R 1287 RESOLUTION NO. 128/ , A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ! ESTABLISHING MINIHUH AND MAXIHUM .COMPENSATION BY ADOPTING A SALARY SCHEDULE AND POSITION CLASSIFICATIONS. ASSIGNING CITY EMPLOYEES TO CLASSIFICATIONS AND SALARY STEPS WITHIN THE I RESPECTIVE RANGES OF THE SALARY SCHEDULE. DESCRIBING METHODS I OF ADVANCEMENT AND REPEALING PREVIOUS SALARY RESOLUTIONS. I I . , , THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE OOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, this City Councli ha~ cau~ed a wage survey to be made of the compensation of various employees of the City of Arroyo Grande; and WHEREAS, this Council deems It to'be to the best interests of the City of Arroyo Grande an4 its various employees that mInimum and ma~lmum compensation be fixed for various classifications of employment In the various deputments of the City of Arroyo Grande as hereinafter provIded. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEO that the minimum compensation as of date of employ- ment and the JnterllledJate and maximum ~ompensation for such employment .MII be .. here- Inafter set forth and shall be subject to all of the conditions and re.ervetlon. here- Inafter enumerated, effective July I, 1977. and that said employe.. shall be assigned to salary steps within the respective pay range of the position classification as set forth In the following sectlon~ which are hereby adopted as follOWl: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO ANO MAOE A PART HEREOF BY REFERENCE. SCHEHATIC LIST OF CLASSES 1977-78 ADHINISTRATIVE CLASSES RANGE NUMBER I Director of Pu~llc Works 81 ! City Engineer 81 i Police Chief 78 i Fire Chief 78 I Planning Director 77 I ! Finance Director 75 I. POLICE CLASSES I , Lieutenant 73 Po II ce Sergeant 69 ! Pollee Patrolman II 67 , , Pollee Patrolman I 64 i Ol.patcher ~4 I BUILDING INSPECTOR, PARKS AND RECREATION BuildIng Inspector 65 Park For_n 60 M.l1 n tenance M.ln II 52 CLERICAL AND FISCAL CLASSES Secretary to City Administrator S6 Clerk Typist II 51 Clerk Typist. I 1t6 Accounting Clerk II 49 Accounting CI.rk I 1t6 Swltchboar4 Operator ItI (6177) -1- ---- ---_.,-- PUBLIC WORKS CLASSES RANGE NUMBER Pub I I, Works Foreman 67 Associate Engineer 63 Engineering Aide 53 ConstructIon Inspector 63 Mechanic II 61 Mechanic I 57 Water Meter Repair . 58 Equipment Operator 57 Plenner I 55 Draftsman 53 " MaIntenance Han II 52 Maintenance Man I 50 JanltCllr 4' ..------ADMINISTRATION OF THE COMPENSATION PLAN All officers or employees entering the employ of the City shall be paid .at the first step of the salary range established for their classification. Salary step Increases, as provhled for, herein, are not automatic, but based on perforl'll8nce and merit. Employees shall be placed on the step and qualify for Increase In compensa- tion or advancement to the next higher step of the pay ranges In the ~nner following: 1. Employees ~y qualIfy for advancement to the second step, after com- pletion of six months service, upon the recommendation of the depart- mant head and approval by the City Administrator. (Except '01 Ice, one year period of service is required). 