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or ~ ~ U'l'AAISIU1IfJ A ..., I'MICntI"
......., 1t (.J .ra _zy oUIII ...lrUl. to pI'OIa1b1t ~ 011 a
port1on of ".1cIvCIII AoeIf, .. aJNIClfJ..ceJJII clleec:r1a.d _J._, .
1IOtI ,.~, .. n aUOlND by the cittl C~J of the Citll of .....J"OVO
Grande, .. foJJ-.,
,.bat a "!to ~ _ _ ..UbJi.elMd 011 IIotlI ald.. 01 ar.J__ \
__4 f~ tIw nortberlll rJgJtt of ....11 1.tJae ot F.11: 0IIb A_ to
a JIOint 4H.00 r..e north, to ~ .ffeceiw .... Mal..... __
ia 1III.PftI"4.
.. n ,., I QIOlPU ChIIt the CbHf ot l'oJjce 01 the Clt, Of ..,.....
Gr......, ... I>> 111 _1"\1111 .~1'" to ~1....... u.t&U n#'f(iPjlut .1.-
oUIII/or ~ to J.aUClflte IIII1d no ".nult/l _.
011 the --=1_ of Qluu.u. Ln GalJ....r, we Riff" "'" Cd viI. . r
S.l t II, IInd 011 tIw tolJ_iltII roll cell 1IOte, to iii t :
AntSl CiiI ...IJ....n c.lJafl/lJN, .. '-, ".".. ....tA ... ..... JUJli..
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the to~ -...JudOll _ gflPfId IU'MI adojttetl tJti. fU cia" 01 ".R...... lf7..
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I, c.tt:Jle.r......r.. .1-IJU. lIiItJNtJ Ciet Clark 1111 &lilt ctt, 01.............,
CouIItll ot ... w. .,..,.. .ut. of c.tJ.il'o.rft1., do ,.,.... oerilItr .... &lilt r-
go.l.lt/I ...,JudOll _, JHO i. . lorN, I'ulJ """ _.... ..., 01 ..u a..I...
"...., aIItI -r . tJl ., &lilt Cltll CouaalJ of the c.ttJ of .....rovo ....... fit . ...,.aJar
-t.tlt/l 01 .ufll CIII l'1U I>>ld on the kII ." of ,,~, un.
IJ.h~ J ....... the Beel of .... CltJ 01 .....J"OVO er.... .,,1.- w.
lOth clay of .,.-.", J,.,..
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