PC Minutes 1986-08-19Arroyo Grande Planning Common August 19, 1986 The Arroyo Grande Planning lion met in regular session with Chairman Carr presiding. Present are Commissioners issioners Olsen, Moore, and Soto. Commissioners Boggess, Flores and Gerrish are absent. Planning Director Eisner is also in attendance. MINUTE APPROVAL Hearing no additions or correction, the minutes of the regular meeting of August 5, 1986 were approved by the Chairman as submitted. RESUBMITTAL - ARCTIITEC'IVRAL REVIEW CASE NO. 86 -362, 13 UNIT APARTMENT COMPLEX, 410 SO. ELM STREET IN THE "R -3" MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. (GARY WHITE). Planning Director Eisner advised that the applicants are requesting further review and discussion on this project which was denied by the Planning Commission at their last meeting. He stated that the applicants have filed an appeal to the Planning Corm ission's action. In the interim they have submitted revised plans which they feel respond to the Commission's concerns. Mr. Eisner pointed out that the first question before the fission is whether or not they wish to re-open the discussion and hear from the applicants in terns of a modified plan and, if not, the matter will appear on the City Council's agenda at their next meeting. Commissioner Carr stated it is his understanding that the additional information is in the form of more guest parking for the project. He noted that there also was concern about the project adding to an existing parking problem in the neighborhood, inadequacy of landscaping and the lack of open space. After a breif discussion, the c mni lion agreed to review the proposed modification. Planning Director Eisner reviewed the original submission and the applicant's resubmission. He commented that in the sense of basic requirements of the "R -3" zone, the density requirements have been met. He stated that there are two issues that come into question. The first are the standards of the zoning ordinance itself; second is architectural review. He pointed out that architectural review should not become an opportunity for becoming arbitrary with the basic standards of the ordinance, but it should become an opportunity for review of color, materials, basic layout, landscaping, etc. of any project submitted. The applicants feel they meet the basic requirements of the ordinance. They have submitted that they can properly provide at least two, and possibly three off street parking spaces, however, in so doing they would be reducing the 36% landscaping and taking that closer to the minimum in the "R -3" zone. If the Commission finds that there is a problem with the substantive standards in the "R -3" zone, then staff should be directed to prepare an amendment to the ordinance. Gary White, applicant, displayed plans showing where the three additional parking spaces could be provided, noting that the additional parking will bring the project closer to the minimum requirement for landscaped areas, however, it will still be within the minimum. With regard to the concern of additional play area, Mr. White noted that Elm Street Park is less than 200 ft. away from the project. He stated there is a possibility of moving the fence around the existing residence to provide more open space. Commissioner Soto stated his concern is for the smaller children that need supervision. _Chairman Carr commented, in his opinion, the information presented tonight does not alleviate his concern regarding landscaping and the unavailability of open space within the project. He stated his personal opinion is that the number of units proposed for the area is too many to allow for the type of design he would like to see. He noted that when a project meets the minimum standards, often it is not adequate and there is nothing for the children to play on except asphalt. COMMISSIONER FLORES ENTERED THE MEETING DURING THE ABOVE DISCUSSION. Cbaymissioner Olsen asked if this project were designed to give the extra space for play area, would it then meet the minimum requirements of the rest of the ordinance? Planning Director Eisner pointed out that there is nothing in the new ordinance requiring play areas or guest parking. Cormiissioner Flores stated that applicants submitting projects for review work within the parameters established in the Zoning Ordinance and, in his opinion, it is unfair to hold projects up because the Commnission wants something more than what the ordinance calls for. He further stated he 'feels the Commission has to be sensitive to that fact and provide more concrete and more definitive guidelines. Chairman Carr stated he understands what Coimissioner Flores is saying, however, it is going to be difficult, if not impossible, to develop an ordinance to fit every situation, and he feels there are some real problems with this design. He further stated he doesn't believe the Commission should feel obligated to approve a project that may not provide the' type of living environment that we want in this community. After further discussion, on motion by Conmissioner Soto, seconded by Chairman Carr, and carried with one "no" vote and one abstention, the previous denial was sustained. Planning Director Eisner advised that this matter will be heard by the City Council next Tuesday night. 