CC 2020-08-11_06b Presentation by PGE Regarding Public Safety Power Shutoffs_PP PresentationCommunity Wildfire Safety Program ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL August 11, 2020 Safety We appreciate your participation during this challenging time and hope the following information is helpful in understanding how PG&E is working to reduce wildfire risk. 3Some of the measures included in this presentation are contemplated as additional precautionary measures intended to further reduce the risk of wildfires. Community Wildfire Safety Program REDUCE IMPACT OF PSPS EVENTS Reduce impacted customers Reduce length Improve coordination with and support communities and customers IMPROVE SITUATIONAL AWARENESS Weather stations High-definition cameras Wildfire Safety Operations Center (WSOC) Meteorology REDUCE WILDFIRE IGNITION POTENTIAL Asset inspection and repair Enhanced vegetation management System automation System hardening Public Safety Power Shutoffs 4Some of the measures included in this presentation are contemplated as additional precautionary measures intended to further reduce the risk of wildfires. Wildfire Risks Across PG&E’s Service Area PG&E SYSTEM-WIDE Electric customers served 5.5M Electric customers in HFTD 505,600 Overhead distribution line miles 81,000 Overhead distribution line miles in HFTD 25,500 Overhead transmission miles 18,200 Overhead transmission miles in HFTD 5,500 50% of PG&E’s service area is in high fire-threat districts (HFTD) PG&E service area Numbers are approximate cpuc.ca.gov/FireThreatMapsThe map can be accessed at: 5All data is preliminary and based on early 2020 work planning. Data as of June 2020. Some of the measures included in this presentation are contemplated as additional precautionary measures intended to further reduce the risk of wildfires. San Luis Obispo County Overview CPUC High Fire-Threat District Map San Luis Obispo County 3,170 total overhead distribution miles 1,010 in Tier 2 | 288 in Tier 3 | 41% in HFTD 749 total overhead transmission miles 314 in Tier 2 | 119 in Tier 3 | 58%in HFTD 15 total substations 139,300 total customers served 25,500 (18%) Customers in HFTDTIER 2Elevated TIER 3Extreme 6Some of the measures included in this presentation are contemplated as additional precautionary measures intended to further reduce the risk of wildfires. CPUC High Fire-Threat District Map –City of Arroyo Grande Arroyo Grande Fire-Threat Areas Tier 2 -Elevated Tier 3 -Extreme 7All data is preliminary and based on early 2020 work planning. Data as of July 2020. Some of the measures included in this presentation are contemplated as additional precautionary measures intended to further reduce the risk of wildfires. Wildfire Safety Progress –San Luis Obispo County WILDFIRE SAFETY AND CUSTOMER SUPPORT PROGRAM EFFORTS 2019 COMPLETE 2020 TARGET Weather Stations Enhancing weather forecasting and modeling 35 STATIONS 7+ IN PROGRESS* High-Definition Cameras Improving real-time monitoring of high-risk areas and conditions 1 CAMERA 2+ IN PROGRESS* Sectionalizing Devices Separating the grid into small sections for operational flexibility 18 DEVICES 30 DEVICES Enhanced Vegetation Management Inspecting, pruning and removing vegetation 91 LINE MILES 58 LINE MILES *Locations identified on a monthly basis 8All data is preliminary and based on early 2020 work planning. Data as of July 2020. Some of the measures included in this presentation are contemplated as additional precautionary measures intended to further reduce the risk of wildfires. We are installing real-time tools to better understand how severe weather can impact our system and proactively respond to potential threats. We’re targeting one station roughly every 20 miles of electric lines in high fire-threat areas by 2021. Weather Stations –San Luis Obispo County MAP LEGEND: PG&E weather station installed Remote Automated Weather Stations (RAWS) within PG&E’s service area Data is publicly available at pge.com/weather and mesowest.utah.edu To sign up for daily email notifications regarding PSPS, visit cloud.em.pge.com/PSPS-7day-Signup. 42 weather stations installed to date 9All data is preliminary and based on early 2020 work planning. Data as of July 2020. Some of the measures included in this presentation are contemplated as additional precautionary measures intended to further reduce the risk of wildfires. MAP LEGEND: PG&E high-definition camera installed Non-PG&E camera that looks into PG&E’s service area 3 cameras installed to date High-Definition Cameras –San Luis Obispo County Images are publicly available at pge.com/weather and alertwildfire.org We’re supporting the installation of new high-definition cameras in high fire-threat areas, which allows PG&E and first responders to monitor wildfires in real time. This will increase our coverage to more than 90 percent of our service area by 2022. 