R 1336 ~4~ ---. ") RESOLUTI ON NO. 1336 ~ ... . A HSOlUTIOI Of' THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AMOYO CMNO( FINOING AND DETER"INING TtfAT SERGEANT It......... P. LEE IS Ittc:APACITATED AS A RESULT OF All IttDUSTRIAl INJURY AND THAT HE SHOULD IE RETIRED. WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande (hereinafter referred to as Agency) I. a contractl", agency of the Public EMployees' Retl~nt Syst_; and WHEREAS, Public El!lployee Retlr_nt Law requIres that a contr4lCtt", llgellCy determine whether an eMploy.. of such agency. cla.slfled as . local safety .....r. Is disabled for purposes of the Public Elllployees' Retlr_t Law ""' .ther such dhablll ty Is "Industrial" within the meaning of such I..; and WHEREAS, an application for dlsabll1ty retlr_nt of Rendolph P. ..... elllployed by the Agency In the posItion of Sergeant, has been flied wIth the Public Ealployees' Retlr_nt S,at_; and WHEREAS. the Council of the CIty of Arroyo Grande has revlewcl the Medic:.I and other evidence relative to such disability. NOW, THEREFORE. IE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Of' AItAOYO UNtOE. as follows: I. That this Councl1 hereby finds and detenal.. that SergNnt Randolph P. Lee Is Incapacitated within the meaning of the Public &!ploy...' letlr_t law for the perfonaance of hIs duties; 2. That thIs Council finds and detenalnes that such disability Is a result of Injury or dls.... arising out of and In the course of tllllplOyMftt. and neither said Randolph P. .... nor the Agency has appl led to the Workmen's CCIIIp8I\satlon Appeals Board for a deterMination pursuant to Section 2102).6 that such disabIlIty Is Indus. I trial; and 3. That the effective date of Sergeant Randolph P. Lee's retl..-nt shaH be January I. 1979. On the mot Ion of Council Melllber Gall.gher, seconded by Council .......r de leon and on the following roll c:.11 vote. to wit: AYES: Council ......rs Gallagher. de Leon, Pope, SIIIlth II'Id fleyor "11I1s. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ,... f........ ....I."~ _. p........ _'ed '~. I~~ ATTEST:~~ L K I. Catherine L. Jan.en, Deputy City Clerk of the CIty of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California. do hereby certIfy that the foregol", ResolutIon No. ~ Is a true, full and correct copy of saId Resolution pa."" ""' adopt_ by the ty Council of the CIty of Arroyo Grande at a regular MeetIng of said Council held on the 12th clay of Dec....r, 1978. WITME5S ",., hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affheed this IJtll day of DecMber, 1978. (SEAL) - _e_._~