289 290 Arroyo (garde Planning Commission, 8 -19-86 PUBLIC HEARING - TENTATIVE MAP, TRACT 1419, A 6 LOT RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION, 1062 MAPLE STREET IN THE' "R -1" SINGLE FAMILY .RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT.' (ARNO LASCARI). Planning Director Eisner advised that this is a request of Mr. Arno Lascari for a tract map for property on Wallace Place off of Maple Street. He commented that previously there were three parcels divided out of this project. The submission has been prepared by Garing & Taylor, and has been reviewed by the Staff ° Advisory Committee. He called attention to the notation on. the .map that the configuration of the lots were . directed by the client. Mr. Eisner stated that in Staff Advisory Committee review the measure used was the Subdivision Ordinance. The Subdivision Map Act, Chapter 66000 of the Government Code spells out specific areas where the Planning Commission must deny a map. Specifically there were 5 areas that the Staff Advisory Committee found did not meet the various requirements; he specifically called attention to the requirement of findings in Section 66474 of the Government Code. Upon being assured by the Planning Commission Secretary that public hearing for Tentative Tract Map No. 1419 had been duly published and property owners notified, Chairman Carr declared the hearing open. Mr. Arno Lascari, applicant, addressed comments to the items referenced in the staff report. He briefly reviewed his proposal, stating he is taking a situation that ,is far from desirable and improving it, and that he is proposing to in trove the fencing, tearing down an old garage and shed. He commented he has talked to people iri the area and hasn't found anyone that thinks it is a bad idea. He stated his feelings that he will be improving the situation for the City, the neighborhood, the people who live there and himself. Susan Duca, 1024 Sunset Drive, stated her lot abuts this property, and it appears that the proposal will be a better situation than what is there now. Hearing no further comments for or against the proposed tract map, Chairman Carr declared the hearing closed. Commissioner Olsen stated she doesn't like the setback situation and, if approved, the Commission will be endorsing something that . was not 'very desirable to begin with. Planning. Director Eisner stated it is his considered opinion that this application, in order to even be considered, should be accompanied by an application for a Variance; however, a Variance is .not forthcoming and, under the California law, there .are no grounds for the granting of a Variance. He stated he feels the only action that the Planning Conrtnission can legally take is an action of denial; it is not within the discretion of the Planning 'Commission to approve a tentative map with this amount of variance to the provisions of the ordinance. • Chairman Carr stated he could not act to create or compound a situation that has sub- standard lot sizes involved and, in his opinion, to approve this project. would be adding to an already' bad situation. After further discussion, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 86 -1094 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING C7OMMISSION OF THE .CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DENYING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 1419, SUBMITTED BY ARNO LASCARI. Page 2 On motion by Commissioner Soto, seconded by Commissioner Flores, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Olsen, Flores, Moore, Soto and Chairman Carr NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners Boggess and Gerrish . the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 19th day of August 1986. PUBLIC HEARING - GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. GPA 85-2, AND GPA 86-2 HANGING CLASSIFICATION FROM HEAVY COMMERCIAL/LIGHT INDUSTRIAL 10 CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT, AND FROM HEAVY COMMERCIAL/LIGHT INDUSTRIAL TO MEDIUM HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL, EAST BRANCH STREET. (CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE /PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION OF INTENTION). Planning Director Eisner briefly reviewed the status of these proposed General Plan Amendments, stating they would be continued to the next meeting. 1 Arroyo Grande Planning Gl i mmission, 8 -19-86 Page 3 REQUEST FOR MODIFICATION OF EXTERIOR TREATMENT PREVIOUSLY APPROVED, TRACT 1314, 251 SPRUCE STREET. (EDGAR H. MUELLER). Planning Director Eisner advised the subject project was previously approved by the Planning Commission and has received architectural approval. The applicant, Mr. Mueller, has requested modification of the exterior treatment to exclude stucco and apply siding to all exterior walls, and to modify the color treatment shown on the revised colors and materials board. Mr. Eisner commented thhat the color pattern and architecural style are consistent with the design pattern in the area. He pointed out that none of the conditions of approval will be affected by this change. Mere being no discussion, the requested modification of exterior treatment of Tract 1314 was approved on motion by Commissioner Olsen, seconded by Commissioner Flores, and unanimously carried. COMMUNICATIONS The Commission reviewed a letter from Nancy Iversen, Chairperson of the Alliance for Arroyo Grande Valley Preservation. After a brief discussion, the Commission indicated their support toward the goal of creating a city -wide historic inventory. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned by the Chairman at 9:03 P.M. M IMI: 41? J Secretary w � Chairman 291