10Some of the measures included in this presentation are contemplated as additional precautionary measures intended to further reduce the risk of wildfires. Installing stronger and more resilient poles Replacing bare conductors Installing more poles than previously needed No longer using trees to support infrastructure Adding down guys and anchors Placing lines underground System Hardening And Resiliency As part of our efforts to prevent wildfires, we are strengthening the electric system to further reduce wildfire risk and better withstand severe weather. These improvements will occur over several years across 7,100 miles of distribution lines in the highest risk fire-threat areas, and include: 11All data is preliminary and based on early 2020 work planning. Data as of July 2020. Some of the measures included in this presentation are contemplated as additional precautionary measures intended to further reduce the risk of wildfires. We’re installing new sectionalizing devices to limit the number of customers impacted during a PSPS event. Local Sectionalizing –San Luis Obispo County 30 DEVICES2020 TARGET Potential distribution sectionalizing device planned Area potentially removed from scope due to planned sectionalizing (distribution level event only) New area now in scope No change from 2019 PG&E Substation MAP LEGEND: Note: Map reflects projects in planning and/or underway and is subject to change 12Some of the measures included in this presentation are contemplated as additional precautionary measures intended to further reduce the risk of wildfires. Vegetation Management Work ROUTINE Vegetation Management ENHANCED Vegetation Management Meeting state standards which require maintaining clearances of 4 feet around distribution power lines in high fire-threat areas with recommended minimum clearances of 12 feet at time of trim to ensure year-round compliance. Establishing increased safety clearances between power lines and surrounding vegetation in high fire-threat areas. This also includes removing trees that pose a potential risk to the lines if they are tall enough to strike. For illustrative purposes only Public Safety Power Shutoff 14Some of the measures included in this presentation are contemplated as additional precautionary measures intended to further reduce the risk of wildfires. Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) The purpose of a PSPS is to reduce the risk of major wildfires during severe weather. High winds can cause tree branches or debris to contact energized electric lines, which could damage our equipment and cause a major wildfire, making a PSPS event an important tool for keeping our customers and communities safe. We carefully review a combination of criteria when determining if power should be turned off for safety. We are working to improve our PSPS program by making events, smaller in size, shorter in length and smarter for our customers, without compromising safety. Overview 15Some of the measures included in this presentation are contemplated as additional precautionary measures intended to further reduce the risk of wildfires. How Are We Improving For This Year? SMALLER IN SIZE Reduce the number of customers affected by a PSPS event by one-third compared to last year SHORTER IN LENGTH Restore customers twice as fast after severe weather has passed SMARTER FOR CUSTOMERS Provide better information and additional resources Provide more assistance before, during and after a PSPS event 16Some of the measures included in this presentation are contemplated as additional precautionary measures intended to further reduce the risk of wildfires. How Are We Improving For This Year? SMALLER IN SIZE GOAL: Reduce the number of customers affected by a PSPS event by one-third compared to last year WHAT WE’RE DOING: Installing devices that limit the size of outages Installing microgrids Placing lines underground in targeted locations 17Some of the measures included in this presentation are contemplated as additional precautionary measures intended to further reduce the risk of wildfires. How Are We Improving For This Year? SHORTER IN LENGTH GOAL: Restore customers twice as fast after severe weather has passed WHAT WE’RE DOING: Deploying more PG&E and contractor crews for inspection and restoration efforts Expanding helicopter fleet from 35 to 65 