R 1339
/"-. ) 251
~,,-.J.1JIG ra JIIIOFOSI:D ...u.itJIlZOlI or All _-
VIfIlIIIOIlS PIlIID1JIG rvRr.. SftIDF IW ra cm. !
W1aRDS, thJa C1tJl Counc11 or ~" 1...r 'J:I, lt7', pur.-t.l:o the .utbor1tJl
gr_ted bsI Qon~t Code s.ct1on 65'58, edoJlUd ~ oz.Il-- lb. 1'7 C.S.
prohtb1t1ng O~ iIoIIIJn1_ CODnrd_ l1li def1nel tIIouw.1Jll*l41l1f1 rutlJer at"" bsI
the C1tJl/ IIIJd .1':
fADUS, N1d Sllat10n 6585' "utbor1_ tIIU CofInD11 to ue.d N1d. 0t'1I1IMncw \"
No. 1'7 C.S. bsI " fow-f1ftbll vote efter " not1cecr fNbl1c Mu1ag 1r oeD' .-IV for '., .~
the protect1011 or the fNbl1c 1IN1tb, ..fetJl IIIJd w1fllre/ IIIJd ~ ~
rtIIJ:RUS, the PJennJ.ng C~..1CR1 bu not hAd t~ to tonMrd to thJa Counc:11 "
" pro;o.ed . flY -t to the C1tll -.Lng or"i--r:e lffa1ah -.1d __ forth .,.ropr1"te
regul"t1_ for the order1Jl OODnra1on or ~t lIu1J.d1IIf1II to " .~'nf_, and
IIUIUMS, the Plenn111f1 D1reo1:or bu 1ncUcef:ed to the CourJcjJ tllet funber
atucfJl Itbould be g1NIJ to the _tter, and
W1l.IUAS, the C'ount:11 ~ZJ" tbIIt further ftUdll 111 npiNIJ .... tile C'ount:11
,,1~ be11e_ tlMt up _insr ordlnll_ ..mLtt1aw..,.,. ~~-rr '11'. _doa
Itbould pro,,1de ...11.. aJIIIQJ.f1c ~ to be _1..ftId 111 ~ iI"t1011 w1tb the
gr_t1ng or -JI allCb I;1IUfI1t/ _d
ffDRDS, thJa Couoo11 beJ1_ tJ>>t UpoJlllrlp ~f:ed CfOI!I'Nn1_ to oon-
do.tn.1.- lire " ef1r11at tbrNt to the fNbl1c .!JMJtb, At'eC:p .,., ..."....., aIId tllet 1t
-JI be aAfll'Oprute to extend the prev1OU4Jlp I~ ..d ~t1011 .,.Nut N1d_VItr- .
.1_ for UJI to an add1t1_l e1g11t8XJtM, ,-...f'19 furthezo lit"'" bsI the C1tp.
NOlI, 'r~, n IS II1IIdBr RBSDUrIrD bsI the C1tll Counc.U f4 tile C1tll of
Arroyo Grande .. foll__,
1. Not1Qf1 1a here.bp g1W111 puravant to the prov1111_ of Qcwe~t Code s.ot:1_
65856 and 6585' tlMt CIII 2'uode1l, J_uazv 23, 19'/9, tl&ta Counc:1l wjJl hold " fNbl1c
bBar1ng to ~1cfer whether or not the prov1a1_ of Ord1-"r No. l'7 C .S., Iffa1ch
prol11b1t. c:ondaIt1n1_ OCIDvwra1_ JlllfJcf1ng furtl>>r lItudV bsI the C.1tll, Itbould be e.lr-
tended for up to e1g1Jt a:mtlw.
2. 'rb/! ~.putll C1tll Clerk 1a d1rected to fNbl111h aIId lXMIt not1ot of N1d 1>>ar1ng
on or before rr1dell, January 12, 1979, .. requ.(.red .... ~ Code Sllat10n 65854.
QJ the .,t1on of CounQj1 ....r de z.on, .-.:::on_,I .... C~l If L1r GIIllllf1her,
and on the foll...tng roll call vote, to ",1t:
Aru, C-.tl ....r. GIIllagher, de z.on, 1'oJIII, Sldtb aIId "JID%' It1llJ.a.
''''811ft, JfCIIIe .
[ the forego1ng Re_lut1on "l1li 11D.ed _4 adopted W. 9th dell of JUIMZ'l/, 1979.
I:- ~~-,~
Arusr: ~:"rl-r~'..-
I, Cather_I.. J_, ~jlUt:lI C1tp Cleric of the C1tll f4 AnDIJO Or....,
COuntll of san Lata Ob1aS/O, State or CalUom1a, do berebsI 0Wf:.t1Jl tlrat tile IO~gG1ng
R..blut1on 110. U39 u a true, full l1li4 correct CIOJIP f4 N14 -..olat1011 ",....II aIId
adopted .... the C1tll CO-1l or the C1t!l f4 Arl'O$lO Qzancfe at a "....1... ..-.tag f4
N1d Couoo11 held _ the ftIJ dell f4 Janu.uy, lf7t.
,,"'....... .. bend l1li4 tile &Nl of the C1tll or ArI'OfCl Or..... An.t.d W. lOth
dell of JUIMZ'I/, lf79.
.. (SDL) ~'I.~~..>-
cm or MIIOft)
=, .....~' ."::c:.;:: ...-"