PC Minutes 2005-11-151 ANNOUNCEMENT: None. MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 15, 2005 6:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER - The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Chair Brown presiding; also present were Commissioners Fellows, Parker, Ray and Tait. Staff members in attendance were, Community Development Director, Rob Strong, Associate Planners Teresa McClish, Assistant Planner, Jim Bergman and Public Works Engineer, Victor Devens. AGENDA REVIEW: Community Development Director, Mr. Strong explained that public hearing items II.A. and II.C. had been removed from the agenda as staff had concluded that the maps could be deemed substantially complete and therefore could be pursued to a final map with limited time opportunity to record the maps without a time extension being considered. It would not be necessary to continue either item. If the maps do not record by the end of 2005 they would be expired and resubmittal would be required. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Fellows made a motion, seconded by Chair Brown to approve the minutes of October 18, 2005, with one correction to page 4, fourth bullet reverse the wording to state "four homes to three" from "three homes to four ". The motion passed with a 5/0 voice vote. I. A. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. B. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: None. C. NOMINATION AND ELECTION OF VICE CHAIR: Former Vice Chair John Keen's resignation created a vacancy which required the Planning Commission to nominate and elect a replacement. Commissioner Parker made a motion to nominate Commissioner Fellows, Commissioner Ray seconded the motion. The motion passed on a 5/0 voice vote. II.A PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS: A. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP CASE NO. 05 -005; APPLICANT — BLAKE CHAFFEE; LOCATION — 231 CORBETT CANYON ROAD. Subdivision of 1.93 -acre lot into four (4) residential parcels, ranging in size from 12,000 to 33,3545 square feet. This project was removed from the agenda as explained in Agenda Review above. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 15, 2005 PAGE 2 B. PLANNED SIGN PROGRAM CASE NO. 05 -001; APPLICANT — TIM MURPHY; LOCATION —1540 E. GRAND AVENUE. Assistant Planner, Jim Bergman, presented the staff report for consideration of a Planned Sign Program for the newly constructed retail building. After explaining past and the present Planned Sign Program in some detail he stated that the Planned Sign Program being presented had been reformatted and rewritten to encompass the attributes recommended by the Architectural Review Committee at their October 17, 2005 meeting. In conclusion, Mr. Bergman stated that staff recommends that the Planning Commission review the project and adopt a Resolution approving the Planned Sign Program. The Commission had no questions, but Commissioner Fellows clarified that there is colored tile work, on the tower element, that comes down behind the wording of the sign. Chair Brown opened the public hearing for public comment. Dave Sinton, applicant, asked if the Commission had any questions. Chair Brown commented that the sign on the tower in the rendering does not look centered. Mr. Sinton stated that the sign has an arched effect and does not sit up against the tile, but it would be centered when it is installed. Chair Brown closed the public hearing for public comment. Commission Comments: Tait: • Agreed with Mr. Bergman's report and recommendation for approval. • Agreed with the ARC comments on the Planned Sign Program and had no problem with it. Parker: • The Development Code allows one sign per business, but the location of this business calls out for two signs to make it more visible; does not agree with having two signs if the business has two entrances right next to each other as this does; does not want to see Grand Avenue cluttered with signs; a logo in place of this or a sign on the door would be acceptable. • Requested that language be added to Page 2 ", re text signs, to state that "up to two signs may be permitted as long as the entries are on different building faces ". Mr. Strong explained that this business has three entrances and the one on the south facing cannot be seen when driving west. Commissioner Parker stated she had been able to see both signs from Grand Avenue. • The logos would look more centered if they were on the windows. • The monument sign should go back to ARC for final review. Fellows: • Thought the signs were pretty good. • Commissioner Parker's comment were well taken regarding the signs, but agreed with Mr. Strong that as you are heading west you cannot see the sign until you get past it. 1 1 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 15, 2005 PAGE 3 • Re the sign on the tower he complemented the applicants on the use of real tile, but he would like to see the sign lowered to get it away from the word "Del ". • He has a problem with the sign on the wall (left hand side of the tower); he suggested getting rid of this sign, lower the "Tacos Del Mar" sign and have a hanging interior lit logo inside of the arch. Ray: • Thanked the ARC for the difficult job they had addressed and stated they had done a fine job. • Asked why the sign code is so inadequate and stated that it causes difficulty and makes sign approval subjective. • She understands that it is time consuming and difficult to update the sign code in addition to the heavy work load that the Planning staff already has, but she would like to see an update of the sign code calendared. Commissioner Fellows asked the sign representative to comment on lowering the Tacos Del Mar tower sign. She stated that the sign is "Taco Del Mar" and that at the request of the ARC they had already lowered the sign down; they could lower it a couple of inches more, but they believe it looks good where it is; the ARC asked for the bars to be even with the bottom of the letters. Commissioner Tait asked if the logo sign on the left could be moved to the arc of the window. The sign representative stated that the windows are tinted so it would block 70% of the visual; this is the anchor store and they have been trying to make it look unique and very tasteful. Brown: • He had a concern about the way the sign was extended over the tile. • Does the Planned Sign Program allow more flexibility than section 16.60 of the Development Code? Mr. Bergman replied that he believed it did. The Commission had a discussion on the logo sign on the tower and the second Taco Del Mar sign. Dave Sinton stated that the sign could not be moved below the tile because the tile comes down to almost the bottom of the letter "D ". Commissioner Fellows made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Parker to approve the Planned Sign Program with the following conditions: 1. The applicant can choose to put the logo in the center of the arch on the tower, behind the glass or in front of the glass, or no logo at all on that part of the building. 