and using two new airplanes for aerial line inspections Utilizing infrared equipment to inspect at night 18Some of the measures included in this presentation are contemplated as additional precautionary measures intended to further reduce the risk of wildfires. How Are We Improving For This Year? SMARTER FOR CUSTOMERS GOALS: Provide better information and additional resources -AND - Provide more assistance before, during and after a PSPS event WHAT WE’RE DOING: Using better weather monitoring technology Improving PG&E’s website bandwidth Improving customers notifications Opening Community Resource Centers Working more collaboratively with local agencies and critical service providers________________________________________ Working with the California Foundation for Independent Living Centers (CFILC) and community-based organizations (CBO) Making it easier for eligible customers to join and stay on the Medical Baseline Program Providing emergency information in 13 languages 19Some of the measures included in this presentation are contemplated as additional precautionary measures intended to further reduce the risk of wildfires. What Is A Public Safety Power Shutoff? The most likely electric lines to be turned off for safety are those that pass through Tier 2 or Tier 3 areas. Power lines travel long distances. That means your power can be affected by high winds and severe weather that threaten the system miles away. High winds can cause tree branches or debris to contact energized electric lines, which could damage our equipment and cause a major wildfire. We may need to turn off power during severe weather for public safety to prevent such fires. This is called a Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS). 20Some of the measures included in this presentation are contemplated as additional precautionary measures intended to further reduce the risk of wildfires. What Weather Could Lead To A PSPS? We initiate a PSPS when the weather forecast is for such severe weather that people’s safety, lives, homes and businesses may be in danger of wildfires. Each weather situation is unique, we carefully review a combination of factors when deciding if power must be turned off. These factors include: A RED FLAG WARNING declared by the National Weather Service LOW HUMIDITY LEVELS generally 20% and below A FORECAST OF HIGH WINDS particularly sustained winds above 25 miles per hour and wind gusts above 45 miles per hour DRY MATERIAL on the ground and low moisture content in live vegetation REAL-TIME GROUND OBSERVATIONS from our Wildfire Safety Operations Center and from our crews working across the service territory 21Some of the measures included in this presentation are contemplated as additional precautionary measures intended to further reduce the risk of wildfires. 2 daysbefore power is turned off 1 daybefore power is turned off Just beforepower is turned off Duringthe PSPS event Oncepower has been restored Advance PSPS Notifications For Customers We provide advance notice prior to turning off power and updates until power is restored. This year, notifications will include more details about when it’s anticipated that the power will be shut off and restored. Timing of Notifications (when possible) Direct Customer Notifications We will attempt to reach customers through automated calls, texts and emails. Additional Updates We will also use social media and keep local news and radio outlets informed and updated. Notifications will provide an estimated window of time when the power will be shut off and restored. 22Some of the measures included in this presentation are contemplated as additional precautionary measures intended to further reduce the risk of wildfires. This is PG&E calling with a PSPS outage alert. On 10/5/20, your power may be shut off for safety. To continue in English press 1. To replay this message at any time, press #. Due to current weather forecasts 1234 EL ANYWHERE COURT is currently under a Watch for a Public Safety Power Shutoff. Weather forecasts including high winds and dry conditions, may require us to turn off your power to help prevent a wildfire. ESTIMATED SHUTOFF TIME: 10/7/20 between 6 pm and 10 pm. Shutoff times may be delayed if winds arrive later than forecast. We expect weather to improve by 6 am on 10/8/20. After weather has improved, we will inspect equipment before restoring power. ESTIMATED RESTORATION TIME: 10/8/20 by 4 pm. This restoration time may change depending on weather conditions and equipment damage. We recommend all customers have a plan for an extended outage. We will provide daily updates