R 1371 ,~\-, -- '~ HleleR.. NO. ')~1 A .MUn'I. Of TM CITY tfUtttl. Of TIE cln .. .n..I1. SMlII ...,.,..tll. IUCUT.. ., .tIUTUAI. At' MIll... .'MIN 1'Mf CITY OF "OYO GAMO( MD THE STATE Of' CM.......A. .'MT.fIT " FOIISm/SM lUIS .,SM CIIMY ft. 1('.T..Nr. ~ .MM. .. ",.lIlIlint .... ...... ,,..seated Ity the I'.'. .f CeU,.,... ........... of '.""'1'.,1'- luls ...,. touItty '.1,.. .....,.~t. ... ... City ., AT...... ....... .- WI"'. It .....n tQ lie 'or tM ....t h\t.....t of ,tile City" ...... .... ttIIt ..14 ..rMMeftt be eXKvt... .,. .......... I( IT USOlVED t_t &.14 .........nt h ......., ."".., ... t_ Meyer 0' ttte Cfty .f Arroyo Ir._ It .....- ....r..... .., ,....... to eUCtlte "aId "1'.'''.' 'or'" GIft ...." .f ...'. 'CI" .fJf "'''''' ........ .. -.t ,.. ofeo.c if ......" '-U........ ~ ., eo..U __r r . .... .. _ ... foUw'nt roll celt -.ote, to wit.: ...: . CouM II .......rs ...... Ie" ....I', ... t.eoft t lit, tit .......... .. t II. .1: 110M ....,. : ... IN f......,.. ....,.Uon wel ,.".... .... ....,e4 ttth .'tiIt .. fit a.,. 'WI. . ~": ~ AmSTt I, ..... A. ., tMpo. City Clerk of t" tJ ty of At...,. .....,c..., of S. 1." ...... St... of c.lfJC)f'ft'a. do heretty _"tlry .... ... "'.'-' ....'..1_ lit. ')11 Is a Ct..... f.11 end CM...t copy of NI.......... ,..-, ... ....... Ity the City CouftcU 0.' tM Chy of "'..... ........ .. .- .......... ..t.... of Htd eo.c I' lie lei 01\ the 2"'" .., .f .1,. .... V,,,, .. .... ... the Seat .f the Cfty of Ar.... ....... .-,... - - ....--.. . . . . ..............