PC Minutes 1966-11-01� � Planning Commiss3on Arroyo Gra�de, California November lst, 1966 The Planning Commissio� met in regular session with Chairman Stroxher presiding. Present wer� Commissioners Duvall, Porter,Schult2 and Visser. Absent were Cammissioners Dexter and McMillen, Council- man Levine and Mayor Wood we�e in a�t�ndance, MINU�E APPROVAL - A matian M►as made by Commissionex ScHultz, seconded by Commiseion- er Duvall, t�at the minutes of the regular meeting of October� 4th, 1966 be'approved as pzepared, Ma�ian carried. COM�ISSIONER DEXTER IS NOW FRESENT, USE PERMI�' N0, 65-6� La�dmark M�.ssioz�. Ba�tist Church-extension request. Direc�tor Gal�.op �ead a 1e��ex xerei.ved �'xom Dr, Burel G. Burnea of the Laz�dmark MissiQ�azy Bap�:ts�t !Chu�c1� �eque�ti�g a s9.x month's ex- tenaion fr�x Use Permi�k No, 65-A69 g��an�ted on Octobe.r 19'th, 1965 and ad- vising that c4ns�tru�tiax� was p:Lan.n�d w,i�th�x� �h� next 60 days. Direct.or Go11op advised tha�k �tl�is m�t�tax uvas lat� ix� being before the Commission due ta the xegular meet�z�g af Oc�ob�er 18�th� 1'966 being cancellad, He also indfcated tha� �he Educa�iox� Bu�.'ldfng would be the first unit built, wi�kh the Sanc�tuary b�3ng const�ruc�ted a1t a later date, Due to there b�.�.z�g na repxesez��ra�tiv� r�f' lrhe churah prese�nt, #hie matter was held over uzztil �khe end a� �kh.e maet�.�ng, a.z�d �►hen no xepxesentativa had arr3ved �khe fol'�.ow.�ng action was �t�kez�: A moti�ox� �as ma.de by Comm3.se�onex Pox�ex, se,conded by CommiBSioner . Schultz, that Use Pezmi�t Noo 65�-69 �a�r th� Lar�dmark Missionary Baptist Chuxch be gr4z��ed a s�.x moz��ths ex�kez�s�.oz�, MofiiQn caxr3ed, . A�.ot�.az� wc�s m�ade by Gcmzn�.ss3onez Sck�u7.�z, aecoz�ded by Commiesioner Aexter, that plaz�s f�z the �,az�dm�ark M:l.�s3ox�ary Ba�tist Church be pre- sented at tk�e n�ax� �Xegular m�eet�.x�g ax� Navember 15th, ��66 for Architec- tural Appzava�. as�d tk�a�t a x�px�aenta�iv� a�' �'�e C}�uxch b� preaent. Motion casxie+d, PLIBLIC HEARING•-USE PERMIT CASE N0. 66�96 ��.5�42 Gxar�d Ave, Sanders) Upc�r� be.i.x�g aseux�d by Mr, G�.11op, �'laz�r�ing Dxx�ectox, that the �+u�i�,i�c Haaxix�g for Use Perm.i�t Case Na. 66�-96 Waxxe*� Sand�xe, '�ko allow for Mo�tarcycl.� Rer��t�al at �.5�42 Grand Av�a, i,x� a C'-1 Zan•e� had beez� duly pastQd,• publ�shed an,d prcpez�:y a�aex� n4��.fied, C}xa�.xman S�kro�ther de- clared the hea�ing Qpen. Dizec�ko�r Ccxl,��p a,dv,is�ad a riote had been re- ce�tved fram Lararenae Young s�ra�r�.x�g �ha�t he was ir� f'avor of the use being graz�ted, Mr, Wax�ren Saz�deze �aae px�sQa�; and eaid he would clear� the area, �the buein.ess would be rental �az�ly rv��th x�o sales, aad that the exieti�ng s3gz� or� the bu.�ld3z�g wau�:d b� zepa�n�ted w3�kh h3s edvert3eing, with� x�o addit�Lana1 s�gz�e beiz�g plan�ed at �rh�e �ime, �'here were no proteste reca�Lvec1, No fuz�k�er C��.8CU09�Qt� fc�x or ega3not 'the xequeet, Cha3rmar� S�zo�ther declaxed �t}��o hearing cloeed; Af�tex diecuesion, �khe � followir�g reeolutiar� was udop�ed: RESOLU'�T�N N0. 66-4� U RESOLU'�ION OF THE �LANNING COMMIS9I0�1 OF' "THE CITY OF ARRQYO GR1#NDE GRANTING A USE PERMIT, CASE N0. 66-96, Orx ma�ki.ax� a�' Comznfsa�,��e.r Schul�tx, �acc�z�ded by Commfesionez Visser, az�d by �the f�allat�l�ng zo11. ca1.1 va�ke, �ta� w3�t: AYES� �10ES : ABSEId'C ; Comznis��.onexs De�x�fier, Duva,Ll� Poxzer, Sck�ultx, Vieser a.nd Chai,xz�az� S�ca�t�her, �Tox�e Gam�mi.s�ioz�ex McMill��e the fore'g�x�g Res�alu�t3on wa� adop�rec� ithis ls� day ot November, 1966. . .� ;, i . ;� J �� Planning Commission, November lst, 1966 - Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING-USE PERMIT CASE N0.66-97-330 Vernon Ave.(7th Day Ad,Sch.) As Chairman Strother is a property owner in the vicinity of the site to come under discussion, he was excused from the Commission and he relinquished the Chair to Vice Chairman Schultz, who now is presid- r� ing. � Upon being assured by Mr. Gallop, Planning Director, that the Public Hearing for Use Permit No. 66-97, Valley View Seventh Day Ad- ventist School to allow for a combination gymnasium and class room building at 330 Vernon Ave. had been duly posted, published and proper- ty owners notified, Vice Chairman Schultz declared the hearing open. Mrs. Eula Turney, 250 Larchmont Drive; Mr. Ernest Saulsbury, 256 Larchmont Drive; and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Fretwell, 238 Larchmont Drive requested that a solution to the drainage problem from the property owned by the Church be considered as a part of the grcnting of the use permit. Mrs. Turney was advised the building would be constructed between the existing Church and the School Building. Mr. Fentzley, representing the Seventh Day Adventist School, spoke in favor of the use being granted, and advised that he wasn�t aware of a drainnge problem but that he felt it could be taken care of. Thare were no protests received, No further discuasion for or against the request, Vice Chairman Sch�ltz declared the hearing closed. After discussion, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION N0. 