R 1313 RESOLUTION NO. 1313
WHEREAS, pursuant to the Municipal Organization Act of 1977, Government
• Code Sections 35000 et seq, an affected city, as therein defined, may, by
resolution adopted by its legislative body, make a proposal for a change of
organization and request initiation of proceedings thereon; and
WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande is an "affected city" for a change
of organization proposal which contains territory proposed to be annexed as
part of said change of organization,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Arroyo Grande hereby
proposes, finds, declares and requests as follows:
1. The City Council, as a legislative body of an affected city,
does hereby propose a change of organization pursuant to the
Municipal Organization Act of 1977 and does hereby request
proceedings pursuant to such act.
2, The change of organization shall consist of the following
changes of organization:
Annexation of unincorporated territory to the City of Arroyo
Grande- - generally described as Brisco Hill - -an area lying
between Brisco Road and Highway 101.
Said territory is inhabited and is more specifically
described in Exhibit "A ", attached hereto and incorporated
3. This City Council does hereby declare that its reasons for proposing
this annexation are:
This area is already being served by City water and sewer
where developed,and undeveloped properties are continually
requesting these City services.
• The City will be able to offer to the territory proposed to
be annexed all the services of a municipal corporation, such
as fire protection, police protection, localized zoning controls,
water service at lower rates, and others. It is felt that these
services will be more efficiently and economically operated by
one entity.
The result should be that service to the territory proposed to
be annexed will be upgraded that the overall tax burden might be
reduced, and other rates such as fire insurance rates might be
reduced. Also, government will be more local and unified, since
jurisdiction would be then in one body, the City Council of the
City of Arroyo Grande.
4. A certified copy of this resolution shall be transmitted to the
Executive Officer of the San Luis Obispo Local Agency Formation
On motion of Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Spierling and on the
following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES: Councilmen Spierling, Gallagher, Millis and Mayor de Leon
NOES: None
ABSENT: Councilman Schlegel
the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 10th day of January, 1978.
I, Ines A. del Campo, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County
of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing
Resolution No. 1313 is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed
and adopted by the City CouncTI of the City of Arroyo Grande at a regular
meeting of said Council held on the 10th day of January, 1978.
WITNESS'my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed
this 11th day of January, 1978.
cL r;J.d~ (b~ '
City Clerk of the City of rroyo Grande
All that land contiguous to the City of Arroyo Grande, in the County of
San Luis ObilPO, State of California, included within the exterior boundary
described as follows:
BeSinnins at a point 3t the intersection of the Southerly rlght-of-way
line of Brilco Road and the Southerly right-of-way of Frontase Ro~d (El Camino
Real). South of California State Highway; I freewly (V-SLO-Z-E), as deacribed
on Pages 4B-49 in Volume 776 of Official Records in the Office of County Recorder
in the County of Sin Luis Obispo, State of C~lifornia, said point .einl the
True Point of Besinning' thence alon~ the Southeasterly rilht-of-way line of
Brisco Road, South 56050' West, 576.36 feet; thence leaving said Southeasterly
right-of-way line of Brisco Road, South 33010' East, 32B.73 feet; thence South
56050' Welt, 6Bl.95 feet: thence North 33010' West, 328.73 feet to a point on
the said Southeasterly right-of-way line of Brisco Road; thence Southwelterly
along said Southeasterly right-of-way line of Brisco Road, South 56050' West,
66.25 feet: thence leaving. said Southeasterly right-of-way line of Brisco Road,
North 33010'30" West, 40.00 feet tc a point on the Northweaterly right-of-way
line of BriBco Road,thence leaving the Northwesterly right-of-way line of
Brisco Road, North 60055' West, 328.73 feet, thence North 56050' East, 673.92
feet; thence North 57026'40" West, 1,111.57 feet; thence North 86045' West,
100.00 feet, to the Southeast corner of the property conveyed to the City of
Arroyo Grande by a deed recorded i" Volume 42B of Official Records, at. Page
105, records of said County; thence North 3025'30" East. 200.00 feet along the
Easterly line of said property to the Northeasterly corner thereof; thence
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North 86034'30" Weat, 400.00 feet alonll the North..rly !lne of .dd property to
the Northve.t cornar thereof; then,'e South 3025' Jon Weat. 119.35 feet .long the
Westerly Une of .ald propert>: thenc.. leavlng lhe WeHterly Itne of .ald property
North 5]048' We.t, 229.02 feet to a poinl on the ~astPrly line of .Tract ,~~
recorded In aook 5 cf H.p. at p.g.. &4, r..corde of aaid County, add E..terly
Une being alao the Southeasterly line ot Iii llcrest Drlve of add Trac~ 1146;
thence Southwe.terly to a point .lung the ..1d Southeasterly Une of Klllcrest
Drive. South 60029' We.t &1.48 feet; thence le.vlng add Southeaaterly Une of
Killcre.t Drive .nd crossing Hlllcre.tDrlve, North 29031' We.t, 50.00 feet to
a point on the Northerly Une of Killcrest Drlve, sald point beinl the South-
we.terly terminu. of a curve concave Westerly; thence alonl the arc of .aid curve,
having & radiu. of 20.00 feet, central angle of 118017' and arc leaath of 41.30
feet to r:he Northve.terly terminu.. sdd curve being alao the Southw.t rilht.
