleas,e vote No on pay increases. Sincerely Sharlorte Wilson Arroyo Grande From: Sharlotte Wilson Sent: Sunday,May 24,2020 10:53 PM To:Lan George Subject: Re:FCFA pay increase Dear Councilwoman George I realize that AG City Comicil is not voting directly Tuesday night,but your thought on the matter regarding FCFA ,will carry a lot of weight as Couuncilman Storton determines the direction the citizens wish to take.This Tax Paying citizen Sharlotte Wilson feels strongly against any increase at all.By the way that includes sales tax increases TBD next Couuncil meeting. Regards, Sharlotte Wilson Casey Rickwalt Sent fiom my iPad From: Sean McMahon To: public comment Subject: Five Cities Firefighters L4403 Statement. Date: Tuesday, May 26,2020 3:37:51 PM Attachments: Final copy A City Council Letter 2020.docx Please see attached, I would like to address the council with this letter during the new business on the agenda. Let me know if you have any questions. Sean McMahon- i International Association of Fire Fighters Professional Firefigliters Local 4403 Serving the Communities ofArroyo Grande Guadalupe GrovorBoanb Halcyon and Ocoano May 26, 2020 Councilmembers Arroyo Grande City Council 300 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande CA, 93420 Honorable Council Members: On behalf your Five Cities Firefighters, I am writing to strongly encourage the city of Arroyo Grande to keep its commitments—to the Five Cities Fire Authority, its firefighters and to public safety—by honoring the Authority's modest and lawfully negotiated contract with Five Cities Firefighters, Local 4403. This contract, agreed to by all parties including Arroyo Grande's representative to the fire board, is based on this city's last, best offer, presented just last month. It is, in effect, a "coronavirus" contract— its terms were essentially mandated by the fire board. • It maintains your Five Cities firefighting force as among the least expensive—and the best bargain—of any in the region or in comparable communities • The extremely modest raises— below the average rate of inflation the last five years—are comparable to those already paid to other City of Arroyo Grande bargaining units • The contract includes multiple concessions on the part of our firefighters The City of Arroyo Grande generates 55 percent of the calls for service in the Five Cities Fire Authority service area, yet it pays less than half of the cost. Moreover,the median home prices in Arroyo Grande are substantially higher than that of its partner communities. By any reasonable measurement,the Five Cities Fire Authority—and its firefighters—are a cost-effective bargain for your taxpayers, homeowners, and the safety of everyone in our region. We consistently have one of the highest call volumes in the region, yet we continue to suffer from underfunding and being understaffed and continue to be one of the lowest paid Fire Departments by regional comparison. It is important to understand that any decision to go back on its negotiated agreement with our firefighters will likely not save Arroyo Grande any money.The city's contract with the Five Cities Fire Authority has already been established.The modest contract provisions are already incorporated into district's cost, and taxpayers will be on the hook for the dollars no matter what happens to the labor agreement. By going back on its negotiated agreements, the city also opens itself to other legal risks— potential violations of contract law the Fair Labor Standards Act—that could create substantial additional legal expenses. It is crucial that the city continues to make decisions that support funding, staffing, equipping and training the Five Cities Fire Authority.The alternative would, by any measurement, be more expensive particularly in the early stages, than participating in the Five Cities Fire Authority. It also puts at risk the economies of scale that are essential in a region that lacks the mutual aid resources of larger, urban communities. As the council is well aware,there is no guarantee that either the county or any other entity could make up for the loss of the Five Cities Fire Authority. Nobody better understands the critical position we face than your firefighters. Indeed, we are the ones who are actually facing it every day. We are on the front lines when our hills are burning, on the scene of medical responses and are putting ourselves at risk during this pandemic.We have proven time and again that we are willing to make sacrifices for the safety and the economic health of the communities we proudly serve. And we have always been asked to do more with less. Two weeks ago, this city and its partners were insisting that firefighters agree to this contract.We did. Reneging on that austerity agreement now will not save the city or its taxpayers any money. All it does is seek to demonize your firefighters who are putting themselves on the front lines—during this pandemic and in every other emergency we respond to on a daily basis. We respectfully urge the city of Arroyo Grande to honor its agreements, preserve the integrity and high quality of the Five Cities Fire Authority and work with its firefighters to help maintain the safety and fiscal health of the community we serve. Sean McMahon President, Five Cities Firefighters Local 4403