PC Minutes 1983-06-07ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION June 7, 1983 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Chairman Gerrish presiding. Present are Commissioners Benhardt, Carr, Cole, Moore, Moots and Pilkington. Public Works Director Karp and City Manager Mack are also in attendance. MINUTE APPROVAL Upon hearing no additions or corrections, the minutes of the regular meeting of May 17., 1983 were approved as prepared on motion by Commissioner Benhardt, seconded by Commissioner Carr, and unanimously carried. REVIEW OF LANDSCAPING PLANS - THE HAPPY STEAK RESTAURANT, OAK PARK PLAZA. Public Works Director Karp briefly reviewed the proposed landscaping plans for The Happy Steak Restaurant in Oak Park Plaza. He noted that the Commission had required review of the landscaping plans as a condition of the Architectural Review Committee Action. After.a brief discussion, landscaping plans for the Happy Steak Restaurant were approved on a motion by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Benhardt, and unanimously carried. PUBLIC HEARING - LOT SPLIT CASE NO. 83 -381, 1045 MAPLE STREET. (RICHARD'DE BLAUW). Public Works Director Karp briefly reviewed the proposed split, noting that there are four "R -1" parcels being created, all of which exceed the minimum of 6,000 sq. ft. Mr. Karp read a letter dated June 3, 1983 from William. and Maizie Cherry, 202 Alder Street, stating their opposition to the proposed lot split. Upon being assured by Public Works'Director Karp that public hearing for Lot Split Case No. 83 -381 had been duly published and property' owners notified, Chairman Gerrish. declared the hearing open. Spencer Thomas, 1015 Sunset Drive; Mrs. Vern Schlick;. 1024 Maple Street; Howard Keyser, 1031 Maple Street; M. A. Bakke, 1032 Maple and Mrs. Jack Rhinehart, 1059 Maple Street spoke in opposition to the proposed lot split . because of additional traffic, noise, congestion, and the fact that they do not want to see the large lots in the area "chopped" up into minimum size lots. Bob Manning stated he owns property in the area and is in favor of the proposed lot split: Richard DeBlauw, applicant, spoke in favor of the requested split. He stated he would like to have the driveway limited to 16 ft. access rather than 25 ft. for the first portion because a 25 ft. wide drive would run right into that first big oak tree. Mr. De Blauw commented that there seems to be some concern among the neighbors that he is planning to build some multiple type structures on the lots; his plans are to put one house on each lot. Upon hearing no further comments for or against the proposed lot split, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing closed. Commissioner Moore commented that he would abstain from discussion and voting because he lives only a block and a half from the property in question. Commissioner Cole stated she is in favor of the lot split because the City has stated that we are going to stay within our City Limits and, in her opinion, we have certain committments to people that live within the community; also all of the lots are larger than minimum size. She also noted that all of the services are already in within that area so we are not putting a strain on the facilities that exist within Arroyo Grande. Commissioner Moots stated he agrees with Commissioner Cole,and the Fair Oaks area is made of these large lots and are breaking up. Commissioner Pilkington stated he is in favor of the proposed lot split. He commented that the proposed lots are certainly not a minimum sized lot, and the developer is going to put single family residences in there instead of condominiums. Commissioner Carr stated he looked at the property and, in his opinion, it is a lovely piece of land and should be preserved and not chopped up into smaller lots. Commissioner Benhardt stated he would be in.favor of a 16 ft. driveway to eliminate any possible damage to the oak trees. Chairman Gerrish stated, in his opinion, it is a shame to take a piece of property like this and cut it up, but the Ordinance allows it and it is permissible. He further commented that if we Z 9 3 � Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 6 -7 -83 Page 2 are going to save those large lots, then. the Ordinance should be changed. With regard to the request for a 16 ft. driveway, Public Works Director Karp stated that 16 ft. would be the very minimum and he would not want to set a precedence, however, there are some overriding concerns relative to those large oak trees and, in his opinion, the developer has been very sensitive to the area in that he is attempting to save all of the trees. Commissioner Carr read a portion of the Subdivision Ordinance, Sec. 9 -3.608 as follows: "...The Commission shall determine whether the tentative map is in conformity with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State and this chapter and, upon that basis, approve, conditional approve, or disapprove the map and report such action directly to the subdivider. The Commission, in addition to any other causes therefor, may disapprove a ten- tative map because of flood hazards or precedent to approval of the map. The Commission shall recognize and accept public input during this process of approval, conditional approval, or disapproval of the tentative map ". Public Works Director Karp commented that he cannot interpret a precedent. Commissioner Carr moved that this item be continued to the next meeting pending an explanation of that clause in the Subdivision Ordinance. Motion died for lack of a second. After further