R 1305 208 - - '" {' (' RESOLUTION NO. 1305) ..... A RESOlUTION Of'i'ttE CITY COUNCIL Of THE CITY Of ARROYO GRANOE AIOI'T'. AN AMENDHENT TO THE \.AND USE ELEMEIIT MAP OF THE GeNERAl. PLAN. WHEREAS, the Planning COMmission of the City of Arroyo Grande has', at the request of the Arroyo Grande City Council considered _ndment of the General Plan for the hereinafter described properties within the ~Ity of Arroyo Grande; and WHEREAS, said Planning COMmission has, following public hearing, reported to the City Council Its recommendations for the land use of said prOperties; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Government Code Section 65501 et seq. the City Council gave required notice and did hold a public hearing on Novetaber 22, '977 for the purposes of considering the adoption of the _nded Lafld Use EI_t Map of the General Plan report and map, and at which publ Ie hearing the ...-nded Land Use E I_nt report and map were d I sp layed, exp I a I ned and repor<ted IIPO'I; and , WHEREAS, said _ded Land Use EI...nt of the General Plan report and map thereof are necessary for sound future c~unlty developnent, the pre..rvatlon of cOll1llunlty values, and the proaotlon of the general health, s.fety, convenIence i and welfare of the citizens of the City of Arroyo Grande; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande has a responsibilIty to plan for the desirable future growth and developMent of the CIty of Arroyo Grande. NOW, THEREfORE, THE CITY COUNCIL Of THE CITY Of ARROYO G~t DOES HEREIY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby find and determine that the public Interest, convenience and necessary requlra that the Arroyo Grande City General Plan be _nded to provIde for low density hInd use for the hereinafter described properties, as shown on 'Exhlblt "A" attached hereto _ made a part hereof by reference: AREA. J That the multiple classifications for the properties north of La Point Street, wltln the Locmls Heights develo~nt and the Methodist Cllllpground properties, be revised to low density residential. AREA II That the multiple developMent designated for the Crown HilI araa from a point on Le PoInt Terrace east to Corbett Canyon IIoad be revlHcl to low density residential. On motion of Councilman Millis, sec:ondect by Councl1aen Splerll", and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councll_n Splerllng, Gallagher, Hillis end HIIyor de Leon NOES: None ABSENT: Counc Ilman Sch I age I \ the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 22nd day of NoveMber, "77. A <.<;~<- ,62 ~, ) - Oft ATTEST: -:i..~ ~.t#u~~ ,-- < . - ....-.- ',,', -'-'.'-, ,_,:.._;'....._;"'-<.........,.....";...;.....:..,........'"..~:.;llii....~""'-'--',,... , .....".......;:.J.:.b.....;:.'..L..'.,:. . '.~...~'n'_.- '_-.'- ,..".' .j,_'<>_....M","'.c-~'J . ~ ~UDI . . ,-- "') ~ .i , f, 1M' A. ., CaMpo, City Clerk of the City of Arrayo IrMde, County of SMI luis Obl.po, St.te of C.lIto""la, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. '305 Is . true, full and correct copy of s.ld Resolution p.ssed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande at a regular Meeting of .ald C-cll held on the 22nd cfay of Nov-'>>er, "77. WITtlESS fIff hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo lir..... .fflxed this 23n1 dtty of JlcwMber, 1977. r ~.~k fJ'Itr:Nty~ 'rande , I , , j i I I i (SEAL) , , I j \ I , I j EXIIIBIT "I." i i \ I I AREA 1 AREA II J I [ SCALI' .-.100' )_na .-. ,.._--~._- -...-_~._----._---'".~---..__.. -"'-- .~---,-_.. ...-.-..--..,- .~._._--- -- - -.......--