PC Minutes 1998-01-201 1 1 ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 20, 1998 The Arroyo •Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Chair Lubin presiding. Present are Commissioners Greene, Haney, O'Donnell and Rondeau. Also in attendance are Community Development Director Doreen Liberto - Blanck, Associate Planner Bruce Buckingham and Deputy Public Works Director Craig Campbell. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None PUBLIC HEARING - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 97 -560, CONSTRUCTION OF A 3,400 SQUARE FOOT AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR BUILDING; APPLICANT: DAN BLOUGH; REPRESENTATIVE: TIM TIESSEN; LOCATION: 495 GRAND AVENUE Associate Planner Bruce Buckingham reviewed the staff report dated January 20, 1998. He noted that the Planning Commission approved a Tentative Parcel Map on December 16, 1997, which created a 15,436 square foot vacant lot adjacent to the existing Jiffy Lube Facility. The applicant is now requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow construction of a 3,400 square foot automotive repair facility, including sales and service of tires and other accessories, brake and shock service. In addition, minor repair work would also be allowed, such as tune -ups and oil changes. Mr. Buckingham advised the proposed project meets all Development Code standards. He discussed in detail the parking issue, the wall /fence along the south property line, security along the south property line and the proposed sign location shown on the site plan. He stated that a public notice was sent to all property owners within 300 feet of the proposed project. Staff received one letter from the adjacent mini - storage facility expressing concerns about drainage and the visibility of their sign. He advised that Mitigation Measure No. 4 requires the applicant design and construct an enlarged drain inlet to accommodate existing and post development flows, and the signage issue has been raised for Planning Commission discussion. Mr. Buckingham stated the Staff Advisory Committee recommend approval of the project subject to the Conditions of Approval, with one modification: that the second line of Condition No. 36 be stricken. After a brief discussion between the Planning Commission and staff, Chair Lubin opened the public hearing. Tim Tiessen. 725 Shell Beach Road, Shell Beach, designer of the project, reviewed the parking space requirements, stating there are ten (10) extra parking spaces, which they feel is adequate. He also discussed the special condition requiring submission of revised plans indicating the separation between the top of the wall /fence and the top of the adjacent mini - storage be a minimum of 11 feet. He stated the applicant does not feel it is his obligation to give up a portion of his site to provide for Crocker's Locker's security. Commissioner Haney referred to the large blank west facing wall and suggested something in terms of landscaping be done to break up the wall mass. Mr. Tiessen stated a viable solution perhaps would be a 6" planting area along the side of the building where some low bushes and /or ivy could be planted. Arroyo Grande Planning Commission Page 2 January 20, 1998 Dan Blough, applicant, addressed the sign issue, stating he could not find any documents allowing the sign that Crocker's Lockers has and the sign is located on his property. With regard to the requirement for the reciprocal parking agreement, Mr. Blough requested this requirement be deleted. He stated parking is being provided as required by the Development Code and feels the reciprocal parking agreement is inappropriate. Another issue is the requirement that all work be done inside of the building. Mr. Blough advised that 98% of the work is done within the building; however, occasionally, a motor home or large truck will come in that does not fit in the building, and in such cases, work would be done behind the building. Also, he stated he is not in favor of moving the fence or block wall, and he felt the concern by the Police Department was unwarranted. Bob Miller, stated he is President and co -owner of Wayne's Tires. He spoke regarding the parking concerns and the reciprocal parking requirement. He commented that basically 50% of their customers bring their vehicle in and wait for the service, then leave with their vehicle. The new facility will be able to service four vehicles at a time. He further stated there will be no outside storage of tires; it is their intention to remove the junk tires and transport them on a daily basis to their re- treading facility in Santa Maria. Nanci Parker, Cherry Avenue, spoke regarding work being done outside of the building, and questioned whether they could do a specific operation, or whether they could do an entire front end alignment, and similar repairs. Hearing no additional comments from the audience, Chair Lubin closed the public hearing and restricted further discussion to the Planning Commission. Commissioner O'Donnell stated with regard to the fence or the retaining wall that, in his opinion, it is not a major problem having the 9 ft. vs. the 11 ft. and favors leaving it where it is. Also, he would like to see a provision that the sign be reviewed prior to installation. With regard to reciprocal parking, he stated he does not believe a reciprocal parking agreement is necessary and he would like to have that condition stricken. Commissioner Greene stated he does not believe the reciprocal parking agreement is necessary. With regard to the fence or wall, Commissioner Greene stated he does not feel this project can be approved without taking into consideration the security of the neighboring property owners and, therefore, he feels Condition No. 26 should remain. Also, he feels that Condition No. 20 requiring all work be done within a building should remain. Associate Planner Buckingham noted that Condition No. 20 is directly from the Development Code. Community Development Director Liberto -Blanck stated that the only way to alter Condition No. 20 would be by a Development Code Amendment. Commissioner Haney agreed with the conclusions of Commissioners O'Donnell and Greene regarding the reciprocal parking agreement. With regard to signage, he stated he favored deleting the sign location from the site plan. Also, he agreed that Condition No. 26 should remain as proposed by staff because of security concerns. He also agreed with