R 1275 /'. , ") , '- -- .' RESOLUTION NO. 1275 ..', ~ : ~ ': , :..' ',yA,RESOll/lI0M'Of.THE CITYTCOUNttll OF THE .atnOFfARROYO i ,',:~ , ".;'daMNOE,' C/lLIFOaHIA/. APP01Nf.lIllGf1fLECTlON' OFFIGUS ANa .. "GiS 1QMA.TltIG; PDLL UIG. PWE$~.GR' ;rm;CITY' S.SBEt4At.", '\ " MUNICIPAl. ELECTION TO H HELD JNJSA10. CITY otrT~"t>OTH DAY OF MAY, 1977, AS REQUIRED BY THE PROVISIONS OF THE ,u,. ':::~~ Of, THE; STATE OF tALIFeINtA RELATlNS ,TO GENERAL '\< . I k LAW,.C I'IUS. . '., WetU.S'j t~. CIty Cou"c::J1.~f: the' City of Ar,.yo lira... IIu "-re~for, adoptee Resolution No. 1273, caIHng,. SpecIal "*,.Iclpa' EJectJCIft to:be,"-l6 In the CIty on the 10th day of May, 1977, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters ofuld City a proposed ordinance regerdl", Aerlcvttvrel 1_& In the City of Arroyo Grande. r .. ;'HGW, THEREFGlE, THE CITYtOtlNCI L OF THE CITY OF ARROYOQIWIOI .DG€S ItEIlEBY DfCLAltE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: ,,', , ., . . .' , SECTION 1: That for the purpose of hOldl::y said special munlclp.1 election, there UlaU be and .re hereby established four (4 voting prec:lnctl..,....I.larof consoUntlOlts 001' the regular election precincts In the City of ArrClYO&rMlde .&ta"""?f!)r' tile holdIng of state '.and countyelect~ons.:,_"seJ"'''''''J.r;~ election precincts exist on the date of adoption of this resolution; that t poUlng places for the respective precincts shall be the places "-relnefter de$lgMte4; ttt.t the persons hereinafter named, being competent an4quaHfled e,fectora aM residents of uld City .and of their respective voting precIncts, are hereby ~lnte4 officers of election for their respective voting precincts and they sMn hold said eJection ant:ll1lllke return thereof In the lIIanner prOYlcted by law.. ... 'v. . ' : ~, ..... .,"".... '.~ !,~~~.. VOTING PRECINCT 1, comprising regular election precincts 1, 2 and 4. Polling Place: Arroyo Grande FIre Statlo~,,2!5:;.',8!"'!'Ichi;Street:: Inspector: '; . :', . d ..f ' "!,.. "l'\--i-:'.~ Ruth I. Federico, 303 E. Cherry Avenue ' . JudlJe: Marietta Bosch, 125 Nelson Street Clerk: Mary Anderson, 548 Allen Street Clerk: Salvatore Federico, ~03 E. Cherry Avenue , VOTING PRECINCT 2, comprising regular election precincts 3, 6 and 7. Polling Place: Margaret Harloe Elementary School, 901 Felr Oek, Avenue Inspector: Mary Jane Montgomery, 533 Orchard Avenue JIICIte: Edwin Woodards, 418 Orchard Avenue Clerk: Rosie Woodards, 418 Orchard Avenue Clerk: Georgie O'Connor, 310 W. Cherry Avenue VOTING PRECINCT 3, comprising regular election precincts 5, 8 and 10. Polling Place: FIrst Baptist Church, 310 N. Halcyon Road Inspector: Ida Mae Gularte, 205 S. Rena Street Judge: '. Evalet~rson, .256 L~rchmont Drive ",;,....... ~, ,.. . . Clerk: ..", Cecile J. Joyce, 327 N. Elm Street Clerk: Elizabeth M. Silva, 363 N. Elm Street VOTING PRECINCT 4, comprising regular election precincts , ~. 11. 'oiling Place: Landmark MIssionary Baptist Church, 1220 FarraH Avenue Inspector: Ellen St. Denis, 410 S. Elm Street Judge: Josephine Evers, 1139 Palm Court Clerk: Priscilla Krinsky, 976 Sycamore Drive Clerk: Elvira Giambalvo, 845 Willow Lane ---. -~"- ~ ":) SECTION 2: That the compensation of the persons hereinabove named as election oUlcers is hereby fixed at the Sum of Twenty-N!ne DoJlars ($2,:00) for each Inspector and Twenty-Four Dollars ($24.00) for each 'Judge and Clerk for said election. The rental for each of such polling places, where a cha,.,. Is .made, shall be the s~ of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for said election. . SECT! ON 3: That the City clerk sha II ce rt I fy to the passage and ,adopt ion of this resolution; sha11 enter the same In the book of original. ResolutJons of said City, and shaH make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof In the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said City In the minutes of the meet I ng atwh Ich tlltf same I s passed and adopted. .On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Gallagh.r and on the followIng roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councl,lmen Sp.'erling, Gallagher, Schlegel, MI'11Is and Mayor de Leon NOES: None . ABSENT: None e j the foregoing'iRe1iolution was.passed and adopted this 22nd day of MlITch, It77. . , ' I g~V&V ~. /'?-'I- :/ MAYOR A'rTE$T:'~' .~ 1i..:J.. dt:f'~A~ CITY CLERK . I, Ines A. del Campo, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 1275 Is a true,fuJl.and correct copy of s.ld Resolution p....d and .dopted by the"Clty Council of the City of Arroyo Grande at a r.gular meeting of said Council held on the 22nd day of March, 1977. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 23rd day of March, 1977. ~4- J. ~eor~ City C erk 0 ..the yo ~r~9YO'Grande , , \ , (SEAL) ,y;, -------- -