R 1338 - 2:JU >-. ') , RESOLUTION NO. 1338 I I A RESOLUTION Of THE CITY COUNCIL Of THE CITY Of ARROYO GMIIH APPROVING THE A....LICATlON foa GRANT fUltOS UllDER THE ROIERTI-Z'IERG URIAH OPEN-SPACE AND RECREATION "0- ~ G!WI. WHEREAS, the legislature of the State of California has enacted the Robertl- Z' berg Urban Open-SINICe and Recreat Ion Program, which provides funds to certain political subdivisions of the State of California for acquIring lands and for developIng facilitIes to _et urban recreatIon needs; and . WHEREAS, the Stete Departlll8nt of Parks and Recreation hes been delepte4 the responsibility for the ad.lnlstratlon of the pragr.., settIng up necessary proce- dures governing application by local agencies under the pragr..; and WHEREAS, saId procedures established by the State Depart.ent of 'arks and Recreation require the applicant to certify by resolution the ."rO'tal of .,,11- cations prior to sYbalsslon of said applications to the state; and WHEREAS, saId applications contain a certification that the appllc...t will cOllply wIth all federal, state and local ...vlr_tal. public health, relocation, affll'lllltlve action, end clearinghouse requlr_nts and all other ."raprlate codes, laws and r..ulatlons prior to the expenditures of the grant funds; and WHEREAS, the project applied for under this pragr.. _It be of a high priority and satisfy the _t urgent park and recreation needs with tllllphesls on ..-t needs In the MOst heavily populated areas; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Of AUOYO GMIIIf DOU III.IY RESOLVE AS fOLLOWS: I. Approves the filing of an application for funding under the Robertl-Z'berg Urban Open-SINICe and Rec rea t Ion Pragr..; and 2. Certifies that seld agency understands the general prO'tlslons of the agree- IIIeIIt; and 3. Certifies that saId agency has or will have sufficient funds to operate and ..Intaln the project funded under this pragr..; and Ii. CertifIes thet said agency has or will have available prior to ~nc~t of any work on the project Included In this application ..tchlng -V fro. a nonstate source; and 5. CertifIes that the project Included In this application confo.... to the 'arks and Recreation EI_t of the City of Arroyo Grande's General PI...; and 6. Appoints tha CIty AdmInistrator as the agent of the CIty of Arro,o Grande to conduct all IIefOtlatlons, execute and su_lt all doc:_U Incluct'", taut not 1I_ltad to applications. agre_ts, ~tI, ,..,..nt r.....t.. ..... .. on whIch ..y be necessary for the cOIIpletlon of the afor_tlOMd project; and 7. Appoints the City Attorney as the legal counsel for saId apncy wIth IlUthorlze- tlon to sIgn the certIfIcation on page I of appllGatlon. On the !lOtIon of Council Member Gallagher. seconded by Counc:Il ......r Sallth and on the fIollowlng roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Mellbers Gallagher, de Leon, hlth and Mayor Millis. NOES: ... ABSENT: Council .......r Pope. the foregoing ResolutIon wes passed end adopted this 3rd day of January. "79. to ~ ATTEST: I, CatherIne L. Jansen DeyU}y City ~erk of the city of Ar~ Gr:=t. Couftty of San luls Obispo. State ot Ca I omla. hereby certify thet t for... ng .... u- tlon 110. ~ Is a trUll, full and correct copy of saId ..so1utlOft pes.... and adopted by t ity Couftcll of the City of Arroyo Gr.... at a rep'.r _tlng of said Council held 011 the )rd day of January, 1'7'. WITHESS.., hand aIId the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande afflud this 3rd day of January, 1'7'. (SEAL) ~u .,._.,.,..._w___.. __,_,'_.___,_" __"_.. ..__~ ._.~.....__.._"._... .____. .....-..,...._. ....._'......,.________._ _.._ ,w. _______H._