Minutes 1999-05-13 SP '- - - --- MINUTES CITY COUNCILS OF ARROYO GRANDE, GROVER BEACH, PISMO BEACH SPECIAL JOINT CITY COUNCIL MEETING Thursday, May 13, 1999 - 6:30 p.m. Woman's Club Community Center. 211 Vernon Street Arroyo Grande, California 1. CALL TO ORDER Arroyo Grande Mayor Michael A, Lady called the Special Joint Meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. FLAG SALUTE Arroyo Grande Mayor Lady led the Pledge of Allegiance. 3, ROLL CALL Arroyo Grande Grover Beach Pismo Beach -X.. Mayor Lady -1L Mayor Keith -X- Mayor Brown -X... Mayor ProTem Ferrara -1L Mayor ProTem Ekbom ..lLMayorProTem Mellow -1L Runels -1L Arnoldsen ..lL Hen Ii n -X... Tolley -1L Neufeld -X- Natoli - ...x... Dickens ...x... Santos -X... Reiss ST AFF PRESENT Staff members present from Arroyo Grande were City Manager Robert L. Hunt; Public Works Director Don Spagnolo; Parks and Recreation Director Dan Hernandez; and Administrative Services Director/Deputy City . Clerk Kelly Wetmore. Staff members present from Grover Beach were City Manager Tom A. Odom; Administrative Services Director Brian Johnson; and Recreation Supervisor Becky Schram. Staff present ~rom Pismo Beach was City Manager Michael Fuson. 4. CITIZENS; INPUT, COMMENTS. AND SUGGESTIONS: Van Rodick, Arroyo Grande resident, stated he had seen an article In the newspaper and asked if this meeting was the beginning of a consolidation not only of the recreation departments but also of the entire cities. Kasson Lunt, Pismo Beach Convention & Visitors Bureau member, stated that the plan for recreation consolidation is the start of a collaborative effort. CITY COUNCILS MINUTES MAY 13, 1999 Bill Couch, Pismo Beach Parks, Recreation and Beautification. Commissioner, spoke in support of consolidating recreation programs. Gail Lightfoot, Arroyo Grande resident, distributed a letter to the Councils with information from the World Wide Web relating to Proposition 11 - Local Sales and Use Taxes. She stated that San Luis Obispo County favored this Proposition by 52% and she encouraged each of the Councils to bring this issue to its respective communities for consideration. John Wysong, Grover Beach resident, spoke about traffic issues on Oak Park Boulevard. He urged the Councils to conduct a traffic survey on Oak Park Boulevard since all the cities use this road, 5, ACTION ITEMS a. Coordination and/or Consolidation of Parks and Recreation Programs Grover Beach City Manager Odom highlighted the Staff Report. He clarified that this item addressed the coordjnation/consolidation of recreation programs only and did not include coordination/consolidation of parks. He stated that the three cities had discussed this issue at its last Special Joint City Councils meeting in 1997 and had adopted a joint resolution of the cities supporting cooperative efforts in recreation. He said that in the last two years there have been significant results as an effort of that cooperation. He said staff recommended the Councils discuss and provide direction to staff. - Council Members asked questions of staff and made comments. There was discussion about recreation department staffing levels within each jurisdiction as well as what the cost of a consolidation study would be, The Councils discussed previous efforts of consolidation in the area of public service and public safety. Arroyo Grande Mayor Lady opened the discussion for public comm~nts. Tom Murray, Arroyo Grande, stated the Councils should address the disparity in capital spending for recreation, He commented that there were tremendous opportunities for the cities to work together along the lines of what has already been accomplished, such as the Skate, Park and the baseball fields~ He said the. Youth Master Plan outlines the needs in tl:le community and he encouraged the Councils to take the document into consideration. John Wysong, Grover Beach, gave a history of the Soto Sports Complex and stated the Complex had outgrown itself. Bill Couch, Pismo Beach Parks, Recreation and Beautification Commissioner, stated he would like to see the Parks and Recreation Commissions of all three cities meet to discuss ideas on how to approach coordination and/or consolidation of recreation programs, 2 CITY COUNCILS MINUTES MAY 13, 1999 Melissa Nichols, Arroyo Grande High School student, stated she was involved in a campus club called Student Voices. She stated that the club had circulated a petition to students at Arroyo Grande High School which supports the development of a South County Community Center that would provide a multi- use facility to serve the needs of all ages. She presented the petition with over 600 signatures to the Councils and encouraged ail three cities to work together on the development of a Community Center. Arroyo Grande Council Member Tolley gave Ms. Nichols a copy of the Youth Master Plan and encouraged her to share it with her group. Arroyo Grand~ Council Member Dickens explained that a subcommittee had been formed to explore ideas