66-44 U � RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GRANTING A USE PERMIT,CASE N0.66-97 On motion of Commisaioner Dexter, seconded by Commissioner Porter, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Commisaioners Dexter, Duvall, Porter, Schultz and Visser. None Commiesioner McMillen and Chairman Strother. the foregoing Resolution was adopted thie lst day of November, 1966. VICE CHAIRMAN SCHULZ"Z RELINQUISHED THE CHAIR TO CHAIRMAN STROTHER, WHO IS NOW PRESIDING. - ESTABLISI�iENT OF PLAN LINES FOR HUASNA ROAD. Mr. J. E. Anderson, Jr., City Director of Public Worke, preeented a map of proposed plan lines for Huasna Road from the five coraer inter- section at Stanley Ave. easterly to where it mergee nnd becomea n county road. Iie advised the plaa lines would be eatabliehed to protect the right-of-way from atructures being built w3thin the 20 foot eet back�of the plan line, which would be used in the future for etreat purposes, with 32 foot of roadway on the northexly eide being planaed for improve- ment at this time. Mr. Anderaon also notified the Commieaion the plan lines were designed to avoid exieting structurea, and that the plan ae now presented would require the City to acquire unimproved land only for the ultimate development of the street on a.80 foot right of way. After discussion, a motion wca made by Commiaeioner Schultz, sec- onded by Ccmm3ssioner Vieser, that a Public Hearing be set for 7:45 P.M. on December 6, 1966 for the Huasna Road Plan Lines. Motion carried. NENI PROPOSED LIBRARY SITE. Correspondence was received from Loie King Crumb, Librarian, from �khe San Luis Obispo County Free Library, advising that official papere for leasing the old Soil Coneervation Oftice on Bridge St. in Arroyo Grand� for library purpoeee had bee�n etazted. 48 " ,n Planning Commission, November lst, 1966 = Page 3 APPOINTMENT OF PLANNING COMMISSIONER TO SUBDIVISION REVIEW BOARD After discussion, Chairman Strother appointed Commissioner Visser to be the Planning Commiss3on's represe�tative on the Subdivision Re- view Board. INFORMATION REGARDING CURBSIDE MAIL POLICY Director Gallop advised that notiftcatiorr had been received that the Post Office Department has revoked a 1963 order bannirig door-to- door city delivery service for new resideatial areas a�three step nationwide program has been adopted to restore door=to=door ger- vice on city delivery routes to replace motorized curbside delivery service as rap3dly as funds will permit. JOINT COUNTY, CITX PLANNING COMMISSION'S MEETING, The San Luis Obispo County Planning Commission had been requasted to cons3der the adoption of the various.elements of the City of Arroyo Grnnde General Plan which would affect Gounty property cbuttiag the City, na:aely, the Land�Use, Parka and Recreation and Circulation Ele- ments; T}ze County Commiasion requested that a joint study meeting with the City Planning Commiseion be arranged to review these.elements prior to County action and requested that the Parke and Recreation Commiseion be included in the study meeting, County Director Rogoway and City Director Gallop were to arrange'a meeting,�.in December or January and when Mr. Gallop has contacted Mro Rogoway., the Planning Commiesion will be informed o�' the alternate dates available. JOINT COUNCIL, PARKS AND RECREATION MEETING-November 30th, 1966, The Parka and Recreation Commis'sion had requested a representative from the Federal Department of Houeing and Urban Development, and the State Diviaion of Reeources to meet wit h the Commiesion aad C'ounc3�1 to discuss various grant pzograme. The 3tate cannot eend a repreeentativa, but H.U.D. w311, and the Parks and Recreation Commiseion suggeeted ex- panding the meet3ng'to incluc�e the Plaaning Coinmiseion, Parking Commis- sion, Chamber of Commerce and the Downtown Merchan�e Aseociation to listen to this preeentat3on cnd take thts opportunity to'prelim3narily diecuss aims and philosophies for the,City, to be reflected in the pro- poeed zoning ordinnnce and fcr guidelines for the.Council and vcrioua Commisaions in the future. � ADJOURNMENT A motion wae made by Commiseioner Schultz, secoaded by Commiseion- er Duvall, that the meeting be adjo�rned at 9:08 P,M. Motion carried; ATTEST : �� G�%'r��i,�.TiC/ � � cretary Chairman �