R 1363 ~ " ! - .$OLUn. MO. 1)6) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL 0' THI CITY OF AltCWO GMIfH AUTNO'UZUIG THE DtPMTHhIT 0' UNUM. SIIV'US OF TIt( STATI OF CAlIf'OIUIIA TO 'IIAC"",f 'NO-wiW II.Ut .FLltTI"f ItMURS. . I" IT .SOlVED TKAT THE CITY COUNCil Of THE CITY OF ~M'''' tMMl "S MIlO\' ~IZE che 'fflu 0' 'roc:ur_C, hp.rc.nc 0' ....,.. Ie,.vlce.o' . the St.te 0' eafl'ornl.. co purchale: TWO-WAY IUfe .'UCTIVE MUlU for eM Oft Mllalf 0' the City 0' Arroyo lOr......, p...,......C to leet'. ''I'''. of the ....~C toft. aI'I4 thac T"-I It. tllCdt. "...,...Ine ... 's ..... evtllorlaed _4 dlrKte4 CO II", _d deliver .11 nece...ry .......CS .... oc:"r Mr"_"'ts III ~,IOft ther_lth tor IIft4 Oft Mhelf of ,he C'tY of Arrow- ....... On the lICIt Ion 0' CotII\c" ......., ...11.....1', MC1MI." .. eo.c It ... h,. .. ..... .... Oft 'he follwlne roll ~II vote. co wit: AftS: c:-cll......n ...11.....,.. de '--. ,.,.. "'Ittt ... ""'"' ""lIs. /IIOIS: ..... MHfff: ..... eM '.......ne "solution II1II1 paued and __,ell this "," _ of ...... .",. ArnU: '. Cat"rl... L. J.II..... Deputy City C'erk 0' the CItY of "'..' ....... CouIItyof "'" Luis .''''' St.,e of tallfontl.. _ he!'My ....." ... ,... fore- eo''''' "",'ut'. Wo. I") ls . c,.... '"11 M4 CCH'rtlCt CCIIPV of N" ......1_ ,..... .. ,-tM " the City Council of ttIe City of A,...... Jrnu iii .t. ......... ..tine of ..'4 eo.c'l he.eI Oft the 12'h tIay 0' J-.. I'''. W...." "" heM and Ute Se.1 of the C'ty of Ar""o ....... at,,_ tttl. 14th 4Iy ., J~. I,~. (SW.) . '. .~J;t::i ":'I,'~,,';',A;<, .' 'I>' ."'."'" ,,,,,,,r,,~.,,,,"",,,,. .'~,,'...' .. ..'...". .'. 9'..'.. f. ,..".... ,,<,-., " .I_:!\ fI.<. ,;.~'}~'t,,_\,.:.'!..:.,.,.}. .... .....,.;..t:.,..' . ',<.f.. jM!<'.P.., :-:!t~:,.".,\,';jf'i.,>>'i-'t,'r)./u" ,'.,';' ;" :~:'r_'-t'-,...<~:~:,f.~'" ]11 J.,. ~~"'" - .~. d;:~,~.k""'~ ~:.;oi.;.~i...L'