R 1403 i5~~ . ') , .-/ RESOLUTION NO. 1403 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO ,GRANDE, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE CANVASS OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON THE 8TH DAY OF APRIL, 1980, TO BE MADE BY THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. WHEREAS, a regular general municipal electian will be held and conducted in the City af Arraya Grande, County af San Luis Obispo., State af California, on Tuesday, the 8th day of April, 1980, as required by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council of said City desires the canvass af said electian to be made by the City Clerk of said City; [ NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANOE, CALfFORNIA, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTI ON I. That pursuant to. Sectian 22932.5 of the Elections Cade of the State of Califarnia, the canvass of the regular general municipal election to be held In the City af Arroyo. Grande, Caunty of San Luis Obispo., State af California, on Tuesday, the 8th day af April, 1980, Is hereby ordered to. be made by the City Clerk of the City af Arrayo Grande: SECTION 2. That the City Clerk of Sa.id City shall priar to the 15th day of Apri I , 1980, camplete the canvass of the regular general municipal electian to be held in said City an the 8th day of April, 1980, and shall certify the results to this said City Cauncil an the 15th day of April, 1980. SECTION 3. That the City Clerk shiil! certify to the passage and adaptian of this resolutian; shall enter the same In the book of original Resolutians of said City, and shall make a minute of the passage and adaption thereof in the recards af the praceedings af the. City:C6uncii. o.f said City, in the minutes o.f the meet i ng' at wh i ch the. same is :.passed and adapted. SECTI ON 4. That this Resalutian shall take effect Immediately. On mation af Council Member de Lean, secanded by Council Member Gallagher and an the fallawing roll call vate, to. wit: AYES: Co.uncil Members Pape, Gallagher, de Leon, Smith and Mayar Millis NOES: Nane ABSENT: Nane <h. fO"90;'9 R.'o;";o, w," "md "d. 'dO'''i!:f(1;' ~~"o. ATTEST: DEPUTY CITY CLERK I, Terry Carver, Deputy City Clerk af the City of Arroyo. Grande, Caunty of San Luis Obispo., State af Califo.rnia, do hereby certify that the faregaing Resalutian No.. 1403 is a true, full and correct co.py of said Resolutian passed and adapted at a regular meeting af said Council held an the 11th day af March, 1980. WITNESS my hand and the Seal af the City of Arrayo. Grande affixed this af March, 1980. DEPUTY CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ~.- - .-- --~ .-~'-'----'-- --; -'. - e -~""""~~"