PC Minutes 1988-10-04Arroyo Grande Planning Commission October 4, 1988 The Arroyo Grande Planning Conmission met in regular session with Chairman Soto presiding. Present are Commissioners Olsen, Scott, Flores and Boggess. Commissioners Moore and Gerrish are absent. Planning Director Liberto- Blanck and current Planner Lanning are also in attendance. COMMISSIONER MOORE ENTERED THE MEETING AND IS NOW PRESENT CONTINUATION - PUBLIC HEARING - VIEWSHED REVIEW PERMIT NO. 88-3,1225 BRIGHTON AVENUE. (GERMANO DI CARLO) Current Planner Lanning reviewed that this item came before the Planning Commission at their meeting of September 20th and was continued for additional information to be provided. He stated that the applicant has submitted a revised cross section for the property showing its relationship to the property to the west. He further stated that the applicant has made a few changes to allow for some view to be preserved from the window. Mr. Lanning also pointed out that the original recommendation of the Staff Advisory Committee for approval remains unchanged. Following Mr. Lanning's presentation, Chairman Soto reopened the public hearing. Mr. DiCarlo, applicant for the Viewshed Review Permit, stated he met with his neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall, and have worked out a compromise to protect their view. Mrs. Eklund, 1222 Brighton, stated her concerns about her view being. obstructed. Chairman Soto stated, in looking at the profile from the road, it looks like the only thing the house is going to block out is the Williams Bros. Shopping Center. Mr. Marshall stated that the house is going to be about 5 or 6 feet lower than Mrs. Eklund's house and, in his opinion, she is going to be looking right over the top of it. Hearing no further comments for or against the proposed Viewshed Review Permit, Chairman Soto declared the hearing closed. After a brief discussion, a condition was added that the applicant submit copies of the revised building plans to staff. RESOLUTION NO. 88 -1205 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GRANTING A VIEWSHED REVIEW PERMIT NO. 88-3, APPLIED FOR BY GERMANO DICARLO AT 1225 BRIGHTON AVENUE. On motion by Commissioner Boggess, seconded by Commissioner Olsen, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Olsen, Scott, Moore, Flores, Boggess and Chairman Soto NOFS: None ABSENT: Commissioner Gerrish the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 4th day of October 1988. CONTINUATION - PUBLIC HEARING - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 88 -445, PLANNED SIGN PROGRAM FOR SOOLARIS BROOKSIDE MARKETPLACE, WEST BRANCH AND MASON STREET. (J. SCOLARI/E. C. LOOMIS) Current Planner Lanning advised that the applicants are requesting a one month continuance on this item. On motion by Commissioner Olsen, seconded by Commissioner Boggess, and unanimously carried, Conditional Use Permit Case No. 88 -445 was continued for one month as requested by the applicant. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 88 -411, REMODEL EXISTING BUILDING, 110 BRISCO ROAD. (RIVERA'S AUTO BODY /JOSE RIVERA) Current Planner Lanning reviewed the staff report, dated October 4, 1988. In answer to Commissioner Boggess' question regarding the paint booth, Mr. Rivera advised that the booth is self- contained and is a pre - manufactured unit of galvanized material. Mr. Abeloe, representing the applicant, requested that Mr. Rivera be allowed to move into the office area before the shed is removed and before the final inspection is made. Planning Director Liberto - Blanck stated this is something that would have to be worked out with John Richardson, Chief Building Inspector. After a brief discussion, Architectural Review Case No. 88 -411 was approved with the conditions as stated in the staff report, on motion by Commissioner Olsen, seconded by Commissioner Flores, and unanimously carried. 485 486 Arroyo Grande Planning Qanrnission, 10 -4 -88 Page 2 PLANNING DIRECT'OR'S REPORT/DISCUSSION Planning Director Liberto - Blanck informed the Commission that all of the General Plan documents are available in the event Commissioners would like to receive a copy. She also stated that State law now requires 7 mandatory elements, and the Planning Department is in the process of updating three of those elements at the present time. She also advised the Commission that St. Barnabas Church has appealed the Commission's decision and that matter will be before the City Council at their next meeting. DISCUSSION David Gaskell, 633 Cerro Vista Circle, spoke regarding a second story addition now being constructed by his neighbor. He stated he does not have a problem with the addition, however, it was his feeling that the neighbor is not meeting the lot coverage requirement nor the standard side yard setback requirements. After further discussion, Planning Director Liberto - Blanck asked that Mr. and Mrs. Gaskell meet with her on October 5th at 3:00 p.m. to discuss the problem and review the calculations. Commissioner Olsen asked that the Planning Director report back to the Commission on the outcome of the review of the lot coverage and setback requirements. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned by Chairman Soto at 8:15 P.M. ATTEST: 4.?/ Secretary 1