until the weather risk has passed or power has been restored. This will include a Warning alert if we have determined it is necessary to turn off your power. For planning resources or more information visit pge.com/pspsupdates or call 1-800-743-5002. If you rely on power to operate life-sustaining medical devices or have access and functional needs, additional support may be available. For more information, visit pge.com/specialresources. If this is not the correct phone number for 1234 EL ANYWHERE COURT , press 2. Press # to repeat this message. Thank you. Goodbye. WATCH PHONE PG&E PSPS Outage Alert 10/5/20: Due to weather PG&E may turn off power for safety at 1234 EL ANYWHERE COURT on 10/7/20. Estimated shutoff: 6:00pm – 10:00pm. Estimated restoration: 10/8/20 by 4:00 pm. Changes in weather can affect shutoff & restoration times. pge.com/pspsupdates Reply w/ “1” to verify receipt. WATCH TEXTWATCH EMAIL “PSPS Watch” Customer Notifications Scripts 23Some of the measures included in this presentation are contemplated as additional precautionary measures intended to further reduce the risk of wildfires. PG&E PSPS Outage Alert 10/7/20: PG&E will turn off power for safety at 1234 EL ANYWHERE COURT on 10/7/20. Estimated shutoff: 6:00pm –10:00pm or later if weather improves. Estimated restoration: 10/8/20 by 4:00 pm depending on weather & equipment damage. Info: pge.com/pspsupdates Reply w/ “1” to verify receipt. WARNING TEXTWARNING EMAIL “PSPS Warning” Notifications Scripts –General Customers 24Some of the measures included in this presentation are contemplated as additional precautionary measures intended to further reduce the risk of wildfires. How Is PG&E Improving Restoration Times? WEATHER ALL CLEAR PATROL & INSPECT ISOL ATE & REPAIR DAMAGE RESTORE POWER NOTIFY CUSTOMERS After severe weather has passed, crews begin inspections Crews visually inspect for potential weather- related damages by foot, vehicle and air Crews work to isolate and fix damage The PG&E Control Center restores power to the affected areas Customers are notified that power has been restored Note: Because severe weather can last several hours or days, for planning purposes, we suggest customers prepare for outages that could last multiple days. We expect to be able to restore power to most customers within 12 daylight hours after severe weather has passed, a 50% improvement from 2019. Customer Resources 26Some of the measures included in this presentation are contemplated as additional precautionary measures intended to further reduce the risk of wildfires. We are also taking measures to: Require facial coverings in accordance with state and county guidelines Administer temperature checks before entering indoor facilities Limit attendance to maintain physical distancing Regularly sanitize surfaces Community Resource Centers (CRCs) Heating and cooling Device charging Bottled water Non-perishable snacks Wi-Fi service Coffee/tea Blankets ADA-compliant restrooms and hand washing stations Security personnel Chairs and tables During a PSPS event, PG&E will open CRCs to provide a safe location where community members can access basic resources, as well as up-to-date information. The following resources may be available: During a PSPS event, CRC locations will be shared on pge.com/pspsupdates and via social media. COVID-19 CONSIDERATIONS PG&E is adapting our approach to CRCs to reflect appropriate COVID-19 public health considerations. We will offer Micro CRCs (smaller, open air tents) and Mobile CRCs (vans) to supplement Indoor CRCs if shelter-at-home and physical distancing recommendations prevent the use of Indoor CRCs. 27Some of the measures included in this presentation are contemplated as additional precautionary measures intended to further reduce the risk of wildfires. PG&E Wildfire Safety And PSPS Readiness Webinar DATE TIME Wednesday, August 12, 2020 5:30-7:00 p.m. Wednesday, August 19, 2020 5:30-7:00 p.m. We invite community members to join us for an interactive webinar to learn more about wildfire safety and emergency preparedness, ask questions of PG&E subject matter experts and share their feedback. for a full schedule of webinar events and more information. pge.com/wildfirewebinarVisit: 28Some of the measures included in this presentation are contemplated as additional precautionary measures intended to further reduce the risk of wildfires. Where To Go For Additional Information STAY UP TO DATE DURING A PSPS EVENT WEATHER AND PSPS FORECASTING Live weather information, a 7-day PSPS potential lookahead and images from PG&E’s high-definition cameras deployed