R 1372 - . I "". J HSGlUTIOIiI NO. 1)71 A .S8LU'II. Of TII( CITY COUItCU. If' T. CITY ., --\iUt "lIE MmMMUZI. EXfCUTIOIiI Of tIITUA&. AID _1MIIf1' M1WU Ttf( CITY OF ..OYO GAANOE AND TItE STATE Of' CAU,..IA. .'.TII(I!T OF FOHSTftY/SNI LUIS Oil'" ceullTY flU KPMTMEIIT. . ...u.s, M ..r_t h,as beeft pr......... Iirt the 5'.~ .f CeIl,.,..Ie ....,._<< of 'o~stryISM Luis Obispo County Fire Deper~t. eM tM City of AI,..,. .....; -' "IUS, It .....rs to ba for the bast Inter.st of tM City of AI~ ..... IMt s.I.. ...._t ba .xecuted; _, '_FlU, If IT "ESOLVEO th,at sal4 ..r_t " ......, ""rlJl.~ eM t_ M,ayor of the CI ty of Arroyo ArM. Is ..,.. .......f.... eM "frect'" to .xecute ..141 ..re TRt for.. Oft ....ff of ..."Cfty of ........ ...... Ie _tlllll of C-cll ......r Gall......, _....... ..,. C-II '1 11r . ...~ eM .. t" foll_'", roll call 'lOt., to wit: ,,"S: . Council ......rs !'ope, Gall....r, de ___. ...~ eM ...,... ""fs _5: ItCIIIe ...,. : .... the tor...l", "so'.tlon was ,e..e" ..... Mepted this I'~ ... ., "'1,. 'm. \. ~ ArnST: f, I.s A. .1 CIIIIIpO, City CI.rk of the City of AIr.,. ....... c....ty of SeR luis .1..... Stete of C.lflorllle, do hereby certify ... ... """"" ....f.'I_ Ie. 'J1' Is . true, full sad correct copy 0' .... ........ ....... eM "'tu ..., ttle City Couftcll of t" City 0' ...,.,. ....... tit . .....,... ..U.. of ..141 '-II ..141 on t" 2'tlll _ 0' .Nt,. .... W.wsa ... ....... ... t" Seal 0' t" City of Af'rOllG ....... .If.... .h's IS.. .., .f July, "7'. (tuI.) ..- I I ~_. J _._. __m_ .-