discussion, on motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by Commissioner Pilkington, and carried with one "no" vote and one abstention, Lot Split Case No. 83 -381 was approved subject to the conditions listed in Minor Subdivision Committee Action, dated June 1, 1983, with the following amendments: Amend Item "e" to read: "Proposed access shall be paved at 25 ft. across Parcel 1 to the drip line of the first tree and then 16 ft. thereafter." Add Item "j" as follows: "Front lot line be placed at 90 ft. instead of 87 ft." PUBLIC HEARING - LOT'SPLIT CASE 'NO. 83- 382;'291 JAMES WAY: (ROBERT AND BARBARA , 'PLUMB). Public Works Director Karp briefly reviewed the proposed lot split. He advised that the location of the site is on the easterly frontage of James Way and northerly of Coalina Street. Upon being assured by Public Works Director. Karp that public hearing for Lot Split Case No. 83 -382 had been duly published and property owners notified, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing open. Jim McGillis, 132 Bridge Street, stated he is in favor of the lot split. He commented that he has three sons that were born here, raised here and went to school here, and now they are out in the community looking for homes and there is nothing available to them.and, in his opinion, this is a real need. Rob Plumb, applicant, stated he would be willing to meet the suggested con- ditions. Mr. Plumb commented regarding the property that is being developed below him, stating they have just recently completed the grading, and the sidewalk on this property is 8" below the road and the curb and gutter is 15" below the road. Mr. Karp advised Mr. Plumb that his engineer will have to design the street in front of his property, and he will send an inspector out to check the condition described by Mr. Plumb. Mr. Ed Dalquist, stated he lives next door to the proposed lot split and he has no objections to the request. Upon hearing no further comments for or against the requested lot split, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing closed. Commissioner Moore stated that this would allow more run off into the Tally Ho Creek, and the flooding problem has not been solved yet. Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 6 -7 -83 After a brief discussion, on motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by Commissioner Moots,! motion carried with one "no" vote, approving Lot Split CaseiNo. 83 -382 .subject to ,the 'conditions listed in Minor Subdivision Committee Report dated June 1, 1983. r4 PUBLIC HEARING - USE PERMIT CASE NO. 83 -347, 22' CONDOMINIUM COMPLEX IN THE "R -3" MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT, 163 AND 167 BRISCO ROAD. (WM. IRVINE/ KIRBY GORDON). Upon being assured by Public Works Director Karp that public hearing for Use Permit Case No. 83 -347 had been duly published and property owners notified, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing open. Mr. Kirby Gordon, 260 Coral Court, Pismo Beach, applicant, spoke in favor of the Use Permit being granted. He stated the intent is to build 22 units on a parcel on Brisco Road. He further stated they feel this is a particularly good use for this site because it does back up to the school. It is an opportunity to have some low cost housing because 1, 2 and 3 bedroom units are being proposed. He pointed out there are 8 one bedroom units and, for this reason, they are ask- ing the Commission not to impose the guest parking requirements. In response to Commissioner Carr's question regarding the parking, Chairman Gerrish advised that the plan provides parking according to the Ordinance, however, it has been the policy of the Commission from time to time to require guest parking. Page 3 Upon hearing no further comments for or against the proposed Use Permit, Chairman Gerrish. declared the hearing closed., After a brief discussion, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 83 -941 U. RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GRANTING A USE PERMIT, CASE NO. 83 -347. On motion by Commissioner Benhardt, seconded by Commissioner Cole, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Benhardt, Carr, Cole, Moore, Moots Pilkington and Chairman Gerrish NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 7th day of June 1983. Architectural Review Case No 83 -279. There being no discussion, on motion by Commissioner Benhardt, seconded by Commissioner Cole, and unanimously carried, Architectural Review Case No. 83 -279 was approved subject to the conditions listed in Architectural Review Committee Action, dated June 1, 1983. PUBLIC HEARING - VARIANCE CASE NO. 83 -91, REDUCTION OF REQUIRED FRONT YARD AND SIDE YARD SETBACKS IN THE "R -1" SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT, 1049 FAIR OAKS AVENUE. (B. J. AND H. A. WACHTMANN). Public Works Director Karp briefly reviewed the request. He stated that the ordinance provides that you may have on a corner lot 20 ft. front yard and a 10 ft. side yard setback, and the Variance request is to have a 10 ft. setback on both frontages. He advised that staff has no problem with site distance as the main building will continue to be set back 20 ft. from Beech Street, and the addition of a spa and proposed 6 ft. fence will not adversely affect traffic site distance at the intersection of Beech Street and Fair Oaks Avenue. Mr. Karp further stated that staff does not feel the request would be inconsistent with the surrounding neighborhood and would recommend that the Variance be granted. Upon being assured by Public Works Director