R 1265
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WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of t~e City of Arroyo Grande has prepared
a general plan report together with a general plan map and has adopted by I
Resolution No. 76-469G on October 5, 1976, the amended Land Use Element of the
General Plan; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Government Code Se~tion 65501, et seq., the City I
Council gave required notice and did hold a public hearing on July 27, 1976, for
the purpose of considering the adoption of the amende~ Land Use Element of the I
General Plan report and map, and at which public hearing the amended Land Use I
Element report and map were displayed, explained, and reported upon; and ,
" i
WHEREAS, the Arroyo Grande City Council' considered the addition of certain I
wording to the first paragraph of the proposed amendment to be Inserted Into the
Plan on Page 13, relating to the "P-D" designation of said plan, and referred
that wording to the Arroyo Grande City Planning Commission as an amendment to !
the amended land Use Element of said General Plan; and I
WHEREAS, said proposed amendment to the amended Land Use Element of the I
General Plan report and map have been considered by the Arroyo Grande City Planning I
Commission at Its regular meeting of October 19, 1976, and the matter has been I
referred back to the Arroyo Grande City Council; and
WHEREAS, said amended Land Use Element of the General Plan report and map
thereof are necessary for sound future community development, the preservation of
community values, and the promotion of the general health, safety, convenience
and welfare of the citizens of the City of Arroyo Grande; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande has a responsibility
to plan for the desirable future growth and development of the City of Arroyo
Section 1: The City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby find
and determine that the public interest, convenience and necessity require that
the Land Use Element of the General Plan report and map be amended In the following
A. The text of said plan be rewritten to replace the second paragraph on
Page 13 relating to Planned Development with the following:
"A large roll ing tract of land In the north part of the City,
northerly of Highway 101 and easterly of Oak Park Boulevard,
consisting primarily of three large ownerships, can best be
developed through the Planned Development approach. At present,
most of this portion of the City Is Included In the "A" zoning
district, which Is a holding zone ~ apptled to these',three large
ownerslilps.onlYiunti I speciHc development' p.lans are .prepared.
Grazing Is considered as an Interim use of these areas. By I
directIng development Into these areas of marginal agricultural
value, the most productive land on the valley floor can be reserved
for continued agricultural use. The Planned Development Zone )
presently within the City of Arroyo Grande Zoning Ordinance was
originally retained and adopted with the Idea of utilizing It on
smaller parcels of land, more than 10 acres In size, but not to the ,
extent of these three properties. However, the basic concept of
Planned Development can be applied to one. or more of these properties,
with all of the reviews and necessary public Input, through a two or
three step process, which would stilI retain all of the controls
anticipated In the original "P-D" Zone, but lend adequate necessary
flexIbility In the processing of large tracts which would be Involved
In thIs partIcular area of the City. The process suggested would be
based upon the assumption that any of the permIssive ""-D"~uses would
be allowed In the area, provIding compatibility can be assured and
various sensitivities are protected.
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. '. - The process wo~~ necessari Iy involve two or thr~ steps rather
. ~
than one single "fe11 swoop", as the "P-D" Zoning provides for. I
It would be virtually impossible to locate, dimension, design, I
and provide other amenities and controls set out in the "P-D"
District on a 300-400+ acre development. However, these controls
can be required and controlled in the following suggested procedure:
1) the properties be divided into parcels through a parcel or sub-
division map procedure, whereby each parcel Is indicated for a
primary zone-related land use, and each parcel subject to either
(a) additional subdivision approval if the parcel is to~e occupied
by residential use, or (b) any commercial parcel subject to Commission
and Council review and approval prior to development. In other words,
each subdivision would then be required to meet the particular require-
ment of the "P-O" Zoned District.
It should be noted further that in the conditions of approval of
[ either (1) the parcel map or (2) the subdivison or development plan
approval of the parcels, a last additional step may be required,
which will consist of architectural approval and compliance In any
other area of concern, all of which would be made conditions of the
approval In Steps 1 and 2 previously noted.
As noted In the "P-D" Zoning, density transfers may be requested by
the developer and, under certain conditions, may be advantageous to
the land and/or land use, and help Implement protection of land and
geology as they now exist. Further requirement of clustering,
condominiums, and retirement restrictions can very well add to the
conditions for consideration and be made a part and parcel of any ,
proposed CC & R's placed on the land.
It should be expected that the neighborhood shopping facility, I
which was formerly Indicated at the corner of Noyes and Printz.
Roads, would be included In the general area of one of ' the parcels,
to serve the Immediate day-to-day needs of the people within these I
developments." !
B. The text of the School section of said plan be changed to delete the
last sentence of the first paragraph on Page 20; that said paragraph conclude
with the following: I
"In view of the present overcrowded conditions in the Lucia Mar
Unified School District and the failure of the recent Bond Elections, I
the present and future citizens and planners of all entities within
the School District should recognize their responsibility to provide
educ'ation facilities and programs for children." I
C. The map be changed to show the light-Industrial area (Sar:uwatari I
property), westerly of Highway 101, southerly of .the commercial district on ,
Grand Avenue, and northerly of the Arroyo Grande Creek, to agricUlture. !
D. Add the following as the second paragraph on Page 20 under Schools:
"Any new schools which are constructed within the Lucia Mar Unified
School District and within the City of Arroyo Grande must meet State
[ minimum standards. These standards dictate minimum acreage for any
site In relationship to the minimum number of students to be
accommodated, and additional acreage required In ratio to students
over minimum. In any case, when the District proposes to build a new
school facility, be it elementary, secondary, or high school, the
School District would have to abide by these minimum site requirements'
for any construction."
E. The text of said plan be written to insert at Page 18 of the General
Plan as the last paragraph under Light Industrial, as follows:
"There are small areas of spot zoning which are non~conformlng due to
problems arising prior to the adoption of the General Plan In 1967,
and these areas stilI remain on the Zoning Map, but are not reflected
in the Land Use Plan because of their small effect on the abutting
F. The map be changed to show existing medium resldentlal,denslty to
office-professional use on a small area at the northWest corner of the Inter-
section of South Halcyon and Fair Oaks Avenue.
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. G. The map be changed to show the removal of the existing neighborhood-
canmercial land use designation at the corner of Noyes and Printz Roads.
H. The map be changed to show the existing medium density residential
designation north of Tally Ho Road, from James Way west to the intersection of
Tally Ho with Le Point, to a low density designation.
On motion of Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and
on the following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES: Councilmen Spierling, Gallagher, Schlegel, Millis and Mayor de Leon I
NOES: None
the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 14th day of December, 1976. \ I
~. I
I, Ines A. del Campo, City Clerk of the City of 'Arroyo Grande, County
of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing
Resolution No. 1265 Is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution
passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande at a
regular meetIng of saId Council held on the 14th day of December, 1976.
WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed
this 15th day of December, 1976.
~er(!f i;1JC~OYO Grande
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