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PC Minutes 2001-11-201 MINUTES CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 20, 2001 PAGE 1 CALL TO ORDER Chair Costello called the regular Planning Commission meeting of the City of Arroyo Grande to order at 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL X Commissioner Brown X Commissioner Fowler X Commissioner Guthrie X Vice -Chair Keen X Chair Costello APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the Joint Meeting of the Planning Commission and the ARC were unanimously approved by a 5/0 -voice vote as submitted. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1. Copy of letter from the law office of Stephen N. Cool, dated November 15, 2001 regarding Conditional Use Permit 01 -010, 597 Camino Mercado. 2. Copy of letter from M. J. A. Wysong, 1660 Brighton Avenue, Grover Beach, regarding East Grand Avenue. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 01 -010; APPLICANT — CENTRAL COAST REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT; LOCATION — 579 CAMINO MERCADO Kelly Heffernon, Associate Planner, said the applicant proposes to construct 60 one and two bedroom apartment units averaging 900 square feet in size, and a 3,000 square foot senior recreation center. The apartments would be restricted to senior citizens, ages 55 and older, and 25% of the units would be reserved for those having a moderate - income level. A deed restriction is required as a condition of approval to ensure that the rent remains at this lower level. The apartment units meet all disabled access requirements, and the pedestrian path between Camino Mercado and the apartment units is also handicapped accessible. The project meets all relevant Development Code requirements for setbacks, lot coverage, height, and landscaping. There are no density requirements in the Professional Commercial District, although the proposed 15 dwelling units per acre is less than the maximum of 25 dwelling units per acre allowed in the Senior Housing District. MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 20, 2001 PAGE 2 The only standard that has not been met is the required parking. The project includes a total of 141 parking spaces, most of which would be covered. The Development Code requires 150 spaces, and therefore the project is nine spaces short. The applicant is requesting an exception to the parking requirement, which the Development Code allows through the CUP process if it can be shown how the shared uses have different hours of operation that don't conflict. The parking analysis prepared for the project makes the case that the actual parking demand will be Tess than the parking requirements due to the various modes of transportation available to the future tenants, and proximity of the apartments to the senior center. Because the hours of operation for the senior center may well conflict with the residential use, the Planning Commission might consider restricting the hours for the center, and /or delineating the residential parking from the senior center parking with either signage or special pavement markings. As part of the environmental review process, a traffic analysis was prepared which concluded that the Level of Service on surrounding intersections would remain at an acceptable level with the addition of traffic from the proposed development. This analysis was based on the assumption that the Camino Mercado /West Branch Street intersection would be signalized. Given that a signal is warranted at this intersection, the project is conditioned to install the signal subject to reimbursement from the City up to the amount of the project's signalization impact fee. This condition is contingent upon other projects in the review process that have a similar requirement. Essentially, the first project to obtain a building permit that has this condition shall be required to construct the traffic signal and enter into a reimbursement agreement with the City. Three populations of Pismo Clarkia have been identified on the property, which is a federally listed endangered plant species. As mitigation, a 25 -foot buffer is required around the plants, which the applicant has already identified on the project plans. All of the existing oak trees are proposed to remain and are required to be protected during construction. Commissioner Brown stated that he thought the language was too general with regard to Condition No. 14, with respect to the apartment reservation for moderate - income seniors, especially with respect to the deed restriction. Rob Strong stated that the City would be consulting with the City Attorney and the Housing Authority on the language, and hopefully it would be resolved prior to action by the City Council. Commissioner Fowler stated that Condition No. 39, with respect to fire lanes, was too general and she would like to make sure that more specific directional information be conditioned. MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 20, 2001 PAGE 3 Ms. Heffernon said she would follow up with the Fire Department to see if more specific language would be required. Chair Costello asked about the ADA compliance with regard to the bus stop and access to the bus stop. Steve Puglisi, Architect for the project, addressed the concerns: • The traffic