Karp that public hearing for Variance Case No. 83 -91 had been duly published and property owners noti- fied, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing open. There being no comments for or against the proposed Variance, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing closed. After a brief discussion, the following action was taken: L. 9 5 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 6 -7 -83 Page 4 RESOLUTION-NO. 83 -942 V RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GRANTING A VARIANCE, CASE NO. 83 -91. On motion by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Cole, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Benhardt, Carr, Cole, Moore, Moots, Pilkington and Chairman Gerrish NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 7th day of June 1983. CONTINUATION.1PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED) - REZONING CASE NO. 83 -169, PROPOSED AMEND- MENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 140 C.S., CHANGING THE LAND USE OF LOT 7, TRACT 604, OAK PARK ACRES FROM MEDIUM HIGH DENSITY TO LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL. (SAN LUIS ENGINEERING, INC., AGENTS FOR J. E. FOREMASTER). Chairman Gerrish reviewed that at the last meeting the Commission directed the staff to come up with appropriate amendments to Ordinance 140 C.S. Jim McGillis., San Luis Engineering, commented that their request was to add the use of single family residential; not to delete the multiple family. He stated that basically what they would like to be able to do is to be able to present a single family detached plan. Ella Honeycutt, 560 Oak Hill Road, inquired if that was the area where the developer was to put some low cost housing in for young people and senior citizens? She stated that the Council was very adamant at that time to provide this type of housing. After a brief discussion regarding the amendment, Mr. McGillis requested, on behalf of the applicant, a continuance on the matter for two weeks. On motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by Commissioner Moots, and unanimously carried, Rezoning Case No. 83 -169 was continued to the next regular Planning Commission meeting. SPHERE OF INFLUENCE STUDY City Manager Mack briefly reviewed the Sphere of Influence Study and summarized the comments and recommendations of the LAFCo staff. Chairman Gerrish opened the matter for audience discussion. Ella Honeycutt, 560 Oak Hill Road, stated that thd`:.: Coastal San Luis Resource Conservation District was very pleased and would like to compliment the City of Arroyo Grande for their efforts in protecting the prime farm land. She further stated that, in reviewing the report, they found with the South San Luis Obispo Sanitation District there needs to be some wording change; they talked about just the prime agricultural land, and the District feels that needs to be addressed. Also, another area that needs to be corrected is the Stem Area; LAFCo staff indicates that is non - agricultural, however, that was the strawberry land and, in her opinion, that matter needs to be addressed. Jim McGillis, San Luis Engineering, stated he feels the LAFCo staff makes a good point when they talk about water shed areas, and if the City is going to control the water, the Printz Road area is especially important to take a look at. In answer to Chairman Gerrish's question if there is any policy on referral of development within the County, Public Works Director Karp advised that there is an informal policy. Mr. Mack stated that there are positive indications that perhaps there will be a great deal of coordination in the future to the extent that Supervisor Brackett has agreed to work with him in developing some kind of policy that could be applied in the Arroyo Grande fringe area that might get the standards closer together. He commented that such a policy would be tried as an experiment in this area before the County would want to look at it in other incorporated areas.. The study on the Sphere for Pismo Beach was discussed. Mr. Mack stated this has been a great concern to him and, from the water shad prospective, Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 6 -7 -83 Page 5 his concern is that he has seen the standards to which development occurs on the Pismo Beach side of the street and the densities appear to be substantially different; Arroyo Grande will assume the majority of the drainage problems. It is his feeling that the party with the water shed problem should have the greatest say on how the water shed is developed, He commented that he would hope that the LAFCo report would continue to id`Ontify that area as "no man's land." Commissioner Carr stated he is concerned about extending the Sphere of Influence because ultimately we are going to have to extend ourselves with regard to resources. Chairman Gerrish pointed out that on Page 47 the report states that the City can't provide services for anything other than what we have now and, in his opinion, it is pretty strong and someone would be hard pressed to say Printz Road is within our Sphere of Influence and we say we cannot serve that area. Commissioner Moore suggested that if anyone has any comments to make, they should make them in writing. He stated that, in his opinion, the ideal place to plan is through water shed lines; not the lot lines. Chairman Gerrish stated that possibly this Commission can come to an agreement on certain areas and.make'some comments to the City Council. He further stated that he feels Mrs. Honeycutt's comments regarding the Stem Area on Page 