in high fire-threat areas. BACKUP POWER Information on backup power options, safety tips, financing options, a marketplace to search major backup power retailers and more. SAFETY ACTION CENTER Information about wildfire risks and what customers can do before, during and after an emergency to keep their home, family or business safe. PREPARING FOR OUTAGES Tips for making a safety plan, building an emergency kit, planning for medical needs and more. pge.com/weather pge.com/PSPSupdates pge.com/backuppower prepareforpowerdown.comsafetyactioncenter.pge.com 29Some of the measures included in this presentation are contemplated as additional precautionary measures intended to further reduce the risk of wildfires. Preparedness Resources prepareforpowerdown.com Statewide education and awareness resource, led jointly by PG&E, San Diego Gas & Electric and Southern California Edison at the direction of the CPUC ready.gov Disaster preparedness information from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security readyforwildfire.org CAL FIRE’s wildfire preparedness website cpuc.ca.gov/wildfiresinfo Information on the CPUC’s wildfire safety efforts caloes.ca.gov California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services website cafiresafecouncil.org California Fire Safe Council website noaa.gov National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration website Thank You Please direct customers with questions to: •Call us at 1-866-743-6589 •Email us at wildfiresafety@pge.com •Visit pge.com/wildfiresafety Additional Information 32Some of the measures included in this presentation are contemplated as additional precautionary measures intended to further reduce the risk of wildfires. Resources include: Portable backup power Emergency preparedness assistance Accessible transportation Hotel vouchers and food stipends Medical Baseline application assistance PG&E is working with the California Foundation for Independent Living Centers (CFILC) to fund resources to help prepare for disasters and extended power outages. Application Process: The CFILC will determine who qualifies for resources. Medical needs and income will be taken into account. Applications are available online or at Independent Living Centers (ILCs) and will be accepted at regional ILC locations. PSPS event specific resources for the disabled and aging population will be posted at pge.com/afn. Press releases, radio advertisements and leveraging our network of CBOs will also be used to communicate with customers who depend on power for medical and independent living needs when possible during events. Coordination of resources takes time. Individuals are encouraged to engage with their local ILC and plan before a PSPS event is imminent. disabilitydisasteraccess.orgcfilc.org Additional Support For People With Disabilities And Older Adults 33Some of the measures included in this presentation are contemplated as additional precautionary measures intended to further reduce the risk of wildfires. What is Medical Baseline? The Medical Baseline Program provides financial assistance to residential customers that have special energy needs due to certain qualifying medical conditions. Eligible customers may receive a “standard” Medical Baseline quantity of approximately 500 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity and/or 25 therms of gas per month, in addition to regular baseline quantities. Who Qualifies for Medical Baseline? If a full-time resident in your home is: Dependent on life-support equipment used in the home. A paraplegic, hemiplegic, quadriplegic or multiple sclerosis patient with special heating and/or air-conditioning needs. A scleroderma patient with special heating needs. Being treated for a life-threatening illness, compromised immune system or other medical condition with special heating and/or air-conditioning requirements necessary to sustain the patient’s life or prevent deterioration of the patient’s medical condition. Applying for Medical Baseline: Complete the “Medical Baseline Allowance” application form. Forms can be found by visiting pge.com/medicalbaseline. Mail the completed and signed application form to: PG&E Attention: Medical Baseline P.O. Box 8329 Stockton, CA 95208 1 2 Medical Baseline Program Due to novel coronavirus (COVID-19) shelter-at-home guidelines and changing medical practitioner priorities, customers can now self-certify their eligibility to enroll in the Medical Baseline Program. A signature from a qualified medical practitioner is not required to apply but may be requested to remain in the program beyond one year.