R 1364 ...,JU -') ,-- ~' RESOLUTION NO. 1)64 A ItUOlUT'ON Of Tit( CITY CMe'L OF " CITY Of AMOYO GMIIO( ADOPT I. PLAIIIRO USE OF MVIIIUI SHAItING FUHOS FOft THE '979-80 FISCAl YEAR. THE CITY COUIICIL OF THE CITY OF AMOYO GIlWOE HEREIY RESOLVES AS fOU.M: Thet the Ple11f1e4 Use o.f Revenue Sheri", FUIIcI. f.r the 1''''''1_. Fiscal '..r " "'tad e. f.II_: C4_001 ty lulldlng $ 12.187 Lend Purchase (Flnel Pe~nt) "2.tS) Fire Stet Ion Site Md De.lgn 71,291 ....on Str..t Property (FI...I p~t) 12."6 Assess..-nt Pro.Ject 15._ Five Cltle. Meals an "'-I., Inc. I._ People's Self "'1, 1Ious1", COf'porltlon I.see FllftCtl_1 llvl", 'roer. fM Nand I c...... Mu' tI I,. TOTAL. $ 'st." . 0/1 the .otlon of C-cll ....r de ~. .ec0Me4 Ity CouJtcIl ~I ,-.,. ..".....r .. on the f.IIOIIII", ro.Il eel1 \/Ote. to. wit: AnS: CouJtcIl ......rs 8e.......r. 4e ~. !'ape, Saltll ... __ ..'''I.. IIOIS: ..... MUir: !lone . the tor.,.l", ReMlutlon ..... pes. end "'ta4 till, 26t" 6.., 01 "-, It". e.. ~ AntST: (\~'-".r"- I, '-therl.. L. _sen, Deputy City Clerk o.f the City .f An.,. ......... County .f 1M Luis .Iepo, Stah ., '-"fMltla, do herelty eertlty that 'M ,....... "M"ttl.". '1M Is a true, full emf corNet copy .f ,aid ....'utl_ ,.... aM ....... ..., the City '-II .f the City .f Arroyo Ir'" at . ......,... ""'" of '116 CouncH he,,, _ the 16tll day .f June, I"'. vnw:sI ., heM .... the Seal of the City .f ArrO'fO Sr'" .ffhll4 tJilI. 17th My .f .... ,t". (HAL.) ----- ,--..------ ._~-----