2. Employees may qualify for advancement to the third step, after the completion of one year of service In step two, upon recommendation of the lIepartment head and approval by the City Administrator. 3. Employees may qualify for advancement to the fourth step, after the completion of one year gf service at the third step, upon recommenda- tion of the department head and approval by the City Administrator. 4. Employees may qualify for advancement to the fifth step, after com- pletlen of one year of service in step four, upon recommendation of the department head and approva f by the City Admlnl strator. 5. a. Employees may qualify for advancement of one selary range above their positIon classified range upon receipt of an Associated Arts Degre. In a field relative to theIr Job classification, from an accredited Junior College or College, upon recommenda- tion of the department head and epproval by the City Administrator. b. Employees may qualify for advancement of two salary ranges above their position classifIed range, upon receipt of a ""halor of Science/Bachelor of Arts Degree In a field relative to their Job classification, from an accredited College, upon recommendation of the department head and approval by the City Adm)nlstrator. c. Exceptions: Where job classifications or requirements Include an Assaclated Arts or Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts Degree, (Including City Administrator and all departmant heads within the service of the City), Section 5 a. and Section 5 b. above will not apply. 6. A performance report on each employee recommended for advancement shall be submitted to the City Administrator and Council representative prior to final action on such recommendation. On mot Jon of Councilman IIi 111 s, seconded by Councilman Sp lerllng and on the following roll call vote, to wIt: AYES: Councilmen Splerling, Gallagher, Schlegel, Millis and Mayor de Leon NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resoluti0 ,assed and adopted thl~h day of June '-7: ~8A_ ,~, ATTEST: ~ / '/ ~.d-<- 'X:..~ . . 7 .~ CI ,.," MAYOR -.---.....-..-...--. i StHEDULE OF SALARY RANGES llTY Of ARRUrO GRAHOE EXHIS'T "A" Ri\HGE ~ HO. I 2 ) ~ ! 598.00 6,R.00 660.00 (9).00 , .~ 1 570.00 26).08 2'/6.00 289.85 }0~.61 )1,.85 ~2 58~. 00 (1).00 6,,4 00 676.00 710.00 269.5~ 282.92 297.1) } 12.00 )27.70 , ~) 598.00 628.00 660.00 693.00 727.00 , I 276.00 289.85 )0~.61 )19.85 335.5~ I ~~ (1).00 6~~.00 676.00 710.00 7'5.00 I 282.92 297.2) ) 12.00 )27.70 )~).85 ~5 628.00 660.00 (9).00 727.00 76).00 I 289.85 )0~.61 )19.85 335.5~ )52.15 ~6 6~~.00 676.00 710.00 7~5.00 782 . 00 297.2) }12.00 )27.70 )~).85 )60.92 ~7 660.00 (9).00 727.00 76).00 80 1. 00 )04.61 319.85 335. 5~ 352.15 369.69 ~8 676.00 710.00 7~5.00 782.00 821. 00 )12.00 327.70 )~3.85 )60.92 )78.92 ~9 (9).00 721.00 16).00 801.00 1'\.00 )\9.85. 335. 5~ 352. 15 )69.69 )88.15 50 71 0.00 7~~. 00 782.00 82\.00 862.00 )21. 10 3~). 85 360.92 378. 92 397.85 I 51 727.00 16).00 80 I. 00 8~ 1. 00 81).00 I 335. 5~ )52.15 )69.69 )88.15 ~07.5' 52 7~~.00 782.00 821. 00 862.00 905.00 )~).8~ )60.92 378.92 397.85 ~17.69 5) 16).00 801. 