circulation, specifically with respect to emergency vehicles, can now egress the site since the bridge structure has been eliminated. As discussed with the Fire Department, a key location has been selected where any emergency vehicle can station itself. At this key location there is an elevator and emergency response teams can access every unit on the site from this point. • There has been a series of modifications to the handicap access ramp to ensure that pedestrians can go from Camino Mercado to the main entrance of the building, and immediately at that location is one of the three elevators adjacent to the senior center. • The bus stop that is currently shown on the drawings is easily accessible from the handicap access ramp, as it starts moving itself down the site. We foresee no problem with getting the ramp from the vehicular entrance on Camino Mercado to the bus stop. • Parking is the only area we are not in compliance, but the traffic engineers analysis suggests that this project will in fact require 17 fewer spaces than City Ordinance requires. We are proposing nine fewer spaces, so we are in the plus eight category. We would rather not put more parking than the project requires. The project meets all other aspects of the Ordinance. Commissioner Brown asked why a public facility, that would generate traffic from the community, would not require more parking spaces rather than less? Mr. Puglisi replied that Penfield & Smith anticipates that 70% of the visitors to the senior center will be via private automobile, 25% will be walking and 5% will be by taxi. The visitors walking and by taxi will account for 16 individuals and therefore 16 Tess cars that will be required. Commissioner Brown commented that it appears that the roof of the structure goes above the ridgeline. Mr. Puglisi showed a cross section through the site and pointed out the elevation of the top of the roof. The footings of the building are not above the ridgeline, but the roofline goes above the ridgeline. PUBLIC COMMENT Ray Abdun -nur, 955 Via Las Aguilas, some of the concerns he had were: MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 20, 2001 PAGE 4 • Parking on Camino Mercado. • Would the roof blend in with the rest of the community? • Amount of visitors to the senior center? • What does moderate pricing mean? • Grading. Ron Livingson, 580 Dos Cerros, representative Homeowner's Association concerns: • Not being noticed about the project even though he lived within 300 feet. • General appearance of this building better than the previous proposed project. • Parking and traffic in the area. • Drainage during heavy rain. • The cost to the City for the senior center. • Is the senior center for Arroyo Grande or 5 Cities and where will the people be walking from? Earl Pauling, 232 La Cresta Drive, representative for many non - profits and represents many seniors who are not att the meeting tonight because they do not like to drive or go out when it is dark. • Seniors need a place to meet, very pleased about this proposed project. • Seniors support this center and are already concerned about getting on a waiting list for the 60 units. • The Women's Center parking lot during meetings is usually 60 -70% empty because seniors do not need a lot of parking; they carpool and meetings are usually attended by 30 -40 people. PUBLIC COMMENT CLOSED Gary Young, Applicant and Representative for Central Coast Real Estate Development, addressed: • Specifics would be applied to the deed restriction for 25% of the units dedicated to moderate - income seniors 55 years and older. • ADA compliance from the bus stop to the property. • Parking requirements and how they will be met. • Senior center, how it might be funded, and how it might be run. Commissioner Brown asked for details about fee relief for the project. Mr. Young replied that the fees had not yet been arrived at. Rob Strong advised that the Planning Commission not involve themselves in the fiscal fee reduction requests unless City Council or Parks & Recreation refer this back to them. Chair Costello asked: MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 20, 2001 PAGE 5 • Were there any guidelines in place if occupants became unable to take care of themselves? • If there were any significant parking impacts in the future what solutions would there be to expand the parking. • Would parking spaces be designated specifically for the residents and would there be 31 assigned parking spaces for the senior center? Mr. Young said there would be no assistance because this will be independent senior living. Mr. Puglisi said he did not foresee a parking problem, but rather than add more parking it would be better to adjust the hours of operation for the senior center. Mr. Young said each unit would have one assigned parking place and the rest would be at large parking. Commissioner Fowler: • Would the "moderate income" status apply to this project? • Believes that seniors do require less parking because they often have only one car per family. Rob Strong said the percentages for this project would apply to "moderate income" performance standards for housing and this is something the City will need to address in the future. Commissioner Keen referred to Condition No. 51 with respect to the signalization improvements: • The