CC 2020-09-22_12b.2 Fire Fuel Management Grant   California Climate Investment - Fire Prevention Grant approx. = $60,000 100’ defensible space Removal of dead and fallen trees and dead vegetation   The grant is state funded  CA Climate Investment Fire Prevention Grant administered through CAL FIRE. The cost for the 20 person crew/work and supervision by Fire Safe Council is fully covered by the grant.    The work period will be from September 28th though October 3rd – 6 days maximum. 7:00am to 5:00pm   No live tree removal, no grading, no tractor or heavy equipment work. Hand power tools and a track chipper will be used.   Dead tree and fallen tree removal, limbing of many live trees to 6 feet above ground and general removal of fire fuels (a 100’ defensible space). Grasses will be trimmed down to approx. 4-6 inches.   Notification of property owners went out yesterday.     1 - Boundaries for fuel modification work w/in the James Way Open Space General Aerial exhibit Leisure Gardens Ocean Oaks Way Rancho Park Way Oak Park Blvd James 2 - Boundaries for fuel modification work w/in the James Way Open Space Property line exhibit 3 4