R 1346 2~1!t '-. - ) 1346 -' RESOLUTION NO. A ItESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUICIL Of' THE cln Of AUOYO GMIIDE AUTHORII'''' MO ESTAIl'S"'IIG A )S "'LE-'ER-HOUR S'EED L'"'T ON CORBETT CANYON ROAD. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY, COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRAllDE AS FOLLOWS: . That the poltttd speed limit on Corbett Ca"yon Road withIn the below Indicated bound.rl.1 be establllhttd, and that the Chl.f of Pollca of Arroyo Grande be, and he II IMtrewlth authorlucl and dlr.ct.d to Inltell the appli- cable lpeed 11.lt 119nl. ADOPTED STREET LIMITS s,m CORBETT CANYON ROAD STATE ROUTE 227 TO NORTH- )S MILES K" HOUR EASTERLY CITY LIMITS On the IIOtlon of Council .....ber de Leon, sacondecl by Council ......r Gallagher, and on the following roll call vote, .to wit: AYES: Council Mellbers Gallagher, de Leon, Pope, Sallth and Mayor "" III. . ItOES: !lone . ABSENT: !lone . the foregoing "solution wal pnStld and adoPted thll 27th day of febrUllry, 1979. ATTEST: I, Catherine L. Jansen, Deputy City Clerk of the City of ArrO'fO .r..., County of s.n Lull Obllpo, State of Callfornle, do hereby cart"" that the fore- going "solutIon 10. 1)\6 Is a true, full and correct. copy of said "solution paned end adopte4 by the CIty Council of tha CIty of Arroyo Or__ at . re",t.r _tlng of saId Council held on the 27th day of Febr...ry, I'''. WITNESS.., hend and the 5..1 of the City of Arroyo Gr'" .fflxed thll 28th day of February, 19". (SEAl) .__..._----,---~_..--_._----_. -- _._---,~ .'. ~-- -. u ----'.--