PC Minutes 1997-06-031 1 1 ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMIVIISSION JUNE 3, 1997 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met with, Chair Lubin presiding. Present were Commissioners Greene, Haney, O'Donnell and Rondeau. Associate Planner Bruce Buckingham and Helen Elder were in attendance. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None Chair Lubin informed the audience that only comments regarding the Landscaping and Parking Plan would be acceptable during Agenda Item No. III.A PUBLIC HEARING - TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP CASE NO. 97 -540; REQUEST TO SUBDIVIDE PROPERTY INTO TWO (2) LOTS AT 174 PINE STREET; APPLICANT - CHESTER KIELAN Associate Planner Bruce Buckingham presented the staff report; noted that a 20' easement would be recorded against lot #1 for access and utilities; stated that an Initial Study had been done and a Negative Declaration was recommended; and, recommended approval of the project. Chair Lubin opened the public hearing. Chester Kielan. owner /applicant - stated that he intends to deed the rear lot to his daughter and requests approval of the project. . There being no further comments from the audience, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Greene asked the applicant if he was in agreement with the Conditions of Approval placed on the project; the applicant replied that he was. The Commission agreed that it was a good project and the staff report addressed their concerns. The following action was then taken: RESOLUTION NO. 97 -1625 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION WITH MITIGATION MEASURES, INSTRUCTING THE SECRETARY TO FILE A NOTICE OF DETERMINATION, AND APPROVING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP CASE NO. 97 -540, LOCATED AT 174 PINE STREET, APPLIED FOR BY CHESTER KIELAN Adopted the Resolution as presented including Attachments A & B: On a motion by Commissioner O'Donnell, seconded by Commissioner Greene, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners O'Donnell, Greene, Haney, Rondeau and Lubin NOES: None ABSENT: None Staff advised the audience of the appeal procedure. Arroyo Grande Planning Commission Page 2 June 3, 1997 PUBLIC HEARING - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 92-502 & 94-527; REVIEW OF PROJECTS FOR NOISE, LOITERING, TRASH AND OTHER NEIGHBORHOOD CONCERNS. THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS ARE FOR OPERATION OF LOPEZ HIGH SCHOOL INCLUDING A TEENAGE ACADEMIC AND PARENTING PROGRAM (TAP); APPLICANT - LUCIA MAR SCHOOL DISTRICT; REPRESENTATIVE, SCOTT LATHROP Associate Planner Bruce Buckingham presented the staff report; reviewed the history of the project; stated that the Park & Recreation Director was working with the School District on the littering problem; noted that Condition of Approval (COA) #8 was still not met, the delay was at the State level and could be explained by the applicant; stated that the original COA required that the property owners and occupants within 300 feet be notified and that the occupants had not been noticed of this evening's hearing; and, recommended that the Commission open the hearing to receive any input but continue a decision to the July 15th hearing. Chair Lubin opened the public hearing. Scott Lathrop. applicant representative - explained that the local School District Board had passed a Resolution to accept responsibility for utilizing the building but the State, due to a large backload of projects was not dealing with this type of request from the local jurisdiction; noted that funding for the new Lopez High School construction must be approved by September or the district could loose the funding; and, stated that they had no problem with the staff report as written. There was general discussion with the Commission regarding the procedure the district must follow to gain funding from the State; the amount of time required for bidding and construction; and, the number of students currently attending the programs at Lopez Continuation High School. There being no further comments from the audience, the public hearing was closed. Chair Lubin discussed the history of the project with the previous Planning Commission; noted some problems that had occurred and the positive attitude of the school administration in handling them; and expressed support for the project. On a motion by Commissioner Greene, seconded by Commissioner Haney, and by unanimous consensus; it was agreed to continue the item to the July 15, 1997 Planning Commission meeting. NON PUBLIC HEARING - PRESENTATION BY APPLICANT OF THE LANDSCAPING AND PARKING PLAN AT WEST BRANCH/CAMINO MERCADO AND RANCHO PARKWAY; APPLICANT - AGRA, LLC (CENTRAL COAST TOWN CENTER); REPRESENTATIVE, KEN KAMMEYER Chair Lubin noted that discussion on this item must remain within the areas of Landscaping and Parking Plan review as noted in the agenda. The Planning Commission is only reviewing the plans for general comments and no decision will be made at this meeting. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission Page 3 June 3, 1997 Associate Planner Helen Elder presented the staff report; stated that the applicant has requested that the Landscaping and Parking Plans be reviewed for input with a return to the Commission on July 1 for a determination; noted that at the time of the public hearing a full staff report and analysis of the plan would be prepared for the Commission; stated that this was an informal review; and, noted that the following staff was available for questions: John Keisler,. Park & Recreation Director; Craig Campbell, Public Works Department; and, Jennifer Metz, a landscape architect working for Crawford, Multari & Clark, who is on contact with the City to review the plans. Tom Talbert. 1015 Meadow Way - questioned the review of the project while the City Council was considering an appeal. Chair Lubin responded that the hearing is a pre - application review and no action will be taken; read a letter from the City Attorney into the record which advised that there was "no legal impediment to the Planning Commission reviewing and commenting on the May 12, 1997, landscaping and parking plan submitted by the applicant"; and, invited the applicant to address the Commission. Howard Mann. AGRA. LLC - noted that he had reviewed the comments from the previous meeting; stated that they intended to develop a quality product and would address community concerns; introduced the design team; and, presented a brief summary of their plan. Larry Musil. president of Musil, Govan & Azzelino. architects for the applicant - noted that his firm specializes in shopping centers; showed approved site plan with proposed landscaping improvements; discussed number of trees proposed; indicated the parking layout; and, stated that 30% of the site is proposed in landscaping. Ken Kammeyer. landscape architect - acknowledges the assistance of John Keisler in selecting appropriate native plants for the center; discussed plant selection; and, presented slide presentation of the landscaping concept. Chair Lubin invited the audience to address the Commission on the Landscaping and Parking Plan as presented. No one from the audience spoke at this time. Commissioner Greene noted that it was an interesting presentation. He discussed specific plant material and tree selection with the landscape architect and made some specific suggestions regarding alternative materials; suggested native plants be utilized where possible especially those with a history of doing well in Arroyo Grande; questioned size of plants that would be installed; discussed truck loading zones and their proposed screening; expressed concern with palm trees not being "Central Coast ". Commissioner Haney also noted that he enjoyed the slide presentation; asked questions regarding mounding on the site; expressed concern with site plan for the area adjacent to the residential area along Camino Mercado. Commissioner O'Donnell had questions regarding the retaining wall at the rear of the project and how it would be screened; expressed concern with the amount of palm trees; and, noted the view corridor for the residents and noise related to loading operations would have to be carefully mitigated. Commissioner Rondeau noted that he had enjoyed the presentation; expressed concern with the palm trees, would like to see them replaced with another type of tree; noted that the view corridor for the residences and the noise would be major issues of concern. Arroyo Grande Planning Commission Page 4 June 3, 1997 Chair Lubin noted that he had no problem with the palm trees; stated that the presentation and graphics were well done and helped to visualize the site as proposed; expressed concern with on -going maintenance of the site; noted that visually screening the center was an important aspect but safety must not be sacrificed; and, asked about the landscaping for the retention basin. The Commission further discussed the interior circulation and the meandering pathways through the parking area; expressed concern with pedestrian pathways at certain areas of the center; discussed the timeline for installation of the landscaping. The applicant indicated that the entire . center would be constructed in one phase therefore the landscaping would all be installed at that time. Chair Lubin asked that since the City Council will consider appeals on July 8th, he asked for Commission consensus to continue the item to July 15; the Commission unanimously agreed. PLANNING COMMJSSION /COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ITEMS AND COMMENTS A. Update of Projects - Associate Planner Helen Elder reviewed the upcoming project list presented in the packet. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - 1. Agenda Item No. III.A. - memorandum from Timothy J. Carmel, City Attorney 2. Agenda Item No. IV.A - tentative schedules for City Council, Planning Commission, AAC and SAC ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, on a motion by Commissioner O'Donnell, seconded by Commissioner Haney, and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. to the next meeting on July 1, 1997. ATTEST: Lucille : reese, Commission lerk AS TO CONTENT: CTl Sts L u , i C Doreen Liberto- Blanck, Community Development Director Sandy Lubin, Chair 1