R 1356 - .... - ') ~ RESOlUT I OM NO. 1)~6 " H10LUTIQI Of TIlE CITY COUICIL Of TIll CITY If .,.,. .... .'IlOl/1111 A COCIHIATIVI PaOtIlS ,.. Dlftll".I" I'AOJItT HIOIIITlIS ~ FEHIlAL AID UUAIt F_IIII. MUM, tile Con,r.ss of tile Unlt.d States has, III tile "71 U,S. Surface Trans- portation ~t, lleelarecl It to be In the natiON' Int.....t for '''''al '\lAds to be .JqlI"". ..., hl....y projects on the Fe.ral Aid UrbM 5y.t_ or to .. "trallM" for .....,., FuntI. 'or cep't.1 IlIIpro_u 'or rail or bu. MSS .t,...1t .y.t_ III urbMlzed .,....; IIIMf WHUOS, !leNd on the 1970 Cen,u', the IItr..... 0' the tea.... .... ..Ipeted tile City 0' Arroyo Grenda .. en IIrban Ar.a within 1M Lu" 0It1.,. Cowtty; .- WHlUM, "'or. F..ral Aid will .. ... ...1,...,. for ".... ."t_ pf'OjftU within t.... Urlleft A...... . cooper.tlv. process 'or.t....I.I'" pf'OJ_t p,lorltl.. .u.t .. ....,ttecl to the Stet. Depert-..t of Tr.sport.tlon for .r"'MI: ... WItPW, die F.der.1 Act requlr.s that the cooper.tI.... proces. I...,.... Cltl.., the COtMty. the St.ta end eny Trenslt Atency ""tl"l In any ..I....... "rIIeft A,...; IIIMf \IliUM. tile Federal Aid Urban Project !levlew IIIMf Selactlon '-In_ .".Ioped . coape,.tlve process 'or det....lnl/l' projects; end ....IAS. the propoHd cooper.tlve "rouss I. In keepl", wldt hM. ..., ".r.1 fU hie , I..... NOW. TNDtF'OU, II IT .ISOLVlG t....t tile City 0' Arroyo ...... rr,. rlts t...e the fo"_11It coaperatl..,. process 'or .st.""shIAf a 'our-year PI"III". .f ,......, "14 for IIrIIeft Sy.o. .. approved by the Sift Lul. Obispo C-ty ArM eo.cf1 ., ....(ft. -..t.. I. The Feeler.1 1.14 Ur,*, Project Review and Selection ec..Jtt.. ...." ~I.t .f _ ,.,......t.t I..,. oach 0': City of II 'e.. . Robl.. - ",-,1e:1,.1 Service. ""ar~t City 0' Morro ley - '''lie: Works Depert_t City of s.n Lul. Obl.po - C-Ity DevelopMent Deper__t City of Arroyo 'r.... - 'utlllc Work. Departllent City of 'rover City - 'ublle: Work. "p.rtMnt Couftty of San luis Obispo - 1"9',...rl"9 Dep.artMnt It.to 0' Callfontl., Depert....t 0' Trensport.tlon 2, S....I..I... 0' .......u for fun. 'or . project on the fir. ",.t. will .. .... to tM '''''al Aid IIr..... 'roJect .."I.. .... Sel_tl. '-In... T..... .......ts MY be .uIIIIlttecl .., any of the part/cl.-tl.. ........ ). The ec..ltt_ wi 11 propare . four-yo., progr. ldent Ifyl", Sheet .......1 entI loal Trauportatlon 'rojects "-sed on the fol1....,'" crlterl. ...... ...!lat..o: .. to.pet'''IIlty wIth adopt.d Clrcul.tlon ".....t. of loa' ....,.1 '1... or Calprehanalv. Tran.portatlon 'Ien. b. WOIu.. ~Ity r.tlo ,.ff,; c. Accident hl.tory 4. Traffic rell.f to other streets or r0e4. ~~.. .+':'>-~ii 1/. ." . ",. .. F.,"I c:epM111 t I.. (.r. l1911"Cy Mtdll", fund. aY41 .....,. f. Stat. 0' 1'h41..... (u.tu. of 'Ien. entI Spec I "uU.... ..."_lIlty of "'eM of Way, ,"vir_tal "view) ,. ticwdRlty de.lr. and other PoJltlul factor. :{l~' I ,i~< Con,'.r.tlon of the need. for projects on the St.te "IttMaf Syst.. I. Con.I.ratlon of "",lon.1 and Local Trlft.lt Need.. ---_..~,~~. '"___'0 ___.__~_.__._.___ ,..---.---. . JOI" /'- .~ ~_. usoun I. II. ......!JJ!. , 'ME NO 4. The eo... n.. will .uM't the rec~dect four-y.., "09'. to Ne" of eM pe,et~l,.tt... ..-cte. for f.,.., review _4 cc._u. 5. Upon ...."..'. the s.n Luh .1.,0 CotInty Area touftcl' 0' ...,.,.__. wit, ..... t the four..,..r ,roe". to the State .....rt....' of "........' t.. for app....,.' . H IT MM' llSOLVED thet cople. .f thl. .....'utlOft .. ,.,..,..., to eM $an lul. ..... eo.ty AI''' CouACIJ of Iowr-.ntlfor the'r ~.I"""'", On the .ot Ion of Counc" ......r ... II....', I~ .., eo..lI MIl.. r . U. and Oft the folICJWI.. roll C4a 11 vote. to wit: AYtS: CouM II ......rs Ie It....'. . LHft, Pope, SIal t" MIl ...,... ,.. tI... .NOES: ..... MSEIIT: .... the foretol", retolutle... we. p..... MIt edopte4 thl,IOth ., .f ........ "11. AnIST: I, c.t.r'. L. ........ ""'ty Chy Clerk of the City .f ..... ....... c..ty of 1M Lvi. .,..... ltat. of ':'lIfomla, . .....t.y certify '11M ... '-"'..... ..- ..'uti.. Ia. I,. Is . cr.. fvll ... correct ODPY of ...4 ......,_ ...... all ...... a.r tM CIty c..cll of the CICy .f Ar,..,. ".... at . ........ _tl. ., ...4 Council _14 .. tM IOth.y .f April. .,,,. vn.sl., ..... .".. tM ,... of tM City of Ar..... ...... .ff.... ..." Ht" day of April, 'me (SUI.)