figures quoted by Penfield & Smith in their traffic study, for the improvements, do not seem realistic. • The improvements do not include road widening and he thought this should be included, as he would hate to see the City have to redo the signal in the future. Rodger Olds, Public Works, stated that these figures reflect only the applicant's share of the cost. Concerning the improvements, only the signal and roadway improvements particular to that signal are included, no roadway widening has been included. Commissioner Guthrie: • The building does a good job of protecting the ridgeline. • Prefer to see the senior center parking delineated from the rest of the project so in the future, if there was a problem it could be tracked. • Traffic is always an issue in this area, but what the community is receiving is worth taking the risk. • The 25% of "moderate- income" units is a real plus for this project. MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 20, 2001 PAGE 6 • He was not aware of the problem with drainage on Camino Mercado expressed during the public comment period. • Hours of operation for the senior center may have to be instituted some time in the future. • A bus stop in the middle of a block may be a liability. Rodger Olds said the drainage was intended to go into City storm drainage facilities, into the Caltrans ditch next to Hwy 101, and then further downstream into the basin at Oak Park and West Branch Street. Chair Costello commented on: • Traffic and the City standard of the Level of Service (LOS) "C ", and said he believes that this intersection is worse than "C ", but traffic would only be minimally affected by this project. When the traffic signal lights have been installed he hoped it would improve the situation. • Parking should be adequate, but if more than 50 people turned up at the senior center for a meeting, there would be additional parking available that was not being claimed by residents. In the future there may have to be some restrictions on parking on Camino Mercado. • He asked staff to confirm what the design standards were for the issue of the ridgeline. Rob Strong said the design standards are from the current General Plan and there are no specific design standards to preclude roof projections above the ridgeline. The Planning Commission agreed that the applicant had made all the changes previously requested by the Planning Commission and City Council, and the project met all the required findings for the Conditional Use Permit. Commissioner Keen moved that the Planning Commission adopt: RESOLUTION NO, 01 -008 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION, INSTRUCT THE DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES TO FILE A NOTICE OF DETERMINATION, AND APPROVE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 01 -010, LOCATED AT 579 CAMINO MERCADO, APPLIED FOR BY CENTRAL COAST REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT, INC. including Exhibit 'A', with an amendment to add a condition that would delineate the tenant parking from the parking for the senior center. Commissioner Fowler seconded the motion. 1 MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 20, 2001 PAGE 7 The motion was approved with the following roll call vote: ROLL CALL VOTE Yes Commissioner Brown Yes Commissioner Fowler Yes Commissioner Guthrie Yes Commissioner Keen Yes Chair Costello NON PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS DISCUSSION ITEMS /COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR COMMENTS AND FOLLOW -UP REPORTS Planning Programs: Steve Adams, City Manager, gave a presentation on the East Grand Avenue Master Plan, giving an update on the progress to date. The City has made an extensive effort to make sure everybody has had an opportunity to be involved and provide their feedback. Based on the results we are now developing some recommendations for Planning Commission and City Council consideration. The plan covers the entire corridor from the freeway to Oak Park Boulevard and it has been divided into three segments each with unique characteristics. The intention is to try to address some of the characteristics individually while at the same time create some common themes and connections throughout the entire corridor. A discussion took place on Mixed -Use zoning and how it may relate to the East Grande Avenue Master Plan. Rob Strong said this issue will come back to the Planning Commission for their input before going to City Council. He then asked the Planning Commission to fill out a questionnaire stating their preferences on the urban design features and land use concepts that were on display. Development Code Revisions: Rob Strong spoke regarding Development Code revisions, development project review and how the Community Development Department intended to systematically deal with these concerns. PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS AND COMMENTS The Planning Commission meeting of December 18, 2001 was cancelled, and due to New Year Holiday the January meetings were deferred to January 15, and January 29, 2001. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 20, 2001 PAGE 8 ATTEST: Z.,,,4,-,(44- Lyn Reardon - Smith, Commission Clerk AS TO CONTENT: Rob Strong, Community Development Director F r. e ph Costello, Chair 1 1