CC 2020-06-23_11a Supplemental No 1MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: JESSICA MATSON, DEPUTY CITY CLERK SUBJECT: SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION AGENDA ITEM 11a – JUNE 23, 2020 CITY COUNCIL MEETING CONSIDERATION AND DIRECTION REGARDING A PROPOSED REVENUE MEASURE TO ADDRESS THE CITY’S FUTURE FUNDING NEEDS DATE: JUNE 22, 2020 Attached is correspondence received. cc: Acting City Manager City Attorney City Clerk City Website (or public review binder) Subject: Item 11-C consideration of the sales tax measure Item 11-C Mayor and Council: Just a couple of quick observations It is true that the tax rate has not gone up since 2006 but tax revenues have gone up considerably. In 2009-10 total General Fund revenues were $10,824,018, the 2019-20 general fund is forecast to be $14,309,650 a 32% increase over 10 years. It is also true that staff levels were reduced in 2010 and have not returned to those, but as your opinion survey revealed most AG residents are satisfied with the service they receive. How could that be maybe the city is more efficient, after all the “necessity is the mother of all invention” or maybe we were receiving services that we didn’t need “who knew”? A few things I hope you will keep in mind for your decision tonight. I hope you have time to give this tax initiative a though vetting but I doubt it. Don’t be greedy, a ½ cent increase is more than enough to keep moving forward with the infra- structure maintenance projects we have. Could we responsibly spend 4 million a year? A 25% increase in revenue, in a community that is already “satisfied” is begging for miss approbation and waste. Give the people a chance at what they actually want: The assurance that their tax will be spent to make our city stronger now and, in the future, and will not be siphoned off for pet projects or increased staff and salaries. A special tax for street and storm drain Maintenace would be a heavy lift, but it is what the community wants and putting a 9-year sunset will help immensely to get to the 2/3’s. Yes, a sunset clause will limit but not eliminate, the ability for the city to incur debt, for most AG residents that would be a good thing. In fact, it could be a great argument against passing even at 50%. As I have stated before I would be opposed to any general tax that can be redirected by future councils away from the is intended use. its time to ensure that we do not just keep growing into the funding available with more services, staff and salaries by dedicating funding to the maintenance of our existing infrastructure. Respectfully Jim Guthrie Mayor Ray Russom and Council Members: It has been an honor to have the Community Service Grant Program named after me for the last few years. It was a pretty cool observation some more years back when I saw an opportunity to simplify the CBDG funding and reporting process for the city by dedicating all the funding to low income serving construction projects (primary ADA improvements). We then back filled the nonprofit portion with funding from the general fund that would have spent on similar or often the exact same projects. It was gratifying to see staff quickly turn it into a reality, allowing more nonprofits to participate From: James Guthrie [ Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2020 4:32 PM To: Caren Ray Russom; Keith Storton; Kristen Barneich; Lan George; Jimmy Paulding by simplifying the qualifying and reporting requirements for them as well. That said, it is actually a community program, funded by the city for services delivered by the community, so I think it is time to return it to its original name Community Service Grant Program Respectfully Jim Guthrie