2. Lower the Taco Del Mar sign two inches. 3. On the second Grand Ave sign for Taco Del Mar, a logo on the left of the door and nothing over the top. 4. Change the language in the Planned Sign Program to reflect the changes, and adopt: Case tNo. pp mar �x Address . Description a Action 0, Planner 1. PPR 05 -010 Water For Less Various locations Outdoor vending machines. A R. Foster 2. PPR 05 -012 Spencer's Fresh Market 1464 East Grand Avenue Outdoor vending machines. A R. Foster 3. PPR 05 -014 Gill Sukhdev 400 Traffic Way Outdoor vending machines. A R. Foster 4. PPR 05 -018 Wal -Mart 1168 West Branch Street Outdoor vending machines. A R. Foster 5. PPR 05 -020 Albertson's 1132 West Branch Street Outdoor vending machines. A R. Foster 6. PPR 05 -021 Glacier Water Various locations Outdoor vending machines. A R. Foster 7. PPR 05 -022 K -Mart 1570 West Branch Street Outdoor vending machines. A R. Foster 8. PPR 05 -023 Cookie Crock 1221 East Grand Avenue Outdoor vending machines. A R. Foster 9. TUP 05 -025 Midstate Bank 1026 E. Grand Ave 28' tall illuminated artificial pine tree. A K. Heffernon 10. TUP 05 -020 AGVIA Nelson Green Gazebo Christmas Concert A J. Bergman 11. TUP 05 -023 Javier Ramirez Hernandez 1200 E. Grand Ave Food Cart Denied J. Bergman PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 15, 2005 IV. NON - PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS: None. RESOLUTION NO. 05 -1979 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING PLANNED SIGN PROGRAM 05 -001, APPLIED FOR BY TIM MURPHY, LOCATED AT 1540 EAST GRAND AVENUE The motion was approved on the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Fellows, Parker and Ray NOES: Commissioner Tait and Chair Brown ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted on this 15 day of November, 2005. PAGE 4 C. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP CASE NO. 05 -004 & PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT CASE NO. 05 -008; APPLICANT — RICK WHEELER; LOCATION — 185 & 187 BRISCO ROAD This project was withdrawn from the agenda as explained in Agenda Review above. IV. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE DECISIONS SINCE OCTOBER 18, 2005: A public hearing is not required for the following items unless an administrative decision is appealed or called up for review by the Planning Commission through a majority vote: 1 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 15, 2005 In reply to a question from Chair Brown, Mr. Strong explained that in future "Referral Items" would be placed on the agenda prior to Public Hearing items and "Administrative Items" would be placed on the agenda after Non - Public hearing items to assist in agenda management. Commissioner Tait asked if Administrative Items Nos. 1 & 4 (Wal -Mart & K -Mart) would be losing vending machines. Mr. Strong replied that they would be. In reply to Commissioner Parker, Mr. Strong explained that the specific cases (vending machines) being considered tonight were recently enabled by Development Code Amendments last year and were for non - conforming or illegal vending locations; the Plot Plan Review process is appropriate for outdoor vending machines; there will be a more elaborate process in the future for more substantial outdoor retail such as patio furniture or hardware sales. Mr. Strong stated he understands this is a sensitive issue and these administrative decisions are to establish a clean -up with Plot Plan Review. The Commission had no further concerns with the administrative decisions. V. REFERRAL ITEMS FOR COMMISSION ACTION: None. VI. DISCUSSION ITEMS: A. Minimum Site Area and Measurement of Density in Multi- Family Districts. Associate Planner, Teresa McClish, led a discussion with the Commission on alternatives regarding measurement and definitions for density in multi family and mixed -use districts in order to be in compliance with the General Plan. Re Multi - Family (MF) zoning, staff will be bringing forward some alternatives for consideration to allow minimum site areas to be smaller and more in line with what the density would allow (something less than 5,000 sq ft). Re the Multi - Family Apartments (MFA) zoning, staff is not proposing to make any changes at this time as we are trying to keep bigger lots for apartments (rental units). VII. PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS AND COMMENTS: None. PAGE 5 VIII. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR COMMENTS AND FOLLOW -UP: Mr. Strong stated that Tentative Parcel Map and Planned Unit Development Case Nos. 01- 001 (formerly Tract 1998), recommended for denial by the Planning Commission, would be going to City Council November 22, 2005. Mr. Strong then stated that early next year staff would be providing the Commission and City Council a calendar to give an overview of the simultaneous work programs under review. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 15, 2005 In conclusion, Mr. Strong informed the Commission of a "Low Impact Development Workshop" on Friday, November 18, 2005, at the Embassy Suites, San Luis Obispo. IX. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. ATTEST: L REARDON -SMITH SECRETARY TO THE COMMISSION AS TO C • NTENT: RO = STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOP ENT DIRECTOR (Minutes approved at the PC meeting of December 6, 2005) TIM BROWN, CHAIR PAGE 6 1