for the development of a Community Recreation Center. He announced that the first meeting would be held on Thursday, May 20, 1999 at 6:30 p.m, in Arroyo Grande. Hearing no further public comments, Arroyo Grande Mayor Lady brought the discussion back to the Councils. Grover Beach Mayor Pro Tern Ekbom submitted a letter relating to South County recreation for the record. After further discussion on the cities' recreation needs and unmet needs, there was consensus that a major study was not needed. Pismo Beach Mayor Brown moved to encourage city staff and the Parks ,and Recreation Commissiol1s of the three cities to continue to work together and identify areas of cooperation that might lead to further consolidation of effort in the areas of parks and recreation and report back to individual City Councils within 90 days. Grover Beach Mayor Peter Keith seconded the motion. On th~ following roll-call vote:' Arroyo Grande Grover Beach Pismo Beactl AyJ). Mayor Lady AyJ). Mayor Keith Ayj1 Mayor Brown ki.!J. Mayor ProTem Ferrara ~ Mayor ProTem Ekbom AyjA MayorProTem Mellow ki.!J. Runels ~ Arnoldsen Ayj1 Henlin Ayj! Tolley ~ Neufeld AyjA Natoli An Dickens AY.J1 Santos An. Reiss The motion passed unanimously. The Mayors from Pismo Beach and Grover Beach agreed to send a representative from their city to the City of Arroyo Grande Community Recreation Center Subcommittee meeting on May 20, 1999. 3 CITY COUNCILS MINUTES MAY 13, 1999 b, Joint Meetings of the Cities' Respective Traffic Commission/Committee Arroyo Grande City Manager Hunt highlighted the Staff Report. He stated' that direction was being requested regarding joint meetings of the cities' Traffic Committees. He said staff was seeking direction in three specific areas: 1) the purpose of the proposed joint meetings; 2) what type of projects would be subject to the joint meetings; and 3) any concerns the cities have regarding the interfacing of citizens-appointed committees and staff level committees. Council Members asked questions of staff and discussed the,alternative~ relating to the frequency of conducting joint Traffic Committee meetings. City Manager Hunt commented that the types of projects being reviewed may dictate 'the frequency of meetings, and the Councils should decide what the level of involvement was going to be. There was further discussion about reviewing projects that are close to city boundaries that have traffic circulation impacts in all three cities. Arroyo Grande Mayor Lady opened the discussion for public comments. Colleen Martin, Arroyo Grande Parks and Recreation Commissioner, stated that she was concerned that there were no citizens on the Traffic Committees'in Grover Beach or Pismo Beach to review citizen traffic complaints. She urged the elected officials of Grover Beach and Pismo Beach to look at creating citizen . appointed Traffic Commissions in their cities. Hearing no further comments, Arroyo Grande Mayor Lady brought the discuss'ion back to the Councils. There was discussion about the County's involvement in traffic circulation issues within the South County. Mayor Brown moved that the Traffic Committees of the three cities meet on an as- needed basis and continue to forward development projects and traffic concerns to the respective Councils for review and comment. Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara seconded the motion. On the following roll-call vote: Arroyo Grande Grover Beach Pismo Beach An Mayor Lady An Mayor Keith ~ Mayor Brown An Mayor ProTem Ferrara An Mayor ProTem Ekbom A'J.!J. MayorProTem Mello' An Runels An Arnoldsen An Henlin An Tolley An. Neufeld ~ Natoli An Dickens An Santos An Reiss The motion passed unanimously. 4 CITY COUNCILS MINUTES MAY 13, 1999' c. Discussion Regarding Intergovernmental Relations Arroyo Grande City Manager Hunt highlighted the Staff Report. He said that, the South County has done a good job promoting intergovernmental relations on the local level; however, the future of the cities' will be dictated by decisions made in Sacramento. He stated the advantages of having an advocate for the local cities in Sacramento would be to cover legislative issues, and provide assistance with various State departments. He said there could be cost advantages of hiring one legislative advocate that could be shared between the three cities to represent issues on a more direct and personal level to expand the level of advocacy. ' Council Members asked questions of staff about precedents in other communities, levels of success in employing a legislative advocate, and how many California cities employ a legislative advocate. There was discussion about legislative information that is sent from the League. of California Cities and how the cities do not have the resources or appropriate time to send city officials or representatives to Sacramento for lobbying efforts. Further discussion included clarifying the benefits of a local lobbyist versus Local State representatives who do not always have time to