R 1353 ~btJ I . --- ') RESOlUTI ON 110. 1353 A RfSOWTI. Of TME CITY COUNCIL Of THE CITY Of AMOYO IilWtDE APPROVING THE 197!H980 NlNUAL TRANSPORTATI. CLAIM AND AUTHORIZING ITS SUBMITTAL TO THE SAN LUIS 08ISPO AREA COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS. IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of" Arroyo Grande. that It ..kes a finding that there are no _t public tran~rtatlon needs which can be ..t through expansion of the existing transportation syst.... establishing new transportatlonsystdllSor by contracting for service. f..- C:'C en cerrlers and others, pursuant to Article 8 of the MIII.-AI..,.t-.....h Act. IE IT FUlTMER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, In accordance with Chapter I~. Statutes "7' and -'p11~le rwle. and regulations. approves tha Annual Transportation Clal. for ""-,.. " per Exhibit "A" att'eched, and authorizes Its ....,tta" alOflt wlth.U other doc:_ntatlon required, to the San Luis Obispo Area Council of eo..~ts. On the ~tlon of Council MeMber Pope. sec:~ by C'.owIcIl .....r Stllth, and on the following roll cell vote, to wit: AYES: Council MOIIIbers Gallagher. de Leon, Pope, Stllth ..... Mayor Millis IOU : None . AlSftrr : None the for8fOlng Resolution WOIS passed and adopted till. 10th _ of ....U, I'''. \. ~ , ATTEST: I, Catherine L. Jan.en, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Ar,..,o ....... County of SOft lul. Obispo, State of Callfornl., do hereby certify t"'t the fore..l", Resolution No. 1353 Is a true, full end correc:t copy .f ..,ei .....1- uti... pas..d end adopted by the City Council of the City of Arro,o If... et a regular _tlII9 of said Council held on the 10th day of ....... I'''. WiTlESS "t hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Gr.... .fll... this 11th d.y of April, 1979. (SEAt.) " ..~-"-_.._~.-