R 1359 ,n:> /'" ') -./ RESOLUTION NO. 13~9 A _..UTI. Of' 11If CITY C..eIL Of THE CITY Of MIIIIWO UJitIIE OMHI. . AIf1.IfDntlltIT Of' A POItTI.. Of .ltHTtI .tN1111I1. II TIll taTY Of AUOYO GMM.. CAlIFOMIA (STIIUTS I NI....'" ~ SECTI.. '313. ET SEQ.) WIIMAI. the City Counc:Il of the City of Arroyo Gr..... .... elect4MI to procee4l....r ,.-.,lsl_ of Str..ts aItd N.....ys Code Section "'. et ..... and lit eccor__ wit" the ,rovlslons thereof. by resohttlon, the Arrtyo .r..... City '-II set the tI_ and piece for public: heer'lIt of ,rot..u for the .-.tlon of H'. City ..r..t et 1:00 P..... May S, 1'7', lit the ArratYO Sr..... City C:O-II C........; and WIIBW, the City Counell has f-", _ the basts of ...__ ,f'tlllltllc4MI at the ....lIe "'rl",. that the her.lnefter deserllled public: s'rMt port'. Is r unn".'Hry for ,resent or f~tllr. public: str..t purpos.s; _, ._'OU. IE IT RESOLVEO thet the herelNft.r -.crl'" portion of ... ArratYO 'r..-de City str..t be ebarilloned, and It Is so or...... 1ft the City of ArrOi'/o Grande. COUftty of Seft luis GII"po, Stete .f Cellfom'.. the southerly 20' of a 100' rl,tlt of .., Oft "'''''on A"... "tween a point Iyl", 5' ...terly of the ...terly r.tltt .f .., 11M of 0_ 'arle. Ioulev.rel aa4 the ..lterly city "alts of t_ City .f Arroyo Grende, as shciololft Oft bhlblt "N< eU...". ....,."IIt' ther.fro. over the ...tlre perce' ... ...-t for ,.lIe Iftlllty purposes. . the ~IOft of Council ......r de Leon, sec0nde4 fly Couftc:I. ......r SIIIt", and on tM foHowl", roll call vote, to w't: A'fII: Council flelllllers hllegher. de Leon. Pope. __It" .... Mayor "IIIls. _I: 110M. AISIIIT : 10M . 1 the foretOl", "solutl_ ..... pesHcl ...et adopted tills 'th My of "W, I'''. ATTtST: ~ ~ I. Cetherl... L. J__, Depctty City Cluk of .... C'tf "\~~~,I..~ JJ.c..ty of San luis .1.,., Stete of Cellforllle, .. .....\f...t'fy=fl-~'........... tutt_ Wo. t'" I, . t,.... 'tilt aI!I'd correct.,., 0' ..hI... .. .. ......, ... ..,_ fly the City tounc:lI of the City 0' Arroyo .......... ,...1., _UIIt of HI. Council held on ttle 8th dey of Hey. I'~. .. I WITMUS Wf hand end the Seel of the City of Arroyo tr.... .,,,_ t"'s ,'" dey of Itey, "~. ...._-- . ... .'-~ ... .----" .,. --..-."- ..~.---.' '~,-.. "::"'-',:,,""'''<;': " . _., _._...J.__;,._.-'--------'--.....d)'.,...1..J>.;.;...."...,'--..; ~.._. _.,,_.;~u _.,_____.._u___ ~ ) . \ I E1-'bit .... 1ISGUff'. It< !lit I , . aTY r# GRoVEA aTY ,-111 \ . \ . ci \ '> . I I --.,. -. \ i . .,.. .. II JI1f.'IID.m" \ \ &,,' \ \ 1 C'TY ~ ARROYO --- - _. . I ~_. ..rJn1"'" \ I , . \ \ , .",..",I-f