38 should be changed because it was agricultural land when it was annexed to the City. His other concern is that the City have some input on the Oak Park Corridor. He commented that perhaps a recommendation can be made to LAFCo that the Oak Park Corridor be included in that study; they have looked at all of the other areas so why should they leave that out. Commissioner Moots stated he is in agreement with Chairman Gerrish's comments that the Oak Park Corridor should be included in the study. Commissioner Carr commented that Pages 40 through 48 there are 7 items listed, and each one of those items have a recommendation or no recommendation. He stated, , in reading the report, he found himself being in agreement with . each one of the recommendations made by the LAFCo staff and it may be approp- riate, if the Commission feels the same way, to recommend that to the City Council. Chairman Gerrish stated he feels the recommendations are good and are reasonable recommendations, and his only concern is he feels the Oak Park Corridor belongs in this study. Commissioner Carr stated his feelings that if the City took '.into its Sphere those areas recommended in the study, they would be masters of their own destiny. x. 37 After further discussion, on motion by. Commissioner Pilkington, seconded by Commissioner Benhardt, motion carried on a 4 to 3 vote, that City Manager Mack present a summarization of the comments that have been made by this Commission tonight to the City Council at their June 14th meeting, and if anyone has any additional comments, they should present them at that meeting. Commissioner Carr stated his feelings that the Commission is disregarding their responsibilities by turning it over to City Hall, and he would feel much better if the Commission would come up with a recommendation. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 83 -278, GREENHOUSE DISPLAY ADDITION, 1107 EL CAMINO REAL. (DAY CONSTRUCTION CO.) Public Works Director Karp briefly reviewed the proposed plans, and ad- vised that the proposal meets the setback requirements. After discussion, Architectural Review Case No. 83 -278 . was approved subject to the condition listed on Architectural Review Committee Action, dated June 1, 1983. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 83 -280, PATIO ADDITION TO RESTAURANT, 1351 GRAND AVENUE. (KINGS FISH & CHIPS). Public Works Director Karp advised that the applicant will be upgrading the existing parking facilities, and he will be able to pond any additional drainage water. There being no further discussion, on motion by Commissioner Benhardt, seconded by Commissioner Moore, and unanimously carried, Architectural Review Case No. 83 -280 was approved subject to the conditions listed in Architectural Review Committee Action, dated June 1, 1983. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 83 -281, REMODEL /ADDITION TO PROFESSIONAL COMPLEX, CORNER OF HALCYON ROAD AND DODSON WAY. (DR. ROBERT MANNING). Public Works Director Karp advised that this represents the first phase of the professional complex that the Commission had previously approved. After a brief.: discussion, Mr. Karp suggested that Item No. 2 of the recommended conditions be amended as follows: "Developer shall provide permanent easements for parking and access on adjacent lots in conformance with previously approved development plan for the project. Easements to��be recorded prior to issuance of a building permit ". Mr. Karp also suggested that Condition No. 4 be deleted. ►,3g Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 6 -7 -83 Page 6 After discussion, on motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by Commissioner Pilkington, and unanimously carried, Architectural Review Case No. 83 -281 was approved subject to conditions listed in Architectural. Committee Action, dated June 1, 1983, with the amendments to Item No. .2 and deletion of Item No. 4 as suggested by Mr. Karp. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 83 -282, NEW STRUCTURE, SOUTHWEST CORNER OF BRANCH AND MASON STREETS. (PRODUCTION CREDIT ASSOCIATION). City Manager Mack reviewed the proposed project and the conditions recommended by Public Works Director Karp in his letter dated June 1, 1983. With regard to Condition 'No.' 4; Mr. Mack advised it would be the City's responsibility to relocate the SCAT bus stop in this location. Mr. Mack stated that the developer wishes to-utilize the 10 ft. section along the creek bank to benefit the occupancy of the proposed development and construct a fence which would prevent public access. He stated it is his re- commendation that the Council authorize Production Credit Association develop- ment on the 10 ft. section, including fences, but that the dedication be re- quired and the City grant a revocable license for the 10 ft. section permit- ting them to encroach upon that area. Mr. Mack stated also that an appeal from the applicants has been received relative to the requirements recommended by the Architectural Review Committee that either the applicant provide for the full 15 required parking spaces, or it may reduce those spaces, if approved by the City Council, if . the applicant wishes to participate in the Downtown Parking Assessment District. He stated it is his recommendation that the City waive the 6 parking spaces if the applicant agrees to voluntarily join the Parking Assessment District and pay fees as is required of other CBD developments. For the Commission's in- formation, Mr. Mack noted that financial instutitions are exempt from participating in Parking Assessment