of.way line of the inter.ectlon of Sierra Drive and Hillcreat Drive; thance
Northweaterly along the Southerly lina of Slerra Drive, North 57"41' We.t,
159.34 feet, .eid Southerly line being al.o the Northerly line of Block 6, of
Tract #46 ..ntioned above; thence Northeasterly croaalng Slarra ~ive and alOftI
the E..tarly line of Lot I, Block 5 of aald Tract #46, North 32"12' leat 398.17
feet to the North.a.terly cornar thereof; thence North 57048' We.t, elona the
Northerly line of .ald Lot I, Block 5, 208.70 feet to the Northvelt corner
thereof; thence along and to a point on the Weaterly lina of .eld Lot I, Block
5, South )2012' W..t, 130.77 feet, .aid W..terly line of Lot I, Block 5, balaa
alao the Ea.ter1y line of Roble. Road; .hown a. Oak Street on the HIp of Tract
1146; thence leaviQI .eld We.terly line of Lot I, Block 5, and croaelna .aid
Roble. Road and alonl the Northerly line of Block 4 of .ald Tract #46 Morth
57'48' Weat 440.00 feet; thence North &3050'40" West, 241.10 feet; thence
North 69002'40" Weat, 126.52 feet; thence North 76046'10" W..t, 105.61 f.et;
thence North 80"18' W.at, 85.70 feet; thence Northerly alona the "eterly line
of Lot I of .ald Block 4, North 9"42' East, 257.BO feet to a point Oft the. South-
I . erly line of Lot 1, Block 1 of .ald Tract #46, .ald Southerly line belnl a1ao
I the Nor~herly right-of.way line of Chilton Street; thence ...terly alool the
I Southerly line of ..1d Lot 1. Block I, South 80"18' Ee.t, 53.54 feet, to the
Southeast corner thereof; thence alona the ...terly line of .ald Lot 1, Block
I, North 9042' Ea.t, to the Northerly line of the portion of the rl.ht-of-way
rellnqol.hed by the State of California to the County of San Lul. Obi.po de.-
crlbed In Parcel Four of the re.olutlon of the State Highway Cu.ale.lon dated
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September 19, 1956, reeorded in Vol~ 863 of Offieial Reeorda at fale 135,
recorda of aaid eounty; thenee we.lerly alonl .aid Northerly rilht-of-vay line
to a point of interaection with the centerline of Oak Park Boulevard, thence
leaving .eid Northerly right-of-way line, Northerly along the centerline of
said Oak Park Boulevard, said centerline being also the Eaaterly City Li.ite
of the City of Piamo BeACh, and cruseing CaliforniA State Highway, a freevay
(V-SLO-Z-E) to a point at Its intersection with the Northerly rilht-of-way
line of the Frontage Road. North of said California State Hiahway, eaid Northerly
right-of-way line being also the City Limite of the Clty of Arroyo Grenda, end
being also the Southerly line of Parcel B of Oak Park Acrea Reorleni.ation .a
recorded in Volume 1941 of Official Records at Page 71, recorda of eaid County;
leaving the centerline of Oak Park Boulevard aa recorded in Book 148 of Deede,
Page 344, records of said County; thence Eaeterly along the Southerly line of
said Oak Park Acrea Reorganiaation, South 70014'05" Ea.t, 50.19 feet; thence
South 11044'54" Weat, 183.13 feet to a point on the Southweter1y comer ther.of;
thence South 57025'50" Ent, 388.77 feet; thence South 670U'53"laat, 161.09
feet; thence South 59"20'57" Eest, l68.40 feet to a point on the. South.aaterly
corner thereof, aaid point being on the Northerly boundary of the Front..e Road
on the Northerly side of sdd California State Highway (V-SLo-Z-E), .aid point
also being on the Northerly prolong3tlon of the radial line to the centerline
station 41 + 00 of .aid California ~tate Highway; thence Southerly a10nl
said radiel Une South 21052' 39" Wut to a pOlnt on the Southerly 11M of th..
right-of-way of .aid California State Highway; thence ~a.terly .lo~ the City
Limits of the City of Arroyo Grand~, al.o being the Southerly rilht-of-way
line of aaid Calfiornia State Highway, also belng the Norther~y rilht-of-way line
of Fronta,e Road (11 C_h,o Real) South. of said Callfornia State Hi.h"r.y, to
its 1nt(oraect1on with the Southerl~ prolongat ion of the Eaaterly Une of the
La Belle Tract a. per map recorded Uecember l~, l88B, in Book A. ,,,. 142 of
Map., recorda of ..id County; thence Southerly along the prolo~ation of ..id
i Ea.terly line of La Belle 1'ract and cro.sing hontage \load (11 C_ino ...1)
South 31020' We.t to a point on th. Southerly r1aht-of-"ay Ita. of .aid Front..e
i Roa~ (El C..ino Real); thence Westerly along ~aid Southerly riaht-of'"ay line
of ,aid Frontal. Road (El Camino Real) to the True Point of Balinni~, .nd
including all Lata and Block. of Subdivlsion. located therain, to.ethar with
all pUbUcroada, alley., and right~-of-way of record.
Approximate area enc lo.ed by preacribed boundariee, 70.5 acre..
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