00 8'1.00 88).00 927.00 I 352. I~ 369.69 388.15 '07.5~ 427.1S ! 5~ 782.00 821.00 862 . 00 90S. 00 '50.00 360.92 378. '2 )97.85 ~I7.69 ,,.." I 55 801.00 1'1.00 88).00 '27.00 "'.00 I I )69.69 )88.15 '07.5~ '27.'5 ....'.5.. I I 56 821.00 862.00 905.00 'SO.OO "'.00 378.92 397.85 ~I7.69 ~)'.~6 1060.62 57 8~1.00 86).00 927.00 974.00 102).00 )88.15 ~07.54 427.85 ....'.5' "72. IS 58 862.00 905.00 950.00 '''.00 I alt.. 00 397.85 ~17.69 ~)8. ~6 460.62 ..8).69 59 88).00 927.00 974 00 102).00 107".00 ~07.5~ ~21 85 449.5~ ~72. I~. ~'5 69 60 90~.00 950.00 998.00 104' 00 1\00.00 I , ~ 11. 69 ~)8.~6 ~60.62 4B).69 507.70 I 107".00 61 927.00 974.00 102).00 1127.00 I 427.85 44'.5" 472.15 "'5." 520. IS I 62 950.00 998.00 10....00 1100.00 1155.00 I , 4)8.46 '60.62 48).6' 507. 70 m.OI i 6) '74.00 102).00 1074.00 1127.00 IIM.GO '~9.54 "72.15 "5.6' 520.15 5116." 64 ,'8.00 10"'.00 1100.00 1155.00 121).00 "60.62 "').69 507.70 5)).01 559.15 65 102).00 107".00 1127.00 11....00 1211).00 472.15 "95.6' 520.15 S".1t6 57)." 66 10~8.00 1100.00 1155.00 121).00 127".00 ~83.69 507.70 533.08 55'.'5 SI8.00 67 107~.00 1127.00 111'.00 12").00 1)06.00 4'5.69. 520.15 546.46 573.70 602.77 68 1100.00 1155.00 121).00 127".00 1))'.00 507.70 533.08 559.85 SI8. 00 617.54 " 1127.00 1184.00 124).00 1 )06.00 1)71.00 520.15 5"'.46 573.70 602.77 6)J.77 70 1155.00 121).00 127~.00 1)".00 11105.00 533.08 559.85 588.00 617.5" ,".106 71 111'.00 12~3.00 1)06 : 00 1371. 00 I..ItG.OO 5"'.46 573.70 602. 77 6)2.77 664.62 12 121).00 127'.00 1338.00 1'05.00 '''76.00 55'.85 588.00 617.54 6...." 6812) 73 124).00 1)06 . 00 1)71.00 1440.00 1513.00 573.70 602. 77 6)2 . 77 664.62 "1.85 74. 1274.00 1))8.00 1405.00 "76.00 1551.00 588.00 617.5' 648.46 681.2) 715.'5 75 1)06.00 1)71.00 1 ,1tG. 00 1$1).00 1588.00 602.77 6)2.77 664.62 6".)1 7JZ.'Z (ton t I nued) -1- - $CHEOULE Of $ALARY RANGES CITY Of ARROYO GRANDE EXHIBIT "A" RANGE ~ NO. 1 2 ) 5 - - 76 13)8.00 1~05.00 1~16.oo 155' .00 1628.00 '11.5~ 6~8.~6 '81.2) 715.85 751 18 77 1371. 00 I~~O.OO 151].00 1588.00 1661. DC 632.11 "~.62 698.)1 7)2 . 92 1" }8 78 '~05.00 1~76. 00 '551.00 "28.00 1709 00 6~8.~6 '81. 2) 7'5.@S 751. J8 788 II 79 I~~O.OO 151).00 1588.00 '667.00 1750 O~ (j6~.62 69g.3' 7)2 . 92 769.38 '07 6~ 80 1~76 00 1551.00 1628.00 1709.00 1194.0C 681 23 715.85 751. )8 188 . 77 8.& CC / '839.00 ~ 81 151).00 1588.00 1661.00 1750.00 .-;- "1.85 7J2.92 769.)8 807.69 8~8 . 77 82 1551.00 1628.00 1709.00 179~.00 1885.00 715.85 75' .)8 788.77 828.00 870.00 83 1588.00 1661.00 1150.00 '839.00 1932.00 132.92 1".)8 807.69 8~8.77 89 I. 69 8~ 1628.00 1709.00 '79~.00 1885.00 1980.00 751. )8 788.77 828.00 870.00 913 . 85 85 1667.00 1750.00 18)9.00 '9)2.00 2029.00 769. )8 807.69 8~8.17 891.69 936.~6 86 1709.00 179~.00 1885.00 '980.00 2080.00 788. 17 828.00 870.00 91).85 960.00 87 1750.00 18}9.00 1932.00 2029.00 2132.00 801. " 8~8. 77 89 I. 69 936.~6 98~.00 88 179~.00 1885.00 1980.00 2080.00 2185.00 828.00 870.00 91 ).85 960.00 1008.~' 89 '8)9.00 1932.00 2029.00 21J2.00 2240.00 8~8. 77 891. 69 936.~6 98~.00 1033.85 90 1885.00 1980..00 2080.00 2185.00 22".00 870.00 913.85 "0.00 1008.46 IOS,.69 . * * . .! (6-7-77) -2- -...._-