R 1356
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.... .'IlOl/1111 A COCIHIATIVI PaOtIlS ,.. Dlftll".I"
MUM, tile Con,r.ss of tile Unlt.d States has, III tile "71 U,S. Surface Trans-
portation ~t, lleelarecl It to be In the natiON' Int.....t for '''''al '\lAds to be
.JqlI"". ..., hl....y projects on the Fe.ral Aid UrbM 5y.t_ or to .. "trallM" for
.....,., FuntI. 'or cep't.1 IlIIpro_u 'or rail or bu. MSS .t,...1t .y.t_ III
urbMlzed .,....; IIIMf
WHUOS, !leNd on the 1970 Cen,u', the IItr..... 0' the tea.... .... ..Ipeted tile
City 0' Arroyo Grenda .. en IIrban Ar.a within 1M Lu" 0It1.,. Cowtty; .-
WHlUM, "'or. F..ral Aid will .. ... ...1,...,. for ".... ."t_ pf'OjftU
within t.... Urlleft A...... . cooper.tlv. process 'or.t....I.I'" pf'OJ_t p,lorltl..
.u.t .. ....,ttecl to the Stet. Depert-..t of Tr.sport.tlon for .r"'MI: ...
WItPW, die F.der.1 Act requlr.s that the cooper.tI.... proces. I...,.... Cltl..,
the COtMty. the St.ta end eny Trenslt Atency ""tl"l In any ..I....... "rIIeft A,...;
\IliUM. tile Federal Aid Urban Project !levlew IIIMf Selactlon '-In_ .".Ioped
. coape,.tlve process 'or det....lnl/l' projects; end
....IAS. the propoHd cooper.tlve "rouss I. In keepl", wldt hM. ..., ".r.1
fU hie , I.....
NOW. TNDtF'OU, II IT .ISOLVlG t....t tile City 0' Arroyo ...... rr,. rlts t...e the
fo"_11It coaperatl..,. process 'or .st.""shIAf a 'our-year PI"III". .f ,......, "14
for IIrIIeft Sy.o. .. approved by the Sift Lul. Obispo C-ty ArM eo.cf1 ., ....(ft.
I. The Feeler.1 1.14 Ur,*, Project Review and Selection ec..Jtt.. ...." ~I.t .f
_ ,.,......t.t I..,. oach 0':
City of II 'e.. . Robl.. - ",-,1e:1,.1 Service. ""ar~t
City 0' Morro ley - '''lie: Works Depert_t
City of s.n Lul. Obl.po - C-Ity DevelopMent Deper__t
City of Arroyo 'r.... - 'utlllc Work. Departllent
City of 'rover City - 'ublle: Work. "p.rtMnt
Couftty of San luis Obispo - 1"9',...rl"9 Dep.artMnt
It.to 0' Callfontl., Depert....t 0' Trensport.tlon
2, S....I..I... 0' .......u for fun. 'or . project on the fir. ",.t. will ..
.... to tM '''''al Aid IIr..... 'roJect .."I.. .... Sel_tl. '-In... T.....
.......ts MY be .uIIIIlttecl .., any of the part/cl.-tl.. ........
). The ec..ltt_ wi 11 propare . four-yo., progr. ldent Ifyl", Sheet .......1 entI
loal Trauportatlon 'rojects "-sed on the fol1....,'" crlterl. ...... ...!lat..o:
.. to.pet'''IIlty wIth adopt.d Clrcul.tlon ".....t. of loa' ....,.1 '1... or
Calprehanalv. Tran.portatlon 'Ien.
b. WOIu.. ~Ity r.tlo
,.ff,; c. Accident hl.tory
4. Traffic rell.f to other streets or r0e4.
~~.. .+':'>-~ii
1/. ." . ",.
.. F.,"I c:epM111 t I.. (.r. l1911"Cy Mtdll", fund. aY41 .....,.
f. Stat. 0' 1'h41..... (u.tu. of 'Ien. entI Spec I "uU.... ..."_lIlty of
"'eM of Way, ,"vir_tal "view)
,. ticwdRlty de.lr. and other PoJltlul factor.
:{l~' I
,i~< Con,'.r.tlon of the need. for projects on the St.te "IttMaf Syst..
I. Con.I.ratlon of "",lon.1 and Local Trlft.lt Need..
---_..~,~~. '"___'0 ___.__~_.__._.___ ,..---.---.
. JOI" /'- .~
usoun I. II. ......!JJ!. , 'ME NO
4. The eo... n.. will .uM't the rec~dect four-y.., "09'. to Ne" of eM
pe,et~l,.tt... ..-cte. for f.,.., review _4 cc._u.
5. Upon ...."..'. the s.n Luh .1.,0 CotInty Area touftcl' 0' ...,.,.__. wit,
..... t the four..,..r ,roe". to the State .....rt....' of "........' t.. for
app....,.' .
H IT MM' llSOLVED thet cople. .f thl. .....'utlOft .. ,.,..,..., to eM $an
lul. ..... eo.ty AI''' CouACIJ of Iowr-.ntlfor the'r ~.I"""'",
On the .ot Ion of Counc" ......r ... II....', I~ .., eo..lI MIl.. r . U.
and Oft the folICJWI.. roll C4a 11 vote. to wit:
AYtS: CouM II ......rs Ie It....'. . LHft, Pope, SIal t" MIl ...,... ,.. tI...
.NOES: .....
MSEIIT: ....
the foretol", retolutle... we. p..... MIt edopte4 thl,IOth ., .f ........ "11.
I, c.t.r'. L. ........ ""'ty Chy Clerk of the City .f ..... ....... c..ty
of 1M Lvi. .,..... ltat. of ':'lIfomla, . .....t.y certify '11M ... '-"'..... ..-
..'uti.. Ia. I,. Is . cr.. fvll ... correct ODPY of ...4 ......,_ ...... all
...... a.r tM CIty c..cll of the CICy .f Ar,..,. ".... at . ........ _tl. .,
...4 Council _14 .. tM IOth.y .f April. .,,,.
vn.sl., ..... .".. tM ,... of tM City of Ar..... ...... .ff.... ..." Ht"
day of April, 'me