Districts, however, they can participate on a volunteer basis. Ella Honeycutt, 560 Oak Hill Road, commented that there is a problem with parking in that area and, if Scolari's is going to put 'a .shopping. center in there there will be a lot more traffic, and the drawings do not look_ too . appealingj . Ken McIntyre, representing the applicant, stated it is not their intent to confuse the issue with the Assessment District and their request. Their request is simply based on their interpretation on what the Ordinance will allow them to ask for and, in his opinion, there is a hardship involved in this case. He briefly reviewed the property lines and the usable space in- volved on this site. He Stated>that, basically as far as.the parking issue is concerned, the applicant is asking that the Commission find that they do have a hardship and consider waiver of the six parking spaces. Mr. McIntyre stated the applicants concur with the other conditions and they also concur with Mr. Mack's comments regarding the open space. However, they are concerned about Item No. 6 of the recommendations relative to the width of the driveway. being 24 ft., and the applicant is proposing a 16 ft. driveway. Commissioner Carr stated his concerns about placing the parking lot in the front and his feelings that this will seriously detract from the downtown area. Mr. McIntyre commented it was their feeling that the attractiv- ness of the creek afforded a much better view for their offices than the main street, and it also gets the offices away from the noise of the street. Commissioner Carr stated, in his opinion, it would be a mistake for the City to allow this to happen and such a project should be designed to be pleasing to see from the street and the outside as well. He further stated he would urge the. Commission to take some kind of action to flip -flop the project around so that it would conform to the rest of the area. Commissioner Benhardt commented if the building is moved up to the corner, a blind spot would be created. Chairman Gerrish stated his feeling is that the applicant is not entitled to any special treatment because of the configuration of the site. Commissioner Cole stated she has no problems with the reduction of the number of parking spaces, however, she does feel that they are coming into an especially fine area and they shouldn't be excused from some of the requirements and she feels they should belong to the District. Commissioner Moots stated, in his opinion, they should join the District like the rest of the businesses in the area. Commissioner Pilkington referred to Condition No. 10 of the requirements, stating that the Fire Chief had pointed out that this item should remain as a requirement. 1 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 6 -7 -83 Page 7 After further discussion, on motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by Commissioner Benhardt, motion carried with 3 "no" votes, Architectural Review Case No. 83 -282 was approved subject to the recce ended conditions listed in Mr. Karp's letter dated June 1, 1983 amended as Item No. 4. If so desired, the City shall arrange with SCAT for relocation of the bus stops which are presently located on the frontage of the properties. Item No. 6. The Access to the parking lot shall be widened to a minimum of 16 ft. Item No' ; -9.a. Reduction in overall parking requirements to 9 spaces, if the applicant agrees to voluntarily join the Parking Assessment.District and to pay'normal fees, subject:.to City:Council approval as required by Ordinance. b. The compact parking as presented by the applicant is approved subject to the aforementioned reduction. Item No Item No. 11. Delete. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 83 -283, ADDITION OF PLAYGROUND FACILITY, MC DONALD'S RESTAURANT, 410 GRAND AVENUE. (KEITH HANDLEY). Public Works Director Karp briefly reviewed the plans for the proposed playground facility. He noted that the applicant is propo to re- landscape the front of the property. He pointed out that in the "H -S" District, 5% of the area is required for landscaping. x There being no discussion, on motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by Commissioner Benhardt, and unanimously carried, Architectural Review Case No. 83 -283 was approved, subject to the condition listed in Architectural Committee Action, Dated June 1, 1983. RECOMMENDATIONS RE: :CRANNY .HOUSING (SB 1160 AND SB 1584). City Manager Mack recommended that the Commission delay consideration of the proposed ordinance until July when the new Planning Director will be present to provide recommendations to the Planning Commission and City Council. The Commission was in agreement with Mr. Mack's recommendation. APPOINTMENT - ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE In response to Mr. Mack's recommendation that the new Planning Director, Stan Eisner, be appointed to the Architectural Review Committee, Chairman Gerrish formally appointed Mr. Eisner to the Architectural Review Committee. COMMUNICATIONS Commissioner Moore requested that this Commission recommend that the City Council review the Planned Development Ordinance at their meeting of June 14th. Mr. Karp pointed out that the Mr. Eisner would have no input for that meeting. Chairman Gerrish suggested that this matter be considered in July when the new Planning Director is on board. He recommended that if Com- missioner .- Moore . any specific concerns, that he sit down and discuss them with Mr. Eisner. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 11:30 P. M. ATTEST: 499 500