staff's position on Condition No. 20 requiring all work be done within a building. Commissioner Haney stated he would like to encourage the applicant to deal in some way with the blank wall. 1 1 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission Page 3 January 20, 1998 Chair Lubin stated he feels there is adequate parking on both properties and exceeds the Development Code requirement; therefore, the reciprocal parking requirement is not necessary. However, the requirement is a condition of approval on the Parcel Map and an amendment will have to made to the Parcel Map conditions of approval. He also shared Commissioner Haney's concern about the large blank wall, and he agreed with the idea of deleting the sign location from the current plan. With regard to work being done outside of the building, he stated he has no problem with occasional RV's outside of the building getting tires changed. With regard to the fence issue, Chair Lubin stated he would like to encourage a solution that does not require additional cost to the developer. After a brief discussion, the following action was taken. RESOLUTION NO. 98 -1647 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION, INSTRUCTING THE SECRETARY TO FILE A NOTICE OF DETERMINATION, AND APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 97 -560, APPLIED FOR BY DAN BLOUGH, AT 495 GRAND AVENUE On motion by Commissioner O'Donnell, seconded by Commissioner Haney, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners O'Donnell, Haney, Rondeau and Lubin NOES: Commissioner Greene ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 20 day of January 1998. PUBLIC HEARING - SEMI- ANNUAL REVIEW OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS NO. 92 -502 AND 94 -527, FOR THE OPERATION OF LOPEZ CONTINUATION HIGH SCHOOL AND THE TEENAGE ACADEMIC PARENTING PROGRAM; APPLICANT: LUCIA MAR UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT; LOCATION: 227 BRIDGE STREET Associate Planner Buckingham reviewed the staff report dated January 20, 1998. He advised that on July 16, 1996 the Planning Commission considered the School District's request for a two - year time extension and, after discussion, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to grant an extension until August 18, 1998 for the High School and Teenage Academic Parenting Program. Condition No. 6 of the time extension required that the Planning Commission hold a public hearing to review the Conditional Use Permits for noise, loitering, trash and other neighborhood concerns at the first Planning Commission meetings in January 1997; June 1997; and January 1998.' He noted this will be the last review of the Conditional Use Permits unless an extension is granted. Mr. Buckingham advised that the Staff Advisory Committee reviewed the project at its meeting on December 16, 1997. At that time, the Interim Parks and Recreation Director expressed concerns about destruction of property and litter at Hart Collett Park, and stated he would continue to work with the Principal of Lopez High School to resolve those issues. Mr. Perry Judd, representing the Lucia Mar Unified School District, advised the Committee that it is likely the new school facility will not be open until early 1999. Mr. Judd was advised that a time extension on the current Conditional Use Permits would need to be filed 30 days prior to the expiration date of August 18, 1998. Arroyo Grande Planning Commission Page 4 January 20, 1998 Mr. Buckingham informed the Commission that a public notice was sent to all property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the property and noticed in the local paper. Staff has not received any comments regarding this project. Chair Lubin opened the hearing for public comment. Sid Richardson, Principal of Lopez High School, thanked the Commission for their support throughout the past years, stating they are looking forward to being in the new facility by next Christmas. Hearing no further comments from the audience, Chair Lubin closed the public hearing. On motion by Commissioner Greene, seconded by Commissioner O'Donnell, and unanimously carried, a determination was made finding the Conditional Use Permits in compliance with existing Conditions of Approval. PLANNING COMMISSION /COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ITEMS AND COMMENTS. A. Tour of Arroyo Linda Crossroads Specific Plan Project. Community Development Director Doreen Liberto -Blanck asked that Commissioners who would like to attend the tour to advise staff so a date and time could be arranged. Associate Planner Buckingham stated the tour would probably take a minimum of two hours. B. General Plan Update Information. Commissioner O'Donnell spoke regarding the General Plan Workshop to be held on February 28 He stressed the importance of the upcoming workshop and urged the Planning Commissioners to get involved and spread the word to get people to attend and get the community's input. Chair Lubin advised that the Fiscal Impact Analysis Committee completed its project. A report was submitted and approved by the City Council at their January meeting. C. Update of Projects. Community Development Director Liberto - Blanck advised that a pre - application review has been submitted for a 30,000 square foot commercial development at the corner of Wesley Way and East Branch Street. The project was previously submitted as Guidetti Square, and approved in 1988. Ms. Liberto - Blanck referred to the Planners Institute March 5t through the 7 in Long Beach. She requested that Commissioners planning to attend, advise staff as soon as possible so that reservations• can be made and funding arranged. D. Joint Meeting with the City Council and Traffic Commission. Ms. Liberto -Blanck advised the meeting has been scheduled for February 12 at 8:00, tentatively planned to be held at the High School. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1. Notice announcing a Community Visioning Workshop, Saturday, February 28 1998, Arroyo Grande High School Gym at 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. 1 1 1 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission January 20, 1998 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. on motion by Commissioner O'Donnell, seconded by Commissioner Haney, and unanimously carried. ATTEST: Pearl L. Phinney, Commission Cle AS TO CONTENT: c4e-thAJ Zd- ?Y- Doreen Liberto-Blanck, AICP Community Development Director Sandy Lubin, Page 5