act as an advocate for City issues. There was discussion about directing staff to look at cities with similar demographics who have a legislative advocate to see what benefits have been realized in those cities, There was further discussion about moving forward on hiring. a legislative advocate on a trial basis to see if it works,_ and reviewing the results on an annual basis. Grover Beach Mayor Keith moved to direct staff to investigate the possibility of securing a legislative advocate in Sacramento to protect the hlterests of the South County cities. Pismo Beach Council Member Henlin seconded the motion. On the following roll-call vote: Arroyo Grande Grover Beach Pismo' Beach An. Mayor Lady ~ Mayor Keith ~ Mayor Brown An. Mayor ProTem Ferrara N2... Mayor ProTem Ekbom N.Q.... MayorProTem Mellow An. Runels N2... Arnoldsen Ay1J. Henlin ~ Tolley N2... Neufeld tfiL Natoli N2... Dickens ~ Santos ~Reiss Arroyo Grande - There being 4 A YES and 1 NO, the motion is hereby passed. Grover Beach - There being 2 A YES and 3 NOES, the motion. failed. Pismo Beach - There being 3 A YES and 2 NOES, the motion is hereby passed. Grover Beach Mayor Peter Keith left the meeting at 8:50 p,m. 5 CITY COUNCILS MINUTES MAY 13, 1999 d, Discussion on the Frequency of and Participants in Future Meetings Pismo Beach City Manager Mike Fuson highlighted the Staff Report. He stated that there were alternatives presented to the Councils to determine what kind of a schedule to set for future joint meetings; what should be included on the agenda; and what other agencies should attend with what level of participation. Council Members made comments and discussed the options offered. There was considerable discussion about the involvement of other agencies such as the County Board of Supervisors, Lucia Mar Unified School District Board, and Oceano Community Services District Board at the joint meetings. Council Member Henlin moved to 1) Set a schedule for regular meetings of the three cities twice 'a year; 2) prepare an Agenda which includes action, information, and education items only; and 3) attendance would include the elected officials of the three cities (Arroyo Grande, Pismo Beach, Grover Beach) and specified agencies on an as-needed, issue-by-issue basis. Mayor Pro Tern Mellow seconded the motion. On the following roll-call vote: Arroyo Grande Grover Beach Pismo Beach ~ Mayor Lady Absent Mayor Keith Ayj1 Mayor Brown ~ Mayor ProTem Ferrara ~ Mayor ProTem Ekbom A'JJJ.MayorproTem Mellow ~ Runels An Arnoldsen Ayj1 Henlin No Tolley- An Neufeld Ayj1 Natoli AyjA Dickens An Santos Ayj1 Reiss . Arroyo Grande - There being 4 A YES and 1 NO, the motion is hereby passed. Grover Beach - There being 4 AYES and 1 ABSENT, the motion is hereby passed~ Pismo Beach - There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby passed. 6. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: a, Youth Master Plan Linda Shephard, South County Youth Coalition Director, spoke about the South County Youth Coalition. She gave an update of the Coalition's first year activities which included the creation of a Resource Guide, a Youth Master Plan, and emergency phone number cards that were distributed to high school students. She reported that the Coalition has received over $30,000 in grant funds to assist in producing documents and brochures. Ms. Shephard stated there has been a lot of support from the cities and encouraged the Councils to continue sharing of resources and support in meeting the needs of the communities' youth. 6 . .._------_._~ ---.. ~-- ------~-- -- --~. ------ - ------------ CITY COUNCilS MINUTES MAY 13, 1999 b. PG & E - Y2K Compliance Barbara Engel, PG & E, gave an update on PG & E's Year 2000 compliance efforts. She stated that PG & E is confident about supplying electricity on January 1, 2000 and beyond. She stated that the company had formed a Y2K program with a budget of $240 million to identify critical systems, looking at environmental and regulatory impacts, assessing and creating an inventory of critical systems, performing remediation efforts, and testing systems. She stated that PG & E would soon be conducting its certification phase. She reported that there was a significant contingency plan in place with extra personnel and equipment in place on the rollover date. She said PG & E reports monthly to the California Public Utility Commission and they are comfortable with the status of PG & E's Y2K compliance program. Ms. Engel distributed a brochure entitled "Delivering Energy in the Year 2000" which includes Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure Information from PG & E. . 7. ADJOURNMENT Pismo Beach Mayor Brown moved, Mayor Pro TemFerrarasecondoeJ, and the motion passed unanimously to adjourn the meeting. Time: 9:36 p.m. . . 7 CITY COUNCILS MINUTES. MAY 13, 1999 MICH~tZ~ City of Arroyo Grande ATTEST: PETER KITH, MAYOR City of Grover Beach , : ATTEST: - PATRICIA A. PEREZ, CITY CL ~R~~ City of Pismo Beach ATTEST: ~E~~ 8